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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 29, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EST

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is in the hair and the powers that be in politics and media are resisting. the status quote is being tested. this is what could make 2024, a watershed year. the to discuss these issues and more and joined by my guess, george samuel way, in budapest, he's a pod cast or at the capital which can be found on youtube and locals. and in america, yes, we have martin j. he is an award winning journalist and commentator gentlemen, costs up rules and effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. all right, so start out with george and in budapest, you know, at the end of last year going into the new year. so there's a set, a sense of foreboding out there. a lot of commentators was some of the new and i very much i admire respect. tucker carlson is been saying this and a number of other people they think they're looking at 2024 as a certainly
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a year of change that certainly that's an understatement. okay. but we have also the bowl and the time to finish out the us presidential election in the both. his name is donald trump. and in my lifetime, i have never seen such a political come back. i mean, this is almost like nixon in 68. trump left the office with the deplorable public opinion approval. now it's doing really quite well, george, for you. you're absolutely right to use the word foreboding because we really are in the uncharted waters. i mean, we have a presidential candidate with the homeless of new when the nomination of his party . he's got full criminal cases pending against them. um, some of them may what are the trials may, will take place before the election. um and uh is that there was an absolute determination can to stop it by who
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the who the president, who is one who actually runs the justice department, has made it clear that he intends to stop them and not by the, you know, by any means possible and this is really very dangerous because of trump has his follow is very, very loyal followers. and they will not just sit still full the whole how big of a president by the use of law said by the use of the justice department by going off to him with criminal charges that have never been brought against the former president. and then you will have to wonder, well, what happens when all of these methods of the destroying trump fail? i mean, they like, you know, not just the criminal cases, but for instance, trying to take him off the the ballot like it's never been done. but you know what with once they talk right now, they're trying to take them up to about that you really have a very,
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very explosive mix. who knows how that's going to play in? oh no, it's all that's good. but, you know, martin, this is an interesting thing about american politics. a america is actually a cool, very decentralized because we have a federal republic of states. but we are 2 things americans do when unison, they should pay taxes. okay. and they only office the entire country collectively, the less is the president and vice president as a ticket. and this is the only collective thing left politically in the united states. and as george has just said here, taking a major candidate off the ballot. well, with, with no good, understandable, reasonable reason is your courting, not just chaos, but worse than chaos. martin? yeah. why are you afraid to say a civil war? that's what we're talking about. you know that we shouldn't forget america's young
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country as well. it's a great country, so young country and i think, you know, there was so many what is when we look at this situation with trump and you're just re system, you know, it's a lot of new ground to be broken. but it is, it, i agree, it is very worried that if he actually gets mailed on the face of these post prosecutions and faces jail time, that there's no good scenario. there's not, there's no, there's no solution. so cool solution for the country or for by know anybody, you know, um, but this listing thing that keeps coming through that what i've noticed though is that every time trump gets one of these cases against him, his popularity, souls. and so you've got this kind of, you know, what, i'm sure even even sleepy joe biden, who just last week did his thing again of finishing a speech turning around, facing a blank screen. just sort of looking at the blank screen. wondering when someone would jump through and shake his handle,
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give him an ice cream or something. here it is. getting worse. senility is really set to him. you know, 111 does what, what with a, he's work this out when the bite and people actually so the said actually we're in a glitter and a catch 22 situation now we, oh, we're in a whole, we're digging. and so the outcome is only going to be about um, but you know, none of us go to crystal notice can say what looks actually going to happen. i think it would be really fascinating to see how this plays out. but again, is it just me as a photo looking out looking in the i'm, it seems to me that there's a lot of corruption introduced just re system, you know, 11 the politics of just taking over. and i think that might be a basis of a, of a, until they come to telling a new leaf, you know, well, the next generation of votes is now off for the pollute the politics be taken completely out of the appeals process as well. george, i mean the, the, the be interesting fact is we go into this year and we look at american politics.
