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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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censorship all across the western world, criticizing israel and sinus and has become essentially the principal at the top headlines right here on the lebanese locals. the gatherings a bit of final farewells were prominent. how much the federal killed in a drug, and striking by root upsets he's now being held as a hero and his homeland of the west bank. we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. all this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine and is ready, try kids for palestine red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time this week, killing one person that wouldn't get me 7 refugees or the un meantime, calling for an immediate cease fire. the, the site is more for me in that many
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former us president bill clinton and prince andrew headlining the list skill shame as on sale documents connected to a choose expect truck for the jeffrey steed reveals details over there the . all right, i guess the correspondence outstanding buyers we cover the global life from moscow . you'll use scott's now to morning is all gathering all across the middle east as a funeral of salt lake out a road, the deputy head of the hum us political bureau is on the way in the lebanese capital. and the prominent official was killed in an alleged is ready dro, type this monday of thousands of got that's a big farewell to out of the way the mourners are waiving colors, reading flags is what his car and the flags of various factions. i'll go to expect you to be buried at the cemetery. enough shop teela refugee come as
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a local jonathan malick. let know reports from the the and the west bank palestinians are bidding a final farewell to the slain official in his home town. he was basically born just out of inside of a city, able to them all up would spend a lot of his life and other middle eastern countries. his mother, however, says he had long been a target. the idea came to me, did we all expect of him to become a martyr? the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. that's why she
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wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago, then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then and could tar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays valleys with threatened to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. his wife called me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broke her in this memorial services are under way and i'll rode his hometown hundreds, gathering to onto the slain official as a hero. and i'll go to the sister says that brother was always beloved for everyone . young, the many had did a bit of the issue, but he's released all the straight in the one to show today, victorious that they have accomplish something, but they don't do anything in casa except skilled children, fetus, us with mothers, and give me crimes. sorry, i don't know what his blood is, not more valuable than the blood of the people of garza. all of this is
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a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. when he was young, people loved him, locals for tall and homeless. everyone loved and respected him. even though he didn't state you know real much, she was arrested and then devoted. i got news about him on the 7th of october. before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his days. we didn't talk after that for safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them. israel has no time responsibility for this. i drove an attack while it's stateside ally claims that had no prior knowledge of the strike. so want to use the yes, i can now taking us through what is international reaction the what's really important to note though is although the is the last side and many other throughout the world suggests that israel took part in this attack. and this assassination of these early 7 fairly quiet, but based besides that, there's also the approach in which the united states have taken as well when
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questions about the nature of the attack, or whether they know anything. instead of focusing confirming or denying for the most part, israel's involvement, the us essentially suggested that the deputy head of home us was a brutal terrorist and he needed to be taken out. so it seems that there's a bit of a shift in focus and blame, and this is what he had to say as well. let's take a closer listen. i don't have an assessment to make about who is responsible for that incident. i'll leave it to the governor of israel to speak to their actions. one thing that does remain clear is despite the ambiguous state and nature of much of this conflict, as we speak of the people within the region are definitely not happy, particularly if israel or the united states are somehow involved. it could lead to further attention within the region, the hypocrisy in which many people suggest that the united states, particularly and much of the west, particularly our research, essentially providing and showing the is really side. and they just don't seem to
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take that very well more so because of the military presence. in fact, russia's permanent representative to the united nations did not mean sees menses words about who he thinks is behind. much of the conflict in the middle east westland, our years is quite the issue for us. but what is happening in the red sea is a direct projection of the violence in gaza. we're for 3 months now. the bloody operation of israel is ongoing. there is also an escalation in other occupied palestinian territories. and also in the border between israel and loved and on the us is covering for israel's actions and holding other members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. many people suggested that if the united to states it does not actually stand by much of the doctrines that it suggests. it stands by that this will further lead to not just instability in the chaos within the region, but a great deal of distrust towards the united states and its allies within the region
