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tv   News  RT  December 30, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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of our ropes, the free spirit of the indians and their will will resist the breaking news. on r. c is 18 civilians, including children, are killed in a ukrainian psyched on the russian city of gal. go to a 111 people have been left. we did up to the cross for the strike. the washington are comfortable for ukraine's deadly attack on gal goods that's according to the russian foreign ministry. adding to the instance where we brought sale for the un security council. of this august and military officials say ukraine, use cluster munitions in the talk which it launched in order to distract from its various on the battlefield is the key for gene which committed the crime is trying to distract attention from the defeats at the front as well. as to provoke into similar actions,
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disturbing images from gaza now where the palestinian health ministry of bullets over 21000 protest in units of being killed more than 56000 wounded as the wall that continues the tops just take tobin to some day, henry must go minus the discounts and here's how the world is looking as a new day gets in the way. thanks for joining us. we start with some break can use this all on oxy, they'd seen civilians including children, have been killed and ukrainian showing on the russian city of bell good. was it going through bushes, emergency services, at least a 111 civilians to be wounded in across the board attack of the lama. city in
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the to today we witness the heaviest consequences of showing by the ukranian armed forces of the past 2 years. i sincerely offer my deepest condolences to all the families of the victims. i understand that there are no words that can come for that grace. i want to make it clear that the enemy will not escape retribution. 16 cv cameras and gallagher roads captured the dramatic scene of a woman using her body to shield her children during the attack. fairly called in for the strikes. she's the taking of infants out of a stroller and putting towards a shelter we're going to pull away from the store now because the following ukraine's inside on rushes belle grove city. moscow has asked for an emergency un security council
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meeting, which is taking place right now. let's have a listening threats to international peace and security. the agenda is adopted in accordance with the rule of $39.00, and it can also as provisional, the rules of procedure invite the representative of ukraine to purchase if it is agreed that there was an in accordance with the rule. 37. now, in accordance with the real 39 to this council, provisionally rosa for surgery, i invited mr. howard harry, assistant factory journal for middle east asian pacific and the departments of political and building affairs and peace operations to participate in this meeting . the security council will not begin this, go through the risk, nobody them to the agenda. i never give the floor to mr. how it is the
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president's members of the security council. a sphere the to your cycle of death and destruction on food displayed during the russian federation is less kid attacked when you create and yesterday, which at the last constituted at least $1390.00 according to sweden's, has further escalate this overnight. according to the restroom authorities. as a result to, for granted me side and broke it strikes on the city of the gods, which lies to take you to meet the throne, the equipment and board the at least 8 and see really is including 2 children will report to the kids at least $100.00 others, including 15 children, were reports of the injuries at that. so locations in belgrade city center reportedly resulted in damage to civilian if it's directive, including the regional government office and the medical college of been go to a state university. the strikes were reported as
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a mazda did this across the board. the attacks on the russian federation since its full scale invasion of a credit in february 2022 lost in the violation of your intact to end the international rescue and authority. me to tell you, authorities also report that separates overnight to print and thrown fx in debris on already on the coast and most go regions of the rest consideration. meanwhile, stick reading. and so it is the report, the new over my question thrown at that stuff, getting the person region the united nation is not in a position to independently verify the values. report that, that fax or casualty fingers. mr. president's as we meet again today. but of course of new age rate i left at also coming in from across the grant, including in kentucky. so me make a live person just lucky for the at the appropriate scopes regions. just
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a few hours ago, the city of harkey, was it a part of the at that sort of that thing you'd see, we didn't enter it and see really and 1st steps to the image. as the war continues, we would see more recreating and directions to be included and sort of as we have repeatedly waterman's, the late the series of attacks is this talk and vivid reminder of the variables dancers of the solution, spillover of the score. we have a threads if the content agenda is appears for these collection of tensions and for a meant to attacks on civilian population, incentives, residential areas, civilian and energy infrastructure. we inequity vocally come then all attacks on seats is thrown and religious in new korean. and in the russian federation fx against tvs and civilian of destructive violets. international you meant that in
