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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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the findings only option is to expand the complex really, the, the russian defense for the 3 says it's forces, have bombed weapons production factories as well as warehouses with western arms. and you frame 5 japanese coast guard playing pre members are killed in a collision with an airliner at po to today. the airports all 379 people on the passenger plane worst, safely evacuated after a purse into flames on the runway. and guys have more than a dozen civilian doctors have reported overnight, as is rarely striking rain down on the central part of the enclave of commerce. as local official state, the palestinian despoil in the war is nearing and $22000.00 plus the. the southern city of con eunice is also targeted again by the is really military which
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is expanding its ground invasion to previously so called safe zones in the enclave . the, i'm rachel ruble live and moscow. you're watching archie international. the russian military says it has bomb several factories that produce missiles, drones, and other weapons. a new crane warehouses with western supplied arms are also said to have been struck. there are these vermont plus ralph has more details, the russian defense ministry reported that's it. it's argue that it's a various locations of the ukrainian military industrial complex in key of and all the areas in particular, those sites that's stored and produced to miss. so i was drones and were also tasked with the repairs of various weapons, not earlier in tuesday, a series of powerful explosions were recorded in key events surrounding region as
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well. local social media showed the fires that began in the ukrainian capital as the result. cctv cameras and also users online have recorded some of the explosions in the city to the thirty's, lead, crated and capital have confirmed explosions in the city and added that power supply had been caught to some of the areas in key of air alerts had been sounding in the capital and in some other stages of ukraine as well. officials are saying that air defense systems have been deployed. there were also reports that a series of explosions also occurred elsewhere in the ukraine on tuesday. meanwhile, the russian leadership explains time. and again, that's all of the strikes on the territory of ukraine, target exclusively minutes res sites. and the latest attack was in response in response to the bird barrick bombing of the city of belgrade,
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where scores of people, including young children have been killed. let's take a listen, but actually feel good at what just happened in the, in the little is definitely their respect. under the cover of to look at the struck using multiple interpreting system. these kinds of weapon heats indiscriminately. and they used to describe the city center where the people were walking around just the head of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course, the terrorist act. so you can call it anything else you must be now responding the same way. we do have the capability to strike the central square and key or any other ukrainian city. but why would we respond like that? there are children walking their mothers with brands. it's hard for me to even imagine the situation. do we really have to act like this? to hit city squint. we have struggling with precision with ins and locations, whether you're creating forces, have they come on centers,
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where there are concentrations of military personnel, mercenaries, and other military centers and facilities of this nature. and these strikes are quite sensitive for them. this is how we will continue to act when you were. meanwhile, the ukranian nationalist of the key. every shame struck the city on build roads in russia, once again on tuesday, according to local authorities, one civilian was to bones. and then there was quite a lot of damage to a private sense. social infrastructure, russian defense ministry reported that the armed forces of russia intercepted and destroyed at least 4 rock is from a ukrainian multiple launch rock. a system called all ha 4. so that system is of ukrainian origin. the u. k is weapons stockpiles are almost completely empty after almost 2 years of continuous arms deliveries to ukraine. that's according to british media reports. is the latest in a string of alarm bells for key evidence, thinking western support for the war r t, as it goes down off,
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takes us to the growing ukraine fatigue in the wake of. it's failed at counter offensive, a few cranes inside and national identity for 2023 can be summed up with one word, cut or offensive, conceived blind and hype top by keeps main sponsor and patronage. my hope is an expectation. as you'll see, that ukraine makes significant progress on their offensive, and that is to generate a goshen settlement. somewhere along the lines, hopes for key of a shot to the stratosphere as russia was promised, a one way ticket to a world of pain and humiliation. do you believe there is a real chance for significant ukrainian advancements between now and and the beginning of winter? i believe there's a chance and we're doing everything that we can do to ensure that they have their best opportunity to be successful. we believe that the ukrainians will meet with
