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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EST

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that was the russian president vladimir put and visiting with members of the russian military who are recovering in the hospital after taking parts in the ukraine conflict. i just want to sum up really quickly. um, some of what he said to those soldiers. he said that their care and treatments will be fully covered by the russian government for those who wish to return to military service, they will receive special training. he also took questions from the soldiers where he spoke a candidly in response to one question about the train showing of belgrade which took place on saturday. that code at least 24 people wounding more than a 100. he called with a terrorist attack. but said russia will not attack you, prince civilians in retaliation, only it's military targets. he also spoke about the russian economy, saying it's wrong that western sanctions have had no effect whatsoever. and he said that russia is doing what it can at to end of the conflict, but on its own terms with on to other news. now there is little cause for celebration in gaza as the as really military kicked
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off of 2024 with a fresh round of strikes on the enclave. however, some palestinians are hopeful, they will eventually see peace at some point in the new year. but one, the 111 on how to hope that the world will end as soon as possible, god willing. and that will return to our homes that were destroyed if there are any homes for us or not destroyed. and i hope that my children will be released. no, we hope that the new year will come and we will return to our home. we wish for peace of mind and to return to our homes, which one of our message to israel is to withdraw from gaza. let me enough of the tragedy that we are suffering enough of the destruction that has be following us. we are morning. they have wiped gaza off the map. the contrary, i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to everyone that the war will end soon and we will return to our homes and our country. we are very optimistic that the war will end
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soon. my message to all the arab countries and all the countries of the world. i hopefully will hear me. we want to return to our country in the north and live in peace. this is what we want. even if we only live on the sand. well apart from the staggering, that's how death rate and does the international energy. those are also raising the alarm over the mental state of young palestinians trapped inside the war zone. children have been exposed to him. the dramatic episodes we san patients recovering from physical interest on some having those pamela members, that cobra strategies had been taken away from them. there was no safe place and no sense of security. it messed up now. with the suffering of many young gods on began long before october, 7th and 2018 teenager is it in the last row? lost his leg after being shot bind is rarely sniper
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a year later he was able to walk again and things to a prosthetic lim, courtesy of volunteer groups in the us after returning home to gaza. is it then to part in helping other empty tubes there? but his life was ultimately cut short last week when he was killed in an is rarely our strike. steve is supposed to be who help is it in, in the us show the young and defiant palestinians story with us. and i in 2018. he joins thousands of other palestinian refugees in gaza and protesting peacefully at the gaza borders for the great during the great returned march is a sniper as really soldiers. and that shot him from a very far distance in his leg. his leg was amputated, organization brought him to the united states, where he had a new prostate prosthetic legs built for him to enable him to walk and return to school and finish school ended. we hired him to become a field worker and humanitarian aid worker. he was quite interested in photography,
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so he was a practice. we were training him in that field to support our communications team. and just on christmas day, while him and his family huddled together in fear, i suspect as most palestinians do at night, their home was bombed in demagogues a refugee camp in central guys a by an air strike and his entire family was killed. his body remains under rubble today and there's no way to remove it due to the lack of heavy equipment that can remove large cement blocks. and it's just a terrible, terrible tragic i. tragedy. i knew him very well. he was a good kid. very positive, very smiling all the time, always ready to um, to do anything he can to help even during the last few weeks. when i was in touch with him, he was expressing his desire to do more on the ground there to help his people. mr . supposed to be also told us that
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a total of 6 young palestinians have been treated in the us by his organization have been killed in gaza. he says the american people largely do not support washington's endorsements of the as rarely, military on slot. and there is a sense of irony, i guess i already wouldn't probably be the right word because it doesn't convey the human tragedy behind the lives of these children being destroyed. you know, being killed, being the amputees, having their parents killed, losing their homes, living under these horrific conditions as a result of the policies of the us government. and also then coming to this country and benefiting from the treatment that americans provide them. i guess there that would be considered ironic, but there's also and probably other more strong verse words it could be used in any case. i think it symbolizes that the american people themselves are maybe not behind this score. they don't believe that killing innocent children in
