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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the, the, the optimal basically of to remote explosive devices, reportedly kidding. at least 73 people that when they got out of a 170 in the wrong place, during the memorization of a general who was killed by us. striking 2020 the idea is conducting a massive counter terrorism rage in westbank, refugees cub remotely arresting 18 people 11 on acute of israel, of drug of the country into confrontation across from us deputy leader was killed in a drone, attacking a root cause of his writings. assuming that country's military taking a movie,
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establish narrative on october the 7th. the question now stands, how many died that day? because of an idea negligent. the closer the leasing office hours here at all to you. it's a natural, just off the 5 pm, locally here at moscow. we have so much to talk about this hour. it's great to have you with us. so starting out with the very latest from iran, whereas we understand the numbers are being updated to 73, killed a 170 wounded off a to remote explosive devices. would definitely the, the, it's around is quoting the explosions and active tara, the bloss taking place. and there was symmetry during a come a ration for one of the country's top military commanders. you may remember general costume, saw him on that he was killed by us, striking 2020 in baghdad. is this report now with us?
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he's use up to one is a shock to explore. hes rafferty was southeastern city of came on. you're the burial place of sleep and military commander ross, i'm sorry, money or hundreds of people has gathered to commemorate the 4 anniversary of his assassination by the united states. media initially claim it was a minor explosion of a load of gas canisters, but then a 2nd last followed and resulted in a crime, a decimal for now, no group has claimed responsibility for the incident and the cause of the explosives has not been confirmed, but claims that guess the vendors had blown up, were followed by unconfirmed suggestions that they were the result of uh, suicide attacks. there's also reports that a wash portion of the casualties has to be the result of a stampede caused by the crowd flitting the explosion side. meanwhile, that delegates from 20 countries gas that in the iranian capital to honor the
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memory of general starting money. and he was in a reality and military strategist though, the idea of all good. the country's foreign policy. washington confirmed the a tank that killed southern bonnie was actually ordered by then president donald trump. activists on legal experts discussing the resistance movement, but both the general ultimately embodied. i haven't been invited because i am the mire general. so i think k was the one of the. ringback features of our times because of the skills because somebody's general is visions as well. so why it was so messing to couple of other countries and this is a mandatory and so this project i'm gonna issue john. yeah, we think that the resistance flow has discursive, intellectual and cultural aspects more than political and military ones. this
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conference is an opportunity to talk about the components of the resistance discourse and the discourse of general, solve money with for, and a guess. just get more of a story right now. of course in lie to the secretary general of the asian may is for him and deputy for international affairs and tell ron municipality, a honda today is i got them inside they thank you very much for joining us here. during this breaking news situation here on our to international it's, it's just, well the end of the day is just shocking, isn't it? i mean, could anyone have expected? and instead of like this to happen on the day of the come, i'm a ration of general custom. so i'm on a, i guess, do you think precautions protection some sort of i don't know, security details should have been on a lot. so i guess maybe they weren't allowed. i mean we're all shocked by this your comments. and i thought it was shocking, and we'd like to extend my condolences of how many of how many of the weekends and it seems that the it was that we are that there might be some sort of project. and
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some, some incidents i usually say reinforced as soon as i change the position of the attacks, let it tells us that it is there where sounds like we can majors because a day solutions right about to the turns away from the tomb of the, the jars for the money i, it says that it was a party way from the the main page of the ceremonies seems to be grand crowd was so huge and there were many people around the explosion on the desk . back to the right. now we have the latest news about more than 80 t people have been at feel actually important than he was reading was mom based on the latest reports. he was not they. so he said i was reading response explosions as you actually uh, so it seems that there have been something in some, uh, secure images from cedar thoughts. and the way it has happened i may be, was like, you know, maybe it was just some wind attacks. we can say something good and very unfortunate
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that happened to me. it says the source, i'm sorry, sorry, just jumping, i'm so sorry to interrupt you. i beg your pardon. i'll get a couple more questions for you. don't worry. but i just wanted to try and figure this out that so it a couple of remotely exploded devices here. we understand they might have been in bags. usa naturally security was probably quite good because these explosions happened about 2 kilometers away from the symmetry where it was all the money is buried and was being honored today. turnarounds already according this, a terrorist act. so let's, let's just be clear about this. what do you think? who did it, who is behind it? who benefits? basically, united states and design is really are behind because when ever they are, they on the ground and the individual positive balance expense to fight against the resistance from once they adhere to such services that was defending popping into previous phones as well. when does that, just remember that the booth created by the one of the most brutal or most of the
