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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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the sake of smith's consider months of e, and i'm just, as you used to let you know when we did send you the the top headlines right now, you will not see a drone attack kills a how mazda deputy leader in a route as the lebanese leadership i choose as the israel of driving the country towards confrontation, the at least 5 civilians, including a baby, a killed in on, is ready strike on the headquarters of the palestinian red. presence of thousands were sheltering in the building, which was clearly marked as a humanitarian. sy, facility clearly matched with the red present emblem on the roof and just 2 hours
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ago you can see behind me and all around me. loose area was hit. dozens of israelis assuming that countries made a treat, taking a might be established in narrative surrounding october the 7th. the question now stands, how many died that day? because of idea of negligence on dual lives really massive with a collective west saying i can really side them to us. the war on gaza rate is on. we look at how it never had a problem finding its voice when it came to view freight and conflict. the work with, i guess the correspondence find off, it's looking like a busy hour of your news or what out to you international. let's kick it off right now. and straight to 11 on we go. and alleged is a really jerone strike and they root is killed. the deputy director of the local homeless political bureau officials of the group reported they have tackle so claimed the lives of 2 of it's come on this 11 on has condemned the strike
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suggesting it might open a new phase of the wall. they say strike is another, isn't really crime. that is sure to angels bringing lebanon into a new phase of confrontation, following the ongoing daily tax. and the self does deal. and with many people, this explosion is definitely a challenge to 11 on and a clear response to our efforts to prevent the spread of the war from gaza until 11 on the cowardly assassinations carried out by the zionist occupation against the leaders and symbols of our pals. to me and people inside and outside of palestine will not succeed in breaking the will and steadfastness of our people. it proves, once again, the abject failure of this enemy to achieve any of its aggressive goals in the gaza strip. and with the question of who was behind the assassination being actively discussed, israel is far and media spokes. bush went through it and his 2 pennies with a margaret, i guess was clear, but then muddy the waters off of us,
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mentioning israel by name. and he that and that is stuttering best to wonder who might be behind the assassination that time. don't you expect that a strike in downtown they root might have, might me to and as of a long response and open that northern front, which of course is real and the united states have been very concerned against a 2nd front opening to the way. so i think it's obvious, obviously, in lebanon, there are many feasible it targets, but whoever did this strike was very surgical, and when for a come us target, because it's rather is, it was eh, whoever did this as a, as a gripe with, from us, uh, its once again, whoever did this, it's not an attack on the lebanese state, it's not an attack on the face of blood terrorist organization. whoever did this, it's an attack comes from us as well. the old linux relate. his name is salt lake.
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outwardly a full one in the west bank city of drama. he rose to become a senior leader of hamas, a deputy leader of the groups political bureaus in 2017 was a founding commander of a hamas military. william was arrested by israel back in 1992. he was released in exile to syria early and 2010. later assembling at 11 on the we had been on the american terrorist list since 2015. well, let's talk more now with a strategic panelist alley how, maybe joining us from baby, rudy. i live on the title ali, i believe that's about a 3 2nd delay. you know, transmission. so forgive me, i appreciate your patience on this. that's a, let's talk about the story right now. the is israel is basically denied responsibility full of it strikes of that and yahoo as far media as folks post and making their rounds on tv. it almost seemed like he went off script and i look like that's i think we can get past the obvious here. i'd just like to get your thoughts on the consequences of this dry a.
