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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the, the, the news, what just happened in belgrade is definitely a tenant respect, and it was a targeted attack on civilians. but even precinct comments on kids. deadly attack on the roof. institute of dakota was killed 25 civilians on wounded, a 109. the best comes into heavy selling from ukraine on us east with at least 4 civilians killed a more than a dozen wounded in the you know, the news and this our court documents related to the late american sex offender, jeffrey epstein, will be released this week to the names of bill clinton on u. k. prince and you expect to, to appear with the records up off load, great can central depaula leading to debt and triggering warnings of a possible su nomics funds. we bring you an exclusive sit down for the decorated
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pair of rushes, minutes, reparation and ukraine. util. todd incumbents and across the complex. i'll be happy to you to the local populations rifles, especially now that rushers they've sustained building roads, schools, and residential areas. the only thing that people are concerned about is how quickly they can go back to a peaceful life. to forget this term of periods, which probably scott, the souls of every man and woman in those funds to people's republic. the for must go to the world you'll watching on the international moneys pizza scott's here with all the very latest this monday evening. thank you for joining us. that's why i top story presidents letting me boots and has condemned the deadly ukrainian strength on the russians that you'll be able to read as an active cetera. it talk is now claimed the lives of 25 civilians after a child died in hospital on monday, bringing the children's death. old to 5. it was the president's was speaking to the
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veterans of the will, but eventually be able to get the news. what just happened in belgrade is definitely a terrorist act. almost under the cover of 2 rockets, they struck using a multiple launch rockets system. this kind of weapon hits indiscriminately and they used it to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course, it's a terrorist activity. you can call it anything else. must we now respond in the same way? we do have the capability to strike the central square and key of or any other ukrainian city is. but why would we respond like that? there are children walking their mothers with primes. it's hard for me to even imagine the situation do we really have to act like this? to hit city squares. we are striking with precision weapons and locations where the ukrainian forces have their command centers, where there are concentrations of military personnel, mercenaries, and other military centers and facilities of this nature. and the strikes are quite sensitive for them. this is how we will continue to act. now that clip that we just
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saw, that was during president put his address to russian, a military veterans, and on a visit to the hospital where they are recovering from taking part in their special military operation. now he laid out very important points to his address, and he also took questions from the veteran. and naturally, one of the 1st questions that he was asked was about the belgrade attacks. and so that the russian president told them terrorist attacks. and he elaborated that ukraine has used multiple loans, rocket system against civilians. and while he was also asked as a follow up, how is his last shot respondents to this? and he says, well, russia has the ability to do the exact same thing. russia has the ability to strike the center of keys and ends up injuring thousands of civilians. but there is no rushes goal here. rush just focus is flight can military infrastructure. and that is exactly how russia is responding. now to some of his talk on the belgrade attacks, he says that this was the situation to try to scare russia. this was an attempt to
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try to plant seeds of this trustworthy in russian society. and that this will not go on punished. another very interesting point he made out is that he highlighted that ukraine is not the enemy. and he specified that for a very long time. russia has been bothering the was that now they're simply using ukraine as a tool to fight against russia indirectly do live close to and it is not that they are helping our enemy. the west is our to me. they are solving their own problems using the hands of ukrainian suite. it has been like this for centuries, unfortunately, and still it continues. ukraine itself is not our enemy. our enemy is those who want to destroy russia. and the chief, as they say, a strategic defeat of russia, they are mainly western countries. there are different people in the west. there are those who sympathized with russia. there are also the so called elite for whom the existence of russia and its current size and state is unacceptable to their
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mind. they wanna break russia up and have been talking and writing about it publicly for decades. that's why they have no to indicate regime and created this conflict. and unfortunately, they succeeded in fostering conflict. they are trying to manage the task of finding russia using the hands of a credit. you can probably see the dual credit is losing on the battlefield. how the situation is changing, and that's despite the fact that the whole so called civilized world is fighting against us. he also pointed out that russia wants peace with ukraine, but under its own conditions. he also said that russia is using modern warfare, motor weapons, and which makes it's one of the best countries in the world when it comes to that. another question who was asked was on the progress of the special military operation, and he replied that the russian armed forces are becoming more and more effective on the ground. he also said than have abilities of the russian armed forces are rising. and another topic that was discussed here at length was of course the
