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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 27, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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that but yes, the at least 20 people are killed and then these really attack near a hospital in solving gather, had the death told of the ang, please the back. this $20000.00, the, the wanting a disturbing images they had had the 11 year old girl was killed and they used rally as like at the refugee camping gas about an hour or 2 before the herbs of desktop body was pulled out from the bubble. and then discovered the gold gary my bed. we did not have that with the majority of gas at the hospital, damaged or destroyed,
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or red cross. officials speaks about the every day hardship team, the only grounding all the all seeing and relating to us. you've got the medical system, tell me health system is collapsed and rapidly deteriorating. well, those are the headlines that the story will fall on right now. the arch international will bring you more, the full details of the story at the top of the i state you in full across books coming up next, the hello and welcome to across the top where all things are considered. and peter roosevelt tumbled to his change in violence, were among the hallmarks the year about and indeed the conflict in ukraine and the
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war on guys are shop the conscience on this edition of the program. we discuss who and what made the year memorable. the discuss these issues and more enjoyed by my guess, george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast or at the gavel which can be found on youtube and locals. and america. yes, we have martin j e is an award winning journalist and commentator our job in cross levels of the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out with georgia in budapest. it's a, it's a big endeavor to ask you both of you, you know, what made this year this year with so little time and so many things going on. so i'm just going to, you know, ask the impossible, george, what made this year the year it was? well, it may just, many things may these. yeah. that it was, i mean, but it's,
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it sounds of the who has made the biggest impact. so i think in a negative way, i have to say president by the, i think um, he just failed massively. um and everything that he has uh tried um he goes into an election year with the styling li, lo po, numbers are you spacing defeat is facing a party that um that test him but doesn't know what the hell to do with him because unable to get rid of him, but above all, he's really responsive over to terrible was a, you know, the pacifically, he tries to distance himself from the war in gaza when he, every, everybody in the world can see he's the enabler in chief of that war. and of course, is the, the, the ongoing war in ukraine and, and by now,
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it's really has seeped into the public conscience that this war was unnecessary. it could have ended, you know, uh, 18 months ago. but i could have been avoided altogether, i think would have been avoided altogether, but full of bite and then and his team. so he really has to be one of the, was most catastrophic presidents in us history, a to charge, you know, it's a, it's a competition. now, i mean in our lifetime there's been a lot of very, very for weak, ineffective presidents and by new joins the ranks. partner media you're, you're a different part of the world in georgia. 9. what, how do you see the, the whole or the what that makes up this year when most of the 1st time on a humble show, george, some spells from my mother often lamented when i followed the door and it's not the easiest, but i would have said but maybe we can refine that,
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maybe we can hone that a tab. i think perhaps us for a policy has sunk to a new low. but the institutions around it which on dependent also, i think people may well look back next year to this year. and look at the bottom administration and how we can and effective and how much those did that. and then look at nato as well. and we will remember the nature summit in june of last year with the west, basically pro prevaricates it and shrugged his shoulders and said, well, you know, we're coming to agree on whether you want to go this way or that way. but we try to this really, really cool little committee. it was a new little guy for a friend, zelinski, you know, and then nothing really came. was that a tool and that delaying and that did the ring, i think goes go to mentioned to that, you know. and so the youth spectacularly became just the spectate. so 2 conflicts which george touched on the also in the case of the you and enable are okay. first
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of on july and she, you know, did the pair hug thing also the buying did in, in israel, which, you know, allow me throughout the georgia. i mean, i was gonna ask you the democracy deposition is growing and that was that's a perfect example of an elected official. assuming that you please assume that she has so much power. she speaks for hundreds of millions of people. when she does that charge the, the exactly right it's, it's, is the, the height of insolence when she walks around and actually suggests that she's the president of the european union. the, she runs the european union. she is an elect, the bureaucrats. and yes, she's of every solid issue. it was as if she's uh, you know, the equivalent of all of the, the, the heads of states and heads of governments for that and, and everything that she does, she completely aligns with. so with the united states. so when i was about
