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tv   News  RT  December 26, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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the the process bid, they send the serbian capital as demonstrate to speak to over time. the results of the recent party of entry elections as a strong hand from western involvement and all that we did not have a lovely euro go diary his describe it on the rumbled by an audit report or after the go was killed and then use earlier or tracks on a guy directly, you can use foreign policy. head is on the list of political award, widows years up world takes home the product, awards, and what the outlet calls a history of diplomatic ineptitude on the job. the
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quite a 6 a i'm in moscow. welcome to art international, reaching you from our new center right here. i am michael portia with the updates i protest as of gathered in the sub in capital in the march towards the main building of the national election committee. they're demanding that the results of the recent problem entry elections be a node after the victor by the president's ruling collation, r t correspondence theme sweeney reports on the radi the way now gathered outside the high call in the serbian capital bell gray. there's now speech is just beginning by opposition. politicians. they come here because the dom on dig about the election is rerun the the election is rerun. this is the election of december the 17th, which was won by the serbian progressive policy, the policy of alexander lucas, the president. and he went with something like 47 percent of the vote. now the
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opposition policy trial during 2nd place was 23 percent of the nationally by making allegations overlap full full. today's demonstration has been largely a peaceful so far. there is no police present. sophie rose to allow the pleasures to march uh, a few 100 yards away from, from the center where we have a the speeches now by making a number of them on one is the elections all rerun the national election summer cooling for the bow. right, election to be one of those according to beat kids to hand over power on a peaceful transition to the authorization now. so there's no, so a sense of a, a case able to set up the unified sets of them on the have of course being these accusations that so this is, i know the form, evidence of ford interference. you could probably see behind me there's
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a lot to europe in union flag, and of course we saw these were displayed in great permanent status. the might on to in here like in 2014 and of course isn't something that i think very much on the minds of people that this is another form by western, but who's against the democratically elected government and turned into what's on the guys. and now, with 241, people that have lost their lives in the past 24 hours, according to regions, house ministry, the grim dest tool, now stands at nearly 21000 debts at another, 55000. and when did since october, the 7th of this comes as the chief of these rules on the sides of the water is nowhere close to finished fish of new to us as a in these down sleep bill, top area was harris, where our civilian clothing, it cannot be said that we have killed all of them. apparently we will encounter
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more flight this in this area. we will continue to hold them and pursue them in a variety of ways. now we're concentrating all efforts in the cells of gauze on the small has necessary goals that are not easy to achieve. it is taking place in the complex area. therefore, the wall will continue for many more months. and we will work with different methods so that the treatments are preserved for a long time. move wally to bodies of policy in scales by the idea of had been recharged to gas, a local authorities. they're accused each roll of speeding the organs of a dead local john list. how does that trial and reports on this? it has since 80 bodies established in scale during the recent round operation back to gaza through with the parent charlotte crossing the gaza health industry. the leads that the bodies with this to buy, that is we're leaving the 3 when a to enter the installation and then transport them to israel to collect samples
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and to confirm that they did not belong to is 82. these could not by have mass for october 7th, the identities of these bodies remind and there is a speculation that they were originally buried and courtyards. they are combined at rod hospital underneath the hospital and i'll ship a hospital with the medical facilities fell into is in the military's located. the guys are government media office has reported that that is where in the army has violated the dignity of the a t bodies delivering them you deleted. i'm having stolen their organs and turn it has refused to disclose the names of the martyrs and the location from which their bodies, wherever we covered, all the crops as have now been buried. collectively add the 10 most to the pon cemetery, located west of russell. according to the gather health ministry,
