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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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of the latest hit, but curious, this is where i live attempting to drag of a convenient, did confrontation all through a drone and cycle and they would kill the senior official for local. how much political bureau warning, distressing images that the people inside of the struggle to recover the bodies of those killed in the latest the idea passed. i got nothing in the refugee camp. there's many code flaps on the delivery of this fluid. build this area with his 5 people were killed in and creating a 5 day old child. no child in the world should be killed, let alone one sheltering under the emblem of the amount of tearing organization before has to end a u. n. to be the in gaza report. so the idea of his targeting you monitoring facilities on schools of civilians and central and southern gaza being killed in
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the lynx is 24 hours the policy in death though in the war has the past 22000 on how much praise is good for bringing as well to the international court from justice as good for the police is full of the lawsuit against the $18.00 calls jennifer, why the action and got the it's yes, go on. so, but i am in here in the russian capital. welcome. wherever your crime scene of the news from today, at most little of this is oxy, lebanese prime minister has accused he is one of attempting to drive his country into a new confrontation, often thrown aside on david til local how much political bureaus, deputies director, visa strike is another israeli crime, that is surely i ended bringing living and into
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a new phase of confrontation following the ongoing daily attacks in the south. the killing wound to me, the people this explosion is definitely a challenge to live in. and in the clear response through all efforts to prevent the spread of the war from gauze or ins, 11 and ha, sort of all it is that the attack has also claimed the lives of 2 of is the wind combined is a security officials are present on the last flight in the they would set up. here's what witnesses had to say about the guns like so it comes to look at about $530.00. we heard the sound of an explosion, then another, followed by 3rd, a few seconds later, the smoke was through. i can have a leak and the explosion shook our office. i know because of the size of the blast we're on to what it was. so body parts on the ground, the cause of the fire in the flooding building and was struck. there were a lot of body parts on the ground following the explosion. the ac units flew from the building go in a distance from 100 to 150 meters. a rock has to be goes to 2 or 3 kilograms to
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heat that refrigerate to inside the g. shaw st. gospel of a safe inside. as long as the yahoo! so it's less than a has said is, well, isn't this one? so i'll take correspondent. yes. and i can, has more details on this. a, i saw that really was one of the founding members of my mazda as an image already wearing. these are also the have deputy had of come most of the bureau and lebanon . so he was a highly suggest to configure. there were also reports of at least half a dozen others that were injured or killed as a result of the charge. now this comes at a time when many were speculating whether or not so here's the line is we're going to go and this is the 1st time that any one of the 2 sides and dared to take to have an attack, a significant place there was and it's going to be interesting how things develop 11 on, and it's governments to these things. and government has been quite vocal and suggesting that the government has no control or the lebanese military has no control over
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what, as well as says or does an as called for israel to be steadfast in its decision making and take into consideration. the fact that collective punishment could also be on the table if israel decides to move forward with this, the same is coming from the wrong or just as heavy, similar to what the liberties prime minister. i have to say all of these actions taken into consideration code signifying how that israel may be losing patience as it moves forward. negotiation is off, the table size will charge you, for example, or not very nicely. but at this very moment, suggesting that israel is looking into further into more in areas outside of gaza is a red line. so turkey as well as many other states within the region does, i'm physically alice, at least a mile roof. speaking to us from bayard says, the attack may lead to further escalation in the region in the area where the talk happened is close down. much of the neighborhood was out in the street to
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help in cleaning up the rabble rabble that happened there on the streets of bare with our empty everybody's watching right now on television, waiting to see what will happen now, because this is clearly a escalation of stage and war, we know at the is really military has announced that his own highest alert. and there was a statement from his beloved, indicating that is also all his troops are on the highest alert. and we know that united states announced just uh yesterday that it would drew its, uh, ships from the waters across from palestine and living on it's clear that they withdrew them into a safe as own probably, or in the area to sort of the, there's been an attack in south lebanon from south live in on into occupied palestine hitting a gathering of his really troops. and there's been 2 attacks on american bases in
