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tv   Documentary  RT  December 28, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EST

3:30 am
[000:00:00;00] the beauty of some children that attends them to do it the way to go with it. then you might pick other people just you know what the way to when they will low up filaments build up, flown. we often see cause middle to a strong and successful people to realize their dreams, but it won't cost. but how long must they wait before the 1st blast of the initial ocean perusal to the 50th result which is not spent was to you or can you please just this is about to an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit trying to become a customer no, it was more than was just putting this almost sleep as it was just that only when the when you,
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when you started. so when we 1st met constantly and then a feeling about free diving and when we heard of his desire to be a customer note, we just had to fill him again. and we followed his journey for 7. that's a good option. you believe me, steve? all because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for a soft this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be cancelled list your video on board. any of this is suggests and skill as the way from someone else. you need to do more of the little misconduct, the cell phone to the ocean,
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just to ensure your connection with fluid. just the 1st one it's cool is that they will have to fly with more just like somebody just all of the corner shrinks almost to one of the there is just the gym or thursday. we'll skip each of those lists from jamie pronounce to mental vision of that i bought the board today, constantine body stuff is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in
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a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on of the question. different things going on with the issue is they want this system more comfortable off the phone up with. all they have to do is to just take a look at some 2 trips with them. i could, i have some core at the just so about when you know what you're truthful, is this the actually up the shut off the deal is with the good mr. shane and you'd have nicole. yeah, of course just of the speaker, to like poke but take it was by somebody with actually have tons of the last semester with cornerstone. let's go to finish your site. it's almost built into the districts 20th of the,
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the general district in the assignments. lot of my supplied someone so they still save yourself, sunset, the guy with questions from them. but the point of self understandable success them. that's a beautiful for us to reduce its interior of the circle and go to that the funds. so you show it to be in and you don't say that you're going, you're gonna use it and show any things to do with the if i can sheets in the set up, which is still one of them could have given me the different sort of course that i was in the portage, the, the feeling of inches,
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the symbols with that it's, it's not up to me what you need it pretty much the, the thing you know, just feel the most or see a contempt start to the judge community and one of them went up, i set it up for a minute. all this was just a little record on going up to you not sure which is which bethany, the civil smith coupled. i mean i could run it on file for you. hold on his. yep. really that's, can you spell that to me? you can often the control scroll the like a tilt slip. it's, oh, well, you know, traditional try to see what it was. yeah. it's cuz other store. so if it shows me the store it see which it's in the yellow no problem. we spoke on youtube, a lot of new gotta ceiling and kind of a new one, cuz i wanna make sure i'm leaving that. that's the correct the portal for the new partial on the show before which it puts them in violence which much can use to
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keep the bus to be on that before for them to kind of want me to start on the normal v. as in 6 total, i don't want to compute them to the motion of dominant, which when you start off with almost the mean upload to move with interest, but apply only some a little to the fellow with a little bit difficult line with them and diving. the shots bits and go to not to come to them, but the your more to propose which is but the way is just look up the name of additional you little small thoughts, comments, different government tradition constantine even became an international judge in free diving. he took his students, the only thing in the pool with dealing smoke up. it made him feel closer to space in the discussion we had actually been on the at. so he to, he'd become a head of business intelligence for
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a large company. but the childhood dream was still alive, so he spent his evening studying integration institute. that degree gave him a chance to become a customer. so he waited for applications to be invited nor stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were the phonics enough to me to pay to do boy relation with respect to that with the start of the engines, cavender gentlemen, who of so we're not able to so the other system being able to use a little bit spell which so the absolute substrate we started filming constantino's, cosmonaut applications were open and we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is the day he submitted his papers,
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the see most of the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing pull ups and swimming so well that he even swim the gabriel destroyed pretty, pretty face. and this keeps especially close to the snow. in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests to be jason that you would support us. that south. exhausting exams locked in several months for sponsoring customer northwood . tested by coaches, doctors and psychologist next to the both of the things that were not receiving was the one that we did on the suggest chest. it got the motor different about the visual, many different level does. the progress under warranty continues to meet with me
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for the for the other one. you're welcome. please go to 20 points for joseph, but let's do the work. let's look for them. so the important one is i think more than to distinguish that thing was just as quickly as much as i should just wasn't as much as one of the ones that this was the other 420 calls middle candidates are being selected. first bell phase 2 years of training and only then will they officially become customer notes and fly the the engine ignition problems coming up to flight speed and the lift times
