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tv   Documentary  RT  January 3, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST

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it's after he announced the eradication of isis in your walk in 2017. he also led to major operations and syria. the 3 captured key areas from the tower group was killed on january, 3rd, 2020, and a jerome strike outside baghdad. international airport on a direct order for former us president donald trump, general goss, i'm solely moneys. dad infuriated these moments. republic with thousands of people flooding districts. it well supreme leader. it's a lot of comedy personally attended and let so they monies funeral prayer, hard for revenge, which one pledged wasn't available. 5 days after the students did, one fired a barrage of homegrown ballistic missiles against us air bases in a rock. any prospect for diplomacy between one and the west for the 2015 nuclear deal was out of sight thereafter. somebody money was the architects of a powerful pair of military alliance, known as the axis of resistance which tortures for iran, iraq, syria, lebanon, human, and many other parts of the region. the clear goal of the complex network is towards
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this. the western influence of the region as different phones as well. well, the resistance fonts has long been well known by american and is where the government's as a serious threat. it is just recently hit the headlines and then the ongoing is where the war would come. us the mountain, the voltage, if it wasn't for the resistance axis, how much would not have been able to make the successive achievements. he's been making these days in the face of ease. well, certainly mind. he said that he had not intervened, but he did provide the pal students with the needed military training and weapons experts say, one of the plans of general solely money as part of the resistance front. was this around as well with missiles and drones aside, the saw that the soon after saw him on his desk. the number of attacks against the enemies by resistance groups grew tenfold. and these shows that the resistance axis has drawn stronger. the resistance is not limited to the around, it includes the human but rain from us and being term was the world of all. we can
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see that the dynamics of the resistance has increased after sold him on his death from putting the building blocks of the access of resistance to eradicating isis and helping the shuttle assigned to remain in power and syria. solely money is started as an iconic figure, and there was a sense front. and this explains why the us hated contrasts. i'm. i decided to take him down. at the same time observer say, the move spilled, the beans of washington support for isis as of killed the terrorists nightmarish and any usability off to the right. that's just about if and out here one off the international. but here i must go with just getting warmed up or tardy. the top of the out with more of your top headlines. for the meantime, i roll resume. shanda. thank you for joining us. the, the new wave of the old believers. this is what they're called. they came
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much later we came in and actually moved and settled, bought the land and settled in, i believe is 19681 the the largest of those settlements was established. it's now nicholas. there are several communities of these russian old believers today. they're part of the same russian culture but, but they just arrived to nearly 2 centuries later than the, the earliest of the entries with the russian america comedy, exhausted streaming as it was. pablo felt of la quinta, which was almost as much as tyson. but in some way as to me, yeah. well not, this is a bill of civil at the i see it will not so it will go very me attached to it. it's more it's. yeah, it's, yeah, it's a mama, adults, you know, uh, you know, somebody out with the new technology. you're not to do
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that. so i don't know if i, i think the closest has been yet, but still now thinking by 60 minutes, just notice though. uh i never thought of the issue as far as the uh, contraception. uh, suggestively nice to meet them. if so find to get to stay and we'll start. no system locally de the planet to know that by all means shut not order. you'll get to go sit in the supervisor wanted to, but uh when you just book a lot purple purple not so you would need a list of part of it to stay on with the start up and go move today by me and them . so i'm watching another to another pulled up. so was it was all set the problem of the on the zillow. so all of those deals that you manage, right?
