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tv   Going Underground  RT  December 30, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EST

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of the the the the the when it's a great pleasure right now to be joined by the full, much sluggish 5 minutes to admit that with all you who's joining us here on archie . and it's so good of you to join us and share some of your time with us here.
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thank you very much for your time today. and basically, it seems to me as good as a very, very good to have you with us here. when i say i wanted to ask you if i may, about one of the most severe hot spots in the world today, the continued war on gaza in the past 24 hours. the talk is president, has described the as rarely prime minister netanyahu as was done hitler and then under your leadership. so unless a was written accusing israel, a, quote, genocidal on slower regarding the war on gaza. can you please tell me how both the turkish president and you yourself have come to these conclusion? the 1st of all, let me uh, explain it. uh, you should see. uh, sort of the or um, does the district destruction of hospitals, chance shooting, share to them? one civilian is the sounds leading for additional 70 the leg choose bullet on the
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walls from 40 different countries for almost over the agents. all 18 cruise races, content and scholars. we came together, former prime ministers for you and advisors for tours. similar to you on the phone, were you able to choose the former? uh no. the prize winner uh peace prize. you're gonna assemble opportunities as human rights defenders became together add to so the 1st question was, what is the situation of augusta? how can be described a we had a lengthy discussion and the b degreed, one of the scene defining it is a genocide. why? because c o, the crimes that goes through my idea of you can call me to buy a new society army, assigning forces and the not be spect credible to any. you might need to
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know, such as not to attack hospitals or any international, low air international, more low. you one, eh, respecting and super easy on places you use sides. hospitals average accounts, children on what is going on him, does a lot of these 1st victims ease uh, war service, duration of many uh, issues like what they put in as soon as they are starting to get up or anything, get up to the quantity for safety for the technician low, you asked me to call so there's always some to for, to get into identifies guys the best thing as far as do you live and off the science, we drove all the forces from the state of georgia. that's about a year and i see a success one from the time on, you know, basic human rights are quite a stimulus and not being respected. this is that they point to come back position
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is f d 's based on the basic uh, a package of the uh, grout. oh wow. we called off to the stipulation the call you and he said the un bargains that use so that they can show them the us government, especially us. and you can reach, declare the shows up on the east side, be ask them to respect international law, not to have genocide grounds. you talk about the respective international law, so on, on how this to stay solution has been discussed for so many years at the united nations. when you talk about the u. n. being a global governing body, why is it that the u. n. is apparently effective in helping the palestinian coles in the palestinian state. this is because of the trend of 6 years ago, i published
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a book once the order published by a general george depressed because of disreputable un un can. that's a thing, any decision or a week ago, the flooding mass stays a lease on these issues. i assume that all that as well as 90 countries, english one issue on the country such as us rejects these a proposal. but why, why, why is not so i'm so sorry, i do apologize for interrupting you. but why is it that the united states consistently vote against the un resolutions that, according for an immediate cease fire in gaza, because it's actions from washington that it's causing concern around the world is causing confusion. why is washington apparently so and see peace and pro bowl and goes? i mean, it's almost like an empty human agenda, frankly. when we look at the b is some principles of the 1st level,
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based on the use of the principles, which is the bought the main, the i'm going to come in for the plan, it's going to be city. i see us headed back to the all the state, the many you a years warranty show us will not cease i as in or that it was paid like other states. i think the problem is, god alone. why didn't you of the same site is staying as some sort of like, super state many, many come high level politicians in order to leave their nations or in order to have some sort of influencing already go economy doing political sort goes the need so far. don't usually so is that she's not the issue for americans is a domestic issue. and that is that the, i think paul or circle inside us pro is not a statement. is there must, this is the basic diagram of us today and the different criteria for different
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issues on some subjects. and the defense un, basic principles of territory integrity or m a basic human rights. and then do you want to do so? but what is the right side of the exception we'd like to hear about from new york. do they like to talk about the rules space international or they don't talk like they, they like to talk about exceptional countries like the united states and like you said, israel as well. but it is bizarre to see because we're talking genocide, we're talking more crimes. the war on goss, i'm more than 20000 civilians have been killed. where is the rules based international order? so this is exactly the voice of what we want to raise. this is the word. so you might want to cautious, there is no gushes and you make to design administer to that. so it's got a pre owned, a new level, dudley. this little area is you can do that. all the regionals will be affected by
