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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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of the sort of bill, good news. what just happened in belgrade is definitely a terrorist actually became. it was a targeted attack on civilians believing 15 comments on keeps deadly upside on the russian city of belgrade, which killed $25.00 civilians. and we did a $109.00 more somebody comes into heavy selling from ukraine on new year's eve with at least 4 civilians killed and more than a dozen of wounded them yet. and powerful escaped hates central defiance, leaving full dead on tuesday mornings that are possible to nominate the distance 1 am on tuesday. henry must go mind speed to scott and wherever you are,
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joining us from. welcome to 30 minutes. all the news on the pigeon has condemned the deadly ukrainian strike on the russian city of bill george. as inactive tara, its cause now claimed the lives of 25 civilians. after a child died in hospital on monday, which brings the death soul among children to 5. now the russian president was speaking to veterans of the war. for the good news. what just happened in belgrade is definitely a terrorist actually under the cover of 2 rockets duplex truck using a multiple launch rocket system, this kind of width and hits indiscriminately. and they use that just like the city central, where our people were walking around just ahead of me as an ssl was a targeted attack on civilians. of course it's a terrorist. i mean, you can't call it anything interacting must. we now respond to the same way. we do have the capability to strike the central square and key or any other ukrainian city. but why would we respond like that? there are children walking their mothers with brands. it's hard for me to even
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imagine the situation. do we really have to act like this? to hit city squares. we are striking with precision within those medium and locations where the ukrainian forces have their command centers, where there are concentrations of military personnel, mercenaries, and other military centers and facilities of this nature. the people in the strikes are quite sensitive for them. this is how we will continue to act hooked up. now that clip that we just saw, that was during president pretends address to russian, a military veterans and on a visit to the hospital where they are recovering from taking it to your team. are you familiar trail peroration now? he laid out very important points to his address, and he also took questions from the veteran. and naturally, one of the 1st questions that he was asked was about the belgrade attacks. and so that the russian president told them terrorist attacks. and he elaborated that ukraine has used multiple loans, rocket system against civilians. and while he was also asked as a follow up, how is russia responded to this?
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and he says, well, russia has the ability to do the exact same thing. russia has the ability to strike the center of keys and ends up injuring thousands of civilians. but there is not rushes goal here. rush just focus is flight can military infrastructure. and that is exactly how russia is responding. now to some of his talk on the belgrade attacks, he says that this was the situation to try to care ross shops. this was an attempt to try to play the seeds of this trustworthy in russian society. and that this will not go on punished. another very interesting point he made out is that he highlighted that ukraine is not the enemy. and he's specify that for a very long time. russia has been bothering the west. and that now they're simply using ukraine as a tool to fight against russia indirectly. do live close doing it. it is not that they are helping our enemy. the west is our enemy. they are solving their own problems using the hands of ukrainian suite. it has been like this for centuries,
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unfortunately, and still it continues with ukraine itself is not our enemy, our enemy is those who want to destroy russia and achieve some ok that as they say, a strategic defeat of russia. how do they are mainly western countries. there are different people in the west and east to there are those who sympathized with russia. there are also the so called elite that'd be for whom the existence of russia and this current site as an acceptable to them. i. so some of those that they want to break russia up and have been talking and writing and asked me for decades. that's why they have, you know, try to keep a human creative, miscalculated. and unfortunately they succeeded one fostering concept to use that goes away and they are trying to manage the task of finding restaurants or using the hands of a man. i see you can probably see that your claim is losing and about how the situation has changed. and that can you do it, and that's despite the fact that the whole so called civilized world is finding a good at us. but we also pointed out that last so long piece we knew quade, but under its own conditions. he also said that russia is using modern warfare, motor weapons,
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and which makes it's one of the best countries in the world when it comes to that. another question who was asked was on the progress of the special military operation, and he replied that the russian armed forces are becoming more and more effective on the ground. he also said than have ability of the russian armed forces are rising. and another topic that was discussed here at length was of course the economy as he was asked about the outcome of the russian economy in the year 20. it's way 3. and he laid out the annual reports. and the take away from last year really was that the russian economy was kept alive despite the harsh and western sanctions. and a ged po process, is it all? it had an increase over 3.5 percent in the year of 2023. and that alone really shows that the economy is very and functioning. so there's banks appear in the mueller to push to fundamental point is that we did not just protect the country's economy. we did not allow it to be destroyed as the enemy had announced it to your
