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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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of the, at least 20 people killed in is really a, talking to a hospital in southern guns as a death toll is its own place. and so false is 21000 feet for the majority of the gods of hospitals there i made his oldest story, the red cross official streets about the every day on the way out, teams on the ground in gauze i'll see. and relating to us is that american system totally health system is. this is a collapse and rapidly deteriorating. we do think the world is not what it was. politics, which would have to change the global in order to have to change into national
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economy, will have to change and the farm as a means with his russian council here in moscow and design thing that the majority of the global population know, look faucets of collective west on the continuing, protesting beltway stock to resemble the west, and in fact, 2014 qx and keep the appropriate of serv. impala vision was a, his nation must maintain its independence. many this morning. defendant is not really really february from the west specially. no serbia is in east island in the need to see and be able to state the look. preserve the live almost grow. this is on see you. my name's world. hold on in 30 minutes of news. i'm views, so now it is 20 people were killed that in and is really
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attacked near our i'm a hospital in the city of hong is a wanting some of the following images. all of this the now this video was released by the past sign read presence of science and you can see casualties throughout the location. ambulances from the aid people arrived at the scene to attend to the wounded and remove the dead. that fell in gaza has succeeded 21000. and since the law started 2 months ago, the essential part of the reason a recent is really asked like destroyed a school one by the united nations in the kazi messaging camp. now that camp house misplaced families who had lost their homes as a result of the regions, unrelenting ideas, foaming people with sheltering in the school when it was positive. i was sleeping in a tent. it was here where i'm standing right now and suddenly bombs started falling
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. i woke up, i saw people screaming and i saw a bodies there at the office door was wounded in the face. we will come up at 5 30 am to pray. we watched civilian man, we open this door so people kind of had to pay suddenly a bomb fail and i don't know what happened off to look at the from now we was severely and normal man that woke up early to pray. and suddenly the bone fell. here, how would feel, we don't know that they tell you the green zone sonata zones with other colors. all those are rules. there are no saved zones and gas, i feel i filled in. i as i sent you, of i'd say is the situation in gaza is so dia, there's basically no way to survive in the region. the group says that if somebody is aba killed by bundled bullets, we'll die from starvation. the head of the same organization, compared gauze right now to the last of the not see desk cam outfits during world
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war 2. suggesting policy is all solving in goals and like not see victims in the locals while these really point messa has pain. but the idea of is the most moral all me in the world that's present mid 5 ad on says missing. yahoo is basically was an hitler the does as of today has been exactly a 2 day since the attack started. for a 2 days, all humanitarian values have been destroyed. we have seen, he's real smell as he comes in stadiums. what kind of work is that? strangely, they used to talk about hipaa. how are they any different from kids on the attorney whose actions and your last that he this know this is, was them hipaa and the good support they from the west. all kinds of supports come from america, with that support they killed more than $20000.00 gas since the adf is the most moral army in the world. it fights and destroys the most important and cruel terrorist organization in the world come us,
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which has committed crimes against humanity while here to on praises it and hosted senior officials. so sell them to this further across live to case in general is on color miss a good, a job. good bye. thank you so much for joining us out this present. st. lucie refrain from direct personal attacks a game see is ready. prime is so things things have changed though. what has changed and why a? yeah, they'd be because now they did the, the degree offload atrocities, the violence, the number is increasing thoughts tremendously. that is something that they should tell him exactly. and if i knew, i mean, yeah, and you to step back, but the more you compare to it, the more here looks like it. that is unfortunately it, he has all the support behind him and the he has. this is the cover several on the raid. the tool is using it as
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a tool or his personal, the color politics and the here's a unfortunately, it'd be a having some invest in the pull. some of this and the politicians be, i am him and the somebody has to get up and out and tell it exactly what she is doing right now. you know, it is what else? prime minister and as you know, he, he responded to uh go on average at 5, but on the present that by saying the idea is the most moral on the, in the world. what do you make of that 1st? it says not the, the, the, the whole idea as to who you conduct a just war or immortal war is it starts with it being is protocol is for some sort of this process it,
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yes. how much is it the organization it did, etc, or read it on the civilian people in the, in the occupied territories around because of that. but in your reaction is ryan's reaction. 3, it is short term i just saw is so although proport shows that it is and then you look into what, what happens to the on 7 october you you are you to forced to say, oh yeah, yet in what size it is. tom says, design, the desert is the thing. you are forced to say it is written besides, this is not moral because it is in that case is an occupation army. and what they are doing is if this is in this coming, this is the strike. so the see what the and people did the united states did that and it was, is,
