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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EST

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process the tyra in a wrong need, so for 100 dead, a nitty twice that number wounded as a patch of explosion hit a memorial and on all the general killed in a us as stripe 4 years ago. as the lodge juanita says, the assassination of a have not official in they were not vote on punished cooling the act of late. since example of is really a question. also to come the humanitarian groups in cause of the age car tools to beat those button to us. the dog situation in the cave spirals, amid is rainy from bought the
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new and use around the top. this is all to international wind noise from moscow. executing the company well to us top story this our a bomb attack which rainy and will forward to talking terrorism. 103 people have now be confirmed dead. and about 200, a wounded us off to, to explosive devices with designated in the city of common between blocks to walk to the area near the grave of one of the countries whom installment a treat. come onto such general sum of money. no clothes had flux, that's commemorate him. on the 5th, on his last 3 of his assassination in the us. as strikes ortiz, you, he's of july. how small as, as a warranty, as are commemorating the anniversary of general slo imani, on now the public here is morning yet another tragedy and that is the explosions
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that was the one in southeastern city of kilmore sooner for sessions to commemorate general slavery hundreds of people marching towards the burial for yourself generously bothering to pay tribute to him before the police was densely populated by people. and then 2 exclusions with the 1st 10 minutes apart from each other all occurred in size jobs. wow. so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the incident, but defenders of what i'm all for now as well. a different one and officially said that's what happened today in clermont is a continuation of the conspiracies in the region that have been flooded as well. undoubtedly the perpetrators of this cowardly act will soon be identified and punished for their heinous act by the capable security and law enforcement forces.
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the enemies of the nation should know that such actions can never disrupt the solid determination of uranian nation. the cause of the incident is still under investigation but it wants to adapt. 1 most likely, these filters were carried out using jobs. we mostly control. now, yvonne has declared thursday as a day of national morning joan showing money was hailed as the architect of the resistance. since he was the person who gave license subhead horses and the serious event in young men in this lodging doors or ices. and that is why people say that to be not space i should be access uh as awesome shantelle solely. marty is uh it's a violation of international law as an actual state terrorism. as
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united states pills, a person who is hailed as the. 1 top enemy of the nightmarish guitars. well, let's close life now to all to contribute at tar reed, who is joining me in the studio is very cold, said stay in moscow. tara, thanks for coming in. i'm. 7 sorry, i want to ask you, i mean, traditionally a terror attack takes place. and usually an organization comes out immediately and takes responsibility because they want to say we're out. what's your box to something else that's going to come here? we don't really hearing anything. so what do you make about? well, i think you've heard the rhetoric from the us and some of the hawks like lindsey graham, for example, in other ones. um, now the us officially is taking the position that this was may be isis, which then kind of looks like us, doesn't it? but, but then i ran is pretty much looking at israel and the us, of course, very much and tangled with israel. so if israel did carry out this attack,
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it would have been with the blessing of the us. so there you have it. i mean, that's pretty concerning. if they all doing it with the blessing of the us, i mean, that have been very much about forming divisions between as well as on the us, not just necessarily about this, but about the full but i guess for us as a user. mm hm. um, but does this suggest that actually that is just political rhetoric and actually kind of a if has got a kind of a green light to do anything at once? well, you know, a couple of months ago i talked about is that the us was basically looking for an off ramp with ukraine. right. and was looking at the middle east. there's a lot of, besides the obvious genocide that the us as funding and gaza, you with is real and, and even supplying weapons, going around congress just last week. so you have hundreds of millions more to israel to carry out what is essentially a genocide. and now is real,
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is going to be brought up a more crimes this week for what they're doing and also to the civilian population and with thousands of people. but about this is an office off the coast of gaza are the reserves, the gas reserves, which are worth billions of dollars. and then of course you have around, you have the, the central location, the energy resources, the economic. there's a lot of motivation for washington to try to go after iran. they also once a week and what is a growing alliance between all the air of states and, and obviously russia with some of this as well. so the us is trying everything, it's kind it to try to save face for the disaster of the proxy, warren ukraine. and now switching with this new waterfront, i had predicted that the us was try to start a hot war with um, around and here we are. this is looking like day today, it's going to explode into a, a bigger regional war. unfortunately,
