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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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ours has rolled israel's war on gaza. united states is ultimately accountable for israel's military campaign. the news just happened in belgrade. is definitely a terrorist. actually, it was a targeted attack on civilians flooding or putting remarks on it. he had his deadly attack on the russian and that city of belgrade, which killed the 21st civilians and wounded $100.00. 8 more gun bass comes under heavy selling from the train on new year's eve night with at least 4 civilians killed and more than a dozen ends on it. the deadline is rarely military rolled over into a new year. well sometimes send in hope for keith. again, on the contrary, i hope this year will be a good one. the good will come to everyone that will end soon and will return to
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our homes in our country in the tragedy. and we are suffering the most of the destruction that has befallen us. we are morning and we hear from us to molly a man whose relatives were killed and the us john strikes in 2018 who is still seeking justice for his it was a charge of so many. we did another company to get the attention. but know when we asked of to know the live and the rest of the capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international. once we start with breaking news, president vladimir putin has condemned as an act of terror. the ukrainian strike on the russian city of belgrade, which killed $24.00 civilians, including 4 children. he commented on the attack during
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a meeting with veterans of the conflict, a new crime. let's take a lesson, but actually feel good news. what just happened and built around is definitely a terrorist actually under the cover of to rocket struck using a multiple launch rockets system. this kind of weapon hits indiscriminately and they used it to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead of new year's. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course it's a terrorist averaging. you can call it anything else. must we now respond in the same way? we do have the capability to strike the central square and key or any other ukrainian city. but why would we respond like that? there are children walking their mothers with primes. it's hard for me to even imagine the situation do we really have to act like this? to hit city squares. we are striking with precision weapons and locations where the ukrainian forces have their command centers, where there are concentrations of military personnel, mercenaries, and other military centers and facilities of this nature. and the strikes are quite
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sensitive for them. this is how we will continue to act. right, to discuss this, let's go now to our correspondence shar, oh my, what were some of the other key points that blunder put, made during that meeting to from that group that we just saw. it was during president puts his address to russian military veterans on a visit to a hospital where they are recovering after taking part in the special military operation. and he made quite a interesting and important points in his address. and he also took questions from the veterans. of course, one of the very 1st questions was about the belgrade attacks, which he called as we just saw. the terrorist attack says they've targeted civilians as a follow up question. uh, you know, he was asked how would rush or how is russell reactive, and he says, well, russia has the ability to react the exact same way and strike the center of kids, injury and civilians. but russia's focus is not that much. his focus is striking
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military infrastructure and that is exactly how russia is responding. as a conclusion to this question about belgrade, he says that this is a way for them. try to try to scare ross shaw. they are trying to plant seeds of this trust within the russian society and that this will simply not go on punished . now, he highlighted that you crane is not the enemy and he emphasized that the enemy question is the west. he says that the roster has been bothering the west for a while and that you crane is really just a tool with just a way for the west to use a to in directly fight rushing this called like political listen. do live close to it is not that they are helping our enemy. the west is our enemy. they are solving their own problems using the hands of ukrainians. it has been like this for centuries, unfortunately, and still it continues. ukraine itself is not our enemy. our enemy is those who
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want to destroy russia. and the chief, as they say, a strategic defeat of russia. they are mainly western countries. there are different people in the west. there are those who sympathized with russia. there are also the so called a lead, each to whom the existence of russia and its current size and state is unacceptable to their mind. they wanna break russia up and have been talking and writing about it publicly for decades. that's why they have no to indicate regime and created this conflict. and unfortunately, they succeeded in fostering conflict the way they are trying to manage the task of finding russia using the hands of a crime. you can probably see the dual credit is losing on the battlefield and how the situation is changing. and that's despite the fact that the whole so called civilized world is fighting against us. we. he was also asked about the progress of vs v. o. and he pointed out that the russian armed forces are becoming more and more effective because the abilities of the armed forces are arising. now another very important topic that was discussed that lend here was the economy,
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the russian economy. because the russian president was questioned about the outcomes of 2023 for russia and the president laid out the annual results. he laid out the performance of russian economies performance in 2023. and the take away from last year really was the, the economy was kept alive despite the harsh western sanctions. and the gdp shows that all because it has a 3.5 increase in 2023. and that alone really shows that the economy is steady and functioning. let's take a listen. the basic, the mueller to push the fundamental point is that we did not just protect the country's economy. we did not allow it to be destroyed as the enemy had hoped. in answer to your question, it was not to claim that was counting on destroying our economy. it is incapable of doing so. it is completely destroyed itself. there is nothing left there and survives only on handouts. all their officials go around with an out stretched hand,
