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tv   News  RT  December 31, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the don't yet go, citizens come under heavy shilling from ukrainian armed forces, just minutes into the new year with reports of a full faithful tools. and more than a dozen, one that russian president vladimir puts in addresses the nation as moscow celebrates the new year. wishing full, including those on the front lines, best wishes for the holidays. bills of proclaims 2024, the year of the family in russia. i knew you should. soon, we will become even stronger. we are together, and this is the strongest guarantee of russia's future. congratulations, my dearest,
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happy new year 2024 and the is really intensifies that the tax across down the end of the strikes the enclaves of central region. feeling the season, a dozen people on saturday policy, me and officials found the alarm over the humanitarian catastrophe. the at 7 am here in moscow. this is our t international, just running out of battle. good morning and happy new year. i'm a day show of josh and as our top stores the south, the capital city of the doing the republic came under a heavy shilling from the ukrainian armed forces just minutes into the new year. officials report at least 4 people killed and more than a dozen. wouldn't that artis roman cause or have brings us more. this is a central street here,
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and the city holds them that's as far as targeted by the ukrainian military. shortly after midnight on new year's eve, several stores here for damaged and some buildings were completely destroyed. right now, i am walking on the shattered glass and the debris from the building. and in the background, i can still hear the sounds of our children, shedding tears. i left the road before my mother and i celebrated the new year. i went on for smoke in the balcony. sometime after the midnight explosion started somewhere nearby, very low, and in the very center of the city. to be honest, it wasn't comfortable that i'm from the rubles with leaf through all of this. i could not stand on my feet because of it. then a car caught fire, a shelf, flew into the side of the house. in addition, there were several explosions nearby glass shattered in several houses. it was unpleasant to say the least. the center of the nest looks like a horse. all right, now there is still
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a fire brigade riding all throughout the city with the flyers called n. c. c. the shelves are simply laying around everywhere. shortly after midnight on new year's eve from uncle astray versus the unnecessary public and casualties. i'm mounting out to the devastating ukrainian shelling of the city of belgrade for russian military responded to keeps drawings on civilians by bombing military sides inside ukraine. that's according to the russian defense ministry, which says the ukrainian offices responsible for saturday stripe whitfield to the unit yesterday. ukrainian armed forces use multiple on trucking systems to strike
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the city of bel girl. this result of the killing of civilians including children. in response to this terror attack, the russian armed forces his command and control center as a military objects used by the criminal key for the team in the city of particle. one man has been killed in the latest you cleaning an attack on the belgrade to region. according to officials that follows saturdays must have stripe in the city itself. 24 civilians were killed in that stride with more than 100. 1 did russian officials say ukrainian forces used cluster munitions and condemned 8 as an act of terror.
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the sewage is over to book it today. we witnessed the heaviest consequences of showing by the ukrainian armed forces of the past 2 years. i sincerely offer my deepest condolences to all the families of the victims. i understand that there are no words that can come for that grace. i want to make it clear that the enemy will not escape retribution. security cameras in belgrade captured this dramatic scene of a mother using herself as a shield for her children. to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, she quickly pulled her baby out of the stroller, grabbed her older child, and then run for cover. as a witness account of the attack, a misery. well, you're not said he lives. i was at home at the time of the explosions because i have guessed from the neighborhood. i work here in the central market and i'm an intent for now. my call was left for the night. i came to where i wanted to take my child home, but now it looks like this is a pity that the call was damaged,
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but at least where our lives on the 2024 has arrived here in moscow as crowns gathered around the capital in celebration russian president vladimir putin addressed the nation in his annual speech. and r t correspondent charlotte defense give brings us the news from red square. that was there anyway. and it has been, you know, sincere citizens of russia. dear friends, we are seeing out the year 2023 should very soon it will become history. and while we will move on creating the future to it in the outgoing here, we have worked hard and achieved a lot so that we have taken pride in our comment achievements, rejoiced over our successes, and stood firm in defending our national interest in our freedom and security and our values which remain our unshakable main square. dear friends, in curious in any time as the new year celebrations are about bright hopes and about the sincere desire to make our beloved ones happy. the year 2024 has been