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syria just in the past. our in so we can see, or the, the response will mean a change and whole of the war in the region, because is where i lost the battle on the ground in chasm. the killing of a whole mazda official in the lebanese capital has wealth outrage across the west bank. well, this is a crowded, this, the, the romano, demanding, with van dine cooling, look for his willow leadership, to take immediate action. here's what some of the demons say it does have to say one day there's going more need of this coming. so this is not the end. and the if they killed one of the leaders more leaders anymore, the police seen and we'll take the flag, i'm going to continue the, the, the fighting against basic evasion says up to how much will remain and it will persist even if all home us leaders are murdered, they said, have mazda is a terrorist going to put all the people and all the world are supporting some us
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from us, 100 and because of the martyrdom of our brother, a routing, and how much will not in that because of the leaders, margaret olivia and the news, well, the idea of so, so it says, says the country is on full, says are on a while a son named subaltern with the idea is in the very high state of readiness in or arena on defense. and offense, we're how we prepare for any scenario. this. the most important things to say tonight is we're focused and remain focused on the fight in some us. what are the escalation, all the insulated policy and concepts off of the segment of october attack slides. i'm counselor slides between the id f i'm has will have become colon along the is ready lebanese border. the you, i'd have cooled on old policies in the region to restrain from escalating the situation for the past. and the throttle has set in the past that any assassination on lebanese soil. we will have a strong response. what is your message to house on this, rob?
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i think our message to everyone has been is the same. that's because of the escalating tensions. and the fragility of the situation in the region, we are calling to for maximum restraint from all parties. we don't want any or any rush, any rash, actions that could trigger further violence. last year in august, the security general off has with leslie. it has some sort of law warrant that any attack an assassination attempts to be conducted on lebanese territory against living use the, the percent in or iranian so others will have a direct immediate response in kind of, you know, because there hasn't been assassinations or live in these territory by these release in decades now since the 2006. so this will mean we should be expecting
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an attack in kind that will hit some target similar in value in the design as the entity or the living on lives to complain that the security council about the this encouragement on lebanese sovereignty. and if political leaders as a this, that a lot already was are legitimate targets in other people's territory, then that means that is really politicians on anyone's territory are legitimate targets to this is where the international law was written. so we don't have these situations, everybody's waiting for a speech, while i say it has the most with all of the situation, all of hezbollah is, should be speaking at 6 p. m, available time that was scheduled in the collaboration, if that's estimation of somebody money. now we, we're expecting him to speak, of course, about this recent estimation, and we should, you know,
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the whole world is probably gonna wait to see what he says. now, so essential garza where rest fuel prices are on the way off is way locate a building in the city. as a refugee warning, you may find a refund on images. a people have been killed in the tuesday at the top, according to local housing is the official reason of footage from the scene shows the rescue is near the destroyed building, searching for survivors. i'm pulling the bodies of scenes on the rubber saying in the central parts of the own clay, these res, twice have reported the killed at least 15 people over the night. in the city of there, i'll buy it adds to the ever rising total death toll in the enclave. since the 7th of october, which now stands at just over $22000.00 people. according to local authorities, many mobile either remain buried under the rubble of destroyed buildings. the
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locals, i've seen hedge and the latest attack, scrambling through the ruins of a residential house and such a survivors. jealous as the scenes a most, the victims are women and children. a warning, the following images are disturbing. some of the end of the vin insight into the nearby, out on softball, simple medics, a treating people on the floor as the over crowded medical facility is the overwhelmed one in front of some of your patients. and the reason for that is coming from a nolan the shows the ruins of the historic, our body shop powers repeatedly destroyed by is there any strikes in the past, a massive tourism and then take what sees has been now. so the destruction of the is the insight him is cultural heritage, monuments of being demolished as a result of the idea of intense bombardment of gauze. the latest is an orthodox
