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tv   News  RT  December 30, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the the disturbing images from the southern guns of the palestinian red crescent post frontage of its stuff. and buck do waiting the injured from the sides of yet another is really striking. can you this also ahead and approve the restricting civilians more in their loved ones who are among the 20 plus reported victims of idea of problems in a central concept including many children. so i lost my children's twins. all house was bomb, tend to rumble, fell onto the children the attack took place on the birthday december 28th. god bless me with my children. nothing he is of your name was outside the united nation
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slums. the idea for talking a few military and a convoy and gals, like using israel, of obstructing the delivery and distribution of supplies to the across the world around the clock. this is our t international welcome to then use our we begin in southern gal say we're footage of the aftermath from the latest is really striking. the city of con eunice has been released by the red crescent, 2 military and creeping warning, disturbing images ahead. this video shows the organization stuff, evacuating wounded palestinians from the scene of the castle. tease occurred in an area the idea of had previously designated as a safe zone. that's according to the un 10 unit size come under repeated fire. since age really expanded itself, variations to the size of being playing well in the central gulf and city of
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darrow by law. at least 20 civilians have reportedly been killed in um is really striking more upsetting images, a head from the scene of the aftermath. the very youth family members are seen clutching the bodies of their loved ones, including a number of children. scores of 3 corpses are lined up on the ground outside a local moore, which is already over friends. here's the emotional account of a brief stricken palestinian mother, just one of many projects, stories and goes a like the magic. so i'm going to home in the i lost my children twins. all house was bomb, tend to rumble, fell onto the children. the attack took place on that birthday, december 28th. god bless me with my children of to years of getting now good,
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retrieved what he had given why 2 twin children, the pleasure of my heart and soul have passed away last, the idea of continues its military operations in central gals and regions. many of those who manage to get away have moved to the general ballade, refugee camp, a sprawling area, some palestinians who being displaced multiple times have been sharing their stories of escape. and the difficulties encountered on the our law on my side in october. the 7 screw by switching safely in our house and i was preparing the children for school when i had the sound of rockets being launched with all a sense of denture, and that's something strange was happening. 2 days later, these really military asked residents in the industrial area to evacuate. what's left with the residents and followed him on to add that on by my parents house is located. we're late to evacuate to the area because of the thread there. i meant july,
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but the volume of rockets involvement said shaking the houses in tower and we spend terrible nightstand whisk them to pay attention to the guidance and to see us as human beings. that is all i ask and we will return to our homes even if they have been raised to the ground. a lot of the money goes minimal, but i had a hard time moving from a car right to lose or ron. and then i had to move again to their elbow law. in this case, i had moved for time from jamal a camp in the north before it reached their bull law. my father, who suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, was with me when he died 2 months ago due to the extreme cold and like a food today, as you can see where sleeping on the mattress in the sand, with my children, including a one month old baby and my paraplegic mother, we have no tent shelter or anything but gods protection. cool, cool. well, i made the, the spare and all the rest, some joy. because a woman fleeing from northern gals has given birth to quit triplets in a dirt of belong hospital. the mother gave birth biases are in section of was
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a hospital one of the few still operating in the region to save the children, charge a se, severe shortages of medicine, clean water food significantly impacted pregnant or breastfeeding women. u. n. data estimates the run to 180 women give birth daily income. the mother of the for a new baby shared her account. so the experience the finance studies mission of mississippi from the way we will long distance a cycle tired and went into labor, got the thing, go, the doctors helped me beat with injections. deb license and i when, when they entered the hospital they decided i needed the she staring operation who i was so a name and kinda needed to unit the blog. adoption thing. gotcha. and delivered the place 3 healthy babies. the middle one has to be suffered from a shortage of diapers and milk, and i also sausage from longer foods drink. but the thing, god for everything we can was fun. there was a smell of gas belongs what constricted i was given the alarm injection and the
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children also to the shot and the smell of gas and smoke around the schools has been constant since where arrived here you might see the smoke constantly rising. people can be on fire from the booming week. the hardest thing was, the smell of gas and phosphorus. these realize i was still throwing the child in places. milk is not available for my children or for me, maybe one another organization comes. they will bring a box or 2 of supplies. i mean this things needed for the little ones. reason. you know what to do. she had, well, the baby's father also recounted high one of the children needed more treatments after the birth. and that's the reason why it's got only watch goodness. i stayed in the cam for 2 days, then from the cam. fine move today on above and stay that the school things got a little harder and then gradually gotten better. i was afraid for her. that's why i left the camp and came to hastily and as i fled, i left my family. my siblings and relatives behind. my wife was exhausted from the fire, from life in the school and living as