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declared in russia the year of the family next year. i wish old families in russia all the best succeeds, and that's where the history of each family combines to make the history of our vos beautiful and beloved motherland. its fate is shaped and created by our soul, the multi national people of russia who we are one country, one big families. we will ensure the development of our country and the wellbeing of our fellow compatriots. we will become even stronger. we are together, and this is the strongest guarantee of russia's future, national esteem. congratulations, my dearest. happy new year. 2024. red square has been closed off for the 2nd day in a row. this is due to security reasons. but just across the street, from where there was a huge crowd to a cheering, as they were ringing in the bells over the new year. it is of course no 2024. you mentioned the address by president preteen, who talked about this being the of the family. and he said, but you know,
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this is uh, being a year with russia will look at its true big family. and we look off to each other and saying that it was being together that makes russia stronger, and it was the strongest guarantee of the country's future. so that was the message of goodwill to everyone, particularly he said, those who were so thing at the moment on the front lines for them to have a wonderful 2020 full. now, um, there is an amazing it must be addressed across the road. people enjoying light switch your own in full own across most government. really. this is such a beautiful city to spend the new year and, and of course it started snowing as well so it couldn't be more magical than that. but the new year is really the main celebration, focal points here in russia, of course, many other countries. the 25th of december is the big day. but this is the big day
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. and this is why people have come out to celebrate. they'll be hey, on red square, they'll be with the families across the country. the only thing fabulous food, and of course children hoping that they may get a visit from grand fall, the frost a to see whether that you have been naughty or nice. will they get the present fish? yeah, hope there'll be lots of good children across russia. and of course, most go is one of 11 times earnings in russia, celebrating the new view. the rest of the country putting much has already run the bells and there's still come in and glad you want to just say that sounds like there's some fireworks going on. not the official fireworks that we expect to need it, but there are some being like, oh, the crowds. acosta. that's what the noise is that you can hear. but of course we're seeing you all of you at work. all of you own across around the world. a very, very happy new year. so most go. so no home go them and as must go by to celebrate the new year new year. griffin's
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a partnering from around the world even from space. washington customer, not constantine bruce, upset best wishes from the international space station to the entire our to team is that i'm going to come out of t d u r t t v i v. sure whole big during that mystic family a happy new year. wherever you are now in moscow, daily cairo valley drive, cape town. well, good tough but micheal vision corporately and in the new year i'm wishing you all to be able to reach even more people in all corner. so the world to tell them about how beautiful art country and its people are, continue to follow your call in question more. after all, this is your main vocation. not to be afraid to ask questions, even if someone does not like them and answer the questions of those. we're looking for the choice of generation problem. while i'm saying these words aboard the, i assess, we're flying over. so what countries in even over oceans, and i'm sure that in each of these countries in hundreds and thousands of apartment
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buildings are those who are watching you. this is the results of your work. yours, which trusts and appreciate reaching out the insight small on gold and, and other parts of the world. people are ringing in the new year. that includes the capital of indonesia, a country with the world's largest muslim population where people gathered to celebrate and watch the fireworks. crowds filled the streets of jakarta to walk them to start to 2024. the muslim countries are joining in that celebration, malaysia and pakistan of cancel the official new year's event as a gesture of solidarity with the people of palestine. keeping in mind the seriously consenting situation in palestine and to show solidarity with our police genie and brothers and sisters, they will be strict banned by the government on the housing. any kind of event form
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you. yeah. the whole but just on you nation and the marketing welled in a she a state of anguish over the months ago of innocent children and genocide opened on palestinians in gaza and the west bank, the malaysian, and practiced on the official se they've decided to cancel the celebrations as a sign of respect to guidance suffering from the walls unfolding humanitarian catastrophic. calling them for re sensing posed and found on his rarely flat chicago ships ducking at it's for a while as some of that is dispatched to a pack of just the gaza. abdul muslin in run direct of asian middle is to send test, says the malaysian and pakistani decisions reflect widespread and go as we're advancing gas up. alicia's decision is with a just phones decision, i believe reflect the sentiment on the ground in both countries. i'm probably across the world that have been a huge marketing over the world, especially in these 2 countries,