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unless something stops or did just have to say obviously that both as well. and in fact, we had to from us state public spokesperson yesterday saying that genocide is not something that they believe has taken place in in garza. so as you mentioned, south africa and all the parties the think off the wise i do want to ask you to about the fair with this conflict, escalating spilling into all the voters. i mean, what sort of response to expect from tyrone here? exactly. i mean, they've made it very clear. i think they made a statement today that they would have a strong response to this when they find the culprit officially, they're not, you know, blaming the us directly. however they are calling out is real. this is escalating, the rhetoric is escalating on the us side and i ran side. and so then of course, you also have in there what's going on with, with young men and, you know, even us intelligence don't, i just want to put this in there us intelligence is even admitted that what's going
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on and human, how do you do that around does not have control over the how they made there is not an unofficial alliance. in fact, they kind of do their own thing sometimes. but that said, there is a lot of tension and a lot of things going on all at once in a very small region and this region war, if it expands and then it could expand. and this is the danger of a world war, because then you'd have other countries entering in. and if it is over, you know, basically resources as well as political alliances and, and things that are forming. well, i mean for instance, to utah resource that was something that we actually delved into. and it was interesting to see the reaction as well, cuz a lot of people didn't realize how rich the guards were. you know, if the coast of dollars was, i want to oppose mentions that these twin bloss took place on the full time to pass through this estimation of a set of money. i mean,
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it's not the 1st time us strikes have taken out what they consider to be on desirable, because sometimes in the name of counter terrorism, sometimes in the name of national security one kind of increasing the sales that there are no bolt is when it comes to us consultants who stop 5, i think so, i think what you're saying is, and it's something that i personally as an american citizen, has taken issue with and has spoken out against the imperialism, the military industrial complex, basically going against american citizens, will with their foreign adventures, let's call them right and you know, and, and directly being involved with that right. cruise like what happened in ukraine in 2014, like what happens in the middle east. like, you know, all the different things have happened in south america and central america, either using us intelligence or with direct military for us, or both. right. so, yes, i, i agree. now, in, from washington's perspective, they label anyone who's opposing their narrative as a terrorist. and that word gets thrown around a lot, but you know,
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there are other ways to look at this when people are being oppressed when they're being attacked, then are they resistance fighters or their terrace? and that's where people have to really look and analyze the facts. and what right does the us have to take out the head of a military of another country? what right at all to do that yourself or nation? i mean, you mentioned a bit earlier lindsey graham, i mean, lindsey graham seems to be a kind of symbolic of how project tea. there are lots of books in washington and only a couple of months ago, i think in october i think queen full us strikes on rainy and oil refineries. a couple of, i think a week or so ago, he's been basically reiterate that idea. and he said, just moment leave, nothing that i mean is he representative of the states of us diplomacy? i hope not. they keep putting your mouth there so there must be some sort of
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message they want to get across the lindsay ground. but bear in mind these politicians are pocketing money, a lot of them sit on boards of weapons, manufacturers like race, young luck. lucky martin. those that are making so much money. and in fact, over the new year, their stocks went up. another 25 percent. they are making hand over fist money with these conflicts, the regional conflict in the middle east as a gross. and of course, with the proxy war and ukraine. lindsey graham is a direct beneficiary of that. his rhetoric is very criticized by many on the right in the left as going to far, but yet they allow him on media. and so what i would say is that he's, he's being allowed to give this sort of view. now when you look at american citizens, so look at you finding the item and the by the ministration that is doing all these for an aggressive wars right now. um yeah, he has a 34 percent approval rating right now, which is the lowest in history lower than all for presidents preceding him. um,
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so people are not behind us, they're wanting the us to pay attention to us problems and to give up these for an adventures. and for goodness sakes, lindsey graham is never seen a country he doesn't want to bomb. whenever you see him on, he wants to, he wants to go after russia he wants to after you brain wants to go after. now he said he wanted to level i ran. i mean he's, he's a bit over the top. hibbon jump. bolton. yes. i'm the final thing i do want to ask you is just kind of taking a step back and looking a movie event. it's not rich. and i mean it's clear that that piece has not been in that region for a long time. we know that right? but definitely the last few months, especially, of course, with the re, a condition of the conflict and garza has led to the scale in proportion that we haven't seen in a while. as well as a kennedy junior himself said, is the usaa across the carrier in the middle east. the us seems to not want to let
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go, doesn't want piece that understands that kind of needs to keep itself somehow infected in the region. is that because it understands multiplier t is coming, will be as active that had previously perhaps been onto the us kind of shoes on, on the heels of getting a voice. is it stead open you? well, you know, that's really eloquently put, very good because that's the key. the western had germany is over, the unipolar world is over and that's what the us is, you know, definitely trying to hold on to. and i see this as a former us citizen, you know, that i personally have watched the country just, you know, just send into trying to enact these imperialistic uh, you know, basically letting the military industrial complex takeover at the expense of domestic policy and infrastructure in the united states, so it's a very foolish way to go, because what's gonna happen is obviously
