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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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with us, and it was a pleasure, right to be with you. so whether your team work or team free speech, remember that the conversation matters and it's all about learning and growing together so until next time. stay well or sleep soundly to our call. i'm christy. i, thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the costs of everything. the, the, the headlines on how to international as lebanese locals, a gathering to bit a final farewell to a prominent. how much official killed a drug and striking very rude thoughts as he is now being hailed as a hero. it is less than the westbank we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. all of
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this is a dedication to the prisoners and to follow stein and his reading strike hits the palestine red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time between killing one and wounding at least 7 refugees. officials quoting for an immediate cease fire the, the site tom, let me see some more with me to see to stop at for, by us president bill clinton and prince andrew headlining the list of shame on the seal book you most connected to a, to the 2nd traffic good jeffrey x. deed revealed shopping details of the rest of the site. the way that we are entering the evening hours here at most good with your newest front and center, as always, so not it. but mona is all gathering all across them,
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at least as the funeral of salt lake. our road. are you the deputy head of the hamas political bureau? it's underway in the lebanese capital. a prominent official was killed and an alleged is ready droned strike this monday. a 1000, so i've got the bid farewell to out already at the moment as a waving public opinion flags, as well as carrying the flags of various factions. i'll do what is expected to be buried to the cemetery in the shop to a refugee camp that's in southern bay route, as a local journalist of my luck highlighting our report of the masses participation and it's unit, and no one else different opinions a specific time we are talking about the initiated film, the most in the study which has been one of the total comes to the point of seen in the distance before 1918.
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actually this has been one of the most of it is because the court sufficient has been really big film the policy in that if you choose to come in addition to the new citizens defense and betty, to message a community between the 2 of the ascent a message says in the position of invasion and the nation of the nation. and so the activities that have been a district is more or less the district of 2000. so many people, the
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targeting and this is the again for the says, well in the west bank up i listed you as a bidding a final farewell to the slaying official in his home town. he was born just outside the city of my life, but spent much of his life in other middle eastern countries there. his mother says he had long been at pocket the idea for me to attain to me. we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. that's why he wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then
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and could tar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays valleys. with threatened to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. his wife called me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broke her memorial services are on the way and i'll go to his hometown 100. so showing up to one of the slain official as a hero, and we had a chance to speak with all over the sister who said her brother was beloved by everyone. young, that in many had did a bit the issue, but he's released always threaten the one to show today, victorious that they have accomplish something, but they don't do anything in casa, except skilled children, fetus with mothers, and give me crimes. sorry, i don't know what his blood is, not more valuable than the blood of the people of god. sorry, all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to follow stein when he was young. people loved him. locals, foot tall, and homeless. everyone loved and respected him,
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even though he didn't state you know to much, she was arrested and then devoted. i got news about him on the 7th of october. before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his these. we didn't talk after that for safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them. israel is not claimed responsibility for that attack while it states, sorry to ally claims that have no prior knowledge of the strike. well, taking us through international reaction, a correspondent. yes. an ex. the. what's really important to note though is although the is the last side and many other throughout the world suggests that israel took part in this attack. and this assassination of these earliest have been fairly quiet but beast. besides that, there's also the approach in which the united states have taken as well when questions about the nature of the attack, or whether they know anything. instead of focusing confirming or denying for the
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most part, israel's involvement, the us essentially suggested that the deputy head of home us was a brutal terrorist and he needed to be taken out. so it seems that there's a bit of a shift in focus and blame, and this is what he had to say as well. let's take a closer listen. i don't have an assessment to make about who is responsible for that incident. i'll leave it to the governor of israel to speak to their actions. one thing that does remain clear is despite the ambiguous state and nature of much of this conflict, as we speak of the people within the region are definitely not happy, particularly if israel or the united states or somehow involved. it could lead to further attention within the region, the hypocrisy in which many people suggest that the united states, particularly and much of the west, particularly our research, essentially providing and showing the israeli side. and they just don't seem to take that very well more so because of the military presence. in fact, russia's permanent representative to the united nations did not mean sees menses,