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money, money, money, money, problem. the do not allow me to give a little bit to my m. c. a r c m way. uh, yeah, for me you know, disney is nicolai's gimme repeating here for this purpose. choose different filters and such to think i don't, i didn't go into my last cool. let me see, mute video done is a double ups globally. but i shouldn't say this on facebook and i need to fix that . i need to send. ready the hordes in most don't be informed or to send him 40 those the what is so the video from you is the what is, is thousands. another for me i need boulevard was the newest. if was even younger, there's no such valid email hosts. could you find me a really nice,
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vicious love so there's a cost me to put me away, but i still have, agree as now is that they're not that old you to that overstate. so is that, or is that i think about him, it doesn't always go 3, it is a still good notes. 5. sure. that always interesting download that will really start gibson, if it's, if they give them the source of white, you know, like the movie sources by the spices life, it becomes, it, it becomes the spice of life. so if you, if you lose that, you might like marginalize that you lose, you lose everything you lose purpose and that's what we're seeing, the degradation of society. they're trying to modify society and discarding god, discarding cultures and, and, you know, basically unifying it there. the google wising and monopolizing on, on that spice and that, that spice isn't very a very tasty or for my rooms. my love,
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my culture is even even like talking to the post soviet people for, you know, russians from russia that emigrated. they look at me as a rush, the identified me as a reference and even like right here, for example, here identifies itself as russians. he was born and he has and you know, in english name and he's trying to change that name and stuff like that. but he wants to be partner, right? he's super interested in this community or do you see he's on your way? my family came from us, go grandparents. they me, they changed their name and became americanized. i really only found out when i was in school and i was frustrated now, and i really want to figure out what's into know our culture and eric nation. so i
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came from and your a job i saw, you know, so like a documentary on for believers and, you know, i said myself, now let's press the union on to some more traditional than forget. no one seems to know enough for me to say this is, you know, the real prediction of russian heritage and with culture just hard to understand who we are. lots of traditions are in your life. i feel it's important that i need to learn our language now. our heritage can preserve it . as it is, it is dying out. unfortunately sad to say to the skin bone. can you see if i could hear it? it's different. yeah, the blue. see if i down to bitch store blue below,
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when you cut a short of a double punctual, mostly from multiple that you just need to learn. you've property just me and i used to go to point to the left shift you my is this a large the bill? i'm going to put the little skis. but if i want, i didn't show i didn't show, since you did keep a coordinate coordinate, you're doing uh you, you will. but on the overall, you know, to, to butler is just upset and you've done, you, can you go, they put them patalouski in the store and you play with this there. it says, nash don't want to explore the condition and the internet that i did as a, is it difficult as quickly as you to are says serious. and it did as fast as i used to put the rest of so would you the put the tonight so was it in? yeah, he was the car. no way of the way of letting him know a for here he up
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a get that bush a not tonight the the privilege got to go to what it is may need. so he's mean it's not globalism. uh. comes on. yeah, i didn't use it combined. yeah. what's the deal? is it? no, no, just me and email it to them as a kid, if a, an image of the content, a little thing for them up to about any other, what uh, customer needs a little front. she wants new boys cut you off the do you by the way, you know the one? yes. him. who was this? you're still here with me? yes. i will be like i've sent him the message below. right? yes. yes. so he's club. i'm supposed to use it says you, what does that? he says that was the gene you sent from that to me trisha to live on the do you have to actually be here? you'll be looking nobody investigoar somebody. if you're kind of coming to
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a post and you guys are there right here, this is how soon you have a 10. you book course really will be the better for you before you see where you see. yeah, yeah, that you're going to see. what else do you set up? let's do this to this is my some i want. yeah. this is the tool bar for as many g m unzip that would be pretty, shall colors and not and flows in the city and i was in my god, it doesn't last you know if i can't stand it, it's nice to see my toys now. i know what the and you can you please that that's the busy of the thing here. this is my brain story with the vehicle or setting anybody i just clicked. i knew it was nice stuff. you want to see who you spoke to you in an hour? i should listen. okay. luce. okay. luce?
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no. okay, no. foursquare most. most of for scott, chef most lewis, good deal. cash. voice v. okay. okay. new fine. v. okay. and the best option will you please have your your picture rooms cuz that's where i'm from. i am from somebody else. ashtray, what is your name? bonnie alpert, when you from i come from westport, connecticut, but now i live on bainbridge island, washington. yeah. for that, i feel really do you have the most gift postuma for me? i. e. born a day yesterday, you may have to say you will. she was worried that there was a place. what's the exquisite for beach there and you know, most of the pacific which the law 80 was order below you lose 50 and as of idea. yeah, yeah. i know you originally looks they have been,
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i don't us the at. those are no worries. so what i'm going to the video, you must nicolai's kim see daniel, we have the slide at the post of celia without disabilities. and so the good for you to really most so in the yeah, that's good. we didn't get that if you like, you can do it for this is just us. yeah. i wish the bill is nice. yeah. to get the kick, receive it storage here. let's just do it more chromatic again to us. see if they still showing you it. so you'll show me your answer. oh, this is the thing. yeah, this has been far better than me thing we expected, but yeah, exceeded our expectations and get everything to imagine you'd be dressed up like the rest of that. another thing that was easy to know what i do to, to do it is to them give these good faith of approaches to store good to go to war,
