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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2023 8:00am-8:31am EST

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or the we do think the world is not quoted was politics rich and how to change the global order will have to change into national economy. will have to change anything as far minutes as supporting a more multi lateral world of the meeting. it must go with this russian count about emphasizing the majority of the global population no longer trusts the collective west to death folding gaza. supposing 21000 as israel conducted astro icon, no un operated schools. and because the refuge account they tell you they're green zone sonata zones with other colors. all of those are rulers. there are no saved zones in the gas. for the majority of hospitals and gaza, damaged or destroyed, we hear from a red cross spokes person about the daily challenges. wow. teams on the ground in
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java, i'll see and relating to do that. and medical system totally health system is. this is a uh, collab. and bradley interior is kind of ongoing protest in belgrade reveal a trace of ki, i was my down movement from 2014 a full my head of. so it'd be on state intelligence tells us that his country must preserve its independence menu. a small independence is february from the rest specially no serbia is in island in the need to see and move on to stage. we will preserve the live out loud from the russian capital with your news and filtered. let's kick it off right now. so our top story now this our from most go to the global self, is lost respect for the collective west. that's the message coming from the russian
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foreign minister. he spoke with india is 12 different amount about a new multi lateral world, emerging without western dominance. the scores trust them to us has been severely undermined, and therefore there is even more reason now to rely on the role of the world majority in the development of the world economy not to the detriment of someone, but on the basis of mutual benefit. we do think the world is not what it was, politics or to have to change the global order will have to change into national economy will have to change. and we appreciate very much that's our show is today a strong body of a lot of people, a lot older. also thought that is supportive of, uh uh, you know, a lot of positions that we take and i'm which will interest in international politics. the meetings started with india, so horn affairs minister stating that this is about the 6th time that he needs his russian count support, which really set the tone that was a very,
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very friendly meeting. indeed. and they discussed all areas of cooperation and the needs of strength and each and every single aspect of their ties and the right now, for example, as mr. dice and car emphasize a trade between the 2. is that an old time high? they'll also want to make sure that they build connectivity. so building on the railway infrastructure also we know about, for example, still working on aspects when it comes to nuclear defense and space programs. and we've heard in the last couple of days for mr. dice on call, who said that a collaboration in those areas between 2 countries would not be possible if there was not a very, very high level of trust. also they talked about that as i said, increasing the railway projects. and also that will be resume and talks on the free trade agreement between india and that you're raising economic union in the middle of january. so we're waiting to see it for progress when it comes to that. the other will also questions regarding india's balance approach. and how we've seen,
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for example, just the mere presence of the external affairs minister here in russia was seeing some headlines in the west that were saying, oh is this n d a pick and saw i then choosing to be on russia side. because we've seen that india is friendly with most countries in the world, including the west and the global south. so our question i posted sorted elaborate was a, how important is india is a balance and friendly approach to all countries, home ports and that is a full rush. and this is what he had to say. he used to know to use it, but it's the only responsible policy that will provide a country with respect, reputation and benefit incorporation with all countries that also shows respect for all members of the international community is a policy that implements the main requirements of the un charter, which i respect for the silver and quantity of states as region in the document. india is one of the brightest examples of putting this principle into practice. rush also, bill escapes entire policy without any attempts to punish anyone or to show
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a biased attitude towards someone that is not our principles and not all men are we observe these matters in another groups. countries including as was said, ink, cartridge, of the goals and billions. and this is something that message i sound car and for a good lab rough both agree on. and they seem to agree on pretty much every single issue that they discussed. the one thing that we also wanted to know is there will be a resumption of annual summons between the 2 countries where the leaders actually meet the prime minister modi and of course vladimir puts him because we didn't see one this year. so the question was, suppose whether that will continue and how important that is the to see these personal interactions. and he did say, of course mister joyce on the car. that regardless of whether the lead or is me that the friendship between the countries is such that on every level where see, uh, discussions and communications constantly. so the fact that the 2 leaders have a met hasn't changed the thing, but we will see some more meetings. here's little snippets, the tradition, both annual meetings,
