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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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the, the interface between the off them off of 2 remote explosive devices, reportedly kidding, over a 100 people and wounding over a 140 in iran during the commemoration of a general who was killed by us. striking 2020 the idea of conducting massive counter terrorism rage in westbank refugee cum supposedly resting 18 people. 11 on accusing use were out of dragging their country and the confrontation after how much the deputy leda was killed in a drone, attacking a route. i'm off surprises, south africa's lawsuit against israel to the international court of justice. israel
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said it is prepared to defend itself against the accusations of genocide, payment history will judge for the toria for this step low. an awful lot of hot spots firing off world, right. or right now i left says 0 right on some of the for this i live for a most good. this is of course, out to you today just now from iran where we understand at least a 100 and the 3 people reportedly killed a 141 wounded off of 2 explosions. the throne is holding the explosions inactive kara and the bloss taking place near a cemetery. drawing a commitment ration for one of the country's top military commanders. a general to same sort of money was cabled by a us drive in baghdad. in 20242000 uh, with uh to use use of deluxe one is in shop 2 exposures. the was southeastern
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city. okay. i'm on you. are the burial place of sleep and military commander ross, i'm sorry. money or hundreds of people has gathered to memory be for any grocery of his assassination by the united states. media initially claim it was a minor explosion of a load of gas canisters, but then a 2nd last followed and resulted in a crime, a desk. so for now, no group has claimed responsibility for the incident and the cause of the explosions has not been confirmed, but claims that guess when there's a low enough, were followed by unconfirmed suggestions that they were the result of uh, suicide attacks. there's also reports, the last portion of the casualties has to be the result of these tam, pete caused by the crowd flitting the explosion aside. well, yeah, i spoke to the deputy of international affairs for the municipality of tyrone. he says the explosion was likely and is
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a really provocation to drive more players into the ongoing conflict in the middle east ridge. it seems that the, it was it me or that there might be some sort of project that something is this. i usually stick with the forces i see is i think it seems that there have been something in some. it's like you can, may just see there isn't any way it has happened. i may be was the, you know, maybe it was just on a one to tax. you can say something that's a very unfortunately happened to ron's already calling this a terrorist act. so let's, let's just be clear about this. what do you think? who did it, who is behind it? who benefits? basically do not to say i've done, it's really hard behind. because when ever they're failing under the ground and the individual, i think that they failed to fight against the regular sense from once they adhere to test areas that that that was the same thing happened in the previous one, was back swollen. does this just remember that the created isis is the one of the
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most brutal and most of the biggest service groups in history? the arts. this was created by the every time they did something and meet the so when you were thinking, either israel or america behind these to bloss, near the 7th street of solar body. so you're thinking most side, you're thinking, see i yeah, you're thinking moles. yes. that would be like that and i see it in the contribution of what's happened in the association of uh, i already and i really in a room and also as a nation of the say does the me said the you with me and i are just amend their in syria and now it is here in fairmount and it's, there is a back against this to be yes. yes. they are only the same line and, and the israelis a trying to drive the other day years into the bathroom, you know, trying to drive you on has the law on your off and the others use the wash so that the good dr. americans, the in the you can see the war as well. 18 people arrested others in jude during
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the idea of counter terrorism, upper dixon in the west bank. dirty forces, reportedly surrounded a hospital in the north. sean was a refugee camp full according to the close of military zone and verify for the introductory, showing his ready officers checking hospitals, thoughts, ideas before letting them into the medical facility. more of a forwarded images of military bulldozers destroy the infrastructure. and during the open operation, several palestinians were targeted with his riley drawn. now is there any forces, rules, or report leasing, conducting numerous arrests in the west bank neighborhood of jamal alba, compared to violence classes broke out this footage, showing his ready forces detaining several people at the scene. now i was talking out a with a lawyer, i'm political, i list the dyna bhutto. she had some very strong comments to add. they want to destroy palestinian infrastructure, and they want to make sure that that instant structure can never be rebuilt again.
