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tv   Documentary  RT  December 31, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EST

4:30 am
this is part of the hybrid work. i would like to stress the non type bells, right forces acted almost single tammy and suite the operate on to process. this is the situation and costs of attempts at the might not cool. here in belgrade the well, we also heard from serbian american journalist and abortion knowledge. he believes western intelligence has infiltrated the ranks of the political opposition in serbia. people who are involved in these protests or professional activities at the all these western organizations that essentially have a bought and paid for come out of civil active as the serbia who again don't have drops. and they pretend to be the representative to, to representatives of the working class who are trying to you know, deliver democracy and it's absurd on its face. i mean, if they had some sort of respect for the electron foot for the actual working people for the actual citizens,
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i would understand. but they go around all of these, went pro western media outlets insulting everybody and then say, oh, we're entitled to because here the democratic democrats believe the democracy. these parties, these activists have spent the past week insulting the serbian public into serbian people. it's certainly not democracy. the whole concept here is that this is a call from within pre being presented as a legitimate genuine popular revolution. and the whole thing has been scripted up again by american activist funded and organized for the national endowment for democracy in its branches and various and yellows. and this is, this recipe was used to build great in 2000 in georgia, 2003. you have in 2004 and again in. busy the 132014, which escalated to my non and many other places, including throughout the middle eastern europe on the 2011. and as people have gotten wiser to it, it's gotten less and less effective, but that has to stop people from trying it again and again. so when we hear accountants of the fee of that more, it's usually told from the viewpoint of americans who serve, but next
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a different retailing of 6 and feed calling veterans state close as we hear how local fighters including a us and form. and remember that 20 year long conflict, i'll catch you again at the top of the the northern have it written down? when you say no. now why?
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why, why, why being can you labeled on monday? the only problem about week of told me to wait on the in the, on the, on the uh, the
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daughter the the, the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the young lady that you're working on. not all on either you. i think you're going to go. is it on the i can do my
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best day. i'm come with a couple of people don't know. maybe the hot hers too and you mind you can literally every single day. right. yeah. the
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yeah, i thought the north. oh no . no no mad. no. she goes no yeah go go there. one time. yeah. like the town to deal with or go back home. nothing to do
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to resolve that. yeah. they love the way i might have to do that. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. i mean, i'm just taking a 2nd. yeah. come push the samantha. yeah. i know. i know that by the you know the pm monday night naveen. well nope, i the, that sounds a lot coming to my email long time. so basically now the
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lobby, i'm going to be offering out to you. now let me, let me do the b and how much is all i know to dice elementary. a lot of the way that yes, on the side of i'm going i'm going to play but give me a mountain gets off and they come maybe unlock is all i get the i yeah, i'm yeah. yeah. when you see by now, yeah, i didn't. when the phone call me hi. i'm calling a telling you the concept pull down my own videos off
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on, on the, on the left and coughing enough. south legal sounds on slot began in the late 19 fifties. the republic of vietnam has had a little trouble in retaining control of the great urban centers, but the central highlands, the long zone cordial era are a mazda most largely jungle covered region. remarkably like those mountain, those regions in spain for the term gorilla, was born. here everything favors a lightly armed, fast moving, irregular, and it is here that the struggle for vietnam, like ultimately decided into this remote almost impenetrable region. the communists of north vietnam have infiltrated a steady stream of agitators, terrorist and professional gorillas. no
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o e n b a k y k, a dot net from you i. that's how we met him for me. yeah. so so may i name, let me know about that when i am, i know i hate to something does no the the
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go to know the right. yeah. we have the movie. was that what we get? no big deal with that. oh well you get home. yeah. so young guy gone with the cnn. the
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no, no, no, no, no, no, no. p small size, cost flat me quite might take 30 pounds less. if
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you may have that i can do ms. massey, bye. so the increasingly now americans are functioning directly in the fight for freedom and this far far on the corner here. and as president johnson has pointed out,
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it is up to us. we intend to convince the communist said we cannot be defeated by force or by suff period. i have asked the commanding general general westmoreland once more he needs to meet 1st mounting aggression. he has told me and we will meet the black of
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the the executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't watch my show, stay main street, because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching
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time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say the my, the young ladies, i know who told me that, you know, i know the fact that they told you we want to go into a house to well so the
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oh yeah, because they came by 11. 0 one. 0 my
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check stub. huh. and and be here. yeah, i'm day wait to get the the me the
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. 2 the in the, the, the, the, you've done the local by comma it on, if i get a couple malia,
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so i'm really now says when you're on the line, you move me made up the household up. that them, you low think i'm going to dump the la jolla to come by, but they're not on the sound right now. we and how people uh, woke up. yeah. i'm well yeah. when it came down. right. that's cool. we'll few that give them will you be making that pay? i'm not gonna lie down with the wrong model while i'm yes ma'am. see some of the weight seems to be coming down one another. the how we invest. people who young that jumped up into
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the why being the name of why the goals that gotcha become lee younger now comes on the holiday season comes down like no, don't we have all the yeah. no. yeah. those
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are not the way to the time. yeah. okay. so when do you at the end of january 1968 side on was a live with a festive spirit. and everyone prepared for the 10th lunar for the people of vietnam is both a joyous and the sacred time of the year. this was to be the 1st spring of the 2nd republic of vietnam, the temperance proposed by the communist. the north vietnamese seemed to promise the people of safe holiday for you from the ever present. anxiety of war leaves the new year families praise the they offer there and i pray that he might be restored to their home. this year, however,
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this additional fire tankers of this have celebrations, became the play over the me all day guy follow the right. you did the
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a pretty good thing at night, but the black boots don't want to convey the boat in way more dollars. my god, stop on. yeah, look gloves, but i'm going to wait. lucky if i can come. probably a good time. really. a young lady does all that. y'all get back to me at night. oh yeah. no, no. come on the
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wait to let you know that right now. so i do have stuff in my usa the past 2 months. no matter what it's coming from. yeah. okay. so it may not be your number. they have to pay that and then they took the class, come up the
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way. don't 2nd rolls best ball from some florida and then the call that corner. no, no, no, no. you might you know how high the but what do you know? you might go back to a new book of and then we go back to 99,
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my mother to get the see about how
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to go to the dental and and it sometimes the the distressing images from central gals that were at least a dozen people are reportedly killed by is really bombing raids. holla, sending an official, selling the alarm over an escalating humanitarian catastrophe. pro palestinian protest, mobilize across the western countries. us, the devastating is really important because it enters its 13th week. and also at the 1st, there will be no revolutions, no violent seizure of power. secondly, the people have made it completely clear as to who their supports and to whom they


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