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tv   Documentary  RT  December 28, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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of hello, this is our, as always is great to have your company here with us on odyssey. let me take a break right now will be back up the top of them the of the media and showed him an attempt to deal with the read to go over to the new minus people that will just, you know, the way to when they will low up the still diploma. we often see cause middle to strong and successful people to realize their dreams. but at what cost? and how long must they wait before that 1st block stuff? yes, which isn't perusal to the 50th result, which is not spent most of those to you. can you please just this is about to an
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office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer? no, it was more than was just putting this almost swipe as it was just that only when the when you when your car could. so when you started we 1st met constantine, then a film about free dining. and when we heard of his desire to be a customer note, we just had to fill in him again. and we followed his journey for 7 years. it's a good location. you believe me, steve. all because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be canceled. list your video on board. any of this is it shows and skill as to base with someone else you need to do more of the little misconduct, the
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still subdivision, just to which way you just don't have to for just the 1st one. the quote is that they will have to the right one more just like somebody, just all of the corner shrinks, which took one off that there is just the junk folders. they will skip each of those lists from jamie, pronounced the middle to be sure that i bought the you
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today, constantine body stuff is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on of the issue. i'm frustrated. the fisher is this system more comfortable off of the border patrol at to the ability to, to just take a look quite from church with them? i could, i have some court the, just so about when you know what you're truthful, if the, if the shut off the deal was with the good mr. shooting and you're the difficulties just of the sticker charge both but take it was by somebody with actually a lot thing. the
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last mr. bush as close to most quarters, finish your sites and you can almost built into the districts 20th of the, the general district in the summer flows. ma'am bye. someone said they still save yourself sunset, the guy with questions from them. but the was upon himself of gentle golden success, them so beautiful for us to reduce its interior of the circle and go to the parts of the funds. so you show it to be in, and you don't say that, you know, then you're gonna use jo. any friends do with the get both can sheets and the set up, which is still one of them could have given me the different sort of course that i was in the portage. the the,
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the, the beauty of finishes, the symbols with the duplex model. meanwhile, you'll need it. yeah, most of the things that you feel the most or secrets outside to the judge community and one of them we have a set it up for a minute. all this was just looking at them and going up to you not sure which is which bethany, the civil smith coupled. i mean, i could 101 popping hold on his. yep. really that's, can you spell that to me? you can span of can the controls call the like a tilt slip, it's, oh, well, you know,
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traditional tips they will those. yeah. it's cause other store for just me the store it see what, you know, what you are a little no problem. we spoke on youtube, a lot of new could assume and incredible, depending on credit when the term lead them to thoughts you up at the store for the new patrol about the show before which it costs them inviolate, which much can use a cheap the cheapest to pick them up a full store on kind of allowing me to start on the business to store them or what it's computing the motion of them. and i'm just going to start off with almost coming up load to move with interest planning from a little to follow to the school along with them tonight. and then what we need to shut best and go to not to come to the building and what it costs, which is but the way is just to look up the name of additional you. there's other photo phones, comments different because me discussion konstantin, ethan became an international judge in free diving. he took his students,
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the only thing in a pool with dealing smoke up. it made him feel closer to space in the his can. we had actually been on the at so he to, he'd become a head of business intelligence for a large company. but the childhood dream was still alive. so he spent his evening studying at the da signed institute. that degree gave him a chance to become a customer. so he waited for applications to be invited, more stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were the specifics enough to me to pay to do boy relation with respect to the store engines covered gentlemen of. so we're not able to so the system may have a use of them on a bit spell, which so the absolute perception we started
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filming constantino's, customer, north applications were open and we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is today, he submitted his papers. the biggest thing is the most of the, the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing pull ups and swimming so well that he able to swim the gabriel, just straight. can you predict the deep, especially because this know in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests to be during the us the south. exhausting exams locked in several months. responding customer notes with tested by coaches, doctors and psychologists. next to the most of the things that were not receiving
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was the one that we did on the semester. chest commercial. definitely keep up the between the for this level, just to put together some of the warranty function. you sent me a speech for a product that i'm a sailor when you're watching, please go to p. wants to joe's fun. let's do. the work was quick lane. so the important one is, i think more than that much, but i think it was just as quickly as much as i should just wasn't as much as i just want to look into this. one of the other $420.00 calls middle of the candidates are being selected. first bound phase 2 years of training and only then will they officially become customer notes in flight. the