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biggest? uh, 1st move in history. the ice, this was pre did 5 d. and every time we did something at meet the teacher or something like, you know, my, me. so it is not just and then a 100 and the nation by now officially all of do a one life ministration on. so i like ministration. and he admitted that it was allowed before the to, we can a side of government and do it or this same country that supports actually the, i'll call it down for them. that car they against the soviet union at that time it goes way back. uh, i mean, we know we know this, i mean it's under our, appreciate you saying, you know, anything else from television, but yeah, isis was basically a tool, an ami, a paid most scenarios to achieve regime change, whether it's in serial where i mean, anywhere america says there's ice in that country, but at all your alarm bell is better go off because that's what they say. and then they go in there and use ices and know it's just disgusting. so that you,
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you were thinking either israel or america behind these to bloss, near the 7th street of solar body. so you're thinking most side, if they can see if it can moles. and yes, that will be like that. and i see it in the contribution of what happened in association of uh, i already and find out already in a route. and also as this nation, i'll say, does the most of us me and i are just to come in there in syria. and now it is here in time on. and it's always a pag against disobedience that they are only the same line. and, and the ladies are trying to drive the other play years into the bathroom, you know, trying to drive you on has the law and you're off and the others use the war so that the could drive americans the in the you can see to the board as well, so that may be, they fine, it'll be the whole. that means they might find him way out of please call them or that they are in right now they have fail. oh,
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totally. and it does the street and they have it you know, up to do. and so they want to expand the pension and increase attention to the all the other battlefields so that they can take good care and find some way and distract the awards from the other places in the region. but it's also already happening on so many fronts. i mean, just briefly, before i let you go and it's so good to have you on. but you know, you want to read, see, you got the, who with these we have men who are attacking is really being shipped. so now, you know, you've got the us as a gerald for the american, the aircraft carrier and the red sea. but here's what's happening. the rock would be around and, and now sending one of a few more ships into the red sea. and as the coming in the americans are leaving, how many days i got them is that they is the deputy for international affairs and the tyrone and municipality joining us live here analogy international. the world is changing. we appreciate your time. i think well, the idea as long as to what they call a major counter terrorism operation in the west bank is ready for us as a report,
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at least around at a hospital in notice chimes refugee comes and have designated the entire account. they closed the military's own. on verified footage you're likely showing is riley officers checking the hospitals stop 5 days before letting them into the medical facility. other images that we have not been able to verify, showing bulldozed as a destroy the infrastructure that was ready for his roles or report leasing and conducting massive arrests in the west bank neighborhood of jamal alamo could be at this footage, showing officer was making several arrests during the overnight operation and the idea of drawing instruct, circle palestinians who were report, leaf throwing explosives is riley soldiers will have to take this with an alibi. on the 4th, it was a lawyer. she went to russ defender and political alas from the west bank city. over the amount of joining us here live on, on the international a very welcome to you. thank you very much for joining us here on this program. if i can just straight of ask you what, what, what's your initial reaction to these raids or is the idea of course them counter terror operations, i understand they've been focusing on various refugee comes well,
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this is precisely what they have been trying to do for quite some time now, which is that they want to destroy house and infrastructure, and they want to make sure that that infrastructure can never be rebuilt again. this is why they are deliberately targeting refugee camps because these, these are the areas that are the most underserved when it comes to the west bank. and so what israel has been doing is, in addition to the genocide that is perpetrating in the gaza strip, it continues. it's a tax on the west bank because at this point in time nobody is looking as it continues to terrorize how city it's in the gaza strip. all eyes are on the gaza strip and of course, people are not watching what israel's been doing in the west bank, which is which is to try to get as many palestinians as possible, either killed or fleeing and pushing them into larger can talk so that they can take more and more palestinian land. so it's a really strong comment from him. is buddha,
