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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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the 75 year virtual defense, it's all we going to let that stay the remote explosive devices. kennedy 95 people looted another 211 in a wrong in commemoration of general who was killed by us twice in 2020 the size of the fascination know about how much the official and they will not go on to punish pulling reactive blinks and example of the ladies restroom, disturbing images. all i have is really well takes like a residential building. now arkansas hospital in a central garza 5 break south and trumping natalie, wounding the civil side. under the idea of conduct a massive council terrorism rates in west pine brooklyn keep time for the arresting
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a team seat. the most good to the world. this is on c, and it's good to have your company today. my name's from lots of money. we saw lots of 4095 people have been confirmed dead with another 211 reports of the wounded in iran off to remote exclusive devices with designated. the same on is quoting the incident, a terabyte of time the boss took place near a 17 during a commemoration, while the countries talked for moment commodities, general salih mani who was killed by us strike in 2022 is use of generally restore as a warranty. as our commemorating the anniversary of del sol, imani,
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on now the public here is morning yet another tragedy, and that is the explosions that was being one in southeastern city of kilmore seminar for sessions was to commemorate general slavery hundreds of people. ceremonies marching towards the burial place of general, sorry, bothering to pay tribute to him before the place was densely populated by people. a 2 exclusions with the 1st 10 minutes apart from each other. all occurred in size . jobs flowed so far, no good queen responsibility for the incident of defenders of william all for now israel a different one and officially said that what happened today in fairmont is a continuation of the conspiracies in the region that have been flooded as well. undoubtedly the perpetrators of this cowardly act will soon be identified and
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punished for their heinous act by the capable security and law enforcement forces. the enemies of the nation should know that such actions can never disrupt the solid determination of uranian nation. the cause of the incident is still under investigation, but one said that the most likely of these filters were carried out using the we mostly controlled. now if one has declared thursday as a day of national morning, joan showing money was hailed as the architect of the resistance access. it was the person who gave rise to subhead horses and the shape of onto the serious event in young men in this lodging. doors or ices, and that is why people say to the united states action is shown to
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solely marty is a violation of international law as an actual state. terrorism, as united states feels a person who is. 1 the top enemy of the nice guitars. so he just saw the political ex, but spoke with us about who may have been behind the of time. i think the clean blast that took place at the 4th anniversary of drugs. so the money is as, as a nation, is a terrorist attack, it took place and they, after him, off the top of the so killed by 3 weeks. it took place almost 2 weeks after uranian senior adviser in syria. i say it's reading savvy was fascinated again by his release. it took place 3 weeks as while while 3 weeks, the goal as cyber attack uh just happened in a ron targeting humanely and petrol. the spaces in base is a,
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was involved as it was just a 2nd one back in 12 years ago. and to this stevens at the recent statement spies really off, he shows such as prime minister and it's a yahoo who threatened to arrive in former prime minister venice and asked. busy to rest actions on is read these and united states a gave the wrong. this is just the context your elements that helps me to come across this and now is this that it could be, uh, no, but anybody's really either directly or indirectly behind this attack. it seems that is really shifting their battles bids from cuz the entire region done. it is from 20 countries gathered in the running capital to honor the memory of dental . so the money i have to assign legal legs was discuss the resistance. move on to the mention need to embodied university of tampa. professor said mohammed morality
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says it's not surprising that so many opinions came to the 70. to commemorate that here. general sony money was and is a very popular figure in iran when he was murdered by the americans. many millions of people went through the streets and tap run for his funeral. he, he says, was a war hero when the united states back saddam hussein to invade iran and gave him chemical weapons and all sorts of capabilities to strike you run. he was a commander and that more he defended the country when isis grew. he was very a beloved, he was lost by iranians and of course he was a key supporter for some us in his stomach, joe hot. he was constantly putting his life at risk by going to the paddles. feels whether it's here in your oxy knew that he would ultimately be murdered. and
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that's, that's his legacy for iranian people. and that's why even 4 years later, huge come commemorations take place and i'll to inside the, this is tara attack. made this day a very bitter day for you, rodney is what it was, was a lead time, and that's why life hasn't, for us, is, can don't see the killing of a, how much the official and they roots is a great leader. slowly out, a rory deputy chairman of the hamas political bureau could tell victim too late and is really aggressive against the southern a lot better to be on know of it. last night they were trying to present an image of victory with that treacherous assassination. but in gaza, where is their victory? he says, if the enemy considers waging a war against lemme on the will be boundless without rules. they know what i mean. we are not afraid of war. may that those things are going to war against us,