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i'm sort of theory then that in the modern wars you have to have the sheets so hard that the enemy, it should start. this is sacrificing day is certainly a pre of whole and as on fine tables you up today, believe it, this is the understanding off to america mentality on is really see it in action right now. how could they, you know, i want to you a quote directly from uh, nathan. yeah, he said, the one who commits genocide against the goods who holds a world read hold for imprisoning jealous to oppose this rule is the last one who can preach morality to us. we'll see a response to that of the, you know, the turkish pulled out 6 and it until the government started into a year. 2000. yeah. yes. in turkey, that was,
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that is repressive ethnic policy. it started in the last days off the 2nd floor door and the british empire of it was trying to to instigate some code yesterday. it was into our kid the, the test all has had been a bit pace offered cobra. sure rules. and it is unfortunate if you ask me, they did the policy against the preventing the code, if the value and then was wrong. and if i was wrong, so 2000 into the year, 2000 and 1st of all stop is impressive at the policies. and he returned back to dollars in locations names today of tony this origin, orange and roles. and the also he allowed to do a courtesy education, the traditional learning curve disappeared,
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can't get even created to the cartridge television station, 40 or 50. you know, i did it after that after a year, 2000 as low as the rules. there was not any repressive policies implemented in turkey, so you can not the call ended thing that turkey is doing again. and if you take a tourism of genocide, nobody is kidding any card because there are code dish. no, there is no such a thing. is the one in the old days, there was no such thing as killing cards because they have their card. yes. turkish government at some point tried to suppress dogs or bedrooms because they burned manual and the college on. i'm sorry to interrupt you. i'm so sorry you're absolutely right. as always a pleasure talking to you, made it very clear. exactly that nothing you know because he doesn't know what he's
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saying. i appreciate you. do have a great today on auntie. always a pleasure to see. so thank you very much. anytime, thank you very well. 5 as an, as he i who says states it in his statement to the is where the parliament that the red cross failed to meet the demands of is ready of hostages. god bless you. i'm thinking of you, i met with the red cross, i handed them a box of medicine for some of the hostages. some of them really need it. i told her representative to take this box to rafa. she said no, it was a difficult conversation. but it my call a really serious spoke with the right plus phone. so that interested me to get her call back about the accusations. she says, all the migration never refuses to help those in need been present at yahoo presented the president of the international committee of the red cross with a box of medicines expressed by himself at the time disposed of 2 weeks ago. if
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gesture, we have received a very detailed list from me is ready on thursdays and families, all those terribly helpful. all the medications that needed either is supposed to just in double. i really like to make it clear that we are not refusing to enter the medicine that we nori is really needed bodies. hostages. we simply do not have the access to the hostages in order to be able to deliver any mess it. we will have full as the siri medication and when you access to the phone to just use frances to, to treat them checking their welding and of course to, to re establish contact with their family members. meanwhile, policy is a dealing with what many humans have, you know, when i visions of quote, a total collapse with the health care sector, children and the elder, they are suffering the ha, this as of the region seems to function according to the world health organization,
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infectious illnesses and they eventually kill more people and the conflict itself. we learned about the problem from folks from level that we are suffering. there's not enough food or water in schools. we have a meal every 3 or 4 days and the portion is one package of cheese for 9 people who are even more children get sick because of the dirt and garbage in schools. the children don't even have anything to put on and everywhere there was sewage. we urge to cease fire enough with this war. there's nothing left. we've already lost everything we want to go back home. i said we're suffering here. 12000 people, including children and the elderly leave on the territory of the school. the situation very simply terrible, where helpless and powerless, we have no food, no water, no flour, in no clothes for our children. there is no life where like the living dead, aluminum. so wow, seems only rounding dogs,
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i'll see. and relating to us is that the medical system totally health system is what does it say? oh, collapse and rapidly deteriorating these thought, you know, made professionals that have worked for nearly 11 weeks now. i'm not installed, they have not have time to rest there. * so many challenges to these, they're all power ready to unable to get to people who need treatment. there is a lack of supplies and things like basic hygiene and cleaning. and also this is incredibly important and, and will we make calls like situation where story may, where did people. * entering every hour of the day is really hard to is even maintain a basic stabilization stuff. and you said we know that there are some tools that are no longer functioning. and we kept saying that balance are displaced. people have went to these hospitals, hoping to have a refrain, ought to be the same from the hostility about going. it is a very,
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very concerning situation. there always must be a standing up was to describe the medical system in gaza that we're seeing right now. this x, sorry, what is the subbing garza officials have accused as well of harvesting organs from the bodies of dead policy and the allegations were made off, the israel returned about 18 corpses so gaza for burial. the idea of had initially taking them to israel to be identified in the search for potential hostages local does. how does the child on reports a warning, disturbing images are ahead? a u. l has sent 80 bodies of palestinian scale during the recent round operation. doctor gaza through the cabin. sure love crossing the guys i hear from industry believes that the bodies were to buy. that is a lead mandatory when to, to enter the inc late and then transport them to israel to collect samples and to
