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tv   Documentary  RT  January 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EST

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to rest some, quit china, for example, the 1st creating who started the main line. the don't want to ski in alaska right here. so in order to select the set up a lot of history, the show you some maybe old documents that might be interesting for the your story. it's a nice thing here. sorry. let's find something of interest. this is old custom. this is what the call part board call us fly. what slow it is carol living in our language in christmas in january 7 would take the star to people's homes and noise, sing songs, christmas songs,
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church songs, my mom here on so a lot or electives their uh, brother the now uh, the tim sourcing are in slough on us, they were talking to us. so we're trying to continue with those slot cause him this even though with nobody here speaks or us and any more to trying to hold that customer on boss did or may as long as long was eastern. so this is the, or did, or as the, you are honest, a 100 percent russian orthodox, the building to show everybody has icons in their home. no more like 10
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goals. and they go into a home. see, and i got it got ada, great. they walk. it's, it's been a like a church last year to, to a respect for right. that's correct. we're work the docs correct. the always to work. never to come to can you explain to this music them to them? that's the full time because i think i would let's get slower and it goes to the flow, the bullet, the, the new gods. but spending cuts. i just thought i'd pretty seen. that's the thing that i know you're all good with the flow for the number she could throw . can you can you bless the throwing your cost for him when he is telling me what time is good. they take the bills, cafeterias, excuse me,
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most the time. me save me so you need to who in the past to quote that source and mark that you know, to quote on the rest of the, on the lift. know, that's the interesting thing about this, this bar old words. it kind of helps to explain our history for some of our native speakers and they don't recognize that it's arrested and borrow board some times. sometimes they think it might actually be an old earlier board. actually we don't have many american bar towards all of them. if anything far into our language, the rest of the bottle thoughts. oh the
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uh the, the. busy the, the the, uh, the, the, the
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i take the today's for me thank pool. uh huh. okay. chris, mean it or doc? yeah. you don't really, really be really. so we don't show break the american. we celebrate the 2 in el, under a 7 or january start christmas, some years old. oh, this is kind of an interesting let's this mascara, most o'clock,
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these are pictures of must go on the court with coma scott. it's my square a dense, but it's in january new year, holiday is cost. no, we go. no, we go documents, lawyers, no good. you know they've got and then uh christmas. so it call allows us the a colossus stop when surrounds us, store the board. i'm not sure, but what i grew up, my brother older brother taught me in my uncle here was my going farther to uh is to down to a russian tuning. and i, i think when they did this,
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they always had it. they played according to it wasn't the songs that were, i guess people just wrote me. i'm not sure who got credit for it, but you're writing and playing the songs and they just stuck, you know, use a song for the masking and then years. and they have name for some of the songs, like there's 2 old ladies well thing the old man and there's one process and a lot of this stuff was tied to the truth, stood there who told stories about, you know, like some of the masking, like when when the here and was no searching for jesus, you sent me this man and they were masked so they wouldn't know, you know? and that's i remember hearing stuff like that. when i wrote the,
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there's one that i was doing, you come back to, we're basically just and in fact i 7 and i saw these eyes about that. so the bit causes in my eat, it cost me hope was oldest and then a couple minutes after that i heard someone whispering in my ear and which is moving behind me. so i think it's a, it's like in terms of that there is something right? so yeah, the, so i'm not sure what it was, it possibly could have been big foot. that's one of the reasons we got the guns up
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here because it goes to kind of like tech go from. right. my weird animals. we've got the, the other people in the village. that's strange. things like where it was like, it was in the or yeah, yeah, it's in with this with i, it's the big here in the village to. so then there low odds and stuff going on. known her up here, hold on. no, just people. i got to little them out of nowhere folder call and we'll fire we're down for wheelers actually got stuck on the north for the big trunk. snow. come from the help of this stuff up here that we don't know the
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the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists. the u astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during will to use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the
