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tv   Documentary  RT  January 3, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EST

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if even civilians keep getting hurt, as we all know, circling back to that day when you did the grenade removal operation, what were the conditions like, were you far behind the front lines or not really? as far as i know, you had to perform that surgery almost under and then the fire in a make shift hospital. and yet the anymore, the thing it really affordable for, you know, it wasn't and makes this hospital. we had a proper operating room with all the necessary equipment. what made the operation more difficult was the presence of other soldiers in the building. how should i put this? it's not that we just went ahead and did it. as i said, we consulted sappers 1st. it wasn't a spontaneous decision. when they brought him in, did they know there was an unexploded grenade and his legs? no, we didn't know. it was an ordinary day. they bring the soldier in. we come to take a look. and here we go. what are we supposed to do about him? we couldn't throw him outside, could we? if he had to be taken care of? was it like, hey, take a look at his, what's this thing and his leg?
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something along those lines? yes. that's what an ordinary person would say. what's the sticking out of his leg? but we all realized the time, most of the essence. why? because the soldier needed help. as i said, he had a turn, a kit on which met time was running out. such situations call for quick action. unfortunately, mr. buena lives in. yeah, it was a good regarding tony k as in providing 1st aid in general. i was recently in a school in my k, i've got a town near. don't ask volunteers that are offered to teach students in the upper grades free courses on rendering 1st aid cpr applying advantage applying 20 k that sort of thing. there was so much interest that those volunteers kept coming back. students see these courses, not as a way to escape other classes. of course, they are really engaged and they ask a lot of questions. they try to get it right. they even use me as
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a man again to put a band, a drawn. they're really good. these kids, i can tell you how many of those children were born during kids aggression against don't bass, not just as a military person, but also as a woman who has seen these liberated territories and talks to people there. what is your reaction to seeing and hearing about children who are more interested in 1st age classes, then say, playing games on their phones? honestly, i don't know what to say. children are always such a hard topic that they're so involved in all this means they've been living in a situation where they have to defend themselves. which means i think that subconsciously, they know that it's something they need. these are the sad realities of they are growing up. we've had children as patients as well. they were wounded and it's hard to work with children to sort of fragment tools. yes, it's hard to work with children in the early days of the special military operation . we had a boy and the girl, they were frightened,
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it's true. but they also seem to be used to that. they knew the loud noise they heard when their mom was away mentioned incoming strike. they were really aware of what was going on. some children can even tell a projectile, but the sound it makes guess some do. is that an r p g o? no. so 155 millimeter shell from american howitzer, something like that. can you imagine? yes, they've been raised to mid all this. sadly, it's been like that for years now. what is this metal the highest award you have received at the moment? yes, it is, because the situation is quite, you know, will the shuttle keep it and can't avoid it. i can imagine you're giving a speech at some points in the future, and you may get asked that. does this award heavy personal significance to you, or would you like to dedicate it to someone? i don't mean a whole list of people, but maybe in a few words. if you have this feeling, of course, maybe not, but you might have it later in the sales richard boys and we will not have time on them again, as i said, i'm an operating room nurse. my job is to assist the doctor to help him really
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mature this award had to do with a specific incident. and it was the doctor who pulled that grenade out. so i oh my order to him. great. what about your plans? is there anything beyond your contract? with the defense ministry, any ambitions for future military service or perhaps the civilian career board? are you just focused on your work until the special military operation is over? 8 my go with us as little but financial the, i have a contract with the defense ministry and yes, right now it's all about the special military operation as for civilian careers, you know, i've been in the military for quite some time. civilian life is something i only see on vacation. it's a totally different realities. some people just don't understand what the special military operation feels like at events. people often ask me what i think about female workforce bundles. i say there are no men or women where we work. everything
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depends on the individual. sometimes men cannot handle it. sometimes women can't. let's say a 14 year old girl tells you she'd like to work for the military just like you. what would you tell her? would you try to talk her out of it? for would you give her some good advice? tell her about avoiding pitfalls in your opinion, is there a place for girls in the military? it's a thorny issue. the way you put it, to be honest with you, i wouldn't try to convince anyone to join. there's no point in selling military service to anyone. let people decide for themselves. i tell her to be patient. and if she really wants to join the army, let her, why not men and women are not that much different. in the medical profession, doctors and nurses work hand in hand girls can help during the special military operation near the front lines. we too can help. it's not just a job for boys. there's a place for girls to if she's really motivated, if it's her well, consider decision. why not?