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this is why they are deliberately targeting refugee camps because these, these are the areas that are the most underserved when it comes to the west bank. and so what israel has been doing is, in addition to the genocide that is perpetrating in the gaza strip, it continues its attacks on the west bank. because at this point in time, nobody is looking as it continues to terrorize how city is in the gaza strip. all eyes are on a does a strep, and of course, people are not watching what israel's been doing in the west bank, which is, which is to try to get as many palestinians as possible, either killed or fleeing and pushing them into larger can tosses. they could take more and more passed and in land it was a gauze now with the southern city of the file has come on to renewed his ready fire. they did strike reducing several residential buildings to rumble. local say there was simply no safe place left in. gosh, despite his real, designating so called safe mac. um, we were sleeping,
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it was quiet and suddenly i heard the sound of glass breaking, but i looked up and saw everything fall above me because, you know, i mean we woke up to complete destruction outcomes as well. but we couldn't even leave our houses because of value to those who say rasa is a safe area. there is no safe area in the gaza onto the north of ink. labor situation is no better devali a refugee accomplish come under his riley shelling that's local authority, say the desk told across the region is now over $22.00. thousands. the locals have rushed to help those trapped under the rubble. giovanni is the largest refugee camping guzman. frequently comes under his radiation, the idea as maintained that the types of part of emission to illuminate hamas militants despite the very heavy civilian desktop. the 11 on israel are blaming each other for an alleged day's railey drawn and striking. b route local. how must official was killed in the time?
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the militant wing of the group also reported that the attack claimed the lives of 2 of its commanders. lebanon has condemned the strikes, suggesting it may open a new phase of the will. this or strike is another, is where the crime that assured in just bringing lebanon into a new phase of confrontation following the ongoing daily attacks in the south is gail. and wouldn't many people this explosion is definitely a challenge to live in on. and to clear response to our efforts to prevent the spread of the war from garza into a lab and the cowardly assassinations carried out by the zionist occupation against the leaders and symbols of our pals. simian people inside and outside of palestine will not succeed in breaking the will and steadfastness of our people. it proves, once again, the abject failure of this enemy to achieve any of its aggressive goals in the gaza strip to well they are killed. administrator's name is sola l. a rotary born in the west bank city over to mama, he rose to become a senior leader of us,
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deputy leader of the groups political bureau since 2017. he was a founding come on to the us military when arrested by israel. the 92 is also being on the us terrorist list since 2015 and so with the question of who is behind the assassination being actively discussed. israel is far and media is folks pushing it through in his 2 pennies with mark and i guess was clear, but then muddy the waters off us mentioning is are all by name. he then did his best to wonder who might be behind it, down to expect that a strike in downtown bay road might have might me to and has but long response and open that northern front, which of course, israel and the united states have been very concerned against a 2nd front opening to the north. so i think it's obvious, obviously, in lebanon, there are many people at targets, but whoever did this strike was very surgical. and when, for some us target,
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because it's rather that was it, whoever did this as a, as a gripe with, from us. uh, its once again, whoever did this, its not an attack on the lebanese state. it's not an attack on this because the blood terrorist organization, whoever did this, it's an attack on some us. well, i was discussing this with us. are things are kind of list all a homie, he says, the attack is an attempt to drive lebanon into the will have all this as well as trying to run away from accusations that already been declared by some of the leaders inside as well. uh, the saying that they do it and go for it and the, the, uh, support thing, this act uh they know the, the now the old is going into new phases and it's not the same as before. the 7th day of level 9 is uh, is in the on the table and also killing assessing nathan. one of the most
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important how much lead to and level on on saw the how loudly it means the is what it wants to extend the circle of, uh, rules of engagement and le 11 on it means a declaration of for, uh, obviously against level 9 and it wants to go into war against live on. so leveling on is uh, being drag on the word by is ryan, is what it wants to go into the phases of, uh, security phase. so by assessing nations uh, active assistant nations against 11 on and that's what happened in damascus uh last week by killing it in general. that and by threatened to kill, uh, uh, has a pass on the line live and on. also uh now they are trying to go,
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they want to leave the military to act as the last the, the, to, uh, 1st, the stages afford. now they want to go into a new, uh, new war as security was my assessing nations. well meantime, a senior hom oceleto has praised south africa's taking on israel to the international court of justice. but what it calls human rights abuse. how you, i applied all the positions of support and especially the state of south africa, which filed a complaint with the international court of justice against the occupying state for its crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. and we appreciate the political and legal importance of this lawsuit we have, but well, for its part of israel says it will stand in coal to defend itself against what it calls an episode. blood libel, giving political and the legal cover to the october 7 masika on the how most human field strategy hot south africa has made itself criminally complicit with how much