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confirm that they did not belong to is or 82 needs could not by have mass for october 7th, and the not received a container with a large number of martyrs, some arrived with complete bodies, while others arrived as human remains, which had decomposed due to this sensitive situation. we cannot open this mortuary container in a populated neighborhood. were coordinating with the relevant authorities to transfer the bodies to the cemetery. subsequently, the palestinian health ministry and the ministry of justice will document these cases as evidence of war crimes committed by the israeli occupation army identities of these bodies. we might, i know, but there is a speculation that they were originally buried in courtyards and they are commanded wide hospital underneath and hospitably. i'll ship a hospital with the medical facilities fell into is really military's located. the guys are government media office has
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a boat to that is where in the army has violated the dignity of the a t bodies delivering them you deleted. i'm having stolen their organs and turned it has refused to disclose the names of the martyrs and the location from which their bodies, wherever we covered the situation inside the containers. dire within a bearable smell, the martyrs arrives to the sofa crossing and we were informed by the you and that we would receive a number of martyrs. as you can see, this container holds several martyrs, although the exact count isn't certain, it was mentioned that there were 80, but due to the overpowering smells and the inability of medical teams to work in this environment, we couldn't confirm the account. there's also a fear of disease spreading within this neighborhood of us and all the crops as have now been buried. collectively, add the 10 most of the palm cemetery, located west of russell assurance. he is now the global south
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has lost respect for the collective west as a message coming from other russian for medicine. he spoke with india is talk different mindset about the new multi landfill world, taking its face with out less than 10 minutes. of course. trust them to us has been severely undermined, and therefore there is even more reason now to rely on the role of the world majority and the development of the world's economy, not to the detriment of someone, but on the basis of mutual benefit. we do think the world is not what it was, all it takes for it to have to change the global order will have to change into national economy will have to change. and we appreciate very much the show is today a strong body of a lot of people, a lot older. also dr. to support the off. uh uh, you know, a lot of positions that we take and i'm which will interest in international politics. the meetings started with india, so horn harris ministers stating that this is about the 6th time that he needs his
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russian count support, which really set the tone that was a very, very friendly meeting. indeed. and they discussed all areas of cooperation and the needs of strength and each and every single aspect of all of their ties and the right now, for example, as mr. dice and car emphasize a trade between the 2. is that an old time high? they'll also want to make sure that they build connectivity. so building on the railway infrastructure also we know that for example, they're working on aspects when it comes to nuclear defense and space programs. and we've heard in the last couple of days for mr. dice on call. who said that a collaboration in those areas between 2 countries would not be possible if there was not a very, very high level of trust. also they talked about, as i said, increasing the railway projects. and also that will be resume and talks on the free trade agreement between india and that you're raising economic union in the middle
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of january. so we're waiting to see it for progress when it comes to that. the other will also questions regarding india's balance approach. and how we've seen, for example, just the mere presence of the external affairs minister here in russia. we've seeing some headlines in the west that were saying, oh is this n d a pick inside and choosing to be on russia side. because we've seen that india is friendly with most countries in the world, including the west and the global south. so a question i posted sorted elaborate was a, how important is india is a balance and friendly approach to all countries, home ports and that is a full rush. and this is what he had to say. he used to use the police, the only responsible policy that will provide a country with respect, reputation and benefit incorporation with all countries that also shows respect for all members of the international community. is a policy that implements the main requirements of the un charter, which our respect for the silver and quantity of states as region in the document is one of the brightest examples of putting this principle into practice. rush also,
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bill escapes entire policy without any attempts to punish anyone or to show a biased attitude towards someone that is not our principle. and not all men are we observed as matters in another groups, countries and children as was said, ink, cartridge, of the goals and 1000000000. and this is something that message i sound car, answer a good lab rough both agree on. and they seem to agree on pretty much every single issue that they discussed. the one thing that we also wanted to know is there will be a resumption of annual summons between the 2 countries where the leaders actually meet the prime minister mode. and of course vladimir puts him because we didn't see one this year. so the question was suppose whether that will continue and how important that is the to see these personal interactions. and he did say, of course mister joyce on the car. that regardless of whether the lead or is me that the friendship between the countries is such that on every level where see, uh, discussions and communications constantly. so the fact that the 2 leaders have a met hasn't changed the thing, but we will see some more meetings. here's
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a little snippets. the tradition, both annual meetings, between our leaders to something that we value very greatly. panda, someone who's seen it over the last decade, i can, and the storage and all most value are taken. my colleague has seen it for longer and could probably confirmed what i'm saying. pauses really a relationship which at every level starting with the, you know, a strong relationship between the leaders to drive down to the, the popular level to societal sentiment. i think we have a really very positive feelings for each other. and i think that's a really mixed source of strength of the position at big source of strength. indeed . and we saw that in this meeting and probably will see it in the decades to come. because so far, there's been 6070 years old constance of study,