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yes, i would like to say that as well as trying to run away from accusations that already been declared by some of the leaders inside as well as saying that they do it and go forward it and uh they are supporting this act. uh, they know, the, the, now the world is going into new phases and it's not the same as before. uh, by uh, bleaching and penetrating the lines with lebanon, and also break and dimensional. uh, uh, you have a great solution. the 17. 0 one. it means the pencil uh now is uh uh, is free of, uh, of this, the allusion after being uh so obvious. uh, beach by uh is it i am. and also the now the subs going to a flood on, on, is uh, is in the, on the table and also killing assessing nathan. one of the most important how
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much lead to and level non saw the how loudly it means the is what it wants to extend the circle of the rules of engagement and 11. and it means a declaration of for the, obviously, against level 9, and it wants to go into war against live on. so, leveling on is uh, being a drug on the word by is a n is what it wants to go into the phases of, uh, security phase. so, but assess the nation's act of us as a nation against 11 on. and that's what the happened in the west coast last week by killing it in general. that and by threatened to kill, uh uh, how does your thoughts on this a lot, 11 on, also uh now they are trying to go. they want to leave the military to act as
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the last the, the, to the 1st stages afford. now they want to go into a new, a new world as security was by assessing nations early on. well, i'm really glad that you said that i'm really, really grateful to have you. i'll get you on international television here on uh to you, but i must ask you, you say the israel is looking to expand the war, potentially on multiple front. so nothing yahoo said quite recently the war is already on 7 friends, but ali, please tell me in what interest whose interest does it. so to expand this war, once we have multiple funds, it's nothing you know is at the edge of his, uh, political life. and even though you know, by either decision who was take as his father, who would be the declaration of losing the war or uh, going to uh,
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continuing the war. it would be also a very expensive and to the uh, the zionist entity. so it means by breaking all those slows and being above the low and being supported by the american veto. to go further, i think the all what's going on is supported by united states. we all know that rudy was the put the as a reward on him by united states the longer uh i'm, i go and isn't as to that green light by attacking a level done and killing an auto body. this is in one hand and another hand is what it wants to go into the war of the pressure war of the subjugation against the policy and, and again, but they can not they, they don't know the way of, of doing that so nothing. yeah. whole try to extend the world,
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so as long as the world is on, is empowered. so they are into 2 decisions in the entity they have is right in to be able to stop the war and through nothing you know, out of political life or continue with nothing you know, and maybe add to go to digital was sort of interesting commentary that from ali, how many are strategic kind of lift? joining us live from babe route. thank you very much for your time. we really appreciate that. thank you. well, shortly afterwards, an idea of the spokesperson did say that the country's armed forces hadn't been put on high or not. a son named sub. and the son of the idea is in the very high state of fred and s. n o arenas on defense. and offense were highly prepared for any scenario is the most important things to say tonight is that we're focused and remain focused on fight in some us. although since they've all broke out on the 7th of october, israel and has the law have been trading file all across the lebanese border has
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been pretty intensive point points. now the united nations is quoting on all parties involved the back off pass and the through all of a sudden the past that any assassination on lebanese soil will have a strong response. what is your message to house on this drama? i think our message to everyone has been is the same. that's because of the escalating tensions and the fragility of the situation in the region . we are calling to for maximum restraints from all parties. we don't want any of any rush, any rash, actions that could trigger further violence. last year in august, the security general off has with leslie. it has some sort of law warrant that any attack an assassination attempts to be it conducted on lebanese territory against living use of the police send in or iranian so others will have
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a direct immediate response in kind of the, you know, because there hasn't been assassinations while i live in east territory by these release in decades now, since the 2006. so this will mean we should be expecting an attack in kind of the 12 head, some target similar in value in the design as the entity or the live in on lodge to complain at the security council about this encouragement on lebanese sovereignty. and if for political leaders as a list that allowed already was are legitimate targets in other people's territory, then that means that is really politicians on anyone's territory are legitimate targets to this is where the international law was written. so we don't have these situations, everybody's waiting for a speech twice,