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economy as he was asked about the outcome of the russian economy in the year of twins way. 3. and he laid out the annual reports and the take away from last year really was that the russian economy was kept alive despite the harsh western sections. and the ged po process, is it all? it had an increase of 3.5 percent in the year of 2023. and that alone really shows that the economy is very and functioning. since things have been the mueller to push to fundamental point is that we did not just protect the country's economy. we did not allow it to be destroyed, as the enemy had hoped. in answer to your question, it was not you claim that was counting on destroying our economy. it is incapable of doing so. it is completely destroyed itself. there is nothing left there. it survives only on handouts. all their officials go around with an out stretched hand, begging for an extra $1000000.00. our situation is completely different. we have recovered from our fall and moved forward. rush, it was disconnected from the international swift payment system. this is due by
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assuming we hope that everything will collapse to supply our traditional exports. right. and how do we settle accounts? no big deal. everything is working. all of them thought that enterprises would stop because they stopped supplying us with components. but it turns out that everything is possible. yes, they have created problems, but nevertheless they are being overcome. despite the fact that we are in a state of armed conflict, all the main indicators of the countries viability and efficiency have increased. and this is probably the most important indicator of the state of russia. now, on western companies left the markets, the was naturally expected to rush from bolt. the russian companies step in and sanctions were unable to bring russia down. as the country has adapted a new situation now to some of the talk about the economy, the russian president, we pre mentioned the unemployment rate as well. and how it is a historic blow right now in russia. he also stressed that yes, there are challenges that russia is facing, but these are the challenges that russia can overcome. he also met with the russian
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service man in his residence in the moscow region. and they were all representatives from different areas of the front lines and he exchanged a few words with them as well as congratulated them on the new year. when don't boss celebrations have be modified, deadly ukrainian shelling of the city of them yet, which occurred just minutes into the new yet local officials, at least 4 people have been killed and more than a dozen wounded office enrollment costs of census this report from the c this is a central street here and the city holds them. this was 1st targeted by the ukrainian military shortly after midnight on new jersey. several stores here for damaged and some buildings were completely destroyed. right now, i am walking on the shattered glass and the debris from the building and in the background, i can still hear the sounds of our children,
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shedding tears. i left the food from my mother and i celebrated the new year. i went on for smoke in the balcony. sometime after the midnight explosion started somewhere nearby, very low, and in the very center of the city. to be honest, it wasn't comfortable that i'm from the rubles with leaf through all of this. i could not stand on my feet because of it. then a car caught fire, a shelf flew into the side of the house. in addition, there were several explosions nearby glass shattered in several houses. it was unpleasant to say the least. the center of an ask looks like a horse. all right, now there is still a fire brigade riding all throughout the city. was the flyers called m. c. c. the shelves are simply laying around everywhere.
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shortly after midnight on new year's eve from uncle astray versus the unnecessary public. little and political analyst nicholas milk of age says the active terrorism committed by ukraine against russian civilians constitutes a war crime. in targeting a civil district within a russian city is actually a, it's an act of war. it can be considered of access to or it can be dropped for an international tribunal. and the you to a tray military can be condemned. and this is a, this is definitely the definition of a, of what we could call a terrorist attack. and when it's handed to organized by state, this is a, this is actually a water crime which has been conducted to because the, a west to kill civilians. the way or no military target, so that we know, unfortunately that ukraine has been used by the west port all the time that i've been to organize a color ocean in cash. which what we know funded,
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organize helped by the west by it managed organizations by the source foundation funding. everybody knows today that the west is behind us. if the west, the collective west would stop funding and see if they would stop giving out arms, weapons, satellite counselors, all the specialist which i helping you pay normally today, there would be no more. so this definitely, this is a proxy work organized by washington and needle and just to make it the internet show to make it easy to understand. that's the situation we are in today. maybe don't 2 of them use now. documents related to the law suits of the late american convict. p to file jeffrey epstein will be made public this week according to oppose the files or satellites, and at least a 150 people connected with the case. including several prominent associates such as the u. k prince, under the form of us president bill clinton on the people set to be disclosed this week are witnesses victims and associates of the american finance. yeah. it was
