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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EST

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the new daily community che, following the g 20 summit slip covers not because how important is this policy for russia, especially with it? i believe we go through to that equals to the other states policy is not just important for russian and all the other countries. some of the world, this is the only responsible policy specialist that can ensure respect the reputation and benefits for the country. in the cooperation with all the country, it seems that the police occur the published. this is a policy globally 3 of them. and that reflects to maine, the mountains, and the main principles of the un charter, which talks about the respect for the software and the quality of the states. you have to get pretty muted. and yet he's one of the favorite example solve these principles. really, russia to has always been moving and it's all this is without attempts to punish
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any one finishing all to be the objective to any one. these are not our principles . and this is rather what we see from a different group of countries, including from the congress of the gulf in the building and as you call them new to send what's ok, i've mentioned the g 20 summit. can you tell you that took place last year from the station through this was truly he's a child for the indian for in the policy. the trying for multiple actual dig. pharmacy shows she still is spelled as most me and h was, is that possible? but it's primarily due to the chem and she called the g 20 the g 20. so didn't allow the final community care to be one sided. the final community can't reflects the balance of interest. this is an example of how the g quintin of the groups should be working for the 10s of us by the way. this includes the united
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nations and the security comes. so as i mentioned before, we support india's candidacy to join the ranks of the permanent members of the security council. and the question for you establish a car um, at least has been said, a special chemistry between prime minister mode the and president vladimir putin, especially during the annual meetings. now the question is, what we see a resumption of bilateral annual meetings between india and russia and how important our personal interactions, physical interactions between our 2 countries, leaders annually. thank you. and you know, the tradition off annual meetings between all the dos is something that we value very greatly panda, someone who's seen it over the last ticket, i can attest to which in all most value, i think my colleague has seen it for longer. i could probably confirmed what i'm
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saying. it's not i don't think it's so much the issue of resumption of this. how much a lot you know this job because of our g 20 presidency and the end of the all we had set and preoccupations. it so happened this year that it could not be headed. but uh, you know, i'm very confident to that it. so you know, we will see an annual summit next year. and again, i, you know, us, us as really a relationship which at every level starting with the, you know, a strong relationship between the leader to ride down to the, the popular level to societal sentiment. i think we have a really very positive feelings for each other and i think that's a really big source of strength for the children. thank you for i guess,
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but on the left adults, how are you agency you have questions for me is to love real good afternoon. as mentioned today, you were talking about the ukrainian issues. could you share the most close opinions on the key if even fighting between the military and the political leadership? a few crating also of hawks who do come in from the leaks and the american media on the west and intentions to freeze the conflict in ukraine and presented as a winner. a lot of keys is speaking of the, even the fighting in the cube between the various sore it is, the military come on. i can not make any comments. this is the internal affair of the country. so the, this was a country that has lost its independence and is fully under external control. it is
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up to those who control the country to take care of this confusion. speaking of the leaks on the west and intentions to freeze the conflict in ukraine and present to cream as the winner country. should. sure we have seen those leaks and we are well the west and then the united states capacity to declare victories. we know how the one in the viet nam in have guns. 10 in the rocks is whining, 2003. the united states invaded the country under false pretest. and a month later they declared the victor of democracy. so 20 years have passed. whereas in rocks now look at it as well as libya celebrated here. it has also become a subject of a special concern. tony alternate to countries where you see that as soon as i'm sure was supposedly bringing democracy and there by destroying the statehood. it
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was none of the country is used by the united states to promote its own interest fall from the shores. just have become about to take a look at the middle east. what to do is take a look at what is happening in the gaza strip under the conditions of washington's blockade. for many years they've been blocking. is there any f as the reason to have the ship palestinians teach in accordance with the decisions of the united nations security council? is very close to that account. and i'm so sorely of them. usually staying on the american topics is very close to the s for this. there is one of the poorest countries called haiti. we say not that states have been working with it for all, no 100 years. it's not the 1st time the americans foot for claimants fabricate to fix the conferences over