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success and the scanner offensive, and we will continue to support them as they seek to defend themselves against russia's ongoing regression was on call for introductory when ukraine decides to launch a new operations to the birth, more than the pain will be successful. i personally think that this is going to be really quite successful then they're going to have to withdraw under pressure of the issue training offensive, the most difficult possible tactical maneuver. and i don't think they're going to do well as that presidency. lensky initially was eager to sing to those, to, to a through that kept the flow of cash nice and steady. while the us and its allies been through them and the trees stockpiles, action wise though cube was much more timid, it was dragging actually delaying the counter offensive. zalinski clearly expected many things to go abroad, but he didn't expect this. the
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mental gymnastics season was officially open and ukraine zaleski is speech writers were exercising, and rhetoric trying to make everything sound not as disastrous as it looked. we want to assess the results from that perspective. unfortunately, we didn't also achieve the desired results and business effect. you have shown up a job, other officials bluffed it out and putting a positive spin on something that clearly didn't go ukraine's way. as for the defensive backwards, we achieved, our goal is 10 times over. the military implemented the plan to destroy the enemy's main combat. ready force while also enabling the training of tens of thousands of ukrainian troops to prepare for
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a counter attack. except this main combat ready grouping of rushing and buck move was actually 90 percent ex inmates with no prime military training. who had received an accelerated boot camp and who eventually took buckled, now, worked almost, but that wasn't too painful to watch for kids. west and allies knew, well, ukraine's catastrophic losses or the fact that even tactical objectives will be cut or offensive were missed. it was gigabytes of video of dining name to hardware that helped them to low. and to hod bradleys and liquids both done really well just as we expected them to the the most respected western outlets dropped. the rose tinted glasses admitting that a russian defeat is not a given,
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was the landscape painted the picture of units of the world all but sitting around ukraine. reality couldn't be further away. russia bonded with asia like, never before increased its foothold in africa and the e u. so ideological cracks, spidering across the block. oh, because of ukraine. i understand that, but need to talk to me. we do not believe that military support should be provided because we can hardly defend our own country anymore. well, that's so i'm unable to pick up any. i was not surprised at all when i saw the landscape video message at the meeting of the european council was met without any interest times a really changing season all until recently was included everywhere with applause. and now he's not allowed to speak in some chambers of the highest legislative bodies, as it was recently in the united states. at the you session to discuss ukraine. i felt terribly tired, and it is true that ukraine is corrupt at all levels. as former european commission
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president john, quite a young cosette for that. we talked about talking about it publicly is considered politically incorrect. it is true that he brings on him, comes from offensive failed. but again, it is politically incorrect to save this for the security, you blindly copies of the policy of the bite and then ministration. and instead of offering some solutions continues to give key if money and weapons. but it is to no avail. the war is rich at that and what was the effect of the best in the floor? i think if i leave, it will be but, but this is the fact our strategy was that the ukranian severed the cream. yeah. 3 or 5. and the movie in the, on the front line that ourselves, we lose on the front line. and that's the increase of change you most co. that'd be the newly the feet. and we can negotiate, punching is a vote and they're gonna cry make or whatever. and then you need to achieve feel, be acceptable as possible for negotiation to europe. and, you know,
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that's what was the strategy to be fine, is you can in the fight and die wherever you know it's so busy at the very end. and so you're not to be in a wonderful time. that is most alicia on the bottom about special 0 clues that we've been all point to good changing. most of all, this is the colon, one of ukraine students used allies, pulled the plug in on the shipments to its neighbors, the us so its so bickering and failed to green lights more a to key of this is the to and we personally have been shown documents that supported to reveal ukraine's plans to retake this down by the end of 2023. now, while we personally couldn't verify the authenticity of these documents, the very fact that the ukrainian combined had deployed one of its most elite look this. the tories troops, the i saw video non c battalion just outside this found it kind of confirms these
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claims and do well, in fact, ukraine had lost a bunch of positions on this front of the celsius. well, it's still somebody under the control of russian troops. we are still here and the bangs that you might, hey, in the background, that's the russian tillery at work supporting yet another sold you create. now we seeking to round up whoever is left in the country and dispatch them to the front line. even the handicapped and then convinced the west that an army of women, wolfe's and the people missing limbs will be able to pull off something. it's nato trained conscripts couldn't make. is donald, see that's a toko. now, where an airliner has burned up on a runway at her data airport, after colliding with the coast guard aircraft killing 5 of its crew members, all 379 people on board. the japan airlines plane were successfully evacuated. a
