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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EST

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in the the 3 palestinians are reported killed in the latest ideas error strike on the, my god, the refugee town. as after israel admitted it was wrong to have killed more than 80 people in that area in an earlier attack. this was a regrettable mistake. they should not have happened. the choice of munition was incorrect as a desk toll in the gaza surpasses $21000.00 a christian at pastor and bethlehem says western powers have enabled israel to kill with impunity. the have to understand this, right. and for what it does, it does an extension of going on your list and in the middle east today protects that instead of stuff many, it was 10 power in the middle east today. and this is why no one is april. no one
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is winning. told this guy that comfortable this company has more power than austin believes. it's a buffalo and disturbing images ahead. several people are believed to have been tortured and killed at a pineapple farm, owned by us to giant delmonte in the east african nation of kenya. the rachel ruble in moscow, you're watching our t international is really forces have conducted another attack on the my guys, the refugee camp, and central gaza killing at least 3 people and wounding 6 others. that's according to the palestinian red crescent society and humanitarian group. in the region, the for this video shows locals and the medical staff rescuing and people trapped under the rubble previously on christmas eve. an arrow
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attack by the idea of killed more than 80. tell us to indians in that same refugee camp is really government has admitted it was quotes, a regrettable mistake to kill civilians. this was a regrettable mistake. this has not happened. the choice of munition was incorrect and we continue to learn lessons and step out efforts to get civilians out all homes way. one of those efforts to get civilians out of homes way is the price of the un agencies on the ground that have been following civilians. into ha strongholds to stop being complicit with hamas as human. she can strategy. are you an agency that assist palestinian refugees? has accused israel of attacking in a convoy in gaza. that's despite the vehicles having followed a route designated by the idea is really soldiers fired at an age convoys as it returned from northern guys. i'm a long or rude designated by these really army. our international conway leader and
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his team were not injured. but one vehicle sustained damage aid workers should never be a target. for this video, for me, i have a in battle the area and guys, the city shows a crowd of low cost, apparently trying to lose a humanitarian, a truck score as the palestinians are also seen surrounding a united nations vehicle. do you and to mandatory in a chief, it says the delivery and distribution of supplies to civilians is being hindered by the idea of onslaught. here's how wonderful residents describe the situation. the most important thing we need is slower. we haven't used it in over a month. we rely on rice only, which is giving us health problems. we need flow and water. the aid given is not even enough for one school sheltering displays, gallons a truck full of flowers will only be enough for one meal for one school. also in northern dogs, a recent is really our strike on
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a residential neighborhood in the city of bella. here is said to have killed. 30 people un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said that 2 of the deceased were local journalists. of this video shows the city in ruins of buildings . completely flattened by is really bombs. all right, let's take a look now at the current number of palestinian casualties since the start of the hostilities on october 7th, as reported by causes health ministry with the data on that region, it now exceeds at 21000 to 3 times as many have been injured and another 7000 others are missing. meanwhile, in the west bank, about 300 people had been killed with another 3800 wounded n as rarely raids you and has said this year has been the deadliest ever for palestinian children in this yeah, has been to died last year on records. the children in the west bank including these jerusalem with conflict related volumes, reaching unprecedented levels. children living in the west bank including east
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jerusalem, have been experiencing dryden violence for many years. you have the intensity of that volumes has dramatically increased since to her wrist. that gets august of october, the 7th. then i didn't. nations human rights office has also reported on the casualties in the west bank. it said that 291 palestinians had been killed. an id, a phrase over the past 3 months. $79.00 of the deceased were children you and said the idea of detained about $4800.00 westbank residence during that period with some of those prisoners being abused. journalist mohammed, the g reports from the west bank city of ramallah, there's uh, 7 october right now there is a 2nd 5th escalation by the i did get a civil as soon as those banks. it is a pond, especially if i'm not in was banks. it is a kind of getting on douglas and i solve it. i just did more than $4700.00 policy man said password $1800.00 to the and i use it is deficient which means the issue i would supply all including women and children. so that situation are difficult and
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able to envision it is up to and it lashes out of the class as a lot of sort of connections between the well as soon as i look for hearing reports, a recent is really raids overnight across the west bank. what more can you tell us are, are these raids increasing? yes, actually know about a student, us and boast back and it does what i've seen in the unit from the idea on the clothes. i faxed the getting and getting out of sync on thoughts. i didn't even physically be think i'll include each other and without more than $260.00 children where i just have sense of october. i know according to that. but as you know, there's another club so that children are audited on maybe could use in the future isn't a swap between is right on thomas. because the, those, the children who are in the school didn't go with the security crimes that comes in sizes of protesters in new york city, have taken to the streets to demand that the us defend the vulnerable civilians of gaza and stopped financing the is really war machine