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low, unacceptable, and most and no protection of civilians must be the main priority of the fighting. and blue tubs must seize the water, must come to an end. thank you. mister prince. of course, in your godaddy for 10. think, mr. kerry, for the briefing and i know give the floor to the members of the council who wish to make this statement. i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation. kind of just put in mr. president, colleagues, just yesterday we met in the story, everyone, the insistence of the care of regime and its sponsors, which tried to pass off the consequences of the on professional work. a few cleaning and air defense systems for deliver it attacked by the russian air force against residential areas of ukrainian cities. we use concrete evidence to expose the false hood of those assertions and our arguments were irrefutable. i'd like to
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ask where today or all of those people who are present and for countries of the e. u, who lined up to take part in the council meeting on ukraine in order to carry out their worn out propaganda in front of the cameras. where is check, check yes, and sensitive the country who's missiles killed civilians in belgrade we tried to invite today the check p r. take part in this meeting, but he declined out of color just and this means it's one thing to take part in this council meeting is going to be in by the key of regime. and it's fonts there is to promote anti russian propaganda. but it has a different story when you have to answer for the act of your own government. i like the citizens of check, yet as well as other western states, the vast majority of which are not hostile to russia, to understand where their money is going. and what crime, state governments are complicit in, where is the polish representative pulling the country were yesterday,
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we were told about a missile that flew over their territory. 500 soldiers from the reuben provinces unit to try to find the debris and could not find it. where is the you today? there's no use pretending brussels together with washington and london as well as most of the e u. countries are complicit in the crimes committed by the gang and ts today . security council members have a chance to fulfill their duty and productively assess what happened a few hours ago. the terrorist attack by the key of regime against a civilian city of russia, belgrade, the city center and residential areas where shells used in cluster munitions from m l m r l s. from a border city of vall, chance in hark of region. here's a link to a video posted by residents of belgium. read showing the approaching missile. i'd like to point out, this is not just the free, this is clear. lee,
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an actual missile. and here is a cure code linking to the outcome of this attack. one of the goals of the clean in missiles the targets, it was a sports complex called dynamo in belgrade, where there was a tour of some nastic class taking place. and others con target was an ice rink in the city center where their parents and children opinion terrace also attacked the dogwood state university. in order to increase the number of casualties, the terrorist attack, they use cluster munitions, including 2 o'clock missiles with these prohibited cost, cluster munitions, as well as vampire missiles produced by check you, us and us. we're seeing it deliver it indiscriminate to combine attack against a civilian city. i'd like to once again emphasize we're not looking at a strike on a military target with which just happens to kill civilians. this is a deliberate act of terrorism that was targeting civilians. as
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a result of this carefully planned out showing the central part of the city. as of today, 18 people have died including 3 children. 108 are injured. 5 children and 12 adults are in critical condition. we have heard reports that the u. k. and the american consultants took direct part and help in organizing this terrorist attack and the regular be encourage you, creating and government to carry up what he crimes responsibility for these crimes is also born by e. u. countries which directly and irresponsibly continues to supply the cleaning and ruling lead with the weapons presidents. so quite familiar with this narrative that we will hear today that this would never have happened if we had not begun our special military operation in february of last year. that's a lie, ladies and gentlemen, we begin our s. m o. in order to stop what the key are for team was doing and done buzz 8 years of showing their own cities and towns with impunity. but you
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did not want to understand or with knowledge, this is only possible by defeating this terrorist regime, which is now using terrorist methods against their own as well as russian citizens . he's showing of townsend done vice, her son as i 1st go regions crime in other russian, russian regions. the ruthless indiscriminate killing of the civilians demonstrate the death throes of this. so then sky regime, which is the push to terrorism longest as corruption and cynicism, this neo nazi, we're seeing that is trying whether it's futile rage to carry out the bidding of its western host to close. many russians as possible also is responsible for this and other key of crimes and will be punished inevitably and be calling or responsible governments and international bodies to decisively condemn disapproval . terrorist attack carried out using a cluster munitions that are banned in most western countries and publish
