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tv   News  RT  December 26, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EST

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on the, the breaking news this can't stay from the crime in penance it up a ukrainian attack. leave one dead on to wounded while the russian m. o d says a lot. the bullshit causal so damaged the, the death toll from, and it's radius tri corner refugee comes in. central casa, rises to at least $100.00, and we're not stopping it. and we will not stop until victory because we have no other country and we have no other way with the relatives of the hostages, and still held by her mouth losing patience,
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his ready pride, minnesota allowed to continue the war until the very end. first fonder lawyer and 689. john john, no time sprout genocide old. so i had a member of the european parliament lambs, the e u president for aging. and the best thing is we're all and it's for on costs us as of the casualties. suppose 20000 bring you the story to others might know if this is all the international live from moscow. thanks for keeping me company the south. and we all starting off for some breaking news, which is that a russian naval base and the crime in port city of filters here has come on to a ukrainian missile attack. no one pass and has been killed and to have been left wounded. the russian minister defend says that
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a black sea worship was also damaged and not over night attack. question that defense is down to of cubes packs, components that launch the strike, the wash 19 ship. no, a task has been damaged, as was 6 buildings don't fall from the port. people have been evacuated from the area and of course we'll be giving you all the details as they come in. i know, sir, let's see what's happening in central garza where a 106 palestinians have been confirmed, killed in a christmas day. is radius for life on the because the refugee come about is, according to an official op, our act, so hospital where the dead and wounded. what transpired the with no clues read the reading, the loss of nice, the palestinian health ministry, who and for the death toll is expected to rise. eye witnesses saying many also still trapped on to the russell for the lack of equipment has made it nearly
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impossible to rescue any survivors. we have some local su, described for devastation. to canada. i'm tired of families gone. 05 is my brothers have gone. they didn't leave me any brothers. all of them as well . so feel there is some children and ordinary people. i was just sitting when suddenly i saw rockets falling children under the rubble and bodies lying in the stream. i have no words for this. well, my visa children of they don't have a lot of um, they would just complete this and i sold them yesterday. and how is that my there's nothing left to say go this the judge it based on the patient, which has simply destroyed us. while i put you on, the strong yellow guard was not far from the scene of that charge to be in the city of the law. and he protest this report. we are now standing on one of the rebels of the homes that have been as the truck and the guys are a few g, cap vigils,
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guys as the trip had had that serious, serious, of as really strikes in the past few or just time of war and the gaza strip, according to neighbors of this home, that has been as striking by the is really a rates according to the neighbors there about there are about 60 people just to and this particular 3 building 3 story building homes. and we had 7 injured people, including one critically, all of them were taken to all lock, so hospital after the shop prayer, almost at 8 p. m. as we were preparing to go to sleep, we heard a sound of an explosion. there was a flash of lights and then debris fell on us. we're now going to talk to one of those. and george, during these every strikes and rece as really bombardments of those my god, the other brain. otherwise, we will hate as much as junction. i had 2 pieces of shop,
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no one beneath my cards and the other in might. now them and they did some necessary tests and told me that would go into the surgery. them. they told me to be patient. now, according to stop the workers here of dollars, which is not very crowded because of the intensity of the strikes and a large numbers of people receive by this hospital. we're here to see the current situation in his hospital. it's obviously you have another hospital and doesn't, it's overwhelmed. many hospitals are not functioning, this one is 9 or 10 times it's normal capacity. we're collectively with administrative health, with all of the hospitals trying to keep up in terms of delivering medical supplies to mobilizing emergency medical teams, additional clinicians who can support hospitals out there as of as being delivered on a regular basis to hospitals across garza. but when a hospital like this is seeing time times the number of cases that it would normally see,
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it's very hard to keep up. so we're pushing more supplies out. we're delivering supplies almost every day. but the, the problem is not fundamentally supplies. the problem is a number of injured people and a very small staff. many of the staff here have been displaced as well. i think the only solution to this at this age is a ceasefire. we need to, we need to stop seeing children like a young boy who i just saw injured, maybe, maybe losing his life today because of glass in civilian areas. constant fighting gunshot wounds, we need peace as the situation here gets escalated and gets much more intense on the ground because of the is really every strikes and when it's reapplied, patients across the region. the situation of hospitals as that is getting also a dense and detroit together in terms of the services they provide for that population. as, as stated by that official from the organization that we have just just spoken
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to. ronnie and mid r e r t a looks almost as hospitals and middle y'all's, us, milan, south, fulton, and clay. if any 7 palestinians have been killed photo, an idea of the story from the city of hong you'd us local store to say the area surrounding the nesa hospital was targeted. the call center specials now put the total test toll at $20600.00 since hostilities broke out and on october tops, in addition to the $55000.00, the wounded. i'm 1000 missing, i'm said, said buried onto the destruction for bullets. we'll be able to have 2000000 installs and having full street homes with most now takes refuge in the southern post rep. and the goal of the occupation is to replicate the policy and cost. there was
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a reluctance from arrow and his lemma congress today, as well as those nations observing gaz, it burned in before the eyes and ears of the world. we want one man to come out to come to many of these lemay countries and say, i will defend you guys of the also in can you and is the, is there any aircraft aircraft, the targeting? it's a very heavy air strikes if you ran the recall a line fire. it's well, it was very, very heavy. um, we keep hearing from low cross sources that there's uh, thousands of casualties on thousands of injuries. arriving at mazda hospital. we are receiving ben injuries and they are receiving very complicated entries. i'm talking about a rough environment yesterday around the, to a um, an aircraft targeted as a residential house. and my, uh, neighborhood, the coast, uh, one carrier, uh, 2 casualties. one,