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expressing anger over the ongoing genocide taking place in gaza. and all of the international complicity and fame deal to stuff is there is a tech on civilians. so the government's decision in most countries, is that a reflection of this thing to me and of course the, the decisions i'm in the context of the so many activities have a government and public level. the symbolic decisions by different governments are not enough. it is good or force, but to a more stone action needs to be taken because the scale of the must have here is you just beyond imagination. so a symbolic, the decisions are good, but not enough to do this. to guys are now with the death toll approach is $22000.00. despite the diet situation, however,
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citizens of the policy in enclave still hold out. hope the 2024 will bring them the loved one. the one i loved on how to hope that the world will end as soon as possible, god willing, and that will return to our homes that were destroyed if there any homes for us are not destroyed. and i hope that my children will be released. now we hope that the new year will come and we will return to our home. we wish for peace of mind and to return to our homes. to review our message to israel is to withdraw from gaza. let me know of the tragedy that we are suffering the most of the destruction that has the fall in us. we are morning and then they have wiped gaza off the map. no, i will show in the category. i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to everyone that the war will end soon and we will return to our homes in our country. we are very optimistic. 1 that the war will end to my message to all the arab countries and all the countries of the world. i
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hopefully will hear me. we want to return to our country in the north and live in peace. this is what we want. even if we only live on the sand, the local reporter akram also tarry told us more about the optimism of people in gaza entering the new year. despite the reality on the ground in canyon is if there's any uh parts which has been started this area from the south, from the east and also from the hospital to advance into the area. they have been kind of getting different. the place has been choosing crime units, and if you do come that off of which slides hospitably towards that offer on almost top of which is to stay in bed with many of the display people attend. the fire could be heard throughout the whole night. but that doesn't feel like up to this particular moment that isn't, is gaining the upper hand as they have been describing. it doesn't reflect that. it happened a cubing, great things and the sense of the military perspective. it looks like they have
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been continuing the bodies and policy or targeting civilians, the starting to entrust, upsets and houses and planning 9 of innocent civilians who are living in the home. people them try new and exciting people and goes out and get an order. was the mistake they understand that they have been subject to to that because of the patient and they hold 2nd to patient come to a 100. it's very difficult to be optimistic, but then does that. i can can do that. people are extremely meanwhile, the situation on the ground and guys that shows that the i d. f as intensified by me. and the job by the refugee camp in northern guys that were sent is really stripe some central guys a have reported the cube of these 12 people in the town of us the wide uh, here's our local official described the gruesome aftermath or something. it's just such a like what pulled out 9 march is when members of a very peaceful family to adjacent houses where it targeted the civil defense doesn't have the necessary equipment. in particular haven't machinery,
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like bulldozers, silverland volunteers, and private companies. distress the name address from the same show, the body of a child being taken away for burial. no fools have been scrambling through the rubble of destroyed buildings desperately hoping to find survivors while in the nearby central gathering city of day all by law. at least 6 people, including a journalist, was chilled by is there any shelling on saturday? that's according to the red crescent humanitarian group. despite the mounting civilian casualties is rough prime minister benjamin netanyahu has, as the offensive will not end any time soon. i mean, come up, the war is in full swing, we are fighting on all fronts with great success, but we are also paying a painful price. achieving victory requires more time. as the chief of staff has said this week, the war will continue for many more months. my policy is clear,
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we will fight until the completion of all the objectives of the war and above all, the elimination of from us and the release of all these really hostages. the human body for policy and refugees of launch that gaz is just weeks away from a mass farming. nearly half of all civilians there are set to be on the verge of salvation. the government health industry says nearly 2000000 people, almost the end slaves, entire population loc, basic necessities, the model of the house ministry warrants of a prospect of farming and the hydration of more than one point. 9000000 displaced people collect proper accommodation, food, or medicine and safety require me. what i think was the number of palestinians are also arriving in the southern gas and border city of rough la compounding the
