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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EST

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the the nurse try, come at southern galvan city of hold off are reportedly leaves at least 20 dead and dozens more injured loopholes, helping digging through the revel in search of survivors. coming as a un official call is the, is really operation that boats monstrosity offer essentially nearly a 1000 just really rally for the safe return of hostages from gals and as others goals for an immediate cease fire. one of the protesters saves the countries authorities or for simply tracking done on demonstrations of support for public. i can not protest without being hit or otherwise be and during a protest, one before my last one in court as a center in high flocks,
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the police didn't only arrest me. they also beat me up. they pushed me to the ground. b takes me no one should mess with venezuela. the direct words of the countries presidents say orders defensive drills to be held in response to a u. k. worship, being deployed to side of the american waters made a regional territorial dispute with the palestinian death. so reportedly surpassing 21000 people that christian pastor investment hennessy's israel enjoys on accountability. thanks to intern niche from the west. have to understand this, right. and for what it is. it is an extension of colonialism in the middle east today. it protects that stuff. many western powers in the middle east today. and this is why no one is april. no one is winning. at all, decided that comfortable news
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the day in law school i'm you know, no legal and this is didn't use our on our, to international or the monstrosity over a century. now this how the un special rapid tour in the palestinian territories has bluntly labeled israel's actions and gals. and the remarks came as an idea of striking the southern city of what off or left at least 20 people dead on thursday . according to the gasoline health ministry, warning, disturbing images ad, it is really as pulmonary as of gas. it has designated the safe. it is wiping out inside families making complex children dolphins, and false, and countless men and women to survive their all spring speech stories excruciating the yes, what these release do into the palestinians, especially in gas. it is the monstrosity of our century west. the complacency is
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turning into complacency. the footage from the scene of the striking little impression was locals, desperately sifting through piles of bubble in search of really any survivors. some rescuers helping lighting fires to help with visibility. struggle define bodies. and the strike came as the un reports, an estimated 100000 people were recently your box. you waited too long for the city is located along me. i can say was border with egypt and that's to were 20 for the 3 of patients will be transferred. this local reporter comes. excellent. so this morning, if you would like to talk about the general situation here in norfolk city will of course we will find this place, palestinians everywhere sleeping and on the side of the road as well. you will find
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fallacy or suffering and standing in a very long lines to get water. i get food, i get medicine for example. it's a challenging mission, arca. because the palestinians, when they are decided to go to the hospital, to get a treatment for an i'm talking about normal regular patients. of course you will find a lot of psychosis because for the medical, the crew. i'm the medical centers here and rough. i city on the across the guy the so busy with the high number of injuries due to the, to the age of air strikes across the gaza strip. so we will find the hoss with those full of casualties full of injuries. so both scenes, basically suffering dvd of these seniors or for all duty and children's who got a doctor yesterday and by the is there any s x, phone number is a good should house in the middle of that not far away from a community hospital,
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just 200 meters from here. we see a massacre is because 90 percent of these palestinians are displaced. bell, this thing is, and those can be a, they become casualties that it'd be less things to ruffle, has a safe place what they are actually a got targeted by that. is there any more plates? so these are what if we would like to talk also about the houses, even if the house was full of civilians, you will find in one house more than 5 or 6 families found it. so it's a very high number. this is, although we didn't use on these paid people. for example, if this house got targeted by the is the lead that we're pleased to do is going to be a massacres. there's going to be a high number of casualties, but people, they don't have another place to go. well the thing in southern gas have,
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the palestinian red crescent is reporting now the police 20 people are dead following others really are a strike on the city of con eunice. again, you may find the following images obsessing the she monetary and creeping saves and fears. the death tor could yet rise further as more than 20 people were left injured in the same striking. you're out a mouth hospital. the medical facility has been hit to at least 5 times in the space of a week, just by thoughts emergency services continue to bring injured palestinians to of the hospital or red crescent ambulance officer. shared more details on the tenant. i did complete the in the morning, we were at the fun units ambulance center when we heard several explosions nearby. so after clarifying the situation and directly receiving citizens at the centers gate, it became apparent that there was a barred man on a residential apartment, east of alamo hospital revealing numerous casualties and martyrs. ambulances responded and dealt with more than 10 martyrs in over 10 injuries simultaneously
