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tv   News  RT  December 26, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the, the, the breaking news this to say from the pride me independence to the ukrainian attack, leave one dead and 2 wounded while the russian m. o t says a black, the bullshit was also thomas the, the death toll prominence. radius probably caught a refugee camp in central cause of rises to at least $106.00. we're not stopping and we will not stop until victory because we have no other country. and we have no other way. with relatives of the hostages still held by have my losing patience is really
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probably minutes about to continue the war until the very end. the 1st floor on july and say 9 john to no time sprout genocide. also i had a member of the european parliament law. i'm the president, but aging. and the best thing is row and its own thoughts about that as the casualty of costs 20000 the mid day. hey and must go. we are life from all these h q in the russian capital, as always, thank you very much for choosing us today. but we also, it's like i said with breaking news, which is that a russian naval base and the cry man, pull city of filters. yeah. has come on to a ukranian, missed all the talk local john, this reports from the c, the premium of students so that i set about 4 am, several strongly explosions throughout the in philadelphia,
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waking up local residence, the explosion scores, to designation and a power from fire as it turned out, these were explosions, interfered to assist c points for the defense ministry confirmed the naval land and she never took task, was damaged or forwarded. this report one day and 2 injured. the board of the dos east country of limits with rescuers and federal officials working the it is believed that the board was initially attacked bus one of jones. and after the defense system went down to cruise. missile struck in the city itself. people continued to leave their normal lives in a temper recommendation center for the victims has been set up for these have promised to quickly repair the damage done in the city. a full assessment of the damage to the city will be made, but technical experts noticed the agents have been in post on trust with movement. the crime in bridges opened saturdays running as well as the usual mode of navigation and shipping and also the latest called. so
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106 policy opinions had been confirmed, killed in a christmas day, is radius for i called him a gauzy refugee. come, that is according to an official p l at the hospital, where the dad on wounded what transpired the with locals already grieving the loss of nice. the palestinian health industry wants that the desktop is expected to rise. eye witnesses say many of still chopped onto the russell for the lack of equipment has made it nearly impossible to rescue any survivors we had from locals. we described the devastation to canada. i'm tired of families gone. 05 of my brother's a gone. they didn't leave me any brothers, all of them. so i feel they're innocent, children and ordinary people. i was just sitting when suddenly i saw rockets
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falling children under the rubble and bodies lying in the street. i have no words for this. well, my visa children of they don't have a lot of um, they would just sleep things and i sold them yesterday. and how is that my there's nothing left to say. if gold is the judge, a bishop for a patient which has simply destroyed us local to and that's where i'm a little guy, was not far from the scene of the tragedy in the city of that a lot. he bought us this report. we are now standing on one of the rebels of the homes that have been as the truck and the my guys are a few g. can me do guys, us the trip had had that serious, serious, of as really strikes in the past few or just time on the floor and the gaza strip. according to neighbors of this home, that has been as striking by the is, are eating rates according to the neighbors there about there are about 60 people
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just to and this particular 3 building 3 story building homes. we had 7 injured people, including one critically, all of them were taken to all lock, so hospital after the shop prayer, almost at 8 p. m. as we were preparing to go to sleep, we heard a sound of an explosion. there was a flash of lights and then debris fell on us. we're now going to talk to one of those. and georgie, during these very strikes and these as really bombardments of those my guys the under brain. otherwise, we will hate as much as junction. i had 2 pieces of shop, no one beneath my cards and the other in my abdomen. they did some necessary tests and told me that we're going to do surgery them. they told me to be patient. now, according to stop the workers here of dollars, which is not very crowded because of the intensity of the strikes and allows numbers of people receive by this hospital. we're here to see the
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current situation in his hospital. it's obviously you have another hospital and because of it's overwhelmed, many hospitals are not functioning. this one is 9 or 10 times it's normal capacity . we're collectively with administrative health, with all of the hospitals trying to keep up in terms of delivering medical supplies to mobilize emergency medical teams, additional clinicians who can support hospitals. there are some why is being delivered on a regular basis to hospitals across garza. but when a hospital like this is seeing time times the number of cases that it would normally see, it's very hard to keep up. so we're pushing more supplies out. we're delivering supplies almost every day. but the, the problem is not fundamentally supplies. the problem is a number of injured people and a very small staff. many of the staff here have been displaced as well. i think the only solution to this at this age is a ceasefire. we need to, we need to stop seeing children like
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a young boy who i just saw injured. maybe, maybe losing his life today because of glass in civilian areas. constant fighting gunshot wounds, we need peace as the situation here gets escalated and gets much more intense on the ground because of the is really every strikes and when it's reapplied patients across the region. the situation of hospitality as that is getting also a dense and detroit together in terms of the services they provide for that population. as, as stated by that official from the organization that's we have just just spoken to ronnie and mid r e r t a looks almost as hospitals and middle y'all's us trend. meanwhile in the south for p and k is at least 7 palestinians have been killed for being an idea. strike on the city of hon. eunice, local authority saved the area surrounding the nasa hospital was targeted