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as mister joyce and har said relationship with vasa, and that it's bound to continue. and after the bulk of protests, specifically in the sub in capital, i'm in the mom's that the result. the reason paul, i'm in phoenix, has to be an old off. it was big feet by the incumbent need is rooting coalition. yeah. but it shouldn't seems calling for the values to contain there. now with that on friday, they would so i can see in the streets similar as in the beginning of the 2014 might and cooling you who has gone camping before. raise your hands, who has slept out in nature near a lake in a forest, who has a tent tent blanket sleeping bag? let them bring anything. can you do it? let's ask people to bring more to donate theirs by one for whomever needs it. on friday at noon, we will go out for a 24 hour blockade. right now,
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the situation is essential, beltway to pay is most the. com. but the initial nights of demonstration was monrai calling local city. hold on to steve sweeney as the details. this is a time sale for testing the survey uncomfortable guy since the elections of december 17th. as you can see, the protest him at lunch time on wednesday is pretty small. and this has been characteristic of the move up with a fewer and fewer people attending the demonstration. since i take on sunday, we saw probably testers led by opposition. politicians tying to a smart flyway into the electoral commission building costing with police setting fires and breaking windows on monday students and young people attempted to brocade, the roads and the highways and the all fees into the. so it'd be uncomfortable, however they plan to really have the desired impact on tuesday evening. a demonstration of no more than
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a few 100 people march from the safety settings uh to the high cold weather item onto the guide. the re, one of the elections and the release of the use of being held in custody since sunday's prototypes. now, for many, only people have fell grades as a big oh, no problem. this tiny business, the going to work the using the shops and the falls and the restroom. as usual. they might not even notice that sort of protests. so happening to me doesn't feel like a city on the brink of revenue. super cool things can change quite properly the offer . they shouldn't have pulled a demonstration for saturday. this is the day when the sizes will rebound electrons. this is for jay talked to him about a 1000 times over the chart and the outcome of the new position. oh boy, interesting those holes. now this is alexis, i'm afraid to do between the younger people, the student lumen and the older publications. i was very easy to discuss in between
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them today. this very probably says just a few minutes ago. now, of course, we will be there on saturday to bring you the latest development. i'm will be keeping you in home on how the project. so now this is see sweetie for all the info, right? to. yeah, lisa, to the finance politician who says the concert test, and so the r a west them back attempt to conduct a color revelation in the book and country right now there is an attempt at orange river lucian, and so the by nato and its proxy. the, the victory of the sub in past done to him, to call them at 3 elections last week. the atlanta says cannot stand. that's an all taken action. they have organize demonstrations, notably, and universities and against the found great city hall. it smells like the ro, my done nato has been fattening, so it'd be a full month's. it seems that the dip state wants to accelerate and impose a vast cell regime. the western media will therefore be full of propaganda on the
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subject from now on. we will have to hold on the founder of a sub is move and also is political policy says his country must because of its independence. despite any less than attempts to destabilize it, the transfer of things that they could not achieve on the elections, the fair and square election. doub, then not victorious, did not win these elections. and the only way that they can try to, to, to over to the government, to change serbia. unfortunately the one to change so be own looks pretty good. me is on freight is using force. you know? yes, there is lots of similar to between my done ukraine and don't rate some days.
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but it's one big difference. president tortured is looked into which sense our security system is not corrupt. we strongly support the president to support constitution in noise on serbia, serbia, how collections do selections, serbia choose n. v will make sure that the serbian won't the respect when you this morning, defendant is not really the is that's really favorites from the rest specially know serbia is in these island in the need to see and we want the stage. we want to preserve that for service, be 6. remember need to need to provide room compete. you know, how does feeling,
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how does look been your capital? was downtown of the capital destroy us again. we don't want to do it at present, which isn't dependent on presence, which is a free man. only freeman can lead to free, free state and free nation on the surface of freedom. so present to disease where it is told me that i think that is something that, that was vitally known and respect on, on the rest, on the east. you know, serbia is look pocket space. so when you see that you're up in union, here up here in union is a lie is kind of elias of territory. but the government looks states, territories. serbia is a government, serbia, state. you know, we have our own interest and we chose our friends enemies. choose us without, without coverage. but in european union they don't know who their friends are with
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the enemies are and what they enter star, you know, serve yourself look like that. more roster is famous for his cold winter is sometimes the weather can get a little bit out of control. the heavy winds on the ice seats, ryan can make the drive and even moving bother difficult. as you can see here in this video from the region in east and russia, also the, these are the images from of the nearby chevy evans region. they show how the visits of affected everyday life. the locals facing some challenges in getting around all that route. so this news i'll do check out, i'll see dot com also the interesting so is that we'll be back to the top that we have with us. then the 2 is change and violence are among the hallmarks of the.


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