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church and gaza city. dennis of microsoft reports from lucy. this is the off of the torching gauze. i reduced to a pile of rubble. okay. it made the escalating is rarely bombard, sparing not it was a muslim mission. christian was the man and turning everything stones and trees in the day was a while the christian world celebrated suite. the circumstances hearing cause of are entirely different. some of these churches have turned into camps overall, but get them out of this and to show up on some the make shift hospitals. what the hell when the american heart didn't look at this place originally, a place of worship has now become a home and shelter for people in need of risk women. most of the this church represents worship for our christian president of a. however, today it has transformed into the house or hospital for patients in the wounded serving to rescue people in these dire circumstances. yeah. the conditions have become extremely miserable and turning it into a shelter for patients in the window. and then i think star christian brethren for
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opening this place, which is now hosting the wounded in the families of death. oh, we don't know how it was. i'll be sure of that. no. unfortunately, there is no place for holiday celebrations and no signs of festive life. due to the intense bombardment and will struction of by the occupiers the everyone's affected, compelled and it was not so much as christians and gaza. we are one familar with muslims. unfortunately, there are no signs of celebration such as this really is killed or what destroyed burned and shattered bearing no one, neither christian nor most. let me say that they belonged to every house, the church and the mosques, they targeted everything in their path. no. so there is no hole from the life of one. today in gaza, there's only severed to support the physical world as silent. dance gone are we, we're is freedom, justice and peace. we see none of in the, in the gaza. sadly, i said, this is how things look in the churches of gauze, grey and somebody at the time when light some candles,
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illuminate everywhere else in the world. what's the bottom important for r t is offering garza science to the south of gauze of the past. seeing my questions as i, as he says, is ready for his have targeted insightful to the communist. resulting in the death of at least 5 civilians from the north, including a baby bus off of the same area came under heavy fire. just as the new year began, the video footage on monday cam could chronic city is running a little a street does explosions. i heard nearby as well as the invasion of the past in enclave has of expanding to southern territory. so i had previously been designated as saves the why the r d f o 's of gauze population and 82000000 people have already fled south a you and see me. the info on it says the is really all mean doesn't stuff even
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when hitting humanitarian facilities certainly isn't here though, i'm out hospital, it's of palestinian red crescent society facility. clearly marks with the red present emblem on the roof. and just 2 hours ago, you can see behind me and all around me, this area was hits. 5 people with care, we'll see you. and creating a 5 day old child, no child in the world should be killed, let alone one sheltering on to the end. the united tearing organization. this war has to end on the other side of the line when it's ready minutes. so says is country will never accept the 2 state solution. i'm strongly rejects any peaceful resolution of the conflict. the same medina fall, assuming there is no palestinian state. the 2 state solution is dead, so it is over. it will never happen. what should we bring the posting in administration? rebecca, after all of our full and heroes, assuming this will never happen because the thought it's yolanda to say,
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so this is a peaceful existence of an independent state of palestine along side as well. so is a 7th along so literally there's a pull off of the globe of advocate for this solution. while tennessee has repeatedly rejected it and said, is really official. suppose another solution is a false deportation of gallstones to other countries. surely do. we must promote a solution to encourage the emigration to the residents of garza. this is a correct just modeling humane solution. i call them the prime minister in the new foreign minister. this is an opportunity for planning an immigration project. and so we encourage the migration of residents from garza to the countries of the world will make no mistake. we have problem's around the wells that can help really slow and super as well as a way to say i'm who says sun too long. so don't come as a surprise while the international community is powerless and the face of israel's policies of this um, outlook for being pushed by the is
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a to states and its governments. since the beginning of the war. the is not the said process for this is what they have sent a few things as a goal for them to achieve. do they have to try with the address and distributed funding of the causes to force them to the outside just because of it. and they were the most successful in achieving that school affairs that had been a month to from the resolutions against the suspension supplements. however, they are incapable of applying those. those are the issues because you to basically american production is either by peoples or by simply asia in the ignoring should've been finished with so many done in citizenship and a full by the f intelligence officer who's nowadays fil angel is really alice has
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the way the shocking suggestion of the entire population of god should be to any yahoo! you'll see brains. it wouldn't be a proportion of response to the deadly. how mazda sold on the 7th of, of a server. that's like the lesson a little as though it's not that some of controls garza and some mazda is the enemy . could step gaza contains hematoma, and cause that is the enemy. it's very important to alter the terminology and change the very definition of the enemy to suckle and it is not important to warn people they are to evacuate before we bomb the area. the answer is simply leveling the ground and chilling the largest number of people possible because they are women are enemies, and their babies are enemies on their 1st graders are enemies of mos militants, are enemies and their pregnant women are enemies, shaw the say. so because spring feeding sea is, uh, this is the site that i straightened up to the cook,