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begging for an extra $1000000.00. our situation is completely different. we have recovered from our fall and moved forward. rush, it was disconnected from the international swift payment system. they seemingly hope that everything will collapse. we supply our traditional exports. right. and how do we settle accounts? no big deal. everything is working. all of them thought that enterprises would stop because they stop supplying us with components, but it turns out that everything is possible. yes, they have created problems, but nevertheless they are being overcome. despite the fact that we are in a state of armed conflict, all the main indicators of the countries viability and efficiency have increased. and this is probably the most important indicator of the state of russia. now we must remember that when western companies left russia, they really the west expected russia to crumble, but russian companies stepped in and sanctions were unable to bring russia down. and russia has adapted to the current situation. now the president also pointed out
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briefly about the fact that the unemployment rate in russia is that a historic low, low in 2023 right now. and he also stress that yes, there are challenges that russia is facing. but these are not, this is nothing that russia can not overcome. all right, are too, so sharpie, am i thank you. and don bass celebrations had been marred by deadly ukrainian shelling of the city of don't ask which occurred just minutes into the new year. local officials say at least 4 people have been killed and more than a dozen wounded. are two's remind plus rep reports from the same this is a central street here and the city called goodness was 1st targeted by the ukrainian military shortly after midnight. on new year's eve. several stores here for damaged and some buildings were completely destroyed right now by
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walking on shattered glass and debris from the building. and in the background, i can still hear the sounds of our children, shedding tears. i left the old before my mother and i celebrated the new year. i went on for smoke in the balcony. sometime after the midnight explosion started somewhere nearby, very loud, and in the very center of the city. to be honest, you wasn't comfortable with that. i'm from the rubles with leaf through all of this . i could not stand on my feet because of it. then a car caught fire, a shelf flew into the side of the house. in addition, there were several explosions nearby glass shattered in several houses. it was unpleasant to say the least, the center of the nest looks like uh more so. right now there is still a fire brigade riding all throughout the city was the flyers called m c. c. the shelves are simply
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laying around everywhere. shortly after midnight on new year's eve from uncle stray versus the unnecessary public. all right, we're going to take you now back to the russian president who has met with military service man at his residence in nova. okay, are you able, right after visiting a hospital where our russian military veterans are recovering after taking part in the ukrainian complex? so let's listen to that meeting the citizen of. so we will simply because they use all the, this sectors of the areas just to keep close and all of the areas of the front lines that we have. the most arrival, natalia and representatives we have during the file just the way here as
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well. and the, the airborne troops, the special forces. finally, the marines are here as well, which the armless pilot is of course the sort of everyone, including the russian navy from all the different parts of the trunk lines. so since i'm a schedule i've gathered over here, i'm hoping you would tell me how the hell things are in the armed forces. and now once again, i have been you. yeah, that's what i wish you. and so what i'm sure that i, she thought that i expect, i'm actually so initially efficient, that's up to these meetings today. so when you go back to your regimen, the issue is, i think you certainly will because you will be just to carry
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over my wishes as my words, to your comrades as well. and then i'll, uh, government orders have been a great today, but our meeting here today is as well, if you see me in need to look that way, they will just good for. i mean, we could call it the family return in the but it says uh you, if someone is an informal meeting, i would say it's not to when you have everything set up or tony environments here. i'm looking at the with just meeting to talk. the words will come later. so now i'm sick and see what the cost of it so. so what are you? good, bye. excuse me. i wanted to meet you. i did learn in a more russian style sound shadowy at the end of the stairs to congress. you don't wish to bring the data. you will be given someone to
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show how your weapons you will be given awards. and the idea is to make a scholarship and so as much as a very special presidential saying that i wanted to give you it was, is amazing. they are most as innocent. your father, so little good on any kind of fed floats, including ministry clouts uniforms. and so now would you like some champagne? was you have to do? yeah the
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let's go over that to the table so they could leave us alone. so we could discuss things. so so let's begin, right, that was the russian president vladimir put in meeting with the service members of the russian military at his residence outside moscow. earlier in the day he met with the soldiers who were recovering. i'm in a hospital after taking part in the conflict in ukraine. we saw him giving a new years toast with the service members just a short while ago and saying that its acts as a more of a relax to setting. and later on, he'll be giving them awards after a dinner all rights. earlier we spoke to professor at the institute of european studies, stepped on guy up, she slammed the printing and terror attacks against civilians in belgrade and the next labeling them as acts of revenge. following successes by the russian armed
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forces on the battlefield, i think is a nasty thing to, to behave like that. uh, especially for new years eve, when uh, people are, uh, you know, in, in their, um apartments. uh, these xx xx of their, uh, and i would say the specific ation of the war crimes by naples proxies. uh, and more and more directly by, by, by 8 of, uh, when we see how many of those so called advisors uh, our presence in ukraine account is actually after the, the fridays, a massive attack on the military infrastructure in ukraine. and uh, this is done uh as uh, as a revenge for uh for, for these really 3 strikes. so i think that's um in the future, of course the people who are responsible for these and more crimes against bell