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a displaced person. there were people who stood by me helped me now. i went to the hospital where my wife gave booth and we came here. i see, i know we stayed at the school. are you? so how things were when you entered what with the smoke on the fly and my for the baby son was in our our, the hospital was his grandmother to because he needed to be in the incubate. he was tired and had the same shortness of breath that was on the machine and that that's no problem. my gods will give it to whatever god brings. i'll wait is beautiful. what did you what the u. n. s. pride file over israel shelling of an a tone voice which was moving along the route, authorized by the idea of itself in central gal. so these really military has not yet commented you and she monitoring the 1st chief marking griffith, urge the idea of to and it's a salt on this trip. and i strongly condemn an incident yesterday which in a convoy was fired upon while travelling from northern gauze. the total for the convoy was clearly marked on his movements were coordinated with the parties at
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deck, some of the military and what because are unlawful. the conflict must stop over here. and there's also a curious israel of humph. bring the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid to the palestinians. it comes and made defiance unwavering support for israel's war on come us from the us government. despite the fact that under american law, the country is binding from aging nations which obstruction monitoring their no assistance, she'll be furnished to any country when it is made known to the president that the government of such country prohibits or otherwise restricts directly or indirectly . the transports of delivery of us humanitarian assistance. there is however, a loophole in the us legal code. the law is the white house to bypass those very restrictions. it can occur if the american president decides that so called national security interest take priority in the matter. paula standing american
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journalist rumsey bought roots say's there's no excuse for washington to keep supporting israel. a deadly operation, though in casa us from the very start of this floor go, is, has received gone so, and gauze as kind of parties who are kind of cobra for what happened october 7th. in other words, they did not create any clear distinction between palestinians, ordinary palestinian civilians and laza, and the how must have meant or any other resistance movement in this trip. this is not my own calculation, but rather if you listen carefully to what these really media is, what you, the media pundits and even officials and, and, and a top government ministers. that's what they have been saying. this is why this is, but it's so glad from the very beginning said we are going to cut off lots of walter electricity, fuel, uh, food medicine and all those supply. so there was, oh,
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more independents thing and people in gauze. and what do you see right now this the spam and that is under way in gaza? is consistent with this trajectory. where um overtake 21000 palestinians have been killed so far. so this is a, is easy war on palestinian civilians. and, and what we see right now is consistent with all that has been taking place. we have a serious moral crisis in washington. so i don't know what kind of national security interest that washington could find. it more or less legally, politically, just speak voluble to allow for these hideous bribes to continue to take place and what the tire world is going for immediate and comprehensive to supplier. the united states says, nope, garza did not have enough. how can you explain that to your children, to future generations and describe in the west spike meanwhile,
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304 palestinians, including 79 children being killed by these really military since october. so since that's according to the un figures of this happening despite is real estate, the target being him, us a militant group operating out of gas to know if the west bank well has to be a journalist on political homeless mom and that jeep is of the view the idea of has been allowed to kill people who do not pose a threat to the the and you will government. that's the beginning of the year on the is that i to, inc, i government to get the i, if, and it was a freedom of affordability and those bank, um, so that was the shooting said it was changed on that. enable them to open fire. i guess on a few and even if they don't for them, the threats, i get their life offices in october. that is really, really for the campaign against those back into suffice, unexpended. it'll become more of a hard on thought as the i did feel the this,
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it was uh more than 300, something as soon as that goes those band, committing women children and no one seems secure, even that join any of that music stuff. we're also targeted by it either by the f or by the cit loves it too much, but it could be a so click, it's more than $20000.00 guns for this is less than those spend to and protect themselves as it is, but they use it or misuse it again, it's the thought of seeing that send those bank which increased the number of us go to check is about a scene. yes it is. i thought it was a very difficult situation here. the those back towards the ceo's as no one keeps secure from the thought of. that is what it is by getting injured or oddest thing for even if you look at everything. well, just to point out at this stage, these really government has not yet. this flow is that's rude up for postwar gals. i'm prime minister benjamin netanyahu has previously said the policy need and tip could be occupied by the idea of for an indefinite period. next ortiz, when a cost for of ellipse and to the current discipline prospects of
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a 2 state solution. it seems like there's no end and size for the war, and garza as neither side is willing to back down. and no one is able to interfere to save the entire system, billions costs in the crossfire. and what's worse is that each side is becoming increasingly more hateful and radical when it comes to as well. if soldiers and settlers are not only attack and palestinians and garza but in the west, spend 2 with over $300.00 killed their since october 7th. as, according to the palestinian, the health ministry. and even the, when it's telling them to stop calling is real, to take immediate, clear and effective steps to put an end to settler violence against the palestinian population to investigate all incidents of violence by settlers. and is really security forces to ensure effective protection of palestinian communities. but the israelis have been doing that for years so, so even during you and warnings just like that one. and now they seem to have