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injuring innocent children like as a dean and others is in any way justified. and that when you go, the people who are treating our kids is not the us government fits the american people, their private hospitals, their private doctors board extending their services on a humanitarian level to help. and i think that that shows a significant disconnect between the policies of the government and the will of the people. but we also spoke this morning with the journalist, criminal satari, who's in the southern guys and city of con eunice, where more is really bombs fell as the new year came into being. or what do you guys are husband living? i got a dog, they fucked. a few of the 1000 bucket garza where the bottom is for a continuous and it is and we are continuing to advance the accent i bank with google search and defend signature's there. so they can do it there. it'd be for you wait for 3 years in this particular area in east i knew the secret budman
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specific to the assembly fire. we also the fire, which was indicated on boeing and confrontation between 3 fairly simple and it's, i mean, sufficient bandwidth that comes the group number by the experience as well as the bed. under this i've been losing the home, losing the nice. i'm losing the whole check with the word. it's in the 1st thing, the new year and before the senior document, certain new bombardments that things are nice. i've taken care of all the and science. so basically that means and result you in agency providing a to palestinians, says 1400000. display sconces are now staying in its facilities. the camps are severely overcrowded, especially in the north of the embattled enclave. refugee sites are struggling with a critical lack of medication. well, most of guys us hospitals have been forced to shut down in the south. medics are treating many civilians and makes shift to 10 facilities for one doctor. and
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several of his patients told us to the children of dying from diarrhea with no colors and no beds where they supposed to go. there was no treatments, no doctors, no work in hospitals. these rallies bomb clinics, and in toys cities to tell me where people supposed to go, there was no safe place. and then when we go, they say move further south from north east, and then they just bomb us there any way? that's let's, let's move it. i didn't leave the house except when they had the nearby area with ro kits. they targeted us with 3 guided shells. my children were hate, all of them were effected. one suffered a serious brain injury. she stayed in intensive care for 5 days, but was pronounced dead on the 8th of december. am with the conditions are extremely difficult because there is no treatment available. now this caps receive thousands of displaced people in small areas leading to overcrowding. diseases have
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spread wildly. epidemics have spread insanely. now, even more dangerous things are coming soon. no influenza has started to spread. the hospitals are overwhelmed because they have become shelters for the displace. as of russia assumes the breaks presidency. this january 1st of glamour put and has welcomed. 5 new members to the family of nations, with alliance as membership and doubling in 2024, the russian liter. note of the groups of growing authority and vital role on the world stage r t is known as well. you can get a recap of the keys, stepping stones bricks has taken. over the years, a brief alliance of developing states made a historic step in 2023, inviting a dynamic, this family of nations into the hold. solve your baby, all iran, your agent and united are in read. this strategic move accelerates the shift in the
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global economy landscapes as it's sent to the pol watkins 4. i appreciate being invited to join the brakes and look forward to coordinating with the group to achieve its goals and supporting economic cooperation. a great moment for if you will be as the bricks leaders endorse our entry into this group today. if you will be a stands ready to cooperate with all 4 and inclusive and prosper as global order going to the global south. that's the most important aspect. we're focusing on at the moment and that will grow. joining the brakes will add a load to the united to add up and the rates, multi logical, supported world. what can you in coming members of the group will consist of almost parts of the whole population and around a 3rd of global g, p. terms of purchasing power parity, the expanded receiving support to the g, steven and institutions the claim to represent the main democratic economies. unexcused the likes of china, india and russia. bastard products. since the 1st brick summit,