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words about who he thinks is behind much of the conflict in the middle east. less lend our years is good issue for us, but what is happening in the red sea is a direct projection of the violence in gaza. we're for 3 months now. the bloody operation of israel is ongoing. there is also an escalation in other occupied palestinian territories. and also in the border between israel and loved and on the us is covering for israel's actions and holding other members of the security council. hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution call in for an immediate cease fire. and many people suggest that if the not the states does not actually stand by much of the doctrines that it suggests it stands by that this will further lead to not just instability in chaos within the region, but a great deal of distrust towards the united states and its allies within the region to gaza. now the palestinian red crescent has announced its a headquarters of being pocketed by as ready forces. one person killed 7 others who
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are safe in shelter. on the 5th floor of the building were wounded. about very same building. came under attack just the day before destroying the 8th full of the aid groups headquarters. new born was among the victim. i know he wasn't really for works agencies, folks, but as i said, the need for a cease fire and gaza is urgent. that i would say that we are running out of town people come, we do stay in dire situations. what, what i would go to say is that the exception when it comes to opinion and just waiting to allow, should i ask somebody, i know we make sure that cv is up to date. that's how i installation stuff that they are making. this actually is that, that thing and the people that able to return to their phones. so you don't really have seen over the last 3 months. he said, he says he'll see that as long. mean, they didn't humor anybody. i mean, eating,
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they see basic medic supplies and you can imagine that they really need to be in that situation of the security, the level of safety for several classes if it seems to be the single. so reach me is our main challenge. another child cheese that they the way a is being entered, anything that we have to know tracks tracks again, it would be much easier. for example, we would need to make sure that the text so that they are able to just assign a destination, which is kind of a solid ceasefire. when we are going to seize more people. this the me in that middle of course, why we need to see these forces placement to stop. we kind of, we know that we kind of, that sort of more people, you know what we had on vacation very well for me. in the 551 drives
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donations. these guys can see that a warehouses that will not be there to set people in these conditions. but we have seen these the caesar city where we are seeing how they're like, we have seen these uh into, oh wow. i talked to you and we moved the board after 3 miles kind of a what the situation is for what we, we need like the piece are too many that have to spike in the central ga. so the, all my cars, a refugee camp is come on, the repeated fire, a local journalists army, and will katya taking us through what's happening in the central part of the battle . thank right. it was the past, the 24 hours and the center of the sort of an image though, does us trip? these are 80 arrow strikes, have been, and 10 so flight, maddie, maddie, many,
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many locations including golds have been had to by the, is there a risk drives and i'm a ghazi, and durable off, and i know site right in the different parts of the middle goes us to rep now the reports suggest to a strong glaze that day is there. 80 times i'll re station on the is the wisdom and ends runs off my guys. each of the deacons witnesses say that that is where a lot of times have fly or dead, a time shows deep or until my guy is, or if he comes from the entrance of my guys a where, where i on the base right now, maybe you hear the silence of the bump, things on that fire. they have fire and the bad ground. that is the situation now it's getting get very tense for the moment in the middle area. my gods, easy close to the locks of monitors. house of itself in the middle goes us to rip town of generally by law, which has to be a, reportedly a, had a, some of file was around the hospitality. so overnight,
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overnight also there have been 90 strikes. as i said in the midst of gauze us to read dozens of people have been reportedly killed and dozens others have been reportedly injured because of the visa strikes and the intensity of the is really, are me change those from the eastern thoughts of my ghazi eastern parts of the bridge refuge account that has been reduced, invaded in the past a few days. well, that's out in corners of the world that being categorical in condemning. what they describe as is really a trust that he's in gaza. but he's still interest ally. washington has a different take us state department spokes person has said that they see no signs of any genocide taking place. the genocide is, of course, a heinous atrocity. one of the most heinous atrocities that any individual can commit. those are allegations that should not make be made lightly, and as it pertains to the united states,
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we are not seeing any acts that constitute just like, it's just astonishing, isn't it? let's close the live now to an expert on is really a facet political and is called doing about a good, a joining i said live on audience and naturally very well and welcoming to you today. so while did you hear the comments just there from the us state department, basically saying we see no signs of any genocide with over 22000 civilians killed. and we understand, according to the new york of a half a 1000000 palestinians, kindly starving to death. your comments? well, it's for us as well as stand ends. there is nothing strange and i'm going to can position. we have been seeing them not to the states support the and in this water united states for the police to enhance is not on their support. that it's a part of this war. it's the on those are the only side by support. thing is that i am it on the military and event, simple thing is that and then the political and international loading and the night technicians and by defending as an ill in these governments.