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is that if you, if you look over the last, like 3040 years where, you know, wages of stagnated a good paying blue collar jobs virtually disappeared. and you have a younger generations, plural, but they don't feel like they have any static in the game anymore. um uh, a lot of young people believe that they'll never be able to own their own home. we have an ideology of live live with less and you'll be happy. well as old rich people say that okay, no, that's what kind of a long introduction to is the democracy deficit. i mean, the last thing you have is the vote. but if you're not allowed to exercise your vote, then what's this whole thing more? what's the whole system worse to me? this? exactly right. and this, um, essentially decline in the style of the light. i mean, rebecca, you know, america was always held up to be the paradigm of a wealthy,
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successful country, and it'd be in a be between your of, we're growing up in the 56, the seventy's ages think it will help america. that's where people are making money and that's where it was a dynamic economy that isn't there anymore. and uh and, and essentially it is like a stagnating m 5 where you have a, you know, a fast ruling elite that is doing very well, making, making a lot of money. um and uh, and hope it didn't help. it didn't hurt the money. and then it was use, the agenda is which is the green agenda that's sort said just fine, but is obviously hurting. most americans who been one way or another, defend all name and manufacturing industry. that requires a lot of energy that isn't provide the by the alternative, recyclable, feels that they say elite is espousing. and then that's explains the,
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the rise of donald trump. i mean, the trump is somehow his is promising. well, we'll go back to the arrow when, you know, we, we were doing well when we, when, when we were held up to be a, it's a paradigm, all this, a successful country. and it's very interesting, george is that, you know, when do we have these populace figures around the world? you know, victor of better mom is been dumped on a lot. but we have this a new leadership in, in a slovakia, and they're always called the, their version of trump, which is a metaphor for dissatisfaction with the status go. i want to change gears because there's so much we need to talk about in so little time where we and they tell us a big birthday coming up this. he has a big birthday, you know what people get to that age. so usually retire, but nato decides they keep going here. what's gonna happen? i mean, this is a make or break one for them. you know, they did their last year with the ukraine, ice indian,
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and then as we speak right now, there's nothing to cheer about, right? home about when it comes to ukraine. so nato is really got itself in a jam, of course it, but itself, there it's self inflicted or yeah, i've, i've said before, i'm did, i think that there's 2 scenarios where the for the native does say it's a native, finds a solution, you cry and it won't be a great solution, but a solution, some sort of solution where it come present itself to the international community, basically vs its way through whatever they've done. and you know, they'll claim that they've got some sort of victory if they can stop the fighting if they can claim the credits and the credit for the stuff in the fighting. that will be what they will present or they will hit us with like news. they'll actually fix interesting and i'm sure the media people now are actually working out how we can spend this, you know, who we can willing can i watch on this. we get on board, they must have planning it now. i know i'm absolutely certain this can be a lot of stakes news leading up to june about may. so,
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and what is dawn and was achieved? you know, the items going to be that during the city handshakes. and probably, i think you claim may, will be just completely abreast of the whole thing. because you can remember that no matter how much we for the ukraine and you know how to replace goodness the absolved themselves in the subject. most americans don't really know anything about ukraine. listen rep is unaware. it is on the map, you know, so they might be thinking actually if we just stop reporting on your crime. oh, i think i georgia year to better expedite unless it was the new york times of the washington post. the took that subject off their menu bar. they just, i think it was last the, the last week of the year that the tab that you have that you've been hit, your grade knows they dropped it. okay. or what are they preparing for it but preparing us for george. well, i, i do then to thing, and i've said this before, then they will push for ukraine, a membership in nato. what's, you know,
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less of ukraine. they're not going to be able to incorporate those spots of, uh, ukraine then, and lost the, you know, the, uh, the full of bless that the weight incorporated in the russian federation. but then they will say, well, this bob is now in nato. and they say that right, well we achieve something. um and the thing is uh, you know, may, so for them this is the, the goose that lays the golden egg its big, you know, gives a russian alpha and beta. well, you know, we need to keep going because of the russian scrap, you know, this is, this is an existing show, right? for us. and the peddling the store in our, you know, throughout native land but rational poses a threat to us. you know, at any moment, you know, they can attack deadlock, i can make that germany, we need nato now more than ever. and for the united states, they still are determined. i honestly think they strategic definitive ross. yep. so give you the last thing you agree with this family so that we use your argument.