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passenger posted this dramatic footage as the plane touched down the are to charlotte defense key is here. now with more details charlotte, i came in. imagine how terrifying it must have been to be on that pilot more new now. well, as you mentioned at the top, the it's not be confirmed that 5 individuals did die as a result of that collision. they were 5 individuals who were on the co scott plain that was clipped by the passenger plane as it landed that way. and just on that one individual was able to evacuate safely from that smooth plane. and that was one of the captains, as they are now, said to be suffering from some injuries. i don't care about the intensity of those injuries. but of course,
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at 5 colleagues of that captain of now confirmed has died. just a note on that this coast guard at croft was actually one of the costs that's being very involved over the last 24 hours. and so taking supplies over to the quick hit zones of the other side of the island where i took your was situated as obviously incredibly sad to find out the safe side. but obviously they were involved in some pretty important one. yeah, and, and it's remarkable that actually there were even more casualties because when you look at the, the video of that ball of fire as that's a passenger plan came in for landing. when i 1st saw the footage, i thought there's no way that anyone survives us. and yet everyone on the passenger plane has evacuated, talk to us about that. i mean, how miraculous is absolutely not true is being described as a miracle. and you have to say, you know, a huge, really incredible job done by those on the client. but also the crew on that plane to manage to evacuate all of the passengers,
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some $367.00 passengers plus the 12 crew. so $379.00 individuals and, and really they would have had minutes to do this. and i, the, we understand that the collision between 2 costs took place just as a passenger plane was landing, is a huge plane. it's an air bus, a 3, a 350. and it was almost full. and you can imagine, but from the point of that collision, really precious, few minutes to be able to 1st of all, stop the plane. and secondly, get the emergency landing fluid side for people to come down as she may have seen from social media. people coming down in a fairly over to new, orderly fashion, but then fleeting, the plane as fast as they could consume and that they could be this huge f info. know which is exactly what we've seen. this plane coming from the north of japan to high k through down into totes,
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you took you when the busiest guy puts in the world, it's now being closed off while they continue to try and get the situation and control all passengers that the efforts have been evacuated and the japanese prime minister has said that work well now happen in terms of an investigation relevant departments or putting the heads together one to find out exactly what happened or close that collision. and secondly, to make sure that the information is made public as soon as possible it's, it's real testament to the professionalism and calm of the, the captain and the crew that they are able to evacuate the passengers. so orderly and, and, and safely. and it just reminds you of how important is to pay attention to the safety briefing at the beginning of each flight, even though these cases are extremely rare. but from going back to that video that we saw from inside the plane, you can only see smoke inside. i'm wondering, do you know anything about the conditions of some of the passengers because of some people may have been injured in, in that land? like i just wonder at that at the moment we've not been gift not information,
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but as you said, you knew there was smoke coming in to the main part to the plane. people would have been breathing off. some people already wearing for a small 6 when just on others, put them on as an attempt to try and hold back those feelings. but there is likely to be people who has been impacted by smoking relation. we get to get that information at the moment. i think the focus is making sure everybody's taken care of and trying to get under control of that info. no, i mean because you said it yourself, this is for see incredible which is for magic. it's not just a school for these flames were you know, pouring out from the passenger windows and, and really seconds later anybody who's been caught up in that. so incredible news that all $379.00 individuals on the passenger plane managed to escape up. but obviously we need to remember the 5 crew in the coast guard plain that were killed . i'm the one captain. we said to have injuries,
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although we know sure the severity of those. all right, well thank you for keeping on top of the story for us to charlotte defense d, thank you. but we have some insight into the potential causes of the deadly incident from aircraft accident investigator and security analyst for hod masoud in the cause of human fact. there we have a lot of redundancies been bored in the system. a lot of the system, a lot of. 2 automated systems which facilitate human data to be mitigated or risks to be mitigated with the maximum possible re have and i was denied history off uh g as since $198050.00 accidents taking place. um, so it has a very higher order safe track record. if we dog the obligations, but on the other hand, this is we as a, as a company or in organization or to i, if i say, if hyatt is industry, we need to be very,