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the crowds called out for recognition of an independent palestinian state and demanded that the us government supports these fire efforts for guys um, earlier this week, another demonstration in the american financial capital devolved into violence with police clashing with protesters. some of the demonstrators say the us is complacent and war crimes by israel, but in the streets, not the city of the united states. the and the meanwhile, in the southeast asian nation of malaysia protesters have gathered outside the us embassy to speak out against israel invasion of gaza. the, the,
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the demonstration has been underway for multiple days and is expected to continue throughout the week. the crowds, a gathered to voice or support for policy and in independence and to denounce us to part with the is really a marchman of guys. the protest appears to be mostly peaceful with no arrest reported. we heard from a legal expert who noted that malaysia is traditionally a strong supporter of palestine. i protested from uh, selected tenants on the title of the time. they already said that they want to put, turn about 6 days blockage include direct tv credit sign, which is just uh, the page, the 10th 200 meters from the u. s. embassy in quite a room full. uh, actually our de already said that you like to come this year as possible to the embassy and switch the area. however, the police at this moment controlled area and did not move. there are still 200
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meters away from the u. s embassy for so long, malicious spending various problem with palestine. and when this more happen is really hurts majority muslim and also knows the memory care for both love and the human rights and respect human rights. so just situation is a formulation especially was talking may need for that supporting is right. you and you work. and the situation is i can see you. what i think this was a wave of protest has also been sweeping across israel with crowds demanding an immediate cease fire, as they say the constant idea for tax and guys are putting the hostages at risk. so around a 1000 people gathered outside these rarely parliament in jerusalem. the demonstrators, many of them youths waved a huge banner with the faces of the 129 hostages, still held by hum us chance and the slogan centered on one,
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sol. demand that the inducted be brought home hundreds of more protesters rallied in, tell of the crowds called for an immediate cease fire showing their support through posters and singing the calls for peace. come as the un, so civilians and guys are facing quotes res, tara we talked to to, is really anti occupation activists from high for us since october, 7th grade and has attended numerous pro palestinian protests were after being arrested at one of them by is really police she alleges she was harassed and beaten, this is her account, which she gave to our t. it seems to be the face of killing people who are right. solidarity with cause or pro peace post or any sort of compassion for the society in gaza that are suffering because of how much. but especially because of us israel, they arrested over a 100 people have been arrested since the war started because of things that they
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wrote on their private accounts on social media. if this isn't the severe violation of freedom of speech and the freedom to protest, i don't know what it is. i can not protest without being hit or otherwise be and during the protest, one before my last one in hold as a center in haifa. the police didn't only arrest me, they also beat me up. they pushed me to the ground, the kicks me an older police officer held me, brought me very close to him and whispered in my ear, do you remember me? i've been waiting for you. i won't say his name for legal reasons. of course. this issue is under investigation in the department of internal police investigation. of course i did remember him because he has beaten me so many times before the palestinian and jewish protest in the city. it doesn't really matter what the protest is about. people like me are not a favorite of the police to say the least. i have no freedom of speech. now the
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media here in israel is biased and his job is to be part of the war. it is part of design is narrative. they're not inviting people like me to the studio. they won't show people like me. i am being hidden for simply. i am being silenced again and again. so i am trying to use every opportunity that i have to show that even if they are trying to trample on my freedom of speech and freedom to protest and to resist the occupation, i won't let them do that. the police act according to the decisions made by the government. they act like a barbarians. they don't want to see us or hear from us. they don't want to know that there are people demonstrating against the state of israel. a state can't really be democratic if i don't propose another state. it can't be democratic will mass a queen, $20000.00 people. it can't be democratic and send soldiers and settlers to attack
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civilians in the west bank. and it can be them a credit if people are being arrested for a facebook post. my friends are being arrested because they write solidarity with the cause are in their private facebook accounts. so we are not a democracy. we can be, this is a severe violation of the freedom of speech. there is no freedom of speech. even before october 7th, there was no freedom of speech, even before that they didn't let us protest with slogans in support of the policy and state, or with policy and flags. the 1st time i go to arrested, i was carrying a policy new flag. i didn't say anything or touch anyone. they saw that i was carrying a flag, they pulled it away. i felt to the ground and i got on. i said it is very violence all the time. to me personally, it has been very violent between world war 2 in 2022. the us has given israel grand amount into $320000000000.00. we still don't know the data for 2023. we are the
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only country that the us gives. so much money to this money doesn't go to our education or to the infrastructure or traffic, nor to the health system. this money is being spent on the occupation of palestine . it doesn't matter if that money is being spent on the massacre of 20000 people in gaza or on has for us people in the west bank. so they are responsible for this situation almost as much as ease row. if we want something to change, we need countries like the us, britain, and france, that have a lot of influence in the world to stop and say, we will not give you more money as long as you continue the acts. are distressing images a head now from kenya, where authorities are investigating the alleged killing of 4 people out of pineapple farm owned by us for the food corporation. delmonte officials say the bodies which were retrieved from a nearby river show signs of torture. the plantation,