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the whatever it is, right? the live life when the press conference and downtown must go here on the asi international with of course the russian for minutes or so get out for office indian counterpart. superman. yeah, i'm a guy shine cotton. if you want to take a main theme from that press conference right there, it's a theme of friendship, a partnership that just continues to deepen, whether it be on trade, which is now just going through the roof of $50000000000.00 plus the trade, the energy trade as well, with the russian nuclear energy coming to india, a strategic partnerships and cooperation as well, but also some sort of internal protection between russia in india, when it comes to trying to deal with continued sanctions. and essentially punishment from certain western pop is it doesn't want to see the development of this multi polar world a lot for off run down the list. so all of what's going on with other trade and
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energy and strategic cooperation. mr. john carter also touch down on it usually mentioned taiwan. they discussed ukraine. they also discussed a gaza, josh franco saying it's being a very fruitful session of tools. and the main theme again is that the india russian relationship is based on mutual respect. i'm geo political interest, i will say one interesting comment coming from mr. shine called where he basically said that um, the world is changing. this is a different world. we're looking at today. laughter off with saying that the, the us dollar, the will as manuals of currency has been weaponized and politicized. and that's only forcing bricks, countries to get even close that together. rusher of course, is the presiding presidency of bricks for 2024. but when it comes to mr. josh, john carter and they were talking a lot about the north south transport cord or from most go to mum bye. it's 7000 kilometers. it's going to be a multi $1000000000.00 project. and it's important because the world is being re
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ballads in there. right now we're turning into a 4 trillion dollar economy looking at nearly 8 percent growth, josh on cost. so just quickly, i'll just wrap it up here. but he said that the world is not what it was, the global order, the global economy, global politics has got to change now is a time of change with a multi polar world or some amazing comments being made that between allow for off and dr. shawn caught, hey i live in moscow, more details on that at all t dot com. but also we'll check in soon with autism or, and the culture of that you might have seen her there the press conference asking both of those gentleman a question as well. and so this strong bond between new delhi and most of it was definitely wasn't fortunate over night. it's taking years of diplomatic work. as long as you correspondent new waco. how explain in india is tom diplomat is in moscow on a 5 day visit as rushes, 6 the spent in is ties with one of the worlds fastest developing economies. the
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trip by the indian extend affairs minister has already resulted in a substantial agreement for russia to help construct more rack the units at a major indian nuclear power plant shows also, of course, a very special pop node in a few areas. i think defense is particularly notable, i think all of your know dot com nuclear is another uh today uh in the presence in you know, in my presence and that of a deputy problem. just a month ago we signed somebody important agreements pertaining to the future units. of the condone column project, while russia, india have close allies within the bricks, proof of emerging economies, their shared history goes much further back to the soviet era. as expressed by the indian top diplomat, mr. dijon cart wrote about his bond childhood memories when he attended festivities
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on red square in the early 1960 and celebration of the 1st group space flight by pioneering soviet caused months to enter a square. august 18th, 1962 for a rally and demonstration by the representatives of the working people of moscow. dedicated to the new victory of the soviet people to further space, exploration and meeting with customer knots. nicolai's ag and pop up which b r. who completed the world's 1st group, long term space flight on the spacecraft for stock 3 and rustic for a. mr. jaison carr also noted earlier this month that threw out that the case of the a close ties most go has even saved new daily. at times we have a relationship with our shop. it's an order relationship which happened in one instance, one day, one month, one year. if there's an accumulated relationship all close to 60 years, often i see the problem defined in
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a way as those somewhere does some handicap that india has by having the solution to this relationship has saved us at times. now india has rejected the wisdom sanctions against russia and for 1st the remain neutral about the ukraine conflict . mister j shankar we are from last month that india has its own interest without having to get it to the demands of western governments. the sanctions, in essence, all of us that involves economies have on the basis of mechanisms, powers and instruments of built over many years. they use this love us money. it suits them is not that they go to the united nations to seek its legitimacy. they do so one day thing, the interest all it's take in fact in many parts of the world and they'll take out the concept of sanctions in the same way. it is as if the whole world agrees on sank since it's not quite. so india held the 10 men ship of the group of 20 leading economies this year, during which it promoted the concept of