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a month or so ago, she went to washington and on the very same day, and i think it was the very same time the buying was delivering the national address, demanding that the american people put pressure on the congressional leaders to sign up for the package, the 100000000000 dollar package where ukraine gaza and the boy that she was speaking and use almost exactly the same language also. well everybody's got to get on board. you know, because you know, the civilization does this make it? it'd be great and then we have to stand with israel. she is absolutely gossley person and the same goes for all the you leave is let me use that barrell. he pretends that he's, he, you know, he runs to find policies before the end of the buffet total method. yes. so go ahead, jump the jump in martin. good. go ahead. begin here because george and i have a lot of fun with burrell. i mean, it's just a gift that keeps on giving keep,
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go ahead my know, it's just, it's a position that you created almost deliberately. there was this conspiracy amongst the latest that we have to create this sort of super deep clue. kind of, uh, you know, mega stays idea of the, you having a foreign policy. but we don't really want it to be anything serious or real genuine. we don't want to to have an edge. so we need to find a politician out to who is completely ineffective totally eustace, to dispense charismatic as a part of dump towels who talks in jibberish. and no one takes them seriously. that is actually the criteria of the job. if you look back at all c, p a foreign affairs cheese has always been the same thing. we had a lady from breast and called catherine as town who was just as lost as she was so spectacularly useless. she got lost in a building in eastern europe, and people have to go in to find out from the building. she couldn't walk out how to get to the list to get down to the ground floor sites. it's all the same, the same person that realized that something had gone terribly wrong. and the,
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my don, this was a problem vacation. she knew it. she talked to other over her colleagues, she knew it, but she had no courage to push forward with it as the caliber of people that we have right now, i'm sorry to interrupt me, are no one an barrel, is pretty much the same. you know, he's, he's, every time he opens his mouth and he says something is a completely jibberish and ineffective. and another sense, or it's polemic. and he says something like, you know, that he is a god, and everybody else is in the jungle in a. and i know he's ever going to go is that because he wasn't gonna move on from that, you know, but we'll be slow with gone. so what we saw with ukraine is a you goes into a deep freeze, so sorry, the cuts joining a scale. so daisy multi note, what we see is every time that so something huge happens in the world in a you, for a policy just goes into deep freeze. it goes because he has put into the chest freeze and we never hear of ever again. and barrow is not spokesman of that deep freeze
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operation. you know, when im doubtful of the americans on ever things, i'm just degree cause problem. how is that worked out, joe or joseph? i mean, any of this, there's a inexpensive track record now. i mean, maybe you can say this was a one off year. yeah, no, that's right. and that's what so abusing because burrell. so sometimes guy recalls, well, i'm supposed to be a representative on the european the last and i was a french social is. so maybe i should say something that's uh, a little bit of defiance of the united states and uh, you know, i should do, you know, call about some european approach to, uh, well, the 5th and i said, you know, he says, isn't it goes, makes a complete full of him, so as he did with the whole, the jungle and the, the growth at the garden. but in the meantime, most of the phone, they're lying. clearly, angling for the job of the nato secretary general. she's
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a number the you have to absolutely. uh, follow the united states, whatever the americans want, the europeans should run. and then, you know, and, you know, and it goes beyond just the you because the, you know, the u. k. although no longer a member of the you, it's none. the less is, you know, more than happy to say yeah, yeah, yeah, we go to just do, do whatever the americans want. and so we have this, this entity of this, your, of the european confidence that it has seemed to have nothing to say. i mean, what, well, you know what, actually i'm in charge. you know me throw it back tomorrow, is the we, you know, we, after the, the 2008 financial crisis, a new organization, the g 20, which i think was a really good idea. the g 7 doesn't speak for the world though they think they do. um, but then we have the the g 7 just corrupting the g 20. i mean, again, you know, she shutting down all kinds of avenues of different points of view and not allowing countries to express their sovereign interest in rights more. and what is the
