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tv   The 360 View  RT  January 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EST

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to adjust the evidence, case is just about hand committing extortion. it is always referred to in an american in western media. as a pedophile p, though, filed that he's a, a pedo. that is an attraction. this is a thought it is a preference demented. perhaps that is not against the law. if it was half of the music industry and how they would will be shut down. everybody knew who jeffrey epstein was. everybody, if you're bill clinton, if you're bill gates, if you're, if you're prince andrew, your security detail is not even the security because it's basically almost your own army. they know exactly what this fellow was reputed and believe to be involved in the bottom lines. and the most important jeffrey epstein was about extortion. it's not this weird kinky re e financier who liked the young girls. it was about know really the most important
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people usually ma'am by that is because i'm not in on the point added it to his layer is what his apartment is man's. his planes is island. these were recording studios. therefore, the most important issue. the only issue that is never even our addresses we here are the videos, wherever is the evidence, the recordings for decades. who in their right mind, ever let prince andrew near this person? do they not know what this is about? do they not know what a honey pod looked like? do they not look what a store should look like? see this, my friend. nobody's talking about this. we're talking about a file. the question you're going to ask is this for all of these people? do you not know who this man was? everybody knew what he did, what in the name of god,
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where are you going with him for such a long period of time and what information is out there? the judge ruled that based upon the fact that this case was pretty much settled by the party litigants, there's no reason to keep this information. still. we have the selective interest we use or a pedophile pedophile, pedophile. but when it comes to real probation, real, sexual, victimization, and human gravity, we're not interested in that. this is tantalizing. the real information is what he was and it was an excursion way. where is the evidence? that's what it's about. that's a rep from me, but you know neil will be back at the top of the hour with the latest stories. thanks for watching. stay with r. t international. the
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2023 could be deemed the year as a blame game, as it seemed. no one wants to take responsibility for a problem from the economy to food shortages, to the rise in mental health illnesses, to relationship troubles. the latest target for the was of the world is the world itself. i'm sky now. here's an on of this edition of 360 view. we're going to look at the validity of the climate change blame game. let's get started. the, remember when everything caused cancer? well now climate change causes everything. people are blaming natural disasters. the conflict and ukraine divorce and even on rise in domestic abuse on climate change, you know who ways of getting the blame the big corporations who dep, millions of tons of waste into our oceans and landfills every year,
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killing fish and sending toxic chemicals and to our land and waterways that maybe climate change isn't. the problem is the pollution of the world we live in with not just actual toxic waste, but the secular world view eating its way into our politics, schools, businesses, and even home from governments are what caused a warren ukraine. the rise and social media with too many options, the inability to commit to monogamy and just the illusion of the sacred bond of marriage is what is actually causing divorce. gritty power companies are sparking massive wild buyers and ill equipped idiots and the desert, causing the burning man fiasco excuse of climate change. simply is being used to divert power, torture and governments all to gain control of how you commute to work. when you hit your home and yes, even click on your stove. but what is the actual science behind climate change?
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joining me now to discuss whether there is any validity to the blame it. climate change game is patrick, more ecologist and environmental list. founding member of greenpeace. thank you for joining us, patrick. patrick, i want to start off. do you think climate change has become a scape goat for the various challenges facing society today? well, i'm not sure about scape goat, but it certainly has become a way of a ceiling people full of terror and scaring them half to death, and therefore being much more pliant in being uh the people in charge. i think it's being used as a weapon. there's, there's no doubt at all that gets a complete false fluid uh that there is a climate emergency or climate crisis of any kind. the weather has been happening since the world began. that was 4600000000 years ago. and it was much more extreme in many times in the past. it was only 20000 years ago when the entire country have
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counted in half a rush it, we're covered, the sheet of ice more than a mile sick. and then that that melted partly, we're still in the place to see an ice age. that's another ridiculous assertion that it's getting too hot, when in fact this is one of the coldest periods in the history of the earth. that is why there are these huge ice sheets on the arctic and antarctica, and they are not going away any time soon. they keep, you know what that al gore predicted they'd be gone already. they're not, they're still there. and for us in the, in the, in the, in the winter, the arctic ocean, if there isn't one square inch, if that isn't frozen over, they always show you the summer ice when it shrinks back from the russian from north north america. to cover about half the arctic ocean, but then every winter, it covers the entire arctic ocean of the other factor as it is so important is that there is no historical evidence that c o 2 is