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uh, even when is it, i am good american citizens as the united states. uh so said that is that i live not mean to kill all those i met against. it did not intend the. ready job so can children of actually did not intend to kill have if they, with those who shift a tear. so they always seek to bring is what i am a to the as an any sent the country i didn't, could i think $103.00 that does not kill civilians intentionally and it's a, this is different, there's not the 5th that they say that them. and then another statement a few weeks ago, and they said that they don't have any proof of that. is it a l dot can get spell as the indians intentionally. so they did, there is nothing new in the american position for the stand young people, they will not recognize what is happening to the listing and even they don't deal
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with the future of the ballast any ends with the ballast indians themselves. they are discussing these things with the way out of the but not with the listing as if this is how the united states deals with the police doing. yeah. but then the mattress or the narrative holderness or sort of jumping, i apologize. and what you're saying is great, but you know, it's like the west to narrative regarding the war and ga. so it is basically if you don't support israel, your n c symmetric and is absolutely ridiculous. i mean, it reminds me of going back to the whole 911 in america right off of that, george w bush said if you don't with us, you'll with them. it's ridiculous kind of policy to try and force people in into these pocket. mimi comes frankly, meantime washington is condemning pretoria, south africa for filing a genocide case against israel. i the you ends highest court saying the accusations have no factual grounds held in your thoughts. well i
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think luckily i spent the last 10 years following up the anti semitism and how this definition of anti semitism which is called now i, i bought a working definition, was developed in the last 23 years in order to have to defend is that i am now going to to sizing is that a lot as a is, is equal to anti semitism in many countries. and this is, and it's a, an issue that has a lot of debate that on that. but when it comes to united states sense of the it'll be on countries. ready are made, they are making all these things equal, they so you can't get it. the size isn't it'll because you could face judges of being good as thoughts induce and this isn't like, is it, it's, it's sort of take you less worth talking about the political entity called visit a l. that is black, the sink military to patient, a guest people and everybody has the right to criticize these practices in of that to defend as an alien night at the stats itself. i. ready did the definition,
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the defense is that i am and maybe they are pushing us to adopt this definition about how the narrative is always so sort of jumping again with a narrative is always, i mean, i'm just, you know, i'm so sick of this. i'm think double standards like all over the place. i mean, whether i spend 10 years working for cnn 15 years working for c. i mean like the, the number of civilian casualties in ukraine in 2 years time is twice less than that have gone in just a number of weeks. and yet back in the day, 5 never minutes to his words, quoting most goes actions, genocide, and yet now often in of this in 22000 civilians killed. it's a totally different approach by washington. we don't see any genocide here and nothing to see here. move along, buddy, it's, you know, the, the game of interests and the victims, a lot of the victims and, and russia and you could in conflict 2 ways. so i looked upcoming. this other thing
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too. another thing that those of blond than they have is no eyes. uh, they are not good, i sees or whatever. so this is, this is the main game investor that the, the so, but why the likes about it? let me see, i get going, sit in dealing with the above, the stands i left of those people. so for the united states, when it comes to them, and when it comes to is that i am doing that, then, then here's what i, it has the right to do that. they don't care for them. but as of the schedule up, isn't that the listing inside and i think it input like in the guessing you can get the same thing happens with other 2 countries in the, in the united states. good lead analytical solution to the flight. it address out and the out of the now in a crate and, and, but i should do. so we would, as i said, we, we are so used. unfortunately, we're so used to the u. s. position and support thing is that i am and we never see