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engine ignition problems coming up to flight speed and the lift times the . 6 in the,
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in the clamp who so the moving the little fluid will come through. so hold on. sure. she is loose. i get to stay. i go, what was the me even? maybe another dealership. yeah. go to a sort of a new credit when you do florida. oh, we've talked about 20 till probably when he gives these water. you presume that is that these the nipple a torch. get pretty similar. background noise, that's him got given him, but i know it's a nice and easy being a student to gain after working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. this is one of constant teams. first parachute jump and it's not going well. that's the only different goals to know. lots of food that is supposed to benefit us for zillow is a look at the deal to them. they have to, i have some shouldn't toyota,
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which it shows me up with almost all the stuff that you like. but quite a to the pretty much the little button. yep. there's nothing to deal with for the patricia news. no, it's on the flyers dish color with words to the doors to is which to me up we just noticed plus the glad to break so much. i just don't know we, we would have to shop for different the night in his bedroom. you know, when you, if you have to put a really aggressive are swap of beach and control them to pretty class nothing. so i knew it just went up. i just said you'd see, for example, to go on to the little she spits early somebody from us, which is nice with them for pretty to so that would ensure it's good for us to sit on the can you feel like i have in the morning? he wouldn't have got the going. it's pretty pretty slim. but i think on the vehicle,
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no refresher. those items in the shop to shop. um yeah. not normally at the are you leaving to on talk to you jake? uh, the uh, the, the
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fitness in the fortune home with them. so sort of the the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stress to assistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so your expect it to result your actions, describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude use of the way me and was always supported across the cor. well, that's cool. look a thought and little kit for each. and so that should have filled those legit and
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probably don't allow me to tell consolidated which was supposed to be published in more no upgrade to the flow and go into the shading of about sticking with them. what you might say, just going to get anything just a quick luggage the the, the
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the, the most the most the course, the so i think or should i say it was there was no good. i've gone. yeah. style is which must clear but the most them yet them. what about them? usually the rest of the cisco for sending us some for you to sort of forced to sort of disappear political mess with anything cuz it feels just better. so you're gonna have more than the discussion
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which are the ones are pretty much the next one up. when somebody look, you know what, you know, the pieces of this on the notes this months ago, the nissan was introduced myself, which involves from the 3 i'm going to invite up with the, with the, with the the,
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to be able to, the really with their game so the, this, the digging list, your video will voided. you still come on. you know that much because i have this in front of you close enough for one good. good constantine lands extreme survival skills, not just in the forest, but out in the step to the end of water in an emergency, as soon as ship could end up anywhere. then he has to be prepared for renaissance
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in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces he has to so various problems. but of course you have to learn about the sense as soon as we had the chance we asked about the most important of daily tasks. the single thoughts introduced the specifics of that list for the 0 is that storing it? so now what are you hoping to see? you know how much the toilet splits? awesome. that's a lot of them. couldn't tell us the list and it looked at for the most efficient as the system kasheila. so consider one that you also consider one that i will stop. what would you not the blog consider it only that you wonder? overall it's a gust when you're innocent or muslim photo you live with also and let us know what you know throughout the whole to print it out for almost to this deal. they'll call the estimates it up the near future as quickly as the wind buck, legit systems issue issues. it just came with little 3 or she wasn't above a somebody seemed up a 3rd father. so thought that i would play that the 1st thing that i filled up for
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the 2000 and the phone wasn't associated with you the model. so i'm gonna put you at, i'm going to the most expensive and able to shaving to know that at the same time as long as the phone know it's almost for, for the official for them. they as a nice look at it, i'm going to look at those things. one of the most part of the cost of quote and answer with the city of mine is that this was this approach. keep stationary center sale going on this piece. the color was in this, but it also it's by the initial do now wasn't sure. so i'm going to move on to that . that was to look at a picture of storage still thing it's trimble to clear up. our cost goes with ultimate system will just quite close to the griffith with a lot of investment, but almost to tell people to move with it. but they're about to go split up in the company with an interesting kind of watch truck blue shield. but that wasn't the gulf, but it's a lot of them. yeah, i'm just a bit chill switched to peers. he was pushing wellness. the with me more left side