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very watchful. whenever the blacklist straight is the only time when it tends to have problems when we are not having issues this big time we are needing to be most watch for the uh for any accident taking place. uh so this is weird it days it is in the start of accident investigation. it will take its due course, but its hardening to hear that people that's are right. turning into gaza. now where is really strikes have reported, they killed at least 15 people overnight in the central city of their alba law. it adds to the ever rising total decimal in the enclave since october 7th, which now stands at almost $22000.00 people. according to local authorities. many more bodies remain buried under the rubble of destroyed buildings. a desperate locals are seen here during the latest attack. scrambling through the ruins of a residential house in search of survivors. journalists of a seems a most of the victims are women and children. and again,
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some distressing images ahead of some of the injured have been rushed to the nearby l aux the hospital, medics are treating people right on the floor as, as the overcrowded medical facility is further overwhelmed by an influx of new patients. or further south, several neighborhoods in the city of ton unit were also had overnighted by the is really military. this after the same area came under heavy fire, just as the new year came in to be the well, that's for the scene on monday says panic civilians fling along the street as explosions are heard nearby. the creeping is really invasion of the palestinian enclave has been expanding the southern areas which were previously designated by the idea of a safe zones. most of the guys and population nearly 2000000 people have already fled to the strips. so well, this drone foot, it shows just one of many,
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makes shift camps for the displace palestinians. the site was set up by humanitarian workers from neighboring egypt. the red crescent organization told us how they're helping. dawson's survive the winter in hand, though in the beginning this camp was a product and a directive from egypt to support the palestinian brothers under work conditions. in this we're deal egyptian red crescent and the bill was seen in red, crescent, have coordinated to establishment of account for the displaced providing them with safe shelter, daily life, necessities, such as food medicine and water. this camp will accommodate 1200 families, about 7000 people. this is the 1st stage of the camps establishment for 300 tents have been erected and all facilities have been set up. the junction with crescent has provided all the supplies, blankets and foot for this tense. so far, this 1st stage will be followed by 3 other stages and work is already underway. on the 2nd stage, this camp will be a model and then the idea will be circulated, so that all the displace people will be accommodated and organized and save counts and all services will be invaluable. and if they junction with crescent,
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with the support of egypt will continue to provide all the necessary needs for these accounts until the war is completely over. an extra report from the heart of the enclave and gaza city, which has largely been reduced to rubble, often more than 2 months of the idea of the ground invasion. me said, i'm gonna try to walk on shop from where shy street to the reality east of shakes rug, one neighborhood in cause the city is really things have storms in neighborhood mess of cream families and display some menu from the 6 schools in the area. they burned and destroyed the schools, took the refugees to i'll talk with mosque and detain several use according to eye witnesses that i'll call the family, lived in this area where these relas committed to massacre executing several terminal and members, which are the testimony of one of the survivors, a family member. i don't know how much this i'm candidate and as human my day through grenades that my family members opened fire on them. they executed them point blank while we were at home after our house was besieged by the occupation army for 24 hours. after that,
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the army entered and killed those inside. they removed the women in survivors, then they returned to the house to eliminate those who remained to live among the wounded. they executed 8 members of the family, including an elderly, blind man, an elderly woman in a pregnant woman. and they shot her in the back and not even 2 days after the incident is rarely soldiers detonated the neighbouring house to erase their heinous crime. busy well, i mean, i had that in my that as i sit that this, the, here's one of the 6 schools in the baby by these really occupation forces, understanding the monkey school yard grapes where they were forced to bury some of the displaced executed by the occupational forces of get to us not, not the night before was very quiet. have you during the day there was a belt of fire. it burned everything left. no trees, no leaves nothing. exactly. when the call for dawn prayers came, the tanks were at the school gate. when the army entered, they didn't negotiate or talk, they just started shooting. we started covering up with blankets to protect ourselves from any stray bullets. children were screaming,
