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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the whole doesn't say the. 7 the on are striking on the southern johnson city. over off i reported the leaves at least 20 dead and dozens more injured locals, helping digging through the rubble in search. all the survivors coming as a u. n. official palsy is really a soul that goes, monstrosities are centered while after another idea of attacking central gallons of apollo city and red present if i q a to casualties from attack. busy and in the, in baffled input with the palestinian death toll reportedly surpassing 21000 people. a pastor in bethlehem,
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sage israel enjoys on the content ability thanks to patronage from the west to have to understand this. right. and for what it is, it is an extension of colonialism in the middle east today. but the tech spent the rest of many western powers in the middle east today. and this is why no one is able, well, no one is winning at all, decided that comfortable the premier, catching the program from today across the go welcome to moscow and then use our here on our to introduce or the monstrosity of our century. now it's how the un special rapid tour in the palestinian territories has labeled israel's actions in gaza. the remarks came of an idea of striking on the southern city of lafayette, and that's at least 20 people data according to the gals and health ministry. awarding disturbing images ad israel is pulmonary, as of gas,
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it has designated the safe. it is wiping out into assemblies, making countless children opens and false, and countless men and women to survive there all spring speech stories excruciating the yes, what these release do into the palestinians, especially in gas. it is the monstrosity of our century west. the complacency is turning into complacency. the square footage from the scene of the striking roscoe shows local sifting fruit piles of rubble in search of the survivors. some rest curious how being lighting fires to help with visibility as they struggled to find bodies in the dark. the
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stride came as the un report date, an estimated 100000 people were recently evacuated to around. the city is located along the in phipps border with where 20 critically ill patients will be transferred to on friday. again, according to the health administrator, who gets and let us get the latest now from local journalists. comes it sholonda. how's it good to see. you. take us through this situation. what it's like this friday morning where you are in the border city. so i'm here in the city and drove off city. uh is the last a place where people can evacuate tea evacuate to or maybe they can shelter inside the different places and drop off to the city of course, and just next to the egyptian border. the news from different areas from gardner
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city, from the center of garza, from those areas as the guys are what's the areas as well shooting here? lots of people do that, i think. and i do believe that all these are safe fix. it says that the one of the war, silver 7, the many people move to offer because they can. so the off off is a safe here because it's extremely easy. people starting to off load off is full of the really you're off of. so for a lot of the numbers of people living with suffering. so but the reality of the harsh realities, even though that there's no such a place because it doesn't step is
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a small area because a lot of the city is just a small city and that i told its lot say, so after the uh, id, i hope the ground operations course, the guys are stripped, starting from the northern areas and then to the middle areas and then had eunice. now, many people are evacuating to hold off of to know the number is increasing. that means a days ago could be a problems with many things, life spaces and their diseases, the separating and also the other issues, food issues you can, can, i just want to find the nature of this tom inside is that that's the big situation, isn't it? the basic necessities you're in the southern most city and does it no longer safe? you mentioned shelter, but those other necessities, water sewage,
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what is the situation there? so it's situation here is getting really a worse policy and trying to survive or trying to deal with this difficulties. but due to the high number of this place, people people are coming to off and the basically here everything is getting expensive. it's normal because the people ask is trying to get more food and they are trying to get what they need because they have the have, or we need to experience of luck finding food. so that's finding their best to find food. so the market now is basically is getting empty everyday things we think really expensive, and there's because there is no a food supplies, there's no medical as well as a medicine and there's no medicine as well. because if you go to the posting is go
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to the pharmacy to get a just a normal medicine, he will never find it because it's empty. he will maybe go to more than 10 pharmacies to find what, what he needs had abruptly he will never, never find it. so things here is very complicated, very high number of this place, fairly seniors from different areas living here in open areas. and especially i have to mention before it's winter and people getting really sick easily because they are sleeping to an open areas and in attempts. so this dance is loved protecting that was like giving they've given you enough for it was not there. they don't feel more or less nice. a few. if you talk about these suffering, it's being to increase the number of patients regular patients here in the off i city, diseases, diseases, we'll see, it will be separated. we'd be more diseases due to the one thing. and plus,
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it's not safe cold, let me get back. for example, the yesterday massacres, it was a massive and it was a very bad one because at the back of the house they targeted is form of this place . balancing is 18 of them from gaza strip from gaza strip of the rest from different areas, but they all but they are all displaced. palestinians have 90 percent of them women and children. and this house located in the middle of of a b g account. we're talking about a small houses without a cement ceiling. it's the a disaster. when you see people, when you look at people was filtering, where should watch your thing inside a very small house and they got targeted by a 16 for example, what, what we expect we will expect a massacres. people there for the most of them was childrens of women's. so people,