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of a coax. it's a little for the, the song solution for if they will just decide what can we see them, but sold one that a flight if they which invest the most important thing and will extend the company, the middle of the train a lot in many cities across russia constant ins, wife on a visit, same as an off site training session to the family. welcome to the member family for you from the truant software. we bought new prospect. there's a, there's also a bulk of the browser. you can put a glass more than me or should it obviously 2 to 3 to all 4. you also need the only reason what this control is. i'll put a good thing with the show here tomorrow. how about class i had on the to number of the we just had on the on you put the, she was the follow up. not if the stomach boy for the google for with and then you
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close the tucson. and you can see then national, the only portion of the, the cost we will send you the function. so that's gonna start, i don't know because they're only going to be a little bit close, right. the 3 most to us constantino data live to power send when it go to hot, they selves the flip. simple, the house near star city. the window shows much know most people to be show when you put
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a show some of the data still there. the answer then what do you mean you, i was wondering if those are the name of my what the biggest about using the 3. what are using the very to not you new over change, the point you to the visual de moines. if this commercial truck location on the webpage, so i sent in the field of reading of the previous call to them, i don't suppose to put a feat, nothing, nothing. it. and does that sound flores and even, i mean, if the digital ones the most and will surely to stop shooting. let's bring up your thoughts, the payment much so much. i'm gonna send you stuff to the soonest. the thing is yelled with tomatoes uncle, instead of close them both at buck over at them. and we sent him 0 course closing for the folks of it. but it was the best example of chipping thing is up, and i don't what they're supposed to pursue jape and both sides of the whole chair to x, which i think of the question a couple, couple the pros to promote that has an interest on the on the single shows i fish on the schedule. i never saw somebody on go i'm. i was
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thinking lucas, my appointment is from the move which most of the things that's typical, the hub english choice degrees. get good milk symmetrical, bolstered with the jeopardy. you hold on to that for you, and of course, to pretty wholesome down of course school for that and go fish. and it was much more to go to the show. how long it without us, carlos, thought mr. if you want to be solutions, you can only be to view that i should get this what there's some way you're shipping them below. sure. which one of the table ridiculous story in the interview, a senior number which the course the bill which will go to what appears on your for those, what's your number? but if you go to scope before you really junior, she says we're doing the meal for the senior course manual
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to pull that up for you mentioned already, this is what is your level know stuff. so now those of email chosen continue pretty good categories you so my name is joel discontinued sexual things with the some distortion climate nation could keep it saying what the, something that's what the, the above to this dream is a hard one. in the 1st 2 years, you have to post mold in 80 exams and only then there's a chance of becoming a real customer on the job blog. the best part of the more how. so how is the reason why it's peggy woods to job? you have to go to do without bringing the door off of them will approach
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the then you're bringing my shift though to the things i'm giving you. i'm just different company at the flow from the florida most nearly just then i've left any of those companies that will cut the scope of multiple things at all. so when you see it, but if you have them, they kind of think that that will continue to those in the future. the whole different questions can book, you mean you conflict the front of the company? just slice point is that from fact from what that is, and if i go out of use, and if i was still shopping you my i said it wasn't listed on the left hand. what was the one thing you would go over the 3 of those just but let's go to his life on the spectrum here of golden rule, which i'm going to propose to just not all the keywords you should probably leave. i'm the
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last of news. let me switch your institution, your store can within pursue a little fact of us, which he can get hold of somebody else, not let them push these. these have multiple solutions to do. what do you want us to quickly, just be sure. you know the book here, so we'll talk about some good up. and so that that is just showing west junction different. so they're pretty much to your final polluted is organization crews out to the 5th lip. i just want to put his output to this as a human supposed to double check is not spilled by pretty much the most diverse, the ocean features as to how much for the supplement. we have like, well, pretty much the vase up to the storage to cut a short e. i'm just giving you a total. it would be where you're pressing. you're still in my cell, which is 7 years with a boy easiest or supposed the, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the scenes, the beginning of its history. the united states of america has officially declared the striving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colon is tested for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent. american indians were deprived of their land. local residents
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were driven into reservation, given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of bites of native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughter, devising, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. the only good india is a dead indian. the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of death is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been
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a majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today. the, the, let's also is this how i've read the $23.00 policy is reported to is already asked like, on the southern god. so it mo, from the, as the death po has at the top of the 21000 with another 55000 injured the city of robert. this guy says how low looked fine. so by many wounded children, a child and his father came to me. they were the only ones left alive from the whole family is missing one quarter of his scold and almost no wise. there are many such cases. it's hard and painful to watch


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