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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the headlines tories, the deadly is really military assaults on guns or rules over into a new year. while some palestinians still hoped for thieves against the compatible. i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to everyone, but the war will end soon and we will return to our homes and our country. enough of the tragedy that we are suffering, the most of the destruction that has be following us. we are mourning. as the clock struck midnight heralding in 2024 fraud rallied 4 guns in the west bank city of hold on the left of the conflict with israel approaches
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a 3rd love. don't boss comes under heavy shelling from ukraine on new year's eve nights with at least 4 civilians killed more than a dozen windows in done yet the mid day in moscow. and this the 1st day of the new year, a very warm welcome to the our team use our there's little cause for celebration in gals that though now is the, is really move the tree kicked off 2024 with a fresh round of strikes on the enclave. however, some palestinians are hopeful, they will eventually see peace at some point in the new year. the loved one, the one i let not know how to hope that the world will end as soon as possible, god willing. and that will return to our homes that were destroyed if there any homes for us are not destroyed. and i hope that my children will be released. now all we hope that the new year will come and we will return to our home. we wish for
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peace of mind and to return to our homes, to review our message to israel is to withdraw from gaza. let me enough of the tragedy that we are suffering the most of the destruction that has be following us . we are morning. they have lived gaza off the map. no, i will show. on the contrary, i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to every one, but the war will end soon and we will return to our homes and our country. we are very optimistic that the war will end soon. my message to all the arab countries and all the countries of the world. i hopefully will hear me. we want to return to our country in the north and live in peace. this is what we want. even if we only live on the sand. well apart from the staggering child's death rate in gals, the international n g o is are also raising the alarm over the mental states of young palestinians
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trumpets inside the war zone. children have been exposed to him. the dramatic episodes we some patients recovering from physical interest on some having lost the time of the members. the cobra strategies had been taken away from them. there was no safe place and no sense of security. it messed up now. and the suffering of many young thousands begun long before october 7th, and 2018 teenager is a dean. no was right, lost his leg after being shot, minus released piper a year later he was able to. busy again, thanks to a prosthetic glen, courtesy of volunteer groups in the us. after returning home to gals, it is a dean took part of the helping other opportunities there. but his life was ultimately cut short last week when he was killed in this really or striking. steve, so it was me who aided says the dean in the us, shared the young men to find out less than in story with us. and i in 2018, he joined thousands of other palestinian refugees in gaza and protesting peacefully
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at the gaza borders. for the great, during the great returned march is a sniper as really soldiers, and it shot him from a very far distance in his leg. his leg was amputated, organization brought him to the united states where you had a new prostate prosthetic legs built for him to enable him to walk and return to school and finish school. and then we hired him to become a field worker and humanitarian aid worker. he was quite interested in photography, so he was practicing we were training him in that field to support our communications team. and just on christmas day while him and his family huddled together in fear, i suspect as most palestinians do at night, their home was bombed. in demagogues, a refugee camp in central guys a by an air strike and his entire family was killed. his body remains under rubble today. and there's no way to remove it,
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due to the lack of heavy equipment that can remove large cement blocks. and it's just a terrible, terrible tragic i. tragedy. i knew him very well. he was a good kid. very positive, very smiling. all the time. always ready to um, to do anything he can to help even during the last few weeks when i was in touch with him, he was expressing his desire to do more on the ground there to help his people with mr. so it was be also told us that a total of 6 young palestinians who be treated in the us by his organization have been killed in gal. so the few military and saves the american people as a whole, do not support washington's endorsement of the is really military on. as there is a sense of irony, i guess i already wouldn't probably be the right word because it doesn't convey the human tragedy behind the lives of these children being destroyed. you know, being killed, being the amputees, having their parents killed, losing their homes,
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living under these horrific conditions as a result of the policies of the us government. and also then coming to this country and, and benefiting from the treatment that americans provide them. i guess there that would be considered ironic, but there's also and probably other more strong vers words. it could be used in any case. i think it symbolizes that the american people themselves are maybe not behind this or they don't believe that killing innocent children in injuring innocent children like as a dean and others is in any way justified. and that when you go, the people who are treating our kids is not the us government fits the american people, their private hospitals, their private doctors board extending their services on a humanitarian level to help. and i think that that shows a significant disconnect between the policies of the government and the will of the