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the elderly on the 2nd is 16 years old. boy, people prefer to sleep in a thing either or read their off, sleeping in their houses because now there's a bunch of houses as lot safe at all here and in and drop off and, and you and this indelible off you will find thousands of dense in the street in the open areas and it's actually very harsh reality to see some very cold right now in gaza strip. and the people here actually fighting to survive during this harsh reality. meantime, not so quiet on the western front. a member of the european parliament has lashed out at the head of the commission, accusing us of wanting to learn of abuse of power for standing, occupies the crisis and gaza on faults, or slow fonder lie and a person l, a face to power, which has a single photon decision from who has spent the last 2 months swooping in an older
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writing, the foreign policies of the elected governments, all to cheer leads approved to apartheid regime that she calls a vibrant democracy pulverized as a city of children. while my gods with defenders of democracy like task, i think i speak for many, many citizens of your when i say 9 time to know time sprout genocide. so you foreign policy on israel and palestine is actually pretty clear. not that you know it though. it's set by unanimous vote of all the member states and that it's fine tune 5 majority votes and the use official policy is a 2 state solution with both israel and guys are keeping their hands to themselves . not that it's supposed to kick in after israel, guess what it considers to be adequate revenge on a modified, destroyed gas in the process. that's not you policy, but somehow it's ended up being that way. but as is so often the case,
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this is what happens and what irish, your deputy unclear daily seems to be getting at is exactly the same thing as the cleaners of his virtue. singling always seems to be overriding actual foreign policy. last october, e officials and staffers all around the world over a 100 of them, even called out cleaner solution, pro israel til that's so sweet that it's a wonder she can even walk straight when it's conflicting gaz popped off on october 7th cleaners or had these really flag being done to the european commission, probably because all we elected, unlike are presidents and prime ministers across europe. we're doing it with fair landmarks. so she's probably wondering who, what can i be that auntie when she came up with the idea that it would be the or t commission her cas. so then when you as president joe by and use yeah. the gateway to ron. she also lashed out at
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a rod then when washington started turning down the road right after there was mass global outrage over everyone just sitting around well, netanyahu, warren gas, the civilians that they had 48 hours to get out of the way of israel's bonds. well between our sla also started then mitigating her own discourse. then 2 weeks ago, she was expressing her support for sanctions on is riley's settling and attacking palestinians in the west bank. oh, do you wonder if it has anything to do with biting, announcing their own us travel bad on these same is really is a week earlier. if be you has a foreign policy of its own. it's about as clear as mud. what it looks like actually is the queen are slowly walks around with her finger in the wind to see which way it's coming in from washington. and because it's all virtue signal like i know, actual policy roadmap that's being followed on this issue. individual european leaders
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are popping off with their own heart, takes often contradicting each other in the process, which is exactly what borderline said the needs to avoid. well, when it came to you pregnant, least she was always talking about, i'm needing to speak with one voice. whatever happened to that, it doesn't seem like european leaders want that one voice to be hers though, so they're all doing their own thing. it's kind of like year old vision for seeing political talking points to see who can be the defacto voice of the blog. it's team unity fight club with countries like austria in germany. more pro is real on one side and ireland and spain. more pro palestinian on the other. all of that shook out i did 2 days summit earlier this month. which is the question, what this plato so even represent in all of that's who is she even speaking for besides ourselves, it's not for the rest of the clouds in the tad who are all just doing their own
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thing. really just k r c has been resolved by actually discussing and voting on the issue before she started shooting her mom's off at the very outset. it's not like all this gathering is it costing 20000 lives and counting in gaza or anything? claire, daily, posit genocide, looks like maybe palestinians or do i do have to move to frame if they want. any sure fire here the from the you on their plight was the families of hostages, held by him must wait for the return of the loved ones. is where the prime minister has about not to laptop and his campaign of whoo, national. his speech at the contest it was interrupted by protest is shauntay now insisting that there was no time left. so of course demanding immediate release of those hostages. the term to you idea of troops into the hurting families and relatives of the object these i say also in this stage
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we're not stopping and we will not stop until victory because we have no other country and we have no other way as well. these really prime minister went to gaza to meet the country's military on the ground and made war. this is back home and a israel that he faces we'll find, traverse people's hearts and minds. but he seems to rather be losing pressure is mounting on miss in the over the return of the hostages housing, the gather, straightforward, 3 months. for now, 129 people remain in gets to the team. that is of the idea for me to, to mistakenly kill 3 hostages during a calm. but in the north of the in clave a spark and wave of anger as you remember for us, especially given that it was reported that the 3 men were waving white flags or were speaking hebrew. but the army still miss identified them as
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a threat later. another 5 dead bodies of the captives were also returned from the guys as 3 from him as the tunnels by the army. it is reported that they were killed but unclear and what circumstances on mondays in yeah. who addressed a special session ethics nash that is rarely parliament where the hostages families were also invited. and it was tough as you have just heard before that to yeah. who try to convince the parliament vendors and the relatives, of course that's new ask for it. has these parents bring hostages back home, specifically mentioning approach and world leaders he believes, are able to help in visitation, like presidents of russia and china. as you remember most go earlier, assisted in the release of those and just to be who hold rushing past for instance . and yeah, who went on saying that the rest of the hostages once be released without mills refresher on him as adding that these really are many more time to feed fighting.