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with the incidents there was artillery, selling and i'll cause i'm street a group of our teams headed to the location to retrieve the martyr and provided for stage, given the proximity of the incident the protocol involves directing cases to the nearest available hospital to share and consequently, a significant number of injuries were transferred to alamo hospital made a big, strongly, critical cases were redirected to the nicer hospital for more effective management of the situation. and i'm not going to do me that can be, i'm will expanding on those strikes their aftermath. here's local corresponding to chrome, l satari. as a matter of fact, some of the departments for different work strictly by the i'm going from a little flash card because i'm informed of all the was the communication means that the communication power and i think it was trying to target the unfortunate to try and print it down, which date there. and they targeted last, but just or 6, the smaller ones have been thing and they can 5 or 6 people. and they targeted the
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out the gate of the host with that. and they could be there around 8 people and they thought be good house, nearby adults because killing about 30 people. it's all over, all they are targeting their different different parts of the uh, the hospital. okay. and it looks like the hospital is a still providing the medical care and has not come to a 40 or the subject over the services i see. and meanwhile, several palestinians who were among those earlier shone paraded in the streets and they're all new whereby is really for so you may remember that they've returned to gals a problem is really luxury detention and are now recovering and hospital claiming the witness atrocities committed by idea of troops along to the is really army, detain demand and their underwear. while children and women were behind us, we walked for 10 minutes before reaching a place where we stayed for more than a day. we were shivering and they took us to unknown locations and is around
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a lot of houses. we were sitting peacefully in our home and con eunice and didn't expect these relays would come at us. they demolished the walls and my brother was waving a white flag. but they shot at him and his wife. afterwards, they arrested me and i didn't know what happened to my family. they released me after 12 days of detention which i spent handcuff and blindfolded by the hotel. they shot at me off to 10 minutes. they treated me and took me to a hospital in israel, then they told me they will take me back to going to the crowds continue to gather a crow. busy israel to protest the intensive buying a tax on gals that but many of those calling for peace are reportedly facing mileage themselves with one pro, tester, allegedly beaten by all idea of officers before being arrested. you can hear her testimony later in this program. the whole thing in the region, the central a galvan ton of us,
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is that we also came under is really attack on thursday with the policy need read, present thing. it's news definitely states injured people from the c the of the red crescent, the other that several children were among the wounded. thank you. monetary and proofing stated that a high struck bias. really bones caught fire as rescuers from both sides of williams who, being the rest of us in the neighboring ton of miguel z, at least 3 people were killed. 6 more wounded. that's from the policy mean read present to which say the highest came under is really showing there. a number of the wounded were evacuated by the organizations man. the
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yes. so we've spoken about the size, the center. i now want to bring attention to northern gas or where the adf is pressing on with its full scale round and facing relentless airstrikes as well. size and solve civilians are trumped in the crossfire and made a lock of working hospitals and extremely limited access to life savings supplies. footage from one part of in buffalo gals, the city here showing a crowd of locals apart the trying to loot i. q monitoring a scores of palestinians are also seen surrounding a united nations vehicle. u. n. c. monitoring a chief said the delivery of distribution of supplies to civilians is being comforts by the idea of on slots. you're so on. the local describe the situation the, the most important thing we need is slower. we haven't used it in over
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a month. where do i own rice only, which has given us health problems? we need flow and water. the aid given is not even enough for one school sheltering display as guidance. a truck full of flowers will only be enough for one meal for one school. well, what do you bring you over here to our news? was because those killed in the end say if i'm going to get that in just a moment. but this is northern gas awareness really or a strike on a residential neighborhood in the city of bate lucky i left 13 dead according to the un office for the coordination of humanitarian. the 1st 2 of the 13 were local journalists, not footage, as we can clearly see here shows the city and ruins with buildings completely fluffed and by is really by. busy them's well, let's pick a look now of the current number of casualties since the start of hostilities on october 7th,