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people. while we also spoke this january, 1st to journalist from also tarry, who's in the southern gals and city of con, eunice were more, is really bones fail as a new year came in to be what do you guys are husband living? i got a no, not today fucked. a few of the $1000.00 with gaza. why do bombardments are continuous and it is and we are continuing to advance the active. i'd like to do the surgery and the front signature's there so they can do it there. it'd be fire week would be in this particular area in east i knew the secret nearby apartments. we could certainly find out because the also the whole new customer fire, which was indicated ongoing and confrontation between 3 fairly simple justice. and it's, i need a sufficient bandwidth that comes the group number. ok, this thing is, as well as the report that it's under this, i've been losing the home losing the nice. i've lived in the hopes as a little toward is and the 1st and then you decide to see those are some of the new
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bombardments fixing the knots of taken care of all and sorry for breaks. that means and resolve the un agency providing aid to palestinian saves 1400000 display scouts ones are nice thing and it's celebrities. the counselors at the be severely overcrowded, especially in the north of the in buckled enclave. refugee sites are struggling with a critical lack of medication while most of gals as hospitals, they've been shut down in the south, medics are treating many civilians in mix shift 10 facility years with one doctor. several of his patients told us. and now it doesn't mean that the children are dying from diarrhea with no colors and no beds where they supposed to go. there was no treatments, no doctors, no work in hospitals. these rallies bomb clinics, and in toys cities to tell me where people supposed to go, there was no safe place. and then when we go, they say move further south from north or east,
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and then they just bomb us there any way? that's let's, let's move it. i didn't leave the house except when they had the nearby area with their own kits. they targeted us with 3 guided shells. my children were hate, all of them were affected. one suffered a serious brain injury. she stayed in intensive care for 5 days, which was pronounced dead on the 8th of december. to the conditions are extremely difficult because there is no treatment available. now this counselors have thousands of displaced people in small areas leading to overcrowding. diseases have spread wildly. epidemics have spread insanely. now, even more dangerous things are coming soon. no influenza has started to spread. the hospitals are overwhelmed because they have become shelters for the displace. longest civilians forced to flee to southern gals or from the idea of invasion of the north is the family of during this terms of children whose being extensively
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covering the conflict for us. next we bring you his very human story as part of our special coverage of the wars impact on innocent flights. the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go so some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to find the on the all civilians. i'm one of the i'm actually afraid my family over there hard. i'm afraid i lost my friends
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the families skirt. the only thing does is that the situation is really dangerous. nauseous, the situation my parents when trying to find or to get this course and it's 2 days from now the
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tech team right now it's very happens. it's dangerous. the the, the genocide i started looking for car. there was no internet there. even no electricity. people can even charge their phones. fuel hasn't been allowed to get together for more than a month, making it impossible for civilians to use vehicles. we are honored evacuating from our house. right now. this is my law. this is mind if you re find a car finding looking for a car to find
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a car to be for his car to the cell. is my father. my father. we are. we are doing to this hour because my father is suffering from dialysis and to the hospital he uh do the premium at it's out of service right now. so it is up. that's why we have to be to the south. and this is all our house you basically saw for him here in the doors in the search find the water, finding electricity, finding food. and hopefully because we can't find a safe place over there in the south. hundreds of thousands of forced to flee from the laws of god as this came from those to the laws. you can't take much with
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this or so we're not allowed to take back. so we take plastic barks, august, best chair for my father, teacher lot and woke. we have to push and we are going to be awesome. our neighborhoods for the best. so to get out of the north in gaza, they told us to follow some of the street the this is my father. is this mind it to you? this is my mom not allowed to take bags, plastic bags all. this me i've saved it, said you, but they're in disaster. most the scope of the story is towards the churches for since
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president show you what that costs. so this is a lot mobile and this is finally reviewed. should the area near to a t round to box this form, we have to empty the car for hours. so we take the chair and the portion of those things because the banks are nearby. last few years to film fuel varies our hand up. hopefully we cut out arrived safe because of my father condition. the trip was not easy. we phase difficulties at every stage. it was not allowed to continue the journey by car at this point. so we have to use a horse drunk cart. we bait someone to cover