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southern interest? you know, so it's almost a dirty word with dusty phrase, you know, with the further we go down this road, you know, a centrally a most member states, you know, the level of governance, discuss lowering those now. and brussels becomes escape cause you completely blame for everything. but do you know if she ever do anything you know with, with i think we look back at this last year. i think we will look very much at the side, the subject to my as a britain, how britain has become such a brutal of america is just embarrassing as a brit. i'm so embarrassed. talk like this. you know, i'm old enough to remember when we, we have some clout in the world. but now, you know, with, with just as pathetic little people for the button administration to listen to go well and then that was the time, i think you would agree with me, george. and i have often reflected upon this after the 2nd world war, we could name all the prime ministers up until like 2 last kind of 10 years ago with a who's born right now. i have no idea 10 years ago, 15 years ago,
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i wouldn't know. i would know who the, the french foreign minister is. i wouldn't know that. okay. i don't know it because it doesn't matter. it doesn't. oh, go to the judge. i'm sorry, go ahead. go. yeah, no, that was a good. he doesn't mind. and what we board mothers thing is absolutely right, that there was a time when the europeans would, you know, however feebly you insist on a distinctive foreign policy of their own. aero wilson refused to go along with the united states of vietnam despite the l. b. j. pleadings, edward, he's refused to uh, endorse on nixon's and live, to support israel during the young people who are said, no, you can't use our s space to send the weapons through israel. it's inconceivable that anyone would, would do that. now we don't even have to get any that the gold, a very broad, but there were european leaders who said no, no, you know, we, we, we're not just going to blindly follow the americans. it's a disaster. the now you're in my car and occasionally gives an interview and you
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have, we missed a mentor in the supervisor of identity, who may not have been great and excited. we just clock follows what the, the narrative as well as the worst impression of a 100 and i mean, but he is there maybe the worse, but i mean, the interpretation is right. i think get on monday. he thinks one thing on tuesday is something completely different. than them, but that's what makes them irrelevant and kind of been observed counter, but it is a that's a very representative of, of european politics this george has pointed out. if you want to know what their position is, check somebody in washington, even probably a junior level per person, is writing this for them these days. i gentlemen, i'm going to step in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the year 2023. stay back in the
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take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the the
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welcome back across that were all things are considered. i'm get a little this is the home addition to mind. you were discussing the year 2023, the i go back to georgia in budapest, another. what of a i think on trends that we saw. i would, it didn't happen in 2023,
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but we became very recognizable. is the, the difference between the nato, a world g 7 and everybody else is getting clearer and clearer. and we, and they'll be all of the efforts that, um, and they still land and g 7 tried to use uh, world public opinion against russia mailed russians, not an isolated countries. matter fact, it's open up a lot of new avenues with trade. and even people of diplomatically, but the west is kind of just living that it's all little bubble. it just simply can't recognize the world that is changing in front of it. and they're the ones that are creating the change in fact, porch. yeah, is that exactly right? any, any hot, it's even happening within your if it's so self, you know, they've got it, but some of the, like uh, victor, oregon who would say is actually one of the winners of this. yeah. because he looks
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pretty good. you know, he said from the beginning it is absolutely crazy ball the europeans to follow the americans blindly. absolutely crazy to pursue the sanctions policy. and the sooner this war in your brain is brought to an end of the better. but it's, it's a expense to the rest of the world, but with the spice of pressure and controlling that countries like india or china and those are put under by the united states. they still say, well, actually it has nothing to do with us. that's your problem. don't impose your problems on us and that and then tomorrow we'll go along with the sanction as well as the game. well, we're not doing along with the sanctions because again, it isn't our problem and we're not going to make sacrifices you. you great, and you care about your praise, you know, you, you'll be want to go down that path. and then of course, where the width is really,