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as reported by the palestinian health ministry. those killed in the n p. if not exceed $21.00 size of a close to travel the figure injured. on some 7 scholars as well missing another palestinian region by the way, the west by the number of depths, there are no exceeds as 300 most the following is really rate 3800 wounded. meanwhile, indonesia and medics are demanding that the world health organization investigates the idea of occupation. i'll be in the easy to hospital, one of the largest medical facilities in northern gals. it is really for says rate of the size and allocation stuff. how most militants were using it as cover medical officials have rejected those plans is we lowered the facility be completely vacated of all doctors and patients. and we heard from the terminal of the volunteer indonesian medical rescue committee organization, he says his country needs help from the international community to restore the
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hospital. a i think this is, i mean dog slobber. yeah, we've asked the w h l both open we and through letters, we hope that not only the indonesian hospital will be put back into operation, but all hospitals in gaz with all the maximum efforts made by the w h show. but in reality today the w h o is even complaining about what is happening a gaza because they cannot do anything. so now we're all complaining together. we complain the w h o also complains. if they complain, what can we do? we can't take any further action. what we're doing now is supporting the government so that it can make maximum efforts. take proactive approach as to the un security council for dialogue with the european union for example. so that those who were previously pro israel become pro palestine. this is what the government must do to remain active in diplomacy. the current condition of our hospital and casa is very
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miserable. it is completely empty. after being abandoned to for 2 weeks and was occupied by israel too late, we don't know when we will be able to operate this hospital again. and so we hope that there will be a ceasefire. we heard that there are plans for a cease fire, and hopefully if there is a permanency spar, we can make the indonesian hospital fully functional again, and the humanitarian crisis will continue. then there will be a health crisis, then the civilization crisis. so after this war rule, the efforts to rebuild the guys are really require enormous energy. there are currently no permits for volunteers to enter gaza during this war. one of israel's efforts was to hide in the indonesian hospital and the hope that how mosse would not attack the hospital because it was an indonesian property. this is an indonesian asset. moreover,
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how much knows how good the relations are between indonesia in palestine. however, after israel occupied in the nation hospital and we all condemn that action. how marsden asked permission from us, the indonesian people to get israel out of the indian hospital. it was only after that, that israel finally left our hospital. when a wave of protests are sweeping across israel, we've seen this for some time, but it's really high food off. not because cried dirt demanding an immediate cease fire. in the conflict saying, the constant idea of protection guys is putting hostages lives. threats around a 1000 people gathered outside these really parliament in jerusalem. the demonstrators, many of them teenagers, wait a huge banner with the faces of the $129.00 hostages. still held by some chance um slogan, centered on one so that none of those people held in goes that being brought home hundreds more. protesters rallied here in tel aviv on the screen. crowds call for
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an immediate cease fire sharing their support posters and the calls for peace comes of the un say civilians are the gals are facing. busy range per as well. we talked to and this really empty occupation octave is from haifa. and since october 7th guy it on has attended numerous pro palestinian protests where before being arrested of one of them biased really felicia ledger. she was harassed and beaten. this is her account directly spoken to r t a simple could be the facing killer people who are right, solidarity with gaza, or pro peace posts, or any sort of compassion for the society in gaza that are suffering because of how much. but especially because of us israel, they arrested over a 100 people have been arrested since the war started because of things that they wrote on their private accounts on social media. if this isn't the severe violation
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of freedom of speech and the freedom to protest, i don't know what it is. i can not protest without being hit or otherwise be and during the protest, one before my last one in hold as the center in haifa, the police didn't only arrest me. they also beat me up. they pushed me through the ground, they kicked me, an older police officer held me, brought me very close to him and whispered in my ear, do you remember me? i've been waiting for you. i won't say his name for legal reasons. of course. this issue is under investigation in the department of internal police investigation. of course i did remember him because he has beaten me so many times before the policy union and jewish protests in the city. it doesn't really matter what the process is about. people like me are not a favorite of the police to say the least. i have no freedom of speech. now the media here in israel is biased and his job is to be part of the war. it is part of