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. part the gaza, now with the palestine red crescent has announced its headquarters of being targeted by his ready forces. one person killed 7 of those who are seeking shelter on the 5th floor of the building were wounded. now that very same building came under attack just the day before the 8th floor of the 8 groups headquarters getting destroyed. new born baby among the victims and the un relief and website usually spokes person said the need for a cease fire in gaza is now urgent. so let me know what the, what i would say that we are running out of town people come, we do study dire situations. what, what i would go to say is the kind of the exception when it comes to he is going to last. and so many day i know we need to make sure that cv is up to date. that's how i understand that they haven't given the fact that they and the people that able to return to their homes. that way we have seen over the last 3 months, he said,
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he says he'll see that it's long been is a very big and human and dining room. they see basic medical supplies for the quarter. and you can imagine that they really need in that situation of the security level of safety glasses if this team do the single. so reach me is our main challenge. another child cheese that they the way a is being entered. anything that we have to try to address, again, it would be much easier if, for example, we would need to make sure that the tech said that they didn't want to reach the final destination, just kind of case all the ceasefire when we are going to seize more people in the me, in that middle of course, why we need to see these forces placement to stop. we kind of, we know,
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the more people, you know, what i should just wait on vacation pretty well. funding for me in the 55 or 5 stations besides cool design and warehouses be settled into procedures that will not be there to set people in these conditions. but we have to see the cesar city where we are seeing these, how they're like we have seen these uh into oh wow. i talked to you and when they made me for 30 miles kind of a what the situation is on very well. and therefore, what we, we need like the piece are too many studies by i didn't central god. so the all because a refugee accomplish come under repeated fire local journalist, right, mammals, holiday taking us through what is happening now with a central part of the battle. then play in the past the 24 hours and the center of the sort of an image though, does us trip?
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these are 80 arrow strikes have been entered. so flight, maddie, maddie, many, many locations including goals have being hacked by the, is there a risk drives and i'm a ghazi, and durable off and i know site right in the different parts of the middle goes us to rep. now the reports suggest to a strong glaze that day is ready. the tanks are re stationed uh on the is the wisdom and ends runs off my guys, each of the deacons. what does this say that that is where a lot of times have play or a john shows deep or until my guys are, if he can from the entrance of my guys a where, where i on the base right now. maybe you hear the silence of the bump, things on that fire. they have your plan and the bad ground. that is the situation now, it's getting get very tense for the moment in the middle area. and my gods, easy close to the locks of monetary policy. because in the middle goes us to rip town of getting ready by law, which has to be a, reportedly a, had a some,
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a file was around the hospitality. so overnight, overnight also there have been 90 strikes. as i said in the midst of gauze us to read dozens of people have been reportedly killed. and dozens of those have been reportedly injured because of the visa strikes and the intensity of the is really, are me change those from the eastern thoughts? oh, my god, the eastern part of the great refuge account that has been reduced, invaded in the past a few days. lymphoma a british prime minister barak johnson has lost out her london metropolitan police for collecting evidence of is riley wall crime officers were attempting to support an i. c. c probe into the matter. but boris johnson says, london, police should be impartial. the the sounds like a worrying politic because ation of the met police, especially after mid officers,
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were seen tearing down posters, was really hostages and gaza. when i was mayor, i made it clear that we would not import foreign wars or disputes onto the streets of london. the met would be better off by the knife, crime, police officers that place posters calling for information on war crimes, in arabic, hebrew, english, and also in several british airports. expanded with that duty to assist the international criminal court investigation. is there any document as pull the i c c pro get this n t submit. surprising really kind of rhetoric coming out of israel these days as close live now to the co founder of gauze media medic voice is a lot of those 9. and now joining us live from london a very well my welcome to you. so why do you think the metric metropolitan police of have taken now upon themselves to collect data about crimes against humanity in the middle east? i don't, i is not even close to that jurisdiction. thanks so much. try me on the program. so i think the 1st thing to say is that the metropolitan he does not taken upon