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question. it was not you claim that was counting on destroying our economy. it is incapable of doing so. it is completely destroyed itself and there is nothing left their lives only on hand. all their officials go around without stretch time. so just do it again for an extra $1000000.00. the situation is completely different because it to be over a 100 over 500 forward rush it we're disconnected from the interactions with payment system of interest. you might assuming we hope that everything will collapse to supply our traditional exports. right. and how do we settle accounts? so no big deal. everything is working. all of them process enterprises, woodstock, because they stop supplying us with components for but it turns out that everything is possible to see it that they have created problems, but nevertheless they are being overcome. despite the fact that we are in a state of armed conflict, as we call the main indicators of the country by ability and efficiency have increased the mean. and this is probably the most important indicator slate of ratio. now one western company left as far as cash flow was naturally expected from systems from both now, but russian companies step in and sanctions were unable to bring russia down as the
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country has. the baptist didn't huge waste. notice of the talk about the economy, the russian president, we mentioned the unemployment rate as well. and how it is a historic low right now in russia. he also stressed that yes, there are challenges that russia is facing. but these are the challenges that most of can in the ultimate, with the russians service man, and his residence in the mazda region 2. and they were all representatives from different areas of the front lines. and he exchanged a few words with them, as well as congratulated them on the new year. i mean, don't boss celebration, so it'd be mont, by deadly ukrainian shelling of the city i've done yet. could you could just minutes into the new yet, locals. the officials say at least the 4 people have been killed, more than a dozen wounded. is that these roaming calls for every man? this is a central street here in the city of done this, which was targeted by the ukrainian military shortly after midnight on new year's
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eve for several stores here for damaged and some buildings were completely destroyed. right now, i am walking on the shattered glass and debris from the building and in the background, i can still hear the sounds of our children, shedding tears and ask the for food for my mother. and i celebrated the new year. i went on for smoke in the balcony. sometime after the midnight explosion started somewhere nearby, very low, and in the very center of the city. to be honest, it wasn't the video i'm from there. you both with leaf through all of this source and i cannot spend that much it because of it. and then a car caught fire and that is a shelf flew into the side of the house. in addition, there were several explosions nearby, but the more glass shutters and several houses. it was unpleasant to say the least . the center of the nest looks like a horse. all right now, father is still a flyer would be riding all throughout the city. was the flyers called
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m. c. c. the shelves are simply laying around everywhere. shortly after midnight on new year's eve from uncle astray, varsity, and s republic. but also in political analyst, nickel americas age says the acts of terrorism committed by ukraine against russian civilians constitutes a walk on. amy targeting a sibling district within a russian city is actually a, it's an act of war. you can be considered have access to, or it can be brought for an international tribunal and the utility treatment military can be conducted. and this is a, this is definitely the definition of a,
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of what we could call a terrorist attack. and when it's handed to organized by state, this is a, this is actually a, a war crime which has been conducted to because the, a west to kill civilians and where no military target. so that we know, unfortunately the ukraine has been used by the west port all the time that i've been to organize a color evolution in which what we know funded organized health by the west, by it managed organizations by the source foundation. i mean, everybody knows to date and that the west is behind us. if the west, the collective west would stop funding and see if there was stop giving out arms, weapons, satellite counselors, all the specialist which i help you as you know more. so this is definitely, this is a proxy word organized by washington and needle this to make it to international to make it easy to understand. that's the situation we are in today. we're moving on to other news now it's unami warning has been issued by japanese all thoughts. he's
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as up to a powerful 7 plus magnitude. it's quite a hit. the central parts of the country on monday morning. these high waves quickly beach, the islands west coast. but even large ones expected to follow him. what's the whole image? it's synonymy warning has been issued for not so you should count what 3, for example, we're observing a lot so not yet. and if you're on the coast or alonzo river, please evacuate to fly around in the neighbor store. so when you do jumping, use television stations canceled use day shows as a switch to covering the disaster. people across the countries west to being sold to move to higher ground head of a potential type of wave. the germans have disrupted supplies of electricity, leaving thousands of homes without power. the what else are to say nuclear power plants the operating normally? and if not, be the fates of downplaying phase of another few kachimba like incidents for people who report to the children on the units have been assisting with rescue operations . according to the government showed after the quays, drugs, the prime minister, whom you can see the one residents to be fed for after shots or through nomics.