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the, the calls and officials now put the total death toll at $20600.00 since the opportunities broke out in audio too. but that is, in addition to the $55000.00 wounded and the thousands will missing on said dead buried under the destruction. reports revealed the bus to 1000000 thoughts and had been forced to leave that homes with most now taking refuge in the southern part of the strip. the goal of the occupation is to eradicate the pals seen and costs. there was a reluctance from arab and islamic countries today, as well as those nations observing, gather, burden before the eyes and ears of the world. we want one man to come either from any of these, let me countries and say i will defend guys also, and can you and is the, is there any aircraft aircraft to targeting
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a very heavy air strikes if you ran the recall line fire, it's, well, it was very, very heavy. um we keep hearing from low cross sources that there's uh, thousands of casualties on thousands of injuries arriving at mazda hospital. we are receiving ban injuries and they are receiving very complicated entries. i'm talking about a roof of apartment uh yesterday, around the to a. um. uh, is there any craft uh, targeted uh, as a residential house and a niche. my uh neighborhood on the coast. uh, one car, 2 casualties. one, the elderly on the 2nd is 16 years old. boy, people prefer to sleep and left a few or, or um, either off sleeping in their houses because now there is a bunch of houses as lot safe at all here and uh, in drop off in new and is there anybody off you will find thousands of dents in the
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street in the open areas and it's actually very harsh reality to see. so very cold right now in gaza, sip and uh, people here actually fighting to survive during this harsh reality is not so quiet on the western front. in the meantime, a member of the european parliament has lashed out at the head of the commission, accusing us of onto land of abuse of power, for standing archie by us. the crisis in casa unfolds, or slow fonder ally, and a person l. a page to power which i was a single soul from the citizens who have spent the last 2 months swooping in an older writing, the foreign policies of the elected governments, all to cheer leads, approved to apartheid regime. but she called a vibrant democracy, also pulverized. this city of children, while my gods with defenders of democracy like task. i think i speak for many,
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many citizens of york. when i say 9 time to no time fro genocides. so even foreign policy on israel and palestine is actually pretty clear. not that you know it though it's set by unanimous vote of all the member states and that it's fine tune by majority vote. and the use official policy is a 2 state solution with both israel and guys are keeping their hands to themselves . not that it's supposed to kick in after israel gets what it considers to be adequate revenge on a modified, destroyed gas in the process. that's not you policy, but somehow it's ended up being that way. but as is so often the case, this is what happened and what irish, your deputy claire daily seems to be getting at is exactly the same thing as the cleaners of his virtue. signaling always seems to be overriding actual foreign policy. last october, you officials and staffers all around the world over
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a 100 of them even called out cleaner ssl is pro is real tilt. that's so sweet that it's a wonder she can even walk straight when this conflict thing guys popped off on october 7th cleaner. so it had these really flag being done to the european commission, probably because all we elected, unlike are presidents and prime ministers across europe. we're doing it with their landmarks. so she's probably wondering who, what can i be that aren't too when she came up with the idea that it would be 0 t commission? her cas. so then when you as president joe by and use you as a, as a gateway to ron, she also lashed out at iran. then when washington started turning down the rhetoric after there was mass global outrage over everyone just sitting around while netanyahu warned gather civilians that they had 48 hours to get the weight of israel's bonds. well between our sla also started, then mitigating her own discourse. then 2 weeks ago,
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she was expressing her support for sanctions on is riley's settling and attacking palestinians in the west bank. oh, do you wonder if it has anything to do with vitamin announcing their own us travel bad on these same is really a week earlier. if be you has a foreign policy of its own. it's about as clear as mud. what it looks like actually is the queen are slowly walks around with her finger in the wind to see which way it's coming in from washington. and because it's all virtue signal like i know, actual policy roadmap that's being followed on this issue. individual european leaders are popping off with their own heart, takes often contradicting each other in the process, which is exactly what borderline said the needs to avoid. well, when it came to pregnant, least she was always talking about the needing to speak with one voice. whatever happened to that,
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it doesn't seem like european leaders want that one voice to be hers though. so they're all doing their own thing. it's kind of like year old vision for seeing political talking points to see who can be the defacto voice of the blog. it's team unity fight club with countries like austria in germany. more pro is real on one side and ireland and spain. more pro palestinian on the other the all of that shook out at a 2 day summit earlier this month, which is the question, what does planar so even represent? you know, that's who is she even speaking for besides herself, is not for the rest of the clouds and the tad who are all just doing their own thing. maybe this chaos could have been resolved by actually discussing and voting on the issue before she started shooting her miles off at the very outside. it's not like all this gathering is a costing 20000 lives and counting and gaza or anything clear daily calls