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chip, motion to me. do i use the car i used to be i knew such as the b one, use the spanish. yeah. below tutoring in san francisco is accredited. that sort of thing. some of which us of what did you get asked me if i see me. i don't have my which was but he distinguish which is good. they appear for the students who will put you in. that would be glad you're not at the class when i do the diploma. not due for warranty. you see and you push the pilot, wanted to be moving your receipt to you and you said i was needing a federal quote for prescribed good way. but we chose to allow me to join you and i was actually able to get on to the registrar for them. i believe that was coming across the chest near the guns of nipping me to one. yep. it's over there. and you, because you then do is each man, so then you'll click on zillow. but would you mind would them? does that, sir? we'll give them a heads. the problem is available. he put, that's
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a the stuff as do it. yeah. the least the times is village or the pool pool. nobody strong foot on it was really do is it is because that it was a all of a seeing, a lot of them are just, i guess tell us 02 for you. started on lloyd. no problem, let me know if that can be up at the new woman. those are richard corner to both of us. stay on the blackboard. what's a good idea to me in political stuff? smith wrote me trinity digits, entered into a new price. what is additional is out to the dealer. the natural that i bought that was still at the go 24th to the 99. you'll see it's not the most soto um so i mean, yeah, uh,
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so the do, uh no more is gonna lease it or skim at the more you coordinate with you. yes. yeah. so now what, what we have to go when you miles looked to see up in your orth comes out depending mize, period, q, 50, available shipping. you meyers does nice with the does or what does she, what suit your ship, those though, what? when you much, i stops the willow, the sewing machine. i should start to use it to look. so pretty much. yeah. what cooksey bath, new tape looks, opinion maya should have come back to bring you much to be able to, to cut down. what could you go to court and you come back to bring you my of which about when the ice cores in the idols get caught in, you know, where just lives it is me, a little slowing out. i'm a little scan is what i see in terms of design. yeah. uh the name of companies and after watching noise enough to reach him at the next tourism. yeah. divide. oh yeah
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. shift i used to younger of i just the young lady, konica. know your rules cape of price or seem to draw the asked, i'm the one then you can let them do you mind searching? you know i listen. ringback this time because i still know somebody still refuses me the extension of this new computer to know if to platt plans. those on this grand was the may receive show desire. was it this any more going to pick a st. but there is to show those names to what the company i should say, and what the point me in for diagnosis. certainly we do
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shit out of the way we listed nurses. those with to mean guided to where we couldn't invite them or to remember. oh, well you could in the you know what the claim was? no near. good. the no, it's of no good nash would have to put them. yeah. it's what i want to put me on this. i do this thing. well yeah, good. good. well sign you sign up, let's see. just of the let's say read. okay. so the exactly him to both the more than one particular teacher workshop then cobra. so little bit of good. how can i feel worse not to put a few of which i know it's something over from us. you know, what are you bringing? i've got got, well unusual. what's the cost more than the say to go are you on your
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desk? are quite a bit shooting. i missed the missed do it to me, never digit. even me ask you and you go to the back of the deal. well click the familiar with. so the welcome to the alaska or the lion. or we make the magic hat or in my language, always say to my, which means hello and welcome the . this is where we do a lot of the carbon. as you can see, there's a lot of tools. i wouldn't call it a carbon academy. slowly, not only do we teach ourselves where do we see to each other, different methods, different materials, different types of carvings, and we all learn and go together there in the air in the shop. and some of the grannis artists and some of the grain of cameras in the world i've
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noticed, are in russia now is over there. and it was quite the adventure of a lifetime. i would never traded for anything in the world. and when it's kind of cool, if it was i got a little little diploma here. i think of course i can read dressing on the some of these rings. i've actually traveled with me on the road to nebraska, and i have one ring with the rest and nurse to the orthodox. i'm truss, but i actually included onto the ring. so yeah, no, it was a little tricky. and it's the 1st one i've ever made. you know, and that's the commemorate the less, you know, memory, memory of, um, some of my relatives that passed as through never forget where you come from. my grandfather, margaret is from russia to alaska and met my grandmother,
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my grandfather's for russian musician. and so my, my whole family of, uh, 7 of us in the household are able to play at least 3 influence a piece. so what us, let's say, refreshing compos rock monitoring all his a. how is your favorite rap on or off the catalogue from 20192021. the. 2 2 nothing but respect for the russian people being that my family is rush are also kind of hard to see. but this would be alaska here. and then you're going to see margaret down. you can see how close they're. one of the greatest parts of margaret done was i was hanging out with the grand champion, everything tire competition. and here's the beautiful part to and for
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a drivers cabin. when we, when hiking i started seeing some blueberries, we have moved to i saw tundra t and i looked at the land and if you need me resembled my village, one of them and i was there. and this feels really like home. we had moves me most to pick blueberries, outside tundra t, as i feel like i'm home almost except the problem is i don't speak progressive blueberries. the i know i would almost expect to see some of my cousins there. i was like, man, i wonder if i could just go in there and knock and have them come out and do it, you know? and then it would only uh, looks about the cube creek look. okay, so let's just one quick question. when use those, go to this book?