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this campaign of genocide against the people, the state of israel will appear before the international court of justice of the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd. blood libel. history will judge south africa for a betting. the modern as of the announces of atoria accuses relevant defends or violating the u. n. is 1948 genocide convention. treaty is demonic. israel immediately implement assessed by a stop, the displacement that the people have gone and allow full access for a south africa has often spoken of a kinship with the palestinian people. i think itself lived under and upon high regime for the okay. and so in israel has left out of what it calls an exploitation of the number of civil rights groups of during that support behind south africa's legal movie including organizations in australia and then easier the more lazy and foreign minister has similarly welcome. the news, quoting at a timely intangible step towards the accountability audio, we heard from
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a foreign affairs and strategy experts at the university of maliah. he says, my light is use support for palestinians is unwavering. to me, she has been weakened, stands against east bed, but as far as money that goes and for this issue with me and i was desperate to you in terms of supporting the costs of the price, the new cost of the cost and speed. and we have seen yet, you know, according to the bonds since the attacks. and we have to also seen how many to ask for. so, i know being based at foss, our, you know, the, the calls walk you through the stop. it was pretty easy because and speed and we have seen that the policy do you ask me to counsel and they have been a lot of different and fabulous to go so long. we to ensure that, you know, israel was no, i'll be, be, you know, responsible for the project has been completed and we have see now the reset and i know the happenings 11 and we have for the seemed up on the to call. so i'm us the resistors and we know that the jury ability of the, the, the homicide doesn't god. we have seen how know the that that would be to
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investigate. also changing his costs to the strategy, you know, outlined for the past for the next couple of months. so mission has been now we've been, you know, stance and this is all release you as well. so i know stood up with this issue for the past many years, and this is all we also welcome to move west africa to ensure that the, the, this disagree moment of walk you connection pressure will be found on the net to sit down with you on this issue in gaza. so the collective west does enjoy championing human rights around the world. however, recent events and goss i have brought this and the question is the writing desk told has been met with an awful lot of silence. now this isn't very sharp contrast to how west and officials have reacted to the friends in the ukrainian conflict. my colleagues ask you to tell it takes a february deep look. oh man, i'll create an equal but some almost equal than others. because certainly some does of life. 30, some does of justice and only some people tears. it's difficult to
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look at the i'm sorry, it's difficult to look at some of the images. this is for it is combat. it is bloody, it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt . we're not gonna wrapped in near real time to every event. israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself. and we're going to make sure they have the tools and capabilities to do that. we can never let the crimes brushes committing, become our new normal bombing schools and hospitals and apartment buildings to rubble is not normal. we stand strongly for the proposition that is realize not only the right, but the obligation to defend itself and to do everything possible to make sure that
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this october 7th can never happen again. 1005010015000 as 3 day the death toll roads. but it was never quite high enough to move copy and code to test the thousands of opens the call. put bombs, holmes, the scoring tails of the on folding. horace garza is becoming a graveyard for children. we cannot see more children with the wounds of war with the birds with the shrapnel littering day party with the broken bones. this is a rule on children, not in the in washington brussels, dry eyes around the moment came when the piles of bodies disapproved too high to be ignored. and the goal post changed. it turns out the dead. all right, to, according to who, how, when, and why. i'm like russia and ukraine. and unlike what i'm austin, on the 7th of october the killing of civilians is not
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a warning of israel. i'm not denying that it's happening now. of course it is. uh and, and its tragic but it is, is not the goal of israeli forces to go out and deliberately take innocent civilian life. and they have tried to make efforts to minimize that. well, someone in debt is raised some target practice please. because by the un, it's own admission civilian casualties and ukraine up to almost 2 years of war. and despite private opinion of botany aiming at innocence. although then what, 10 of these markets to achieve by mistake in just a few weeks. but then again, you can trust any of these numbers. any way to say to me is i have no notion zip. how soon is it telling me the truth about how many people are killed, the callous 2nd rate sickness with which west and politicians have by and large treat to the palestinians is now undeniable. remember, a sort of wonderland preaching about the crime of targeting civilian infrastructure