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a more multi lateral world with more opportunities for developing countries. russia has also supported that initiative with foreign minister, lockbox emphasizing last month. the importance of the emerging economies of the global south and the global east of on some of today, new players representing the global south in global east, have stepped onto the international political stage. their numbers are growing. we rightfully call them the global majority. they are strengthening their sovereignty in addressing pressing issues, demonstrating independence and prioritizing their national interest rather than someone else's whims. to back this up, i will cite my indian colleague, external affairs minister super i'm on young j shankar who said that the world is much more than just to europe. clearly the statement means that the world is much more than the west. russia consistently advocates the democratization of relations between countries and a fair distribution of global benefits. india is showing that it's looking out for
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its own best in our shifting gears now straight to god. so we go, have multiple casualties, reported enough on you, and is it's following a night as well. now, traditional is riley bombing raids. according to the regional health ministry, 241 people lost their lives in just the past 24 hours. images of destroyed residential blocks coming in, the victims of the stripes have been transferred to the necessary hospital as always, numerous children among the casualties. the guest, old and gods are if you can believe it, it's time to get nearly 21000 with another 55000 wounded. that is since october the 7. meanwhile, the bodies of 18 palestinians were buried in a mass grave outside the city of the ha returned by the idea of the gaza. where upon authorities a q is israel of actually stealing organs from the dead. as of now, israel has not responded to those allegations. the local journalist,
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how does that challenge has details and this report r u l has sent 80 bodies of palestinian scale during the recent round operation back to gaza through the kevin charlotte crossing the gaza health industry. the leaves that the bodies were excused by the elite military when it to enter the inc late and then transport them to israel, to collect samples and to confirm that they did not belong to is or 80 to these kids not by have mass for october 7th, and what's on i, la puente or not, we received a container with a large number of martyrs. some arrived with complete bodies, while others arrived as human remains, which had decomposed due to this sensitive situation. we cannot open this mortuary container in a populated neighborhood. we're coordinating with the relevant authorities to transfer the bodies to the cemetery. subsequently, the posted in health ministry, and the ministry of justice will document these cases as evidence of war crimes
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committed by the israeli occupation army identities of these bodies. we might, i know, but there is a speculation that they were originally buried and courtyards, and they are compounded wide hospital underneath the hospital and i'll ship a hospital with the medical facilities fell into is in the military's located. the guys are government media office has a boat about that is we're in the army, has violated the dignity of the a t bodies delivering them you deleted and having stolen their organs and turn, it has refused to disclose the names of the martyrs and the location from which their bodies, wherever we cover to the situation inside the containers, dire within them bearable smell of the martyrs arrives to the sofa crossing and we were informed by the un that we will receive a number of martyrs. as you can see, this container holds several martyrs, although the exact count is in certain,
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was mentioned that there were 80 produced the overpowering smell and the inability of medical teams to work in this environment. we couldn't confirm the counts. yeah . there's also a fear of disease spreading within this neighborhood at all to the us and all the crops as have now been buried. collectively add the 10 most of the pon, submit to re located west of russell are now to the north, which is basically building up run to the 11 week long as rarely a sold once a shelter school and city of bait la jolla. this facility on your screen has become a home for now, thousands of displaced palestinians that was before is ready, forces rated at locus, claimed that when the army surrounded the area, people were told to leave a fight upon them when they went out into the yard. meantime, the un says about 2000000 causes fulsome their homes with most having fled to the south of the strip. now, one of those is a woman who gave birth to quadruplets. indeed, all by law, we have family was seeking refuge just now living as you can imagine in a set of conditions with 3 of newborns,
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a full remains in hospital the same and then they didn't. but we had resided in a sheltering school in the north where there was no food, no water, and no medicines or treatment for a woman pregnant with quadruplets, glover and then his release had attacked it with missiles. and we moved from there on foot till we found a vehicle that drove us to the deer algola. i had endured an extremely challenging situation at the time of giving birth mover. i delivered 4 children and i left the hospital with 3 of them. one remained in the hospital and he is in a critical situation. here in a minute, i just think there is no food is water, milk, or even pampers. we manage to obtain some hampers and ask people to provide me with a mattress for the mother to sleep on and blankets for the newborns. the house of the 3 of the babies as critical, especially this newborn girl, as the doctors told us to send her back to the hospital after a week in case the jaundice remain. how can she be treated for john dest? if she had not been fed properly? due to milk scarcity, a central gauze,
