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tv   Documentary  RT  December 28, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EST

4:30 am
this is assume it's a goal. the visa is full, or i don't know the feed in a lot of the goals of it shouldn't go to the, the, to the soul. but it is part of that says and 47 percent of our victims of our loved those with whom v solve all the guys us it. so it's a, it's a full gun, but i'm nowadays we have $1000000.00 points. my, it means 1000000 a my hundreds citizens where displays imagine of a actually my, my, my 50 can you? and this is india. so we are in the cells actually all the guys said. but where to go,
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the want to push us to offer offer is between egypt and the addiction, but the tenuous my city of cannot actually bid is looking fussing. and it's fine for most of the guys us to be in the city and with the push our fitness in total costs. if it means that the walk through the system may also dismiss. oh, that is to asia. wait a few is actually 20 years old on 10. very slow, secure bid is not so serious, even though visa any eh, a fact that a g dot of the city of big to all most for the past phones. some of the others. um, most of them uh children of them, but they can get on to the vin of in
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a cd is so is use the football gun the when they say that go to the area. most areas, it goes month by the way. it does not. oh, well, at the end of its view on statements and it be to the states that there is no such areas in gaza. are you in contact with members of your family and are they safe? actually i can say it's a rough estimate issue for me not because i'm before i've seen that on both of those. and they should talk about all the palestinians. but because i am a citizen of senior citizen and this is our community. this is our uh, in via our chapel environment our, the use, the environment, our, remember what is this?
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and we to, i take care about every single is in, gather, set the i am the son, the old, the old, the god, those old people, athenians, nga said, mel with is unsafe no, unsafe and go on secure. and you cannot guarantee for 5 minutes that your, that electives your friends, your 0, the, eh, please, your eh, citizens wouldn't be alive. a lot of stuff, but 5 minutes to come up and get into that. because these are the slot is slice doesn't for this for, for one minute. so every 6 minutes, by the way, according to eh, to, to the aesthetics. every 6 minutes,
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we have cnn, a shell, a bit, every 6 minutes. we shouldn't talk about our parents on the pain. we should speak about the patient or the commission in the 21st century and the love the jewel site in the 25th, eh, st. you. actually it's close to the newest genocide. we should understand that we have different supplement senses because the individual side is the product that is the live by some big pulse and then talking about the united states of america and the book because we uh, uh,
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uh, bought something by visa it is with emitted kenwood was with american balls, with the british bones and was political support and the support and daily it's very important to see the difference between this gun is the end of june, the side against mr. b as in go the step and the other to the sides. that's happened before and below the jewel sides. no one defend or defended the little side for example. and i will not mention what i will not call in, but you on the city understood no one defender that but we have something we have
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one of the biggest fellows in the world that defend and this jewel side, for example, love like the american foreign ministry for enough as ministry, or they said ministry. they said that we didn't see any evidence, or we don't think that is what he thought it said or targets before a few men don't of its joining us. imagine we have no mind. this isn't joining others with kevin and pet posts and bill holmes the locations and there was 2 cushions. and then it comes say that we don't see any evidence. imagine that . so how can you convince or how can i move in?