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a list of, of, from the care of regime and their western sponsors. and if throughout these crimes, we are surprised for the silence of the s g in this regard. instead from the un, we only hear of vague statements from the press spokesman of the s g. who is, if we commented on this by saying that these attacks ought to be condemned to silence against this part of the attacks by the nazis. and they are the collaborators and the 6 so called civilized democracies. the will are clearly shouldn't, but it's bloody actions. and they'll give us is a targets on purpose by the nazi regime. and key of as we know, recent weeks the u. k. and us nazis have lost a great deal of ground near done yet. we're for 9 years. they have been showing residential areas of the city that we have liberated murray and, and the nazis has been to start some of the because the russian army is
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a expelling ukranian fighters throughout the contact line. and now these nationalists are, are, i think for the corpses of on train soldiers piling up and then heart goods situation is different for now we're going to correct that. does he already announced one of the top goals of r s. m o to demilitarize. ukraine is to eliminate the threat coming from the territories bordering on russian regions, including those that entered joined rusher after the beginning of the 7. and as the more the rep there are 2 west more firmly we will at this should be clear to everyone. and and those of us who called for negotiations, you've got the response yesterday from the advisor of the officer, the president, the cream. mr. put the that he said there will be no negotiation. none of the conventional, the a sense of the where there will be ultimatums addressed of the russian federation at the highest level and russia will accept them. and of course,
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those have that is what is meant by negotiations in the minds of the ring leaders of the cube region. they just as hitler and mentioned 4344, a convinced of their invisible invisibility. and the believe that the west will ultimately saved their skins. yesterday the representative of the cave creek sitting behind the the name of the previous socialist republic tried to more or less than an marsh, as about the lack of consciousness, the care of reaching pride itself, that it was one of the initial members of the un, bashfully crushing up the fact that it was only thanks to comrade style and who, bearing in mind a huge contribution to victory of the rest and ukraine, and the number of victims. if, during the 2nd world war insisted that they become members of the un stone and who the key of a crane and nationalist lows, in fact, if acquired west and lands for ukraine, which had not been a part of ukraine for centuries. all this of course,
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has been forgotten by the key of authorities. they have a different history now. their heroes are convicted, war criminals, at the nuremberg trials. they are, in fact the admirers and collaborators about of hitler and the german fear as was well known. used to say conscience is an illusion. the methods used by the current key of strategist or new, different from those used by vendor writes. and those of the organization of ukranian nationalists nationally killing russians, jews polls, and the koreans themselves accept the differences that now they have western long range weapons that make it possible for them to reach the center of cities. and they're not targeting military targets, but rather civilians. mr. president, in conclusion, i'd like to use a very exact metaphor. use use the during the high level week by the pro as president, mr. due to he compared ukraine with a drowning man, who will drag all of those to the bottom would try to grab, grab onto him today and say, lensky is put the lives here. marks and other,
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neo nazi rabble are trying to bring down. not only that people have ukraine, but everyone who's a, who is supplying the trade technology. and i mean, nation supposedly to defend itself from russia as the u. s. and the u. k. obviously there's no hope for them. the for them are supporting the care of resumes. donnelly, advantages you politically, but a commercial undertaking, but all the rest of the today use it. witnessing the cynical use of a check, good shells for them. this might sober them. i think, you know, there's quite a bit of sense on taylor, i think the representative of the rest of the federation for statement and i give the fluidly representative of friends mister president. i think mister kerry, for his introduction, on the 24th of february 2022, russia attacked to grant the width of the war that it
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launched has not to, for a 2nd stop to delivering suffering for the civilian population of the massive strikes conducted yesterday by russia over all of ukrainian territory are further example of this. and the cost already paid by the ukranian people. we have said this here in the counsel many times is, is unbearable. however, russian most also measure the cost of this war for itself. if it had not invaded ukraine in contravention of view, in charter, if its troops were not actually present on ukrainian soil, if it did not daily shell for many months, ukrainian cities and villages. we wouldn't be here this afternoon. meeting. starting from march of 2020 to the international court of justice. clearly demanded that right. or is that russia with the drudge army?
