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tv   Documentary  RT  December 31, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EST

8:30 am
is it to them in a bell marsh, maximum security prison, after his torture? by british paul, a british authorities. it's a, it's a terrible loss to truth tellers. there's an inspiration to people all around the world and so many different languages to so many leaders that came under fire from the u. s. military industrial complex. and he knew the lies told by networks like the bbc, cnn was of local course, a gulf fake of journalism that is so on display today. when we look at gaza, when we look at you crane. and of course, that's why you found a i t as an outlet that he could speak to, because he was band defacto by old british media where the he moves the officer all the awards, the one of the great films he made starting out talking about all of us, he had in a qualities right through to the vietnam war to cambodia just out of the stage and was to finally talking about the coming war on china. his amazing film,
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which would hardly even get released in cinemas in britain and in western europe. and it's a shame, i suppose, in his last dying, daisy, sol, how debased society in western europe was as it back a new or cost of something that has inspired him in his journalism. some of the great reporters of the 2nd world war and what can one say, it's just a terrible loss, i think got so many people will be so sad and, and, and also so sad that to me the fact that censorship, defective senses you because they admit to people they don't actually say jump billed, just as missing or it's to build your is a band. but even in fact he's banned. what that took away from uh, he was always productive, but how much more work he could have done imagery? how many institute should it be named off to him? which one was which was real journalism,
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taught the germans in georgia in journalism schools in western europe, which basically glorified public relations schools for nato welfare. expansionism. and the banking industry, i do say was, are to internationalize back with more news and less than 30 minutes by the the website was this the one where it says joy that she gets it more power than the theater was, you know, both came up with the to the price quoted the spectrum, the device was yelling with as of cities, york of uh, to the good on that there is no just the phone calls to my 3, but it just lets you put you on to look at the you mean the, the,
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the the, the, the, unless the mobile device certainly could find the same. so it was that i was the center solution so. so both of these, you know, it isn't true. it's uh they have to boost the flat would it's for the loan, your initial would you like yeah, ms style bond that comes with blush remodels here. when anybody so we will dispute the course. it's good on the little we want them which are slow. so you will see, you know, to use 2 of us to conditions where you put this thunder. well, the started right from the left. anybody in the to just keep with
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my other fellows going to probably in your, in the you do you mean you mean will spill and the most cars, there's moody law a lot more the way it is the stuff because things go pretty good. so somebody prescribes, you wise, know you have this little this lovelady for record yet it is going to those in front of them, but by tens and um, natural sound comes through so you know, nobody, it's it. and so if it is, can i both get it from the bus today to view it as soon? this means i know, but here's what tim, what's your size most? nothing about something with the the cable just want you to kinda most of suicide for the screen. was more than i
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did. so i there it's like when you buy the mama and the so that you don't the lab but i need to, nobody got to go about the one that i asked to go to a good lowball game. so nice here. well, that's the plan you. yeah, yeah. sometimes it's almost like give me a 30 minute friday. this is all doable. yeah. so it's begin the step. so you thought you football, but it's virginia flushed loop. you got a list with them, but it's fairly near, but you know, those that are near me 3, i think this for so i need some was a little boy up on this is emily. dia separating look good. so i'm gonna go to look at the more people to switch later, which is nice. i took it out when i pulled,
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it looks like in the look at the of the phones because he's because the customer charlie deals and anybody else would be able to get this. there's not some kind of the in my mind, but the assist just the stuff that for my settlement, the the
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yeah, the, the show my focus for some of the does it any more expensive group to a sort of scratch stuck with you to the original condition and putting it on the photos and frankly, the reason for the middle. so, but especially sure it is a thought that it was to go like a pulses zimmerman on the phone with us. so we need to was a, to most collision, spoke with the mother to goes to the deal with you at this present. possibly the new position was close and that sort of thing. and some of them there was no humans
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issue to assist. but in the same as it so it's to only show us what you see initial session that supposed to put in a sort of confusion. and it's suitable. i mean the selection though, as a door, if you the, the, the quote, the you were doing is i was a from google there to do the, the mindset i'm not for you. it's a little but the good news it's in
8:39 am
a so tell me to try to remember the user name and phone deal to get the no, that's not the that's cool component mention i am the both of the ones that seem i must get all the information i talked to the school, let's say that it is the other of the attributes side to is a true to believe i gives you thought as you notice the
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still the super see what's coming out and introduced to sort of just make sure that there's the february verbiage here, the dream they're going to get the 4 digits we're doing. and so we produce, you know, the the, what service the said,
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the quest. good tribute of jonesborough for liquids. the chief of the yeah, the phone, the bit on the middle of the center was the proof for the position of the films that you know is extra, that's go off is in the media 3 weeks for the subsidy. unless you did, you know, of course of the,
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i don't want to do what you want to do. you have the need. yeah. what else are the zip is uh, the a look at the state for service users to sniping your post office by the bus stop to stop by the,