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more than 100 palestinians have been confirmed dead after on these ready s like on the refugee camp on christmas day in the rubble of the after master. about after of that attack, a report the found the diary belonging to an 11 year old girl who was killed in it . she mentions 3 of our friends, age 56 and 8. all of them lost their lives on the same day. on the inside of the tree. in my bed we did not have the center and we had 109
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out of 10 g as a residents now live in charlotte as in refugee camps, the united nation says that more than 100. you and a previous child as in guys that had been damaged, half of them directly hit hundreds of palestinians who had sold the refuge in those locations. i really believed to have been killed an idea for tax of the shipment. and again, we moved from the north to the south pole request, due to the bombing of our houses, the mazda them, of all brothers loved ones and children. we kept going, folding all to the south in search of safety, with no food, no drink, no profit, clothing. we have no homes. there's all the crowding. no fella, no water, and no electricity. every day rain falls and all children, all women, all elderly dynamism, and just as the these are the circumstances, winter conditions or conditions of fear. panic and cold responded to the
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instructions of the occupation army. they asked us to leave our homes for our safety and that they would secure our homes in life. so the question is, do they secure my home in life? i risk my home during the war and to date i leave in the open air. 60 years of efforts were destroyed by bombs in seconds. i know but the west bank now the idea if it's around top it's raids, storming several townsend searching homes and apple control areas. here we can see a lot of policies and families home in golfing flames after one of the id of operations in the region. the streets are elected with broken glass and fall in debris. we heard from one resident who describes how these role for this place, explosives in their house and proceeded to designate them. none of these really military stormed into my house. they planted explosives in the ground floor,
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end up for floor and designated them over. so thank god my children and i were not home at the moment. this land is still ours until my last press and we will reconstruct the house. i will. thank god we are safe and sound. the should of the, not the idea if it's been testifying is a tax on lab and on how, according to reports the ami as was resorted to using wide hospitalized weapons. problems of white smoke could be seen over the skies of these wells, know the ne, but according to lebanese media ease was using the prohibitive shells in direct violation of international humanitarian law. meanwhile, the idea of claims to have targeted to has black, military location in the region, in respect response to a number of launches from the area that slide from butting buildings. 5 phosphor was destroys human slash and triggers infections or organ failure and survivors. early at the washington post reported by the us, apply the deadman munition that e's real, using another attack against lebanon back in october. in response to that,
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the white house that he was concerned about, the incident, which also injured 9 civilians. now more evidence has a badge of these really ami atrocities in a small town attack by him. as on the 7th of october, eas, rolls, child 12 has released previously unseen footage of news ready at the time, apparently firing at the civilian home. that's and all the slides by idea of tanks of quoting, to survive, of testimonies resulted in civilian casualties. suddenly there was a horrible explosion and i can manage to move my legs. to me, it was very clear. it was a tank there. it was completely clear to me, my husband and i were wounded from the shrapnel of the tank shells. it happened at the very moment because i remember now what had phone palestinian american douglas ali, when he my, he says that him as militants are simply not capable of causing the extensive damage. that the idea of blame them for of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of
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cause destroyed, crushed bones beyond recognition. again, that couldn't have been done with the a k 40 sevens and the small number of all pages that these fights has. remember that suffice has came in mostly on foot on motorcycles that were reports of a few pickup trucks. but they could not have brought in the kinds of weaponry that would be needed to do this on this scale. it certainly does the same. the most logical explanation for the hundreds of destroyed vehicles is the indiscriminate fire from the f. like all the media were reporting for weeks and weeks that 1400 people were killed on october 7th. and then at the southern point in november, israel reduced that desktop to $1200.00. and the reason given for that by