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design is narrative. they're not inviting people like me to the studio. they won't show people like me. i am being hidden for simply. i am being silenced again and again. so i am trying to use every opportunity that i have to show that even if they are trying to travel in my freedom of speech and freedom to protest and to resist the occupation, i won't let them do that. the police act according to the decisions made by the government. they act like a barbarians. they don't want to see us or hear from us. they don't want to know that there are people demonstrated against the state of israel. a state can't really be democratic if they don't, defies another state. it can't be democratic while mass, the queen, 20000 people. it can be democratic and send soldiers and settlers to attack civilians in the west bank. and it can be them a credit if people are being arrested for facebook post. my friends are being
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arrested because they write solidarity with the cause or in their private facebook accounts. so we are not at democracy. we can be, this is a severe violation of the freedom of speech. there is no freedom of speech. even before october 7th, there was no freedom of speech. even before that, they didn't let us protest with slogans in support of the policy and state or with policy and flags. the 1st time i got arrested, i was carrying a policy new flag. i didn't say anything or touch anyone. they saw that i was carrying a flag, they pulled it away, i felt to the ground and i got arrested. it is very violence all the time. to me personally, it has been very violent between world war 2 and 2022. the us has given israel gross amount into $320000000000.00. we still don't know the data for 2023. we are the only country that the us gives so much money to this money doesn't go to our
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education or to the infrastructure or traffic, nor to the health system. this money is being spent on the occupation of palestine . it doesn't matter if that money is being spent on the massacre of 20000 people in gaza or on has far as people in the west bank. so they are responsible for this situation almost as much as ease row. if we want something to change, we need countries like the u. s. britain and france that have a lot of influence in the world to stop and say, we will not give you more money as long as you continue the actions. all of these words, though, we are waging per pay to a b o q patient. the occupation is much more complex than is shown on the screen. it hurts everyone, even me as a jewish person, it hurts it damages my education and my freedoms. it damage in my personal sense of security and it hurts 3100000 of palestinians in the west bank and gaza. we want people who hear me now at their homes to put pressure on their governments to stop
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financial and military support through israel. now we are the most racist extreme right wing and fascist government. since 1948, even during martial law, people are comparing people that were living during the martial law comparing the spear that they felt back then to the one they feel. now, history repeats itself in the worst way possible, right? turning attention now to the us where main house become the 2nd state to locally disqualified donald trump from the ballot in next year's presidential election. officials in both democrats remain on colorado claim. mr. trump has been by james for the so called insurrection, this bottom over his elegibility and the storming of capitol hill in january 2021. the next president was hoping to return to the wi fi as i was denied that he used to get his any a talk from congress of his body to appeal to the judges on the local restrictions
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. now the republican candidate also faces several other from the on civilian law suits in america, courts polls part by the way, donald trump is the frontrunner for the parties. presidential nomination, while incumbent president, democrat, phil biden has recently seen his reading sing to an all time low the okay. from north to south america, venezuelan president nicholas number 2 at all has ordered more than 5000 military personnel to take part in defense of extra sizes comes after the u. k. deployed a worship to the coast of diana initial support for its former colony and made a regional territorial dispute. we believe in diplomacy in dialogue in peace, but no one should present venezuela. no one should mess with venezuela. we are men of peace. we are a people of peace, but we are warriors,
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and this threat is unacceptable for any sovereign country. of threats by the decadent fam or british empire is unacceptable. yeah, nicholas major nod, holding back, and r t correspond to jessica sosa, is independence willing capital. she follows at this brief report the, the british ship, pitch them as trans arrived on the coastal ground. and then as well, i responded with a statement in which it assured that this was an active post the approval occasion . and also that it violated the agreement signed in a job, the president of venezuela and guy, and assigned a document which should become a roadmap for resolving the dispute over the territory of a scribble. venezuela regards the statements made by london when it sent this vessel to the coast of diana as it's for it, costs the bid that it resists the rights to take actions that it can within the framework of the venezuelan constitution to protect the sovereignty of venezuela. prison nicholas, my dear,
