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tv   Documentary  RT  December 27, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

7:30 pm
the people very in the environment, they grow up in some people gloating, very dizzy places and live in very disease places. other people live in areas that have less infectious diseases. and when you grow up in an area of high infectious disease, individuals strategically go to the collector. this are conservative in the the, with the exams of constantine bodies, off is now officially a test cosmonaut keystones preparing for flight training. not just in russia but overseas to now he'll see even less if his wife,
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the, and there's the separation of the forest strapped on boosters that are jettisoned the most definitely at the store if any potential use for those phones. but there's some over, lots of fun. yeah. welcome to infinity foreclosure and i'm got like i'm finding and shells make up the show for the live, one of the pressure to produce the line. okay. what else? the level to use the floor. this upsets or the adjuster to worry about that because one of the scope of this quote on instead of the universe of course,
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most effective. so now what about the weights in some new member? so i just said that the normal, the, just the, almost the sun little rip, it's close to question over the click. can you feel so simple little when you took the good? the only other way it always federal told me to go to church. told me how to adjust the steering wheel. well, i'm pretty much like this. but when you figure the quote, a bunch of full checklist and pay my part from the jeff muriel's position, how to adjust slim the arrow position, how to adjust the rear me row position. understood. would you like to add a little bit of all the way to live with the whole the whole picture, vision and thoughts and stuff. the star 50 is of the colors of the
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notion of a party of the girls. i need a cool prep, a few of them for them please. for the pickup of company the consequence, they can handle the order of sick with one of the minimal disciplines. it is the voltage condition coming up of to go because one of the few for the e before is a really simple thought. i'd want me to concept see about who to put it up. she's gonna swing them to them. was knowledge textbook or what, what the code girl so much in these concept which i don't know a lot of the schools what, what's on
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a brief moment. just question when somebody comes up as of today and i'm one of the local department and the sofa shop on a particular grocery store, it's a financial question for know course, each case couldn't always get the same one. shockingly, it's almost the same cost. you wouldn't get to do it too much. plus, want to show you some of them is quite difficult because we use them put them into each of the process. the
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outs. williams. road, the naming you couldn't even use the bottom piece. sofa voice, some distance dimmsdale in the show to consider yourself still. if i didn't was then a foot b as a dealership. generally let me ask you shuffled a little about before the show, but you might have full on the funds if it helps to do. let's go a little while that have still wouldn't be that's good. i mean to bring up any more
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problems. launched the d. c. spent several hours a day on a treadmill and other exercise machines to keep in shape, to connect them to possibly some of the support groups. and you're gonna notice the young people that she's told them suddenly the launch of the stadium completed. but she store in what happens to the detroit in will phone sits on stay at well, but the problem was, so in wisdom style, i mean let you know that basically. so then you have them give me the money for them for years. almost. it's a new, a new toner, so shift for sort of the sub for which and the core content across. and one of the, the, which quote from believe this thing and not enough pockets of course you're talking
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about the thing that is dealing with us, the little the truth about things anyways. thought, you know, it's a launch nicholas ticket with some sort of display. you skip up, i'm going to use that. it wasn't a sequel to models that she needs to be. you know, i'm not gonna change. you just missed it. belong to april 7th. i'm gonna start blushing, stop. i'm gonna say what some sentimental thing you just about to show up and consider what to most of this item. that the problem could, which is the one you're gonna send you what, what you're getting, you've heard. well no, the machine was gonna pull a deal with, the devil will delete northbound soft port the to the weekend, konstantin decided to use them for x. get a discount on the switch off. what does that mean? it's all used to be a total while we just
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the the picture. yes, for one. ready? 123. 0 seconds. northwest summit and here. sorry. i'm calling something. my name is maurice of constantine. the supposed to load here in the hangover is a mock up of the apollo lunar module. the one that flew to the moon, the level one or the other way of sending one you know by itself it's gone. so the component of
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photo would typically only the time we last billing the such a step when it's still the police no more. they don't. things along the top of the model, the luminous could they have. so that's clear can be nimble to show more of them if you speak to them myself. when you go into the chalet, which digital display each, each of the police to be dealt most almost over the board. i almost got by when the throw the switch, my motto, jodie bazemore, when you start to shows new, it's not the shades chauffeured. you know, so that introduce me, show the spectrum over to them. i'm one of them, but you them couple 0 can do one year before the leave it up introduced. they're
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pretty much the software, you know, the know what percentage toyota book it almost on the 2013 and it takes almost all the time off to couple of it. so click new brush accomplish from the you read it slightly and install it loads them, them us in the spectrum, even though most of them on the truck goes konstantin, would fly to miles, but he might go to the moon. so you'll have to drive the main road and that's what he's learning to do. now. he's trying to deliver a package from the base to the warehouse. they'll pay the bill. but the, the,
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all the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the on the same day, constantine space is
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a physical performance test. but it's so tough that for people including adults are in the fitness coach can to keep things under control, the who, it's as low as they are. what is the end of the go with the thing, but the still another, calculate the subway they talk with on that as if these go and just don't want to assume the push to the community, the to suckle out the roof price. so let me try to so no we, we but it's a shot record is missing. i notice that you know, to theater when you,
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if you have to put a really special aggressive swap on beach and control them. so pretty good. awesome . since i knew it was a study, it's different as of what's going on. just one for lutrece vitale. somebody called us from us, which is kind of nice with that, i'm pretty sure. so that would ensure it's good for us to see on the do you feel like i have in the morning she wouldn't have that tool in the garden. it's pretty pretty slim. but i think on the vehicle, no refresher. of course the goes items, the shop to shop. um.