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immediately for me, creating a territory. france would cause the need for the parties to conflict to respect international humanitarian law. it also causes, under russia to stop by leading the resolutions of this council, which itself voted in favor of by, by by obtaining of arguments from iran and north korea. it's also difficult not, not to note this, it's it that the convening of the meeting today is a way for russia to respond to the meeting organized yesterday at the request of ukraine. french regrets at russia, a permanent member continues to, to abuse the work of the security council. the ukraine is defending itself in accordance with the un charter rushes trampling on it rush. i must put an end to it's worth regression. thank you very much. it's quarter percent done to i think
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the representative of france for your statement i give the floor to the representative of the united arab emirates as the president. i thank assistant secretary general fiarty for his briefing. we are meeting for the 2nd time in 24 hours following a series of airstrikes and ukraine and russia. today's drawing a tax reported the targeted several regions in russia, killing 14 and injuring more than a 100 particularly alarming reports. the 2 children were killed and 15 were injured . reports indicate that civilian sites including a school, were also hit. this adds to the 2600 schools that have been damaged since this war began. schools should be safe havens for children and not a place where they fear for their safety. as we reiterate that international humanitarian law must be upheld at all times,
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civilians must be protected and constant care taken to spare them from military operations. civilian objects must not be the target of attacks. these air strikes showed that nearly 2 years into the war and ukraine, the very real risks of its spreading remain a matter of grave concern. following the end of the black sea green initiative, there was an increase in military activity in and around the black sea. civilian ships have been damaged and just this week, civilian crew members were injured after their ship reportedly had in mind. unless this conflict is halted, the new year brings with the prospect of further escalation. this will place communities in both russia and ukraine at greater risk and undermine their sense of safety. more civilians may be killed and wounded, and more families will be separated as the war continues unabated.
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the conflict will also continue. it's the stabilizing impact on european and global security, while the damage that inflicts on our already fragile international order grows. this past day has underscored both the potential for matters to spin out of control and the urgency of the wars resolution through diplomacy. we once again urge the parties to pursue a negotiated settlement. the worst of this war is managed and contained until it is not. those are risks that the parties, the region, and the international community cannot afford, of the way supports dialogue and diplomacy to achieve adjust and sustainable peace and ukraine. we support all serious efforts to end this war in a manner that preserves ukraine, sovereignty independence and territorial integrity in line with the un charter. thank you,
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mr. president. this quarter percent. i think the representative of the united air very much for your statement and i will give the floor to the representative of the united kingdom of prison. tonight i signed a system sexy general calories to his his precinct. same president. the united kingdom deeply regret any civilian deaths and conflicts wherever they happen, and particularly why children are involved. we are committed to upholding international humanitarian law. and we remind all parties to conflicts everywhere their obligations. we are also committed to upholding the un charter and its principles of respect to the sovereignty and the right to self defense. yesterday we discussed the russian s strikes on civilians and ukraine. today, russia has called this meeting to discuss ukrainian strikes and russia. russia is attempting to drill equivalence,
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but let's be absolutely clear. there are hundreds of thousands of russian soldiers in ukraine. there is not a single ukrainian soldier in russia. the war and ukraine is an invasion, started by russia. a fact that no amount of disinformation can obscure. president says russia blamed you trained to be strikes, then it tribes demands. but check you appeared before this council. now the russian in busta is blaming the u. k. the us and the you. if russia want someone to blame for the depths of russians, and this will, it should stop with president putin. the president, putin is responsible for sending many thousands of russian service men and women to the needless steps. in 2022, president putin claimed his invasion was to stop as opposed to genocide in the dumbass. the instructional courts of justice rejected this an old address you