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mouth reg mc is ready, government spokes person is that 200 bodies were burned beyond recognition. and for a long time, israel sort those where is riley's and then it turned out they were palestinian fighters. so you have to hoss, how is it that israel cause confused, incinerated? palestinian fighters with incinerated is radius of variance. unless israel itself was incinerating them, which we know it was because of the accounts of pilots from the combat helicopters, who, who were sent up, who said they were just emptying the, the guns with the health find themselves almost anything but moved without even knowing whether these were palestinian fighters or is rarely civilians. and sometimes both the u. s. has conducted as twice and what he
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has described, bessie rainy and lanes. milly, she has in iraq. i the defense secretary size of the strikes wherever the retaliation for a tax on us personnel station didn't invite. and syria. the u. s. military forces conducted necessary and proportionate strikes on 3 facilities used by country. it has the law and affiliated groups in iraq. these precision strikes are response to a series of attacks against us personnel and iraq and syria, by running sponsored, malicious, including the attack by iran affiliated cut, that you've has the law and affiliated groups on airable air base. now, washington claims that base is housing us troops in the rack and syria have come on their attack at least $102.00 times since mid october bill while oppose us ally as well as also have been targeted in lebanon and syria. in one of the latest ideas strikes at the top, we write in command that was killed to run pledges it will retaliate. the human
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side of the steve design is res. you will pay the price for these towers. crime. all response to this terrace prime will come and do you time divide place. and with the right, the math thoughts will respond in a way that will not allow israel to misuse the situation and fulfill its goals. it will be decisive and effective. and so that will prevent design is received from achieving the goals. it proceeds with such estimations that what had from political on the list and the screen by bash on stone. she says there are some questions to be raised over the affective ness of u. s. foreign policy in the us, in position has not necessarily stabilized countries. now, you know, you can argue in the long term, you know, us, the us war in vietnam, you know, maybe prolonged the, the unification of a vietnam. it's very difficult to kind of give it one assessment of the us presence,
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except to say that it's always coupled with, with instability, with destruction, with terror and in the long term, you know, things ultimately balance out, i believe. but in that, you know, it's how long that takes it can take decades. the us, we do, we're talking about over, you know, nearly a 100 strikes against us military personnel that most people never really, really think about why the us still has military bases in iraq. and syria of the agenda seems to be, you know, serving some level of, of interest, whether it's national security or resources or extension of us military bases. but oftentimes, these things can backfire, as we see with, you know, with the iraq situation. despite the western assumptions ain't the crippling, the radian economy to ron continues to overcome restrictions. and one example of that is the kind of one for them. it not only prevents flaws, but also generates massive amounts of hydro, electric power. all these use of july, the visit at the engineering model and send us the support from water to
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electricity. that's the story of hydro electric dams, which not only act as reservoirs, but also power plants. carbon for is one of the largest sancha dams in your bond, generating more than 2 gigawatt hours of electricity per year. it won't even engineer se explanations 1st fully indigenous down project built more than a decade ago. with the height of 230 meters, the car in for gas is the highest reservoir. anyone built on the car? one river which is the longest and the only navigable river. anybody that originates from santos, mountains and pours into the persian gulf. the calling for dan came on stream back in 2011 with the goal of generating hydro electric power and controlling floods in the upper col river. well uh this um is uh, double arched um concrete time, which is uh, considered just is the highest to the in the rest of asia. and the,
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this has been constructed to a 100 percent by a really engineers designed and constructed by engineers. of course, the construction of this time is very important for us because it can control the flaws which is law. so flow in calling viewer is the biggest and the largest. are you ever into you any wrong? so and for a generation of energy calling for is a double curvature arched uh, meaning that it has both horizontal and vertical arches. this enables the structure to extend the pressure of the backed off water over a long period of time export to your site. that's the latest and most sophisticated technique available today, which requires top notch engineering expertise. what makes column for even more significant is the fact that it was constructed in the most stringent sanctions imposed on the country by the west. one former us president brock obama implemented the so called comprehensive on sanctions seeking to cripple everyone's economy.