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the, this is i, this is it shows the nation chosen state or no other state drive to the power neither your t nor each solve the design may have what is disappear doors, right? this is the question when i call them, so are we some people that chosen people to enter? they call themselves god's people, the chosen people, all states, most vehicles, each other, that should not be a human each. a couple other alternatives stage or stage, such as right? the whole space that of course space. this is already good to step 2 of international the night. not to interest or genocide in does it. but just to any pretty ready step, just for any stage or for any nation or any religion, it's not going to be easy. so when you can sort of a strength, the strength of all the western media landscape of the west and political landscape,
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whether it's kind of soft power influence. but now we see what's happening here on the world. so continues to watch in a horror as we entering the fluid month of this gossley gossley will. i wanted to ask you about the concerns that the war on guys could open up onto multiple fronts . you've got the hezbollah and elaborate on her mouse and gaza. you've also got for example, yeah, and then the who with these that a targeting is radio link ships in the red sea. america is creating another coalition of the willing, of a security flotilla of all the ships from different countries to secure and patrol the red sea. but here's what i want to ask you because america's coalition of the willing is kind of falling apart. spain is lee from australia, they're all saying, no, they're refusing to join this for tell us security emission in the red sea. why do you think traditional american allies right now? a saying no to the for the to the security escal send the red sea of it because it
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is a very clear picture of him to get all who need sick print to your protection is right or what i still use is right. it has all the power indeed has no variable, any heavy airplanes, a horse need, the force times a sudden doesn't leave protection. so you know, people need these products and bodies doing as indeed when they're trying to the front of the low speed. the terminal is big children, they get it back, but it's not for us as a reservation and all this possible people in the past, the show respect, they will lose. they claim that they have been defending. if there is be the whole proceed, freedom of choice, easily speaking, freedom of choice, what i say, they decide to 6, they made a prediction and how much won't that explain, why don't we split?
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i am really crunched on to these guys as being the v lead to average of a lower for crisis. do you want a global? well, this is, i probably be do you mind attempts, right? that don't be stuck in anything that issue. nobody wants this more to expand into a larger regional. well, we will know that the palestinians don't have an air force. they don't have a navy. and when it comes to the palestinian state, i've had people describe it as a piece of cheese. over the years they keep trying to negotiate for the full full this line for the palestinians, but every year with more as rarely supplements that piece of cheese gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller on the palestinians. you know, it's like they don't really have any way left. do you think that the 2 state solution is dead in the water? do you think you can actually come to fruition as being and it is not that because being cute everybody is trying to say no, i don't see any part of it any, any you all squared me there. that's what i started. and oh,
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come to raise the worst good. what are you? can you eliminate? or how can you, eh, they come to be and show this to you? i just, somebody, i, it was a negotiate to me, the age of the menus and is right. and what it's doing is say, in 2009 or 2200 or 2014 full was in all these guys was i was maybe between 2 sites, right? i would have, i've tried to call them use homicide to make a low to see if i said how much side was telling us and that they should, they want to have to stay solution. you want me to go and i think it's right. how much i always said, yes, i don't know if i send this to or the used to go in was that amount of the extra to these people have shifted. what people 1st of all is right. and the price the,
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the site should be is it equals page. yeah, 42012, 28 november ios to be present mom of the bus in un general assembly. but his time has been recorded by you and joe assembly is not a member such as a state. and on the i think, 8 or line called 3 said know including you add us. well to 28 countries 70. yes. for palestinian state now, or there should be a full guarantee endorsed by us or could you call so the including yours, that price daniel stage must be established for you and the level of governing body is apparently so inept and effective and enforcing something here that this as you say, so much of the world supports there's 2 state solution. so i, i must ask you
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a question if, if i may, going back to the attack on october, the 7th, i understand cairo had been warning israel for approximately 2 months that have mass was reportedly finding a, quote, unprecedented attack. but no action was taken by you are a former prime minister, you know, how government agencies interact. did you do find it surprising? the, the intelligence was not acted upon. yes, there would be some civil speculations. some of these added to in, you know, but, you know, very difficult situation because of the production issues, legal issues in the country at, at some sort of tension. we had came to the store, he's positioning the endorse the field. but i think he did not on spain such a preparation for uh by the, by the, everybody kind of thing inside that, but the speed not to cure i, i totally disagree with the cost of editing stuff to several people on the dollar.