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our share in the global economy has been increasing. and now we have already surpassed the g 7 by diversified in our economies and currencies. we promote cooperation between developing countries. we cannot accept a new form of colonialism that imposes trade barriers and discriminative measures the, the many agreed that the role in importance of could you save and has been diminished by the rise of the develope road. and this breaks open ended stores, the new members and, and the toner promises resonates it across the international stage. many of the lead is loading the expansion as you start, it should decency this membership expansion is historic. it shows the determination of breaks countries for unity and cooperation with fellow developing countries. it meets the expectation of the international community and the common interest of the emerging market countries and developing countries. the aspirations of many states
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to join the rates degree of highlights. what's the appeal of breaks this puts into 2 levels and even global playing field? however, the journey towards collective development has its own st. pat's recent t. as in tina's presidency, mix declined. the brakes invitation v. since use when it's iris assault strong, the tires with china and membership off the brock watch with the recent election of the ride to be president. javion relates identity and his approach has changed. we will know 10 to the breaks. we open up but simulate this over joining new markets of consolidating existing markets, offers and can investment coming teen, of creating jobs and raising inputs. perhaps the new political stretches, you witness iris a saw a line with the waste of well breaks. these is close, lost in political alignment. what do i do? i enjoyed development and cooperation. the expansion should be seen as an extension of bricks, conference for unity and cooperation with
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a broader set of developing countries. it is not and onto western call lucian, as most would like to belief it's in this unit c and cooperation. the brakes now because this is, it's the tools to save global economy governance films and they made and we intend to contribute in every possible way to increasing the role of the brakes in global affairs. me, it says it also means the brakes. the lines console is the 140 percent off the walls for reserves with multiple been the stays. oh, in the top 10 oil producing countries, that's the driving and stuff. the us all on the other hand is block. if you will drive beach pittfield dollar deal between the united states and saudi arabia, that's oil must be sold in the used car seats. but recently the has been told of, we are going to go see aging sales and chinese ones. what's amazing, we also deal a bill to the greenback already facing challenges, trade supremacy, and good breaks, pursuing
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a global dropping dollar dependence major changes could be on the horizon. the creation of a courtesy for commercial transactions and investments between bricks members increases our payment conditions and reduces our vulnerabilities. the multilateral treatment system must be revitalized, so that returns to acting as a tool for fair, predictable, equitable, and non discriminatory trade. when the bridge, the members meeting russia next year, the war need a previous stage than ever before the suspension, the book continues to promote out of a sphere. rock and roll includes the rules based on the principles of justice and increase of achieve wattsey. maybe we won't get into hi miss being a part of her opinion has branded the ukrainian attack on the russian city of belgrade on december 30th, an act of terror. you made the statement or in a meeting with veterans of the special military operation that and also said ukraine is not russia's enemy, but the west is because it supplies keep up with the weapons. it wants to craniums
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to use against russia. and in don bass, celebrations had been marred by dudley ukrainian shelling of the city of done ads which occurred just minutes into the new year. local officials to at least 4 people have been killed and more than a dozen wounded arteries. remind customer of reports from the same this is a central street here in the city. all done that's resource targeted vibe. b, you creating a military shortly after midnight. on new year's eve. several stores here were damaged and some buildings were completely destroyed. right now, i am working on the shattered glass and debris from the building. as in the background, i can still hear the sounds of our children, shedding tears and ask the old for food for my mother and i celebrated the new year . i went on for smoke in the balcony. sometime after the midnight explosion started
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somewhere nearby, very loud, and in the very center of the city. to be honest, it wasn't comfortable video, i'm from the roubles with leaf through all of this. i cannot stand on my feet because of it and then a car caught fire, a shelf, flew into the side of the house. in addition, there were several explosions nearby glass shattered in several houses. it was unpleasant to say the least. the center of the nest looks like a more so right now. father is still a flyer for the riding poles. this is he was a massive flyers caused by n c. c. the shelves are simply laying around everywhere. just it was attacked shortly after midnight on new year's eve from uncle ferry marcy unnecessary public. all right,
