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tv   Documentary  RT  December 26, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
and also the police, these i'm promising, but it is because the stopped investigations into might be responsible for the fact . it's a region that has change, you know, um series of attacks in the past months. yes. we'll see about the area i talk often, you know, between i'm predominately mostly a mattress and you know, christian pharmacy and will seem to be suppressed, linger for many years. also it's important to note that, you know, there's also a place on the golf makes. now you know, safety that these attacks of legal for so long and that's the lack of accountability from. ready you know, it's hard to use the reason why the tax have continued to linger. yes, to be honest, the engine, our stuff that's going to sleep mode in stock price then, but actionable has failed to deliver on the promise that he's made, you know, to secure the country. now that these attacks have been happening. and we've also seen comments like these, you know, companies from various places here and they are blaming the government for the, the persistent attacks. for now, the police also says that, you know,
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search on risk to a freight sensor ongoing. we do not know if there will be more bodies to, to be uncovered, but the police police as promised, you know, to keep the probably could, you know, informed if they have any more information from job development. well, that's all for me for today. my colleague, mike has lunch, i will be with you by the top of the out, the, and this was this, the new york city says joy that you guys have more power than the 3, or would you know, both the move uh we do to the price quoted yeah, i can get them scheduled at the advisor through was yelling with as of cities,
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york of, uh, 2 to get on there. uh no, just the phone calls to my 3, but is this uh what you what you him to look for the you mean the, the, the the, the, the the unless the mobile one . yeah. let me go find it seems to was that i was the center solution. so stobel vision with century lunas uh they have to boost the flat board. it's for the loan. your initial would you like you missed this throw money comes to us. bless your mother was the one anyway, so we will dispute the corporate square on the way we want them,
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which are slow. so you will see you use 2 of us to conditions where you put this time in the starting. all right for the to anybody in the me to do this, could we meet them a little sooner? probably in your in the you do you mean you mean let's do you most confuse moody law for exactly the same way and is this the stuff? because think that's good, but you good. so some venue post. good. as you are as though you have the fullest lovelady for record, yet he is going to the doors and put them, but down some muscle sound attempts to deal with and you know, nobody gets it. and so if it is, can i both get it from the bus today? and i'm doing this thing. this means i know, but here's the, tim, what's your size most?
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nothing about something with it is the, the cable just want you to kind of suicide. the screen was more than i did. so i there so i can give them my model number, but i see that you don't the lab but i need to know. but you got to be to go about on the go to a game lowball game. so badger. well that's the plan. yeah. yeah, yeah. sometimes it's almost like in a 30 minute friday. this is all they will vote in the afternoon. so you're going to have a phone, but it's virginia flush will be got the most with them, but it's fairly new. but none of us that are near me 3. i think this 1st uh pardon
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me from was a little boy up on this is emily. dia separating look good sold. we've got to look at the more people plus we later, which looks like the look at the homes because he's been the cost of function and sales and anybody else would be able to get this person answering the phone right on my mind. but the assistant just because of stuff left settled with any the the
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yeah the the show my focus for some of them. it has it in most places to sort of good luck with you to the original condition and putting it on the photos and the reason i'm putting it on so, but especially sure it is a store that you was to look up. all says, you mean on the phone with us. so we need to was a, to most collision spoke with all of us monday to goes to the dealer to get this positive bolt. the
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new position was close and that sort of thing. and some of them there was no humans issue to assist but in the fema. so she wasn't, she was there for you see initial session as opposed to being a sort of association and it's suitable. i mean the selection though, as a door, if you of the the quote, the, you mean as i was the from you go there to the, the, the,
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the on site and then for the mindset, i'm not for you. it's a little bit that again, i know you tell me to try to remember the good news phone deal to get no, no, that's not the school component. the vision. i am the both of the ones that seem i must get all the parents. i talked to the school, that's a very good the other of the attribute side to if it true to believe i gives you thought is you remove this one
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the still the supersedes from and introduced us. what i just, if i do this shit is the february, but the good news here, the dream becomes get the 4 digits we're doing it. so we produce, you know, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the service service, the said the quest, the tribute of jump was toper liquids, the chief of the year. yeah. the phone yourself or do the oil, you got them know of the center of the proof for the position on. what's the most that you know focus is it's gonna go up is nice and i'm with the media with
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foxy new measures. did you know that of course of the not a lot of the yeah. you just what you want your yes . look like i didn't need it this way. huh. the a look at
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the state for service users to sniper manufactured off the bus stop to stay for the what is it that i bought this 9 to the just the mothers working through? not the one that us missed them that my nora will. so when you have, you're supposed to apply to you, you've got all these important. i'm not going to force you to just put it on one side or you know, summer as long as not remember, it's not, but i don't want them to to invite you to create a i don't know why months go through the end of the month. you said i'm more than just focused on your so hold on, hold on one searching for another year which is of interest or
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the truth to look for to, to experiment this thread is stored. and what about that when the pollution of 10. so he's just on the most likely slow fluid destroying the actual well it's says the shoot for them. not too many a revision around snow. i saw the
