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tv   Documentary  RT  January 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

7:30 pm
what did you say was the, what's the funny thing the show is this for us to accept this, the great deal with those new questions that kind of see what's, what's the zip on we have to strong connection in a church that sort of their spiritual taking to us here, that's where the chapter 6, a whole says a tubman's wings, a comp it is so of the different associates under. yeah. and that you make,
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or they have tied us even on site estimates, but i do want to just wanted to, we are going to have to what do you have to do anything but outside of that he gives you sort of, you said to want to charlotte i'm gonna ask you to them to send it to the highest level incidents and it's going to have the younger w please. but you do a lot of the split. definitely not able to print up at all. don't ship isn't full time yet. and the depth of how to keep it, we're not going to do that until thought of the the either the digital piece initial, what's the zip this one of them and the pursuit of the audit document, what they kind of you to do to, to them it can supply tough dates onto the net the took the, let's just say i loved it, but i just got done doing good in general. but then after that i didn't pass. you
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haven't looked into parts of it. suddenly the kid obviously would have gotten them that one most of the ship conduct and she has to do the museums. quite a bit of a little bit of shifting daddy taught the me so i don't know. do me a not wish it wasn't all the parts off the phones if it's and then yeah, the fact that you may have heard of them trying to do that and find out what it was that advocate credit was that on top of the shipping, that the the this with the inside of the saying it's a yes or not, or if the, if the point is kind of you advice. and then the 3rd step above that there's, this is not at the tone please that to kind of help the from
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the machine to the dentist. no, no, just the metal of and then on the fun. yeah. you have a bunch florida this. right? yeah. a lot of kids channels on here that you know, hot in the kinda lashan give to kitchen and she needed to call on the 1st day you know, the thing it's such and which to me for sure. but maybe a flow of nice to couple. not glad that thing that the or the for the little fish which of, of which to, to cover reasonable offers the, the kind of a chance of will full couple of my so there's the bottom of the method. it meals for photo wash and fish will possess. you look at the book, but it seems that those are the so then you should it's, let's do
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a couple dealing with the coverage to give it to the date, asked me and asked me this answer. i need to sign my last short. i've already gone with the front cover should soon that should in the 2nd plug in, then you will if sure, please go back through. so i didn't miss by the priest. i just got off the 5, the other, the 5, those assignments sort of i got the goods on fabulous bouncy, eva, photo change and news. so i have as what i'm, what this to on unlimited me and able to that yet, the mobile up sandwich and the, the was short choking on the sick choice. my shift, i'm the senior substitute global. i do that of us and they did full cover that sort of fig love idle with the glass useless stated units of this kind of glass of the stuff over the,
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the national airlines a little less on how i loved it. but community now study and then the height of jacksonville. yeah, that's a lot of the tools to be paid. jasmine, high level, look on the lease company and you're stuck. was it a change of the status to this for quite the push the supposed to done that the shed. it's just the of a high so i don't think that it's a corporate a song over there in the book of it. i kind of divide, deposit, exclude, chivalry that goes out again. i'll cover both my eyes and sort of do that together and go to them out that the school for forklift shall go to them cuz i didn't know kind of thing. and so we didn't because focus of work and that's because you can use the 3 coffee at the book of a little bit. this which in this you only have lights of me to assign them. they have no problems made him a, but the origin criteria was order and i think of it in the national throat i. they
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said it was common. well there should be citizen id, you kind of of a sentence which should be to purchase the auction. the box to fit it for plans to put in on it as a this year. and that's what the fuck it all of 9. and they look like you look good . i see that i see what holds. it seems to be cool. you started with the class and you had it in session is on the flip side, you've got the sign up. now law should say it, george said you've got to induce it. adam. his last day was going of which i in the book, but i knew so if the cover that possibly going but if you come over the side of when you can nibble at the forbush, the new smuggler. oh, yes. as nathaniel, the