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somebody both ways of being temporarily closed following the place. this video was filled by locals in the town of the difficulty staying on their feet more footage of load and social media. so people, any kind of our forest shopping balls for linked together for safety, with good, scattered around on the floor, but there was no significant damage before any foreign minister has met with the given the government spokes person to discuss the latest developments in the red sea. and the middle east region, the me thing, and the radian capital, it's around, it's set to be a response to a us that operation against the given a lucy group in the red sea. so as they behave dispatch to destroy it, to the area. i mean heights intentions and the globally importance of strategic. what's the way? maybe officials report that's it right in a bustle. ships have operated in the red sea since 2009. and the vessel is going to
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take pods in regular missions and international waters to the latest escalation to bed seats. a place on the 31st of december, when the us central command reported who's the attack on a consent to ship the american navy. it launched of itself, he strides getting old, who's the foxes, us specials, said in response to here's the military, won't, that washington may face severe repercussions are the k, the american enemy of, as the consequences of this crime. i'm just repercussions. and these military movements in the red seats protecting the rarity ships, will not prevent yeah, minimum from providing its religious tomorrow to monetary and you see and supports on for the victory of those oppressed in palestine and garza, you know, as a human based journalist use of maurice, as the us on u. k, will face great challenges in trying to secure the red sea, a blessing both of the you runs and humans solve law movement. they realize
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that a war could perhaps, or the folds in the near future. we're talking about a regional more because i think it's very clear with the shipping of pieces in the middle east that especially with the red sea, the formation of the west. but naval coalition, they have the intention to invade, given, or at the very least, to conduct a wide scale military campaign against humans. a salo law you have any, are viewed. i think the reason for that is because the us and the u. k. they need to secure the right see they need to secure a bathroom and they need bab inventive to be in their possession to be in there, you know, under their control so that they can allow their western hedge a monic imperial structure to continue to progress and expand throughout the middle east. the only thing that's preventing this world domination from continuing is humans outside a lot moving because they have taken control of you have been given is no longer under the control and the shackles of the west. because they have control of
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government. they have a control of one of the most reasonable and they have blocks and prevented is really lead shipped from access to government up to put pressure on them to end the genocide and palestine. and this is something that the us and the u. k. government cannot stand, this is something that is not in accordance to there will not be nation plants, so they have to act militarily against human. these really supreme court has overturned is very prime minister. netanyahu is key, judicial overall, which had struck the close. it's a lot of the cold to stride down to decisions deemed unconstitutional. the whole was implemented back in july and was the 1st part and nothing yahoo judicial reform . the news boards must protest across the country, deepening divisions, and is ready to sizes, as well as i think there's of these many governments moving towards for fonts, varying rule according to local media. the open sending of these very pm's amendments is impressed as the case for the countries judicial system. we have some
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political unless i mean i o n b. so that miss me on this basis of times politically and may use the way gaza to escape responsibility. it's an enormous set back. uh, you tried that power grab against the judiciary effect, putting the executive branch above the judiciary and the tables were turned on him because the judiciary in no uncertain terms stated that no one is above the law. and above those we interpret below, but this is not only a set, but it also reflects the decline in its on you. i was power, especially since october the 7th, because he's universally held accountable for the failures which led to the success of the from us at tech, on this road. one of the all the issues to overtake the gaza war in the
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head lice, at least for today is a central issue. many of the processes have been mobilized as part of the reserves the i do fighting the gaza or are preparing to 511 on. and they have not been the head from. but those who remain behind have but definitely express those at the sections and business on you all moves against because they will go out in violence, the brothers and show that even during war they will not let these rarely democracy die is. busy he's passed low and the political and legal interest to prolong the war. and for a long he's corruption trial because the fierce and the day that he will have to stand with this, then he's own defense. and that could possibly grimley like yourself even more