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know several. so there is a combination of a crisis and go to come or dictates the cases of the old server to the based on the main pro cations one was for several months that were, is riley and consulting and being reading aptitude in this data center and rescue production during, as it was friday, 3 years is riley dos what is stops and just the most. so this was that was where the issue reached affected prices daniels. people as well as the statement of a singularly c. o. 2. is this, it is possible to a lot of states under some states, the relational sweetie to include in charge of my work. i mean, i started the position is that there was a very common ground or oh,
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i see members then normalization office right to be not be finalized or really not be realized. if we don't publish time, shouldn't be an automatic the relations of states is we know resorting to products as daniel drive. all 1st thing us right as being out state to be astonished. so part of sending was the table the message got by requesting a site to be idle. out of laptops, there's things left us little incentives are going to, let's go to zillow. all the promises have not been full to be have to take all this the need, okay. to these pro. okay. just to be, they know in un showed that if the do not now be available, even though you stood it shut down because i missed you. that's uh your best bet
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because we'll set this and does not really be there at all. they're all allegations that have circulated, but the night before the time. so the night of october, the 6, there are allegations that he is ready. government issued a stand down order to the id f for the following day. can you comment on any of that to do? do you think, let me ask you this, do you think that on yahoo might have known the attack was coming? we don't have any indication of these, but it's lawyer because we value approach rationally. danielle, who wants to have a sort of pension in order to strengthen these. what's the positioning said otherwise, people don't show that these might be un g was very pro rated in less months because these are correct either and losing the grounds in as i showed this type of caught up in the those they can, the thing i never use to product in all of our these should not undermine the
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bodies. danielle, the, to protect in a more lens. there is no wrong, this is stronger force then, and nation defining data on let's we have to respect these plays, being dignity, eh, and the same time, also beat have to as mine, the biggest variety is what is the, what is this? i guess they will all go gold and cookie sizing, nathaniel 50. so i think the idea of when it comes to when it comes to israel getting it support of course it's got a support from america. it's also getting pretty standard support from your typical g 7 countries in europe and elsewhere. but you also have the entire islamic world supporting the palestinians. why do you think you have your family, traditional g 7 member states, so i will put it in a position of opposition to the islamic world. even these that what i see was very impressive. i didn't the 1st say, so i think braces,
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i mean the declaration you cut, the type of majors could be implemented. they got over the side and gratian. but this mission, congress did not include in any effective major they got the slide. wow, you will be trained by in between as turkey on the side be been the other mission. i'm constantly so i want to use that to, to have been like, i've been browsing, bending be a zone for design flights. unfortunate. the g 73 additional youth center companies in the history may oh yeah, they have a social cubes regarding jewish population like germany, we are being country just for on 2nd of all the work. they are expecting it the did indeed the price of data for all use to be paid by private students.