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you know, a serious be hospitalized because when it gets to the mid lease where, you know, suddenly where, uh, the, the west has been, you know, beating its chest. so the power, oh my god, what's going on? and ukraine is telling us something, oh, this is, this is fine. you know, we go with, you know, what this girl's doing is fine. and here we have these ridiculous a lopsided votes at the united nations, the un general assembly, even though the un security council, the motor we would have to just keep going with the israel. so it's a shows a couple of the installation, you know, the, the west, but the, basically, the west is now the united states. they have their agenda, the tried to inflict this on, on the rest of the world and the rest of them. so no, i mean it's just got nothing to do with us. yeah, martin, i think i think one of the, i think it's under reported and not understood well enough, but what about uh, one of the critical moments of 2023 is when joe biden flew to israel. a gave the
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bear hug to mit netanyahu, but didn't expect that to have a air of summit and he was turned down. i think that is a very interesting turning point. you got completely snubbed a we had he has a secretary of state that um it just speaks in a boiler plate. platitudes. same thing with jake sullivan who said right before the got the little waste was remarkably quiet right now. again, it's like, it's a lack of a leadership, it's a lack of quality leadership. and, and, and, and, and barry myopic ideological precepts and how they see the world. yeah, and it's um, from where i'm in the airport and i can tell you is that a whole the country is 22 countries, the mentor region, most of them, if not all of them, are just simply buying time. i'm waiting for the bike ministration to, to full, and they replace. ideally, they hope many of them hope that trump will come back and assessing the gc states.
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and so they all, they don't hate the bottom instruction on how many huge access to grind it goes by and they just think he's an effective. that's it, it just, it just can't do anything. you know, he's an old man who's lost touch of u. s. foreign policy and that's george mentioned, i think, you know, west policy is america. now that's the transition that we've seen over the last couple of decades. you know, and really brought home most so with some ukraine where there was still on the table and you kind of were reason, be happy with it. and the russians a reason we're happy with it and you know, bite and sense of the, um, the job burst on some of that discover it and make sure that we know where you actually want to go with russia. you know, that would be quite good. but even lots nonsense, they didn't really want to ward russia. they wanted a proxy. what with russia, which is, of course, much more cowardly and much more manageable. and they thought would in the end of the month or 2. but to, to go back to joe, just put, think the west is in decline. that's how we look at 2023. you know,
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but that makes though it was a west. okay. we save united states george more dangerous because no hedge them on in history willingly accept accepts the really what their power and their influence the diminishment they felt like they might maintain it. i think that's right. and i think that's why, um, the situation is rather dangerous. um, you know, we, we often talk about the ukraine and how well you know your brain is obviously a failing is losing, the defeat is inevitable. but then you have to as well. but will the united states accept that? and that's where you have to the danger as well. they may not. they may just simply decide that this is the intolerable action. they have moved their own sources in the survey to fight with russia. but the book that for us is in saying, hit thus far and no further we,
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we will maintain military presence in ukraine. that's a very dangerous situation, but well, within the rooms, a possibility because i know the united states is just simply going to shrug his shoulders. they okay, well, we lost the russia and that's a little risk there. just losing the rush is not something that's a would be acceptable to washington. st goes with taiwan. i mean, the, you know, the, the low bluster of which you, you here in the, in washington about. so i want, that's relatively new. you know, i, you know, up until a few years ago, you know, the united states maintain, they did. so what strategic ambiguity, we just don't talk about it going, you know, we'll let everyone else try to figure out what we going to do. now there explicitly saying that, you know, we're ready to go to war, but i want it's very dangerous. and the other thing cuz it's likely that, that it does happen when, when you're in decline, then you'll have to really go through arrested. and with the, with the instability and now in washington, who the hell knows where that's going to go. you know, a martin of this, this,
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the year lives passing and we had a henry kissinger passed away. it was not unexpected, as i've said before. but, you know, we think of the world we have respect, they respect about you think about henry kissinger, his legacy as a technician of, of diplomacy. he, i can see that he could have even contemplated how incompetent american foreign policy leads are these days. i mean, considering the under nixon's direction, the opening, the china, you know, a brilliant diplomatic move there. no diplomatic brilliance left in the west. no, and this is the, i mean, the more, most cynical view of, uh, might be from old tax. let me that it says the now us foreign policy is entirely driven by the industrial man to complex. whereas before, you know, big powerful arms makers had influence and loving effect. but there was also