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declines the combust committed crimes against humanity. in october, the 7th includes the cycle slope, good people. it's not the baby's, a epic women and man, it was a shocking to everybody and the people who stop drinking like this bill. so all the stuff, being goldman big like this bill. so he's not the only one, but the i do believe that's the, the majority of most the day christmas ability. but what's up? it's a senior. i have actually the has prize south law for the taking legal action against israel at the international court of justice. it's human rights abuses or how you have loaded positions of support and especially already sort of sort of feature, which probably complains with the international court of justice. again,
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vehicle bind, states, flights, crimes against whom i was, i think liaison and genocide adored. and we appreciate your political and lego importance of this last this time. so as victoria pushes fluid a little suit inside some court of justice against what it called. israel's genocidal actions in gaza kind of eve has was funded by a fuse in south africa. i'm committing a full of anti semitism, a beloved libel. i will be profoundly judged in giving political and legal cover to the october 7 masika and the how most human field strategy hop south africa has made itself criminally complicit with hamas. his campaign of genocide against the people, the state of israel, will appear before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd, blood libel. history will judge south africa for a bad thing. the modern, as of denounces, a timely and tangible step is one of the millions uniform missed is cooling sound
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that was legal denouncement of his writing in monetary crimes. on garza and another example, the will outcry for accountability and the heroes to the u. as in genocide convention, as soon as is in december of why they've been the u, as in genocide convention to the adult, they didn't 1958. they are charging israel to immediately implemented the sci fi, stopped the displacement of guards of people, and to allow him as having a delivery south africa is a states that suffered from a pol, sites and decades on his loan. supposed to pass in the states to combine the sides with the blacks on the african continent is oh, has clicked as i south africa. what it sees as exploitation of the quotes that we spoke with the founder of the gift of given in t as is my city. when it says the south africa has the more associated with this close and is likely to succeed. i'm ready,
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really set to that is what it means. understanding of the documents can it's a lot of weight and it's very, very confident that this will actually take place. and of course, there's a process back to you enter the policies that i just don't know what sort of because we have to model high call. you know, it's based on the what present and the males and monday. and i said many years ago the lead president been doing is said the liberation of some of the guys not quite complete. until the policy is all over the defense of the our feet. any day know that the teaching use other dis comment 3, is that because i think there's a lot of problems deep sleep in the world and i salute our government and the political party. oh president. so then what was that? and also the international relations. what is the none of the final to stick to the model? hi, good on. the date is advice to the local on the international part of justice. because we have stepped on a fee for them. all right. to do that and effect in
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a deep. he's a very proud moment, not only familiar to south africa, which we have problem moments on africans and all this and human beings, and then tell you what to those go now where play i've had the apple called flash on the runway, sort of the collision that claimed the lives of 5 to scar, the crewman. the define allies i across 379 passengers are successfully evacuated and one passenger is this group, i think 50, i see plain touch that the it's not be confronted. 5 individuals did die as a result of that collision. they were 5 individuals who were on the coast guard plain that was clipped by the passenger plane as it landed that way. and some that
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one individual was able to evacuate safely from that smooth plane. and that was one of the captains this coast godaddy crossed was actually one of the i crossed it's been very involved over the last 24 hours. so taking supplies over to the quick hit zones of the other side of the island where tokyo is situated. it's remarkable that actually there weren't even more casualties because when you look at the, the video of that ball of fire as that a passenger plan came in for landing. when i 1st saw the footage, i thought there's no way that anyone survives this. and yet everyone on the passenger plane has evacuated. talk to us about that. i mean, how miraculous is absolutely not true is being described as a miracle. and you have to say hugely incredible job done by those on the client. but also the crew on that plane to manage to evacuate all of the passengers some $367.00 passengers plus the 12 crew to $379.00 individuals and.