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they understand sometimes sometimes people, they understand this area is dangerous, but they don't have any police. don't have any uh, house. they do have any place to go allow people trying to book a space is an open carriers to build their own 10 for example. so because trying their best, you can, you find, drive it himself a space you describe it. so if i could have like just the difficulties, those people that are moving from further up in this trip, they get too rough and then in a way their difficulties almost the only start at thank you so much for not of homes that are giving us a sense of the, the feeling on the ground there during that time is that yolanda in the southern 1000 and city of rough. it's also in southern gas of the palestinian red crescent is reporting that at least 20 people are dead following and is really your strength on the city of con eunice. again, disturbing images are ahead that you mount attorney, an organization saves more than 20 people are injured in the same strike near
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a mouth hospital. the medical facility has been hit at least 5 times in the space of over the spike. the emergency services continue to bring injured palestinians to the hospital. a red crescent ambulance officer shared more details on the seminary defense for guy in the morning. we were at the sign you this ambulance center when we heard several explosions nearby. after clarifying the situation and directly receiving citizens at the centers gate, it became apparent that there was a barred man on a residential apartment, east of alamo hospital revealing numerous casualties and martyrs. ambulances responded and dealt with more than 10 martyrs in over 10 injuries simultaneously with the incident. there was artillery selling, and i'll cause i'm street a group of our teams headed to the location to retrieve the martyr and provided for the state. given the proximity of the incident, the protocol involves directing cases to the nearest available hospital and consequently, a significant number of injuries were transferred to alamo hospital. to extremely
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critical cases were redirected to the nicer hospital for more effective management of the situation. you tell me nothing to do me that can be, i mean, meanwhile, several palestinians have returned to gals or from is really military detention. they are now recovering in hospital and claim they witnessed atrocities committed by an idea of troops. i guess you belong to the is really army detained, the man in their underwear. well children and women were behind us. we walked for 10 minutes before reaching a place where we stayed for more than a day. we were shivering and they took us to unknown locations in israel. a lot of houses. we were sitting peacefully in our home and con eunice and didn't expect these relays would come at us. they demolished the walls and my brother was waving a white flag, but they shot at him and his wife. afterwards, they arrested me and i didn't know what happened to my family. they released me after 12 days of detention which i spent handcuff and blindfolded by the horner.
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they shot at me off to 10 minutes. they treated me and took me to a hospital in this room. then they told me they will take me back to going to the crowds are gathering across israel to protest the intensifying attacks on guns and but many of those calling for police are reportedly facing violence guns with one protest for allegedly beaten by i d. f. officers before being arrested here are testimony later in the program the, the central jobs in time of, of the weight has also come under is really strikes with the palestinian red crescent and saying it has evacuated at least 8 civilians from the same of the
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will. the red presence of several children are among the wounded monetary and grouping also stated that the high struck by is really almost caught fire as rescuers from both to save civil lives and being rushed to hospital. and in the neighboring ton of mcdonalds, the at least 3 people were killed on 6 mobile stuff. also coming in from the palestinian reg present, which saves a heis at came under is really shelling. there are a number of wounded, were evacuated by the crypt smith. all right, let's turn attention to the north of the strip where the adf is pressing on with its really full scale broadened invasion. relentless or it strikes,
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sizes of civilians are trapped in the crossfire and then the last, the working hospitals. i like to bring the limited access to a live saving supplies. here's footage from one parts of and baffled kansas city, showing a crowd of locals apparently trying to lose a few monetary nature. scores of policy in a manner also seems running a united nations v u n. c. monitoring aid chief has said that the delivery and distribution of supplies to civilians is being humphrey by the idea of homes. but here's what one local shirts with that media source. the most important thing we need is slower. we haven't used it in over a month. where do i own rice only, which is giving us health problems? we need flow and water. the aid given is not even enough. for one school sheltering displays guidance. a truck full flow will only be enough for one meal for one school as well. a residential block was recently hit in the northern
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city of bates lucky a killing of these 30 residents reportedly including 2 palestinian journalist, others according to the un office for the coordination of 2 monetary and refers footage. really, as you can see here is showing the city in ruins with a number of buildings completely flopped into fi, is really into an easy and medical officials have demanded that the world health organization investigate the idea of occupation of the in the needs in hospital one of the largest medical facilities in northern cal, so it's really forces rated the psyched on allegations they'll come off. the militants were using it as cover. medical officials have rejected those claims. israel ordered the facility, including all the doctors and patients be completely vacated. we heard from the terminal of the indian easy and medical rescue committee. essays was country needs help from the international community to restore the hospital. i think this is,