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a main driver of temperature at and not even in the slightest, it's been out of sync with temperature for most of the history of yours. and it happens to be that we're in a slight warming period now. and we started replenishing the atmosphere with c o 2, which had come down to a level lower than it ever had been in the history of the earth. that's 4600000000 years 20000 years ago in the peak of the most recent version in the place to scene ice age c o 2 saying to $180.00 parts per 1000000, which is only 30 parts per 1000000 above. when plants start to die, we are replenishing the c o 2. that life took out of the atmosphere in the oceans over the last 3000000000 years. most of it in the last half 1000000000 years. when sea creatures learn to make shells from calcium carbonate. although shelves up them jammed up on the bottom of the ocean and turning into limestone. or the wait list
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of dover, which are the skeletons of clock a list of for us, which are a microscopic fido. plaintiff plants at the base of the food chain in the see there, there are 100000000000000000 tons of carbon locked up in carbonaceous rocks, all of which is of life origin. all of which was sucked out of the ocean. and some extent, the atmosphere, the atmosphere, the forest turned into coal. so that was atmosphere at c o 2 that ended up buried in the ground forever until we came along. so in fact, we are the salvation of life in the we are replenishing the c o 2 that life inadvertently hit mean they didn't do it on the plankton weren't thinking. let's take to all the c o 2 out of that water, but that's what happened because they invented a way to make armor plating for themselves. if you think of a clam, imagine how easy it would be for a predator to get a clam. if it didn't have that show on it, the shelves are like, harm or on
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a night. and so there's many, many, many species figured out how to do that. and that's why there's a 100000000000000000 tons of carbon in the form of carbonaceous rocks, limestone, marble and shock are all of life origin. and they all contain carbon that came from carbon dioxide. and it's, i could go on forever about this subject, but i'll leave it there. but that is the truth. is there a difference between climate change and global warming? as they are often confused, it seems, well they, they, they changed it to climate change when it stopped warming for about 20 years back in the ninety's. and so then they said, well, all of a sudden now a change to cooling was, was called climate change. you can call it global warming because it was cooling. so it goes in cycles on cycles on cycles. the most interesting one in modern times is the 1000 to year cycle the,
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the roman warren period 2000 years ago. then then the dark ages, which was a cold period, and a miserable period in the, in around $580.00. then 1080 came that, that evil warm period which was even warmer than now in some places. and then it went into another cold period called a little ice age peaking, around 1680. and since then for the last 400 years or so, it has been warming slightly one degree celsius. it's not, it's absolutely not even significant. the level of warming that has occurred, the earth was so much warmer than this prior to this ice ice age where he and, and that is the great irony, they're saying it's a climate emergency of heat. when 10 times as many people die from cold as die from heat, even in asia and africa in the, in the warmer countries, more people die from cold and from heat. those stats are irrefutable. it's easy to
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find them. and it's a fact. we are in fact a tropical species that we're not like polar bears, which are indeed a polar species that evolve because the ice came and they, the polar bear is a descendant of the year asian brown bear, which we call grizzly bears. they came here from the old world when you could walk across the burying land bridge during the glassy agents. and so the polar bear is actually would not exist if it weren't for climate change because it didn't exist before the earth went into the ice age 2 and a half 1000000 years ago. and probably about a 1000000 and a half years ago. the bears were able to get on the ice and hunt seals and eventually evolved into what we have to day called the polar bear, which is half half again as big as the ground. very few, it descended from because they have to pull a 300 pound seal out of a hole in the ice. so they need it to be stronger to be more efficient. and they
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turned white because of the ice, the in your camera flies and their digestive system is geared more to a carnivorous diet. whereas the, there is on land have a lot of plants matter in their diet. so that, that's, it is kind of ironic that if it weren't for climate change, there would be no polar bears. and yet they're saying that climate change is a threat to the existence of polar bears and show a picture of one swimming in the water as if it doesn't know where it's going. their nickname is, see there's, and they know when they jump in the water where they're going, they know it just jump in and go off to be drowned or whatever like they make out. and then they show a really old, there in the summer when there's no snow on the ground. so it looks like the arctic ice is gone, which it does on the islands up there in the summer. and it's dragging his hind feet because it's so old. it's probably lost all his teeth at polar bears don't. there's no old folks homes for polar bears. they die in the wild and,
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and when you take a picture of one, like national geographic did and then put underneath, this is the face of climate change. as if climate change caused the bear to get ahold it, it's just goes way too far and up pretty well. all the publications are in the world except for a few have bought into this sensationalism about the climate. when in fact, there is no crisis about the climate, hurricanes have been with us forever. when the earth warms, actually hurricanes diminish. because when the earth warms as it was millions of years ago, the polls are much warmer, but the equator stays about the same. and back to us being a tropical species, we came from the equator. we came out of africa only because we had fire shelter, enclosing we could not live in most of the world. if we didn't have those things, we would die of the cold very quickly, like the 1st winter coming on. if we went,
