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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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shasta, the top headlines right now who are not c as 11 on accused as israel of driving the country into a confrontation. after a hamas deputy leda was killed in a road attacked in bay root the least find civilians including a baby and killed in his rainy strife on the head portraits of the palestinian red crescent. thousands with sheltering the building, which was clearly marked as a few minutes air inside facility clearly matched with the red present emblem on the roof in just 2 hours the guy and you can see behind me and all around me, loose area was hit also in the program how boss praises, south africa's lawsuit against israel to the international court of justice. israel
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says it's prepared to defend itself against the genocide accusation. fading history will judge pretoria for this step the that was so much talk about today live from most of it is a pleasure to have you with i was throwing out to you international. so we do start in iran. we understand now at least 50 people reportedly killed into explosions and applause took place near a cemetery by one of the country's top military commanders was laid to rest. the incident took place, filled with another racing of the general who was killed by an american striking 2020. he was never on even military strategist though the idea of the country's foreign policy. also a national with error for many the time of his death, washington confirmed the attack was ordered by then president donald trump. c it's iran is quoting wednesdays, explosions. a tyra,
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as thoughts claimed to explosive devices were carried in by the full being designated remotely, the 11 on israel to blame each other for an alleged is really drawing stripe on a route, a local how mass official was killed in the attack. now the minutes of the wing of the group also reported that the attack claimed the lives of 2 of its commodities 11 on has condemned the strikes suggesting it may open a new phase of the wall. these are strike is another, is where the crime that assured in just bringing lebanon into a new phase of confrontation, following the ongoing daily attacks in the south is gale. and wouldn't many people this explosion is definitely a challenge to live in on. and it clear response to our efforts to prevent the spread of the war from guys into lab and the cowardly assassinations carried out by
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the zionist occupation against the leaders and symbols of our pals to me and people inside and outside of palestine will not succeed in breaking the will in steadfastness of our people. it proves once again, the abject failure of this enemy to achieve any of its aggressive goals in the gaza strip. the i killed the military lead. his name is sally. i'll rudy. a born in the west bank city, but it tamala, he rose to become a senior leader of the deputy leader of the groups political bureaus and the 2017. it was a founding calendar of a 100 us military wing and was arrested by israel in 1992. he had also been on the american tower, was list since 2015 with the question about who was behind this assassination of being actively discussed. the israel's for immediate spokesperson threw in his 2 pennies with, i'm not good, i guess was clear, but then muddy the waters off of us, mentioning israel by name, he then did his stuttering best. the ones who might be behind the drug and attack,
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don't you expect that a strike in downtown they root might have, might me to a, has but long response and open that northern front, which of course, israel and the united states have been very concerned against a 2nd, front opening to the way. so i think it's obvious, obviously, in lebanon, there are many physical attack. it's, but whoever did this strike was very surgical. and when for a come us target, because it's rather is, it was eh, whoever did this as a, has a gripe which from us uh, its once again, whoever did this, it's not an attack on the lebanese state. it's not an attack on the face of blood terrorist organization. whoever did this, it's an attack, comes from us in the program with strategic analyst alejandro. and he says the attack is an attempt to drag lip and on into the will. in cons. as well as trying to run away from accusations that already been declared by some of
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the leaders inside as well. uh, the saying that they do it and go for it. and uh they are uh, supporting this act. uh they know that the now the world is going into new phases and it's not the same as before. the sovereignty of level 9 is uh, is in the, on the table and also killing assessing nathan. one of the most important but i must leave them and level and on saw the highlight, rudy. it means the is what it wants to extend the circle of the rules of engagement and 11. and it means a declaration of for the, obviously, against level 9, and it wants to go into war against live on. so live on is uh, being drag on the word by is right and it wants to go into the phases of uh, security phase. so by assessing nations,
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active assistant nations against 11 on and the that's what the happened in the mask us last week by killing it in general. that and by threatened to kill, uh, uh huh. as if that's on the line level and on. also uh now they are trying to go, they want to leave the military to act as the last the, the, to uh, 1st, the stages afford. now they want to go into a new, a new war as security was by assessing nations. and it's really journalist is called for a bullet to the head of any one approaching israel, border with level i must say something needs to change. i don't want to say the word conception, so i won't say something needs to change from the thought. there is such a thing called perimeter. there's such a thing as
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a security zone. a state should be such that if anyone gets close to the border, they get a bullet in the head period. and if this happens and from the border, they will stop looking at all the shepherds. the pretend to be such. in fact, there has blah people and they benefit from the fact that they are dressing up and posing the shepherds, and they enjoy immunity. and if the state doesn't start responding to this, then we will go back to the same situation to make sure that we discussed the issue with the john. and so the al maya dean news off the top. my call, it actually says it's hard to get your head around the fact that so many countries in the world, basically just watching and standing lively by, as israel continues to do exactly what it wants, a kid by being on the borders on overnight. they should be the ones who back up on the border and they can go like for as much as they want. 5 kilometers, like, you know, major. they can, if i q a the, some of the blasting upside, we are not going to evacuate. if you would just use the number of the printer that