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a little against the said the citizens they've done yet who are under ukrainian strikes for the last the last 10 years. they will have to, uh, they will have to answer for uh, for what they have done. ukraine and ukrainian citizens are hostages. uh, the male population is being hunted on the streets and sent to friends. they are unable to escape the country. and if they try to, they are arrested and, and, and torture and they are instrumental lives. and i think that this whole was a huge war crime by the west, by, by made. so to be more precise, there is little cause for celebration in gaza as the is really military kicked off 2024 with a fresh round of strikes on the enclave over some palestinians are hopeful. they
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will eventually see peace at some point in the new year. a loved one, the one i let not know how to hope that the world will end as soon as possible, god willing. and that will return to our homes that were destroyed if there any homes for us are not destroyed. and i hope that my children will be released. no, no, no, no. we hope that the new year will come and we will return to our home. we wish for peace of mind and to return to our homes, to review our message, to israel is to withdraw from gaza. enough of the tragedy that we are suffering enough of the destruction that has be following us. we are morning. they have wiped gaza off the map. no, i will show. on the contrary, i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to everyone that the war will end soon and we will return to our homes and our country. we are very optimistic that the war will end soon. my message to all the arab countries and all the countries of the world. i hopefully will hear me. we want to return to our country in the north and live in
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peace. this is what we want. even if we only live on the sand, apart from the staggering at child death rate and gaza international and g, those are also raising the alarm over the mental state of young palestinians trapped inside the war zone. children have been exposed to too much magic episodes. we sound patients recovering from physical injuries on some having lost the time of the members. the cobra strategies had been taken away from them. there was no safe place and no sense of security. it messed up now. so low suffering of many young thousands began long before october 7th in 2018 teenager is it in the last row. lost his leg after being shot by in his release sniper, a year later he was able to walk again. thanks to a prosthetic lim, courtesy of volunteer groups in the us after returning home to gaza is it then took part in helping other amputees there. but his life was ultimately cut short last
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week when he was killed in and is really our strike. steve supposed to be, who help is it in, in the us show the young and defiant palestinians story with us. and i in 2018. he joins thousands of other palestinian refugees in gaza and protesting peacefully at the gaza borders for the great, during the great returned marches, a sniper is really soldiers and that shot him from a very far distance in his leg. his leg was amputated, organization brought him to the united states, where he had a new prostate prosthetic legs built for him to enable him to walk and return to school and finish school ended. we hired him to become a field worker and humanitarian aid worker. he was quite interested in photography, so he was a practice. we were training him in that field to support our communications team. and just on christmas day, while him and his family huddled together in fear,
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i suspect as most palestinians do at night, their home was bombed in demagogues a refugee camp in central guys a by an air strike and his entire family was killed. his body remains under rubble today and there's no way to remove it due to the lack of heavy equipment that can remove large cement blocks. and it's just a terrible, terrible tragic i. tragedy. i knew him very well. he was a good kid. very positive, very smiling all the time, always ready to um, to do anything he can to help even during the last few weeks when i was in touch with him, he was expressing his desire to do more on the ground there to help his people. mr says that they also told us that a total of 6 young paula sentience have been treated in the us by his organization has been killed in gaza. he says the american people largely do not support washington's endorsement of the israel a military onslaught. there is
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a sense of irony, i guess i already wouldn't probably be the right word because it doesn't convey the human tragedy behind the lives of these children being destroyed. you know, being killed, being the amputees, having their parents killed, losing their homes, living under these horrific conditions as a result of the policies of the us government. and also then coming to this country and benefiting from the treatment that americans provide them. i guess there that would be considered ironic, but there's also and probably other more strong verse words it could be used in any case. i think it symbolizes that the american people themselves are maybe not behind this score. they don't believe that killing innocent children in injuring innocent children like as a dean and others that isn't any way justified. and that when you go, the people who are treating our kids is not the us government fits the american
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people, their private hospitals, their private doctors, or extending their services on a humanitarian level to help. and i think that that shows a significant disconnect between the policies of the government and the will of the people. we also spoke this morning with journalists, criminal satari, who's in the southern guys in the city of con eunice, where more is really bombs fell as the new year came into being or what do you guys are husband living? i got a no, not today, fucked. a few of the $1000.00 at garza, what i believe on bottom is for a continuous. ringback isn't the argument was continuous? yeah. then i'd like to do the city and before the signature it'd be fire. we for 3 years in this particular area in east budman, specifically of the assembly fire, we could see also the fire, which was indicated, an ongoing confrontation between 3 fairly simple designs. if any sufficient bandwidth that comes the group number ok,