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experts say back then one's access to 4 and know how was strictly curtailed and that prompted the government to explore domestic resources to be able to them. of course we have had very difficulties and during sanctions we've got a plan tool tool tool to access the knowledge and technologies, but to any how hard to walk a lot of the eclipse constructors. i will tell you that the have lots of innovation in just that no a days v. they are honored to use such services to other countries like job furnished on in new york and set a long con as a country that's rich in oil and gas. it won't mostly generates electricity from fossil fuels, more than 83 percent of the nation's total electricity output relies on natural gas . within the last decade, the country has turned this attention to renewable resources as clean or sources of energy, including solar panels, wind farms, my m s, and hydro power,
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hydro power sources accounts for 90 percent of it wants to renewable energy. everyone has dozens of smaller hydro electric dams together with call before they bring the total cost. so the other walls hydropower production to 13 gigawatt hours per year. that's roughly 15 percent of the 20 annual electricity generated in the country. now they're wanting an experts say the country is building on the success story of carlo for, to develop new or hydro power plants across the country. use of generally, often from became and for down the charm. well, hold on busty already province. the most gross as you create in his counselor offensive, which was widely promoted by anita powell, is as completely failed rush as defense minister presents that the assessment in an annual rate review of the military is results. the hello is this sort of work. the main efforts of russian armed forces in the outgoing year were concentrated on
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achieving the objectives of the special military operation. the main one was to support the counter offensive, loudly announced by ukraine and its nato allies. this task has been successfully accomplished. the russian defense minister spoke about, so what actually help to achieve the goals that seats also about earlier in the day? and that's, of course, the increased combat capabilities and the use of russian equipment. the complex system of defensive lines, uh, a major increase in the production of weapons. and that's just a few of the things that you spoke about. the survey showed do also pointed out that russia's own military industrial complex had challenged the much raised and wanted made. so military technical potential, also he's said it'd be all v as in saying that russia continues to seize the initiative and is constantly expanding. it's a control territories. and the latest example of that is of course money and which
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is just outside of the city of the net so far away from where i'm standing for years of that, that remains and may just phone cold for the ukrainian army and ukrainian military spokesman claims in response that the fighting there was on going, however, old and use regarding old minutes. reparation from the crate inside had disappeared from the media. let's say, can listen. so what's a sugar sets of boots in about my income? less during active offensive operations, assault teams of the southern group have completely liberated the city of narrow income. it is located 5 kilometers south west of the regional capital dentists. over the past 9 years, ukrainian armed forces due to powerful stronghold their face to the decisive actions of our service men. the stronghold was breached the liberation of that city . naturally, he reduces the defensive capabilities of do training on forces and gives us additional opportunities for further actions in that direction. defense minister
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also praised the skilful and decisive actions of the russian armed forces, saying that they selflessly insure the security on the inside of the country and all of its citizens. meanwhile, ukraine continues its unsuccessful attempts to decrease russia's military capabilities earlier had attacked, or russian lads in shipping a crime being dock reportedly using major supplied miss. sorry, i was according to official information that zach caused some damage to the vessel while you creating and officials claim that it was completely destroyed. also, local authorities said that in that attack, one person was killed and several or wounded. you train and authorities want to compel more people to show up by the enlistment officers and keeps many faces of the savannah store. they'd just best know, propose legislation will force new conscripts to go to their respective liquid been
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sent as or else the bank accounts could be frozen. and the driver license is going to be suspended of a dropped law calls for the mobilization of women as well as disabled people. what about missing an eye on amo, even along? are you trying to solve it? he has had been employed and brutal tactics as the forcibly detain men to serve on the front lines. the next video shows that mind being brought into custody in one such incident in the created city of odessa. it was still wood village, plaza gm with the deal is the just the the, the,
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the, the, the to the, the doors in the well, we spoke with wall corresponding adriano ged. he said the people with disabilities will only inflict even more strain on the cranes on me. the people with disabilities cannot, cannot give a contin bush on in the army. no, they are a problem for they are made because of this, people need assistance for everything. that's a for basic me that like a working a to and the how i ask myself,