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and that is one of the relatives all the catches for in the same hall almost exploded and shouted the prime minister down, calling for their loved ones. immediate release, shot or now in hebrew it was the engines and yet has freed. she left the stage after such a harsh reaction from the relatives and opposition leaders for the next say that while the 2 objectives of the war destroying him, mass and returning the hostages home, were equally as important as secure in the release of the captives is at priority and that comment was matched with applause. from the hostages families, people have been demanding more actions from the government. of course, massive prototypes on the circle of hostages. square intensity have become a rather usual reality here. had became even louder of these rarely military shots . we hostages in the gaza strip. frustration is mounting among people for us over
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the captive safety, wednesdays, rarely notes, reparation, including airs, tribes containing, let's take a listen to what people have to say. they feel like they're doing anything by those would be that on the the ro, me and many more hostages. i still had only one people and remember to not forget over there. and they need to come home while nathan. yeah. who keeps vowing, but the fight will continue. the war will go on. relatives actually criticize the
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government for lack of progress when it comes to the potential prisoners swap, deal with him as his ro is. you know, he's using 2 parallel lines of communication with him as one for agents and one for the costs are earlier, it was reported that they just shouldn't be th or is backed by the south is. and the in the ross is offering to us, had to wait ceasefire and exchange for the release of forty's rarely hostages with him. us losing its power in this trip, allow him to hold elections and reports suggest that him us is rather reluctance to accept such a deal. the militant group passed the message through the contrary. mediators that they would agree to release the hostages. if israel lay down arms, it's something that israel is not ready to here are now for us as a national razor agents, it's crucial to maintain mil to repression on him as many sites he will continue. and then also go 5 minutes to wrote earlier for the wall street journal. he put the
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free conditions of peace between israel and its spelled as the neighbors in gather, say, mass must be destroyed, guys must be the militarized and fellow students. society must be the way to collide emphasizing israel will continue to add to the confines with international law, with many global players, dallas in already because they this price of a motor operation of these really army guys as an act of dentist, a more than 20000 people have lost their lives and then plays from the palestinian side according to health ministry and gaza wholesale, almost 500 ideas, military died soon. 7 to look for or so as the work continues more and more concerns and merge with these ran that either shape, having really hard time to address them. the, the russian army has been steadily gaining ground on the battlefield. the late has confirmed by defense minister. so the issue is that the city of america and the
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done yet for public has come onto the full control of the countries forces has an exclusive report from not in baffled city by all these english donald in the past couple of days. because couple of weeks have been quite productive for the russian armed forces he outside of the net to observe some of these territorial games. the ground is covered in a thick layer of ice and is treacherously slipping from under foot as we're stumbling towards the front line. the rising sun reveals a ghastly landscape. the
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show. this is muddy. i personally covered such a price was as full of money for the buck mode. now i have to say that i've been that school business pretty much you name. it's every major town here in the don't boss that has been scarred by this war. let me tell you might in colorado what's the left event, is some of the worst examples of how sleepy found can be the face. it's unrecognizable of the buildings, but simply no way of telling as to what used to be was without 1st consulting. the map of the fighting is still very, very close. yes, most cool has claimed my income for itself now, but it is still
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a long way till russia has a chance to at least start thinking about how this place can be rebuilt and restored. if it can, the tools brushing troops have already taken the fights to the tree lines and strongholds outside of it. the town is a new thing, but safe though. painting the daytime activity attracts the attention of as the drones prowling, the skies before them done because of what? tell me when you have a nice day, then you can just let me know just kind of give me the most of the ukrainian armies bloodied and bruised, following its hell bent counter,
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offensive its resources are depleted. so russia has stolen the initiative and has begun its own much for what the say, i don't get them the students double the for a loan, so i'm holding on to every basement, but most likely they with bad troops behind them. so they held the ground, it feels like it will be all over soon. the enemy has already weakened. they probably no longer believe in what they believe before. it gets done up reporting from monday and come out see what it is washing trip satellite. that success. a ukrainian general paints a pico pick. just a key of he says that his trip saw exhausted and that there are many left willing to take up arms and head to the front to keep the reward c. c. key of those volunteers, one to join the ukranian armed forces to resist the enemy. have run out. now we have a new problem that we did not encounter before. people do not understand the state