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. targets is a tex on civilian infrastructure. with a clear aim to cut off men, women, children of lot to electricity and teaching with the winter coming. these are x of pure carol. turns out that only applies in ukraine. dawson's can be stopped, didn't like move to electricity medicine, but they were imposing a complete solution. goes on, there will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. everything will be closed. we are fighting against human animals and we're acting accordingly. i know what else it will do is preach, is rouse right to self defense. remember, the door of europe opened to ukrainian refugees, free housing, free transport, free health care, free schooling, free closing about the gardens. nothing but close board as well that we have a closed from that fact the $2000000.00 displays could do nothing but inch filed the south along the goal is to strip as the bones dropped closer and closer run by
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the floods of politicians to cab about 2 foot faces and promises to stand together, run by us making a pilgrimage to butcher of the well no such visitors to the mass grave and hon. eunice. no helping hand to the new bones unplugged from intimates and subtly no c section and dignity kits like the ones that you deliver to ukrainian hospitals. because our ne, oh, babies should have a fast skeleton lights, but perhaps not as a surprise as you all through that had been made clear long ago that not or was all equal me or sorry, it's very emotional for me because i see your p and people with blue eyes and loans here being sealed, children being killed every day was pull tabs and missiles. now the and think about what has happened to the and this is not a developing said, well,
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they should choose your remove, send the royal treatment to resolve for an elite few who have the right look. it seems palestinians just don't have the right look. no, i that did the 300000 rockies, the 50000. i've gone use of 380000. yeah, minis. but again, perhaps none of this surprises you all through. people like this are shaping u. s. foreign policy. retail. $4000.00 for me and said, you know why it wasn't enough to go. oh, yes, 2023. prove the yes. again that this is a world of have on have not the have have it all money influence. powerful back cuz the have nots of stripped of everything, but hope that maybe just maybe some day someone somewhere will shut a test for them to the. so what was the most disappointing
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thing for ukraine's leadership and 2023 of the countries present inside ski says it's not the failed counter offensive all the rights of the political opposition, but rather western frustration with key event kohls piece. as i mentioned, you say, you said western support is waiting, he's double down on his stones that russia will attack elsewhere in your any time, roger, the 10 attacks you when they have discussion on convers off of approaches, he said, no, we didn't get all the results we will go for what does it mean that we have the seats as a, sorry, please stop or something like these. it's not our position, this weakness, and he feel it like like animals because he's animal ads like feeling of the bluff. and that's why people feel he's thrown this and you will eat you totally with the old you o. d, u, nato, freedom,
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democracy. forget about these. meanwhile, that's alaska is approval, right? things are plummeting. it is ami, fails on the battlefield. the counter offensive had been highly promoted in ukraine on the west at the drive to turn the tide of the confidence in cripple. the russian military. savanski has also been criticized for a stone, so that should be no more presidential elections in the country until the conflict is over. well, let's discuss this now with the legendary john with martin j joining us live on, on the international marketing. great to see thanks. so much just spending some time with us here on i see it's such a good storage. i've seen you all over the tv channels for months now addressing the licensee and and ukraine and so on and so forth. big front of you, what, by the way, um, why do you think savanski is insisting that peace negotiations with russia would mean the end of nato and the u. this. but as he believes anything or any of this rhetoric that he's throwing up in the i, i think he's just trying to distract wisdom media away from the principal points
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which even the greatest support from west to impress from western media in the, even the, even his great disabilities in the press, but have to admit that he's losing them all and they're real. no signs that run a signal zone. it indicates is on the timeline on the horizon that that's ever going to be turned around, you know, slowly we read reading. now, more thoughts in all international press for russian victories, you know, wrong, that's on that 45 line. and so, you know, he's trapped himself and you must be feeling pretty stupid. you know, i mean a good on the plane a couple of weeks ago from washington came about to give with a check for 200000000 dollars. which betty vice lunch, who is cabal of trump ministers, ministry officials. and you must be wondering, you know, what happens now when the money runs out and the equipment stops to, to run that quite dramatically. and then what's the next solution to collections that you mentioned is interesting because i think that will probably be a point of leverage from the bike and ministration to actually push them out. of
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the picture. findings are really interesting comment that mock and what, what, what do you thing, i mean, when you, to rub a narrative changing? does it surprise you at all the good, because you know, for quite a long time now since the whole call has been going on, it's been a lot about ukraine is going to wind o ukraine is going to wind. zalinski is the greatest rush is going to be crippled, the rouble is going to be rubble the a now suddenly the narrative is changing. just changing because so many people, even very humble, people don't even follow international rules or international media. i'm beginning to see these 2 narratives, which doesn't make sense on the one hand, but i didn't stance on the podium, says boots and has lost everything in any trade and is defeated and he's on his knees. and then a few minutes later, somebody else spots that some of the puts in war machine is going to, you know, tear across europe and evade countries some on another that's happened. you know? no one actually brings to the table a shred of evidence. you know, the russians have been incredibly so, but a restraint. i think when every single time there's been escalation cranked up on