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an over to gaza. now whether it's very little cause for celebration that says these really minutes. it kicked off 2024. with the 1st round of strikes on the enclave. for some part us. the news though, i still hopeful that they may see fees at some point in the new. yeah. that one the one on the, on how to they hope that the world will end as soon as possible, god willing. and that will return to our homes that were destroyed if there any homes for us or not destroyed. and i hope that my children will be released. now we hope that the new year will come and we will return to our home. now we wish for peace of mind to do all we can to return to our home. so whichever view our message to israel refused to withdraw from gaza and the content of course, i hope that this year will be a good one, then good will come to everyone at the end and it will return to our homes and our company, the thing, cuz we are very optimistic. 1 that the world will and soon are highly and will that
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the situation is now completely different. so in 2023 we were celebrating and rejoicing. what, what are we celebrating now? 2 countries that are celebrating with care about us doing these holidays. how can we celebrate? that's when people hear our dad and their homes are destroyed. know what and why do we celebrate their no wishes for the year 2024. we for the course of the years proceed in new years. steve, we used to celebrate, go out for the evening, degrade the house and who had been because a new year would usher game. but this here was a dark here for everyone to many young people were acute and homes were destroyed. and children went to have and there was no celebration or anything like that. i hope that the here, the will, will and, and, and we will return to all the homeless. but in addition to the staggering child death rates and concept international and g o is also raising the alarm of the mental states of young palestinians who are trapped inside the walls on the
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children have been exposed to him that dramatic episodes we saw patients recovering from physical injuries on some having lost the time of the members. the cobra strategies had been taken away from them. there was no safe place and no sense of security. it messed up now. well back in 2018 teenager is the dean now was rob lost his leg, got to be in shots by his really sniper the lights a he was already able to walk again. things to a prosthetic limb cuts the volunteer groups in the us. i think it's any homes. the guys i'm is a didn't took part in helping other i'm he sees the but his life was good short last week when he was killed in an he's really strike. steve says a baby who helped as a dean in the us, shed his story with us. and i in 2018. he joins thousands of other palestinian refugees in gaza and protesting peacefully at the gaza borders. for the great, during the great returned march is a sniper as really soldiers, and that shot him from a very far distance in his leg. his leg was amputated,
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organization brought him to the united states, where he had a new prostate prosthetic legs built for him to enable him to walk and return to school and finish school ended. we hired him to become a field worker and humanitarian aid worker. he was quite interested in photography, so he was a practice. we were training him in that field to support our communications team. and just on christmas day, while him and his family huddled together in fear, i suspect as most palestinians do at night, their home was bombed in demagogues a refugee camp in central guys a by an air strike and his entire family was killed. his body remains under rubble today and there's no way to remove it due to the lack of heavy equipment that can remove large cement blocks. and it's just a terrible, terrible tragic i. tragedy. i knew him very well. he was a good kid. very positive,
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very smiling all the time, always ready to um, to do anything he can to help even during the last few weeks, when i was in touch with him, he was expressing his desire to do more on the ground there to help his people supposed to be also told us about a total of 6. you'll tell us the news he's also being treated in the us by his organization. and they've been killed in gaza as well. he says that american people allows the notes in favor of washington support of israel. there is a sense of irony, i guess i already wouldn't probably be the right word because it doesn't convey the human tragedy behind the lives of these children being destroyed. you know, being killed, being the amputees, having their parents killed, losing their homes, living under these horrific conditions as a result of the policies of the us government. and also then coming to this country and, and benefiting from the treatment that americans provide them. i guess there that
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would be considered ironic, but there's also and probably other more strong verse words it could be used in any case. i think it symbolizes that the american people themselves are maybe not behind this score. they don't believe that killing innocent children in injuring innocent children like as a dean and others is in any way justified. and that when you go, the people who are treating our kids is not the us government. it's the american people, their private hospitals, their private doctors board extending their services on a humanitarian level to help. and i think that that shows a significant disconnect between the policies of the government and the will of the people. and finally, in 2023, we added reports in which we said lights on. he may have interest in the conflict that continues to raging garza started gain popularity among the american audience with political folks to host jimmy doyle calling. it's amazing that is amazing.