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new shelter, i got the team but they don't have time to to get us in for sure. i'd seen them otherwise. as i said, it was not been difficult to the door. none of us have no absolute. todd, if they have, they have to cut the level target pins or whatever the case would have to be because of the sheets. probably the otherwise the client of the rate is marshall. if the soviet union, rucker sort of hosting the parade is marcial or the soviet union as you call and i'm going to pull up the best thing. yeah, sure. can you took into forget submitted by subject columbia, additional to go to school to be of no cost such a good job? well, what is the, what it means out of the study, you need to know the body of those. how do you, do you understand how to, i guess, to the west side and some of the highest if you had a lot of thoughts on the plus on auto body as i have to deal with if you had to go
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within view, it's uh that was the concept of what a lots of oklahoma forbid it won't see it, but the photo chicago was positive the on the work that's out of it, think i should fit with this. i would have the right to do. yeah. okay. the i got the, i guess really picking them up especially a little more accurately. it must go out the move down to that and then the thought of your issue when didn't go to i don't watch the video, but i'm a bit us and this one is basically what i'm sorry, 50 over 5 plus the i was here to assist upset that yeah, my or to bite them this the yes i feel like the best thing for the so i so what kind of, what was this? before i started the
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the, the, the chapter 7. i was calling you my whole, i'll call you my brother the
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know what at me dot net. hey donald, it's been on charleston, anybody else? and then about it on the bottom of the marble and a minimum of ocean yun. oh, but on something, once i've got something in it, i am going to add them to the san juan. now i saw the guys and come all kinds of fun. yeah. kind of want to send a let on as many edition you either am in the head of the vin from dunn was holly. i was the only system then i thought showing a level just thing. and the kids and i so on and they took is all i can. so my now one of my leg that's a hard on closer to the symbols and we'll do that. okay, that's in the top, i was up,
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the tunnel was on what was emailing me. yeah. so when some of them yeah. maybe i thought i like, i know some people off the me little yeah. florida and i have them for the new songs. yeah. and then the lease of good i could. yeah. but no, no. does that or when it gets done, what am i don't know stuff that's go well in the tax go. no it could but and it's, it's a florida just oh no kidding. that's i got a lot, a lot of this not is over the button, my gosh, the pit in the pillow. how nice initial law, the supplement. old adjust this house of the far regional or from the lead. this is for, for the
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supposedly the states cause the real stir. when speaking to congress, joe biden brought up the possibility of american troops fighting russian troops. this is the state of the fail due crane project facing failure on all fronts. biden's only option is to expand the complex, really in 1941 with the nazis health relation ultra nationalists. the u astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the santa of us come with her in the gods, tortured to arise and the prisoners. they send them
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a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the russian states never had started as a sort of the most sense community best most all sense of the, in the 6595 and speed you what else holes question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the tv service was a request for champ, the,
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the com. it's on my laptop. yeah, it will not increase it. they'll receive it's more than like that. somebody else on that so it's not the at this time i have a new one last always i'm on the record. so at least $3530.00 this admit that one of the students. he's sick one
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russell. last will the police report blew up, score schafer. almost familiar with most of the one this method vince's the point that i quoted them, the quote, but i do want you to stick on the motor. that's the 1st is bio nic, pull you. and if i find it, but those are those nice the see the for me, is it a token you do? but the somebody say that on the solver i'm clients or so that's why by law who was
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in advance of a lot of those lines. so that's what, that's what i was and i told me then is that definitely yes, those looks like that the core of one survival and most the most beloved k or a lot of people for a move to bottom of the amount of, of the property have it across the hill, i'm sitting mccloud them not to interface that initial don't have them even, it can still for most of them. so i lost adams and michelle, so it is it with them? so that for a 2nd little i'd have them look off model for the use of tablet. did it instead of the i'll come back so i had them is actually out of the tablet. so it can go to the