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i appreciate you saying that here on the program because we need to get straight comments out. so the world know it was exactly what is happening in gauze. i've had some palestinian guests who have actually described what's happening as an eradication of the gods or residents of palestinian people. it. is that an extreme comment? do you think? no, it's really important for us to listen to what is really leaders are saying. and every is like this really need or has involved in this war. has made statements that are genocidal. we've heard these really presidents. somebody who many believe is on the left waiting the oh there is no such thing as left wing inside israel. who is said that there are no innocence in gaza, just the other day. he signed his name to a missed eye, which will undoubtedly kill palestinian children. we've also heard the prime minister say that he wants to see the gaza strip, smaller in size as dinner and population. we've heard others really to get his clubhouse and he is human animals and say that they need to be wiped out of. and we
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see that they targeted hospitals, schools, university, and that 2 thirds of the people who been killed are women and children. we've also seen that they have practically flattened, the largest pals, city of city, which has got the city. and they've cut off fuel supplies, water supplies, electricity supplies, and medicine as well as food. this, what is happening is genocide. and unless we coupled with what israel's do it with the words that they have said that we're going to simply ignore this and pretend that this is just another war when what is really happening is jet assigned. it's interesting when you say that although allies are on gaza, it's almost and it sends also. so many people are not watching as well. i mean, you know, here we have the un that's basically proving himself to be enough for how many years now the un spring pushing forward this tuesday solution is still hasn't properly come into effect america. vito's the peace resolutions. i mean,
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donna. now i know we'd like professionals here, but from one human being to another. where is this going? this is exactly what my furious looks. a international legal system as an, as a legal system was created as a means of trying to stop the worst atrocities around the world, such as genocide. and here we have now nearly 90 days of israel, perpetrating a genocide and against a state of populations. the state was civilian refugee population, they were made refugees by israel, and we don't see that the us. this is all working. we all see the international system, including the legal system is working. this is precisely my fear. we go down the path of saying that that it's ok for israel to perpetrate these work. tribes is only a question of time before we make we pay the way for other countries to do the same as well. this is precisely the problem. ringback is where we need international
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involvement and israel needs to be sent the message that it can continue to carry out this genocide and that they will face criminal sanctions as well as international sanctions. is really not a normal country and shouldn't be treated as a normal country. the great comment that dyna booter is a lawyer. defender of human rights and political analysts joining us live in the west bank city of la la. it's been a pleasure. thank you very much. for your time and come into me session. suppose a god. now with the southern city of one of alpha has come on to renew his right of the fire. like a strife producing several residential buildings to revel in its footage. we have family members morning, but the locals are saying there is no secure place less than gaza despite is real designating so called sites mac and we were sleeping. it was quiet and suddenly i heard the sound of glass breaking. i looked up and saw everything falling above me. now,
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i mean we woke up to complete destruction. we couldn't even leave our houses because of it. to those who say rasa is a safe area. there is no safe area in the gauze. well, they've been on the news rail to blame each other for an alleged is a really drawing, striking, a route, a local from us official was killed in the attack. the minutes in the wing of the group bulls that reported to the attack claimed the lives of 2 of its commodities 11 on, has condemned the strikes, adjusting it may open a new phase of the wall. this air strike is another, is really crime. that is sure the aims is bringing lebanon into a new phase of confrontation following the ongoing daily attacks and the self does deal. and wouldn't many people. this explosion is definitely a challenge to live in on and a clear response to our efforts to prevent the spread of the war from garza into 11 on the cowardly assassinations carried out by the zionist occupation against the leaders and symbols of our pals to me and people inside and outside of palestine
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will not succeed in breaking the will and steadfastness of our people. it proves, once again, the abject failure of this enemy to achieve any of its aggressive goals in the gaza strip. a little killed administrator's name is satellite. i'll, i've already bought in the west bank city, but it, on my left, he wrote to become a senior leader of a mass deputy leader of the groups political bureau since 2017. he was a founding come under of a homeless military wing and was arrested by israel in 1992. he's also being on the american. so hold one to terrorist list since 2015. well, but the question of who was truly behind the assassination of being actively discussed, israel's for media spokesperson and kind of threw in his 2 pennies with mark, i guess was clear, but then unclear. also as mentioning israel by name, he then did his stuttering best to wonder who might actually be behind the attack. don't you expect that a strike in downtown they rude might have, might me to and as of a long response and open that northern front,
