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tv   News  RT  December 25, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the russian forces seize control of the vital said he of marty inc. cash locate is relatively close to the regional capital. the net public will bring to our exclusive report from the ground. let me tell you, might in colorado were 3 left to this is some of the worst examples of how sleepy sound can be. the faces to my don scenario will not work in serbia. given the determination of president food church who is willing to strengthen serbia sovereignty, rather than baffled at this the best as the president, which has proof that the car in protest moved into the pumpkin country. it's
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supported by western powers and an interview with archie. he expressed his confidence that a repeat of kids they didn't scenario wouldn't work and involved with the state and he's ready as dried con uh, refugee camp in federal gather, killed at least 70 people. according to the policy, the red crescent society, the devastation forced on the region, is unsurpassed. there is mostly to sleep and guards the end. every palestinian have evacuated already 4 or 5 times bomb. things are happening everywhere. hospitals, the schools home, they have destroyed everything. what happens in gaza is just on the president, the private is our to international, reaching your life from the russian capital. welcome to this global news. i am michael, what you, where the updates russia is defense minister i said issue
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a boost as of the countries troops have taken control of the city of morrow inca in the next group. public that he made those comments in an address to president of letting me put in. and that's that he is a familiar create in the stronghold relatively near the regional capital, a less reactive offensive operations. a sole teams of the southern group have today completely liberated the city of margin costs. it is located 5 kilometers south west of the regional capital didn't. that's over the past 9 years. ukrainian armed forces built a powerful stronghold there. thanks to the decisive actions of our serviceman, the stronghold was breached. the liberation of that city naturally reduces the defensive capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces and gives us additional opportunities for further actions in that region. well, this is catholic christmas. russia is celebrating something very different rushes minister of defense irrigation. we go as officially announced that the small town
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just outside of the city of denette, marty, and has been liberates, has ended. it has been a very, very long road of fighting for this town has been ongoing since 2014 at the different level of intensity, of course, but with the beginning of russia's special military operation in ukraine. it of course intensified heavily, and it was a very hard for battle on both sides. i have to say basically the grant in forces, they very quickly evicted locals in the tent. every single rustic house, every single apartment block into a stronghold. so it wasn't uncommon that the fighting was ongoing, not just for every single building, but different entrances at the very same apartment block would be occupied by the warring sides. so that was exactly what made the fives full of this town so long, so bloody, so deadly and so difficult for russia and ukraine,
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like we were the ones who witnessed the very final days before it fell from the hands of the ukrainian armed forces to rush his hands and we saw when we actually had a chance to walk what used to be the streets of this town have of the past couple of days because couple of weeks have been quite productive for the rest of forces he outside of the net to observe some of these territorial games, the ground is covered in a thick layer of ice and is treacherously slipping from under foot as were stumbling towards the front line. the rising sun reveals
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a ghastly landscape. the show. this is muddy. i personally covered such breathless as full of muddy mode. no, i'd say that i've been at school business pretty much you name it to every major town here in the don't boss that has been scarred by this war. let me tell you might in colorado what's the left event is some of the worst examples of how sleepy town can be the face. it's unrecognizable of the buildings, but simply no way of telling as to what used to be, what's without 1st consulting. the map of fighting is still very, very close. yes,
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most go has claimed money into for itself now. but it is still a long way till russia has a chance to at least start thinking about how this place can be rebuilt and restored. if it can, the tools russian troops have already taken the fights to betray lines and strongholds outside of it. the town is anything but safe though. painting daytime activity attracts the attention of f. p v. drones prowling, the skies before them done because of what somebody when you have a need to death and you can just let me know. so it's kind
