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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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i regret the hope headlines right now here and i see and is ready strike hits the palestine and red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time this week. kelly one person in wounding at least 7 refugees. us goals for an immediate cease by the seaside when we are waiting to see more people that mingled postway. we need to see these things. going to stop the palestinians, a gathering debate, a final farewell to a permanent official killed in a drug and striking fe route. he's now being hailed as a hero and his home we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. all this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. when he was president,
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bill clinton on prince andrew headlining, the list of all shame. as on the seal documents connected to accused sex profit, good jeffrey epstein reveals shopping the details of the rest of the company for this live program for most go. and before we get to the jeffrey epstein list of clients 1st to the middle east, we go on specifically gosh, the palace direct crescent announcing that his headquarters have been targeted by israeli forces. one person killed 7 others who had been seeking shelter on the 5th floor of the building were wounded. now, this very same building came under attack just a day before 8th floor of the 8 groups headquarters were destroyed. we're going to send a new born baby among the victim. is you now? and are you a not really for words agency spokesperson said the need for a cease fire in gaza. is kind of something that can be used for the time.
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how long people can wait, this very dire situation. what, what i would go to say is the kind of the exception when it comes to opinion and just waiting to allow, should i ask somebody, i know we need to make sure that that, that date, that's how i installation stuff that they are making tests actually said that they and the people that able to return to their homes. let's see what we have seen over the last 3 months. he said, he says he'll see that his phone being very big and gives you money. i mean, the bank see basic money supplies for the task and you can imagine that even in that situation of the security, the level of safety for several classes. if this team do the single. so reach me is our main challenge. another child cheese that they the way 8 is
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being entered. anything that we have to know tracks tracks again, it would be much easier if, for example, we would need to make sure that the tech said that they are able to reach the final destination, which is kind of a saw the ceasefire. when we are going to seize more people in despair, the me in that middle of course, why we need to see these forces placement to stop. we kind of, we know, the more people, you know, what should we have a vacation? pretty well. voting for me in the front of the 51 drives donations. these guys close beside and warehouses because it is the 2 ha, set people in these conditions. but we have to see the caesar stating why we're seeing how they're like myoshi needs to be able
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to get in when they maybe before or after 3 miles kind of a what the situation is for what we we need like the piece are too many deputies by and central gosh, or the altima has a refugee camp has come under repeated fire local journalists, or, i mean, i'm a friday now taking through what is basically happening in the central part of the young man. this was the past, the 24 hours and the center of goes us to have an image though, does this trip? these are 80 arrow strikes have been entered. so flight, maddie, maddie, many, many locations including goals have being had to by the, is there a risk drives and i'm a ghazi and de la and i know say rod in the different parts of the middle goes us to rep. now the reports suggest to a strong glaze that day is there. 80 times i'll re station on that is the wisdom
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and ends runs off my guys. each of the deacons witnesses say that there is or 80 times have fly or dead. a time shows deep or until my guys are a few decals from the influence of my gauzy, where, where i base right now. maybe you hear the sounds of the bump, things on that fire. they have your plan and the bad ground. that is the situation . now it's getting get very tense for the moment in the middle area, and my god sees a close to the locks of monsters hospital and the middle goes us to rip town of get rid of bella, which has to be a, reportedly a, had a, some of file was around the house with others. so overnight, overnight also there have been 90 strikes as i said. and the major goes us to read dozens of people have been reportedly killed. dozens, others have been reportedly injured because of the visa strikes and the intensity of the is really, are me change shows from the eastern thoughts of my god,
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the eastern parts of the bridge refuge account that has been reduced, invaded in the past a few days. and yet another disturbing proposition for the future of casa, israel's ambassador to the u. k, was interviewed on a british radio station and floated a strategy to, to feed him us well, simply destroy everything in the x 5, all those areas must be destroyed. every school, every mosque, every 2nd house has an access to tunnel. so this is of course the munition phonology for destroying the whole of golf. every single building and that's a do you have another solution? how to destroy the underground tunnel city that this is the place where the tories tide. while a political analyst and security expert behind the apple cider says, comments like bes, reflect the broad, a political and public sentiment in israel. the sentiments among is what he lives in general on all the account. uh we have here that if you did the, the,
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some comments from ministers as much as you had been here and also uh. busy uh from from other uh is really the condition that it is a member of these really conducive to, at the beginning of this world called uh for as well to you as you see about getting this. uh, the goal is was to add the money is what you got been calling for. the portion of the policy is plum dogs. uh, let's medium on your when these, why healey, our new shopped on film, actually is where the hostages, believing that they will sell opinions in spots of the fact that visit is lady offices will, simplest, waving a life slug. and there was speaking able to save us, which means that these weren't in the army and i had dropped him on a pool, him on the political level of the command, the use to show other things up more or
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less. so unfortunately this lady has done all the way to the wise terms of its. busy public centers and also in terms of its practices on the uh uh which the to the thoughts of the that's more than $2000000.00 channels is our experiences right now in golf. as in the west bind palestinians are gathering to say a final farewell to a couple of hamas officials. solid out of rudy was killed in an alleged is riley droned, attacking the lebanese capital on monday. his mother says he had long been a target of the idea. let me do a thing to move. did we all expect of him to become a martyr? the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. that's why she wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then in guitar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for
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around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays valleys. with threatened to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. his wife called me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broke her last morning and the memorial service is under way and i'll go to his hometown or hundreds of gather to one of the slain official is a here i'll only sister says her brother was beloved by everyone. a young day money had did a big issue, but he's released all of a sudden. they want to show the de victorious that they have accomplish something, but they don't do anything. and garza accepts guild children, fetus is with mothers and give me crimes. sorry rudy's blood is not more valuable than the blood of the people of gaza. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to follow stein when he was young. people loved him. locals, foot tall and homeless. everyone loved and respected him, even though he didn't state you know to much, she was arrested and then devoted. i got news about him on the 7th of october.