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will regret it. or against us and com. it's very high cost. good enough. so that allows spaces what assume allegedly a time as an is what he said to $111.00 on his buddha. and verified for the training session, the science fine within the area. in retaliation, the idea of police video of what is claims is really starting from visible infrastructure and 11 on is a chief of in general. so i'll visit to the board 11 on on wednesday, but he will issue the photos, the israel's awareness was awesome. all time high you haven't, the country would respond forcefully if a war wouldn't let the number of accounts. meanwhile, residents, all that know them is on how to express fear about the conflicts, right? a savage, the from us now definitely something will happen, either easier. it will react strongly before here's below responsive lloyd relaxed and forced us to respond to must be a war. nothing will help. it's a question of time. and even on the 11th on the 1st item to screw,
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acknowledge what happened with gaza over me. could i call that guy every moment. there is a side right, is there is a side show me, they tell us to go to our shelter. it is a search situation, and in my opinion, students won't go back to the way they were before. of course, when one of my poor parents, my brother and his wife, do not sleep at night. my mother is on medication. who wrote here to look at exchanges all of the as well 11 on board come off to a hole, how much the official was killed in the ledges is really good. and so i can bear route from us. so the, it's not quite the live of to is colanda is, according to police, will come and take the model off swan as well as cross the red line by touching lebanese territory there was a direct attack against lebanese swell inside of the capital bait. with that, i think that's what say, that's all i said in specific when he started talking about this matter at the end
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of his speech today. when he said that the issue is not only about attacking and assassinating a leader of how mazda of the head of the, how much the little bureau in bare root shift a saw the had already. it is about targeting the capital, the way that israel and did we need to talk about how is requests that line by targeting be route. and because of that, i think that the upcoming days and probably maybe the upcoming to days are going to be very, very, a strict and clear in house below will decide to retaliate back and most probably it will not be at towards certain military posts that we have been witnessing over the past 90 days over the board of teens at lebanon and during the palestine, rather it's will be to a certain strategic point inside away from the northern border inside the occupied contest. any towards her is where it's will fit, probably hurts the zionist entity,
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west coleman, and told me it's iris attacks and so on, on the drawing. so i can be route to the us state department, which quick to distance himself from any responsibility. so i had no hind in the incidents when were you informed about this striking, very rude. i'm not going to get into um, uh, that specific detail, but we were not informed in advance. the united states was not involved in any way . and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. i mean, so to jo assigned to as well as a robot in look at the she says over the working to might be unaware of the attacks is never as complicit in it as well as a sold on gloss. well, it may not have been the united states to pull the trigger in. the united states may not have even known of it that much. we don't know. and we can tell at this point, however, it is the us that's a push israel to continue their work to continue, continue their attacks on the gaza strip. not only that, and to me blink and the secretary of state wins and bypass congress on 2 occasions
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to send new munitions to the israelis so that they can continue bombarding the cause of strep. and of course, these munitions are being used at loved and on as well. so the united states has back them to the hilt at every single turn. the united states has encouraged the israelis to take such measures in the united states and try to pull the plug on this at any time, but refused to do so. and now they're sitting back and following their hands off at their own strategic blunder, which is not just now affecting them when it comes to the realm of palestine, israel, but also the wider region which they are being dragged into a significant defeat strategic to feed. so not only if the, as rarely as but of the united states, they're multi national coalition so called, which they sent to the red sea. that was also a massive failure. and they've not been able to stop on sort of law from a preventing ships from coming through and pointing attacks on ships heading to the board of the last. that was
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a major embarrassment for them. they've withdrawn their u. uh their us, as i, as in our, i believe the aircraft carrier from the mediterranean. they've not been able to secure any sort of strategic victory for the israelis despite we know the delta force is there and it comes down again to the power against the united states, which is actually think it's position in the region because they do still believe that this 2003, and you can just pro and, you know, a military task force going to and, you know, hang a leader and blow up an entire country. and that's just going to be ok and you are going to be all right. and there is no repercussions to the central part of the ok . now why the idea has, has a house in there out by warning, disturbing images are ahead. the reason for this fall seems as locals, tyler wounded away from the sight of the attack of wi fi does attempted to put out the flames is what you find so. so this one is a little for a far the alamo as, as the us, as a temp. as 1st, as one of the,
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so i will put out the blaze of it. and what is back to it, to, to nearby hospitals is how some survivors describe what the house was full of children. they were around 30 people, old them civilians, and all of a sudden the ceiling fell on them. one of these women and children done to be taken out of the rubble in pieces. my brother was marshal, there was no time warner had there been, i would have him back to age. who wants to come shell, spoiling on them? and i'm a big since dying. much of the letter was the real good started to strike my house and all the children. many of them this building was homeless, billions and refugee. the situation is no but in the no fly that the lia refugee camp has also been targeted by the idea is the largest campaign garza and this frequently targeted by these really moves. see this as part of seen a thought is report the death of hives as a pos of 22000 people. as a number of 7,