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and martin's argument together is that, like russia is obviously a threat to nato land, but think an air for us, ukraine out of it. okay? because we know what the russians are up to is, is there a, an amalgam there, george? well, i don't think it's because of them. if they just simply abandon ukraine, then they would have to worry that the entirety of your brain would be taken over by russia. that would be a huge strategic defense question box to do that. but there is no evidence they feel the on the geopolitical influence of russia, that they will come up with some leadership kind of with what they need to with gold. the quiz, leadership being key if some met vet your goal are a stove which like vega will be basically doing the bidding of moscow. that's how they would spend this way. so that's the, that's how they would see it. and therefore, this would be a strategic defeat for nate. so i don't think that that's the operative word strategic would be. but for whom gentlemen i have to jump in here. we're gonna go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion about the new year. stay with parking
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the people very in the environment that grow up in some people. gloating very does easy places and living very diseased places. other people live in areas that have less infectious diseases. and when you grow up in an area of high attraction, since each individual strategically go to the collector, this are conservative 10. you're supposed to be sure the is already those lines. as can be started by line. please can be
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scattered by true importance of we can never be of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary join mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right for a speech he did so in the public interest wants to so long realize tends to me, uh, engulfing endlessly, to relate continuously. i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegals anymore wisely bought the adjustments for him to be on box weighing a 174. he used to go through the extensions. are we going to let that stay?
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the bulk of x across that were all things are considered. i'm peter labelle. this is a home addition to mind. you were discussing the year 2024. the all right, let's go back to a martin the america. um. unfortunately, the conflict in gaza continues and how is this going to change your region of the world where you live? because, you know, we've, you know, we've often heard the narrative bit, you know, era believes they've never really been particularly interested in the face of the palestinian people. but there people do. i mean, when democracy isn't the, the, then the political system that comes to mind when you think of the greater middle
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east. okay. so the, the, the error of the street, if i can use that term, i know a lot of people don't like it, but there is a very strong feeling about what's going on and cause in the how it relates to how they see the outside world, particularly the west? well in my view it's gonna turn the clock back to the pre 1991 when we had the site, the cohort i. so i think there's going to be an intensified level of division divided by subject. you know? yes, our countries, particularly some of the leads who have really sold themselves on the whole palestinian story like um, ever went into p o m b as in saudi arabia, there's been a post, i is a really big part of the political identity. those, those leaders are gonna have a hard time, the best thing with the realities of what's going on. but i think we might seen emotions a dog, a perhaps. um not, no such a. what i'm trying to say is that something which we, i'm
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a secretive sort of emergence authorise coalition of some of these are countries that my will fund, i'm terrorist activities with homeless in the future. so that may, will come from iran. cutoff will to a key. but, you know, looking at the rest of the world, what you see is now division. you know, you've got some countries that, uh, really making a stand against what's going on. like, uh, i'll just area for example. um, um, any of the other companies like morocco here an m or us who uh, mails to the bank posts of the hall. whoa is ready do unfortunately they're in too deep, you know, they've invested too much business wise, you know, and so forth. so, and the lowest vision we can expect, and i think the, the breaking point of this, the sub tissues plan i think, which is on the way you know, which might take months to get off the ground. but i think that's happening against
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as well. but again, in the region, you know, you, you can probably put a bet on job bind to missing things up and just escalate the situation even further because it's just a mix space of, of last week also we're, we're, we're talking about american forget some aircraft carriers taking potshots who tease in the resi, you know, and then we're even talking about um, pitching, what has happened actually, you know, there was a white house and the pentagon reporters on a number of us strikes on a rainy back commissions in the rack. so we're almost there, you know, we've been to the, what we've seen in george over ever since the, the, and the global war on terror outside of israel, who does the united states count on in the middle east now. i mean, i'm not sure the list is very long. right? a rack told them to leave, they won't sleep in the united states illegally occupied as part of, of syria, the saudis. oh they're, they're pretty moody. they can go, but they have