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of can because it's not so much the ukraine. you know, i mean he's bloodied and bruised following it's hell bent, cut or offensive. it's resources are depleted. so russia has stolen the initiative and has begun its own much for what? the say i don't get them very stupid, stubbornly for a long time. holding on to every basement, but most likely they with bad troops behind them. so they held the ground. it feels like it will be all over soon. the enemy has already weakened. they probably no longer believe in what they believe before. it gets done up reporting from money and come out c l l we spoke to former us army office, us called bennett, and he says a roster of liberation of maryan k is the beginning of the end for key f. this is a wonderful development that will boost the motivation, the morale of the civilians throughout the dawn bass uh, throughout the nest,
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married and all sorts of other places as well as boost the morale of the russian fighters. so this is the beginning of the end of ukraine. of course, i said this will probably be extinguished by christmas time in january. if russia exploits the psychological warfare about a space, what we see right now is ukraine and the complete meltdown. the observation that the troops today are not the troops a year ago, or even 6 months ago was very significant. because those people who were being recruited into ukraine who are being forcibly, uh, put into the military. they do not want to fight. they are running away from the ukrainian government running away from zalinski and in the rest of this military that has been trying to suicide mission. now why don't you train stop general say that there is a severe lack of people willing to enlist to find for kias military on the phone
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lines to see the c c key of those volunteers, one to join the ukranian armed forces to resist the enemy. have run out. now we have a new problem that we did not encounter before. people do not understand the state in which those who have been fighting for 2 years now find themselves the fighters are exhaust as they need to rest and recuperate. we must have reserves to do this. this comes as a current, any and us all right. things have been detaining man all the streets and forcing them to go fight. and according to the presidency lensky, another 500000 people, maybe didn't draft it for this reason. i know we spoke with the wall corresponding from us robot. and he said that besides the manpower money in the weapons are also reach the limits in the ukraine. as they run out, run out of soldiers up the front line. this is what we are here and see everywhere for the christmas item. they weigh
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a list about ready to negotiate that they can't win anything anymore. this should be clear. so now in mobilizing another 500000 people, i know i don't know what that is realistic i don't think so. but even trying um is just as just killing people for now and no sense at all. and that's the reason why they, they have those moments. she is because of the people you paid now of the situation at the front time is the run out of a weapons. and when you sions, money, money, and people, in fact, they don't have anything left on the boat any more. let's, let's, let's look at europe. they don't have money right now. they've tried to find money in bidding of february, same situation to us, where they still have no money for ukraine, and whether they feel find money, whether the republicans will agree and generate. i don't think so, at least if nothing that would be nothing, nothing big, nothing mentionable. so and the same with the people. as we see, we have so many new snow from the from generals and coming to us and come come and us and ukraine. that same day, they run out of people and they even say that people,
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i don't not willing any more to, for that some of the orders. let's have a little bunch of a sub in capital now, where i protest is if taking to the streets, marching towards the headquarters of a national election committee over recent parliamentary ballads results the something demonstrate to set it out demand for president, what dates to resign, people how the banners file, all those simply sat on the streets. i just bought the large crowds. the overall situation appeared to be a calm, but that's in stock contracts to valid events the previous day. the russians in bassett, that'd be
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a has shed light on the overnighted pretest in belgrade. in an interview with archie, he says, a sub in the president has proof of the unrest was instigated by western powers. you see through the cause, which is there was evidence that the protests are supported by other countries. let's look at these protests. they all started back in may. what a move and began which included several opposition forces whose goal was to over throw president food judge for judge agreed to early elections, which showed his confidence and his own strength and the court because of his positions. and that the opposition does not enjoy widespread support which the elections proved. the opposition did not win a majority that led them to attempt to challenge the election results. i want to say that there are no grounds to challenge those elections. and the open protest scenario was launched. well,