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they use the materials on our side junctions below, you will see that they are all jones, the villages themselves limited. so what do you, what do they expect us to do to evacuate? the visitor? this is most of the they want to give us the because we are living in our village just where the most of it a this been a just have to wait the event with them for some of those coming from. i don't know where in the world to come and live on the, on the peace of mind. we eliminate this not to be able to live in bed on our terms. and we have a lot of blogs for that. so whoever does the head is the one what stephanie is the one with the senior people on the lines and the just on who has demolished 551 villages in 1948 and the the seniors from coming back
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to the villages who has ruled the jews and design, it's from all over the world to find them to have them occupied the dns. and one of the data evacuated to us from our villages was, this is, this is so, uh, so they can, this is the come out that's happening in 2024 and the world is watching. and this is a june. and this to is the cost of yeah. what did you take that person who talks about that nice enough and these on, on, on the expense of getting other people. i don't think that this is a, a genocide going on. don't see mom didn't know on the word as watching the, the was watching and not only watching inside of the know all the basic and getting the other people on the side. and they are backing up with what goes on with the latest technology. this is not the humanity business, basically that matthews, call me back with
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a distance my calls the or let's go to a southern gaza malware and is ready strike us. hit get this. the public opinion, red crescent society headquarters, killing at least 5 civilians, including a new born baby that is that the enclaves, death told now as the past $22000.00 the end of the locals here leading the organizations building new. imagine some 14000 refugee is been taking shelter in that scrolling complex. and we have from a united nations team leader and on eunice to describe the actions all these really minutes all the hospital to palestinian red crescent society facility clearly marks with the red present emblem on the roof. and just 2 hours ago, you can see behind me and all around me, this area was kids. 5 people were killed in and creating
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a 5 day old child. no child in the world should be killed, let alone one sheltering on to the end, the united tearing organization. this war has to end. so the policy need records and it says that a is ready for it has hit the 8 full of its headquarters for the adjacent to all of our hospital, also attacked by his ready drones. the dead and wounded was taken to the necessary medical complex. we heard from a witness whose finally had fled from the north, specifically to find shelter the the, the southern city of are off on has also come under as ready fire the strikes, reducing several residential buildings to a level. and this footage, or you can see locals mornings that several of whom were naturally
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only involved in central gaza. specifically, the city of the o, blah restoral operations on the way following a strike on a positive note out in refugee come a people killed in that tuesday at top, had forwarded to a local health officials. many of the victims are as ever showed footage from the scene shows rescue as near the distorted areas searching for somebody a senior. how must lita has praised south africa's taking on israel to the international court of justice for what it calls schuman rights abuse? or how you, i applied all the positions of support and especially the state of south africa, which filed a complaint with the international court of justice against the occupying state for its crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. and we appreciate the political and legal importance of this law suit before it's part of israel says it will stand in court to defend itself against
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what it calls an absurd blood. libel, a given political and the legal cover to the october 7 masika on the how most human field strategy hot south africa has made itself criminally complicit with hamas. his campaign of genocide against the people, the state of israel, will appear before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd, blood libel. history will judge south africa for a betting the modern as of denounces. so pretoria accused israel in december of violating the u. n. 1948 genocide convention treaty this amount and is really mutually implement a ceasefire stopped. the displacement of the people of gaza and about full access for a deliveries into the english of africa has, is often spoken of the kinship for the palestinian people. having itself lived under an apartheid regime for decades into. and israel has locked out of what it calls an exploitation of the quote number of civil rights groups about throwing
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that support behind south africa's legal move, including organizations in australia and indonesia. and i'm a lazy and the foreign minister has similarly welcome the news quoting at a timely and tangible step towards accountability. well, let's take this conversation for later on how to international forgot to the format director general of israel's foreign ministry. and israel's form. i'm positive to south africa alone leo. now joining us live here on, on the international and a very well welcome to today. so thank you very much for spending some time with us here on this child. i know you were just listening just a moment ago to the, to the still. busy just off the top of your head. so what do you make of the accusations pushed by south africa against israel, the international court of justice. i think there's some stuff and uh, we love be able to improve exclaims, regarding html site. and i think it's almost impossible to grow such claims because us to grow in dash us. and we know how these rules started. a i was