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between our leaders to something that we value very greatly. panda, someone who's seen it over the last decade, i can, is asked as to which can all most value are taken. my colleague has seen it for longer and could probably confirmed what i'm saying. pauses really a relationship which at every level starting with the, you know, a strong relationship between the leaders to drive down to the popular level to societal sentiment. i think we have a really very positive feelings for each other. and i think that's a really mixed source of strength of the church, a big source of strength indeed. and we saw that in this meeting and probably will see it in the decades to come. because so far there's been 6070 years old. constance said he has mister joyce and har said relationship with boss, and that it's bound to continue to gaza. now with the death toll has to pause
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21000. so you end up rated schools in the massage. a refugee cabbage mean ravaged by his riley strike of the account was hosting displaced. families have lost at home some of the relentless idea of bombing campaigns of people with sheltering of the school. when it was targeted. i was sleeping in the 10th. it was here where i'm standing right now and suddenly bond started falling. i woke up, i saw people screaming and i saw him out. is there at the office door? i was wounded in the face. we won't complex 5 30 am to pray. we will a civilian man, we open this door so people kind of had to pay suddenly a bomb fail. and i don't know what's happened off to look at the from now we was severely and normal man that woke up early to pay. and suddenly the bone fell here . how would feel, we don't know, the human rights organization 0 mad says the situation and gods are
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a so dire. there's basically no way to survive in that region. the head of the same organization to compare the current situation and gosh, it's about of the nazi death comp. ouch. woods. during world war 2, he says, palestinians, us staffing and gone, so like not see victims in the holocaust. meanwhile, during his speech and he is really parliament are probably just under the hour, said the red cross refuse to accommodate the needs of is riley hostages. i'm going to give you the view. i met with the red cross. i handed them a box of medicine for some of the hostages. some of them really need it. i told her representative to take this box to our office. she said no. it was a difficult conversation. i took a comment to a, a red cross, so i spoke to someone earlier in jerusalem to get her comment about the accusations . she says, organization never refuses to help those. and i just wanted to just quickly reference what, what and y'all was saying there. and i,
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i trust you heard is comment, do you, uh, well, is there any veracity to god, do you know any, any information? is it accurate? the story that he told about trying to give this medicine box to the red cross to give to is riley's. when probably isn't at yahoo present to the president of the international committee on the right across the way, the books of medicines expressed by himself at the time disposed of 2 weeks ago as gesture we have received. a very detailed list from me is really all thirty's ends of families, although it's terribly helpful. all the medications that needed others hostages in double to realize just to make it clear that we are not refusing to enter the medicine that we know is really needed. bodies, hostages, we simply do not have the access to the last to just in order to be able to deliver any mess it. we will have full as the siri medication. and when you access to the phone to just use frances to, to treat the check with a welding and a call to,
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to re establish contact with the family members. well meanwhile, the palestinians are dealing with what many humanitarian organizations have called a total collapse of a health care sector. as hospitals have failed to function across the region, the residents are getting ill. children and the elderly, the most effective in the world health organization will ones infectious diseases could ultimately killed more than the war itself. so we heard from locals of off, what's that having to be tomorrow? now that we are suffering, there's not enough food or water in schools. we have a meal every 3 or 4 days. and the portion is one package of cheese for 9 people or even more. children gets sick because of the dirt and garbage in schools. the children don't even have anything to put on and everywhere there was sewage. we urge a ceasefire enough with this war. there's nothing left. we've already lost everything we want to go back home. that's like we're suffering here. 12000 people,
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including children and the elderly leave on the territory of the school. the situation there is simply terrible, where helpless and powerless, we have no food, no water, no flour in no clothes for our children. there is no life where like the living dead. aluminum, so wow, teams on the ground and all that i'll see and relating to us is that the medical system totally health system is what does it say? oh, collapse and rapidly deteriorating the saw, you know, made professionals. i have worked for nearly 11 weeks now. i'm not installed, they have not had time to rest their. * i swear many challenges to these, there are power buddies. we're unable to get to people who need treatment. there is a lack of supplies and things like basic hygiene and cleaning and hospital. this is incredibly important and, and will when i called like situation where store neighborhood people. * entering every hour of the day, it's really hard to even maintain