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so it has the most with all of the situation, all of hezbollah. his should be speaking at 6 p. m. a better time that was scheduled and the collaboration with us as a nation of somebody money. now we, we're expecting him to speak, of course, about this recent assassination. and we should, you know, the whole world is probably gonna wait to see what he says. well that ron is marketing for us and american forces assassinated general custom selling money and by dad. later in the program, we'll head straight to around to see how the country has been to pondering his legacy. but for now and is really drawn lift as cold for a bullet to the head of any one approaching israel's buddha with levin on i must say something needs to change. i don't want to say the word conception, so i won't say something needs to change from the thought. there is such a thing called perimeter. there's such a thing as a security zone est should be such that if anyone gets close to the border,
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they get a bullet in the head period. and if this happens and from the border, they will stop looking at all the shepherds, the pretend to be such. in fact, they are, has black people. and they benefit from the fact that they are dressing up and posing the shepherds, and they enjoy immunity. and if the state doesn't start responding to this, then we will go back to the same situation. she missed you earlier, we were discussing the issue with john looked at the old my, i didn't use off with my life color. now she started, it's basically hard to get your head around the fact there's so many countries in the world of standing idly by just basically watching what israel continues to do a kid by being on the borders on overnight. they should be the ones who back up on the water and they can go like for as much as they want. 5 meters, like, you know, major. they can, if i q a, the, some of the lifting aside, we are not going to evacuate. if you just use the number of the printer, the use, the mark here on our side junction below,
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you will see that they are all jones that for the villages themselves limited. so what do you, what do they expect us to do to evaluate the visitor? this is the most sense they want to give us the because we are living in our village just where the most of it a this been a just have to wait the better with them for some of those coming from a i don't know what in the world to come and live on the, on the peace of mind. we eliminate this not to be able to live in bed on our terms. and we have a lot of blogs for that. so whoever does the head is the one what stephanie is the one of the senior people on the lines and the just on who has demolished 551 villages in 1948. and the bottom of the policy is from coming back to the villages and who has ruled the bedroom assignments from all over the world to
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find them to have them occupied the dns and one of the data to evacuate us from all of the villages was this is this is so, so they can, this is so funny because that's, that's happening in 2024 and the world is watching. and this is a june and it was supposed to do. yeah. what did you take at 1st then? we'll talk about that like to live and be on, on, on the expense of getting other people. i don't think that this is an agenda side going on. don't see mom didn't know on the word as watching the, the was watching and not only watching inside of the know all the basic and getting the other people on the sign. and they are backing up the used was, i'm with the latest technology. this is not the business basically that matthews, call me back with a distance my calls the are shifting out through southern gaza where and is ready
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strike hit the get this the public opinion, red crescent society headquarters killing at least 5 civilians including a new born baby that is not what the enclaves death told has gone past 22000 the these pictures here. well, basically locals, leading the organizations building renaissance, some 14000 refugees have been taking shelter in a vast complex there. and we hear from the united nations team leader in hon unit to describe the actions of these really minute treat. some of them here though, i'm out hospital to palestinian red crescent society facility. clearly marks with the red present emblem on the roof. and just 2 hours ago, you can see behind me and all around me, this area was kids. 5 people were killed in and creating a 5 day old child. no child in the world should be killed,
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let alone one sheltering on to the end, the united tearing organization. this war has to end. the palestinian right president says that he's ready for it has hit the 8th floor of its headquarters, but the adjacent i'll hospital also being a type why is ready drones, the dead and wounded would take them to the necessary medical complex. we heard from a witness who was finally had fled from the north, a specifically defined safety to the the mean lobby, no central guy, specifically the city of the out of my life. a rescue operations are under way following a stripe on a positive note out refuge g come. 8 people killed and not choose a strike, a chord at the local health officials. many of the victims are as ever showed footage from the scene shows rest of us near the dummies fielding,
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searching through the rubble for any suffice. well in the meantime, acceptance of the establish narrative with an israel developed a hamas attack. on the 7th of october, i was actually starting to show some cracks. 42 is riley, and i was showing the i the 1st actions that day saying evidence reveals that some civilian casualties were caused by negligence. shed some light on this, not without these shot at events. at the moment, all hell broke loose, the new music festival near the gauze, buddha survivors claim that the shield for the phone they could have been avoided. a single phone called by audio officials to the commandant responsible for the policy to disperse it immediately in the view of the expect to danger, would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of posit goes,