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were speaking at an event to welcome to believe there in armed forces, which takes place every year on december 20th. and now is the start of sizes in the eastern caribbean, as well as on the atlantic coastal venezuela. according to him, we are talking about defensive actions. you want us to let me remind you that when london sent it ships you stated that the step was thinking in the context of the dispute between diana in venezuela over the territory of ess cable. as for the 3rd tauriel dispute itself, the documents signed by the president of diana and venezuela sees that would meet those comments themselves, not to take any actions that could increase tensions and relations. the venezuela military said that this military maneuvers that are being conducted now have already completed the 1st space this thursday for the us. the sizes will continue in the following days. what we thought, reaction on this story earlier on, got it from lots in american scholars down in shaw from the city university of new york. he's of the do, britain is provoking venezuela and seeking to make caracas look like the aggressor,
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the british trying to provoke venezuela, trying to present then as well as the aggressor. when we know the history of british colonialism in the caribbean and south america in africa, throughout the world are demands here in the and so i warn, inside period was movement. continue to be us in england and empires of the world, hands off of that as well. a hands off of palestine, hands off of the ridges of the global. so u. k also sees $2000000000.00 in venezuela and gold. a can to what, here in the united states, in my country, the us government and corporations have done seizing, sit, go and pay the visa the vin as well in oil refineries worth tens of billions of dollars. this is highway robbery. this is no different than 14921620. when
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the empire is of yesteryear seized the resources of the middle east and of the americans and of africa and asia. imperialist continue to think that the entire world is their back yard. but we're seeing that the venezuelan di, any other sovereign people's will not fall for this again. alright, to kenya and a warning distressing images are ahead of socrates. there are investigating the legend killing of 4 people at a pineapple farm, owned by us food cooperation. delmonte officials say the bodies which have been retrieved from a nearby river show signs of torture. the plantation security guards are suspected of brucely killing. the men who were accused of trying to steal pineapple loads, one of the victims, relatives and ledges people have faithfully died in mysterious circumstances of sites old by the american corporation. we believe the del montague going to
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torture them until they died. delmont is a very well known company, and it is mostly associated with the killing of young men in this region. this company has more power than austin believes it's about the law. if you find a lawsuit, nothing will happen because they spend a lot of money just to by justice. the government should ensure the perpetrators are brought to trial. if the victims had violated the law, the company could have arrested him instead of killing them. all government tried to find colonialism, but we kenyans continue to suffer at the hands of companies like delmonte. while the multi, i was denied any wrong doing on teams, it's guards were simply trying to prevent the plantation from being looted. delmonte 10 years co operating with can you know, sorry to use as they continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the full bodies retrieved from the sticker. with the last week, the post mortems are still on the way all security footage from when the men attempted to steal pineapple shows no foul play on del monty's pause,
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and instead shows them running away towards the river off the dropping bags of southern pineapple as they tried to run away from security guards. well, the loyalty is the top global supplier of canyon crops, unemployed some 6 followers and people in the east african nation. the u. s. firms guards have more than once been accused of killing suspected thieves of its farms. that's according to reports by u. k. media that the guardian of the bureau of investigative journalism and you, human rights groups, hubble surprised fall of the food joins conduct and that has being real misery, which is caused by this farm to local community members. it's important that someone who is buying these pineapples knows about the allegations of violence connected to the, from the relationship between the low cost and i didn't want to not receiving that on. his elders, be netapp a country. it has been a lot of, you know, political human rights abuses, you know,
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give yourself leads. this is over at d, have units that are people by this multi nationals animal. so they use the we have got got to pay nipple around the far right from east to central africa, where at least $40.00 people died this week due to deadly floods. along the slide. the incident in the d. r. c, left residents digging through the mode to try and recover bodies according to the un climate experts. the event highlights the disastrous implications of correct urban design and extreme weather conditions. as communities russell, with the aftermath of destruction lost from the incoming elements. people have been giving their account of the chance to 1st they will land sides of houses were destroyed and no one was able to rescue anyone we're appealing.


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