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which of course is real and united states have been very concerned against a 2nd front opening to the way. so i think it's obvious, obviously, in lebanon, there are many physical attack. it's but whoever did this strike was very surgical and went for a come us target because it's rather is, it was eh, whoever did this as a, has a gripe with, from us. uh, its once again, whoever did this, it's not an attack on the lebanese state. it's not an attack on the face of blood terraced organization. whoever did this, it's an attack comes from us. according to our strategic kind of list all the harmony, he says the attacks and attempt to dr. 11 on into the will with guns as well as trying to run away from acquisitions that already been declared by some of the leaders inside. as well as saying that they do it and go forwarded and uh
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they are supporting this act. uh, they know that the now the world is going into new phases and it's not the same as before. the sovereignty of level 9 is the, is in the on the table and also killing assessing nathan, one of the most important, but i must leave them and level and on saw the highlight, rudy. it means the is what it wants to extend the circle of the rules of engagement and le 11. and it means a declaration of for the, obviously, against level 9. and it wants to go into war against live on. so live on on is being drag on the war by is ryan, is what it wants to go into the phases of, uh, security phase. so by assessing nations, active assistant nations against 11 on and the that's what the happened in the west
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coast last week by killing it. and in general that and by threatened to kill, uh uh how is that your thoughts on the slide 11 on also uh now they are trying to go. they want to leave the military to act as the last the, the, to, uh, 1st, the stages are for now they want to go into a new, a new war as a security was by assessing nations and so on. is there any john list as cold for a bullet to the head if any one approaching israel's boda with less than a? i must say something needs to change. i don't want to say the word conception, so i won't say something needs to change from the thought. there's such a thing called perimeter. there's such a thing as a security zone. a state should be such that if anyone gets close to the border, they get a bullet in the head period. and if this happens and from the border,
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they will stop looking at all the shepherds. the pretend to be such. in fact, they are, has black people and they benefit from the fact that they are dressing up and posing the shepherds, and they enjoy immunity. and if the state doesn't start responding to this, then we will go back to the same situation seem to me earlier we were discussing the issue with a journalist of the album i didn't use off my like color. she says it's tough to get your head around the fact that so many countries around the world are just standing idly by and watching israel doing whatever it wants. this is the kid, but us being on the borders on our not they should be the ones who back up on the water and they can go like for as much as they want. 5 meters 92 meters. they can, if i q a, the, some of the lifting aside, we are not going to evacuate. if you just use the number of the printer that they've been used to mark here on our side junction below, you will see that they are all jones,
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the villages themselves step in. and so what do you, what do they expect us to do? give a few weeks over the visitor. this is the most sense. they want to give us the because we are living in our village just where the most of it a these village just have to wait the impact with them. for some, such of those coming from, i don't know when the words to come and live on the, on the peace of mind. we eliminate this not to be able to live in bed on our terms. and we have a lot of blogs for that. so whoever does the head is the one what stephanie is the one of the senior people on the lines and the judge who has demolished 551 villages in 1948. and what had a bad, the kind of genius from coming back to the villages who has ruled the jews and design, it's from all over the world to find them to have them occupied the students. and
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they want the data to evacuate us from all the villages while this is, this is so uh, so they can, this is socially come out that's happening in 2054 and the world is watching. and this is a june. and this to is the cost of yeah. when did you take that person who talks about that likes to live and these on on, on the expense of other people? i don't believe that this is a genocide going on from fema. doesn't know on the word as watching the, the word as watching and not only watching inside of the know all the basic and getting the other people on the sign. and they are backing up the used was, i'm with the latest technology. you might have the business basically that matthews, coming back with a different model called the to israel, the 42 survivors of the october, the 7th attack. assuming the idea of negligence. many are critical of the
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established narrative savings as evidence that some civilians died because of his railey forces. aw, caesar salad. do whisky shed some light the moment. oh, hell broke loose. the new music festival near the gauze at boulder, survivors claim that the shield horror, the un phone, they could have been avoided. a single phone called by audio officials to the commandant responsible for the policy to disperse it immediately in the view of the expect to danger would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of posit goes, including the planes this, the negligence and the gross oversights is beyond belief. 42 people now assuming these waiting defense establishment, claiming it was negligent. basically, the policy should not have been approved so close to garza, especially as the military were aware of a potential attack in the assessments of the situation. there was concern that it