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charged with child sex abuse on trafficking back in 2019 a day after the 1st court documents were released, he committed suicide and his jail. so on the trial process was abundant. the name of the former president bill clinton is that allegedly linked to a law. busy suits of epstein sexual abuse of virginia ju freight. moreover, clinton's association with epstein was mentioned way back in 2002 during a trip to africa on the fiancee as jet with clinton highlighting epstein generosity . jeffrey is both a highly successful financier on a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in depth knowledge of 21st century science. i especially appreciated his insights and generosity during the recent trip to africa, to work on democratization, empowering the pull citizen service and combining h i. v and aids. a lot of after they've vanessia had to come under investigation of to allegedly enticing young goes to his c side mention for sexual assault,
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the full, the us presence, position changed with the representatives, claiming clinton codes of all contacts with epstein, both adult defects. and so there's lucky legal case and these documents discuss live now to legally media unlist lajna lajna avenue. you see thanks very much for joining us today. the same views are now jeffrey epstein. stock legacy obviously continues long past his death. um, why do you think there's not more extensive coverage of the did the expect the release of these documents? well, there's, there's coverage, but it's mr. rented, this is a limited hang out. let me go through this and pretend that whoever is watching now has never heard about this case. number one, it is always referred to in american and in western media. as a pedophile p though, filed the, he's a, a pedo that is not against the law that as an attraction, the credit of filia ophelia hemophilia to your one, to feel the essential attraction for older people. this is a thought it is
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a preference demented. perhaps that is not against the law. if it was half of the music industry and how they would will be shut down. number 2, and this is the most important part. anybody said she was, he committed suicide. by all practicum accounts based upon the best forensic evidence he was murdered. and yet the people in the western media repeated this particular trump. here was the bottom line. everybody's knew who jeffrey epstein was. everybody, if you're bill clinton, if you're bill gates, if you're, if you're prince andrew, your security detail is not even the security because it's basically almost your own army. they know exactly what this fellow was reputed and believe to be involved in. now, why did the nonetheless go on his planes and his islands and the like, why,
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how you don't know put the bottom line is and the most important jeffrey epstein was about extortion. it's not this weird kinky read, the financier who liked the young girls. it was about lowering the most important people, usually men, but not exclusively in on the forehead. it is a, his layer is his apartment, his mans his plains, his island, these were recording studios. therefore, the most important issue, the only issue that is never even have or addresses where are the videos, wherever z heritage, the recordings for decades. that's what they never talk about. so what bill clinton should vary to, frankly, do is say, of course i was there is going to his house going to his party was the hottest ticket in town. virtually everybody in the world of main street, media, news,
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entertainment. went there constantly. do you know what would happen if you never went to rum shoulders with somebody who was a pervert freak or some payroll file? some dig generate? there wouldn't be no hollywood that wouldn't be not thing. so the idea that he had a shady pass was known by everybody in and then bill clinton's defense, just because your air doesn't mean anything. but the bottom line is this. here's the evidence. and let me ask you this. who is there? why mine ever let prince andrew near this person? do they not know what this is about? do they not know what a honey pod looked like? it did not look what a storage should look like. see this, my friend? nobody's talking about this. we're talking about a file bill, can we not always name is there so why big deal? that's not the issue. i'm sorry, so go ahead. yeah, it's a, it's okay, let me. yeah, well just, i'm just going to jump in that. now it's important say this
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a report to say that i've seen did hung himself in prison, but yeah, probably oh, nice. it's a bill clinton, always important to say that it's, it's been a no a implicated in any volume doing, and he's not expected to be exactly what he or john doe, 36 as these are fits in the documents. you still mentioned over 50 times. well, so questions you think people are asking about his involvement with the, the late fee to file. what well, the well written again, this is a, this is either i human traffic or, or somebody else. they're going to be asking, why did you know, what did you see? i by the way, the reason why i talk about the hanging, there's one of the most prominent forensic pathologist, michael barton, went on the record and went through a number of a pieces of evidence including particular hemorrhaging and fractured highlighting, and thyroid cartilage all indication. all pathology indicative of murder. it's, i'm, i'm not just, this is not a conspiracy very. there are people who are, but basically dedicated to the proposition of studying forensic pathology. but the question you're gonna ask is this, or all of these people do not know who that his man was?