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or as well as not being sped by this riley attack. so over a 100 people killed and i single strike. earlier this week, a world health organization, the officials, they visited the likes of hospital, which has been in on days or by the receiving the children within young man. and the old man and women have people leading out a size at the same time yesterday. and i'll upsize on a woman to go ahead multiple gunshot wounds, an attempt was made for her and she would prefer it back because she was pleading so heavily. so, i mean, there's, there's, there's blood everywhere in the us. today's, at the moment we're seeing almost only trauma cases come through the door and at a scale it's quite difficult to believe it. it's, it's a blood bath. it's me, as we said before, it started across cuz at the moment health capacity isn't about 20 percent of what it was 80 to maybe or 7 days ago. so almost all of the hospital beds, almost all of the hospital services have stopped functioning either because the
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facilities themselves have been effective because the south have been forced to flee because they run into our uh oh for them. they run out of medical supplies and the board or the stuff have not been able to access them. this policy means us dealing with what many monetary organizations of cold, a total collapse of the health care sector. as the hospitals have failed to function across the region, residents will be given sick children. the pregnant and the elderly reports may affect the world health organization, bolan's, infectious diseases for the ultimately killed more than that of the war itself. we heard from local developers situation, they face we're suffering really. there's not enough food or water in schools who we have a meal every 3 or 4 days. and the portion is one package of cheese for 9 people who are even more children gets sick because of the dirt and garbage in schools. the children don't even have anything to put on. and everywhere that was sewage that we
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urge to cease fire enough with this war tips. there's nothing left. we've already lost everything. we want to go back home because we're suffering here. $12000.00 people, including children and the elderly. i leave on the territory of the school. the situation there is simply terrible where a helpless and powerless, however have no food, no water, no flower in no clothes for our children. there is no life where like the leaving that with the low. meanwhile, during his speech and he's ready to follow me into 5 minutes and then you know, said the red cross refuse to accommodate the needs of as a really hostages, have a listen, a job and it's got the view. i met with the red cross, i handed them a box of medicine for some of the hostages. some of them really need it. i told her representative to take this box to her office. she said no, it was a difficult conversation. well, let's try and clear up that conversation here on off the international now costing
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live to a red cross spoke to him and in jerusalem is sara. dave is joining us here live on a how to international sir. it's great to see you. thank you very much. for sharing a time with us here at all to see if before we get into the whole scale of, of, of, of what your dealing with it. so i mean that part of the world i just wanted to just quickly reference what wasn't in y'all was saying there, and i, i trust you heard his comment. the do you uh, is there any veracity to god, do you know any, any information? is it accurate the story that he told about trying to give this medicine box to the red cross to give to is riley's. thank you so much part of me. oh and for the opportunity cost to clarify this. when present at yahoo presented the president of the international committee of the red cross with the books of medicine, unexpressed by himself at the time disposed of 2 weeks ago as gesture we have received. a very detailed list from me is rarely all thirties and the families of those hardly hope of dish. oh, the medications that i needed. oh by there is absolutely just in the i would really
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like to make it clear that we are not refusing to enter the medicine that we nori is really needed bodies. hostages, we simply do not have the access to the last to just in order to be able to deliver any business that we will have all necessary medications. and when you access to just get granted to, to treat says check with a welding and a quote to, to re establish contact the family members. but i appreciate you clearing up. i really, really do, sarah, well done on getting some light onto that in carrying out that story for me. nothing y'all be right that what isn't it? let's, let's get rid of that for now. tell me this about when it comes to the road crossing and cleaning, you know, you guys have got a hell of a job in front of you and i don't, i don't know how you're doing it. to be honest with you. this is just an unprecedented situation. in this part of the world that hasn't been seen in so many years when it comes to helping both sides of the conflict, what is the position of the red cross? so you're a $160.00 days now,