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i mean, we've asked the w h o both open we and through letters. we hope that not only the indonesian hospital will be put back into operation, but all hospitals in gaz with all the maximum efforts made by the w h show. but in reality today the w h o is even complaining about what is happening and gaza because they cannot do anything. so now we're all completely together. we complain the w h o also complains. if they complain, what can we do? we can't take any further action. what we're doing now is supporting the government so that it can make maximum efforts. take proactive approach as to the un security council for dialogue with the european union for example. so that those who were previously pro israel become pro palestine is this is what the government must do to remain active in diplomacy. the current condition of our hospital and casa is
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very miserable. it is completely empty. after being abandoned to for 2 weeks and was occupied by israel to we don't know when we will be able to operate this hospital again. so we hope that there will be a ceasefire. we heard that there are plans for a cease fire, and hopefully if there is a permanent seas far, we can make the indonesian hospital fully functional. again, the humanitarian crisis will continue, then there will be a health crisis, then the civilization crisis. so after this war rule, the efforts to rebuild the guys are really require enormous energy. there are currently no permits for volunteers to enter gaza during this war. one of israel's efforts was to hide in the indonesian hospital and the hope that how mosse would not attack the hospital because it was an indonesian property. this is an indonesian asset. moreover,
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how most knows how good the relations are between indonesia and palestine. however, after israel occupied in the nation hospital and we all condemned that action. how marsden asked permission from us the indonesian people to get israel out of the indian nation hospital. it was only after that, that israel finally left our hospital. no us senator lindsey graham has called for a direct attack against the room. he has started the tow it on supports militant groups that are hostile to the country. so american forces should quote, blow it off the map. without a rod, there are no booties. the cities are completely backed by run. i've been saying for 6 months now, hit or wrong. they have all fills out in the open. they have the revolutionary guard headquarters. you can see from space, blow it off the map. if you really want to protect the american soldiers, make it real to the i tell you, attack a soldier through
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a proxy or coming after you. mr. graham's remarks come after repeated the services by washington that a run was involved in attacks on commercial ships on us trips and the red sea to rome has denied the allegations. the united states has created a multi lateral security mission in the region to talk of what it saves as an ongoing booty threats from yemen. for the earlier we spoke to a geopolitical expert, scholar of the university up to around he says, washington will play it safe. i said direct confrontation with around would have serious global repercussions for all wars are good for the us military industrial complex. but i think it's pretty clear that the united states under uh, obama, under bush, under some they never, it never struck. you run itself because they knew that
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there was how the ocean would be swift and severe. the ron today is much more powerful than it was back then. and the united states has many more problems today that it had back then. so obviously, any strike against the run by there is even washington would have severe consequences. all we have to do is look at the persian gulf spaces on the other side of the persian gulf are all wonderful. and those regimes that host us spaces would be seen as hostile by iran, if they are strikes from the united states, and therefore their infrastructure, including the oil and gas assets would be all legitimate targets. so if the americans want to carry out that strike against iran, that would mean a global economic crisis, like we've never seen before,
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to the law. that's us. slay admission in the red sea locks the support of some of washington's allies with some quote unquote friendly nation, saying they're just not willing to participate. italy, spain were among those who said, no, we're not sending worship sort personnel to join the task force on it. follow similar statements by saudi arabia, egypt on the u. e, which said they have no interest in both getting on the mission. we spoke to a retired us or a force lieutenant colonel besides trust and washington's plan was being shattered to, to its widespread support. it is the concern is partly that it's an american lead operation and you really can't tell what the americans are doing. i mean, you know, it's not clear that leadership is not strong in our country. so i think maybe they, they don't know. you know how the american, what the american plan is if, if any ships in that group are attacked or if american ships are attacked,
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every thing that the americans do in the middle east is designed to keep things off balance, which by definition is to destabilize um, in terms of what israel is doing, i don't think there's a lot of thinking going on in, in the support of that. and, and clearly there wasn't a lot of thinking going on when they propose this naval operation. the united states policy has never been interested in stabilizing the middle east. it has been interested in assisting israel in its expansion and destabilizing the countries having them work against each other to okay, moving the program all know um we moved to south america were venice whelan. president, nicholas must do it all, has ordered more than $5.00 military personnel to participate in defense of extra sizes. now the background to this, it comes after the u. k. deployed
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a worship to the coast of deanna in a show of support for its former colony. i mean the lingering territorial dispute with correct us. we believe in diplomacy in dialogue in peace, but no one should threaten venezuela. no one should mess with venezuela. we are men of peace, we are a people of peace while we are warriors, and this threat is unacceptable for any sovereign country. of threats by the decadent fam or british empire is unacceptable or to correspond. jessica sosa is in the venice william capital. i filed this report, the weight of the british ship pitching much trent arrived on the cost of ghana and venezuela responded with a statement in which it assured that this was an act to post the approval cation and also that it violated the agreement signed in a job the president of venezuela and guy, and assigned a document which should become a roadmap for resolving the dispute over the territory of
