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tv   Documentary  RT  December 31, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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is the case in gaza. the fact that we witness more today in the modern world on social media and all the various technology tools that exist this killing every single day of over 100 children and gaza through the use of bombs and military measures. and it's been going on for nearly 3 months and nothing has changed. it is a failure of the international community. it is a failure of the rest of the world to sit and watch the killing of these poor children. you know, as 70 percent of the over 20000 dead people in gaza are women and children. and that there's been no effort to put a stop to it, at least very limited f and no success in putting a stop to it is extremely, extremely. it's criminal on the part of us is if it's our shortcomings as an international community. and we will bear for the rest of our lives, the responsibility for the lives that have been destroyed. the innocent lives that have been destroyed in the gaza strip. let's hope that the 2024 brings it to any
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point for the situation and gaza sooner rather than later. steve supposed to be president of the fall, this time children's relief for they would see about the place to wish you a happy new year under the circumstances. we suddenly thank you for your time and wish you all the best with your work. thank you, sir. that's all for now to be sure to check out our com for all of the latest breaking news and updates. and we'll see you right back here. the top of the, the of the the
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work i'm not, i'm having read. now let me say no. now, why, why, why, why being can you labeled on monday the only problem about week of told me to do but yeah. the on the in
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the, on the, on the to the the, the, the, the the, the
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with the young lady. yeah. what date on?
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uh oh, i the you could give you my boy . yeah. the a. can you come with a couple of people don't know. maybe they thought her in your mind you go literally every single day the
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iphone during the morning. i don't you know mad those to the cold go know, but the young go go to
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town really don't want to go back home. nothing to do to resolve that. yeah. they look be the the weight might be template. let me do that and yeah, that, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, i mean, i'm just taking a 2nd. yeah. come push. samantha . yeah, i know, i know that mazda. all right, let's see on monday that natalie, no fine. the that
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sounds a lot. that's something you might have been a long time, so basically now the lobby, i'm going to be offering out the data. let me let me see. and how about his on how to die says all of them to lie. so why the way that yes, on this i'm going i'm going to give me a mountain cancer and they come media a lot. i don't like that. yeah, i yeah. them. yeah. i mean when you see by now yeah, i didn't even think i'm calling you hi. i'm calling you,
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i telling you the conference my phone to get it off the phone. all my design, so he's in the bathroom coughing. self estimate will sound like a real honest lot began in the late 1950 is the republic of vietnam. has had a little trouble in retaining control of the great urban centers, but the central highlands, the one's own quarter of the era already mountain most largely jungle covered regions. remarkably like those mountainous regions in spain, for the term gorilla was born. here, everything favors and lightly armed, fast moving, irregular, and it is here that the struggle for vietnam like ultimately may decided into this remote almost impenetrable region. the communists of north vietnam have infiltrated a steady stream of agitators,
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terrorist and professional gorillas. no o e n b i was like hey, by the dot net. thank it's. yeah, well, you know how we met him for me? yeah. so, so may i know, let me know about my m. i know i hate to something does know the
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the golden or the like? yeah. the movie was that what we get no big deal with that. oh well you how long the young guy that's gone with the c 9? probably the
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no no no, no. yeah. so since small size costs flat me quite snapped might take $30.00 pounds less. if you may have that i could do ms. massey bye.
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so the increasingly now americans are functioning directly in the fight for freedom and
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this far far on the corner. and as president johnson has pointed out, is up to us. we intend to convince the communist said we cannot be defeated by force of arms or by superior. i have asked the commanding general in general westmoreland once more he needs to meet 1st mounting aggression. he has told me and we will meet the black the
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the, the the, the my, the young lady who told him that, you know,
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guide dollar back that way. what's going on? why he said so the guy who came by his 11. 0 one 0 my god. wow. and be here. yeah it's, i'm day late. the
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mm the . 2 2 2 the pin the
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in the
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you've done the local by comma ended on if i get a lot of my daughter, malia. so i'm just really now says new move me in late of the day. how hold up that i'm you low think i'm with them? no money to buy a whole. you have to come by but they're not on the sound right now. we in okay cool. cool. got you. i'm well yeah, look and see him down right now. cool. we'll few that. give them will you be making
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that bill pay? i'm not in law down with the wrong model for me. you now steve. so basically the weight seems to be coming down another day. probably in monday. wow. that jumped up into the wiping the name of the golf. that gotcha for gum, lee. oh no, no problems on the holiday. neither did you say it comes down late? no. don't we have all
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the yeah. no. yeah. those down the way to the time. yeah. okay. so when do you at the end of january 1968 side on was a live with a festival period. and everyone prepared for the 10th lunar, for the people of vietnam is both
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a joyous and sacred time of the year. this was to be the 1st spring of the 2nd republic of vietnam, the temperance proposed by the communist. the north vietnamese seemed to promise the people of safe holidays for you from the ever present. anxiety of war leads of the new year. families praise the they offer there and i pray that he might be restored to their home this year. however, the traditional fire tankers of this have celebrations, became the play over the
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me all day from the right. you did the pretty uh good thing it night, but the good the completely, the way more dollars my god. stop on. yeah. love to get him to wait like a like i'm probably a good time really a young lady does all that job get what i
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like to and 9 that oh oh yeah, no no. come. i'm just waiting to wait to let you know that right now. so i do have stuff in my usa tax the money no matter what. not save you some phone number here. yeah. they sent me your number. they have no
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crazy. and then to say he took the class, come up the don't wait on the 10th floor and then the call that corner. no, no, no, no, no. you wait a 2nd, you go. how high the
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of the, you know, you might go back to a new book of and then we go back to 99. my mother to get the
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main domain. yeah. go to the dental um, ended phone to the the
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the old person is killed in the latest ukrainian shutting of the bill. good beecham, desktop. this of today's, the talked on the cities sent the claim, the lives of 24 civilians, including 4 children, with some forces responded by targeting military sites. ukraine. distressing images now from central gaza, where at least a dozen people of reportedly being killed by is ready for us as well as sending an official sound. the alarm of which human catastrophe and renowned australian generation and joining us on support the junk pilcher died at the age of $84.00. the is.


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