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the security guards are suspected of brutal lake telling the man who were accused of trying to still pineapple loads. one of the victims, relatives, the largest people have previously died in mysterious circumstances. that site is owned by the corporation. we believe the del montague going, it's tortured them until they died. delmonte is a very well known company, and it is mostly associated with the killing of young men in this region. this company has more power than us and police. it's about the little wonder if you find a lawsuit. nothing will happen because they spend a lot of money just to by justice. the government should insure the perpetrators it brought to trial. if the victims had violated the law, the company could have arrested them instead of killing them. all government tried to find colonialism, but we kenyans continued to suffer at the hands of companies like del monte. monterey has denied any wrong do an claims as guards. we're simply trying to prevent the plantation from being looted, delmonte 10 years co operating with can you know, sorry,
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it's easiest. they continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the full bodies retrieved from the sticker with the last week. the post mortems are still on the way all security footage from when the men attempted to steal pineapple shows no foul play on del monty's pockets, and instead shows them running away towards the river off the dropping bags of stone and pineapple as they tried to run away from security guards. demonte is the top of global supplier of canyon crops and employees around $6000.00 people in the east african nation. us firms guards have more than once been accused of killing suspect and seems that as farms that's according to reports by u. k. media outlet, the guardian and the bureau of investigative journalism and g o. human rights groups have also cried foul or the food giants conduct in kenya that has being real misery, which is caused by this fund to local community members. it's important that someone who is buying these pineapples knows about the allegations of violence connected to
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the, from the relationship between the low cost and that they want. they're not receiving that on his elders be not the country. it has been a lot of you know, critical human rights abuses, you know, gives yourself leads. casey. so that the key again is that a lot of people buy these multi nationals in most or they use the you have got got to buy nipple, a bound if i'm the russia has conducted a sweeping attack on ukrainian air bases and the military industrial science using long range missiles and problems, as according to the russian defense ministry, r t correspondence, vermont customer, our parts washing defense ministry. you did confirm that. so over the last week or so, it's conducted at least 50 groups strikes and the one massive strike. and they use
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the both high precision weapons and drones as well. now they were unconfirmed reports on, on uh, friday, that's a hypersonic missiles were used as well. however, however, that still remains to be confirmed. now, according to moscow, the strikes were targeting ukraine's military industrial complex, as well as the locations where artillery shells on land, boats, and fuel for military vehicles were stored. now this is coming as the ukrainian air force spokes person said that it's been a long time since they saw such a massive strike. meanwhile, across the border polish minutes, hurry has been conducting an emergency meeting after and unidentified flying objects has entered points, aerospace from ukraine side. now, according to war. so the, the old shift was followed by the vote, a chevy ation. but later it's disappeared from its radar. as now it's worth mentioning here that's last year and miss solid from ukrainian territory fell in
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folders, soil, and killed 2 poles. now, immediately after that incident, ukrainian presidents, blaine, the rushed off with the incident demanding that nato gets involved into a direct conflict with russia butts polish investigation. at that time revealed that the missile was, in fact, a ukrainian, one of the protesters and serbia had begun camping out on the streets of the national capital, as they call for recent parliamentary election results to be overturn is going and that's after the official tally showed a victory by the president's ruling party. all right, let's cross live to our t correspondence. dave sweeney, who joined us from belgrade. see, what's the current situation there in the serbian capital? well, this is the troll. say of protests in the serbian capital bell. grades about the election results, which the opposition say was fraudulent. now,
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the students have set out a setup comp here, outside the foreign ministry. now i spoke to one of the student leaders earlier and he said this was a strategic decision that they were hoping for forward intervention. i pressed him on this and he said that he was having people on the move. i was hoping for talk soon. functions on president alexander boot church, and the leaders of the serbian government that he said, he called them corrupt. he said that the evil and he's running a brutal dictatorship. now the police have sealed all sections of the road here. they seem happy to let the protest, caviello know named. this has been a pattern over the course of the week. in fact, we haven't seen a police presence on any of the demonstrations since i was 5 and cautious took place on sunday, where protest is met by the opposition in charge of smashing to the electoral commission buildings assessing fire, smashing windows, and those crashes with police officers need leaving a number of people wounded and around 35 people taken into custody. now the protest
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to follow to kind of a routine up to a pattern over the course of the week. a smaller and smaller in size. people have gathered very close to the national parliament for, for marching off to various destinations on, uh, choose a for example. they most of the high coal where they demanded the release of what they say all political prisoners. but of course, the also warranties tie up. people that were detained for carrying out acts of criminal violence. damaging property on wednesday on thursday, protest is filed into a very small call, paul, by the national television channel over. so it'd be, as i mentioned to a number of speeches, coding for beaches to resign, coding for those elections, to be a rerun elections of cause one by a boot, which is uh, so it'd be in progressive policies a way that's a 47 percent of the vote compared to 23 percent for the old position, but the protests have filed ready to attract,