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mode and it's own the data pile level data. what does that have in it that some of that has a lot of items on the yeah, the inter 3, you can search on the bottom left with a no problem. hold on, it's been in she's had one of the rooms on a 2nd with the snuff to caesar from what some of the office for the mother in the middle of the semester. actually out of the you to of, on my father in law. they have caught up to look in new to the most clear that of self say how to send it to them. no, we didn't get his or the michigan is there a few minutes of this, you'd been also also from moulton loose the notion from a phenomenon foremost for them of them that has been made up some outside of the i
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don't think so cuz i don't see it, it's definitely a chapter 8 if a hose is fast, don't see other merits that the what, what are 30, i'm going to put out and they give me a security because the desktop virginia took man up loudy. but i thought if i would say given teach during art is illustrated z stated frontier to date. and that's why 4 methods were given speedo in year. the know at the backwards the method switched through it to music, strategic, or demos, into put through at each office. mommy and are due to the, the cut down to live each and then the word this was part of see me poor sort of just stuck with what i need to been strategy noticing especially with the middle job. but i've worked in the boy a through the secure, but i sort of see what forgot what it is so, so they're putting me in the face,
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the whole thinking and so forth as to where i'm going to school to those from the employ our school system why am that's why i'm, you know, tonight it's on this year i noticed that some pretty board is for dollars, bags of cheating, washing these people are unique. so the posterior to man, the only really that you'll remember was 0. i mean, was the sort of from their passport floor. it's a wash of the me, it's what i want to just which card to use is. uh, what else to a new book doing that so to phipps, now i'm send you my solutions. so i've got you the,
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the one time or the other side of the. c the
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chapter 9 most proves itself on the track. a man proves himself in battle. the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
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all time i send it to you the
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most of the of the month for the, for the yes. for the, the, the you that you need on the, you know, within the, within the name of the press, donald corners to me is that what i what about what is up, what is what is the
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top of the product? the lesson? no, it sounds good to me. the name pops up enough to the top of the bottom half of the bottom of the boat and the data feeling good. the going with the area and the set up for them on
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the the, the
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the on july,
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the 8th 1941 german troops ended as stoney or from the south soviet soldiers and civilians for the enemy courageously on the stony and soil go with thousands of casualties filled up the federal home to us wants to, but we are giving you 50 feeling it though i'm not sure if our cuter, which vehicle even as the beauty we bought the what is pushing it during the years following the safety of victory, a large number of monuments, loveless and burial sites, were rented to on of those who had fallen in the wall to get, get the bombing vs, which however, recently many of them have either been demolished vandalized or completely neglected. so we sold the of those who do their best to present once to the left of the memory, so as to prevent rewrite history and re make consciousness pro. uh, so the,
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the site is to your training accounts, offensively, you know, it was a fine you that there was a series of organizations on the, on the west side in ukrainian side illusions about their own strengths. he loosens about straight for the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the took their to rush or, and you crying was an adult. i just have to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come sometime into the looseness i've been shopped with the right now in acreage where he lives to alaska. my father is born in 1917, his 1st wife,
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1st of extra service. we have people from all over the world, or a 100 percent personal building. we love vanya as long as your service solution for restaurant. did you say what was the? that's what i'm trying to explain to show that is this for us to accept this, the great deal with those new questions that kind of see what, what's the zip on we have to strong connection, rush, rush of the church from russia to that one of their spiritual taking to us here. that's where the, [000:00:00;00]
8:00 pm
the 11 is leaders, civic cheeses as well, of attempting to drive the country into a confrontation altogether. talk on a route, come to a local, come. i've lived here over the place area with kids. 5 people were killed in, including a 5 day old child. no child in the world should be killed, let alone one sheltering on to the end, the amount of tearing organization this war has to end a u. n. t. me the in the report. the idea is pauses the amount of time to to these am schools are to be used in central and southern gaza being killed in the last 24 hours. the policy in the told and the will have to pause for the


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