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everybody knew what he did, what in the name of god, where are you going with him for such a long period of time? and what information is out there that we've never heard about? never seen. who has the recordings? who has the tapes? this was a rich, those are the issues, not this, this is own, but it haggard. this is a distraction. well it, what i did, i mean bill clinton as i bill gates, apologies he, it is still hung out with epstein after a prior conviction do expect no clinton to express regrets over the time of the private jet flight cds. but with, with the epstein, you know, he should, he should say, listen, i, if i knew then what i know now it's, it's, it's of course, a different story. but my friend, here's the question. you are a former president, you will have access to the greatest security detail ever. you know that ca upon that's the wrong words. hence everybody knew what he was doing. he was
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a man and i just, i just see him in new york just walking around, people know who was he wasn't what he did. but, but, but do you mean to tell me that the question is, why would you even allow yourself to be in the position of this your bill could, these are the most powerful man on the world? if this was assuming a pre the election that you had, could you not have done this with anybody as, as i'm scrupulous and no, i'm to be as, as base is this man. i mean, this is, this is the part that, that kid. and by the way, one more thing, the real issue is if we're talking about human trafficking and predation of children, the best part i say that ironically is if you really want to go after there's and there's not you look at our borders, let me just, i haven't comedy miners, we have the selective interest. we use a more, a pedophile, pedophile pedophile. but when it comes to real probation, real, sexual, victimization, and human gravity, we're not interested in that. this is tantalizing. okay?
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but obviously it was going to happen after the end of this. nothing, nothing because the evidence is the only issue i got to say is, where are the tapes? for decades, these are recordings who is and have the individuals have these young ladies ever been allowed to go through what we call in the digital photo packed to see if these individuals men had abused them when they were miners in the light. that's the issue that the flight long story was indeed light and we still haven't seen the list if, if there is one of these claims come to lights. if the organized subject to sex talking was carried out, do you think that there is such a list? do you think that we will ever see anything like that's of people who are you comfortable vote for these kinds of epstein. a list marked list of victims? no, but you can put 2 or 2 together. whereas go with a match. well, this was her of her gallon his gal friday. you mean to tell me what i don't
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understand this, she has more information. why is she even in prison? who needs her make her id? oh oh go. what is the part a purpose of this? incentivizing somebody who can answer everything she was there and it was a part of the recruiting. why is she in prison? this is the person can make a deal with. we make a deal in this country with sammy, the bald romano to get john got a, he's a serial murder. we do it all the time. why isn't she a witness? number one, she can answer all the questions. look, this is much ado about nothing. this is a big game of let's look like we really care because the questions that need to be asked haven't even been broach digit is just angel. i think little cat nip. this is just a limited tang out. the real information is what he was and it was an explosion, right? where's the evidence? that's what it's about. well, the bill of media unlist line. oh, thank you very much for your thoughts today. i'm sure we'll have you again on the
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program. once those documents are released and those names revealed and we'll try enough the right questions with you. thank you. and you did. thank you for moving on to other news. now, as you know, the warning has been issued by japanese, all thoughts is up to a powerful 7 plus the magnitude escalade and the central parts of the country. on monday morning with the high waves, quickly beach, the islands west coast, with even larger ones expected to fall. what's the whole image? it's synonymy warning has been issued for not to issue current. what prefecture? we are observing a lot. so now i mean, if you're on the coast or along the river, please evacuate to higher ground immediately. deputies, tv stations cancel, new year's day shows as they switched to covering the natural disaster. people across the country's west of being sold to move to higher ground ahead of a potential tidal wave. the drums have disrupted supplies of electricity, leaving thousands of homes without power. they've all thought these say, nuclear power plants,
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our pricing normally downplaying phase of into that because she might like incidence. let's see, people have reports of late being killed. all the units have been assisting also with the rescue operations, according to the governments. shortly after the quite struck a prime minister meal casita one residence to be prepared for any of the shocks or to nami. both ways had been set proudly closed following the crate. this video was filled by locals in the sound of meal co, where people have difficulty staying on the fates. it's on the small footage of loaded. so social media shows people in the kind of our forest shopping mall, putting together for safety, with goods, discuss it around on the floor. but there was no significant damage that before the now to into the story we're across today. the is where the supreme court has over time is where the prime minister netanyahu is. keep