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a basic stabilisation stuff that you said. we know that there are a lot of phone calls that are no longer functioning. and we kept saying that balance are displaced. people have went to these hospitals, hoping to have it work for you to do the same from the hostility about going. it is a very, very concerning situation. they're always mostly thought of throwing up was to describe the, the medical system in gaza that we're seeing right now. because a officials are accusing israel over at turning around the bodies about 18 dead palestinians offer electrically harvesting their organs. the bodies were initially taking the israel to the id and the search for potential hostages among them. now those deceased are now buried in a mass grave outside the city, a pro 5 that's in the southern part of the enclave. israel right now. i'm not responding to the applications, but this local john list has a few more days, hence a u. l has sent a t bodies of palestinian scale during the recent round operation back to gaza
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through the care of i'm sure love crossing the gaza health industry believes that the bodies were to buy that is really military when it entered the ink plate and then transport them to israel, to collect samples and to confirm that they did not belong to is or 80 to nice could not by have mass for october 7th and was on i like one day or not. we received a container with a large number of martyrs. some arrived with complete bodies, while others arrived as human remains, which had decomposed due to this sensitive situation. we cannot open this mortuary container in a populated neighborhood. were coordinating with the relevant authorities to transfer the bodies to the cemetery. subsequently, the post sending health ministry and the ministry of justice will document these cases as evidence of war crimes committed by the israeli occupation army identities of these bodies. we might, i know, but there is
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a speculation that they were originally buried in courtyards and they are combined at wide hospitals underneath and hospitably. i'll ship a hospital with the medical facilities fell into is in the military's located because our government media office has a boat to that is we're in the army, has violated the dignity of the a t bodies, the living them you deleted, i'm having stolen their organs, and turned, as well as has refused to disclose the names of the martyrs of the location from which their bodies, wherever we cover the situation inside the containers. dire within them bearable smells. the martyrs arrives to the sofa crossing and we were informed by the you and that we would receive a number of martyrs. as you can see, this container holds several martyrs, although the exact count isn't certain, it was mentioned that there were 80, but due to the overpowering smell and the inability of medical teams to work in this environment, we couldn't confirm the count. there's also
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a fear of disease spreading within this neighborhood at all to you that's in all the crops as have now been buried. collectively, add the 10 most and pon cemetery. located west of russell lay, a mother of a frenchman who served in the idea of pass that on french television, the israel could use a nuclear weapon to completely annihilate guzman of the day. i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. that is still rather surprising to hear such radical statements such outrageous halls, sons, and deliver a true tv from a channel with a huge potential audience within moore's honda shooting warren, actually the reaction of journalist,
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the soldiers mother was not interrupted at all. confronted with any counter arguments which could be interpreted, in fact, as a silence acceptance of what was being said, settling to prove, well, if you wish off what was offered in that particular case, a nuclear strike by as well. that is probably all too much but even before we have heard already aggressive calls including ones to destroy all of taoism, with palestinians. and it's let's take a listen. i'm unable to sleep. if i don't see houses being destroyed in gaza, what do i say more more houses, more buildings. i want to see more of them destroyed. i want there to be nothing for them to return to in the torah. it says they used to spread the earth with salt and they must complain. this is why we cannot reach a solution with them. and that is what war crimes mean to me? demolish, finish them off, destroy. we must go crazy for once. we should have killed 150000 on the 1st day to end the story and to day, there are those who speak of this. now they realized that this is what should have
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been done, but it's too late. we are coming together. we're coming to lebanon. we will attempt to run. we will come everywhere. he must take this into account. can you imagine how many we're going to kill? how many of you will slaughter for every single one of these rarely that you murdered and stole from another thing back to the idea of soldiers, mother a and for a nickel or response. ironically, israel has neither confirmed nor denied its nuclear capability. it is widely believed to have it, but there was never any solid confirmation. so why are we hearing talks about the red buttons being pressed in the 1st place? well, it's of no surprise. looks like private people repeat what they hear from the politicians . you're probably remember last month's, these really heritage ministers side and nuclear bomb on the guys. this trip would be an option in israel have mass for calling the milton group a threat to the entire world off to that china. iran and the number of arab nations