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a kissinger like an approach to the image of america and how we protect ourselves and long term strategies. now it's just really about money. and, you know, when you talk about taiwan, you know, oh, good. okay. taiwan. could that be another $1020.00 turn in dollars shovel from, you know, us taxpayers into these huge companies that make these jet. so these are these rockets probably they, they provide administration that they did their latest iteration of justifying the proxy war in ukraine. georgia is a, it's good for the economy. i mean, that's way we've gotten to where war is good for the economy. i mean, i, you know, that's almost like coming. that's a parody, but they actually use it as a talking point. george. exactly. it's a amazing bigler said this repeatedly, hey, this is great because movie and aids getting, giving us the jobs. and, and i think the, the, the, that board is very important about the, of the military industrial complex. it means that, you know,
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given that they depend on long term orders that those ready, they need long term and not little they need long term threats. yeah, exactly. and lunch on was you're going to just turn around, put in a big order for a well we ukraine is going to need such and such and such and such over the next 5 years up. that's a lot of money goes into that. and then you turn around is that, well actually we're going to call it quits and uh, and uh, bring this to an end which, which would be an ideal solution. but hey, you put in these big orders. and if the, you know, these orders collapse, then you've got a serious economic problem on your hands. so now there's a vested interest in ensuring that these, uh, orders are fulfilled. which means, well, need a lot of folks to fulfill them. well that there is another one of the we will, there is a hovering around us and every conversation we have now we go back to god. that is the, the more using george as logic which i think is impeccable. here is a wealth instead of destroying gods and making it on an habitable. what about his
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belie, maybe they're on the menu right now. we know, but a long war and i'm sure the you with us is putting itself in a position where i can say no, that's it. again, that shows you how degraded the integrity of american foreign policy is because we don't want to expand the war. us will follow. yeah, in the beginning, a few weeks ago we know we, we, we heard the comments from a lot of senior coming to just america's advising and was reluctantly been pushed into the regional. but now it seems that we've been, that are really very who may say martin anymore. i will, i think, okay, i just know. i think there's a ruse where he's pretending that he reluctantly wants to go into the original war . but he's actually letting it happen. i mean, he's allowing the reluctant boyer george look at his entire history. george of it for everyone should know charges an expert on me, the destruction of the former yugoslavia and joe bind. but it has a very high profile in your book on, at george,
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very high profile. and the fact that you can find it on youtube. all of biden's pronouncements during the 1990s in which he's actually boasting around about 199798 . does he not? i wasn't one of the 1st to say we need to bomb the sounds. and i don't mean just bone balls there. i mean bone. so there is a whole is like, you know, that that's who by ms. barton has been a cold warrior from the very beginning. i mean, even, you know, back in the 19 ages when the new democrats were 1st emerging, you know, well, he's a good democrat. they don't like them. a government democrats easily. the neo con democrats, by who was always on the leaders, that's who, by this and when he says things like, what i've always been a zine is a and then he says, well, without israel jews around the world wouldn't be save your visa a token point 0 cooked up, the neo cons, cook top of it in the, in israel. and he's just, you know, offering them that. and that's who is,
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it is rather frightening, that they have a big a really from, you know, like a museum piece from well, years ago. the frightening and it was a frightening year and next year it's going to be even more frightening. that's all the time we have on that thing, my guessing marrakech and then go depends on how we want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our t c. and next time. and remember across that bruce and happy new year, the
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people very in the environment that grow up in some people gloating there it is easy places and living very disease places other people live in areas that have less infectious diseases. and when you grow up in an area of high attraction, since each individual strategically go to the collector, this are conservative and you're supposed to be sure the with the exams of constantine body stuff is now officially a test. the customer knows these thoughts preparing for flight training, not just in russia but overseas to.


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