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before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his these. we didn't talk after that for safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them. all right, let's get on our cross live to a journalist with the i'll let my id and all the way to my like holland joining us on the phone from the funeral of starlight, a rotary happening in bay rude while i could roll research it here and show you can hear me ok here at the ceremony. now what are you seeing so far? so as we see, exception of the date and time of the year. the awesome albert house is being held up to the day and now one of the 2. and so the
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have been the participate besides the the for the he did the about the i'm on the phone suddenly the whole because the the the the, the, the old of that would the dogs. oh yeah. oh yeah. oh,
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you were talking about so think i'm all see that a is fine and the eyes of the for the for the event for the i was talking to facing the preventative and this is a 1944 international side or the my like 100 is a joe and this with the all my a do you know, use outlook, joining us now from the funeral and basically for the, for my mouse deputy saw that out already. thank you very much for joining us. well, israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack while it's a states side ally claims that have no prior knowledge of the strike. well,
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how does over now to all these are yes, and that can taking us through what is international reaction the what's really important to note though is although the is the last side and many other throughout the world suggests that israel took part in this attack and this assassination of these earliest have been fairly quiet. but besides that there's also the approach in which the united states have taken as well when question about the nature of the attack, or whether they know anything. instead of focusing confirming or denying for the most part, israel's involvement as the us, this actually is suggested that the deputy head of home us was a brutal terrorist and he needed to be taken out. so it seems that there's a bit of a shift in focus and blame, and this is what he had to say as well. let's take a closer listen. i don't have an assessment to make about who is responsible for that incident. i'll leave it to the government as well to speak to their actions. one thing that does remain clear is despite the ambiguous state and nature of much of this conflict,
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as we speak of the people within the region are definitely not happy, particularly if israel or the united states are somehow involved. it could lead to further attention within the region, the hypocrisy in which many people suggest that the united states, particularly and much of the west, particularly our research, essentially providing and showing the israeli side. and they just don't seem to take that very well more so because of the military presence. in fact, russia's permanent representative to the united nations did not mean sees menses words about who he thinks is behind. much of the conflict in the middle east westland are years issue for us. but what is happening in the red sea is a direct projection of the violence in gaza. we're for 3 months now. the bloody operation of israel is ongoing. there is also an escalation in other occupied palestinian territories and also in the border between israel and 11 on the us is covering for israel's actions and holding other members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of
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a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and many people suggest that if the united, the states does not actually stand by much of the doctrines that it suggests that stands by that this will further lead to not just instability and the chaos within the region. but a great deal of distrust towards the united states and its allies within the region . and so from his see the upper east side mentioned to is move a private mile heil tribal and the liter express. the names of those associated with jeffrey epstein have now been plotted across the public domain. and while they likely wish to remain in the shadows name 5 bill clinton and bill gates and all forever tied to the right now and sex offender along with the lives of prince andrew and so many others for more and what had been newly released pito file reveal i spoke with dante, it's maureen, the costs of the names that are being revealed. those were the names from depositions from the court,
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depositions that we saw all the way back in 2015. the case was settled in 2017 and then we were waiting to see who is on this clientless boat was set in the zip in these depositions. so now we know, of course we heard rumors a certain things to escape in the media field as we know regarding print sandra, which will get so in the 2nd. but what we're learning now is, for example, bill clinton, former us president, is mentioned because one of the victims in her deposition that was taken under oath in may 2016. i had the following to say regarding our conversation between her and jeffrey epstein, joanna testified jeffrey told her clinton likes them young, referring to girls. and also we know that bill clinton travelled on the upstairs private jets to express. that's what it's called the court into again, documents and things that have emerge. and he also because bill clinton didn't deny that he traveled on his private jets. but of course he denies any wrong doing. the