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humanitarian crisis. there. the images on your screen right now shows a shows a local school which has been converted to a mix, shift shelter, just one of many for hundreds of display civilians. families are forced to live in tend to meet a critical lack of access to basic supplies. the you in says israel and s been obstructing the delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid. several refugees and rafa spoke to r. t international. i was asked by the stadiums. we refused to accept the suffering we are currently enduring. even palestinian children are rejecting the harsh reality. we face a lot with them on the reconstruction of gaza as the situation has become extremely graham and difficult to him of even children can no longer go to school or live a healthy normal life. or because the key again to see what is happening in gaza today. and the current situation is much larger than during the not about comparing the number of casualties in this war to those 2 in the knock. but the number of
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displays people living gaza is much higher when people talk about displacement for one to say to resist. and none of us will be forced off this lines and you look more of sure why i'm sure we can die on this land. no one will take us away from this land. i came from sujata. it was done from here. we can die on this land. a new will not leaf ballast on. the, the celebrated australian journalist john richard pill guy has died at the age of 84. he was known as a strong critic of american australian and british foreign policy. and a vocal supporter of a julian, a sorry, was spoke with. i've seen were tons a host of going underground to discuss pilgrim's magazine to the world. it's a mass of loss renew you is on. well, i was cars funding with him, but we didn't know it is going to have a new year's eve 20 to 83 when he is needed by so many people. we have
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a special going underground going out tomorrow. i mean, and which i call them one of the greatest. john was in a little of history julian assigned you, needed them a visit to them in bell marsh, maximum security prison after his torture, by british paul, a british authorities. it's a, it's a terrible loss to a truth tellers. there's an inspiration to people all around the world and so many different languages to so many leaders that came under fire from the u. s. military industrial complex. and he knew the lies told by networks like the bbc, cnn. it was a vocal course, a fake of journalism that is so on display today when we look at gaza, when we look at ukraine and of course, that's why you found r t as an outlet that he could speak to. because he was band defacto by old, registering media where he at he moved the off to all the awards. the one i've told a great film was he made starting, i have to think about all of us. we had in
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a qualities right through to the vietnam war to cambodia. just as the staging was to finally talking about the coming war on china. his amazing film, which would not even get released in cinemas, in britain and in western europe. and it's a shame, i suppose, in his last dying, daisy, sol, how debased society in western europe was as it back a new or cost of something that has inspired him in his journalism. some of the great reporters of the 2nd world war and war coincides just a terrible loss. i think got so many people will be so sad and, and also so sad to human fact that censorship, defective censorship because they admit to people, they don't actually say jump villages, but his missing or it's to build your is a band. but even in fact,
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he's banned. what that took away from. he was always productive. but how much more work he could have done imagery? how many institute should it be named off to him? would you run this? would to real journalism? did you under them towed in journalism schools in western europe, which basically glorified public relations schools for nato wolf, our expansion ism, and the banking industry. you can watch apps in the right times as final interview with john pills on monday on our team to national financial strain. and journalist and documentary filmmakers shared a stake on the conflict between israel and gaza. here's a short preview. as you said, the site is the issue in the last century and in this century, how does it link everything from war and peace atrocities, imperialism information to neoliberalism or palestine, or to santoro of a great imperial act. ah, i've made to felons called palestine and still issue 2018 as
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a part time may make another one. it will be cold. palo sign is totally true because palestine unless we understand the across or the being imposed on palestine and the rights of people to defend themselves, the rights of people to resist against an external outside false, false. but uh, it becomes more extreme by the moment, and i'm talking about israel then will never understand how the world works. so it's been a whole attempt to make some of the central issue of the reporting investment on something's hazard, how mouse is, uh, procure, and your team and in fact, come come off. and that's military waiting, a part of a resistance, a resistance that was provoked by these riley is the real team. and then this is,