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condemned. his rarely ministers statement, while turkey and palestine have urged the head of the international atomic energy agency, or i a to take measures to neutralize. the threats made by is really about the possibility of using nuclear weapons and gas. um, they're still waiting for the response. we all would love, of course, the freedom of is being chatted to equality and action, but sadly, that doesn't seem to work both ways and not only regarding his railing, the deer, former power as being an impass of it to the u. k was hostage by one of the rich talks talk shows where he class, where the and her who demanded him to slam her mice. and what he refused to do that . he was simply kicked out a message that need the good part of the palestinian people, the immediate and the groom. and there are a lot of stuff coming. i hate to be. that is the most ridiculous. i know i've heard of that. i owe you your good on to us. good. so can you and i'm not scared. i'm. i
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know i'm not i'm you know, a good to condemn people who committed this. you are you dishonest me on by. so i told you weren't crazy. busy says place. i knew the question, 20000 people that been just and do nothing about it. uh as well. obviously, even if you're fine with the triggers, i'm actually a barrier amounts. i'm parents are the ones on right here, sir, is the internet. i am really relevant to hear your thoughts. not sorry. no i was. that's why you, i'm asked because no one else. if i might say a no good deal. no, no, but i, you know, there is a little w started away on, you know, i just trying to get the ball and revise the ceiling. have you don't need the edge . all right, so now on. so that is the only freedom of space that we can have for you. so while the deadly conflict then guys are continues media war is also out. there are old versus lee. and just like with fight in the in clave with
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a strikes and heavy. it's hillary being more and more violent. the media war is getting more and more violent as well. and the statements are getting more more radical. and the question now is just, if all is indeed fair or has they say that protests persist in the sort of you and capital limit the bonds? the results of the reason parliamentary elections be a no doctor or victory by the incumbent leaders routing coalition. the current situation, though right now is well, mostly calm, although the initial life was mod, buying a type on the bell. great city, whole lot correspondence. now reports, this is a time say of protesting the survey uncomfortable, great since the elections of december, the 17th. as you can see, the protest him at lunch time on wednesday is pretty small. and this has been characteristic of the movement with a fewer and fewer people attending the demonstration. since i take on sunday, we saw protests is that by opposition? politicians tying to a smart flyway into the electoral commission building costing with police setting
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fires and breaking windows on monday students and young people attempted to blockade the roads and the highways and the all the fees into the so it'd be uncomfortable however they plan to really have the desired impact on tuesday evening. a demonstration of no more than a few 100 people march from the safety settings uh to the high call where they demanded again, the re, one of the elections and the release of the use of being held in custody since sunday's prototypes. now, for many only people that fell grades as a big oh no problem, this tiny business a going to work the using the shots and the falls and the restaurants as usual. they might not even notice that sort of protests are happening. to me doesn't feel like a city on the brink of revenue. super cool city is kind of changed quite properly the offer. they should have pulled a demonstration for saturday. this is the day when holy stations will rerun the let
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to visit frontier. i talked to him about a 1000 times over to the outcome of the new position. oh boy. oh, how this is alexis. i'm afraid to between the younger people, the student lumen and the older publications. i was very easy to discuss in between them today. this very probably says, just a few minutes ago. now, of course we will be there on saturday to bring you the light. i'm will be keeping you informed on how the project. so now this is see sweetie for all the info. right? well, we were talking with the full, the director of a, the serbian intelligence agency who told us that his country must press up with independence despite, as he said, despise any west and tends to be stabilized in the truck. there are 2 things that they could not achieve on the elections and the fair and square elections that then not the story is not when these elections
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and the only way that they can try to, to, to over to the government to change serbia. unfortunately, the one to change serbia on the product with me is on freight is using force. you know? yes, there is lots of similarity between might done new green and don't rate you some days. but it's one big difference. president tortured is looked into which and our security system is not corrupt. we strongly support the president to support constitution and noise on serbia surgery, i have collections from the selections, serbia choose n. v will make sure that serbia won't