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no to all of us and the number of countries. the most striking example is, keeps my don. a pretty easy deal. physician is preparing to repeat the protest today. but the president is considering any options within the framework of the law and the constitution to ensure that the wave of protest comes to an end nursing for youth through with employment use, pressure does not interfere. and what is happening in serbia, the people of serbia know are positive attitude towards them who church looks to the future with confidence as he discusses further steps, there are law enforcement forces that perform their duties effectively. the my don scenario will not work in serbia, given the determination of president food church who is willing to strengthen serbia sovereignty by submitting us already is have also drawn a comparison with the chaos on the streets and the 2014 meeting,
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cooley and ukraine requesting all right, that's to infiltrate the state institution in this way and try to reach any goal. proves that what i said 5 days ago was not my whim or to attempt to political marketing. if we allow ourselves to fight for political goals with violence and tearing down the state very soon, we will not have a state. now you see how true the term modernization is the us in bass of a to. so it'd be a also weighed in condemning the thousands, but supporting the democratic aspirations of a people, violence and vandalism, against states. institutions have no place in a democratic society. as police maintain public order, they must do their utmost to protect citizens, dignity and civil rights. have every confidence it'd be able come through these challenges with its democracy, strength, and bullets. it'd be a citizens, have a right to be heard and the responsibility to express the political views
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peacefully and without result of violence. not political analysts or leg kabbage as, as a be events unfolding and sub you reminisce into all the meeting. clearly new, created back in 2015. this was this, the, i consider the statements made by serbian president alexander of routes and other officials that outside forces were behind the rights to be very diplomatic. from my point of view, it is obvious that the protests were organized by external forces from the very on site. when i was monitoring what was happening in belgrade, i had days of move december 1st, 2013 in kias. it's exactly the same thing as the ukranian made on. the only difference is that president boots took into account all the mistakes of you on a coverage. and the police acted much more competently regarding the elections. some people view, president futurists agreement to early elections as a giving into the west. but it turned out that future still had the soul majority for his party and part of the events, and had all the chances to form
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a coalition in belgrade. deposition claimed that the elections would be rig, even during the election campaign, they were preparing to lose in advance. no fax or falsifications were given. wellbutrin bluntly stated that there were fewer complaints about the voting process . now let's head to central a g as a now. busy the se, and though is really a strike of the guys, the refugee camp is killed at least 70 people on the policy and in health ministries. as of the idea of had the residential area and the desktop will arrive, people all still recording smoothly through the rubble, trying to find out any survivors i witnessed. they say that the victims, i'm mostly children. they're innocent children and ordinary people. i was just sitting when suddenly i saw rockets falling children under the rubble and bodies lying in the street. i have no words for this. well, my visa children or if they don't have them, they would just sleep things and i sold them yesterday. and how is that,
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but there is nothing left to say. if gold is the judge would be so patient which has simply destroyed us a local john lives around me. i will carry reports from the city of de belied central gas, or with the latest from the scene all the attack. we are now standing on one of the rebels of the homes that have been struck over night and i'm a guy, is there a few g can the overnight and my guys refugee camp in the middle of gaza strip had had that serious, serious, of as really strikes in the past few or just time of war and the gaza strip. according to neighbors of this home that has been as striking by the is really a rage, according to the neighbors there about there, about safety people just killed. and this particular 3 building, 3 story building home and we had 7 injured people, including one critically,
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all of them were taken to all lock. so hospital after the shop prayer, almost at 8 p. m. as we were preparing to go to sleep, we heard a sound of an explosion. there was a flash of light, and then debris fell on us. we're now going to talk to one of those. and georgie, during these every strikes and rece, as rainy, bombardments of both my guys the under bridge. otherwise, we will hate at march is junction. i had 2 pieces of shop now, one beneath my cards and the other inmate and i have them and they did some necessary tests and told me that we're going to do surgery them. they told me to be patient now according to stop or curse. here of dollars, which is not very crowded because of the intensity of the strikes that allows numbers of people receive by this hospital. we're here to see the current situation in his hospital. it's obviously yet another hospital and doesn't,