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the . 6 in the, in the clamp we saw the moving a little slow bill come through. so financial ships looks like it to stay
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a governor's dimly, even the baby and mary again, we can go to a sort of a new deal when you could use florida. oh, we think about 20 till probably when it gives these florida. you presume that is that there is the nipple, a torch completely fuck, i'm know, that's a good deal. and like i know it's a nice and easy being a student to gain of, to working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. this is one of constant teams. first powers of jumps and it's not going well fed them chrome. it didn't cost me a lot, lots of it was today's present benefit because ford dealer is over at the, at the field trip to iceland shatoya, which i did. it shows the snippets almost on some levels of your substance like before, the queue, the pretty much the women in. yep. there's nothing to deal with philip. the patricia news. no, there's still this. there's dish color with words to that. what would always to is this,
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but it just movies plus. ringback the glad to proactively track and still no we, we but it's a shot record is enough to notice that you should be, you know, when you, if you have somebody really aggressive, i swap a beach and control them. so pretty good. last time you it's showing up as a study. it's due, for example, it's going to to, for lutrece vitale, somebody calling us from washington financial down for pretty to so that would ensure it's good for us to see on the paper like i have in the morning. he wouldn't have got the gun. yes. pretty pretty slim, but i think i've got to let you know who the pressure the goes items
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the job to shop. um. yeah. not on the or least the are you leaving to on talk to you jake? uh, the uh, the, the the question
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the the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stress to assistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so your expected to result your actions. describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude. submit a 0 is the said use of the way me and was always supported across the cor. well, that's cool. look, a built in little cute for each pencil that should have the legit and probably the telecom validated which was supposed to be published in more. no, that's good. so the whole thing, the flow and go into the shading of a bunch taken with the ones you might see it, just going to give me 3 inch screen a quick look like you just paid
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the, the, the
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the east west of course the. so i think it was only 2 hills. no good up. com. yeah, us dollars, which must be it. but the most, the more you to the rest of the cisco, that those are not a small sitting here that's for some for you to receive just sort of forced you to sort of disappeared unless the question for you is just better. so you're gonna have more than the discussion which are through
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the the pretty much the next one up. when you wishing you a little pieces of this on the units. and as it's months ago, the nissan was introduced myself, which invest, i'm going to be a 3 because i'm going to be invited up with the flippantly the band, my plan to be able to really with your name. so what is this the dig unless your video will, would in here?
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so come on, you know, how much time do you suppose the new provider? good. good. good news. konstantin lands extreme survival skills, not just in the forest, but out in the step to the end of water in an emergency. as sonya ship could end up anywhere, then he has to be prepared for renaissance in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces, he has to sold various problems. and of course, he has to learn about the on us is as soon as we have the shots, we asked about the most important of daily tasks. the single thoughts introduced
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the facility to the dentist for the 0 instance on it. so now what are you able to see, you know, how much the toilet splits? awesome, that's a lot of them come and tell us to listen to that. the, for the most efficient as the system can show us. so consider one. they also consider one of the, almost double. what do you a blog and sitting out on the edge. i wonder if it's available. it's augusta when you're in the room for the e mail, but also in the let us know what you know through. i think that will hold it printed out. typically most of this deal they'll call they used to be set up in the after chunk that there's customize the window legit systems to issue issues that just came with the 34. she wasn't above and some wasting the third's father, so thought that i was the send that i filled out for the 2000 and the phone wasn't associated with you. probably remember, so i'm gonna put you at, i'm some of the most exposure and able to show even to the same people they found like, well enough, i don't know. it's almost for, for the official for them. they as a nice look at it, i'm gonna try it because i think one of the most part of that goes to quote and
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answer with the city of mine is that this was this approach. keep stationary center shape going on for this pistol just to color was in this video also it's by the initial the wasn't sure. so we focus on the move on to that. that was to look at a picture of thoughtful things to trimble to raise up. our cost goes on with ultimate system, which is quite close to the finance griffith with a lot of stuff like that. almost until we move with a bunch about to go split up in the week some templates in there just to kind of watch drill. so she was and sybil would have to move to him just to be toothbrush, to pick it up. he was pushing wellness. the, with me more live fi etobicoke itself, mostly the based on the constraints like if they will just decide to come see them but sold on the flight if they wish. invest the most important thing and we'll send them over the company, the middle of the train,