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become even more ruthless with more rain, some more, a ras, more demolitions of palestinian homes. so even more land taken away from them. there are missile strikes, including attacks on refugee camps, all of which is of course, causing more death. and destruction while making the palestinians only angrier and more determined. israel is a country that has no place in orlando. we must remove it because it constitutes a security military and political catastrophe to the arab and islamic nation. we're not ashamed to say this mistake is real a lesson and will do it twice. and 3 times the l accidentally, which is just the 1st time and there will be a 2nd, a 3rd 4th. will we have to pay a price? yes, and we're ready to pay it. we're called a nation of monitors and we're proud to sacrifice mars similarly is all believes the palestine, so didn't exist with prime minister benjamin netanyahu claimant that the also of course, in 1993 were a mistake. that's when both sides recognized each other and committed to
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a 2 state solution said i'm proud that i presented the establishment of a palestinian state because today everybody understands what that palestinian state could have been. now that we've seen the little palestinian state and gaza, one could argue that it was always clear that nothing yahoo hasn't been working towards the 2 state solution. consider and that he couldn't see the illegal occupation of one that was as for nationally recognized as palestinian for decades . and his sentiments is that gold by several is really politicians. we are imposing a complete siege on gaza. they will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. everything will be closed. so we are fighting against human animals and we are acting accordingly. there is one and only solution which is to completely destroy garza before invading it. i mean destruction like what happened and dressed in her ocean without nuclear weapons,
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a ghost that should be raised and israel's rule should be restored to the place. this is our country and that all hatred between the war a nation seems to have rooms to speak and the peaceful solution were. both parties can live side by side seems more impossible than ever. meanwhile, a new generation of israelis and palestinians are being raised in not fear and hatred. watson video is likely use where is rarely use are accused of desecration cemeteries and playing video games alike leaves where everyone is invited to suits, idea of soldiers. it will seemingly safe, nothing less than a miracle to break this deadlock because the only other option could be total annihilation. ok, moving the program will know. ukraine has shelled rushes, border city of belgrade, killing at least one civilian and wounding for others. a child is among those not being treated in hospital according to the writings. but archie, correspondence,
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milan cost red joins us live, not remote, and what else is known about the deadly premium strike? i'm the current situation in belgrade. so that's right. one civilian was killed indeed, and the other 4 people, including a 10 year old child, were wounded following a crating attack against the russian cities of bel girl and brianna. now g of use the multiple launch rockets, systems, and drones against these regions that share border with ukraine. now, according to bell, gord governor, at least 10 houses and the 2 vehicles were also damaged during that attack. prussian defense industry said that the, the armies air defenses also managed to intercept 13 projectiles in the skies. over belgrade, on saturday morning, the military added that's air defense forces, also destroyed and intercepted. and now there's $32.00 ukrainian drones over bronze
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or roll, of course. and moscow regions now the lights, se training and attack came after most co confirmed that it's conducted at least 50 groups strikes and one massive strike against administered targets in ukraine using both the high precision weapons and drones as well. according to the russian defense ministry, the strikes were targeting ukraine's minutes the re industrial complex, as well as locations where artillery shells. a man's ball was and the fuel for military vehicles were stored. officials in key of claim that's 30 people were killed and more than $160.00 were wounded in what it described as the largest rate since the beginning of the special military operation. while we've got a link up with you, remind me you're speaking from the in bottles, don't boss for a public of done yet. how are things there as we approach the new year, tell us, as well as the situation here in the next cremains,
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a highly voted style of despite to the recent territorial gains in this region, one person was skilled and multiple were wounded in the net scanning the goal of a neighboring goal of k as well. you creating an army are constantly using various nasal supplied weapons against civilian population here in dunbar. a lot of the recent injuries, by the way, are also coming from the use of drones. that's a drop explosive devices on civilians all across this republic. and well, shedding gear continues on a daily basis and well hasn't really stopped over the last 10 years. remote and stay safe and at we wish you a quiet at new year period as well. our tea corresponded vermont costs are of live from done yet not protesters in serbia are continuing to capitalize on the streets of the capital. calling for the recent