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it's overwhelming. many hospitals are not functioning. this one is 9 or 10 times it's normal capacity and following reason strikes last night. and today the results, the case scenario of the emergency department. it's just completely overwhelmed where collectively with administrative health, with all of the hospitals trying to keep up in terms of delivering medical supplies to mobilizing emergency medical teams, additional clinicians who can support hospitals out there are supplies being delivered on a regular basis to hospitals across garza, but when a hospital like this is seeing time times the number of cases that it would normally see, it's very hard to keep up. so we're pushing more supplies out. we're delivering supplies almost every day. but that's the problem is not fundamentally supplies. the problem is a number of injured people and a very small staff. many of the staff here have been displaced as well. i think the only solution to this at this age is a ceasefire. we need to, we need to stop seeing children like
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a young boy who i just saw injured. maybe maybe losing his legs today because of glass in civilian areas. constant fighting gunshot wounds, we need peace, according to the hospital of some authors, us because as we are where we are now, according to officials here, a deluxe on must smoke to elizabeth all the number of facilities they receive from overnight until today this morning. and the afternoons the number of fields stands almost at a to $100.00 to $100.00 people choose from both of them as each of the rates can. at joe we are event which are new york to each other because of the intensities that is on the president. and the apollo cd in red crescent has been rescuing people from the rubble and sending them to hospitals. it says is why. busy has been
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handed by the idea of bombing of main roads as folks bus and called for the international community to intervene the and the valid unfortunately we're facing got great challenges every single hour in order to implement over the humanitarian mission and the fox using the ip and what happens in gaza exists genocide, palestinians have to evacuate from a place to another. and also as of course, palestinians to evacuate sort of, they bombed in and drop the bombs them every single place. there is mostly for fleece and garza and every palestinian have evacuated already. 4 or 5 times bomb things are happening everywhere. hospitals, the schools, homes, they have destroyed everything. what happens in garza is just on the president. i don't think this happened in any of the work. everything is a target for as an occupation forces. everything means everything and children,
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woman, every single civilians. so when you guys are just paying a high price of this, the one that has a cues, these were, it was killing a high profile, uranian revolutionary god, core commander in syria, and says it will take retaliate tree measures for the death of seed. riley was site r t correspond in use of july, lee has more on this jury. it is described as the white hand of slain or want in all or do you seek him and there are general law some sunday money. so you, it was the most of you was a senior, i are gc, was forced official who was in syria to provide advisory military assistance to the syrian army. they played a fundamental roland, coordinating the military alliance between syria and iran, as part of this so called excess of resistance. there was a say it was, you have long been on as well on the why. so simplest and that is well had at least
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made to unsuccessful attempts to assassinate him. this is enough to conclude that say it was, he was an influential finger and it was a military sphere. and his death has been created and wanting officials for now, sweating to retaliate domino, this is an on just action in violation of international conventions. by design, this regime, the right of retaliation is preserved for the victim. and the sign this regime will receive its response at the proper time and location for a set of warnings have been pouring in from different iranian officials. everyone's presidents and pro hembry. so he said shortly after the incident, that is, well, we'll definitely pay the price for killing the senior r d. c. official racing called the move and act of cowardice saying it reveals israel desperation and it's war and gaza. undoubtedly they use up an savage z and this machine will pay for this crime. this action isn't all the sign of frustration,
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helplessness and inability, all the occupied z on the switch. him say it was a was a 3rd r g. c member who has been taken down by israel this month, or here in december, israel will killed 2 or g c. officials in a similar attack in syria says different resistance forces and there we are and got involved in the gaza war as well has shifted part of its focus on other regions, including i, r, g c, bases in syria from war and believes the resistance forces are the lead and organized this last move by israel has indeed come as a heavy shock to everyone when it won't stay, television interrupted it's regular news broadcast when now that most of the had been killed. describing him as an experienced military figure in syria and warning . and commentators say he was a close companion to general, so they money and play the key role in dismantling isis terrorist syria. now, not only the iranian government, but also the public,