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including the plaintiffs. the negligence and the gross oversight is beyond belief. 42 people, a know steering is waiting defense establishment, claiming it was negligent. they say the policy should not have been approved so close to garza, especially as the military were aware of a potential attack in the assessments of the situation. there was concerned that it was going to be a day of battle on sunday, which might include an incentive to not being of civilians and soldiers, or incense and rate on infiltration by terrorists with aim of capturing a nearby town. bulky boats is almost those times as well as military has been accused of culpability over the massacre at the festival. over $350.00 with killed the site at the, for the people with taken hostage. well, initially the entire desktop was blamed on homeless lead to report suggested that is where the forces may have been responsible for some of them, according to police source and investigation enter. the incident also revealed that
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an idea of comb with helicopter that arrived at the scene from belmont with bass fired and the territories. and apparently also he had some of the revellers who were there. however, those claims were rubbish to by israel police. in his statement, it said the pirates off the cold made basically false conspiratorial claims. meanwhile, the adf is come under scrutiny for its use of the so called hannibal directive at the cooper via the news music festival. the call to do so, procedure allowed id of soldiers to do what was necessary to ensure a calmer, it wasn't kidnapped. it was been the concerns that was being too widely interpreted in creating some sort of gave them caught blows, to kill a colleague, a bunch of faith and becoming a hostage. perhaps homeless fight is took, some of those cop shouldn't nuva to bury keyboards. the adf turned up and fire was exchange from both sides. a battle raged for several hours. it ended when one
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general made the decision to take things further. the negotiations over breaking, even though the cost of civilian casualties attacked floyd to light shells out behind. suddenly there was a terrible boom, and it's clear to me, there was a tank. i was hit and witnessed the fragmentation of the shell. a skirmish broke out. only 2 from the 14 hostages survived. the hamas hostages have also found themselves killed by all. the soldiers is from a shop. no, i saw people line on the ground outside just like sheep to the slaughter and facing shooting lar commandos in the area. they were killed in the crossfire. they eliminated to everyone including the hostages because there was very heavy for us fire. 2 tank shells were shot into the house. it was a small keyboard. however, they still come by and probably one of the most a sex did. operational does almost as fees 3 young man a said to emerge from
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a building near a group of his waiting soldiers. they were shiftless waving a white flag and crying for health in cheaper. despite that they were shot dead by the soldiers swore to protect them. cool, so this will get during the fighting into julia the audio from the state and we identified hostages for us. as a result, the soldiers fired them and they were killed. an investigation is underway as to why is where the troops fired on individuals waving a white slides in violation of the idea of o rules of engagement. yet the decks was one script too much for many of israel's people who protested when the story became public. and with each passing day is moved booms, weighing down on goza. the families of those still being held may be wondering if that loved ones could be next or in the meantime, some international efforts a boost support for his ready troops and not being welcomed with open arms. for
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example, the canadian friends, the vic she brood university discovered just that initiative of the names to support idea of soldiers that seemed critics them on the charitable staff is still the organization actually be revoked. now it's website shows photos of students. so now the ranks of the id, yes, it calls for donations to help those who have quoted sacrifice so much for the jewish nation safety. how is the canadian net revenue agency rules only allow fundraising for its own forces? not those of another country. the we are one campaign, provide scholarships and academic assistance to our returning idea of soldiers who are courageously fighting in the ongoing war. let's unite to provide education and healing for our id of 4 years, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to their success and recovery. according to reports of the child who has raised millions of dollars during that time and loans to other initiatives and supportive idea of reservists as well as the scholarships
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for ex service members. we heard from canadian, john was a bank law who says, despite clear violations of canadian rules, they will be no consequence. it's crystal clear that they violate in canada revenue agency. well, that's crystal clear. they're getting away with it. in part because of canada has been a long standing supporter of israel is in some it's been enabling israel's ongoing genocide in god's up. and we know that in part because there have been campaigns, there was a big campaign a few years ago, including a formal legal, a complaint to the canada revenue agency around the jewish national fund of canada and their role in violating canada revenue agency rules. independent jewish voices and a whole bunch of groups here in canada instigated this initiative. and again, in that case it was, it was clear that the jane of canada was violating sir rules. what did, what the jane, what the siri did is they sort of, there was