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a distance of about 400 to 500 meters. we have to use this right. the only way we get to the point where we go in to the mom, the full staples haitian. that is a human ation of my dignity. we all scold for kindness, but the same kinds of humiliation we started our, which is more than 8 kilometers, who so many casualties on the side of the road. we so did bodies all around us. the
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soldiers were very close to us with thousands of tanks in the soldiers. there they thought cindy, they were trying to make some of the civilians to wear, displaced from their houses. the check point is where the soldiers start asking questions. they told us to raise our hands. we just passed the chick point. my mom, i lost what mom i did. if i cannot find my mom, how they come up, fine. my dad are looking for them. but we really fast the chick point. we think it's safe, there's a lot of people look it's, it was very dangerous, but it was helping people. they asked them to come through and they close out their self down cause been many course officer losing my mom in the process. i managed to find her,
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my mom over there. we've been arrived at brazier the count reset because my father a mom couldn't to, couldn't you more then thanks fired all civilians and there was a huge explosion next to us. they said they are doing this because they would need the people to speed up. they killed many people. we finally found a car after 2 hours of searching, and my parents headed to for safety. there is hospitably my dad can get treatment. when i was certain that they had arrived safely, i went to the mazda of hospital to get back to work the way we of each of us. our was terrified. i went, i would never forget. it was heartbreaking to see people, children's fighting people suffering diseases, people who own people, women's children suffer the, the homes of work, right,
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right. that are deal as well. i think it's important to lot. now hundreds rallied in the westbank city of an umbrella on new year's eve in support of fellow palestinians in war torn gowns. a people puck, the central menorah square, a waving polish spinning as well as some a mouse. lebanese has the lifeline. the westbank has also been coming under an increasing number of deadly idea rates. here's what some of the rally and palestinians that are told us. there's a most addition and they sent over my life, sending one message so that people of guys that we are with you, we will not leave you as we are all unified and united in our us that are getting sort of freedom. and this, that have been a few patients to study these that have been a lot of crimes and guys us, that people in front of us find out all unified and united. we just looking for peace and love in this be live this place. and in this, what do you then? so this is a message for all the word this here,
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we hope that the entire colonial system will disappear, that the people of gaza, we will remain stat boxed and that our resistance will remain well. we hope that old colonial reason will disappear from our ok by twins from the hundreds of policy was a mistake that the marcia sunday night before the start of the new year in the i'm a law and the it was i guess the continue over the want to get a schedule and they called on based on the community to provide everything permission of protection for the civilian policy and those and get us to sort of seen the mission of counseling is the highest, the well thought of the b r. o. a cool and a condiment based on the committee. failure to stop the dentist does. uh, as long as i, if i continue its application and then obviously the act is what it is. the other people are hungry and the mistake on the most of the games which make it difficult
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for them and they have to intervene, thoughts and stop this war. and i look out of the people and guys also on eh, i think um the set as far as the trust um don't believe gossip. then also that to give us that there is no ultimate victory for the easily to store the image of the and the idea for the beautician. ok, some news emerging from east asia a. so now me warning has been issued by japanese authorities for a powerful 7 plus magnitude or quick hit the central part of the island state. on monday morning metre high waves have already reached parts of the country's west coast, with even larger ones expected to follow japanese tv stations council. new year's day shows as a switch that covering the unexpected natural disaster locals across the country's west. how being told to move to higher ground, the head of a potential tidal wave. the tremors have disrupted supplies of electricity,
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leaving thousands of homes without being our many motor ways have temporarily shut down to. authorities have stated that nuclear power plants are operating normally and have not been affected done playing fears of another focus she meant, like in google city, you know, a us democratic congressman has slammed the republican lawmaker who recently travel to uganda to speak. i have in support of the african countries. i think the legislation, according to democrats, had done so. the g o. p hoss member tim goldberg, has been quote, using our offices to promote divisiveness. unpaid speaking in uganda, back in october. mr. walberg urge the east african nation to stand firm in defiance of western pressure over its laws. the republican speech was also attended by the you can press that as well. joining us live now as pastor martin is 7,
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but you've done that and pro family figure and funder of the straight nation organization. we appreciate your time today, sir. just firstly, thank you very much. even though i'm sure you're welcome, then where are you at all surprised when an american congressman bought the op your nations out to get restrictions? no, we're not. i'm not surprised. there was many people in america, canada, and the west. what distressed by, what they sold was something normal, but the l g b t q is editing but know, there's many christians in america who identify a we africa and our values as a matter of fact, many churches now in america, a submitting themselves to african bishops, so the fact that um, american print, an american uh, published man, uh, representative team wall back would come to you, gone to,