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themselves to do this. they had been approached by doctor to sign up was sent to the famous plastic surgeon who was in gaza. witnessing will crime is on a daily basis from the 8th of october until early december, when he escaped on the fire by these or any defend occupation forces. and he has approached the i c, j t, the international center for justice, the palestinians, based in london to put together a case for crimes. so they haven't pro shalonda met these as happened with the ukraine in russia. the same situation happened, the london that police are investigating will crimes inside ukraine during this conference, which is ongoing. but at that point, we never had mr. johnson or any political official, or ex political official from a government coming outs and condemning this. in fact, they have no problem with that, but when it comes to palestinians and when it comes to issues of old crimes, which we know are happening inside and inside garza as
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a result of the been bothering comfortable, i mean that is going on in the genocide frankly, i, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's just a double stand. it is so obvious for anyone who has been following these issues. you know, i'm, i appreciate you saying that, i mean, clearly that the case a double sided is just blatantly clip. anyone to see, i wanted to ask you and basically since opposed to is 1st appeared in the apple, it's around 40 reports as we understand have been submitted. what do you make of the method of collecting information? i can comment on that. that is no. my then my jurisdiction, i'm an american humanitarian. what i can say is that the humanitarian doctor, if i was trying to testify if i was inside, does that like that? i sound like many of my colleagues are currently insight and will be hopefully coming out in the coming days. you know, that is one very clear way to, to basically allow these investigations to take place that shouldn't happen from people who've been inside to witness the injuries, but use of white clusters,
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munitions, or having some pictures from a colleagues on the ground and go and goes i of, of children with clear entries, consistently white ones for us, munitions, and now when that is used in civilian areas, the amounts, the whole kinds. so that sort of evidence special or should be sent to the metropolitan police on the hate. and you know, we know that with this is headache, we can see the direction of travel, the is really investor to view k yesterday. one also in l. b. c, radio, one of the top, right? you know, you case radio stations who was us, how can you justify the bombing of hospitals and schools and goals? and she said there is a, a network of tunnels on any, on her exact words. what this essentially means that we are within our rights to bone any of those areas. meaning she is saying lights in the israel is bombing hospitals and happy to do so in order to get to the tunnels underneath. if that is not the amount of problems that i don't know, what does very well said, very well, set them out. and then also i appreciate you bring up the issue of
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a white forest for us being used against the residents of gauze. so we've, we've showing these videos of basically children in the hospital and the effects the doctors was saying, we know the effect. so of white false risk cuz it burns through the skin, down to the bone. and these of children who are getting caught up in the volume and stuff. oh my god, if i can, what, how would you describe? i guess the sentiment in the u. k. towards the current conflict in the middle east . again, i am not a uh, let's go strategist or someone who is i, but i can what i can say is i'm in tune with the healthcare community. i'm in tune with citizens on the ground who are attending our video is that we hold every friday across the world and including and north america and a new case. and i'm in tune with the fact that there is an unbelievable amount of exasperation on discussed what these radio condition forces are doing to gauze and they are watching a genocide unfold in real time. and people are feeling extremely helpless and
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hopeless. and the sad truth is this will lead to a relative clause ation of a future generation. do they have been talking about the white thing on thomas? what they are, she creating is much less on how much they are creating a generation of people who are being radicalized as a result of watching. what is, frankly absolute injustice taking place. and the only way they can voice the anger right now is to take to the streets of protests and marches. but frankly, we are in a situation where we have inputs and lead is including this, the student act, mr. biden. the united nations on the need to need is we are at this stage where they are unable to act and that means that is our responsibility is a collective global community to coal for functions to cov, assign using. is there any states to coal for functions and boycott? if any projects that have funding the the arms that are folding down and branding, how far on thousands we have seen $20000.00, that's 2 thirds of which are women and children. we have seen white fonts for has been childrens down to the buttons. we have seen children losing both settings and
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losing that whole family room, the children, the surviving family. i don't know what else, mr. biden. mr. stew neck. these leaders need to see before they have the courage to stand up to minutes and yahoo and his frankie psychopathic terrorist coalition to, to stop boeing. does it because this is the most extreme right wing. is there any government that has ever been in power? and these really citizens themselves are sick and tired of for watching during hostages being potentially obliterated on a daily basis. because through their in front of the file, as they quoted, we saw them shooting at their own, their own hostages, leaving with shots by his ready occupation forces. so frankly, i think they complete sentiments on the ground in the u. k. across the world is one is discussed and one of exasperation, i'm that the message is enough is enough seats find these 5. and now the end of the blockade and the occupation of palestine needs to stop now. and we need to allow humanitarian aid and a rebuilding process to happen as of today. well,