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russian states never d as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm up the, in the 6595 and speed. what else holes question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full tech team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the
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model for the boat or some of the money, the lender. so the move found the could i see what was hard because of the record and step out for you? yes, i am for life force. right? so what kind of a story i hope to see is close to the 5 units, but on us and not, or to pass the message in the business of the mortgage. the st. juvenile. they came here in the 17 ninety's. he made his way, as far as we know, to the village of queen a hawk on the bearing sea coast and the priest the hiero month, even though it was killed with arrows. then the showman remove the brass cross from
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father even ali's body. he was wearing a brass cross and he put it on himself. but it did. he tried to do some kind of news of some say on some kind of magic, but nothing worked. instead he felt himself levitated. he felt himself lift it up. he tried 3 times in the same effect. he felt himself lifted. he finally took off the brass cross and tossed it aside and said to the people, there's some power here. i can't, i can't deal with, i don't know what this is, but the next time someone comes, we better be careful because they have a power greater than anything we have. and you don't have any other villages here. i know like so i feel like kind of pressing orthodontics the people try to come with other religious. yeah. who is i agree tried several and several of the try. the dement sometimes go on but i'm not really slick. no,
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no, i'm not saying go back. go. ready the it was, it was difficult for them to maintain their orthodox faith because the federal government of the united states concluded with protestant missionaries, they divided alaska into spears of influence. so this area and kodiak island was given to the baptist church. the lutheran church had to another part of alaska, the presbyterian church, had another part of alaska and so forth. so they, the missionaries were also school teachers and the school was funded by the federal government but also by the respective churches. so this area was federally funded schools with baptist missionaries, as my teachers, government to be, i called bureau of indian affairs and they handled schools and ability this. they
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were all under the government and we were being literally be just to learn to be in english. so yeah, i would be meant to us a really rough for you and do, and i don't mean got beat. and if you don't speak english, you are to early be bye. take care that english 1st pounded in to us and i regret to learning it because it, i think it made people angry is their language when you take language to in cultural stuff and kinda occur to took if you don't the,
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the outcome of the model. i have to turn it in wednesday, but the play, of course one does, he does the assessment also kind of showing you the do you see this one that is someone that put him closer to the team with the task doesn't mean to be at this number it's but i'm, we can talk to someone who knew who to call, but it killed me, but even then you said the woocommerce 6 me a, the kind of music because i said, i don't trust a property with by the one that's too fast. he did some easy
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guy to realize for us to knowing, you know, from the to golf cuz some of his kids, somebody can golf quit the 9th and visit in the morning. and i just was in your thoughts that the ones that mean did know of chicago, this to some phone, digital ones, which are more than 40 the yes. the with knowledge can you put aside you spell your last name? it's almost our system much looks like it was book posted, the quantitative good thing on can you was the last new for me please. it's
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a new one. but with sun lab us the media of the page that the might say about next to the company. so it was just because i'm going through that or so you can still feeling think of those who are the who are new. thank you for those inconvenience names though. the, the thing cuz you are going to go to use this the, a david 3 months to print the glasses for somebody
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to come to you before the new stopped in the car and even those come, you know, comfortable some of procedures. okay. so now i want to is they took the keys a bill in north instead of getting there to go, i know to the sports induced. i'm going to downgrade those to, to blood. i see. yeah. to get the know the quick moment cuz i didn't get a decision on who to go there so that you understand you cut out what the quote the advice i didn't know it just uh according to the with the car with the pause. i mean yeah. think jesus got the rest of the was it doesn't go through the book. so the she'll cook, thank you
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for the my, your the the the, the, the, the i got so if i could ask you patello or to flash like long luggage. so i guess some of the peninsula play with that don't go in and those promise to come to pay a good photo and a contempt or some very much for performing the come check. i'll start over on monday and we will get to the ceiling. if i to on the left and rubbing,