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invest continues to rise. locals have to enter to varying with the in the mass graves in the streets over to believe according to local media repose, more than a $120.00 makes shift mess waves of the does. so that is very strikes these grim burial site sites. but it's, it's a service temporary rest in places until the seas flap is achieved. a rough up in the south of gaza has not been spread either. as a result of the most recent idea of strike multiple residential been reduced to rubble to slide these wells or the nation of multiple sites on this claim is most safe location and the regions of the mac. um, we were sleeping, it was quiet and suddenly i heard the sound of glass breaking, but i looked up and saw everything fall above me. we woke up to complete destruction. we couldn't even leave our houses because of that to those who say
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rasa is a safe area. there is no safe area in the gone. so hundreds of phone sizes demanding a seats, wiring dollars that have gathered. and so i the california state capital in sacramento . this is what i'm seeing on the assembly session the meeting, was it just a minute is offered convening due to the disturbance dennis? i was googling the n c u, as in nancy, support hold as well. i'm home much in black t shirts, red seats for now, and let's go to the live groups such as jewish voice for peace and if not now, and international dues and design is that really organize the markets on wednesday? oh, 4th, what was on the scene and the new ripple facing people have been arrested and several more injured in the idea of counter terrorism operation in the west bank. this. is there any thoughts as opposed to the surrounding the
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hospital, the noise channels that i think got before designating the area as a close moved fees um and verified for dental and vision, allegedly shows is where the office is checking. the hospitals, thoughts i d's before letting them into the medical facility as well posted images of men, of cheap boulders is destroy inside of them. during the open, i felt relations several past hands would positively drive the idea of clayton. lucy, who held the exclusive is right and so this is already full. susan also re leasing, conducting numerous right in the west bank neighborhood of java. alma wide and precious broke house including gunfire. this the showing is where the forces detain several people at the same. we heard from the lawyer, i'm principal alice diamond boots is had some very strong comments. they want to destroy how send you an infrastructure and they want to make sure that that
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infrastructure can never be rebuilt again. this is why they are deliberately targeting refuge house because these are, these are the areas that are the most underserved when it comes to the west bank. and so what israel has been doing is, in addition to the genocide that is perpetrating in the gaza strip, it continues is a tax on the west bank because at this point in time, nobody is looking as it continues to terrorize how city is in the gaza. strip all eyes are on the does the strip and of course people are not watching what israel's been doing in the west bank, which is which is to try to get as many palestinians as possible, either killed or fleeing and pushing them into larger cans houses. they could take more and more posted in land 248 russians or have been released from the cleaning custody of the complicated negotiations with heavy mediation by the united remembrance a cheese, fish,
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silver or whatever. the 2nd one is that all this stuff does release have or what do you arrived at the zip codes. the airport in moscow region liberated teams will be transported into the russian rehabilitation camp for medical and michael looked ok. 75 percent of 35 of the soldiers were not possible the recent exchange afraid for the violation of agreement in which 5 commodities it'd be please me and not see as of retired without services at home, looked up into the tier the french foreign ministry has refused to condemn ukraine's missiles flags on russia's belgrade region. it says the of times which killed $25.00 people with legitimate defense you crate and exercises the legitimate right to defense in accordance with the
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article, $51.00 of the un shots of all of this followed a series of times on available that began last weekend and have resulted in the death of over 2000 and the citizens. and this at the center. the roof is defense, timothy and now. so it had proved into the clean terrorism in the region. according to moscow and defense system regularly in to set, you claim a miss. i'll solve this in the area. it was supposed to russia has, was a series of strikes look like it was, you know, infrastructure according to prism commentary that young cross is trying to arrive across the tensions between moscow. i'm to i don't know then just these, those are the building. i guess i'm in the just if i very strange thing as of either of christ buttons with the because the these that tech to know me to the objective what, what are your questions and he's creating the decks of them. i mean, he does the objectives and uh, i think the friends in b,
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we allow everything that you can also do no matter how you have, i shouldn't have because you sees you have these that, that again, civilians. it doesn't have a name. and he did, he built a new and i didn't fact in cheesy is the newest, do the dean from the, of the oceans to as the train. you know, so anyway, they defend jeff co be pretty indifferent to what happened today and to play the glass and the media. i mean, of the people in the government that these are completely in favor of these by the see the following day united states assessing. but they don't have any different, i'm fine policy. that's a whole brand. because presidents that as he says, the most disappointing aspects of last year was notes and the failed council, a festival, the royal to put to position. but all the western frustration with cheese and cools for peace as it is, he sees what the lesson simple is what it mean,
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and he's double down on his thoughts rush. i'd cool attack elsewhere in europe, or any time russia 10 attacks you when they have discussions on convers off of approaches. he said, no, we didn't get all the results. we will go for. what does it mean that we have the seats as a, sorry, please stop or something like this? it's not our position, this weakness. and he really likes like animal because he's animal ads like feeling of the blocks. and that's why civil feels he's strong this and see, will you told tally with the old you the you may jo, freedom, democracy. i forget about this, this manual outside ski is approval ratings are plummeting, as it is only fails on the battlefield. the accounts are offensive, has been highly promoted in ukraine on the west as a drill. why is it to and the tide of the conflict and cripple the russian ministry?