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a genocide looks like maybe palestinians or do i do have to move to frame if they want. any sure fire here the from the you on their plate, about 8000 pads of shoes have been placed outside the foreign ministry in the netherlands. protest as say they are symbols. the number of palestinian children killed in garza and 83 months comes. it's probably protestant index demonstrations that held around the globe with people condemning the is rating strikes on civilian areas and infrastructure. the meanwhile, tensions between us around the united nations are on the rise off to the countries of foreign minister, criticized the organizations to quote on substantiated lod. labels that you at and for its part has not shied away from condemning is where the actions in gospel we will no longer remain silent. the face of the u. n. c. bulk received the conduct of the un since october. the 7th is
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a disgrace to the organization in the international community. we will stop working with those who cooperate with how much terrorist organizations propaganda based less attacks against the un only proves moral cowardice. the u. n. has been weakened by decades of israeli. impunity for breaches of international law, including calling noise ation of occupied territory and palestinian force displacement the u. n. must hold israel to accounts if it is to salvage its reputation and purpose. and as the families of hostages held by him ass wait for the return of their loved ones. these ready prime minister has smiled not to laptop in his campaign of wo netanyahu's speech at the connect that was interrupted by protest is chanting. now insisting that there was no time left what, of course, demanding the immediate release of the hostages, the same to you, idea of troops into the hurting families and relatives of the object. these,
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i say also on the stage we are not stopping and we will not stop until victory because we have no other country and we have no other way as well. these really prime minister went to gaza to meet the country's military on the ground and made war. this is back home and a israel that he faces real fine traverse peoples hearts and minds that he seems to rather be losing pressure is mounting on this and yeah, over the return of the hostages house. and the guy who has 3 for almost 3 months, for now, 129 people remain in gifts to the to that is of the idea for me to to mistakenly q 3 hostages during a calm. but in the north of the, in clave a sparks and wave of anger as you remember for us, especially given that it was reported that the 3 men were waving white flags or
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were speaking hebrew, but the army still miss identified them as a threat. laser, another 5 dead bodies of the captives were also returned from the gas as 3 from him, as tunnels by the army. it is reported that they were killed, but i'm clear in what circumstances. one london isn't. yeah. who address the special session ethics? nasa, it is rarely parliament where the hostages families were also invited. and it was tough as you have just heard before that they did. yeah. who tried to convince the parliament vendors and the relatives of course that's new ask for it. has these parents bring hostages back home saying that the rest of the hostages once be released without mills refresher on him as adding that these really are many more time to keep fighting. and that is one of the relatives all the catches for in the same halls, almost exploded and shouted at the prime minister dial and calling for the loved ones, immediate release, shop,
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or now in hebrew it was the end of his. and yet his speech he left the stage after such a harsh reaction from the relatives and opposition leaders. folks next say that while the 2 objectives of the war, this joined him mass and returning the hostages. how equally as important secure in the release of the captives is at priority, and frustration is mounting among people for us over the captive safety wednesdays, really notes, reparation, including air strives containing let's take a listen to what people have to say. they feel like they're doing anything on the
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relatives actually criticize the government for lack of progress when it comes to the potential prisoners swap, deal with him as his ro is. you know, he's using 2 parallel lines of communication with him as one through egypt and one for the cause her earlier age was reported that they just shouldn't be. da's her is backed by the south is. and the in the ross is offering to open a 2 week ceasefire and exchange for the release of forty's rarely hostages with him, not losing his power. and this trip allow him to hold elections and reports suggests that him, us is rather reluctance to accept such a deal. the militant group passed the message through the contrary. mediators that they would agreed to release the hostages. if israel lay down on arms, some things that israel is not ready to here are now for us, it's a national reservation. it's crucial to maintain mil,
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to repression on him as many fights. he will continue while i'm joined now by the most right to of the charges commission on international asides rep from the front that you paid. right, thank you very much for joining us on this tuesday. i'm the 1st thing i want to ask you. i mean, nothing you off who is a pull to this. having said that he is ready to encourage the voluntary migration. all palestinians out of garza. i mean, what do you make of a statement like that? it was tested. let me say i'm, i'm from a quote um, what at a time, not that kind of what are the top, the churches coordination? no, i'm not surprised about that's the top from the prize and this stuff. i mean, it is quite clear that that is right. and the government is, as i honest acosta bench, that does not want palestinians in august,
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i add on, it's i, b, b o they get to all the b. that's those are the options that given and the private since i've said we come to be told by the inside these to be the one that and so it is, it is not possible and that's why they have medicaid. so me what i do want in more than 20, i'm sorry. yeah, sorry. what i wanted to ask you. um, i mean the idea has hits a number of humanitarian aid walk cuz we've seen a tax on the red crescent society headquarters. the age group, save that delivery, pulse of being bombed by the i do yes. are you surprised by the lack of international condemnation for this kind of action?