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so it's really important for us to know that it does not american it to love it is on the side is i'm it is somebody can is the agent and say yes, i forget, i've seen huge public support for palestine. hundreds of people in south africa, i've taken to the streets to protest against israel's action. what is the public mood in zimbabwe? let's the advance to the african mote. before that, i think i have a very unique experience of as i get against the, the genes again, the cold on the other and told the african peoples suffer for ages or from the court on the record on your lives, in the phone, the up to vicious actually the african integrity is very close to
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people, see them and that, and they can either send, overpay, because what we supplement with days is we some of the completion, we've clicked the punishment we saw for this, this combination with stuff on a full b o. v v v v v v v v published last the only thing that african nations before we come up ignore the some of the african peoples is suffering from discrimination. so how we kind of this a kind of, for example, the legal sanctions against a peaceful and the friendly come 3 legs in bo no one can give you the,
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the justification. so it's really important to mention that we have as part of cnn's many eh panes that we can share that with the african nations. so we will see this will be very the messages, but many, eh, it faces or many. ready money attends the stations of the campaigns against the be able to put these. i end up with the gene eh, because it coles to end bids on the side. uh, lift gate, need the uh eh,
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release is that it really seems to be kind of assuming that it would be for a fee of people in africa. i think guide us to one thing that goes, understand exactly what the situation, what is people in that situation? know? what is the situation though? it is especially we come out to go. that is what he was. not for them. the main par note with all the colonial powers and all the tests of the genes enough, for example, you mention to south africa is about a lot of the mean, but not with, with the diabetes gee, in south africa before the collapse of the gene in 1994 is what a was one of the main for those. what so called south through the ship,
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a put the g as in bob we before 19 at, for example. and it's very important on the side of these ladies. have this discrimination even among the older classification among businesses according to the color color color, according to the order is the highest, the highest uh clause. it is the visuals i'm thinking is the wife or the or the juice. then begin to cancel from your to please sign before night for the establishment for visit lane in 19 the for to bottles below is the glass is on the rules you're talking about use is the african
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the jewels especially from the issue. and by the way, we have a lot of evidence about the for example, the, the, the, the, the us in 20152019 the sessions against discrimination inside is a. but so we have a citizen plus one citizen, it less to citizen, it less, it's 3. it's good to know that it is, is it really is a, is very active country. and it's the pulse videos built by the pulse penetrating. and if you look by the way, far from what b, as in the eighty's been against the by this one a month. those if you remember when these. busy gun the something to talk about
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a shift close because of his complex. mm hm. this the so the, it's used for minnesota for purposes of blah, blah, blah. and the thing was, a lot of these targets is low and civilians and the can been in the, in the got the, the, and the ground for the 1st because the of the, the prevented by, by with phones and you want to go to protect it. but this, somebody, it lifted on the come and they gather the brothers and we then did attend some of the vin in be i'm going to tell you, impose soup single. i love music of teens
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discover that visa is stored in some act us by the pub blood color skin is either blah, blah, blah. so and by the way, it should be, it should be in this to get to us talking actually about it from the new cons that we didn't witness before. anyways. not simple as time. and this is the thing that the can deal with the fair yes. military fan, yes. the intelligence failure is confirmed. yes. by coming more and more from our civilians. this is the story a charge to install,
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the applicants have withdrawn them. baset is from israel. do things and bob will will follow suit actually, and it's the speaker frank level of this issue then, but we have long one bus, other insights and even hearings and dealt with them as low as the numbers of them. but with the sense, with buddy's thing, all the time in the international organizations, you and i talked about to us and even we don't ask them to stand with us or to vote for us. it's something by default. and we have the principles in its position to the support of the for the students, like we should mention that before the senior and uh you should for the, for the finalization organization, one of the main positives,
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international partners with the african with these and, but we have national movement that during the liberation was before 19 it and we still have the same principles. we maintain the v v, v, v, the homeless sort of attitude against v as the coefficient, as i guess the legal sanctions involved. but we're here all the time. so our position very clear against sanctions found isn't w position with the place that i gave the, the gene is really, is very curious. we received forms in by the old be fine in new and the, in the national assembly for example. and the speeches all the time, the floors, the base of 4 bodies thing with one voice that cannot be divided.