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how can these people is to about 3? i'm military training and you can or me some support of these little say that the, this people who wouldn't be a senior to logistic or not to come, but um are all in the army. but where the h y a, this people are needing for the swords. where are the people that previously occupied this throw us in the, our, me. why now that you create an ottoman needs, embody, embody people, the people with a mental illness for logistic are not to come, but they're also jobs in the army. it's totally crazy. i could, i cannot, i cannot to believe that's a noble the in the west the can asking themselves about this. in addition though, the political magazine is glad to be used for in the fast cheese. the block of wood
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for diplomacy is a borrow was noted for what the outlet calls the history of diplomatic ineptitude on the job is outlet to some doubt. the result of 2023 and handed out prizes to a variety of politicians. heroes are these country. it's going to be done, rachel boston with all the details. a lot of political 0 being recipients of its 2023 back handed awards, described as the accolades that no one is lining up to receive. we find the european union's chief diplomat use at burrell. is price the for a award for diplomacy in reference to the fictional hollywood character, played by comedian sasha baron cohen, who prop balls around the world making mockumentary. he's in the role of a fake cadillac journalist who just can't stop insulting everyone including himself . so how exactly does burrell make benefit glorious european union to the point of winning the bore out award? sometimes referred to as jungle joseph burrell. he got up in front of your very own
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diplomatic academy. so people for whom is supposed to represent the absolute, appear to me of tactfulness sensitivity for nash sophistication in europe's dealings with the rest of the world. and he threw down this bit of wisdom due to you said barton. we have built a golden habit if he works, is the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity, and social corporation. that the human kind has been able to build this 3 things together. the rest of the world, most of the rest of the goal, it's a jungle and the jungle could invade the goddess and the garden as it should take care of it. it wasn't long before opportune and middle eastern officials in particular were denouncing browse racist gardening as colonialist. but earlier this month, route switched out the european garden for the european magnet, kind of like a chick magnet except for migraines. we are
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a magnet for hundreds of thousands of people who wants to come to live in here. of it's easy to understand why when we compare all standards of living, we are the best combination of political freedom, economic prosperity, and social cohesion that human kind has been able to create sounds like every guy who thinks that women are only after his money. so he has to be careful, not dude, they're beating down your door because you helped your pal, uncle sam, take the rooms off their homes with funds and now they need a place to crash just about anything would seem appealing by comparison, even skyrocketing, inflation, cost of living and the industrialization morales still posting europe's profile photo from like 20 years ago on tender it's only one of the migrants get here that they realize that they've been catfish hate. but don't blame europe for the fact that it's not as hard as it once was. for those who end up being disappointed by the reality, burrell has an excuse for that too. if we don't change our costs rapidly,
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if we don't mobilize all our capacities, it will that put when the war in ukraine. similarly where i'm not able to stop the tragedy which has happened and, and gaza, i think all project will be very much damaged. we're all sounds like the guy who is going to be going around spending years blending an old breakup with russia for the fact that europe just can't get its act together. like it's been a couple of years now by the time to stop moving around in your pajamas and get a grip and stop learning. every x turn will factor that comes along as an excuse whether it's ukraine or now gaza. of course, europe's predicament has nothing at all to do with the fact that the you was duped by washington into supporting a profitable war for america's military industrial complex and its energy industry to europe some detriment. but instead of facing the reality of difficult conversations with that particular so called ally brows obsessing over europe's
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latest squeeze, like for ad obsessed over pamela anderson, as is fantasy, dream girl and his movies. i think that we have to stick to supports in ukraine as much as we can from the lodgement perspective, from the military support from the financial support. it is an existential issue for europe that all supports ukraine has to be continuing increase because it's small adjustable against ukraine. it's also flaw security. oh yeah. security. nothing supreme security like loading up a conflict zone on your own border with weapons. hey, no, it would be even better than that, according to bar at burrell, bringing that country with all those literal loose cannons right inside of europe. very nice as for i would say, well i feel the this, our hope, the right back again, the top of the island stay with arch international.


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