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tv   Documentary  RT  December 26, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

2:30 pm
of us, you're quite junction except the, you mean that the, the most the night, unless someone some of them going if somebody could find it seems so was that i was with center solution. so stobel video visually doesn't work on us a they have to boost the fly board. it's because of knowing your initial will, you know, you missed this through the source. bless your mother was there when anybody so we will dispute the course. it's clear on the way we want them, which are slow, so you will see that everything is through this particular transfer you to the,
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for the standing will the starting all right for the to anybody in the after use could we meet them a little sooner? probably in your, in the you do you mean you mean must be in the most cars, moody law for something with the way. i mean is this the just a stuff because he wants to put you guys so somebody was good. so you guys know you have this little lovelady for you quite yet. you just get those in front of them but, but down some much will sound out of them still. so you know, you know, by the end of stuff it is kind of, it was good. yeah. it just in a villainous thing. this means i know, but here's the tim, what's the size most? nothing about something with the
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the cable just want you to kinda lost the fewest lights and escape laws missed it. so i there, it's, i forget about i'm a snack lady, a, b c dot go to the web, but i need to go to the go app. i don't want to go to a very low volume. so nice here. well, that's the plan you. yeah, yeah. sometimes it's almost like give me a 30 minute friday as well. they will go there and see what speed in the room. so you know the body of a boat, but it's virginia flushed a little big on the list with what it's fairly near, but it offers that are near me. they, i think they have special needs. i'm was a little brought up on this is emily the stuff going look good. so we've got to
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look at the more people plus which later, which means i took it out when i pulled, it looks like you to look at the the phones because he's pretty cost us much on deals and anybody else would be able to get this. there's not some kind of looking for the minor my land, but the assist just the stuff that from left settlement that the of the yeah
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the the show me so some of it has it in most places to sort of good luck with you to the original condition and putting it on the photos and the reason in putting it on the splash so sure it is a thought that it was to go like a both of them. you know the phone with us. so we need to, was it to most collision, spoke with the mother to goes to the deal with you at this point, supposedly the new position was close and that sort of thing. and some of them there was no humans
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issue to assist. but in the she wants to, to shortly show us the initial session that's supposed to bring us orders, because usually then it's suitable. i mean the selection though, as a door, if you the good the do you mean is i was a from google there to do the, the one on said i did or something pretty mindset on my for you, it's a little but then again,
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i know you tell me to try to remember the news phone deal to get no, no, that's not the high school component much. and i am the both of the ones that seem i must get all the parents. i talk to the school. that's a very good the other of the attribute side to there's a true to believe i gives you thought is you remove this one. the
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still the super see was from an energy because what i just showed as the february budget, the good news here, the dream, they're gonna get the 4 digits we're doing it. so we figured that, you know, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the service service, the, so it does it, leslie trimmer. it deals plus the french, the chief of the year. yeah. the phone yourself. we do put that on the most of this in our well the 1st quarter panel position on the email that you know for grace is extreme. escalade is nice that i'm with the media a 3 weeks for the subsidy. unless you did, you know that will of course of
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the, the yeah, well that's what i'm going to do. yeah. like i do need yeah, i would just have to do this for you shouldn't be pretty awesome. does it look nice you to look at the state procedures, suitors to sniper manufactured office by the bus stop,
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to stop by the police at the snyder. they just don't know what i'm, what i'm watching through the us mind. you may have some them on your will. so when you have a real supposed opportunity, you go boss, he's pushing wisdom. i'm not going to force you to get to the side for the summer as long as not have it on board this tonight, but i don't want them to to invite you to the folder. that's be great. i don't know why months go through any of the you said i'm more than just focused on your so hold on, hold on one question for you,
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which is the truth of ladiva sports? fanatics isn't this the right story. and what about that? when the ocean and so she's just on the most at this level. thank you, lou. destroying the actual says the shoot for them. not to me. media subject provision around. no, i saw the diesels unless they were going to do it to the left suspicion that, that both a little shop with the consent to
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go see the known in vietnam as the american war. the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. nor does he have written down that you don't see it now. why? it's all on the empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i got the not, but the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly burned down entire villages
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and spread dangerous chemicals. lee laid up day by all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yes, yes. that's a ways to to go for to bishop who done this to get to destroy pictures and stuff. so because they would have to do it, putting it in a book and some of which was suppose you're going to do for this good for some of them, even though they just look at it is what the strangest median is to the point is sure not do it to show at the dealer deal if they're concerned though it's still
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a live tv was the is a video. so when you pretty good those we come on the show me some of the she looked at ok. let's see me left for just laid out the movable. i mean talk to mrs. new move on names of extra think he's up positive, not what i would need and increase the, the vision of the wonderful that for many useful. and when you to cease to be name the side of this, but i'm remember the way the game you can leave her name on it the 1st time as well as i said for each of the owners. so so what is the same level that i was able to do anything else?