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most painfully truthful statements. i have very strong commentary from omar abdel, none of the co founder of gaza medic voice who is joining us live here on oxy international. i'm so glad to get cheat on international television, so you can tell the world what you think. thank you very much for your time. thank you. are over now to south africa with support full of the palestinian coals. remain strong and locals in cape town and coming up with different ways to show the support. a local journalist, i think the condo not bringing us details. a thousands of children has been quotes in the deadly crossfire in the ongoing conflict in the middle east. south africans have come up with different ways to continue raising awareness about the young lives that have been cut short in gaza. writing and pasting the names on the historic freedom tree. abuse in georgia is cathedral in cape town,
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takes into account all of the children who have died today. we've decided to focus on the children being tools in this ongoing messic and kind of style. and so we've lectured on to a project, some online project beds of gaza. it's not a project when we start to just let them do that. and the idea is to help children to understand, to indicate children as well. and what's happening through the lens of children is we've lost their lives. and so the idea is to try to quit with the names and we've got the names from the ministry. you also think of these in gaza where they've listed some of the names of the children that are and part of the extension is suppose to, to change. the statistics of the children died into real human beings with names, children, and admissions and themes. children to add futures that haven't got your delegation or religious leaders, civic society organizations and ordinary south africans, recent to travel to jerusalem in december to celebrate christmas and to be with the
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people of palestine to show their support they as religious need is believe that this is a sophisticated political, it is a very sophisticated political with religion is being yours often that people who do not believe in god the on scientists to to know why he is self prefers, is just the use of promises of scripture to animals, sunny cool way to headphones, a very specific and to human, you called the pro of your own through the human beings, because then it's very so, so cyber listed as really quickly defined. and that's all you still feel piece of the good quality of life globally and for your self and for your children in response to the is really state. so that because the department of international relations and cooperation says that as well has inside been someone by the international court of justice, the so called rights office alabassic,
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so filed documents triggering and, and this genocide convention is, is the department of international relations in south africa. says then looking forward to traveling with a legal team to the have on the 11th of january next week to formally present the case before the court of 42 survivors of the nova re if massacre on october, the 7th, assuming the as riley defense establishment for negligence, the plaintive so sorry of the staggering casualties and kept nothings could have been avoided, claiming the idea of was aware of a potential attack and that a range of not being held. suppose the guys are in the 1st place. what we spoke, what with one of the lawyers with the case, he gave us some of these the 16 a month, 2 high ranking officials and the army opposed, giving a security clearance to the party because they thought it was not justified from a security point of view and then it could cause a threat to the party participants. but despite this they gave permission. i can
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also say that the place was not safe in case of rock and fire, which happens frequently near the guys of border. i mean, there weren't even portable shelters, and in this area, you only have about 15 seconds to run to the shelter, so they didn't even have that option. the 2nd part is what happened on the night between the 6th and 7th of october. we can say, as it has already been published at the security forces admitted that on that night there were unusual and concrete alerts that there was something going on near the border. no one really knows exactly what, but they knew something was going on. we already know that during the night there were some consultations. the party started at around 7 am. we had this window of opportunity of a few hours that they could have evacuated the participants and let them get home. because of these reasons and others that are written in the legal claim, we filed the lawsuit on behalf of $42.00 victims, some of whom were physically her, some of whom were mentally her, and some of them both their severe injury, some post traumas. some of these people are unable to function in their day to day
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life. unable to work in all of their life or team has changed. some of these people were shot somewhere, hit bar grenades and their injuries are not easy at all. they will need compensation that will help to improve their situation, to live in a better way to treat themselves physically, mentally for the rest of their lives. iran is vowing revenge for what the government has branded a terror attack of the great evil. one of the countries dom military comma, a twin explosions left over a 100 mona's dead, and nearly twice that number wounded. as all said that he would have done it takes us to this tragic event. this is the main cemetery of the lawn, southeastern city of care mon works wednesdays when was took place in the middle of a large procession that was here. holding a memorial for this plane, yvonne and military commander general voss instantly money who was assassinated. back in january 2020 by the united states in iraq. of course we're on standing now