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judicial overall, which i scraps the close that's allowed. the cold, straight down government decisions deemed unconstitutional. the whole was implemented, but in july i was the 1st thoughts. and this guy's judicial reform, the most part must process across the country, deepening divisions, and these really society and raising phase of these very comments. moving towards all 4 to re enroll according to local media. the open sending of these very prime ministers amendment isn't president the case in that for the countries judicial system. let's go live now to political unless i'm it or and who is joining us from tele fees. i made a man, thank you very much for speaking with us today. i think best of all, how much of a set bike is this for these very prime minister to it's an enormous uh, set back uh, he tried the power grab against the judiciary effect, putting the executive branch above the judiciary. and the tables were turned on him
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because the judiciary in no uncertain terms stated that no one is above the law and above the. busy we interpret the low, but this is not only a set, but it also reflects the decline in it's on y'all's power, especially since october the 7th, because he's universally held accountable. ready for the failures which led to the success of the, from us at tech, on israel and the heavy to be, had these guys come to court. let's say, 6 or 9 months ago. maybe the results would have been different. but right. the reason it's on you know, um, generally despised and disliked and distrusted the news. busy this is only another name, he needs political coughing. how do you expect benjamin netanyahu so on his
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comments to react to this? and what options we cost if any, do they have to the supreme court decision? so uh, being principle, uh, he could uh, revisit the same issue and try to shobit dog because uh, throat by uh, legislating once again and uh, including another uh close another passage which forbids the called uh from striking this very law or any legislation. but uh, this is impractical because he needs the moderate false is in the bottom and added by oppositional either many guns were used temporarily a member of his well cabinet and they would certainly leave the government if that were to happen. he, this is not practical. the judicial home to all effects and purposes is over
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and the nose political careers is on the roads. so as well. so widespread posts as we always have, but we already mentioned, excuse me, last year over this legislation. now has this decision been welcomed by the is really people all the more concerned now with the wind gusts with the moment this is. busy perhaps, um, one of the, uh, all the issues to overtake uh, the guys are we are in the headlines uh, at least uh for today. it is a central issue. many of the processors have been mobilized the spot, the reserves, the i do fight the gaza for uh, preparing the 511 loan. and they have not been ahead from. but those who remain behind have uh, definitely express the safety section. and business send, you all moves against because they will go out in violence throughout this and
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show that even during war they will not let these rarely democracy die. no, obviously destiny, all who was also on trial for corruption charges. and obviously there is this set, but now that he's faced with the over really all the legislation that they tried to implement. do you think there's any interest full benjamin netanyahu for prolonging this war in gaza? so avoid facing so in the more domestic issues back home yes, this is. busy he's best low and the you political and legal interest to prolong the war and for a long he's corruption. ready tryouts because he fears the day that he will have to stand with this in his own defense and the could possibly grimley like yourself even more. so for him, the best option right now always to be late, everything about the war. but the majority of these really probably has seen the
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through the saw again be and will not send uh for a much longer well, i mean, or political unlisted joining those live from some of these. thank you very much for your thoughts on the supreme court overruling dr legislation. thank you very much. well, maybe don't know. the already informed minister has met with the many governments spokesperson to discuss the latest developments in the red sea and the middle east region. the main thing in the writing capital around is set to be in response to the us led operation against the you know, many who think group in the red seats, the latest escalation and the red seats are placed on the search. 1st of december, when us central command reported a who attacked on a container ship, the american navy launch divots obviously strikes coming all the fights as us official said, in response to your 3 minutes he will and that washington good face severe repercussions are the k, the american enemy, but as the consequences of this crime,
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and this repercussions on his military movements and the red seats protect is rarely ships, will not prevent yemen from providing its religious tomorrow to monetary and duty in support of. and for the victory of that was a preston, palestine, and garza. but human based journalist yusef maurice says that the us and u. k may face some challenges in trying to secure the red sea. well, i think both the you run and humans solve law movement. they realize that a war could perhaps on the folds in the near future, we're talking about a regional more because i think it's very clear with the shifting of pieces in the middle east, especially with the red sea. the formation of a us led naval coalition. they have the intention to invade goodman or at the very least, to conduct a wide scale military campaign against humans. a sallow law. you have any r v. and i think the reason for that is be.


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