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the respect when you this morning, defendant is not really the is that's really favorites from the rest specially you know, serbia is in east island in the need to see and move on to stage. we want to preserve that for service, be 6. remember need to meet the bottom compete. you know, how does feeling, how does look been your capital, was downtown to the capital, destroy us again. we don't want to do it at present, which is piece independent and present to which is a free man. only freeman can lead the free and free state and free nation and the service are free. and so the present to disease where it is told me that i think that is something that, that was vitally known and respect on all the rest on the east. you know,
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serbia is not public space. so really when you see the europe in union here can union is a lie, is kind of alliance of the territory that the government looks states, territories. serbia, is a government, serbia, state. you know, we have our own interest funds. we chose our friends enemies, choose us without without coverage. but in european union they don't know who their friends are with the enemies are and what they enter saw. you know, serbia don't look like that quite before we wrap up, the ssl is program diamonds. of course are set to be a girls, best friend, the rule. so the life blood of the in the and economy. and while g 7 countries have declared a ban on the russian diamonds, effective january, the 1st business owners and everyday people will likely be impacted. dotty's little engine sharma alex of the west and left group of 7 countries has announced
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a direct band on russian diamond starting january 1st followed by fees and restrictions on in direct and boards of russian gems from around march. this is the cost of the was diamond industry. the city of sewer up in india of western state of goods are up north and with around 7000 small and medium factories that employees skewed the workers who got i'm foliage, these precious stones and opt edged in and around. so rough for generations. 90 percent was got be in the city. now the decision by the g 7 to ban russian diamonds millions employed in the 2nd the nation of audio along with other industry leaders, met with the g 7,
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a few months ago, sealed in suits up. the told the block that the decision would be a dissolved still for millions in the state venue. then, but us end of so many, but 1st, god bless and these families have probably just seen siders feel that it's unfair. the d b, the price of this you politics. and so they are now looking for ways to cushion the blow of this band with this band by the g 7. sure, it's diamond industry could collapse to 1060 percent of diamonds in india come from russia and 80 percent of our industry works on small diamonds bank. many people may lose their jobs and then we can't let that happen to me while i for india and the industry have to collectively find solutions to this. it's complicated because india not only polishes, but also trades. men seated cross legged on mattresses behind wooden desk. i
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wouldn't, i'd lost a plan of pleases and calculators in the hands. i don't know, move sides in suit up. these men also explored 40 percent of bullish diamonds to g 7 nations. but the group is to introduce traceability based whether vacation for rough diamonds by september, next year, that you have on to now stated, we have combining the gym out of personal interest. as most of the was diamond read goes to the bedroom city. i'm to up with now the use on board because business has gone down as russian and boards to belgium have fallen. das, the timing of the band. it scale the previous sanctions on russian fuel cold caviar . what have simply north want on. critics now have started doubting the feasibility of the russian diamond bond to. the key points here is that most of the russian diamonds we cut and polish are essentially less than point 5 carats. there should
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be control over the rough diamond's coming from russia, but as long as diamonds are processed in india, there should not be further checks or double checks as we can maintain tracking of rough time ins, refreshing diamonds coming from and to work and other places like to buy can be used for our exports. this shouldn't disturb the sanctions on russian diamonds. and we should be able to export our process, diamonds 5 minutes, and they're going to more the recently inaugurated the biggest office and doing was with diamonds would be treated. india clearly wanting to minimize the potential disruptions caused by the band for diamond phones, employing millions of people and the implementation of this than successful or not largely depend on india. it's just a, it seems a sanctions. it's all going to every single aspect of the russian economy, these days of costs are not on effects to india and other countries around the world sanctioning energy sanctioning strategy, sanctioning joules and diamonds. it just doesn't stop the details away. new on our
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website, on the take a fresh look around, there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this but can you see through their
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