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and really they would have had minutes to do this. and as she may have seen from social media, people coming down in a fairly old, new, orderly fashion bent, leading the plane as fast as they could concerned, but they could be this sewage f info now, which is exactly what we've seen of okay, busy staff. what's in the world, it's now being closed off while they continue to try and get the situation under control. passengers efforts have been evacuated from the, from the japanese prime minister. has said that we're for now happen in terms of an investigation relevant departments for putting the heads together one to find out exactly what happened or close that connection. and secondly, to make sure that the installation was made public as soon as possible from going back to that video that we saw from inside the plane. you can obviously smoke inside. i'm wondering, do you know anything about the conditions of some of the passengers at the moment?
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can you give them that information? but as you said, you know, there was smoke coming in to the main part of the play and people would have been freezing or some people already wearing face, most experienced on others. put them on this and attempt to try and hold back those themes. but there is likely to be people who've been impacted by smoking relation. we get to get that information. um, at the moment i think the focus is making sure everybody's taken care of. i'm trying to get under control that info. know the size of the who whole is this like no, i knew planning this all targeting belgrade slumbers and was killing them at least 5 and wounded in earliest like on the 16th on tuesday out. that's it. that's according to the regional gover. as it, he says that his residential buildings more of the russia is kind of out. they said they would tugs the slide was on new claim is the
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infrastructure involved in the funds of the attack on this to build the road by some present, put in high school the a sold but killed 25 civilians including 5 children, a terrorist acts as a is a roman closer to as more it's early on tuesday, a series of powerful explosions were recorded in key events surrounding region as well. a local social media showed the flyers that began in the ukrainian capital as the result, cctv cameras and also users online. have recorded some of the explosions in the city to the thirty's in the crate in capital, have confirmed explosions in the city and added that power supply had been caught to some of the areas in key of and the latest attack was in response in response to the barbaric bombing of the city of belgrade, where scores of people, including young children, have been killed. let's take a listen,
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but actually feel good at what just happened in the, in the little is definitely there was under the cover of to be struck using a multiple internal consistent. so i can see these kinds of weapons and it will vary in the heat in just a minute. and they use it to strike the city center. so we don't, people are walking around the head of new using that ocean. it was the target into that goes to do it to me. according to their resolution. you can call it anything else. it must be no responding the same way that it was an annual day. but we do have the capability to select the central square and the 8th or any other ukrainian city. but why would we respond to like the filling up their children walking their mothers with friends? it's hard for me to even imagine the situation. do we really have to apply both medium to hit city, squint here to gilbert? can you similar? we have struggling with precision within locations, whether you creating forces, have they come onto the machine where there are concentrations of military personnel, but missionaries and other military scientists. and facilities of these meetings,
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and these strikes are quite sensitive for them to this is how we will continue to emerge. disconnect skinner. hey, an india from the country is looking for the 2 more accomplishments of this. yeah. but it may be hard to tell. last 1423, both a successful space mission and a very productive g. 20 presidency for new delhi, all st course on the sharma recaps of the just going a neil she 20 presidency culminated as a year of milestones. india, the influence on the global stage has risen india to be the voice of the bill. to solve also is to become the most populous country in the walls, and the 1st to reach the south for the moon being the most remarkable event of the year. 2023 has been a g 20 presidency regarded as a historic moment. the inclusion of the african union as a permanent member of the g. 20 integrated, 55 african nations into the forum. expanding it to encompass 80 percent of the
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global population. this proactive stance has fostered a more comprehensive dialogue on global challenges and opportunities. i am delighted that during our g 20 presidency, india, a cheese, the extraordinary it revitalized multilateralism amplified the voice of the global self shape and development and fought for the empowerment of women everywhere. what 2023 was not just about 320. it was. * twice several other achievements such as its successes, chandry on 3 indian mission which made it the 1st country in the world to explore the south full ultimately the .


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