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parliamentary election results to be overturned. that's up to the official tele showed a victory for the president's ruling party or to correspondence between the he's in belgrade. today is the 12 styles protests and the serving capital. well, great over elections at the opposition side were fraudulent. we have outside the foreign ministry, west students have the set top. com as part of a 24 hour sleep pilot. so as part of the protest movement, they said that they chose this venue deliberately. they thinking for an intervention, some uh, forum support. they said what i also about this that they wanted international sanctions on president alexander richards and seeing if it goes within the government. now you can probably see behind me the flags are being float of the european union. i'm here, oh my down of course, these were flags that were very prominent on color revolutions across europe, and of course they viewed i might on to and ukraine in 2014. now the police have
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said, what else? the roads, the happy to let the protest, mulch and carry on him to this has been characteristic of the demonstrations like the previous days where police have allowed marches to proceed to venue as including the high court where protest system on did the release of the people that were arrested during the vaughn and protests on sunday. the electoral commission building where protest. so try to a full say why in and they were confronted by police. they smashed windows set fires, and a number of people were wounded. 35 were taken into custody on wednesday and thursday, the smaller march is filed into the comp paulk of the national television center here in serbia, in belgrade. and they listen to a number of speeches, again, asking for boutiques to resign and asking for those elections to be re run now. so follow the move and haven't really gotten much in the way of momentum. the numbers of the demonstrations have been folding. that'd be much smaller in size. so the
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next 2 days where the, our litmus tests for the movement president, bluetooth, who gets himself will be looking on. he won't be overly concerned by what he's saying. this doesn't represent really much in a way of a threats to states. power of cool things could change. now on saturday, the demonstrate is here. i've told me the organizers said that they are joining another protest. i must protest, it is being cooled by the political position. this is going to attract people that you say from across the country, whether that happens remains to be seen. but of course, we'll be on the ground to give you the latest as it happens. at 6, we need taken us through the latest there from bell grade. well, let's return to the middle east now with a war in guns is increasingly spilling over across the region in an ongoing development this saturday morning. the adf saves it's bombing targets inside syria . in response to rockets apart,
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be fired from the neighboring country into israel. it comes just 2 days after an idea for a strike targeted the syrian capital damascus, say z is released, attack was repels, thanks to or defense system supplied to syria by russia. the idea of has bomb syria several times since october 7th. a recent strike reportedly killed a senior, a rainy and military adviser, their political alice tell a barbara haines say's most go, could play a significant role thing de escalate the smiley regional culture. i think it may not be in a won't be so be of interest at all to old especially. and it's because i'm dying man. and i knew that to do to condemn and configurations side quarterly to, to just to a tional community. i mean that kind of yeah. or you want to in your and he things as long as will really come funeral, he will stay in power. so he does or he does not care about abuse or
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security with entity eastern dieting. is there any s bikes? sincerely on the other places may wish and you are using a war and the told me go out of control like yeah. what to minister steves for associated with that for upsets and like what a signature is on the 9th of nations. go to set down, dieting give that to you. if you're saying i couldn't. and kind of the time now my duties. i think that i saw must send a really clear message to is that i use that it's quarterly then to a tech cd and kind of gets into a tech even though running into just inside of city and why? because if you are talking about here, i mean targets in, in photos of horse drugs are working. you'll see the under the mission of the cnn news due to maybe a problem in the same as restaurants. and so is it a, has in the light to bomb any pearson or any citric shop for a name?
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and it could be to, was inside that syrian to the 2 days because that should be considered the debate relation of the students have written that, you know, when we hear accounts of the vietnam war, it's usually told from the few points of americans who served. but next, a different retail, a bounce of half a dozen via kong veterans. they close as we hear how local fighters including a u. s. informants. remember that 20 year loan complex. i'll catch you again. the
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in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultram nationalists, the was dashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the santa of us. campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they send them the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the
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mar. yeah. why do you know sometimes when he doesn't know the face, sometimes the he might not the adult right. don't say man one man. the of the is a war of neighbor against a neighbor, brother against brother. father again saw the man and get 2 wounded capture. now just what is the legal status of these prisoners who have been fighting their fellow citizens within the
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borders of their own country? do they have any rights or protection against mistreatment? the cause we will you back the we don't well, you've got the thing william wade month old p, i'm wrong allowance now the labels us and on that. and then also we get be, we pay my they will come mind that me mouth game i you will be man with the c i d a the not give a and i'm a the,
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the keys always about that loud, but we do not. oh is that what all that are doing right now? we don't we don't we don't send boeing model. so even though you come by the way de la the when am i not the man who made the
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man? no, no, no no, no no no no no no no.


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