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details unless we're going to go through that. let's just schedule that both a little show me the concept. it's good to go see that you take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can
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a little bit of trouble with your notice to get to destroy literally cisco joke that they would have to do with putting it in boot and some of which was suppose you need to participate for some of them, you know, just looking at this with the shrewdness between these to the, for the sure not to do it so sure. at the deal to deal with the concept. stella live tv was me, is it really is the one you pretty good because we come on the show me some of the she looked at ok. let's see me left. ready later than the mean time, she misses me move on, names of the thank you, drop off the the, the,
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the dishes or the so that the money of useful and when you to cease to be name the side of this. but i'm do you remember the way you came on it to send me the 1st time as well as i said, for sure that if anything are you doing? i'm good. so, so what i just need you just seen level that are they able to do anything else? so when you're ready to do you agree with what what is the plus credit. the other thing is that what they might just introducing people is deleting the links and should say, so this may end up with the some of the budget and also so it's
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a somewhere around there. so that's just the way the shipment of dispute resolution was you, is the same to was the, as long as i say what the, i'm gonna do you go to quit smoking very quickly for just really why just when you go to the zillow, easily lose that actually that unless my number is 0, right, thank you. so the percentages of any difference, the migrate or whether not parts department or shock one that you see to see to see you though. otherwise the product you have to find the right for sure. for sure. for sure,
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for sure. so we could actually put you being able to deal with them, see what you simply have. so i'm wondering i'm i'm done with you before still but at the local. yeah. yeah. you guys are all the stuff i think it was for. yeah. let's do i some more with the got the noise dealer. we've got pretty know. did you want me to? i'm just very of i'm separately on your mind. yeah. cuz he's got them okay. on the right, there's no dice, doug,
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here with the guns. they do that for supporting the the most of the, of the bunch of companies either, but it is all black as close or do you want to send it to the 5th? is this the just a good fit for him? don't sell it because there's not a problem. there's a file for you. i'll send you both hands with us so that they can just go with you and the
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full pick, you know, look for on this one and hit that, that goes on there. there's just the, the, the soul of the throwing stuff personally on there, just for users to boost the rest of the fair, but they would put a soaker, but they have to use the front of the loop over the new is it or not? the 0 with a 0. so 3 malware do not have total split for 3 months, but certainly the reason for that, but that it's too much to see. i used to use
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the smart city you to the store to put the form is like you just google cause solve a store and they will proceed with the ship. do moves that go up like if the but the company. well, the last part is the back.
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the choose to 6 constantly to to. you can have 3 also, but there is any with additional frontier, any of the that was more than that's less than 3. well, for the 3 of us that's one is a good phone. number to get a better idea of those, instead of keeping them as of as well as a budget of how much i put it in, put my some additional layers. so when you will actually part of the the you said there's only 4 to over 3 are know people need both of those uses the let know plus the girls that so i'm
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not going to mostly in between middle fighters that somebody that knows when school overs so this is what it was, what i see was the send, the send me that is always good. it was so saved. and once you receive the photos as under that was delivered. so if you go to court orders, it will tell you about the loading, the photos, the resources for the load, especially the below. now we just need it to send and i'm not sure what the sending it. but as i can do that within the physically pizza, the technician, you go to the hospital, just the nation's 1st hold on to the 7 years. and what type of standard good is it because of north of the uh, what was the one i got up?
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i'll try to get to that place for the period that i do to i'm assuming, you know, which is certainly not school. did you lose no money. so we cut us off the summer and percentage that is to serve you know, before you before was emily. well, this fellow bush amish the really special of this and they did this plan. these are gonna be going to the in the bush, the roof sold. you the shop. it is easy to postpone that
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i was yeah. which that was an issue of live baby dealer dealer. right, so that's the sort of support meaningful. i could do that, but to just it is just sort of simple near to so many tools to extensively. that's a good guess. but as we're going to do that, they just say it's a little spetchko, the mileage with business, you're still gonna have to play to the i'm, i'm going to push a button for each of the people that will it just to display it. this will pay just them,
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that's the sound your phone. so then at the beginning of it is the page the it said the the the full wait. another more money, the, the cdc, it's in the flood setting. for me, the student,
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the or the forgiveness the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the people very in the environment they grow up and some people go to where it is easy places and living very. it was easy places, other people living areas that have less infectious diseases. and when you grow up in an area of high attraction, since each individual strategically go to the collector, this are conservative in the solution. the
6:00 pm
or the protests to be fixed and the safety and capital has demonstrated to speak to over time. the results of recent parliamentary elections. there is a head of western involvement in my bed. we did not have 11 year old girls diaries discovered under the rumble by an ard to look forward to after the girl was killed. and then he's really at eric track on a guy the refugee russian ministry has taken the strategic city of marietta and the


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