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anything strange. and if it's, well, it's one thing to get. it's one thing to get used to it called in, but it's not. it's another thing for people to stand up and push back and rise against it held in bar code is a political analyst that an expert on his riley is joining us live here from around that a thank you so much. i appreciate your measured statements to go to work and start from his cd or east side mention to his own, but private mile high club on the liter express. the names of those associated with jeffrey epstein have now been lost it across the public domain. it's about time, frankly, and why they likely wish to remain deep in the shadows. names like bill clinton and bill gates and all forever tied to the renown sex offender along with the likes of prince andrew. so many others as well. for more i want the newly released pito files reveal. i talked about it with my rent, it costs the names that are being revealed. those were the names from depositions
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from the court, depositions that we saw all the way back in 2015. the case was settled in 2017 and then we were waiting to see who was on this client list. what was said in this step in these depositions. so now we know, of course we heard rumors that a certain things to escape the in the media field. as we know regarding print sandra, which will get so in the 2nd. but what we're learning now is, for example, bill clinton, former us president, is mentioned because one of the victims in her deposition that was taken under oath in may 2016. i had the following to say regarding a conversation between her and jeffrey epstein. joanna testified jeffrey told her clinton likes them young, referring to girls. and also we know that bill clinton traveled on the upstairs private jets to express. that's what it's called the according to again documents and things that have emerge. and he also because bill clinton didn't deny that he traveled on his private jets. but of course he denies any wrong doing. the
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president clinton knows nothing of all the terrible crimes jeffrey epstein pleaded guilty to in florida some years ago or those with which he has been recently charleston new york. he's not spoken to epstein in well over a decade right now when it comes to brooklyn. so we know about his track record with the denials and then the apologies. the monica lewinsky and also it's very important to mention that the were women that accused bill clinton of sexual assaults in the past vill oh, is this pin day or it was a variable. the situation did the what to do. so frightened plus on looking really good for bill clinton that everyone of course, is remembering all of these bad stories about him today because the documents again, like i said, mentioned in the reveal that he likes young girls. i'm seeing some of the biggest uh,
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business men in america on this list. some of the big she monetary and saw that some of the big sign to i mean bill gates, he's on the, i've seen the one of the high ranking is railey government officials, who apparently was writing the liter express. tell me more about these names about these names or is magicians. david copperfield, there is steven hall k, for example. there's a donald trump. yes. also, the former is victoria's secret. c o. o, then um michael jackson. but again, all these names, it's very important to clarify that these are all the names that are mentioned in these depositions. so it doesn't mean if your name is there that they did something wrong. it's just that they might be saying, oh that person was there at the time. that'd be abuse. happened in another room, for example, but at the moment from all of these names, there's concrete evidence when it comes to prince andrew again. so bill clinton, we've heard that he likes young girls and prince andrew, were heard once again about his groping skills. so in this now it says that one,
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all of the big stems, claims that in 2001 prince, andrew had groped a woman at eps beings, home in manhattan. but again, prince andrew denies any wrong doing. and there is that infamous. now interview, where he claims, well he can be, he can be a full chair because he doesn't swats. and one of the wisdom said that he was sweating profusely. so that's his excuse, and he's sick and so it was a slight problem with, with, with, with, with the switching because i, i, i have a peculiar medical condition which is that i don't sweat while i didn't sweat at the time. and that was ocean. yes, i didn't surprised at the time that interviews and not doing any favors, everyone was saying that he looked terrible to looked even guiltier then before and it was just, it was not good for him whatsoever. but let's take it back a bit because even though epstein became a famous or infamous, whatever you will in let's say after
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a 2017 for sure. but we know that there was media in the united states. i had the story in 2015, they were ready to go a b. c news. right? we're ready to go on. there was an expose a on uh, jeffrey epstein. but it was killed according to this woman for maybe seniors. this was a whole like moment she didn't know that this was being record, that this is what she had said. i've had a story for 3 years. i've had this interview with virginia roberts would not put it on the air. first i was told of who's jeffrey, i've seen no one knows who that is. this is a stupid story. then the palace found out that we had whole allegations about prince andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways very, haven't they killed that? and they knew this 2015, so if maybe i knew about it, they're trying to tell us that all these people that were continued hanging out with them going on the lead to express going on this island or his flat that has been called the house of horrors, or the dungeon of floors, the continued go in there, supposedly not knowing what was going on around the