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the west side cruise and always kept to very cool head. but amount to this change. it is because i think you called international elections. european elections, american elections, and possibly british elections on the 2024. and it has to change because we cannot count them like this nature, 175th best they talk to you in june. that's going to be a bit of a joke as to what they may that's got to put something really strong in the punish, to keep them hot energy coming in that party. goodness gracious martin, why we look. i mean, either it's, it's been known for a few months now. the country offensive failed. you know, it's all going very badly for those that i'm ski side. but then of course, in the past few days, you've had these on terror attacks against russian territory. the, the top of builder road, of course the civilian area is being targeted with the ukrainian, a nato. ready weapon, so i don't know what the point is of blasting civilians that chickens and the capital in belgrade. why? why go off to strictly civilian areas? why? why is that to honestly re, i don't know,
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i think i accidentally make the assumption. it's his desperation discretion on his part, well desperation on particularly the coolness of his own ministry, who need very, very simple light sized victory, so they can all jump up and get excited about because the reality is, it's funny. so let's get goes, mr. pitts, and another more i get this design ski is the one who's responsible for the so called meat grinder, sending thousands, if not hundreds, of thousands of young man to the front line where they meet the tests, you know, every day. and this is something i think which we're old beginning to understand now. you know, the, the, the biggest secrets in the whole, or the number of deaths from the paint inside. but they are probably as hard as not hire somebody suspect in the morale in the army. is promising every day, and there are no solution. so, you know, the only real solution which is something that western companies are floating now alone i'm noticing is a solution which involves. so let's keep stepping down. i'm going to new elections . my signal noise. biggest worry is, you know, this is that's what's keeping him awake at night. i mean,
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he must be feeling very angry and very stupid because, and, you know, after a few months of almost all i'm seeing is dumbo. he was offered a very good deal with the russians. they wanted to take it. and it was only the, the bite in sending doris johnson over that to separate sentiment that we want to deal with russia. we're not going to try that this opportunity pulse, you know, so it could be, he could be the present. now the new emerging democracies, you know, which is cash rich with you restructuring the funds. i mean a completely new economy. i'm being rebooted from day one, but now he's still fighting with a comp possibly win. and now the, the what was becoming a media will and the rest of it is becoming quite desperate. i would say was the, you know, the west and political and media landscape, but just kind of forced themselves into a corner here, often pushing this narrative for so long. and now the house of college is crumbling . i mean, they've got no one left to blame. martin, except them selves. martin j is a legendary john list are really pushing back on the main screen narratives in the world today. your job is starting pulling martin. thank you so much for your time.
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in february of last year, i talked to you and syria was struggling with the off the mouth of a series of devastating ice quakes. tens of thousands of people with carols on chopped into the rubble of the buildings. taking us back now for the story all to use. yes and the, the seismic rumble. that shook. so there in turkey at the years on said mart the beginning of a year, fraud with challenges, the devastating earthquakes that struck on talk you left a profound impact, trusting the nation into a state of turmoil. as the authorities grappled with the aftermath and sought to rebuild shattered communities. the reason we're here is because our work places were destroyed by the earthquake, the state to build this place the governor of could show he gave us this place. we
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started our work again. this year, my friends died. my nephews and children passed away nearly 13 people close my passed away a month after the earthquake and association sends me a message and said that when the phones work, here's the workplace and then other place will be near the workplace. i applied for places for later bill here we drew lots in this place was given to us. we're trying to hold on to life by doing our job here. there's nothing else we can do. good for the the state who defended us. i could hear by getting help from friends and family and but helping the government. we continue our lives here. so i've been thinking about this whole thing for a long time. sometimes they come sleep. i survive and but how did we get through there? how did we escape? i can't even begin to explain. it's those who come try to do something for themselves. here. businesses were destroyed, lost everything. now the state has given this place to me, i am working on small things and making and leaving their mind me likely in the same situation. they said that the state to rebuild our place and then it was
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a project area.


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