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if we went out of africa without those necessities. and so they, you know, the control of fire, of course, was, i guess you could mark that as the beginning of human civilization when apes turned into people and, and it went on from there to inventing all kinds of tools and etc. but just look at us today, 8000000000 people are actually able to survive with way fewer in poverty than were when there was only 4000000000 people or 2000000000 people. and now they're telling us we have to give up our main energy source. fossil fuels, in order to save the world from climate disaster. this is the stupidest decision that has been made by the high level people in our, our, our society and our politics. the stupidest decision that has ever been made in human history. other than going into world wars and is this, this could be even worse than a world war. if we were actually to stop using more than 80 percent of the energy
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we use to keep ourselves alive every day. how much of this is happening because of man's actions versus the natural progression? well, we have had a fixed on the environment, of course we've turned for. busy a student to feels to grow food. we've made cities, but in fact the cities don't even cover 3 percent of the land. and the land is only about 25 percent of the surface of the, or there's no cities in the oceans. so the, the, the, the, the urban areas of this world don't cover very much at all. and i don't understand why people don't just look out the window when they're flying across the country and see how much of it is green and beautiful and productive. it's not as if we've turned it into a death, a dead landscape or anything. i'm a mine. yes. a very tiny fraction of the earth is, is affected by mines. and when they finish wisdom,
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now they re vegetate them and same with the oil sands in canada. they show these pictures of tubs, the irs being dug up, which are not very pretty. but all of those areas are re reclaimed with native vegetation and trees. and just look, looks like nothing's ever happened there, and it's a blink in the eye of history to have that place being opened up for a short period of time while you take the minerals or the oil or whatever it is you need. very interesting, thank you, patrick play stick around. because after the break we're going to look at the motivation behind the climate change this area, the more expensive and i'm going to plan with you, whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do
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you have the state department c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't watch my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. the we are back with our guest, patrick mor ecologist and environmental is founding member of greenpeace. patrick, who is profiting off of this hundreds of organizations like maybe it's thousands of organizations are profiting from this fear. people are giving them money in order
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to save them from the climate catastrophe. and then you have the, the interesting fact that the 2 largest assemblages of private jets in the world are at the world economic forum in dave, us. and that the intergovernmental panel on climate change meeting, which happens in different capitals around the world, each year for they are the ones who have the, all the private jets because they're, they're, they're the wealthiest people in the world. and they are taking advantage of this. and, and some of the hare brained schemes that come out at bill gates just gave $6000000.00 to an organization which their pro project is to cut all the trees down in 10000 square miles. that's 70000000 acres of forest and berries of trees in the ground. so the carbon can't go back into the atmosphere when the trees decompose. instead of using it for firewood or buildings or paper,
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they're going to buried all all these trees in the ground. and i guess eventually they'll turn into coal in a 1000000 years or 2, and then they won't be allowed to dig them out and use them for fuel because we wouldn't want that carbon dioxide getting into your. i'll tell you one thing to remember. anybody who calls c o 2 carbon should immediately be dismissed. scientists do not call things that they aren't. carbon is a different thing. carbon is graphite. carbon is foot. carbon has a lot of forms just as an atom. an element. lucky balls is another one. we invented them at named after buckminster fuller. it's an amazing lattice work of carbon cuz carbon has 4 bonds on it. and so it can end and it can combine with nearly every other, add them in the world. that's why it is the center of life. because life has
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a lot of very complex compounds in it, and carbons is able to be part of all of them. whether it's the proteins or the fats, or the sugars or, you know, they're, they're not part of bone as far as i know, but they're part of all the fleshy parts of us is made of carbon. and so people who call c o 2 carbon should be dismissed immediately because they are, they are distorting the the use of language. if you're going to be talking about science, they call us carbon change or climate change deniers and carbon deniers. and we don't deny anything, we just know certain things are true and others things are not. and what were there it is. again, i start to repeat. there is no evidence in the long term history of the earth. that c o 2 is a major player in the temperature of the various climate. none whatsoever. it is,
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it is just a made up thing. the reason i titled my book fake invisible catastrophes and threats of doom. and that i queen the term the fake invisible catastrophes. because almost everything that is used as a scare story is something invisible. carbon dioxide is clearly invisible. no one can see what it's doing. no one can feel what it's doing. the same thing for radiation, they use it as, as a bogeyman. when in fact, this over a 100 nuclear plants in north america and nobody's ever been hurt by them, never mind killed. the only the last people that were killed by a nuclear plant were in charitable, which was a stupid designed nuclear plant. it blew up. no other plants has ever blown up like that. and if, unfortunately in focus stream it, they allowed the hydrogen gas to explode in the containment structures that could easily have been breached and let it out. so it didn't do that one after another.