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a scribble. venezuela regards the statements made by london when it's sent this vessel to the coast of guy in the us. it's where it costs the bid that it resists the rights to take actions that it can within the framework of the venezuelan constitution to protect the sovereignty of venezuela. prison. nicholas, my dear, were speaking at an event to welcome to believe there in forces which takes place every year on december 20th. and now is the start of sizes in the eastern caribbean as well as on the atlantic coastal venezuela. according to him, we are talking about defensive actions. you want us to let me remind you that when london send it ships is stated, that the step was thinking in the context of the dispute between diana and venezuela over the territory of ess cable. as for the 3rd tauriel disputes itself, the documents signed by the president of diana and venezuela seized on both leaders commit themselves not to take any actions that could increase tensions and relations. the venezuela military said that this military maneuvers that are being
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conducted now have already completed the 1st space this thursday, but the sizes will continue in the following days. or there we heard from lots in american scholar, done a show he's of the view. britain is provoking venezuela and seeking to make it look like the aggressor, the british are trying to provoke venezuela trying to present then as well as the aggressor. when we know the history of british colonialism in the caribbean and south america in africa throughout the world, our demands here in the anti worn and time period was movement. continue to be us in england and empires of the world, hands off of venezuela, hands off of palestine, hands off of the riches of the global south. u. k. also sees $2000000000.00 in venezuela and gold. a can to what? here in the united states in my country,
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the us government and corporations have done seizing. sit, go and pay the visa, the venezuelan oil refineries, worth tens of billions of dollars. this is highway robbery. this is no different than 14921620. when the empire is of yes to year seized the resources of the middle east and of the americans and of africa and asia. imperialist, continue to think that the entire world is their backyard. but we're seeing that the van as well and diabetes, and other sovereign people's will not fall for this again. in central africa, at least 40 people have died due to deadly floods. lun slides this week. the incidents in the d r. c, left residents digging through the not to try and recover bodies according to a u. n. climate expert at the event highlights the disastrous implications of per urban design and extreme weather conditions as communities grappled with the
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aftermath of destruction. the last people have been given the right contact, we move to 1st, the woodland slides, houses were destroyed and no one was able to rescue anyone. we were appealing to our local government to get involved so that we can look for bodies. but the missing it started raining in the morning and continued until the evening of the next day we were forced to remain inside our houses. when all of a sudden we would have wrote down the walls and we were lucky to have survived. we started experiencing motored rain full, but it increased and with no time they were flowed so low that so far we have lost 5 people and we are still searching for all dad's body. early in the morning, we would show up to the neighbor, had lost some of his children, another family of 6, including the parents perished. and the body of the mother was found this morning. what has happened here in the college who is not a surprise?
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people knew very well that it was dangerous, so they constructed in regions that were risky. a wave of protests are sweeping across these real crowds or calling for an immediate cease fire, stating the constant idea for touch on gas. it is putting hostages lives up, brave risk in jerusalem. around a 1000 people gathered outside these really parliament, the demonstrators, many of them young waves founders, including a large one with spaces of the hostages, still held by a most john, some slogan, centered on one, sold them on really that those people held in gals that brought home for hundreds more protesters rallied intel of these products call for an immediate cease fire sharing their support group posters. i'm sending the calls for peace. some of the you in se civilians in dallas or officials. great,
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perfect. well we spoke with son is really anti occupation activists from high 5 guy it done. she sees the protesters calling for piece artifact facing violence themselves. a physical being the facing killer people who are right, solidarity with gaza, or pro peace posts, or any sort of compassion for the society in gaza that are suffering because of how much. but especially because of us israel, they arrested over a 100 people have been arrested since the war started because of things that they wrote on their private accounts on social media. if this isn't the severe violation of freedom of speech and the freedom to protest, i don't know what it is. i can not protest without being hit or otherwise be in during a protest one before my last one in hold as the center in haifa. the police didn't only arrest me, they also beat me up. they pushed me to the ground,
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the kicks me an older police officer held me, brought me very close to him and whispered in my ear, do you remember me? i've been waiting for you. i won't say his name for legal reasons. of course. this issue is under investigation in the department of internal police investigation. of course i did remember him because he has beaten me so many times before the palestinian and jewish protests in the city. it doesn't really matter what the protest is about. people like me are not a favorite of the police to say the least. i have no freedom of speech. now the media here in israel is biased and his job is to be part of the war. it is part of design is narrative. they're not inviting people like me to the studio. they won't show people like me. i am being hidden for simply. i am be silenced again and again . i am trying to use every open.


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