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a lot of leverage, right? now, okay, and they shown very little respect for the pub, i've been ministration very, but this exactly right. um. but the literally says get there hills, the sad part of this is that in the united states that has been no changes. oh, i mean, if you look at congress, it's still 90 percent, maybe 95 percent. absolutely. unequivocally behind is what it means that it can do anything. i mean this, i participate, you know, the, the tomorrow or just the release the nuclear weapons and you still get the 95 percent per se. we must done with is around the you know, that the is where this white thing for its existence and nothing can change that they, it's, it's so pulling as you know, for looks of the middle east. i mean, the of publicity is modern. describes of these divisions, but the fact is that, you know, with, with many of the lease arrow countries, no, i haven't even broken diplomatic relations with israel. i mean i, they,
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so they can be continuing the same way. i mean, they haven't said, oh we now renounce the abraham the codes that say, you know, this was the, you know, we made a huge mistake. this is a for risk big terrible state that we've uh, established diplomatic rushes that hasn't ended. so yeah, they make these condemnations that go to the united nations maple the right noises, but in practical times, but haven't really done anything. i mean, it's a whole, i mean, i'm us and the hooters. i mean, the other ones were actually doing something. and the address side issue, because then you, you really have is a division between the leads that have their very specific interest and then everybody else then for everybody else, this issue of palestine is paramount. yeah, i think come on, george mentioned the practical level, the practical level i think is not going to come from the political leads on the front school level is gonna come from people, individuals, you know, who, who would want to be in is really, businessman now traveling around them, at least,
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you know, i mean, there is a hell of a kick, but there's a lot of anti semitism now, which is fussing at the surface. and i'm where i am in morocco. and are you house inside political bodies? not representing hundreds of thousands of people who are cooling now. full is riley's, who have joined possible. it's a marker to now actually lose the citizenship, the american citizenship. so it's, it's pointing up in some places and it's a little, there's a contradiction around the time. you know, i'm officially head morocco. was he trying to see that? but a lot of you got to you have a huge amount of number of people who are really unhappy about that. and so i think on a practical level, you're gonna see a lot of resistance. just look at the internet, just go to the facebook and see the informal level of boycotting is what has gone through now is not just to two's taken. put shots of the ships. it's, you know, countries and people around the world of boy cutting their products and really come painting quite vociferously. you know, and you know, the whole land is now out there on facebook. google, is there any product? so i'm noticing the range of products,
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but companies to support as well as well and as a distinction to. so the practical level is the political leads will have to recognize this. at some point, when they head towards the elections, they have to recognize the millions of people who don't sign up to that. well, judge cool, the 95 percent of congress backing israel, you know, so they will be a turning point. at some point. i'm not in 2024 is incredibly interesting. not just because you've got by them heading to the polls. if he does, if he actually makes it, i'm still not sure. you know, with this, the middle to see the way it is, i mean, is how many times can you mess up? you know, before the democrats suddenly panic of the last moment. but don't forget, you got your p in elections in june as well. and this is much, much bigger in my view because, you know, adults mentioned earlier about fatigue, you know, assessing in across the america. and now the system seems to be slowing down. and there's a lack of confidence now in the political elite sooner. but in, in, in, in europe, that trends that transcends into people voting for, for right groups as
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a present practice. right. so you mentioned earlier about fall, right the, the populace leaders now, you know, got another one in the netherlands which is just one. and i'm president, i'm president a number of seats. i'm my political friends in belgium and telling me this is going to have an impact on the plans block in the ocean as well. and so, you know, watch the elections in june in the european parliament because that is going to be a deal breaker for. well, it's really interesting, george here in budapest year, it's interesting watching the political landscape changing in europe and the netherlands. we have of the alternative for germany party under pressure by the government. we had changing government slovakia. we had an attempted re colored revolution inside in serbia. but there's one political figure that stands in the same place watching the landscape change. so that's a picture of a, of the vicar, or by the end of the he blaze,