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i think she'll be able to contribute here. so let her go. her services will be needed. yes, i, you know, it's possible on my little my listing with this name. so you, you read them, but i thank you so much for doing this introduction. i'm ok, our guest today was there. read that, but do not use search engine the russian army. and here we simply have to have that order of courage and to many other metals. thank you and the best of luck. thank you. this is man, there's go left, but i see not too much. you know, if it's, when you, me a teacher, when you've done this, me it was it with as of, with the username so much the of them was less than $10000.00 on bonus gift font versus k. let's just get the color don, just because you see on the cube this is, i mean, so the answer is ridiculous. let's say instead of let's see me in the line. you. this novel is not typically jacobs. what is really no extension. that's what i need
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to know which i sent across the state. get us some of you know, what are some pressing lake level values and there's some use in that in the me some video you may have, i'm yet as in, you know, moving us in this little little you've given out with the interest of the nice of little samples to yeah, of course the playoffs done to the sessions, let my boss on this. this continues feels legit to go to the feel. it was the kitchen is i don't know to the new it is a simple board and use my link at
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a port. if it's just this, the at the set up, is there somebody less? so let me just send it says if i have to printed with the nice picture what it's doing, no more than that. oh well no me cuz that's that's, that's really what i look because there's some, i know that there's down there. we have natasha. but as i tell them, not them love it difficult the good that i think with a new fund fund and my mom's brother, my uncle, a long list here, really choice name sandra in direction. quit china for example. the 1st trading post on the mainland to to ask in alaska right here. so in order to set up a lot of history of the
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show you some may be old documents that might be interesting for the your story. it's a nice thing here. sorry, let's find something of interest. this is old custom. this is what we call point board, call us fly. what slow it is carol, in our language, in christmas in january 7, would take the star to people's homes and noise, sing songs, christmas songs, church songs. my mom here on so a lot or electives. the brother the now the him so we seeing are in slop on us. they were talk to us. so we're trying to continue
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those law cause hidden this even though with nobody here speaks or us and then a more or to trying to hold that custom on this boss did or may as long was eastern. so this is the, or did, or as the you are honest, a 100 percent russian orthodox, the building to show everybody has guns in their home. no more like 10 goals. and they go into a home. see, and i got it got at a great they walk it's, it's been a like a church last year to, to a respect for right. that's correct. we're or deluxe,
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correct. the always to work. never to come the net you string to this music them to be on the table for chance. cook a graph, that guy, what else gets low and you cause slow the bubble out or whatever? no, and you've got about spending cuts. i just thought i'd pretty seen, that's the thing that i know you're all good with cash flow for the no, you're shake the condition. you buy the throw in your cost for him. when he is telling me what time is good. they take the time, deals, copiers choose, we go scroll up so i need what they need. so they need to coordinate to quote that's arrest and mark that you know to go on the restroom lift. no, that's the interesting thing about this uh, these bar old words. it kind of helps to explain our history
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for some of our native speakers and they don't recognize that it's arrest and borrow board some times. sometimes they think it might actually be an old earlier board. actually we don't have many american bar towards all of them. if anything, far into our language, resting in part reports the oh the uh the,
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the. busy the, the the uh the, the, the, the. 1 the i take it into the today's for me. thank for them. okay.
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chris, mean it or doc? yeah, you don't really, but we're being but really so we don't show break the america. we celebrate the do and i wonder on the 7th of january or christmas, some years old. oh, this is kind of an interesting let's this muskrat i must like a lot of these are pictures of muscular court with coma scott, it's my square a dense, but it's in january new year holiday is called the noise. good. no, it's good documented it's lawyers. no good,
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you know they've got and then uh christmas. so it call allows us to a colossus stop. men, surprise us store the board. i'm not sure, but what i grew up, my brother, older brother taught in my uncle here was my going farther to uh is to down to russian tuning. and i, i think when they did this, they always had a, they played according to it wasn't a songs that were, i guess people just wrote me. i'm not sure who got credit for it, but you're writing and playing the songs and they just stuck, you know, use a song for the masking and then years and they have name for some of the songs. like there's 2 old ladies well thing the old man and there's one process and
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a lot of this stuff was tied to the truth, stood there who told stories about, you know, like some of the masking, like when, when the here and was no searching for jesus he sent on his men and they were masked, so they wouldn't know, you know, and that's, i remember hearing stuff like that when i the,
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there's one that i was coming back to. we're basically just an exec i, simon. and i saw these eyes about that. so the bit causes in my eat, it costs me and i push folders. and then i a couple minutes after that i heard some of those spring in my ear and which is moving behind me. so i think it's like in terms of that there is something right. so yeah, the so i'm not sure what it was. it possibly could have been big foot. that's one of the reasons we got i got here because it goes to kind of like tech go from right. my weird animals. we've got the, the people in the village fits strange things like where it was like if there was a need or yeah, yeah, it's in with this with i, it's the big for here in the village to. so then there low odds and
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stuff going on. known her up here. hold on. no, just people. i got to little them out of nowhere folder call and we'll fire we're down for wheelers actually got stuck out in north for the big trunk. snow come from the help of this stuff up here that we don't know you and all the came here in the 17 ninety's. he made his way as far as we know, to the village of green, a hawk on the bearing sea coast, and the priest, the hiero month human allie was killed with arrows. then the showman removed the brass cross from father even ali's body. he was wearing a brass cross and he put it on himself. but it did. he tried to do some kind of news of some say on some kind of magic, but nothing worked. instead he felt himself levitated. he felt himself lift it up.