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to be part of this on your rear breakfast and give a speech in the supporting uganda's. pro family christian stand will not be surprising to me. what is surprising to me in a fan risk pause. it is a abnormal response. so you'll notice of uh the politicians. what was the stop politician? there was quite a lot of criticism of uganda legal system from us, democratic lawmaker done, killed a on more generally from washington. what is your reaction when you hear something like that from the us of both your nation? well, 1st of all, we need to know where this is from. this is from it started with by rap obama in 2012. he issued an executive order is stretching ameritron government to go to war. that is to be in complex with civic nations that criminalize almost sexuality
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assess that by rack. obama time in 2009, you gone to came up with an on to ride home was situated to low. we have be not, well, a culturally well with america off in 2009 with the also, after that trump, tom did not receive re received executive order. and joe biden just are the top. so the top is america, is the unit called for well with africa. so the fact that the american politicians was somehow pretend like, oh, it's terrible to 444 center tech team. what was the point chair of the us national prayer breakfast to come to uganda to support us. this is normal personality. the strategy is that the right as over someone is the strategy, is that the democratic members of congress and senators who want to leave in all different reality,
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these people were denied that man cannot become women. these people deny that women tend to become mad, but it says the is just to expand on that and also what you set up a bottles with your country in the west. i was going to say, is there a sense and you've done that. the friction with western nations that leads goes be all the, the gay law the encompass is resistance against essentially what they want you to follow. like get on with the program when it comes to things like trans rights. the green agenda is not all seen as one thing i yes it was at the recent uh don't. 1 com summit, the big line mention some it in the middle east. what really much was the spike when we talk about, i mean, almost everything now is whipple nice. all right, so even climate change, certainly it's, uh, there was
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a look down between the african countries of the global south and the global. no, because they want to impose the l g, b, t, q, alpha. but it, even in the climate, when we talk about financial services, oh the was, but i blow, i've to go through a book, but to read the act it's being with when i, what we're saying as a right of i've been, i'm launching a book this, this coming january, it's a 500 page books researching this l g b t q movement and it's being with when i receive the united states of america and europe is what pull now using everything to block me less and i increase my non actually does net because since kampala adopted the new restrictions back and maybe us hasn't post visa restrictions in some of the countries. officials, sir, what sort of pressure is that putting on you down to?
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is it working well, this is the same. the same pressure that we saw with a pod side in south africa. there is a effort to restrict the movement of black people in the white man's world. the black people could not walk prince to wait to, to joanna is back without the permission of the the races. this is the same thing. africa. what legitimate play elected the democrats method that just lation reflecting not because the value was in the us. now this be for one have given us the january the 1st to day to day. they told us that if you've gone to the north, somehow con, sort of the, almost like trying to go there, we'll stop getting the financial services or marketing our products of the coffee to america. that the same that you sent you. we'll cut about say, we want to deepen democracy. on the same time, when africans practiced democracy,
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you want to shut us down. that's not a democracy, that's democracy. we must resolve africa's pray every judge. martin said, but you can then pro family figure and funder of the straight nation organization. pastor, we appreciate your time this new year's day. thank you. happen to your to everybody tibbetts right now. i tributes episode. next, i'm going underground as we revisit that interview between option and the mon once labeled the most fearless voice and global journalism. john puncture, who sadly passed away of the weekends. it's right that the the i'm action redundancy. this is
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a special edition of going underground. john build you i one of the greatest john lives in history is dead award winning all sort of hidden agendas, heroes and secret country films, the war and democracy, the coming war in china. palestine is still the issue, the way you don't see the expos, washington consensus, imperial war crimes all around the world. and his last he is, he campaigned tirelessly for britain to release when he makes found a julian assange who he would never see free again after his torture in london. condolences from the whole team here going underground to his family. this is one of the last interviews he did for this show in memoriam. john pilcher. i don't think so much for coming on the show. you said the apollo side is the issue in the last century and in this century, how does it link everything from warranties, atrocities, imperialism, information to neoliberalism? will power standards. so santoro of a great imperial act. uh,


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