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a collapse in power. now of course there's the economic strong hold about oil and gas reserves. a lot of this is that, but it's also positioning and also the u. s. foreign policy, which is kind of, you know, just dripping and blood at this point. you know, with the way it's been, you know, exasperating violence in the middle east and other regions. it makes one wonder, where is it trying to go? when you look at it from, you know, pulling back all the way. unfortunately, it looks like it almost has trained to bring about world war 3. so my hope is that cooler heads will prevail, that there will be some other, you know, doug's in the administration rather than all these hawks you saw by the administration official just resigned a few days ago over what was happening and gaza. and so, you know, there are people that don't want this, but with their voice be loud enough and what would they be strong enough to go up against this military? industrial complex in the us and western had germany. i don't know. but the multi
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polar world is here. brooks is successful, the alliances are being formed. and let's hope for peace this year and 2024. well, i think a lot of people around the world would share that hope with you. it's always great to have you in the studio and get, you'll take, thank you so much. that was a tall read all to continue joining the had in most things are the lead to all the hezbollah has expressed his condolences over the kidding of a top from us official in bainbridge, the degree leader slowly out a rory deputy chairman of the home aust, political bureau, so system to blatant is really aggression against the southern suburbs of the root of it to last night. they were trying to present an image of victory. would that treacherous assassination? but in gaza, where is their victory? if the enemy considers waging a war against loving on, our battle will be boundless, without rules. they know what i mean. we are not afraid of war. those who think of
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going to war against us will regret it or against us and come at a very high cost without correspondent yes, an action has been keeping an eye on this stuff for us. yes. and great to see you. i'm really, could you just give us a rundown of what the brain latest on the situation is of the as it stands, the back and forth between has the law and israel right along the border in southern they've been on, continues, of course of the state of the conflict hasn't changed per se, and not least not on the side of his beloved isabella, continues to carry out attacks targeting civilians towers as well as outposts situated along the northern border. and this is a matter of concern because over the past couple of days, we've seen a great deal of increase in the violence on the military action for the most part. but this is nothing that is necessarily brand new. israel,
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over the course of the last 3 months, has been entering its way closer to the capital city of bay route and drones, over the past few months could have been heard through the skies, across the lebanese capital. and this is a matter of concern because many of the people in the locals have also voice their concerns regarding the matter. now, many other media, this are now reporting that the drones strike, which killed the high ranking home us official in southern bay roots in lebanon. was as a result of an air strikes. so the details in that respect are unclear just as to who is actually behind this attack as well. of course, in the speech of the head of a lot of a sudden i saw that essentially stated that israel is behind the end, that they will also pay a heavy price when taking into consideration the retaliation or the appropriate response. and this is something that they are currently thinking of, which really makes tensions much, much worse now, among the uh, how mazda official that was killed as a result of the attack, where
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a number of his, the law officers, as well looking into how things develop of course israel does not comment on the most recent attacks and has for the time being at least put a block or a band on politicians, particularly ministers. even discussing the matter as a hold of over the course of this, of course, to ministers to politicians have tweeted and have shared a number of their ideas congratulating the is really military suggesting that this will make is real safer. although it's not necessarily a crime to say so, the fact that this could potentially incriminate the is really military and the government as a matter of concern more so us representatives have just as much said the same thing that they were not made aware. let's listen to what the us state department spokesman have to say. i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulate and say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary
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is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. the. so just based on that announcement, it does suggest that neither the israelis, neither the americans are owning up to any idea or hint of what could have happened . but the language used, of course, by the spokesperson suggests that they didn't necessarily confirm or deny israel's involvement. but more so hinted on the boot, tennessee, that was the hum us commander that was killed as a result of the attacks. i mean, i also just want to tar and i were talking here kind of take me a step back and look here to why to pick to there's a lot coming on in the ranch and i mean we've the own golf. so we've obviously got yeah, man, the read see the last and favorite last and iran, could you just to bring it all together for us? lucas? 3. the developments. what's behind it?