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to the support. there's another kind of must mobilization theme of the demonstrations. you can see behind me. i took a walk through the crowds earlier and they were fewer than 100 people there. so president bluetooth will be watching. he won't be on judy concern by what he sees so far. of course, things could change. they could change quite rapidly. the organizes of this protest say that they are joining in another most protest tamora, which is being cool by the opposition. they say they're going to attract people from across the country. whether this happens room i used to be seen by serbian people bugs, people in the capital bo right, or simply going about their business as usual, they're going to work. so using the shops and restaurants seemingly oblivious to the protests to all continuing, of course, we will be on the ground to keep you updated with the latest. all right, r t correspondence, steve sweeney. steve, thank you for that. in south america, then as well. and president nicholas venturo has ordered more than 5000 military
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personnel to take part in defensive exercises. it comes after the u. k. deployed a war ship to the coast of diona in a show of support for its former calling in mid original territorial disputes. we believe in diplomacy in dialogue in peace, but no one should threaten venezuela. no one should mess with venezuela. we are men of peace. we are a people of peace, but we are warriors. and this threat is unacceptable for any sovereign country. of threats by the decadent fam or british empire is unacceptable. r t corresponding jessica sosa, is in the venezuelan capital on file this brief report. probably i did go and pay the british ship, pitching most trans arrive, dumped the cost on grant. and venezuela responded with a statement in which it showed that this was an actual post the provocation. and also that it violated the agreement signed in
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a jar and the president of venezuela and guy and assigned the documents which should become a roadmap for resolving the dispute over the territory of ski boat. then as well as regards the statements made by london, when it sent dismissal to the coast of guy on the, on the threats cara castillo, the did that it resists the rights to take actions that it can within the framework of the venezuelan constitution to protect the sovereignty of venezuela and the prison nicholas my do are speaking at an event to welcome to believe there in armed forces, which takes place every year on december 20th. and now is the start of sizes in the eastern caribbean as well as on the atlantic coastal venezuela. according to him, we are talking about defensive actions and i see on a student, let me remind you that when london send it ships, it stated that the step was thinking in the context of the dispute between diana and venezuela over the territory of ess cable. as for the 3rd tauriel disputes itself, the documents signed by the president of diana and venezuela says that would meet
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us, call me themselves, not to take any actions that could increase tensions and relations. the venezuela military said that this military maneuvers that are being conducted now have already completed the 1st space this thursday, but the sizes will continue in the following days. a near face latin america expert, danny shaw says western corporation simply wants to seize and exploit the resources of countries like venezuela. british are trying to provoke venezuela trying to prove that then as well as the aggressor. when we know the history of british colonialism in the caribbean and south america in africa, throughout the world are demands here in the answer, a warrant in time period was movement, continued to be us in england and empires of the world, hands off of that as well a hands off of palestine hands off of the riches of the global south. u. k. also
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sees $2000000000.00 in venezuela and gold. akin to wait here in the united states in my country. the us government and corporations have done seizing, sit go and pay the visa the vin as well. and. ready refineries worth tens of billions of dollars. this is highway robbery. this is no different than 149216. 20 . when the empire is of yesteryear seized the resources of the middle east and of the americans and of africa and asia. imperialist continue to think that the entire world is their backyard. but we're seeing that the venezuelan diabetes and other sovereign people's will not fall for this again. all right, that's going to be a look at the news for now, but to stay with us, i'm back in about 30 minutes with much more ahead by the
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills,
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and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground can known in vietnam as the american war. the vietnam war lost its almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. not any time between now and then you don't see it now. what did go on empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. and the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly burned down entire villages and spread dangerous
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chemicals. and lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that way. it's too late. but you have the hello and welcome to the cross talk. we're all things are considered on people about the calendar is changed, but the trends we observe last year continue with this into the new year. change is
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in the hair and the powers that be in politics. and media are resisting, the status quote is being tested. this is what could make 2024, a watershed year. the or discuss these issues and more and join by my guess, jordan, send me well way in budapest, he's a pod cast or engine capital, which can be found on youtube and locals. and in america, yes, we have martin j. he is an award winning journalist and commentator gentlemen, costs up rules and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. all right, so start out with george and in budapest, you know, at the end of last year going into the new year. so there's a set, a sense of foreboding out there. a lot of commentators what it is i'm in the video and i am very much i admire respect. tucker carlson is been saying this and a number of other people.


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