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so let's see. it has also been criticized for stones that there should be no more presidential elections. in the country until the conflict is over, janice, in the end, isn't mazda in j is the same as his focus on demonizing. russia is to disrupt westland tension from his way of use. i think he's just trying to distract wisdom media away from the principal points, which steve on the great to support from west to impress from western media in the even the, even his greatest supporters and the press back have to admit that he lives no more . and very on no signs that one, a signal zone indicates is on the timeline on the horizon. the that said, we're going to be turned around for quite a long time. now, since all call has been going on, it's been on about ukraine is going to wind o ukraine's going to winds that landscapes. the greatest rush is going to be crippled. the rouble is going to be revel, but it, it, it, it, it, it, it, and now suddenly the narrative is changing. just changing because so many people,
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even very humble people are leaving fuller, international media. i'm beginning to see these 2 narratives, which doesn't make sense for them now to this change. it is because i think you called international elections, european elections, american elections, and possibly british elections on a 2024. and it has to change because we cannot count them like this. nature has, it's 75th, best a policy in june. that's going to be a bit of a joke as to what to the f, as in content amount. it's a pivotal moments and chat as a transitional president, as a bonded former opposition the, the 6 months. so i was a nation's, that new prime minister. the mess up has its own samsung october 2022 with value and it was submitted to tons to the country last month. also finding a reconciliation agreement in kinshasa the deal result of his rights. it's a political participation. this follows the constitutional referendum last month in which he received an 86 percent vote of confidence,
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as well as support. so who's in charge told us that the appointment is a welcome stand. if that's an emotionally i see this in a positive light because the prime minister is somewhat less thoughts for a long time about contributing to help the government full which included him again . the will will allow him to implement the ideas he has been initiating for years. i don't go, we comp continue to tear each other on to one of the countries come together for di development and also in my opinion, his appointment to the underneath the kind of the problem is why we should focus on education, which is collapsing, which you hose as problems because the children are at home and that is disruptive . that's actually all i can say is that politics is a waste politics. the prime minister, 6, a master, always a success in real time with the population did not expect him to be prime minister role the president. but i don't really agree with these appointments because his goal was to win the presidential election to him. and now that he is prime minister, i think it's a tote to disappoint monday. that's the situation in chad is difficult. i mean,
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even difficult for him to solve the problems of champions because the regime in place is solidly active and it is difficult to change it. however, in his own way, he can also do something. in any case, i'm not surprised because that's how politics works. according to the previous administer of justice, the appointment all the full of all position need would help to stabilize and situation and tried me. it was the luxury chad thing former apples in colony. a franchisee has been considered a central african country where the struggle for an exercise of power has been characterized by a high degree of brutality. since it's in a dependence on october 20th, during the dispersal offer rally young active as from the transformers party, led by success mos wrong were injured. some were killed and the others were deported to northern shed, to a maximum security prison located in the desert. some died from thirst while they
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were being transported through the desert to achieve peaceful coexistence in chad, we had to enter into political negotiations. this step towards the truce and the appointment of a former opposition figure as prime minister will stabilize the situation in chad and currently french troops who have been withdrawn from other african regions have been deployed to chat, which remains the only bastion of stability in the epicenter of conflicts, france, of course, it plays its role, but it is not the only one in this regard. there was also the us, which in its role as a mediator, is closely monitoring problems in suzanne the results of saudi arabia as well as egypt. and if your piano, which are trying to resolve conflicts along denials, but among them there was also russia to kia and algeria, which i've already done a lot for molly. i've been in relation to what happens to that country. well that
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most of this news, i'm next of the cost of everything takes a closer look at the work this moment is taking over the world and will be back at the top of the out the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, remember when no one gave a damn about being offended, what happened to us even committee is now fear,
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today's political correctness taboo set by the so called social justice warriors of the world. dare to make a joke outside of the party line and boom, you are cancelled. now i'm not a hate or the work load moving in. i just think that they've gone completely overboard. got side acceptance pro, now gender confusion enough is enough. i'm christy, i'm, you're watching the cost of everything where today's show is going to be less. we have our wall for years and we've got our free speech defenders, and we're ready to go. the tea on whether or not this movement is truly walk or just sleep walking. the now was miss absolutely has its merits. it's brought issues like racism, gender equality, l g, b, t q writes into the spotlight. but while on the surface that seems like a very noble cause, a great message and overall,


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