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well, the list does go on. there are many non state actors within the region within iraq, within syria, within jordan, who suggests that they would be ready at any given moment to fight against israel. and this is a sentiment that has been growing. of course, over the course of the last 2 decades, the middle least for the most part has been a hotbed for war and conflict. but it appears that there's a different level of frustration when it comes to how of many people within the region within the rates or middle east area of view of the united states or the west. and it seems that the west or at least much of europe, has taken a bit of a step back themselves with respect to how the united states have been treating israel and its own slot in gaza. net. this is a matter of concern because if we take all of these events into accounts over the past week, turkish of intelligence and security officials also suggested that they arrested dozens of people of arrested allegedly for espionage links to is really intelligence. and so we don't necessarily know what is happening at this very
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moment, but what we do know is that something is happening and there is a great deal upon risk. and many of the people um, suggest that something must be done. in fact, uh the city that bends, you commented at a un council meeting, was essentially highlighting who he thinks is responsible for much of the conflict in the middle east. let's take a listen. the issue for us than what is happening in the red sea is a direct projection of the violence in gaza. we're for 3 months now. the bloody operation of israel is ongoing. there is also an escalation in other occupied palestinian territories. and also in the border between israel and 11 on the us is covering for israel's actions and holding other members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is undermining all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the palestinians. this causes rage and the error of world. and this is taking very dangerous forms, like the actions of ants are
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a lot in the red sea are and today is not only to confirm the collective security council signal that was directed that i'm sorry, a lot about the unacceptability of directions, but also to cool the hot heads in washington for whom another conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game. russia's permanence, the representative essentially highlighted one very important fact which can be a witness and observed by many people within the greater middle east. and that is, that frustration that he was talking about is not just the constant war or the constant conflict that has people on edge. but it's the way that they feel they are being treated by the united states. well, much of the international community sense by the palestinians, at least for the sake of your monetary and reasons, the united states does not seem to be budget, but more so it seems to be threatening many of the states within the region. suggesting that if they take part in any of this,
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if they were to prevent or intervene with israel's affairs, that america would be there to stop them by force. and this show of force is something that has been on many people's minds throughout the middle east. and it seems that they are getting sick and tired of it and they see a different approach. but it doesn't seem like that's going to be happening any time soon. well, it definitely it feels at best as a moment of almost unprecedented attention. thank you. bring us the card team to order this. lots of threads to tie together much appreciate that was all to correspond to. yes. and come back to us and well, i'll get you on this. i'm pretty good unless threw up in the shop. it has taken these latest developments on folding in the region. well, it may not have been the united states to pull the trigger in the united states may not have even known of it that much. we don't know. and we can tell at this point, however, it is the us that have pushed israel to continue their war to attain continue their attacks on the gaza strip. not only that entity blink and the secretary of state
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when and bypass congress on 2 occasions to send new munitions to the israelis so that they can continue bombarding the cause of strep. and of course these munitions are being used at loved and on as well. so the united states has backed them to the salt at every single turn. the united states has encouraged the israelis to take such measures and the united states could have pulled the plug on this at any time, but refused to do so. and now they're sitting back and throwing their hands up at their own strategic blunder, which is not just now affecting them when it comes to the round love palestine, israel, but also the wider regions which they are being dragged into. a significant defeat strategic to feed, not only if the, as rarely as but of the united states, they're multinational coalition so called, which they sent to the red sea. that was also a massive failure. and they've not been able to stop on sar law from preventing ships from coming through and launching attacks on ships heading to the port of the