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the days way, is that little surprised on the fact that they see that in the mornings when this worked out and how much that day. so i think i think the claim and i think that there is where the find, the beauty gold at the is that they go say here and they believe that the weekend the weekend is succeed in the sample in the to the, the we data for g this now obviously israel thought a member of the i c c, we're not talking about the i c c. this is the international court of justice. and so you say that you don't think pretoria will be able to prove circled acts of genocide on the part of israel, but then let me ask you this, then what, what do you think israel is the strongest line of defense in this case. i think the line of the service was this, the low the,
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the tank on us was involved already. good. big and then the dishes whatsoever. yeah. oh yeah, sure. the got the stream then the everything. everything was tweeted by the table last wednesday for the 100 and casual these most of them in the 1st day on the 1st 2 days of these for a and other thing. if they want to prove that we are often placing the seats here and i don't think this exactly if it's on solid, there they say the a we don't know be full. the displacement is. so i think the refrain, by the way, the soft copy to me would be for
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a low price and the price or just a, you want the song a, maybe this just will be a higher, but there was a, the gray more general. but i don't think there's been a just wanted to pick you up because obviously the october the 7th attack, obviously it shocked everyone that does business. no question about that. let me, let me just ask for you for your opinion, and it may be just your personal opinion on this. the story we're covering today, for example, of the palestinian red crescent headquarters. apparently getting targeted refugee comes getting targeted hospitals, valley functional and, and gaza. now do you think, do you think it's change just did you think it needs to get this bad? i mean we've, we've got reports now of the headquarters of the policy and red crescent being attacked by the as really ministry shortly. i mean as a manual self and your thoughts, so you've got to be at least somewhat disturbed,
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but that will that right. i think i think the high number of casualties in guys uh, including the most, it really is a waiting list once the claims for access to use of holes. but i see easily load to the hoss these little bit convincing. allow me finding the basis they do the soldiers all the basis to the top. it says all the fighting for most of those, the fighting for private homes in schools. and we, you know, everything is a little camera in there. we are very sophisticated we, when it comes to the college and daily life, easy for you to cool that every thought that was chosen
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was because because use the for each that back. so i think, i think the 2, most of us is the, is a defensive war, but i read the investigation itself with the number of casualties. the full was a big, huge problem and that maybe also to a jewish. well, the results of this is laurie. that's what i agree. 14. so what do you think? i mean all of the things that south africa pretoria is pushing put trying to push a lawsuit against israel, the international criminal court of excuse me, international court of justice alleging genocide acts. um, so if south africa's during that, why, why do you think the hour of well this while i'm it well isn't doing something like that. as you say, i was down by some of these, like to south africa. i lived down by so the way that we learned that
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his penzel funding, i was a really good relations during the ninety's during that also he is a, i just broke my batteries last so to see salt offered to avoid holding the weird, fresh slave is the somebody paying for that for me a, i think the muffler was a split, really the 1st country economy with the historian, football, the country that we moved up all night in full, full democracy. it with me is such a claim that the cost of the most no countries that we saw that we joined in the latest stage. but they include the interesting because i've seen both of these things that we've got the,
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the very subject claim against me. i don't list the former director general of israel's foreign ministry and israel's form. i'm positive to south africa. thank you so much for spending some time with us here at all. it's international. we do appreciate your commentary. thank you. the washington has cut off uganda and 3 of the african nations from being beneficiaries of the african growth fund opportunity act. and i have determined that the central african republic good bond this year and you gone to do not meet the requirements accordingly. i have decided to terminate the designations of these countries as beneficiary sub saharan african countries for purposes of the trade act. so early i pressed the button argues to the nations shall be excluded for quote, gross violations of human rights. the move will prevent these countries from exporting certain goods to america. duty free,
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or you can do. it has been up in efficiency of the act since 2000. have you heard from the uganda? the statement is different trait, who says the accusations are simply put politically motivated. what i think it is, their attendance of other countries, which i think is the notes that beneficial to the international coordinate, to each stages and silver and states and independent countries to make their own decisions on the cost of the 6 international law, which you bet the dice, so we seek it back to to say, i'm share treatment too, but we, uh we, we started farm and we, uh, we think that this isn't not have little significance on, uh, we're not sure we have to laws that protect human rights. we have is due to a few my rights commission, their country to monetize and it will stop to abuse and where it is and that'd be
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so too many race. it just did it. we've, according to zillow. so we think about these extradition. it is just basically what debated it has no business because that x ray is a defender of human rights. so 2023 was marked by any number of crazy events. so one of them being actually a global rise, an antique colonial sentiment. well, how does that, but why? he's not a congress. she's got a recap now of the 2nd step to the african states of taking the basically break the what is a lingering, painful past. it's no secret that advertise plague live stream poverty would many arguing that the conditions are in fact fall was today. then at the end of colonialism last century. but while living conditions are certain, you know, bit to now colonialism itself has never to the least the continent. and it's late