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in which those who have been fighting for 2 years now find themselves the fighters are exhaust as they need to rest and recuperate. we must have reserves to do this in an effort to fill the rank so crazy and all 4 teams have brought back homepage to the streets, rounding up man in an attempt to fill some according to the presidency that's going on. 500000 people making draw audio. we spoke with old correspondent on the story about the situation and he suggested that mom power is just one thing. the kid is wanting show, told to put you to a little was they remo run out of soldiers at the front line. this is what we are here and see everywhere. the christmas item, they went out and they still got ready to negotiate that they can't win anything anymore. this should be clear. so mobilizing another platform for the people i know realistic. i don't think so even try it. and it's just,
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it's just too many people for no, no sense at all. and that's the reason why they, they have those women chance because of the situation at the front times. they run out of our weapons, munitions, money, money, and people infected undervalued, significantly more let, let's, let's look at 0. but they don't have money right now to try to find money bidding the february. same situation to us whether students know money for ukraine and when they find money, when republicans will agree and generate, i don't think so, at least if nothing, there will be nothing, nothing big, nothing mentionable. so and the same with the people. as we see, we have so many us now from the from generals and coming to us, come on to us and ukraine. let's say they have a run out of people. and they even say that people are, i don't know pulling any more to fall at some of the orders. let's finish up in stop. yeah. way of to recent election. so the ruling party hold on to power protest
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as to the st. sunday evening in belgrade. archie, estate sweeney. how's that story? oh, at the moment the smouldering thing was a very cons. i very faithful. a weird and i was just outside the building where on sunday some 2000 people had gathered a smaller element of those people had tried to pull. if i way into that building, which is home to the countries electoral commission of angry, they were protesting about the results of the elections. on december, the 17th elections that one overwhelmingly by the ruling policy of president outage on the beach is a. so it'd be in progressive policy by pull some 47 percent of the value for the old position, which i try with in the 2nd place on 23 percent of the vote. the so it'd be over against biden's coalition made allegations of electro irregularities. the president booted has denied any obligations of elect to fold or irregularities. he said that these allies perpetuate to find your position
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a police were able to contain that demonstration. some 13 people will just over 13 people were arrested for the executive audience, which included smashing the windows that you can see behind me and also setting father world classes. a number of of police were also injured. monday, there were more demonstrations, they were much smaller, they were much, much weaker, mainly students and young people. they said that they were going to blow to minorities and broke the main roads in the capital. they did have some limited degree of success with that later in the even a group led by opposition. politicians went to the police station and they demonte the release of those that are being held in custody on those charges for the engaging did not fall. and how you do that we so there's a much talk about a might on stalks color revenues and the serbian prime minister mentioned that the russian, i'm positive, has also bite obligations of forwarding to voters that say what he said on this teacher because which is there was evidence that the protests are supported by
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other countries. let's look at these protests. they all started back in may. what a move and began which included several opposition forces whose goal was to over throw president food judge, future greed to early elections, which showed his confidence in his own strength and the court because of his positions. and that the opposition does not enjoy widespread support which the elections proved. the opposition did not win a majority that led them to attempt to challenge the election results. i want to say that there are no grounds to challenge those elections. and the open protest scenario was launched. well, no to all of us and the number of countries. the most striking example is, keeps my dawn. and it's worth notice here again that says several m pays in serbia, have a mighty suggestions that they're expecting on these demonstrations. the salt salt, see signs and symbols unplug, called, written in english,
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may need for consumption for media, organization, western media organizations, including bbc and cnn. these are the kind of apply calls and the kind of things that we see in these a so called color revelations. we also have the statement that from the us ambassador, now he has condemned the violence and the he said, the old policies must respect the outcome of the pallet books. let's say what he said. the violence in vandalism against state institutions have no place in a democratic society. as police maintain public order, they must do their utmost to protect citizens, dignity and civil rights. have every confidence via will come through these challenges with its democracy strength and also be a citizens have a right to be heard and the responsibility to express the political views peacefully and without result to violence. so interesting was that from the us i'm positive whether his goals and whether he is he to.


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