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so when you're ready to do you agree with what what is the, what the other thing is or what they might just introducing the links which you see. so this they end up with see some of them and so so, so it's a somewhere around there. so that's just the way the shipper does. get. the ones who is the seems here was the to the what do you, i'm gonna do to quit smoking very quickly . so just really watch it when you go to the village,
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easily lose the pressure unless much more the like doing so the seems you the difference. the libraries are good. they're not much super good city. so i need to see to see the was the of what i can find. so this is my personal for sure. for sure. which one would you be able to gilbert and see what you said. yeah. so i'm wondering i'm not on which one would you prefer? it's still but about the local. yeah. yeah, yeah. you're like like all the stuff i threw up was for. yeah. and i'd like to i some way with you got the noise the report you got pretty no. did you want me to do that? i'm just very of, i'm separately on your mind. yeah. cuz it just depends. i'm okay. on the right. there's no, i started with this,
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the guns they figured out for supporting the what's the most of the, most of the bunch of companies either. but it is all black as close, or do you want to send it to,
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to the address the good as simple or for an from so it because there's a file for you. i'll send you both hands with us. but if you could just go where you and the also to pick the core. oh and there's one in here to pick as well. ma'am. there's just to the soul of the for the 1st time me right there just for the rest of the day will. but a stronger, but i have to look over those. i knew it or not the 0 with or 0
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for 3 malware do not have total for detroit or through them. and which are the reason for that purpose to the truth cannot see, i used to teach the you the to school show up with the 2 point is like you just google cause solve a solar system. we'll see, we should do that as a go look like it was of the video. well,
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the last part is yeah, yeah, there's no way to back the choose to see if you can split into 2. if any of the others are going with just the opportunity that was more than this by some people for the 3 of us, that sounds like a phone number to visit, but they do this instead of keeping them as well. the problem is, i'm not sure how much i predict him, but my, some additional layers. so when you will actually sort of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you said there's only 4. that's all over the phone in both of those produces the no, but the go to that. so i got it mostly in between middle fingers that some of the ones go was. so the, when it was what i see for 0, right? so send the send me that is always good. it was so $700.00 i see it is the was delivered. so if you go to court orders,
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it will tell you the send me the loaner in the front of me and this was requested for the loan is the loan. so we just need it today to set in the i'm not sure to the witnesses agree pizza. it wasn't the technician, the video was the hospital just the nation's 1st hold on to the 7 years. and what type of standard good is it because of north dakota? uh was the one who caught up. oh, i took you to that place for a period that i do to i'm assuming you know what you certainly know, scored as it was normally. so we cut us off the circuit somewhere in percentage that is to serve, you know, before,
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and some of those things. don't people. so emily, well, this fellow bush amish the really special of this and they did this plan. you're going to get it in the bush that you've sold you to shop is usually a possibility that the niche, the level of live baby data. right. so that's the sort of support meaningful. i could do that, but to this is just sort of simple near to so many tools to extensively. that's a good guess. but as we're going to do that, they just say it's
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a little spetchko. the mileage with this is just separate. i have to put it to the i'm, i'm going to push a bunch of rich have so people that will it just to display this will pay just them . that's the sound your phone. so then at the beginning of it is the, the, it said, the,
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the, the full wait, another more money, the if the cdc,
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etc. and the flood is totally familiar with the studio, the or the
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make it look like the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking to that is of nations perhaps, are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mine and agents who are the slaves. americans, rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was the cartridge strategy. since i'm the new one, i exist v i n b, i not leashed it. often zip on in tablet block, nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous. is it the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of
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the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. of nature, what is founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions and millions or is business businesses good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion of the, the headlines, the vote. this boosted in the sub in capitalism, and so it just seemed to over to end the results of a recent call eventually an accident, the head of lessons involved. but also we did not have 511 year old girls diaries discovered under the rubble by an oxy report to him in


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