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it was an unnatural fear. terrifying. not a normal fear. this isn't a war. this is extermination. heavy bed. the rest of the english had a new woman between his school, the st. mosque, a neighborhood all turned into russell, and the smell of death emanates from within this rubble, moments above our t from guns to see. israel has tarnished international law by committing more crimes in gaza as the view of former turkish prime minister. i'm at the hotel lou in an interview to r t, which you can watch in full throughout the day. here's a preview, a sale to the crimes that goes through money. you can call me to buy a new society army assigned forces and they did not be expected to go to any. you might need your searches not to attack questions or any international blow and international,
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more low. you one respecting and see the only places you use sides, hospitals, average accounts, children, one quantity perspective for being technician low. you are supposed to call. so there's always some to, for, to put in the identity price, guys, the best thing as far as the new land and the of the science. we drove all the forces from the state of georgia tech, but you're not, is, is, is this one from the time on, you know, basic human rights or what is doing this and not be respected? this is that a point to come back position. these are these based on the basic package for the eh grant. but we called off to the spare condition. we called you and he said the un bargains that you wish to do, but they can show them the ask all governments, especially us spend you reach, declare unconditional support to is right. be ask them to respect international
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law not to have genocide. the v is running, government says an investigation into the unprecedented security breach during the deadly hamas incursion on october 7th, we'll have to wait until after the war is over r t spoke with a several former high ranking is really the officers who say the country and intelligence and leadership there full responsibility for failing to preempted the terrorist sold that killed more than a 1000 people or middle east correspondent maria for an ocean of reports. the simple defense between israel and gaza. 65 kilometers long, 6 meters high hills. so going deep on the grounds to prevent from us from tunneling
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below the creeps, with most of the fence to colleges, it was called the iron wall. and on october, the 7th, more than $2500.00 militants passed through it from the palace student in quavering to these rarely territory easily without being stopped leaving everybody questioning how the attack began around 6 am with at least 3000 rockets launched from gaza with a minutes, multiple videos were uploaded by him as showing that fighters crossing into israel . they blew up sections of the wall, fight and as really observation towers and destroyed power and communication infrastructure along the boulder. cannot scroll the operation on up, so it's not a series of coordinated incursions into southern israel. it was the 1st invasion into the country since the 1948 arrow is really war around 50 locations were attacked, including military bases in jewish communities at the frontier defense that was
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supposed to give this room a sense of security. so a part, you know, it's different. it's a friends with the fargo does come around the way. the thing that i must have thought gives you a sense. and when you talk to a 100 places at the same time, and you don't dive in each place, they are forced instructing. anybody else to go with that out for says will be able to come thing in no time. and no time the militants reach the jewish communities, the we're in bathing supplements wanted to bolster with guys us that age believes to be the 1st attack by him. us newtons on october, the 7th. some estimate, hundreds of them will be on end of this place. and turned it into the bathroom. the volunteer was unfolding between on the t samaritans and civilians from the witness
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themes, asian since the 1st moment. how did you understand and us attacked the sacraments, restarted sea. people with uniforms on them between uh up and down and down and then some of the red ones on them and collapsed. think of more than a 1000 civilians were murdered. over 200 people were taken hostage where, where of the failure with failed to protect the communities. we did not prepare for such a scenario. but the question is why? even before 7? so what tobar him, us posted a lot of videos of the trainings, including with scenarios similar to what happened. taken over supplements, blowing up the boy defends, but still many is really officials said the assault. what's a surprise? there's not a surprise in front of them. you aren't, you just didn't want to see israel's prime minister and was quick to blame the
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intel. contrary to the false claims under no circumstances and at no stage was prime minister netanyahu a warrant to come off as wharton intentions on the country. all the security officials, including the head of the military intelligence and the head of the should better assess the tomas had been deterred and was looking for settlement. this assessment was submitted again and again to the prime minister and the cabinet by all the security forces. unintelligence community, up until the outbreak of the war, natania how late to deleted the post and apologized for the impulse experts say that at least partially the responsibilities indeed on the shoulders of intelligence. whether it's a huge, huge, huge failure. or if they've got a job that was not alert off, i was coming. i visited the guys the area 2 days before the war. and i got to by chance to barbecue was the commander of the division. and i asked him what's going on? and guys on the impression i got that you know, and we came.


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