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the snyder. just watching through the us mind you may have some that my nora will. so when you have a real supposed opportunity go for these forces, i'm not going to force you to death for that. i'm going to a side window summer. as long as not remember, it's not gonna come up in order to invite you to to create, to tell me why months ago, do you have any of you set up with a customer on your so hold on, hold on for torturing vote for mobile service, which is the
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truth to look us for the unix isn't this the, it's the right no. and what about that? when the pollution it's been so he's just on was a bit slow. thank you lou destroying the head of for says the shoot for them. not too many subject provision around. no, i saw the details unless they're going to go to the left suspicion that both will show me the consent to go see
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the the a vote for to bishop who did douglas to get to destroy pictures and stuff. so that they would have to do with putting it in a book and some of which was suppose you need to put this good for them. you know, if it could just look at it as what the shade is between these 2. the point is the
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noun produces sure at the dealer dealer. they're concerned though it's still a live tv was the is a video so when you pretty good advertising, come on the show me some of that. she looked at. ok. let's see me level just laid out in the mean time she misses new of all names of the think he's up of the day, the vision of the so that the my name useful and when you to chance to be in the side of the remember the the way the punching the code and the name on it, the flushing version as well as i said everything was good so so what i just need you
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just saying that i was able to do anything else. so when you're ready to send you a weird what, what what is the, what's the, what's the other thing is that what they might just introducing the leaf. sure. see. so this thing, and if we see somebody, well my budget is no so, so it's a somewhere around there. so that's just the way they want to just get rid of the ones who is the seems here was to get the volumes i went through. yeah, my data dropped to put smoke,
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you know, go to the brooklyn for just really, why do you go to the village easily lose the pressure unless much more than the like doing so the only difference the migrate or whether or not like super good shot. what do i need to see to see the, the, what i can find. so this is my personal for sure. for sure. which one would you be able to gilbert and see what you said? yeah. so what is the month on which you put boys still? what about the focus? yeah, yeah, yeah. your life as always, the popular was to. yeah. and i'd like to i some way with the got the noise the report you got pretty know. did you want me to? i'm just very of them separately on your mind. yeah. cuz it's good to have them.
8:49 am
okay. on the right, there's no dice. doug, here with the guns. they do that for supporting the what? the last a bunch of companies either, but it is all black as close or do you want to send
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it to to the ssl to be able to pay for that? just a good fit for for an console because there's not a problem. there's a file for you, i'll send you both hands with us, but if you could just go with you and the answer to pick your own as one. yeah. and hit the, the, the, the soul of the products, the 1st one right there, just for users to boomers was pretty well, but a stronger, but you have to look over those on here that are not the 0 at the 0.
8:51 am
so 3 malware do not total for detroit or 3. and what's really the reason for that carpet, it's too much to see. i used to use the smart city the to store show up with the 2 point is like you just google cause solve a solar system. we'll see we should do that as a goal of the but the, the
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last part is yeah. with, with the choose to see the 2 to yep, 3, that's the other thing you with just so forth. you, you did that was more than this by some people for the 3 of us that sounds like your phone number because that, that they do this instead of keeping them as well. the problem is a bunch of them, which i'm pretty impressed. my some additional layers. so when you will
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actually part of the, [000:00:00;00] the you said there's only 4. that's all over the phone in both of those uses the let. no, but the go to that. so i got it mostly in between middle fighters that some of the ones go was. so the, when it was what i see for 0, right? so send the send me that is always global. so $700.00. i see it is the service. if you go to court orders,
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it will tell you about the 70, the move in the photos, the internet services for that is completely loaded, especially the loaner. so we just need it today to set in. uh, i'm not sure what to do before sending it, but as i can do it within the physically pizza, it doesn't the video, it's in the hospital and there's some type of incident 7 ish. and what type of standard good is it because of north of uh, wipers only got up. i'll try to get it but basically pay it. but i do to them see is not that which is certainly no score as it was no one. so we cut us off
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the record of some percentage that is to serve you know, before you, before we emulate. well, this fellow bush, hamish, the police special of this and they did this spending. if you're going to get it in the bush, the edge you've sold you to shop it is easy to postpone that little. yeah. which the last of loop maybe do this. let's do a right so the sooner to point me to i could do that but to this is just sort of simple new to so many to switch them. so going to that's good. guess what is we're going to do,
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but they just say it's a lot, especially with the mileage with this issue of stuff, but i have to put it to the i'm, i'm going to push the fridge. i've so people that will it just to display, you just go with that just and that's the sound your fonts,
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the beginning of the day of the the the, the, the full wait another more money the if you see the speed yet seen the flood suddenly sweet familiar, the studio,
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the, the the, we make it look like,
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forget it. the, [000:00:00;00]
9:00 am
the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the one person is killed in the latest ukrainian shelling of the belgrade region. that's after saturday's attack on the city center claims the lives of $24.00 civilians, including 4 children. parson forces responded by targeting military sites and ukraine. distressing images from central dogs. so we're at least a dozen people have been reportedly killed by as rarely bombing raids. palestinian


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