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they let that happen. that was, that was it. i wouldn't call it a comedy of errors, a tragedy of errors, and they didn't need to happen. there were so many things wrong with how focusing that was designed and how badly they handled the accident. still no one was killed in that accident by radiation. 2 people were killed by this anatomy when it came ashore an hour after the earthquake and 20000 people died just from the soon ami itself. never mind any radiation, i mean, they made it seem as though fukushima was more important than the 20000 people being washed into the sea. so that, but that's because it's invisible. my favorite one is g hmos. what is in g m o's that is bad? what's its name? apparently it doesn't have a name. therefore it doesn't exist. it's just a made up thing. there's nothing bad in html is,
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and any scientist who is understanding biology knows that to be true. but they still carry on is if there is something bad going to happen to you, if you eat a genetically modified food and even the term genetically modified is misused. we are all genetically modified. not none of us look exactly like our parents. we are half, half and half our pick our mother and father. so we are, we are a modification of the original genetics that was in either one of them. and it, it, it's very hard to be a scientist these days. and but the tide as you have to, if you know what's true as the founder of green piece, you obviously care about the earth. so it is blaming climate change. hurt the conservation movement very much. so if indeed they took away all the fossil fuels,
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we would ravaged this planet pretty badly to try and stay alive. and you know, the reason i left green piece was very clear. all the campaigns we did while i was there, i agreed with. except i was wrong about nuclear energy back then. so many of us got caught up in that idea that radiation was going to harm everybody. it took me quite a while to realize that nuclear energy should not be lumped in with nuclear weapons . it should be lumped in with nuclear medicine as a beneficial use of nuclear technology. but beyond that, it came a time when i was the only international director of green piece of the 6 of us that had any formal science education. the rest were activists and politics and all of that. and they decided the green patient started a campaign to ban chlorine worldwide, because chlorine is very toxic,
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it's part of d d t, it's part of p. c. b's. it's part part of all kinds of chlorinated hydrocarbons, but it's also the most important element for protecting public health by putting it into our drinking water and preventing color and other waterborne diseases. it's also so that 75 percent of our medicines are made with chlorine chemistry and 25 percent of them have chlorine in them. if you look at them, he are fluent cold medications. you'll see a little cl after some of the compounds in there. and in addition, table salt, sodium chloride is in the central nutrient. you could kill yourself if you put a cup of it in your stomach, you'd be hydrogen die. and that's what we toxicity of the main mantra in toxicity is the poison is in the dose. many elements and compounds are essential
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at low doses. don't hurt you much if you take too much more of it, but eventually we'll kill you. and chlorine is one of those. and so i just said you guys, you got to be slightly more nuanced about this because chlorine is one of the most important elements for life as well as being something that can kill you if you breathe it in as an element like the germans used in world war one as a weapon. and you know, you can use a gun for hunting or for murder. so it is, it's just ridiculous. i said, you guys we, i can't be here if you're going to be against corey. and that was the way it worked . i just wrote a nice letter and said, see you later. thank you. at patrick moore, ecologists environmental. as a founding member of the green piece, there is no doubt the climate is changing,
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but how much of that is based on the actions of mankind, or just an agent planet? maybe i would have a better time respecting the politicians and scientist if they're life reflected their own sermons. i've got now here's and this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the society of do your credit and cons offensively. you know, it was a fine you that arises serious souls, probably lucian's on the, on the west and ukrainian side issues about their own strength illusions about the strength of the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the take their to rush or, and your crime was adored, i just have to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come some coming down. and those are those since i've been shopping with the
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after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for its losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. 8 my la, devastated as a result of decades long fighting extremely hard days in group ended. 1948. the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency in response patriots. united seems to them a lay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war. london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass deportations. executions of civilian n, sprain of chemicals,
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scale being, and cutting off ads. these were the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by the scots guards against the unarmed beds. because a particular stir, the entire male population became victims. trying to suppress the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, drill deep or its fruit. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent, the british army losses in low, le, we're the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay and independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia. the
12:00 am
. the not least 15 more civilian casualties are reported in gas over night. so this is really strikes, rain done on the central part of the enclave. all has to be in debt, so near is $22000.00 since october 7th plus the southern city of can eunice is also targeted again 5 years really military which is expanding its front invasion to previously so called states opens up the sprint and speaking towards a former high ranking is really officials breakdown and the failure to prevent the terrorist attack that.


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