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ok. how likely is it that to african countries including zimbabwe will cuts ties with isabel festival. let's say that we have, we suffered totally highly appreciate any political push in even will through the was from any single country in the will to, to convince these image on the site and the show the, the, the reviews of these claims think as i said, and involved in respect and our company centers and, and so what we see now with this i think is what he became isolating earphones and beside the country. the country is that the very relations i'm going to have,
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i'll definitely take kansas because with the to the nation with his lead. i think it's very cold. and i read a for in the report 2 days ago that they did on the full can boy called to is the phone every from all the, all this actually something that we should not this now if you want actually to judge the if you want to go to the social media, you'll see who is supporting for the site and, and how many. and we support thing is an anomaly. so it's very important to notice to notice that according to what we see here, isn't that we, and even in the other a, the african countries. i'm sure that the, the, the nations with is a lot as is the e,
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one for which the idea is contacting stripe songs as an infrastructure, claiming how much is using citizens as human shields. what is your take on? that's a search and actually let's say that this lady was deposed on the and we, i don't like to call it i the, it's to patient. it's up what type of what type of the patient id is the defense defense. so for me is actually, i can be that comment, declines, bailey, and the v v v. i do show a visa, ending on is how to make for a how to eh, to, to keep that addition continuous body to fish, cause the,
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the promo of the whole country, a lot of lands. that's a few part in line things successively. let's say clearly that it is love, or between is the promise. it is in new or against all the policy unions. and this is number one, number 2. how much even the sooner people i refuse any one to do life then busily was to say that that me just some ice by killing. oh, oh, and civilians. by claiming that the hum us or get a policy that is a sense use the, the, the say really as soon as the, as a,
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as, as, as you mention that i guess that she as a human she. but it does not have to give me one reason why this is, for example, that united nations, united nations, the best thing is the schools and, and for selection more than 100 more than 100 is sites doing all of that is a can on to no more than a 110 to 20. you an employee and got a cit. who can convince me or convince anybody that view um, employees with your machines, with how much give me justification, why visa me for example, because because of the people it was and for the media,
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the people with in the few where think for buying some but why the give me when the reason for the justification, why they for the big churches and but it's time why you want to tell us or to convince us that the church of, of the christians garza from us or other who meant you know, when no single one and does a thread pin any story that can confirmed is the portable gun, the above new machines. look, if you guys will have a fix or to with us as we will, you will have facebook, you have picked up,
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look to the is a approval gun. the what via of calling or for was we are calling. we are calling for nicholas dual. no dual, no, any thing. it is a cold for the scenes fire or cold to phillip this civil side. the thought came on him and the accused him or his hold that t as much lloyd enough with this, like we have talking about this a site visa, it is a site that moves yearly monthly and they need to be more seamless. for this reason, we have this up. no, it is. it's a lot of english. i'm in this in the cabinet. and this month that it's
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live, but benjamin nathaniel, all of them and miles, no way for the, for the scene in the states. no way for people to see that independence, no way for the is for and then the compassion no way for the clinic. no way to achieve or to accept the international level isn't oceans. so how can you, how can you convince vin a winnable she has to do with them? for said, thieves, we didn't assume anything. why? because it as low as the because there is no decision on the it's just of service because is what he
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used to be is treated as sofa paula or above the community. because the american vetoes on the table all the time for 45 times, no actually we should stop if we want to call the board for want to achieve a stability which will just start by calling for immediate c. c. as fast as the visits on the site to the taking the continuum of these later criminals, the licensee as the international investigation of what they've been called for ending these the profession and establishing the policy. and then
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i think we need that. otherwise, the conflicts will be open and then sure the policy now people will leave their homes on. we will not leave. oh uh, what do you handle for this plan? and we would love to raise the why this less to decrease. that is a defense ministry recently elated that how much battalions are almost destroyed if hamas is defeated, why is the civilian did souls to arise and not actually you should ask this question to the, the email for the, the oh, i come up on something, but i can see what i can confirm from my position that these are images used to kill a lot of people every day. and even before the zillow site is in code,
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almost 250 civilians, it was the bank and go to this and you deserve. so be mentally to me is to prove to the people that they can control you. i can, can you, i can, if i can control the you all the details of your life and will be the want to punish them above most because you didn't make any mistake or any crime according to them. no. to prevent you of thinking of it is this thing the commission this has been intended, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the have games dan has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict independence, the mere of a dentist in the us little homage turned for help the russia raise. the rate is
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considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their hands been to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus is dully. they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached adulthood and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims. 1841 general uprising against the british yoke began. the british under the command of general elton stone. last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british position in general about the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the ever as
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people's resistance to the colonialists. it just failed the res. estimates of the european invincibility, the disturbing images from southern gall. so why is radius strikes? kill me. 20 people and wound many procedure of an ambulance is a cold blooded assassination. metrics in the west bank failed to save lives, as the idea stops ambulances from approaching the wounded off. the recent rain also has anyone who refuses to serve in the army is treated as an enemy and a traitor. the government of israel has treated all of its people badly for many years. this war is probably the worst moment in israel's history so far. the


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