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immediately to ended. some nation versus real objectives were revealed when it's attempted to be a legal annexed ation. of fed, the training and territory, and the un membership rejected this and repeatedly demanded that russia ended some nation and withdrawal. as we discussed yesterday having failed to defeat ukraine militarily, russia has now tends to indiscriminate its attacks on civilians. the death toll from these, from miss weeks attacks across ukraine, the largest since the wall sconces continues to rise. innocent children were among the casualties here to in total of $10000.00 civilians, including more than $560.00 children have been killed. and the 18005 hundreds had been injured in ukraine since the 24th of february 2022 president. russia chose to stop this will russia can choose to end this will. ukraine did not stats,
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it has the right to defend itself. this is why the u. k reiterates but we stand resolutely with the train and we will continue to do so. so we call them russia again to respect you and job to, to end this more and to withdrawal. it's forces from you train things present. i think the representative of the united kingdom for your statement and i never give the floor the representative of japan. mister president, thank you for coordinating to come being this meeting. i still think a see he, i for his bracing mr. present really cold. that in these commend you discriminate the tax on your, you know, sensitivity and populations constitute a will crime. you can them and old violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses focus. you might the human rights and call up on old parties to strictly abide by international humanitarian law. we underlying that. there can
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be no infinity for all 4 will crime. and the thrust is the international community must hold those responsible, accountable. yeah, go down this international law. mr. president, we should not lose sight of why on the we are gathering here today. this, jason would not have happened in the, in the 1st place. if russia had not started it, illegal aggression against who king stated by the overwhelming majority of the un general assembly rushes aggression is a clear violation of international including the human child. as we have repeatedly made our service korea, including during the security council meeting yesterday to japan, will continue to stand with 2 king until the day when the comprehensive just and lasting pc green that will uphold all the purposes. and the principles of the utah is realized. once again, we are the russian to,
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we have the ro immediately and then condition of the from the internationally recognized folded over cream. so that has been and will continue to stand, inserted. the key was the people of king as long as it takes, i thank you. let us go to this and i think the representative japan for your statement and i now give the floor to the representative of multi president. and i also think is g here already for his briefing. thousands of civilians has been can since the beginning of russia's war of aggression against ukraine. thousands more has been injured, named and displaced. we express our condolences toward the victims of the sense of this war and their families yesterday restaurant carried out another barbaric attack on several cities across the train gives the div car keys or the saw anthony pro, among others. it added to the tragic loss of lives and misery. the civilian
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population of ukraine has been forced to endure for 675 days. as russia continues and its desperate efforts to justify the and justifiable and to try to present to infest the victim, we continue to stress that towards have devastating long lasting on far reaching consequences. meanwhile, the humanitarian situation, ukraine keeps deteriorating. the most value of it, including women and children, are paying the highest price the winter months and freezing temperatures well known to compound existing hardships where they may firm and i believe that to achieve adjust and lasting peace. russia must immediately cease almost entities that trust unconditionally, uncompleted withdrawal from ukraine. and this is the only way forward. this is the only way to end the suffering that is compacting in this implies on both sides. this ship has been the focus of today's meeting until then ukraine has the right to
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defend itself from russia's aggression as enshrined and arch can 51 of the went to our to it has the right to rely on its allies to do so. it has the right to protect it. citizens, it's borders. it's already on the serious toward the integrity, just like any other member of this organization. i think i think the representative of mazda for your statement and i give the floor to the united states. thank you, mr. president and thank you, assistant secretary, carry for your briefing. yet again today. colleagues, we are once again gathered in this chamber to discuss the impacts of pollutants, illegal full scale invasion of ukraine. and as i said yesterday, united states mourns each and every civilian life loss to this conflict and all conflicts worldwide. we more in every ukrainian life, cut short by russian aggressions.


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