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a bit of slap on the wrist of the jane as they said to jane. i've had to change a few of their things, but basically allow them to continue with their charitable status. and that's only because of the up in that case, very influential of charity. but also because that influential charity is operating within this political climate in canada, which is decidedly at a palestinian, which is decidedly supportive of, of, of israel. and so these charities are for the insulating from uh their, their violations, fairly clear violations of the, of the actual charity rules they're supposed to be all under. so the collective west, it does, it does claim to champion human rights around the world. however, recent events in gauze i have actually pro, this is the question, is the writing desk told is basically mean met with silence. that is in very sharp contrast to how western officials have been reacting to the events in the ukrainian
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conflict. let's discuss what a clearly a case of double standards donkeys, saskia. it's an old theater. his history has exposed time and time again. all men are created equal but some almost equal than others because certainly some does of life. 30, some does of justice. i know you some people tears, it's difficult to look at the sorry, it's difficult to look at some of the images. this is or it is combat. it is bloody. it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt. we're not gonna wrapped in near real time to every event. israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself. and we're going to make sure they have the tools and capabilities to do that. they're destroying critical infrastructure,
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which provides millions of people across you train with drinking water, gas to keep them from freezing to death. any electricity, a trillion buses, cars, even the ambulances have been shout. we can never let the crimes brushes committing, become our new normal bombing schools and hospitals in apartment buildings to rubble is not normal. we stand strongly for the proposition that is realize not only the, the right, but the obligation to defend itself. and to do everything possible to make sure that this october 7th can never happen again. the death toll involves a rose, 1005010015000 as 3 day the death toll roads. but it was never quite high enough to move copy and code to test the thousands of opens the call. pet bombed homes, the scoring tales of the on folding horace guys
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a is becoming go get a view out for children. we cannot see more children with the wounds of war with the birds, with the shrapnel littering the party with the broken bones in action. $5.00 with the influence is allowing the killing of children. this is a rule on children. how do you assess what's happening right now in terms of humanitarian needs in gaza? the west, as i thought just didn't point to it for those self appointed champions of human rights and not in the in washington and brussels dry eyes around the moment came on, the piles of bodies disapproved too high to be ignored. and the goal post changed. it turns out the data, all right, to, according to who, how, when, and why? i'm like russia and ukraine. and unlike what i lost it, on the 7th of october,
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the killing of civilians is not a warning of israel. i'm not denying that it's happening now. of course it is. uh and, and its tragic. but it, it is not the goal of israeli forces to go out and deliberately take innocent civilian life and they have tried to make efforts to minimize that. well, someone adapt, he is raised some target practice please. because by the you ones own admission civilian casualties in ukraine up to almost 2 years of war. and despite president pitch the binding, aiming at, in a sense, all know, then what 10 of these monitors to achieve by mistake in just a few weeks. but then again, you can trust any of these numbers, any way to say to me, is that no notion, how soon is it telling you the truth about how many people are killed? so it wasn't enough that causes with strength of particular teeth in life paged in a slip over on just 25 miles long on 5 miles wide. they will then even strip to the
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dignity to die. the countless 2nd rate sickness with which western politicians have by and large treat to the protestant is this now undeniable. remember, a sort of bundle and preaching about the crime of targeting civilian infrastructure . targets has a text on civilian infrastructure, with a clear aim to cut off men, women, children of lots of electricity and teaching with the winter coming. these are ex of p r. carol, turns out that only applies in ukraine. gallstones can be stopped doing like move to electricity medicine but they were imposing a complete solution. garza, there will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. everything will be closed. we are fighting against human animals and we're acting accordingly. i know what else it will do is preach is rouse right to self defense. remember the door of europe opened to ukrainian refugees, free housing, free transport, free health care, free.


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