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this thing is i was looking for that under this i've been losing. busy losing the nice, i'm losing the whole text with the word it's and the 1st thing the new year i look forward to seeing a doctor in the new bombardment settings are nice. i've taken care of all the science. so basically the end result you an agency providing aide to palestinians says $1400000.00 displays. dozens are now staying in its facilities. the accounts are severely overcrowded, especially in the north of the embattled enclave. refugee sites are struggling with a critical lock of medication. well, most of guys with hospitals have been forced to shut down in the south, medics are treating many civilians in make shift to 10 facilities. here's what one doctor and several of his patients told us. the children are dying from diarrhea with no colors and no beds where they supposed to go. there was no
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treatments, no doctors, no work in hospitals. these rallies bomb clinics and intel, i cities to tell me where people supposed to go. there was no safe place and then when we go, they say move further south north or easements and then they just bomb us there any way that's let's, let's move it. i didn't leave the house except when they had the nearby area with ro kits. they targeted us with 3 guided house. my children were hate, all of them were affected to for one suffered as soon as brain injury. he stayed in intensive care for 5 days, but was pronounced dead on the 8th of december and i am with the conditions are extremely difficult because there is no treatment available. now this counselors have thousands of displaced people in small areas leading to overcrowding. diseases have spread wildly. epidemics have spread insanely. now, even more dangerous things are coming soon, no influenza has started to spread. the hospitals are overwhelmed because they have
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become shelters for the display of the 24 international human rights groups have appealed to the us secretary of defense, demanding justice for civilians killed by the american military in somalia. we spoke with a relative of some people who died in a drone strike near mogadishu in 2018 in my system. uh data. uh they have to load it on by mistake. uh, she was freezing to uh, near town where my other brother was a resident. so she was there for 15. uh, that's how it happened. uh, it was a trudge for our family. and until now, after 5 years on house. uh, we have a spoken with those. okay. and my sister and her daughter,
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i have tried to contact them. so for those times and money to an artist with the data base of contact to them sends an email. we have also contacted with the us embassy in additional uh, we are late. we have tried to in good ways to jo, noticed the markets. so we did a lot of companies uh took care of the attention. but no one we have of to know uh, committed this to us to even at least to give us a kind of the of overlay jose in as well. the us has been bombing as long as targets in somalia for years. according to the intercept investigative outlet, the trump white house authorized a relaxation of the rules of engagement for the 2018 strike the not the anonymous american jerome operators were reportedly unable to identify their targets. no one
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has been brought to account for the killing of civilians. and last spring, 7, members of the victims, families distorted, that in spite of numerous requests made the us has not offered them any compensation or even an apology. and in fact, claimed that no civilians were killed in that strike. well, the undeclared american war on small in militants has been slipping below the radar of international law for quite some time. over the past 17 years, the us military has carried out more than 300 attacks across the african country. the strikes reported left more than 2100 small ends killed, including 121 civilians bunker to hear again says washington is doing everything possible to avoid accountability for the death. i think this over charlotte's military officers, they always try to create to keep their uh,
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reputation created. so they don't want to really define level of over at dice. gift was money. so i think they have their own reasons. i'm not sure about that, but uh for sure. yeah. doing a lot of the for kia, eliminating the thursdays because a lot of people are facing money. john just include the 30000. so does the side. it's a good. yeah, we're a good 10 of the fed from them. but to and it's comes for the fee and it's i think on most to see if to service the, the, or over a 10 year they didn't do anything. they didn't have to give anything be this. i think few, i suggested half of the, just the killer sicilians. but we think that there are hundreds of security
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certificate. these can listen, i'm a warning has been issued by a japanese authorities after a powerful 7 plus magnitude earthquake, hip a central part of the country. monday morning. major highway was quickly reached the islands west coast with even larger ones expected to follow japanese tv stations. it canceled new year's day shows as they switched to covering the natural disaster. people across the country is west, have been told to move to higher ground ahead of a potential snobby. the tremors have disruptive supplies of electricity, leaving thousands of homes without power. many motor ways have also been at temporarily. shots. meanwhile, authorities say nuclear power plants are operating normally and have not been affected downtime fears of another fukushima like incident. you seem to look at your will concept the statements for it. well, this thing with us up next on a special edition of going underground one of the option responses last interviews for the award winning journalist john pub, sir, who died this weekend?
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the age of 84 the i'm actually in retention. this is a special edition of going underground john pill, joe, one of the grades is john. listen, history is dead award winning all sort of hidden agendas, heroes, a secret country of films, the war and democracy in the coming war in china. palestine is still the issue, the way you don't see the expos, washington consensus, imperial war crimes all around the world. and his last he is he, campaign tirelessly for britain to release. we came weeks found a julian assange who he would never see free again after his torture in london. cutting balances from the whole team here going on the ground to his family.


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