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let's discuss this now with professor at the institute of european studies is devonne guy is a professor. the russian president called that attack on the rest of the city of belgrade, quote, an act of terror. what, what are your thoughts about that attack on saturday to be these acts acts of their uh, and i would say the specific ation of the more crimes by nato's proxies and more and more directly by, by may. so when we see how many of those so called advisors are present in ukraine, comes actually after the, the fridays, a massive attack on the military infrastructure in ukraine. and uh, this is done uh as uh, as a revenge for uh for, for these really 3 strikes. so i think that in the future of. busy the people who
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are responsible for these more crimes against bell, good all the against the said, the citizens of don't you ask who are under of ukrainian strikes for the last, almost 10 years they will have to, uh, they will have to answer for uh, from what they have done and professor of that and also pointed out that you praying is not the enemy of russia. he says it's the west that is behind the cycle of violence. what do you make of that statement? absolutely. i mean, you create a new cranium. citizens are hostages, the male population is being hunted on the streets and sent to friends. they are unable to escape the country. and if they try to, they are arrested and, and, and torture. and so of course, ukraine is such and the citizens who live there, what i mean, most of them are, are large. part of them are of the same origin like the russian people,
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in spite of what they feel like today. and of course, they are not the enemy of russia, but they are instrumental lies. and i think that this whole was a huge, a war crime by the west, by, by made. so to be more precise and it seems they want to continue. but it's interesting that the foreign policy is concerned about the future of, of this war because they say that the author fridays attack, a nightmare scenario uh, happened before. they say for the crate, but i'd say for nato and the they are now realizing that the restaurant is capable of uh, or even a larger uh, larger strikes. so uh, what i think is that they will try to push uh, with the continue to the continuation of this um,
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freezing of the conflict. mm hm. uh, but uh, but now, uh at this stage i think that as a revenge, and they throw a strong struck siblings and the ends, not military infrastructure. well, what about the slightest ukrainian attack, just minutes into the new year. what, what's your reaction to that? i mean, it is an ostrich thing to behave like that, especially for new years eve, when people are you know, in, in their apartments. all family members are there and probably having dinner and wishing each other a peaceful here. and it is a bronze. the example of a war crime and i think that unfortunately, yeah, this is likely to continue from the grading inside. and i would actually say from naples side,
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both of these attacks targeted exclusively civilians and civilian infrastructure in residential areas. i mean children were killed. why would you create in forces striking civilians? i mean, you, you say, i mean it clearly is a war crime because they cannot inflict serious damage. i guess the rest of the military, that's the same blogs are and i think that probably a lot of gifts that they got from the west. uh, uh, in weaponry. i mean, nation and, and, and all of that never reached the front because it was destroyed on russia's russians fridays strike. so i think that. busy of anger, they have the guilt civilians in order for russia to feel pain. and i think that this is of course horrible. and that so we can see that the war is uh, it is coming to a conclusion. i guess that 2024 will showed us show this is that we saw the russian
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defense ministry conduct a series of strikes against the cranium, military commander that was behind that, that attack in belgrade. how might we expect moscow to respond to this latest deadly attack on civilians? and i guess that more for in advisors will uh get targeted because uh, as far as we know, uh, in hot cold the hotel there was a lot of, uh for an advisors, probably active uh, military officers of nato countries. uh who uh, who came there. so uh, i think that that, that also they are going to the west and, uh, and they thought is pretty frustrated. uh that russia can again seek and uh, and find these targets. so. busy uh so, so that is why we receive is do these uh, tax again, civically of the thing that's um, in the long run, uh,
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nato is going to lose this war. that is why they're trying to destabilize other regions. that is why they are trying to, to freeze the conflict, any grain and create a huge iron curtain that is even larger than the one that the world saw that the europe. so after world war 2 and what's your assessment of the situation now on the front lines. and i really obviously see that uh a russia is uh, advancing uh and i guess after, uh the, the strongholds, uh, such as my income. uh file, and they've got the, uh which is which is um, the dates, the place of the greatest bevels. uh, author these uh points. uh file full. i think that the large territory of the, of today's ukraine will, will be taken by russia. and there's going to be