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have quickly reacted with demonstrations on monday demanded that'd be, is law, make republic. take serious revenge. so it's not on likely that b is really measure to draw serious. what's all the nation from your want, in which case, it would mean that there one is pulled into the guys and more. all right, on iris member of the european parliament says that they had a b u commission, also that bundle and has abused power by supporting these really atrocities. in gather a founder alliance, a person elevated to power which i was a single sold from the station friends who had spent the last 2 months. swooping in an override during the foreign policies of elected governments, or to cheer leads, approved to apartheid regime that she called a vibrant democracy pulverized as a city of children. while my gods with defenders of democracy like tasks, i think i speak for many,
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many citizens of europe. when i say 9 john to no time fro genocide. so even foreign policy on israel and palestine is actually pretty clear. not that you know it though. it's set by unanimous vote of all the members states and that it's fine tuned by majority vote. and the use official policy is a 2 state solution with both israel and guys are keeping their hands to themselves . not that it's supposed to kick in after israel gets where they considers to be adequate revenge on a mosque by destroying g as in the process. that's not you policy, but somehow it's ended up being that way. but as is so often the case, this is what happens and what irish, your deputy claire daily seems to be getting at is exactly the same thing as the cleaners. so as virtue, singling always seems to be overriding actual foreign policy. last october, e officials and staffers all around the world over
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a 100 of them even called out cleaners was pro israel tilt. that's so slanted, it's a wonder she can even walk straight with this conflict thing guys that popped off on october 7th cleaners. sort of had these really flag being done to the european commission, probably because all we elected, unlike are presidents and prime ministers across europe. we're doing it with their landmarks. so she's probably wondering who, what can i be that on to when she came up with the idea that it would be 0 t commission her castle. and then when you as president job i in use you as a, as a gateway to ron. she also lashed out at iran, then when washington started turning down the rhetoric after there was mass global outrage over everyone just sitting around well, netanyahu warren gather civilians that they had 48 hours to get out of the way of israel's bonds. well, queen are slow, also started, then mitigating her own discourse. then 2 weeks ago,
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she was expressing her support for sanctions on is riley's settling and attacking palestinians in the west bank. oh, do you wonder if it has anything to do with biting, announcing their own us travel bad on these same is really is a week earlier. if the you has a foreign policy of its own, it's is about as clear as mud. what it looks like actually is the queen honestly walks around with her finger in the wind to see which way it's coming in from washington. and because it's all virtue signaling and no actual policy roadmap that's being followed on this issue. individual european leaders are popping off with their own hot takes often contradicting each other in the process, which is exactly what borderline said you needs to avoid. well, when it came to you pregnant, least she was always talking about the needing to speak with one voice. whatever happened to that, it doesn't seem like european leaders want that one voice to be hers though,
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so they're all doing their own thing. it's kind of like year old vision for seeing political talking points to see who can be the defacto voice of the blog. it's team unity fight club with countries like austria in germany, more pro israel on one side and ireland and spain. more pro palestinian on the other the all of that ship out every 2 days summit earlier this month. which is the question, what does planar so even represent it all of this or who is she even speaking for besides herself, it's not for the rest of the clouds in the tad who are all just doing their own thing. maybe this chaos could have been resolved by actually discussing and voting on the issue before she started shooting her miles off at the very outset. it's not like all this did ring. is it costing 20000 lives and counting in gaza or anything clear daily cause it just side looks like maybe palestinians or do i do have to move to frame if they want any sure. fire,
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hear the from the you on their plate and to the you will tied now much of the well, the celebrated christmas on monday and that includes calculates and protest ends in africa. here we can see people in but cannot fi. so mocking the holiday with the mass in the country is capital about 17 percent of the population of the west african nation. all catholics. i mean, why my jury ends having also put on the call for christmas. nice along with phones and pres, my jerry, it has 29, maybe in the catholics leaking at the wells, 12 largest eastern population and africa's 2nd largest tactic community. the local reporter has more details get. worldwide christmas is known as a season of life and sharing. those celebrations may differ from place to place people to another, but the essence remains the same. earlier we spoke to


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