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president clinton knows nothing of all the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago or those with which he has been recently charleston new york. he has not spoken to abstain in well over a decade. right now when it comes to brooklyn. so we know about his track record with the aisles and then the apology. use the monica lewinsky and also it's very important to mention that the were women that accused bill clinton of sexual assaults in the past vill oh, is this pin down? it was a variable, the situation did the what to do. so frightened, so it's all looking really good for bill clinton that everyone of course, is remembering all of these bad stories about him today because the documents, again, like i said, mention remember bill that he likes young girls and i'm seeing some of the biggest uh, business men in america on this list,
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some of the big she monetary turns out that some of the big sides of it. i mean bill gates, he's on the, i've seen one of the high ranking is railey government officials, who apparently was writing the liter express. tell me more about these names about these names or as the magician david copperfield. there is steven hall k, for example. there's a donald trump. yes. also the former as victoria secret c o o, then michael jackson. but again, all these names, it's very important to clarify that these are all the names that are mentioned in these depositions. so it doesn't mean if your name is there that they did something wrong. it's just that they might be saying, oh that person was there at the time. that'd be abuse. happened in another room, for example, but at the moment from all of these names, there's concrete evidence when it comes to prince andrew again. so bill clinton, we've heard that he likes young girls and friends, and we were heard once again about his groping skills. so in this now it says that
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one of the big stems claims that in 2001 prince, andrew had groped a woman, abstains home in manhattan. but again, prince andrew denies any wrong doing. and there is that infamous. now interview where he claims while he can be yeah, he can be a full chair because he doesn't swats. and one of the wisdom said that he was sweating profusely. so that's his excuse and his thinking. so it was a slight problem with, with, with, with, with the switching because i've, i have a security, a medical condition which is that i don't sweat while i didn't sweat at the time. and that was ocean. yes, i didn't surprised at the time that interviews and not doing any favors, everyone was saying that he looked terrible to look even guiltier them before and it was just, it wasn't not good for him whatsoever. but let's take it back a bit because even though epstein became a famous or infamous, whatever you will in let's say after
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a 2017 for sure. but we know that there was media in the united states. i had the story in 2015 that were ready to go a b c news. right? we're ready to go on. there was an expose a on uh, jeffrey epstein. but it was killed according to this woman for maybe seniors. this was a whole like moment. she didn't know that this was b in record that this is what she had said. i've had the store, it's 3 years. i've had this interview with virginia roberts. when we now put it on the air. first i was told to jeffrey, i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story. then the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways very haven't they killed it? and they knew this 2015, so if maybe i knew about it, they're trying to tell us that all these people that were continued hanging out with them going on the lead to express going on this island or his flights on has been called the house of horrors, or the dungeon of floors, the continued go in there, supposedly not knowing what was going on around the 20 minutes. possibly
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out here at most go with the french foreign ministry has refused to condemn. ukraine's recent missed all stripes on russia's builder road region. it says the attacks which killed $25.00 civilians with legitimate self defense you, craig, and exercise is the legitimate right to defense in accordance with the article. 51 of the un charter for these words were in response to a weekend of christmas and new year facilities terrorized by ukrainian themselves, which sold thousands killed a thought of the crating and terror attempting. the region was on forehead according to moscow officials. and in response rush, it launched a cuz most of the series of miss all stripes on kids, military infrastructure. and we guys reaction with political commentator, dream political i don't know, they just see those are the building, i guess. i mean, they have to justify very strange thing as of either of course buttons, but the, because the detective normally does the objective, what were your questions?