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to form neal colonialism by the same wisdom countries mosque by the pre takes off. economic support for africa is directly enforced. institutionalized by the will bank because the i am if and the world trade organization. the 1st and most important things to stress is that the wasteful thing. some very little of africa. we do to the victims of western sanctions. i talking to chat important that we show them that 289 levels offer fist and 2, we send an end to finish sentiment valued from gm to redeem causing a big fight to gaze. neo colonialism. take the latest news, embedded 16 for example, but also to understand the complexities that one must delve into the historical context of the regions into it. so for on some of the regions, both politically and economically, has shaped the dynamics of power and contributed to
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a sense of resentment among factions was in the military. but even to this day, from some fuses particularly since 1994. and it is not francis fault, i'm sorry to say it in such blunt terms. you have not been able to restore the sovereignty, neither military nor security, nor administrative of your country. but this is also a reality. as i can say, imperative, mister neil calling the atlas forces, i'm only on the wall, come on the activities. it also seems like a new air, rough corporation, based on mutual respect and sovereignty is already underway and does not include a manual macross. things must also change and how we cooperate with, from some view of it, look at us differently by respecting us, by considering us as true partners and not always with a paternalistic view, with the idea of always knowing what we need, you know, but in that respect, come see is like new ze became a fast so again,
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the and molly exemplify open display of and to friend sentiment. i do. if you look at the portions and companies send an attitude of the president of the french republic and then on the cron, he often verges on the ridiculous while, glorifying hypothetical content century and visited the african people. i'm taking the responsibility here to give him a lesson in history on his own history, because this is why classrooms are full of children that are learning. there are lessons well to grow properly instead of doing other things at the risk of being lost forever. the birth of the alliance of the house states has been dabbed as a sign of the continued version of free and influence in west africa. because that's the whole region has been out to the heart of african peace and security concerns for over a decade now. and no nation has been lift untouched lip up the point that they contacted policies will book to prevent, manage and resolve any on through biology and all the threats of a territorial integrity and sovereignty of each of the amount. because we sold the
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alliance, giving priority to peaceful and diplomatic means, and if necessary, to the use of force to deal with situations of breach of peace and stability, the hassle state must also think about it and all of the key issues. how to bring the different countries closer together and how to facilitate the trade between all different populations. this paid all the funds wanted to achieve, it seems mainly by defeating to hard disability. whereas local need is wanted to secure political solutions for tools, which looks a lot like a replay of old, colonial aerodynamics for the africans. i've had enough of french split tissues. don't seem to realize the times have changed. people, particularly in africa, must want to see french army forces waiving the uniform in the context of developing cooperation. and they no longer want to foreign military bases in via countries. and many of those who open armies have not been kicked off the door.
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positive fronts has always been the problem for molly, where fed up, who wants to be ourselves? take our independence. our country must be ours from the 1st president to today. our country is ours. front isn't this because of the economy? molly's rich, if we got our tires with bronze, we will have peace. that they're not. we are stepping towards independence. it's partial for now. but i think it will come with time, even if it takes us a few years. we're going to finish the root to independence without friends, if they're a strong conviction, i believe we'll be able to achieve true independence to book in the faucet. the french does have to leave or so while we're fed up. since our independence until today we were like slaves. the set, the new jack edits independence, but obviously it's not true. the french just have to leave our country today. we are fed up a little. i said, no, i think drones has no choice. neither a crow nor anyone else,
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whoever is in his chair when we want him to leave our territory, the person will leave. there's nothing more to say. the people are standing up. the people are where we're no longer in the days of coolness ation. at one point, some african sprayed conspiracy theories that the france has been helping to hard just as a way of getting access to this a how many will walls many people are asking, how possible with all the resources that they disposal, that's a waste has failed to defeat these armed groups instead of looking for the real reason why so, how people mistrust power so much french for the tissues blamed russia and want to only increase the french media presence in the region. neal colonialism is exactly what africans have been fighting and continued to fight even to this day wisdom, paul was apparently never envisioned independence african countries to decide their own development. pos raul, the. they seemingly seek to create dependent kind states and puppets governments
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which could be manipulated according to the requirements of the waste. getting back to our top story right now from iran, where it reports say at least 73 people reportedly killed. and another $170.00 wounded off the 2 explosive devices were designated remotely. the runners pulling the explosions a terror attacks with loss to place near a cemetery during the criminal ration for one of the country's top military commodities, a general customer. so the money was killed by an american strike in 2020. it was in iranian strategist at the idea of the country's foreign policy. also national 0 for many. washington confirmed the attack, the kill general setup on a was ordered by then president donald trump was all kinds of delegates from 20 countries gathered in the around you and capital, the owner, the memory of general. so they money i'll take.


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