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he tried 3 times in the same effect. he felt self lifted. he finally took off the brass cross and tossed it aside and said to the people, there's some power here. i can't, i can't deal with, i don't know what this is, but the next time someone comes, we better be careful because they have a power greater than anything we have. and you don't have any other villages here. i know like so i feel like kind of pressing orthodontics the people try to come with other religions. yeah. who is i tried several and several of the try. boom. the men sometimes go on, but i'm not really sick. no. gone up, playing go back, go the it was, it was difficult for them to maintain their orthodox phase because the federal
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government of the united states colluded with protestant missionaries, they divided allows into severe as of influence. so this area and cody, i kind of lived, was given to the baptist church. the lutheran church had another part of alaska, the presbyterian church, had another part of alaska and so forth. so they, the missionaries were also school teachers and the school was funded by the federal government but also by the respective churches. so this area was federally funded schools with baptist missionaries, as the teachers government to be, i called bureau indian up there. and they handled schools and the ability of this, they were all under the government and we were being literally be just to learn to be in english. so yeah,
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it would be meant to us a really rough for you and do, and i don't mean got beat. and if you don't make english your to early be but take care that thing. let's 1st pounded in to us and i regret to learning it because it, i think it made people angry is their language when you take language to in cultural stuff, kinda occur. so to dump the the
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outcome of the model, i have to turn it in wednesday. but the pay of course for the class assess also kind of showing you the b. c news. the one that is someone to quote on those are continuous dom tossed as a positive will need to be at this number at them. which interest of some sort of knew who to call, but it killed me. but even then you said the income was 6. me a the kind of meal because i said this don't press the property with by the one that's too fast. now he did some easy guy to realize for us to knowing is 9 comes to golf cuz some of his keys, somebody can golf, quit the 9th and visit the lawyer and i just was in your thoughts if you have
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someone who did the check on this phone to get the ones that are more than 40 the yes, the village can you spell my last name? it's almost our system much. looks like it was book posted the quantitative thing on can you was the last new for me please. it's a new one, but with sun lab us the media to push that to my students come next to the company . so just because i'm going through that or so for instance, doing things, those who are the who are new. thank you for those inconvenience names though.
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the yeah, because you can, you go to use this the, the hey, which 3 months to rent the plastic for somebody to come to you before the new stuff in the car and even those come, you know, comfortable some of procedures. okay. so now i want to say the,
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the key is the billing noise. instead of getting there to go, i know to the courts. and is this going to downgrade those to the blood? i see, yeah. says kit, the know the quick moment cuz i didn't get a decision on the so that you as with any contact with the quote the last i didn't know it just uh according to the with the car with the pause. i mean, you think jesus got the rest of the was it doesn't go through the book. so the she'll cook, thank you for the my, your the the
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your i got some samples hello or to flash like long, low garage. so something like that to begin spend equivalent ongoing if bush promised to come to have a good photo and come to go from florida to come check it out, start over on monday and we will go to the ceiling. if i tell him like that and rubbing, if i tell him there's an additional but i think but the just mostly no, that's not to me and you can use any other sheets. it's what happened back in 1567 when those are recognized that he couldn't defend
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the eastern and most parts of the empire. the thought he was going to lose it, take to great britain that decided to sell to the united states, which would just come out of a civil war and say, he didn't correct. and he said, well, the united states is going to be a world power. like great britain, so that will be a better, a better thing to do that will separate the canada and the great britain's interest there from russia to the so you can better defend the empire. the city is kodiak, was settled in the 17 ninety's and severe it original expression settlement on kodiak island was elsewhere as close to the same day near old harbor now.
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and that was the original settlement of russian settlement. and then for on a move, the cat moved everything to the city of kodiak, it was then called an english saint paul's harbor. or i will not, but just tell us the salon. so let's keep going. yeah. and that's what it was called then. and so, and the 17 ninety's, everything moved from 3 same day to saint paul's harbor. and this area had a lot easier access and ships were able to dock here more easily than in 3 things day. and so they moved here and the 17 ninety's. and then became the capital, the
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people here at the time were either a lunatic or russian. and they spoke over taken russian and they were orthodox. and so when the americans came after a few years, um american missionaries and teachers and business necessary to come here. and they really were to suppress he, elliptic and russian influences people who are reston, um, or had russian citizenship were given a choice to stay here or go back to russia regardless of this they had never been there. they tried to really kind of suppress that influence, you know, english only policy is pushed to convert people to protestantism and was really prevalent as well. the idea that christ church and you don't need the
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baptist baptist what it must have been it's you know, there's a lot of them both narratives that addresses the image of christ. yeah. the nation . he says no, you don't need that. yeah. that's not the additional boxes that i mean, i don't, i don't as the money, and yet it is a very d, marla. yes, i would agree that the symbol of every christian churches across the a try and attacked, kills a how much the depth to need to in favor with the minutes in group on lebanese leadership accusing his route of driving the country into confrontation also has the nice 5 civilians and.


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