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this is and this i'm going to guarantee your rachel matto is not gonna tell you that sean hannity's is not going to tell you this. anderson cooper. not going to do it or is it still just now? i mean, these are, i have no idea. i always feel like there's a lot of gas or like, i always wonder about it. never heard a thing and apparently 1999 is, was like a top secret released while let's go back to 2023 and take another look at the insights of that report. you probably wouldn't know it, but garza is rich guess rich. at least $1.00 trillion a cubic feet rich to be precise. what does attach geologist and natural resources economists have confirmed that the occupied palestinian territory flies above sizable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth in areas see of the occupied westbank in the mediterranean coast of the gaza strip. to date,
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the real in opportunity cost of the occupation exclusively in the area of oil and natural gas have accumulated to tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars back in 1999 to protest in, you know, forward to you find to deal with british gas just off the golf coast, they struck a lot to on to wells, were drilled. that's called some green one. and 2, it was a multi $1000000000.00 gift from god and becoming food and both home on the broad. this is one of the key messages here today that will be gas available for export. and for my conversations with kind of sending officials including present our fast, it is clear that they have no interest in just sitting on a gas surplus fall for to 2007 come off comes to power and is around launches and offensive on the golf a strip leaving behind $1400.00 dead palestinian spots taken with it the gas fields now within the year. is raul announce the discovery of the leviathan natural
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gas field, which did include thoughts as riches on an old, valued at $453000000000.00. now, since then, gone, since haven't seen a shackle full to be more accurate, they have been denied around $47000000.00 in revenue as the tennessee as well. it's going to become a new hop. this is a historical moment in which the small country of israel becomes a significant player in the global energy market. the memorandum of understanding will enable israel for the 1st time, took sport as rarely natural gas to europe. and it is even more impressive looking at the significance set of agreements we signed over the last year, which position is real and these rarely energy and water sectors as a key global player. let's just run through this stuff at that moment in time. so we're talking 2022 russian oil and gas. what sanction rating and oil?
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what's tanks and ferrying oil fields while i'm still illegally occupied by us forces? now the t port of natasha was being formed quite as well on the pool to favorably the gateway into the middle east lay in ruins. and to this small conference, this rob whitehead, with its sees of gas, is watching ports and onset to your problems. and perhaps most critically, the u. s. blessing. because in case you didn't know us, congress has decided that is really energy is in the highest national security interest of washington. so p. c, it was our need to have fee for tennessee to become a t global path. all through it had itself previously molder ways in which to make it's $55.00 states, a window onto your, to the and other interesting application of nuclear excavation would be
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a sea level canal at 160 miles long across east real connect in the mid of training with the gulf or comma and us, the resi and the indian ocean. such a canal would be strategically valuable alternate to the prison suez canal. so it's canal is a gold mine. it connects the mediterranean sea to the indian ocean via the red sea . it is the link between asia and europe every day. list $3000000.00 barrels of oil, 8 percent of global energy, 50 ships, non $1000000000.00, as well as a call go 12 percent of global trade. it pass along this right here. single canal. remember in 2021 how a container ship ron of ground in the suez global trade was brought to its knees. the alternative route, divide the cape of good hope as around 9 days and 7000 kilometers for johnny. there was no replacement for suez canal, except perhaps for the grand canal. the us had been thinking about back in the
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sixty's was dropping 520 nukes on part. so this ro, able to build a 260 kilometer long canal that would start out the red sea down there in the port city of a lot run through the negative. does it on poor out into the mediterranean where exactly right next to north in golf, the same north and garza that is currently being bombarded and the populated egypt and it's money making suez canal would just be sidelined. the 2nd egypt that we might have it is now considering taking in refugees in exchange for debt relief by the us. and if you think it's, it's crude of me to tool business during times of suspense. so we'll think again the winning companies have committed to unprecedented investment in natural gas exploration over the next 3 years. which would helpful result in the discovery of new natural gas reserve wars. in recent weeks,
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tennessee prod about 12 new licenses to 6 companies on top of the pond to tap more of the dos and reading resources. this area is a strategic goal of mine, is raise how about law just for and based on the red face, just off our trail on here a bit slow, the down. a patient has a naval base and to boot c a t piece, and it's a no less global infrastructure project about road a to bike london, brussels in washington. and like with all your self, we both know who benefits because war is hora on wars. how? but never forget the what all who else is big business? that's all from the pizza scott's book, additional a josh will be in the whole seats in the same with a quick look at the headlines. thank you very much for your company. the .


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