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is the size of the 1st blast that took place here right behind me. and the traces can be seen. here are the glass and the explosion left some deep marks inside the ground. and this shows go list ality and the destructive power of the weapons used in the, in sit. and of course, this one of the fact that the police have cordoned off this place to be 5 security after the incident and a wave of the new population, new crowd has entered the cemetery with people curious to see and visit the applause the side of the blasts in person and also to pay tribute to those who lost the lives in the incident. of course, the thousands of people and pilgrim so were here last so lives and dozens more were injured in the last that as long calls a terrorist acts. of course of all blames the incident on israel. israel has not
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commented yet on the whether or not he was behind the incident, but the one blames it on his relative. yesterday it running, president of brian bracy said that as well as behind the incident and that job, he promised and vouch that is revel face a harsh revenge of course is ro did have some experience in iran or intelligence experience. anyone targeting some of science scientists, any ron, or assassinating some of the figures, high profile figures and iran, or, or did a torpedo and get ronnie and military or nuclear activities or hacking some sensitive sites in iran. but with regards to mass casualty events and incidents as well as a far not had such and such an experience. and these lots of problems with off of on now many steel point, the finger of blame, as israel saying that israel has been targeting some of the key figures within the
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access of resistance. following all the is really war on does um we see that there was a sense exercise, step in and different forces from the resistance fonts have been turned off and not just set foot in the conflict, trying to deal of low to is read these really military like out, a young man like has the law and hi shelby and a rod. so as we see over the past days is we have has been targeting some of the senior members of the r g c in syria and also recently of assault. and i really, who is a deputy head of all the home us, he was also targeted by as well. so it won't sees a connection in the spring of attacks that have been carried out by israel against some of the key members off um the resistance access. and that is why one i did want to young people even here they have been changing slogans against the israel
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thing desk to israel, believing that is really intelligence services having behind being said, i'm sorry from his cd of our east side mentioned to us. oh, but private mile high club on the need to express the names of those associated with jeffrey epstein have now been plastered across the public domain. and while they likely wish to remain deep in the shadows, names like bill clinton and bill gates and now forever tied to the renowned sex offender along with the likes of prince andrew and so many others for more on what the late newly released the pito file was reveal, i spoke about it with autism, we're going to cost the names that are being revealed. those were the names from depositions from the court depositions that we saw all the way back in 2015. the case was settled in 2017 and then we were waiting to see who was on this clientless boat was set in the zip in these depositions. so now we know, of course we heard rumors that
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a certain things the escaped the in the media field as we know regarding print sandra, which will get so in the 2nd. but what we're learning now is, for example, bill clinton, former us president, is mentioned because one of the victims in her deposition that was taken under oath in may 2016. i had the following to say regarding our conversation between her and jeffrey epstein, joanna testified jeffrey told her clinton likes them young, referring to girls. and also we know that bill clinton send the travel the on upstairs. private jets to express. that's what it's called. the court into again, documents and things that have emerge. and he also because bill clinton didn't deny that he traveled on his private jets. but of course he denies any wrong doing. the president clinton knows nothing of all the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago or those with which he has been recently. tell us the new york she's not spoken to abstain in well over
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a decade. right now when it comes to brooklyn. so we know about his track record with the aisles and then the apology. use the monica lewinsky and also it's very important to mention that the were women that accused bill clinton of sexual assault in the past. feel great. i was just pen day old and it was a very helpful situation. i did the what to do, so frightened, so it's all looking really good for bill clinton that everyone, of course, is remembering all of these bad stories about him today because the documents, again, like i said, mentioning the reveal that he likes young girls. i'm seeing some of the biggest uh, business men in america on this list. some of the big she monetary turns out that some of the big scientific, i mean bill gates, he's on the, i've seen the one of the high ranking is railey government officials, who apparently was riding the liter express. tell me more about these names about the.


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