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yeah. not normally at the are you leaving to own coley, jake? uh the uh of the committee can finish the question. the
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cleaning then constantine carried out in training with the moon rover at this time. the remote control shows it's a bit like a video game. the way you play is assessed by scientists, 10 psychologist, tooth, tooth, tooth, tooth. and the what is the most important training i live in system multiple with a full scale i. s. s model which helps future customer also learn to work in open space, the rules that are both in spot and bidding me shame. so when you, i am private will continue to be in the about the when something's thoughts i thought of today. so as long as you took the divorce and you have to even though
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the should double up and bob, which was all what 2nd, just don't see us pull this up. good fortune before us call them, hold up the post office, the locals. they look, stay to face to face when they get off to the professional cause they just took off the deal is eligible for the us. jason, to not sit there with joe. if backwards used to produce the impulse, the deal is going to do that with something, finds out the huge metal cove novelty, but adjusting the theme to boil. typical smoke on your body for the total sound. last thoughts are based upon the consult upon the collect, the what causes that us go towards those i thought slip a bit of an issue in a little bit, but just to you when you help us to go from you've been,
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you might have gone and cielo to richard is chosen all over the focusing. the talk is the blue shield support structure, which is the, the, this thing is that fails to be of a sudden the mobiles i'm going to show off to not, you know, a little bit us to do the pickup titian you just looked on the south, the foot of the golf course on both foot, throw it into the child's diploma, would be to kick it off at georgias and initial board of those. let me pull it up if there's any more sites but almost doable nash level the disadvantage. so we have actually still camille with but i think patricia has to have support states of present mutual confess clips to de moines and a subject. we both have an incident that would probably give me an issue which, which one of the most beautiful it will show if we send you the wind speed or the problem. but you,
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for the longest, the book on the,
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let's move with the the the, that's not enough the less because you didn't get to be commended over to the men below. were you able to send to the work to view on
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your thoughts or something? or to go to the video to go to the paperclip, the show, look clean, just to talk to each of the, the 4th and final crew member, and was announced to space x crease evans press cost less cost. minot konstantin bore and sauce will fly as admission specialist completing the space cortes the 3rd stage, shut down is confirmed and spacecraft separation is
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a click to orbit rendezvous upcoming audit. the serious exercise. usually the people who get the the, the constant team by the self will get to space just 5 years of to being accepted. that some very quick feel go to the only assess as part of an international crew with an american jasmine, mobilly, danish, andreas, morganson, vincent, does she photo color from and trained for a long time that the crew was only approved 2 months before the flight from
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municipal services to us citizens. nobody else they've chosen to pull the cut off for some. gosh, are so many of us are shapes ago before the, like i slipped the 2nd question, you're still with me meant them live on the now the crew with install city learning to handle emergencies and the russian up
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until segment. the success which used to describe what i show a most to the same kind of going to show us better. so some of us would have done what i believe. so when i started a new course, thank you. plus, if it's still it's 32, i was next time you press the red crossman on the mass slush in la and look into them both. it's noises of silver mina, garden linux, that i just don't have to deal with english. they also thought i've done both assuming those images, they're still bring your bill in your book with samantha. it's saying go for the
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fine. you to the, the 1st you're just there's to move
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your mind here stood one, some easy deal with them with the for the move, the constant, the new blast off in a drag and spacecraft. so tomorrow he'll head to l a. and then on to the space x company, we have that longest function to receive the simplest deals toyota to get a hold of the legal bulk of them. which in order for or the machine of the machine for the total filled with somebody
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to see. so you always have the sales thoughts and did a few things you phone, but most of the you can use to tell me to send it to pretty much the same, but the least people do. i have to show perfect. did you want the shuttle service to go over to me in the gulf machine? so you have some system to treat everyone with honesty and they can go from the same as your office at the moment. okay. and does this want for you to choose from patients? will this be the most liberal or what portion peoplesoft long?
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so let me flip a few questions. i don't, but i'm going to consider the one engine task is to move the loan before dark, so it doesn't become over ground. that night. he couldn't sleep. but did rest on the plane, the the,
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states. the american sought to seize as much territory for a settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples in 1845, washington announce the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846 american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the
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tide of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47, the u. s. army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques, asian of the lands to the united states led to terrible consequences. bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half century of the american ruled, the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery, which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant wrote about the consequences of aggression against mexico several
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decades later the, the, the, i, these early years like hits of sponsibility and salvage as a killing at least 20 people and injuring many more. a warning, disturbing images ahead of time, 11 year old girl was killed in a news really s flight at the refugee camping guys right now to report our hubs


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