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lot. that was a major embarrassment for them. they've withdrawn their, you uh their us as i, as in our, i believe, aircraft carrier from the mediterranean. they've not been able to secure any sort of strategic victory for the israelis despite we know that delta force was there and it comes down again to the arrogance of the united states, which is actually sink. i think it's position in the region because they do still believe that this 2003 and you can just pro and, you know, a military task force going to and, you know, hang a leader and blow up an entire country. and that's just going to be okay and you're going to be all right, and there is no repercussions as well as on to golf. and now why humanitarian groups have set access to the moving parts of the antavius needed. moving alpha local officials now put the death toll out of a 22000, not since the war began in early october, and that number is expected to time. as many bodies still remain buried under the rubble in destroyed towns. the un, no humanitarian partners have been unable to deliver urgency,
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needed live savings from the date and assistance notes of what you guys left for 3 days to access the lease and denials, as well as active conflict with jabante, a refugee account. and the newest is now beyond recognition. despite being the largest shelter for the display, students frequently come on to heavy is where the from apartment homes are being turned into russell most likely to blast and fled south. some refuse still to me, as the number of civilian deaths continues to rise, locals of time to burying the bed and the city is fully yachts and streets according to know for me to around 122 graves have so far been dug for victims of idea of strikes, these burial sites are expected to only be temporary resting faces until the room is over. in central gall size, where any forces have hit a house and, and by law a warning there are some disturbing images i had of the
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footage from the same shows, the wounded being carried away from the site of the as high as 5 flights as attempt to put out the flames as i also broke out of the elements, all the rest of the chief house on wednesday of to several strikes on the areas that emergency services responded. well, victims were evacuated to nearby stuff because we spoke to someone to buy the house was full of children. there were around 30 people, all of them civilians. all of a sudden the ceiling fell on them. would have these women and children done to be taken out of the rubble in pieces. my brother was martyred. there was no probably warning. had there been who would have evacuated to wants to have shel spalding on them. a victim's dying much of the letter was suddenly broken, started to strike my house and old. the residents were here. they were children. many of them, this billing was home to civilians and refugees of protestant and red crescent.
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society says that in the south, heavy is really from baldwin has stopped the efforts to remove the bodies of those recently killed local john this month to stream, and has the latest from hong eunice. right now. the south is the focus of the is really the idea of forces. they have withdrawn most of the minute cities from the north, from the cities. and i'm know focusing the folks in the south and then the reasons . so in addition to that apple theater to the and safety for the displace civilians here. and there is also a lack of the medicaid supplies when it comes to medications. the foods want to and, and together with the coal, i'm due to the positive effects in those form. that it seems that things are worse . and we thought initially that, you know, negotiations are gonna be finalized. and if evidence has fired,
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we agree to how is that the west coast happens over the last couple of days, which is it is taking their bottle to the door of funds by the to and they've been on. and maybe now it's ready to get on. it seems that the i'm pushing towards making this for region as they are flying to cover for the admitted to see us via eliza. by putting focus on other reasons, other countries, hopefully they will not succeed. and the more saying that a voice is in, is it a hand out the world will come to their minds and see the look? this has only close pills or decent time to pieces on the walls. we need to get this stuff to this as well. those are a few of the stories that we all keep in cost, this positive cause presenting. we'll see you on auto comments to check it out and have a great day the,
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