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is as well, but it's not simply is ryle, i mean, versus as much uh, a british and american bull attends palestine as it is, and is rarely one. the leaders of west african states met in these at to discuss the prospects for great to corp, to address the instability in the region. heads of the transitional governments of booking, of also and molly traveled to new jobs for the courtesy visits where they encountered a huge dryly. and now i'm a 1000 to take them to the streets to celebrate the final withdrawal of french troops. sparks concerns as a growing conflict in the region. the west african leaders also joined to the celebration and here's what locos had to say about the visit. if you don't mind letting me just a indeed their visit is very important for the 3 countries because we are facing
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specific conditions. so we must join forces be united and initiate crisis exit initiatives now for the different sectors. because we have several problems there and there is the problem of food and sufficiency in the 3 regions. we cannot feed ourselves and that's not good. so i think this is an opportunity to talk about the problems that are playing us for them to do that please us a, this is the presence of the prime minister. so i'm working on molly is a part of the visit. it strengthens the bonds of friendship and solidarity and it also conference, the value and people of media, laptop the, regarding the visits of the prime minister as a beginning, remotely. i think it is a very good thing. it is a very good sign. i think that in the face of imperialist forces, it is really important that we be united purchasing. and then all the news for me is that name ale, sorry to save a country, will not resumed the flow of imports coming through a port in neighbor rings. and in non block new jet has in deal with
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a 5 month located in post by the economic community of west african countries. echo was the chamber of commerce and industry of new here reminds economic operators, the illegal unjust and unfair sanctions of echo was remain in particular, those relates into the closure of board. this was the objective of looking commercial transactions with our country to do this. the chamber of commerce and industry of each year invites economic operators to continue using the ports and corey doors that have made this possible to serve our country since the advance of july 26th 2023. to the statement follows an announcement by bending that it has lifted the suspension on imports for transit on board to the director of the name portal for it to set. present developments have allowed the flow of goods to resume the measure relating to the suspension of important goods destined finish at the pulse of cotton who has been lifted in view of the substantial improvements in the
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operational conditions for handling goods at the ports. in particular, the reduction in the rates of congestion following a co and is the in july, the west african economic blocks echo us hit nam, a with a package of functions that led to the closure of the border with been named and the vital supply route from its port infrastructure, the move impacted the flow of a central supplies to ensure that as well as the revenues from the transit of goods or any of this month echo was announced that the sanctions against the just military government will continue heard from local. so say the decision to press the port course home on both sides of the border. we've been haven't been even has no other choice, but to go in this direction. because in the early hours, when by means taking the decision to close its pulled, fidelity are in good shape without taking into account the harmful consequences which would also impact the lives have been in these people. we have seen the reaction to the knowledge of chamber of commerce, which is also
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a salutary decision because for us to day, the time has not come and been names, negotiations to open the port. the knowledge ariens held out for 5 months. it's true, it wasn't easy, but we already used to this and today we have for all the countries like to go which opened it's pulled through us to go to new is the largest city in port and been in with access to the gulf of denny and the atlantic ocean, the trade, colorado between the port and the capital city of the jack, is one of the busiest crossings in west africa, with traffic of up to a 1000 vehicles per day, many of which a trucks carrying goods to market is the bounding ports, represent 80 percent of the transit volume through the port of quarter. now we spoke to the head of the new jerry and trade as union, who says that buildings lifting of the band with great, the effect is as the country straight as i've been using all the ports. basically they've moved on new when the decision was made to band in ports through the port
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of coats, a new we were not worried at all because our goods were already at a disadvantage as a result of transiting through their port. today been in came back to us to say that the band has been suspended. it doesn't matter to us at all. it has nothing to do with the benefits they provide. it is because been installed, that our government asked us to use the port of low me or other ports and countries that helped us when we needed support. it is too late for bending to ask us to come back to allow imports through it's port. the name needs to compensate us for our losses is been in reimbursed as these losses. security in the core door will be improved. producers of onions, sweet potatoes, rice and vegetable oil have suffered losses that they cannot cover themselves. it is necessary to create the conditions that will allow us to resume our relations


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