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and like us the or okay validated as drugs designed to be but but it's genius. i'm not responsible for any watering costs or any eh, hmh, and tension and goes jewish. well, people have arrived. the most vision in euro in 1st space is reasonable because it's in certain cultures that are bad. so you're using the new one. so version each of the vincent z as it is up to $72.00. no, we are a whole lot of the seventy's, but we are a guess. the supremacy order shows a nation of each variety of in terms of it being is that it does not mean i'll just send me to being here. again. this is ryan means being engaged. ibp being it is the turn you know,
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cheating children feeling well. not able to be on the city there is going to send me to do so the machine guns, there's an autism which is the renewal. well, i'm finding out the service side according to some, some people say that as a reluctance from neighboring countries in the region to a take in palestinian refugees, how would you comment on that? no regional country, any plans, anything extra i guess is to stop the site. i agree at the train station continued . this is a shame, a shameful action that steam, i support at present add ons statement accusing these actions as genocide. i am really criticized. i do not accept that today's the relation between the silent georgie, today's range and the beam organ. any 3 from here, i want to make your call to original pulse. to implement as tentative for me. it
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was, i guess design not, i don't mean military conditions. no, but the side it was no. that's the can not believe in these vision. if the lovely spring right the right to every 40 to cool a see what is this being illegal? next may not have guns is missing because the, the relation of it is right. and they are, they are 18. yes. ok this me, it's the last that will be so just 5. this is very important. let's the reach and a lot of these, if they want to have peace mission because it should start clear messages to us and you a clear message must be using your almost as your interest in this region. you have to respect to part of the know people side. if there is no part of seeing us feed
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the store, all the sheets you'll see these, right? and there should be another part of the pressure to be able to be implemented or destroyed by you as us as the russian role here is very important because the organ, the 5 member clock did reach, has model 92, and the positions such as easy as russia, therefore, i will edit to, to present, to team uh, asking him to, in the sense, to boss, to conduct the bothers these pro is really low, be me states, i don't let just any others to try and use the present machine. i don't get this to say what a print present you present as well as how the present because these to be presented . so convenience, such as so the pick up, the more effective a global south side global south. you know, the seo,
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the bricks i see on the razor and you and you and we, we are seeing this multi polar world, essentially taking the planet by storm with the mom and you're seeing all these calculations, these groupings, strategic partnerships, economic alliances. all these countries are coming together and i think there's a good number of them that are doing so for their own self protection and prosperity when it comes to the war on cause or right now, it would seem that the united states and israel did the almost siamese twins right now that's so connected in this war. and at the end of the day when you look back, whether iraq afghanistan, ukraine, gaza, taiwan in the future. but then it always seems to be traditional players as part of the geo political storm. some say it's because the imperialist hedge them on is coming to an end, perhaps both financially, but perhaps more importantly, more really, what are your thoughts? i am for this position. in fact, i put a money in my book,
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published by cabbage drawers to prison in 2020 systemic uh quick. and we'll be sure that i analyze this, i think from 1989 us to the color. so, i mean, yeah, no, but the cold water and flush so sorry if you need any 1991 eh, to box from the time database or some video took the eh, it to me see, eh, you teach the, i know this is such as she and the history and this i was in the, i cause i sent the stuff to you. so the negative balance of the new crisis and the jump on the screen, right? that again, as it getting from that time off to now, there was no peace that was on the floor. the positives and frozen ceased parks. this is the n o 6. why about i cool and did you put it into the total weight we tried holding my will do a particular quick step and from 9 to 90 want to know it continues. and
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these jewel warranty colors created his not being. ready restored until now. now there is in new york politics and i and your politics is collecting un or us was the, the project of the piece. but miss, you guys are pretty close to me. she is, oh, resource hour and you asked me to go through these throwing the basic barriers and your thinking regularly is older than a blue coming batch. and this page is a region alteration. and this regional trash was able to being supported by the short the powers please made tons of each transforming. it said to the whole thing is the is an ongoing signal for us. if we want to
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have a peaceful vision for the money too, that should not be superior follow that should not be very rich nation that should not be chosen ational chosen religion. that should be only long the rule of human beings, all the beings are equal to each other regardless of their villages as a fact that even better and all states in depth, i shall test some sort of a new causal division of the generation organizations. and that is a very admirable comment, very extensive and insightful and a very powerful statement to wrap up this conversation with a full month august prime minister method of the audio. joining us here on asi international, very interesting commentary and d, thank you so much for your time. thank you very much. the,
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the people vary in the environment that grow up in some people go to where it is easy places and living very disease replaces other people live in areas that have less infectious diseases. and when you grow up in an area of high attraction, since each individual strategically go to the collector,
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this are conservative 10. you're supposed to be sure the of the breaking news on our t 9 civilians including one child, had been killed and a ukrainian attack on the russian city of belgrade was $45.00 more wounded. as a result of the strike right before new year celebrations in russia, the survey and pro western opposition holds a rally in belgrade. protesters are calling for the results of the parliamentary election, one by the incoming president parties to be an old disturbing images from southern


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