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and these claim that they had the x of the meaning to the objectives and uh, i do the friends in b, we allow everything that you can also do no matter how you have, i shouldn't have because you see if you have these at tech, again, civilians it doesn't have a name and he did. he built a new and i didn't fact in cheesy is the newest city team from the of the oceans to as the train. you know, so anyway, thinking, friend jeff, pull up between different do it happens there. and the brady good jazz and the media, i mean to the people in the government that these are completely in favor of these . but the see the following day united states that the thing that they don't have when you get to them for the policy, there's a whole band august on pass to hold us next general election in just over a month. of course. meantime, the former prime minister in run con remains bod, from running his party is accused,
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as on the about or preventing most of its candidates from participating in the upcoming elections as learn a little bit more. now with auntie is charlotte open sky, a monk khan is still waiting to find out if he will have the chance. the baths again, in pakistan, selections in february. now he's filed the paperwork, but the full, my prime minister is now in prison on board for politics for 5 years after being slapped with some funny, questionable charges the con, previously place the blame for his arrest on the us. and it's not hard to see why com was in moscow procuring an oil deal when russia launched it so called specials military operation in ukraine is all about. ben remained neutral in the conflict in
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raging washington, and it wasn't long before the land of liberty told the pakistani ambassador to the us. that is, i'm a bad needed to a 10 to decrease. i think of the know confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds all will be forgiven in washington because the russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister. otherwise, i think it will be tough going ahead. i cannot tell how this will be seen by europe, but i suspect the reaction will be similar. honestly, i think the isolation of the prime minister will become very strong from europe and the united states kind of claims. he then came under intense pressure, with threats to remove him from power a month. soft about meeting between the us is dora blue. on the back to sonia and boss of the comment faced a no confidence motion in parliament and was ousted, he supposed to talk to the streets serious,
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and they kept taking to the streets for more than he the the the and it's no wonder despite the attempt to hit con for 6 with the slew of legal cases and allegations he remains one of if not, but most popular politician in pakistan comes party. the p t like is weighted as the largest political force in a country of some 241000000 people. this is a politician who pushed for phones, but the world bank said may pockets done one of the most improved countries in 2019 . during the pandemic, his government made unconditional cash payments to 12000000 vulnerable households.
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there was enough money to buy 3 months worth of food staples. yet despite his good endings as p. m. when con, overstepped the line by not citing with us. so the crane, she was cold out, and like on the many occasions it's done it before. it seemed that the us, the saw i did. it was timed out another democratic elective politician in a nova country. it's just not cricket. so will 2024 say a cricket legend back because we had the pockets done not according to the court ruling, but he's supposed to say yes, he come now to the democratic republic of congo or an opposition candidate has petitioned the constitutional court for a re run of the presidential election. the court, i should confirm this. the fact that incumbent president felix 6 digit code is
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victoria should be happening on january the 10 position. kind of those like p a that doesn't go i a claiming the election was a she spoke to an opposition groups chief of international affairs who agrees a nuisance, isn't for solving the folding that took place in the democratic republic of the congo cannot be called an election, it is a sham election in its purest form, from the very beginning of the process to the last day, in the sense that the elections, according to the law of the democratic republic of the congo, or held on the 20th of the month on a day off from 7 am to 5 pm, the constitutional court to the main body that is supposed to confirm the legitimacy of the elections is completely dependent on it. the parties that should be involved in the creation of the constitutional courts were not invited to the discussions. who is in power have taken that power themselves and put their friends in important positions in order to approve and implement policies to protect the
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interest of one person that has been imposed on us by force and claims to have been chosen through democratic elections. this is not the case at all. our problem is that the constitutional court was established in violation of the law. the independent national electoral commission, responsible for organizing the elections, was established in total violation of the law. in other words, there was only one party in the organization, which means that the authorities that will be established after these elections won't be devoid of legitimacy. but felix dissipated, came to power and 2019 headed the election here to its neighboring were wonder backing m 23 rebels and the east of the country ultimately promising retaliation we heard from the locals. in contrast to about the president's re election to security as a re elected president. how's the heavy task of continuing with the achievements of the 1st monday? there is a difficult task of crushing all the rebellions which attack us here at home. i
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know that president will work hard and will demonstrate to the people that he is truly one of the congolese. we the people of the city of go of north keith. i expect the president to put an end to the can security that is in the east of our country. meantime, according to the wall street journal of washington wants to use the air fields of several african countries to deployed by drones. negotiations on the way right now with governor and cookie blog post. this comes off the cool was, and molly the chair and put in a fast so which of course, sol, western soldiers who hit out of every the the new wave of the old believers. this is what they're called, they came much later. you know,
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we came in and actually moved and settled back land and settled in, i believe is the 19681 the the largest of those settlements was established. it's now nicholas. there are several communities of these russian old believers today. they're part of the same russian culture but, but they just arrived to nearly 2 centuries later than the, the earliest of the entries with the russian america, comedy, etc. determined as of what the problem felt does not cause me not the wish was almost as much as tyson, but it's more i assume. yeah, well not this is will a symbol at the tips will not sitting will go very me attached to it. it's more, it's yeah, it's, yeah, it's a momma adults is, you know, uh you know, somebody out with the new technology not to do.


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