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the red cross kind of bill that i've ation that helps to 1000000000 impacted by conflict, but where the side they may be or wherever they all. this is really what outreach reality. i already talked to y'all, and y'all, independence, which is the i've seen as opposed to by or not talk. you are is sort of crucial total with that we do to be able to speak to all parties to a conflict in this case, israel and come off really allows us to play a role that is the decision to have been affected by the flashing, biofuel, and cheese by the emotional and mental pullouts, he's also doesn't mean that we can play the role of mutual it's theory, which we'll see at the end of november when we buy to take part in the operation. i'll release all the 105 voltages as well as a 154 tells me in the painting. so i appreciate you telling us that sarah, the basically the red cross that it stays impartial amid the confident gauze of it so that you can, i guess, fairly help both sides of the course. it was, i mean,
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i just wanna say there's no room for politicking when it comes to a humanitarian organization trying to do his job and try to fulfill its duties. we appreciate that. and what do you, what do you think sarah, about of the world health organization? recently commenting on the, the health system situation in gaza. they describe it as being in a dia shape here. and i'll tell you what we keep describing hospitals that are, that are either barely functional or not functional at all. what is the red process assessment of the medical health care system in gaza right now. so wow, team's only rounding dollars. i'll see. and relating to us is that the medical system totally health system is what does it say? oh, collapse and rapidly deteriorating these thought, you know, made professionals that have worked for nearly 11 weeks now and non stop. they have not had times rest there. * so many challenges to these, there are power many to unable to get to people who need treatment. there is
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a lack of supplies and things like basic hygiene and cleaning. and also this is incredibly important and, and will we make calls like situation where story may, where did people. * entering every hour of the day, it's really hard to, to even maintain a basic stabilisation status. and you said we know that there are some schools that are no longer functioning. and we kept saying that balances of this place, people have what today's hospitals hoping to have a refrain on the site from the hostility. but i'm going, it is a very, very concerning situation. there always must be a strong enough was to describe the medical system in gaza that we're seeing right now that i'm about to. it just sounds well, it sounds devastated to be honest with you, sarah. well, what about the united nations saying upwards of 2000000 people from gosh, i have been displaced when you have numbers like this. i can't even imagine the kind of challenges the red cross is facing. what you've got so many hungry about so
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many cold people. so many people with nowhere left to stay left to sleep. i mean, how can i just be straight with you? how are you doing good job? what are the main challenges you're facing? now? i say i, you said it's such a devastating situation. this copeland is incredibly complex and the number of people who have less than all the income to the south is a scale they seem to send to me that it's not. there's traffic jams on the right, and these are not close from cause these are closed for people who have less than o n a. continuing to move south, new people have been displaced multiple times. and one of the big challenges for us, not just the logistics, not just the degree of bravo and the physical to bring the ability to actually distribute a incomplete situation that's been challenged when there he's continually
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on. so this means that there are people, particularly in the aerial god, including the new areas as well. it is very difficult to access the, the things that experience, things like medical supplies will talk flooring tablets. the purification, the situation is really just for people that are all parents trying to keep their children won't people of dining, whatever they can find to make by and not because the weather is, is increasingly poorly young. people continue to live like this and there are a lot of challenges that have cool. now teams, you know, remain very dedicated on the ground and will continue to wherever long side, not all my patients, the friends that she provided relief and assist you sir. databases. i spoke to one with the red cross joining us live from jerusalem and about hop plus 1 pm and local there. uh, you know, i just don't know what to say, sarah. it's just, it's just guessing to hear the details. no telling me,
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but i'm so glad you've joined us here on network television to tell the world what you are seeing sarah davis. it's been a pleasure. thank you very much for your time. thank you so much for having me. thanks for joining us here for this program live from moscow mole stores to come when we return to the top of the
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the most affordable cuz it also, we're getting the business and you can in the 3 of the daily shows and you know, maybe comes green we'll just go through this discussion of curriculum and i'll see if i can provide you with a section sure, russel, dumas, manager of the different student info, which of course, can get you thrown with them. the probably just a moment that was curious if it was just the or that was sent to you yesterday. i just i just looked up for yours man. i'm looking at the study of leaning towards a flush to for me to on, on, on the, to the if we can, which is a little bit. it was it just some of the posted sustainable came on because a least new way to box or do school culture. was there any don't know which these are do i know for the don't.


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