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was going to be a day of battle on saturday, which might include an incentive kid not being of civilians and soldiers, or incense and rage and infiltration by terrorists with aim of capturing a nearby town bulky boats. it's almost 1st time as well as military has been to choose the culpability over the massacre at the festival. over $350.00 was killed at the site for the, for the people were taken hostage. well, initially the entire desktop was blamed on homeless lead to report suggested that is where the forces may have been responsible for some of them. according to a police source, an investigation into the incident also revealed that an idea of comb with helicopter that arrived at the scene from belmont with bass, fired and the terrorist. and apparently also he had some of the revellers who were there. however, those claims were rubbish to by israel police in a statement. it said that the higher it, so i have to go make basically falls conspiratorial claims. meanwhile, b,
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i b f has come under scrutiny for its use of the so called hannibal directive at the cooper, the, the new music festival. the controversial procedure allowed id of soldiers to do what was necessary to ensure a calmer, it wasn't kidnapped. it was been off the concerns that was being too widely interpreted, including some sort of gave him caught blows, to kill a colleague, a bunch of faith and becoming a hostage, perhaps almost flight just took some of those cop shouldn't nova to bury keyboards . the adf turned up and saw it was exchange from both sides. a battle raged for several hours. it ended when one general made the decision to take things further, the negotiations over breaking, even though the cost of civilian casualties. a tug floyd to light shells out behind . suddenly there was a terrible boom, and it's clear to me, there was
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a tank. i was hit and witnessed the fragmentation of the shell. a skirmish broke out. only 2 from the 14 hostages survived all the harmless hostages of also find themselves killed by all the soldiers is from a shop. no, i saw people line on the ground outside just like sheep to the slaughter in the face of shooting or commandos in the area. they were killed in the crossfire. they eliminated to everyone including the hostages, because there was very heavy for us. fire can to tank shells for shot into the house. it was a small keyboard to come by and probably one of the most a sex dude. operational does almost as fees 3 young man is said to emerge from a building near a group of his waiting soldiers. they were shiftless waving a white flag and crying for health in cheaper. despite that they were shot dead by the soldiers swore to protect them. cool, so the obvious will get you into finding into julia the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages for us as a result,
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the soldiers fired them and they were killed. an investigation is underway as to why is where the troops fight on individuals waving a white flag in violation of b. only the rules of engagement. yet the decks was one script too much for many of israel's people who protested when the story became public. and with each passing day is moved booms, weighing down on goza. the families of those still being held may be wondering if that loved ones could be next. in the meantime, somebody international efforts to boost support for his ready troops not being welcomed entirely with open arms. the canadian friends of the hebrew university discovery, just the initiative that aims to support idea of soldiers testing critics to bottom the charitable stuff. and so the organization actually be revoked. it's a website shows photos of students who are now and the idea that calls for donations as well. however,
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canadian revenue agency rules only allow fundraising for its own forces, not for another country. the we are one campaign, provide scholarships and academic assistance to our returning idea of soldiers who are courageously fighting in the ongoing war. let's unite to provide education and healing for our id. a 4 years demonstrating our unwavering commitment to their success and recovery. according to report, as a child has raised millions of dollars during that time, it launched other initiatives and supportive idea of reservists as well as scholarships for ex service maintenance. we spoke about this with canadian john with eve angler uses, despite clear violations of canadian law, that will be no consequence. it's crystal clear that they violate in canada revenue agency. well that's crystal clear. they're getting away with it. in part because of canada has been a long standing supporter of israel. isn't some,
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it's been enabling israel's ongoing genocide and gods. and we know that in part because there have been campaigns, there was a big campaign a few years ago, including a formal legal complaint to the canada revenue agency around the jewish nation to fund of canada and their role in violating canada revenue agency rules. independent jewish. busy asses and a whole bunch of groups here in canada instigated this initiative. and again, in that case it was, it was clear that the jane of canada was violating sir rules. well, what did what the chain, what the siri did is they sort of, there was a bit a slap on the wrist of the j. now they said to jane, i had to change a few of their things, but basically allow them to continue with their charitable status. and that's only because of the up, in that case, very influential a charity. but also because that influential charity is operating within this political climate in canada, which is decidedly at a public.


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