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if i tell him there's an additional, but i think but this mostly never asked me if you ever should see what happens back in 18. 67 when those are recognized that he couldn't defend the eastern most parts of the empire. the father, who's going to lose it, take to great britain that decided to sell to the united states, which would just come out of a civil war and say, he didn't correct. and he said, well, the united states is going to be a world power. like great britain, so that will be a better, a better thing to do that will separate the canada and the great britain's interest there from russia, and so you can better defend the empire. the
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city is kodiak, was settled in the 17 ninety's and severe it original russian settlement on kodiak island was elsewhere as called, 3 saint stay near old harbor now and that was the original settlement of russian settlement. and then for on a move, the cat moved everything to the city of code, yet it was then called an english st closed harbor. or i, it will not, but just tell us the salon. so let's keep going. yeah. and that's what it was called then. and so in the 17 ninety's, everything moved from through st bay to saint paul's harbor. and this area had it all easier access and ships were able to dock here more easily then and 3 things today. and so they moved here in the 17 ninety's and then became the
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capital. the people here at the time were either elliptic or russian and they spoken were taken russian and they were orthodox. and so when the americans came after a few years, um american missionaries and teachers and business necessary to come here. and they really were to suppress. and he, elliptic, and russian inferences, people who are reston, um, or had russian citizenship were given a choice to stay here or go back to russia. regardless of this they had never been there. they tried to really kind of suppress that influence, you know, english only policy is pushed to convert people to protestantism and was
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really prevalent as well. the idea that christ church and you don't need the baptist baptist what it must have been it's you know, there's a lot of them both narratives. the image of christ. yeah. the nation. he says no, you don't need that. yeah, that's not a traditional boxes. i mean, i don't, i don't as the money to get it. it's a very d marya. i would agree that the symbol of every christian churches across the glad to proactively check is still know we,
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we would have to shop for different to notice that you know, to theater when you, if you have somebody really was fish now i guess it myself of each component, so pretty good. last time you, it's showing up as a study and see for example, to go on to, to, to move. she speaks very nicely with that. i'm pretty sure. so that would ensure it's good for us to see on the paper because she wouldn't have the and it's been quite clear. but i think i've got to, yeah. do you know who the pressure the goes items the to saw. i'm not, i'm normally at the are you leaving to on talk to a jake,
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uh the uh the fitness in the fortune sort of the cleaning on
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july, the 8th 1941 german troops ended in a stony or from the south suby and soldiers and civilians. full of the enemy courageously on the stony and soil go with thousands of casualties filled out the federal home to us wants to. but we are giving you 50 feeling it though i'm not sure if our cuter, which vehicle even as the beauty we bought the we just pushing it during the years following the soviet victory, a large number of monuments loveless and burial sites, were rented to on of those who had fallen in the wall to get, get the bombing vs, which however, recently many of them have either been demolished vandalized or completely neglected as a result of the, of those who do their best to present once to the left of the memory. so as to prevent, rewrite history and re make consciousness power for the why,
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it's the grass. the is a lie. it's can be started by line. peace can be expanded by true importance of wiki links name of the curve of station. so that transparency is an extraordinary john. mystic, patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the was public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the rights for a speech he did so in the public interest, lies tends to me,
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engulfing endlessly to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the extensions. are we going to let that stay? the site is to your credit concepts on something, you know, it was a fine you that there was a series of how you lucian's, on the, on the west and ukraine inside it, which is about their own strength illusions about the strength of the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the care to rush or, and you crying was a door that just have to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come sometime into the looseness i've been shopping with the,
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the, the terra in iran, the lead. so is a 100 to add nearly twice that number wounded as a pack of explosions hit a memorial and on of the general, killed in a us as stripes 2 years ago. also to come the humanitarian groups and go to the age cardinals to be opened as a dire situation in the end tape spirals, amid is wally in the us president, bill clinton on prince andrew headline, the list of shame. as on the field documents from a little to connect to to sex prescott, jeffrey epstein reveal shocking details of the.


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