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now i'm sure they're trying to, i mean now i've done addition that is visit, that part is dining solid. dotted to in the victims general side. i mean, we have all or about the weight of the desk just close to its i'm wondering so size society in which we leave and, and this general site, it's my to prove it was where people have to pay that where people are denied food, where people have no medical supplies or speaking, so i'm getting phone churches. so i've been palmed. i mean, this is a cry, cry want is to read. and in fact, there should be intervention. but of course the united states as the top that's necessarily an intervention by the united nations to make sure that. ready all comes to an end. the occupation of putney students comes to us because they're part
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of the rule. is that each drives hope surprises funds by so i bought them so the dictates then typically log on to the i need to know that there's been a lot. ready that by the student is all that time and focus on the waters and bins . now, clearly i need to so that's, it's a continuation for students. they may be of freedom in their legal nations is responsible for this by giving birth time. monday. the united nations is responsible for this for partitioning part of the sky, and then given use rise and state and ignoring the apartment students instead of allowing them to have their own state. and so this the poll crested cannot go on. we need to come 3 need to and that and those who are supporting his right should also be taught for crime such as to read. i mean,
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we'd see like you mentioned, esvito is that thing here when. a has been a real king of ceasefire as in many western capitals. why is that such a lack of investment, an interest in peace? well, let me tell you, this is a call in the way of thinking. it's a racist i can tell you. now if you do, i it is. this was important by ment, i guess one of the wisdom conscience of the last for a day. and that's why i big not this because they have to put on punish damian's. i mean, the worst way of things key is to i lived in the us and to 10 doing offer read you guys back and why the miles or, you know, send the email on the african continent dates in racist, of codes colonial it seems to be on these it's,
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it's meant to destroy nbc, that is not about themselves and, and, and, and that's what needs to be stalled. so the united nations is a product of the colonized. and those we have call one to many page, this situation and to us truck charge in a way that did save us them and their to, i mean the civilized country like the united states as a se, one brute on the allowed turn is ation of people. ready on this side, the way in which except for the, i mean these are the budget if will i be talking to our u. s. citizen, so outraged, we've been talking to choose for justly swap rates. and so i think we need to get the home wants to take that. no one country can always improve was genocide does cause me to before. i mean, you mentioned
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a bit earlier and one of your previous thoughts instead of delegation affiliated, had visited. the goal is to inform the director of the palestinians that are you able to show any stories were kind of just a sense of what they told you about what they saw without. oh, nice. well, i mean, we have the net said that these people have been in prison where i've been released now. when we have a truck nice didn't prison. i mean that that is not international laws. that's what you saw. and then the world is allowing that to happen. we met the l down of the muslim community, was detained questions just for someone at ox, moss and he says he gets detained every 6 months. the human rights group. so this will say absolutely nothing with the med people, those land has to be taped and houses for those and know i'm safe and if it,
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and the people that chose to in that way, that's been the low cost adjusting. that was bank as we talk now. there's an intense surprise level of chilly. so part of speech and language is not seeing an entry in jo, southern where jesus was born. we went there, we could be, i'd be, we had to got to get on the boss and it stops before the gate control gate. we had to carry a lot bags walking to get him sign that because of the costs couldn't go in and out . so that to him itself, it's on the seat. and that's how the palestinians feet in lives. they're occupied to every ask for over 2 months that they need to cause the whole day for us to be able to cross over because of the controls, the, the,
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the security checks that ex extra, i mean people are b, u, b, b, at least you've got an international test and you are slightly different to button before the students, and i think we can not as the international community. i know this. we must have this this while now. and then of course, the prison us on both sides must be released by the way. they are hostages on both sides because of the end you can set to told the how the, how they won't get what's because read that to you to call we 20 plus webcasts from the hospital and some of them the church doesn't noisy. ready that's, that's nothing. and so we need to end this more. it's so it's, it's painful for people in the opinion of us come to an end, and we need to find peace. and that people must either be together in peace as he
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calls. all they have is the that the they can control outside is right and, and be like in the opposite dish. i think we should give you part of students of slot point for to lot more than 70. yes. we should bring this to where that well however difficult you know, johnny was, is he said just to get from george and that we all very glad that you didn't make it. because the best way to change people's minds is of course, to tell stories like the ones that you would just tell it. and so we thank you very much for your time and what you've done that was reverend front. you pay the full not moderate to of the touch is a commission on international fed. thank you very much, reverend. thank you very much. and we are saying good bye for almost a for this. how we want to pull a feedback at the top of the very latest. i don't have to ask you to call them that you want more of those scores much more. we'll see you said the.


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