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a collapse of, of the front. unfortunately, a lot of your trainings soldiers, people for i'm willing to 5 will be cents to friends, to, to be, to be killed. and this is really a tragedy. this is a, another aspect i would say of that i'll do more crime committed by, by 8 to in the, in the 1st row. all right, so fun guy is professor at the institute of european studies and bell. great. thank you. the 24 international human rights groups have appealed to the us secretary of defense, demanding justice for civilians killed by the american military in somalia. we spoke with a relative of some people who died in a drone strike near mogadishu in 2018. my says done. i gotta uh, the house load it on by mistake. uh, she was freezing to uh, near town where my other brother was a resident. so she was there for 15. uh,
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that's how it happened. uh, it was a trudge for our family. um, until now of the 5 years and a half. uh we have a spoken with those. okay. and my sister and her daughter, i have tried to contact them. so for those times and money to noticed with the big stuff i've talked to them, sends the email. we have also contacted with the us embassy in additional uh, we late, we have tried to engage with the jo noticed the markets. so we did another company, took care of the attention, but no one we have of to know uh, committed this to us to even at least to give us uh,
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this kind of the of overlay joe's in the us has been bombing as long as targets in somalia for years, according to the intercept investigative outlet, the trump white house authorized a relaxation of the rules of engagement for the 2019 strike. the anonymous americans, road operators were reportedly unable to identify their targets. no one has been brought to account for the killing of civilians unless spring 7, members of the victims, families distorted, that in spite of numerous requests made us as not offered them any compensation or even an apology. and in fact, claims that no civilians were killed in that strike to the undeclared american war on smolley and militants has been slipping below the radar of international law for quite some time. over the past 17 years, the us military has carried out more than 300 attacks across the african countries . the strikes reportedly left more than $2100.00 small ends killed,
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including $121.00 civilians. bunker to here again says washington is doing everything possible to avoid accountability for the deaths. i think this over shot this military officers, they always try to create to keep their uh, reputation created. so they go on to really define level of over at dice. gift was money, so i think they have their own reasons. i'm not sure about that. but uh for sure. they are doing a lot of a for kia, eliminating that there is just, uh, because a lot of people are facing money. john just include the 30000. so does the side. it's a good. yeah, we're a good 10 of us headed from them. but to, and it's comes for the fee and it's, i think, or most to simply to service the,
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the or over it in here. they didn't have to do anything. they didn't have to give anything be it is, i think a few. i suggested half of a just the if can sicilians. but we think that there are hundreds of security are self can i think can assume nami warning has been issued by japanese authorities after a powerful 7 plus magnitude earthquake hit the central part of the country. monday morning meter highway was quickly reached the islands west coast was even larger. one is expected to follow. a japanese tv stations canceled new year's day shows as they switched to covering that actual disaster. people across the country is west, have been told to move to higher ground ahead of a potentials to nami, the tremors have disrupted supplies of electricity, living thousands of homes without power. many motor ways have also been temporarily
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shot new law stories, say nuclear power plants are operating normally and have not been effected. downplaying fears of another focus, she might like incidence or us and democratic congressman has slammed a republican lawmaker who recently traveled to uganda to speak out in support of the african countries. anti gay legislation, according to democrat, dan killed the g o p house number 10 ball burke has been quote, using our offices to promote divisiveness and hate speaking any again the in october, mr. walbert urged the east african nation to stand firm against western pressure over as laws. pastor martin simba, uganda and pro family figure on the founder of the strait nation organization. says the criticism of uganda is hypocritical. is america? is that in a culture well with africa? so the fact that the american politicians will somehow pretend like, oh,
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it's terrible 244413. well above that point, chair of the us national prayer breakfast to come to uganda to support this is normal personality, the eas, fatty gee, is that the right as someone is the strategy is that the democratic members of co grace and senators who want to leap and all the different reality changing laws based on the financial pressure is the total. ringback was the don't democracy that is breaking the laws that i've been legitimately made. and it's a he booked for a statement as the united states outside of the program called deepening democracy in africa. and when democracy us empower people will vote the elective lead us and where they elected lead as possible, which.


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