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a lot in many cities across russia. constantine is wife on a visit, same as an off site training session to the family. welcome to the member family for you from the truant, something we bought across to the back of the browser. you cannot put a glass more than you know, any ocean that i'll just need to create a little for you. but i'll send you the usual visual control this i'll get the most social phenomena of the budget on the on you put the she was the full amount. if the customer boy full took google for which and then you posted to give you more vision, national the only portion of the,
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the costs we will send you the option some more questions for me that's kind of depends on the cause of, oh my gosh. see to value because right the are almost 2 years constantino data live to power send when it go to hot. they sell the flip simple, the house, new style city. the window shows much know most people to be show when you put a show some of these are still, they are the answer. then what do you mean you, i was wondering if those are unable to my what the status of what you're doing. that's what the, what are usually the behaviors who naturally overseas, the point you to the patrol de moines this commercial truck location on the webpage . so something a little bit of reading has been pretty,
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has come down to the postal code of pete. nothing. nothing. it assuming that the session flows names, i mean, if they're digital ones the most and actually to stop shooting, let's bring up your thoughts, the payment much so much. i'm gonna send you stuff to the soonest. the spanish and, but the tomatoes uncle is 30 post them both at the buck over the and we sent him 0 course closing for the dates, but it was the vista. pamela sequencing is up and running while they're supposed to pursue jape and both as for the fortunate x, which i think of the question a couple, couple the pros to promote that has an interest on the side of our for something special. i never saw somebody else going on with the lucas. my appointment is from the one which most of the things that you think of the hub, which choice believes get good. i'm not nice. nice. google lost everything in
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jeopardy. you hold on some of that for you and it's of course, to put a whole some down of course school for that and go chasing those much more to those additional couple of supplements. how long of a notice kind of was thought mr. was one of which was changing. what would be the new york, what i should get this want to come with the ship and then below which one which one of the cable rejection will take your story. in the envelope section, you remember which the 1st the which no go ahead. what i'm telling you said was what's your number placebo scope to for you really junior, she says we're doing the meal for the senior manual samples that i feel mentioned. coverage is what is the deal, i will know stuff so now for those of email chose will continue to go to i go to you. so my name is joel just gave me it's actual thing to if there's some distortion,
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kwame imation for teeth of saying what disagreements most of the the, the, the path to this dream is a hard one. in the 1st 2 years, you have to post more than 80 exams and only then is there a chance of becoming a real customer on the job block wall going into the fortunately part of the more i still have to look at why it's peggy woods to job you have to go to do without bringing the what did or of them will approach wondering is it looks like the can you bring in my shift to those things? i'm giving you. i'm just different company up the flow from the flow to no snow. they just didn't have enough any of those to, but i should say it'll cut the scope of multiple in a little slow when you're just putting it on that kind of thing. but that will
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continue to definitely make the switch of the whole complex. you just can book, you mean you conflict of the royal palm, you just slice point is that from tech? from what that is. and if i go out of use and you thought was still she'll bring your wife and it wasn't listed on the left hand. what was the one thing you would go over the 3 to those just but no one's got in his life, but i'm extension here of golden rule, which i'm going to propose to show you is not all the keywords you should place wouldn't leave. i'm of the national deviations to which is this your senior store collecting personnel, adult protective us, which he can get hold of somebody else. but let them push these. these have multiple solutions. just deal with you want us to quickly just be sure, you know, poconos looked like it because the group installed
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a nice just so in west junction, different, you know, pretty much the polluted organization crews out to the 5th. yep. i just got a pretty dope. this is jason's as humans, as most the double check is not spilled. but you must most increase the options as to how much we just have to send the pretty much the day. so to go to just to kind of short e, i'm just giving you a tool that would be where you're getting. you're still in my set. what you're so can give us a voice easy as possible. the, the the the,
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the, the, the 1st time in history and meantime country's culture has been cancelled the very modern weapons cancel a culture. me the associate in my life. so little in the front here.
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just me sitting the one who put the glue. the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be up to that i get 20 miles folks to put you over your cities, charlie phillips that go with that. most of the, some rich, the one of them eat them. we blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and you've set it up with somebody at the middle of panel. there's a lot closer. i don't know. she doesn't have to use it a little, some of this joining total condemnation grows daily and now including those to instigate to ca skate shostakovich that the i need to. yeah. go to school or not, but yeah she, it was because the things that were done with you, i'm really you the,
4:00 am
the stubbing images from southern goza. why is brady as sites until at least 20 people on wound? many the seizure of an ambulance is a cold blooded assassination. magic sent in the west bank fail to say fly, says the idea stops on the fiscal approaching the winter is off, the recent rates will start to come. anyone who refuses to serve in the army is treated as an enemy and a traitor. the government of israel has treated all of its people badly for many years. this war is probably the worst moment in israel's history. so far. the


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