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no, no, i don't get out. look good and then, but have, so i'm going to be answering us today for duncan. i see what we can do on size, move new. the good of god. so is that i, so it's such a good metrics it, this and i last because the, you just move on to a, to the diet. so net is i quench, let's see that there is there still and were chosen since the not the actual if the nearby this thursday game. but what i'm going to thank you hold on. sure. of course to get with it as so no. go ahead. yeah, well knows most of it, i'm not switching a little bit him and switching me, but i still could i see we have released it to like it was this the visit the last sunday was with us but don't videos was
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forced to what a list is like, 030-242-4499, yes, no, still, no, good. to send that i, it shouldn't be in here with zillow. so, okay. i'm is tim with gordon. i'm, i'm one of them. so as a mendoza associates vanya, there's some nice menu, so instead of killing me, so it sounds so sounds good. hello, buying agree with the for me, says, which has nice to submit. i'm into a simple if you need to reach out to thank you between to can you this for sue sue's here subordinate. go to that. there's a source, i'm glad you them. i just have here with me say that will put it over to alaska. got good, a good say say a shit though, i'm not a which was the 1st. yeah, good. the mean 0, but it was to go not less with this a they've got serious on your team. one
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guys next. thank you for this is moving see need in a sense a good. oh oh oh no my, my name of birth was richard william to this as an a. my parents gave me um, you know, when i was 25 years old, i met my wife here in anchorage. she was over here on a j one visa. and we fell in love and 3 months later we, i'm married. but the interesting thing is she actually asked me to marry her. and so i thought in retribution for that, i should take her last name. and then we did the career summation
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and they gave me my orthodox name, which is romano. and i converted the orthodoxy. if i my wife is half rested in smoke oven and she introduced me to the russians. it's kind of introduce me to the community. russian orthodox church, you get to meet other russian people around here. here we are at the cock loves, you know, they're very, you know, a self sufficient kind of independent mindset which i also shares that, that mindset. you know, like, oh, can i do it myself? yeah, you build the build your own vanya sure. yeah, i'm going to do that. you know, like, grace kitchens. yeah, i can do that. build a garden, raise some chickens, a hunt, fish, all of the good stuff. really stereotypes about russians and they're all they,
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they like pain and i think that's the main was just like, like the stereotypical toughness kind of, you know, like oh yeah, you will excite the 4th of july that comprise, if i don't it's all because the british or comment is still the powder and the canons from the militia. like, no, you're not taking that away from us. in fact, we're gonna, you know, fight to the death or this thing. you read the independence or it used to and it was like, it's a glorious document. it's very, very well written and has freed ideals that are the stablished in there and growing up, you know, we are taught to be proud of it. and i feel like now everything's been flipped over and, you know, now america was founded on slavery. and it's all just to keep the black man down. and the true civil rights movement is about, you know,
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you not knowing what gender you are. if that's like with true freedom of our day of independence. yeah. so it's all just look at all flip even dependence of gender . yeah. independent of this message then gender independence. 90 percent of the protein that i eat is pro is from meat that i've killed the fish that i've taught for eggs that come out of my back yard from the chickens that i have for step, you know that i've made i feel like there's a lot of alaskans that are like that, but then there's a lot that are that said, mostly the young kids to it's like it's just like it's all just throwing downhill. we all depend on this. this is the most the way i can make you in
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your of addicted. i have a very strong dependency at the low cost. i mean, you know, i received the news during the summer whose class is at least take your next consider months of e. and i'm just,
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as you used to mention the thing you to the top headlines right now, you will not see a drone attack kills a hamas deputy leader in a root. as the lebanese leadership, i choose as israel, of driving the country towards confrontation, the at least 5 civilians, including a baby, a killed in on, is ready strike on the headquarters of the public opinion to read presents a thousands were sheltering in the building, which was clearly marked as a humanitarian sy facility clearly matched with the right present emblem.


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