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the trail and all those products. but the curious thing is about these, um, these, you know what, what are the uh, the, the far right populace is that while on russia and ukraine, they say no. i said this has nothing to do with us. this is really stupid for europe when it comes to israel, avail, very strangely, uh, pro israel, you know, or band band any pro palestinian demonstrations. um, the quoted with the united states and united nation exactly is the general assembly of build is also very uh, pro is right. um and uh it's, it's just being and it goes if, if the reform body, this is nigel for roger spot, it stands in the, the u. k. elections for ours is also very pro israel. so there's a kind of a, a, it's like just junction navigate to the right, which again, hey, russia, there's nothing to do with that. that's stupid to fight with them. but they've very
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much in the tank for around israel. so, you know, it's hard to know how all of these things are a kind of doing a shakeup. um and then again in the united states. yes, i mean the question bite and there's lots of lots of support within his own party who were a very unhappy about his stance. so a garza but you could all do those people. you tell them if you don't vote for by then trump terrible. trump is going to come back to the challenge that i the iron need to it's a trump is very pro is free of all. exactly the other one. yeah. yeah, that's right. it, they don't martin. and that's one of the things that um, i find really disheartening is that conservatives who used to be the biggest defenders of free speech are now some of the biggest the oppressors of free speech . and it all revolves around this issue of israel. what is and ty summit is i'm, i think most people have no idea what zine is and really means and how it does kind
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of short circuits and the, the discourse. george's just mentioned it. it just shuts down to by just an, you know, soon you started that somebody as soon as you started that into, into the argument, you know, yeah. and the other person is supposed to stop talking and we don't really understand anything beyond that. and you know, i've seen this in the u. k. a lot was debate about some racism and been totalled up . i'm a victim of it, but i'm, it's true. i don't think it's a conservative thing or leslie. all right, we thing, i think it, some leads generally in my experience as a journalist point and they tend to hop on about freedom of speech until they buy some on the os, you know, and then there's a problem and then, and then the lawyers get wheeled out and get paid, you know, close to the amounts of money to fix the problem. um, but so you know, free speech looking back, you know, it last year and now looking at had to 2024. i wonder how much freedom of expression will play a role in this huge political move them at least changes that we're witnessing,
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you know, where the people completely abandoned mainstream media and just go by, you know, it's interesting, unfortunately, gonna have to end on this. no, but george, you know, i hope that you know, in future generations they won't turn back and say, you know, like i saw a non crosstalk here. those were the days when they had freedom of speech. it must have been great. 5 seconds, george, go ahead. yeah, i think it may well be the way it be, resume in 12 months. time was a well now it's really, really dangerous. you know, when it, when i'm not able to get any kind of free speech anymore. so yeah, this is uh, this will definitely get, i think it's going to get worse. i think it said i didn't say it was and it was unfortunately, so then we got the end on that depressing note. i want to thank my guess in marrakech and in budapest, and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time. remember, the prospect leads of the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the path to the establishment of the bosses resuming lisbon. in 1933, the physician of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically. especially in angola, decatur and tonio de, i live at salazar, encourage colonizing the end goal in lands by europeans, and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961,
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there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese, in revenge for the plantation workers, dry portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race rides took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of angola rose in an armed rebellion . the road jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence, the portuguese only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively used the political contradictions between various groups of rambles. during the war, colonial aircraft regularly use a farm and drop the fully ends on peaceful villages. the boards of keys, empire was severely exhausted by this struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the plazas, freezing, and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the elbow or agreements were assigned in the country,
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gained independence after so many years of the brutal war. the, the 3 palestinians are reported till then the latest idea of every stripe on the, on the refugee camp, as after israel admitted it was wrong to have killed more than 80 people in that area in an earlier attack. this was a regrettable mistake. this should not have happened. the choice of munition was incorrect as the death toll and gaza surpasses 21000 a christian pastor and bethlehem says western powers have an able to israel to kill with impunity. to have to understand this, right. and for what it is, it is an extension of colonialism in the middle east today protects that stuff from


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