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shifting gears now to the democratic republic of congo were an opposition candidate . his petition, the constitutional court for a re run of the presidential election. the court is expected to confirm incumbent president of felix district. it is victory by january the 10th. but all the opposition candidates, for example, toyota on the go exclaiming the election was a, shall we spoke to an opposition groups head of international affairs who happens to agree a nuisance is on the folding that took place in the democratic republic of the congo cannot be called an election, it is a sham election in its purest form, from the very beginning of the process to the last day. in the sense that the elections, according to the law of the democratic republic of the congo, or held on the 20th of the month on a day off from 7 am to 5 pm, the constitutional court. the main body that is supposed to confirm the legitimacy
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of the elections is completely dependent on it. the parties that should be involved in the creation of the constitutional courts were not invited to the discussions. who is in power have taken that power themselves and put their friends in important positions in order to approve and implement policies. the protect the interest of one person that has been imposed on us by force and claims to have been chosen through democratic elections. this is not the case at all. our problem is that the constitutional court was established in violation of the law. the independent national electoral commission, responsible for organizing the elections, was established in total violation of the law. in other words, there was only one party in the organization, which means that the authorities that will be established after these elections won't be devoid of legitimacy. well, if felix, the fisher, katie came to power in 2019, how did the election he accused neighboring ra wonder back in 23 rebels in the east
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of the country, promising retaliation? we have the locals. in contrast to about the president's re election. the security as a re elected president. how's the heavy task of continuing with the achievements of the 1st monday? there is a difficult task of crushing all the rebellions which attack us here at home. i know that president will work hard and will demonstrate to the people that he is truly one of the con, gleese. we the people of the city of cove of north kiva. expect the president to put an end to the can security that is in the east of our country without taking a look back at 2023. you may or may remember the canadian parliament giving a not see world war to veteran a standing ovation. it was disturbing and bewildering. just bizarre. let's look back for a moment with all to contribute to rachel mazda. that is one thing for canadian prime minister justin treat those governments to of whitewash counted as training of as of neo nazis to fight russia. canadian defense officials as far back as 2018
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or more worried about the press finding out that there ukrainian trainees were supporting nazi symbols. then they were about the fact that they were actually supporting them as the ottawa citizen report at 2 years. but in 2023 teams for don't really out. did it no longer. they tried to explain away playing footsie with neo nazis. instead they answered in an actual phone of 5 nazi a real world war 2 year at the genuine article right into the home. so here's the thing you create in present environments, zalinski to give him an interesting tell lies this home phone served by the country that last over 44000 citizens in the 2nd world war against an office. but i am very proud to say that he is from north bay and from my writing of it seem to me is conveyed crane in harold, a canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service. thank you. well guy right there,
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how speaker anthony road is still probably feeling the skid marks and trying to body block the freight train of a scandal of global magnitude, that risk politically obliterating trigo, his liberal party and all the rest of the oblivious canadian parliamentarians who apparently figured that any one fighting russians in any historical context whatsoever must be a good guy and not have actually been fighting for adolph hitler against the west soviet allies in world war 2. as was the case of this ukrainian nazi honory, euro slop hunker to don't conveniently step decides. so to speaker could take the full weight of the oncoming body. slam the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition of this man and as holy accepted. that responsibility and stepped down this was a mistake that his deeply embarrassed parliament and canada.


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