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tv   Documentary  RT  January 4, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EST

10:30 am
all the service. thank you. well that guy right there has speaker anthony road that is still probably feeling the skid marks and trying to body block the freight train of a scandal of global magnitude, that risk politically obliterating trigo, his liberal party and all the rest of the oblivious canadian parliamentarians who apparently figured that any one fighting russians in any historical context whatsoever must be a good guy and not have actually been fighting for 8 off hitler against the west soviet allies in world war 2. as was the case of this ukrainian nazi honory euro slot ponca. conveniently stepped aside so to speaker could take the full weight of the oncoming body. slam the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition of this man and is wholly accepted that responsibility and stepped down . this was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. all of us who are in
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this house on friday regret, deeply. so rode up to one for the team because it shouldn't take long for jewish representatives to start speaking out. and apology is out every holocaust survivor and veterans of the 2nd world war proof. what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of the canadian parliament and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation. poland also signed it is not surprisingly, considering that more saw has cited ukrainian nazi atrocities perpetrated on pools as a major sticking point to any essential accession of ukraine to the european union . it's my strong request to work very important, like uh, canada, to having to fox rights and still presents amends commentary on that topic. looking at the historic,
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i looked at the historic sect i would expect for the common sheet of the apology to become the appropriate. historically, it was still the polish communities in poland and then canada. and it's 1000000 though, for the fullest community of people in, in canada are quite, it's furious. i would say, because again, didn't determine poland. polls in those countries are simply omitted. the incident did not escape russian. president vladimir proved, ends attention either for c. it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood up together and applauded. the former nazi a soldier of the salisia division is simply disgusting. trio and deputy prime minister christie of freeland. his own grandfather was the editor of the nazi newspaper in ukraine. involve that particular fact watching this information session along with a quick one, a russian propaganda around this particular incident. in that case just deleted.
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and the official opposition was just a russian propagandist for stating what everyone in the entire world could see with their own eyes. justin trudel was responsible for inviting president savanski to the house of commons to give that speech. he was responsible for making the event a success. he is responsible for the officials at global affairs of the intelligence services, the prime minister's protocol office, all of him who could have and should have asked for a complete, vetted list of every one of the people who would be in the room and in proximity. our war time liter western leaders likes rudo. it'd become so comfortable with evoking putin in an attempt to avoid any responsibility for their own screw ups. that at this point is just become 2nd nature. the problem from them is that in this particular case of blatant attempt to deflection by invoking russia,
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everyone can see that it wasn't put in who went and dug up an actual world war to nazi which is quite defeat on to itself. since it's not like these guys are hanging out in public hosting pop nights and big sales. drag him into canadian parliament and made law makers clock for him. like the bottom i seals. yeah, any apology for me to do any regret, any remorse, no, and hardly surprising. he's going down as one of the most unpopular leaders in the history of con, the grandfathers, this right here in this area in this area here and there. and then they'll take it a little bit further. the beach has been fixed by somebody in the lehman family for a 110 years. a similar way with at 1st with nets of flights. we have right now here in the english and then for quite a few years. my father is
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a fish trap. and that would be with holes and chicken wire, and that was a very good way to fish. and then when alaska became a state in 1959, that method of fishing was banned. and so we had to go back to reset domain names, which is how we finished it on the go. and this is your to and i made and i made him this net about 2 years ago. he has a little point of realtors today and we caught posting for fish out of his little point of judah. nick raymond,
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and his middle name is after my father, the claimant, the official scientific name, the sockeye. but we call them red sam, and that's, that's the more common name is, the one that we use at least here in the know, taking a lot of people on the beach use the term red salmon. this is what we're doing today is just subsistence fishing. it's kind of play fishing when we do it for the way with commercial fishing, we have longer. net. we use bigger boats 0 and it's this just done a lot differently, but it's the same idea. we're still using a gillmet this crap was tucked right up to the source tut from over there. and the fish from up there to pull it from here. this one this or a good a, c o l. the guy gave played the dry. so mean?
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yeah. so we took down some of smoke, some, and i liked but now what we have here is another variety called the tucked cost. i'm basically plain dry to, to assist us and cut in a certain way. and there are many types of cuts for drying and preparatory. simon, this is a basic cost for, for dry skin or bush to hopefully she can forge that where to live on where to live per year. so a lot of times saving the village from chevrolet because you couldn't get a plane and there was no airport. the airport was built in 1958
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and in the winter you kind of get here on the boat. right. or? yeah, it gets pretty a rough up here for like the entrance to the cook and look think it's waves coming from the gulf. full blast skinner. you see this with head, this airport walk, talk to me in waves. huge waves come speed. they go tomorrow craft or lose part of the like care of the run late can one thing this is driftwood, cottonwood, we use of the beach for smoking. it is very special awards. you want to use the bleach go to like i like that. that way it doesn't make it bigger or strong. naturally. i shoke some in there, so it's the fires get too hot. i can put a little cold on, just keep cold, smoke going to and then you can't get it too hard because you start to big a fire. if you cook too hot,
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you're going to burn your for she won't make good fish. it will be soft, mostly heating on the smoke house is kind of work the same down in my time. but it's starting here it's, it's hard to see because it's not the best fisher smoke for a strange and up in there always taught this by my mom to dora taught me how to make it. she was taught by her folks. i've never changed the recipe. and everyone just loves the smoke. trish, it's really big. i've won a lot of uh good compliments and ribbons from the affairs and everything else. but this is old fashion. the bleak molecule is how it goes a link to the link. let me see if i can find something that we can try and here is one here and this is what is done. so that's a partners. i think it's partner this screwed up the good stuff. ok. when you try
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this, you know, just what you want more. you won't be able to start beating it next to that special thing for very, it's really, really good use mutual. and it's, it's like funny. mm hm. you would fresh lounge. here's the whole for the oh cool. the god, we're liver. some of the me everything yeah. had from head to tail. i'll go see the ford and noisy assignments of the
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express and this fall, a lay means the, the, the for system thing. and so everyone goes trust to cuts that some of the local mall from finding the mirror. so no need to. so go now 1st the phone for the phone for below who you know the low need of. uh uh, uh, uh, this section of uh, north river. when you look along the sides, it reminds me of, of all of it. so similar that st. herman himself also said that i
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had been alone twice. i made the cell phone when i came home. i wanna be able to so people installed them for the door so i can and i saw one of the well yeah. just so i kind of was painted in russia at the monastery on the 20th of july. 18. 84 so far. mm hm. correct. they survived all these years. not much to survive. well, there was a big fire. they say, this is a break. that was gifted to our village to me when i came to
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alarm those gifted by his grace this a funny crowdy. and this brick was made in the fall and we are very hopeful that will rebuild our church a bigger church. and this definitely will be a part of that foundation. and that's another connection to the door i saw through our church this break. and i pray and hope that the connection between the alarm and ours will become stronger and that many of us here will be able to go there and pray to get their friends or friends can come and venerate the relics of the same term. and who are still very all are for st. very powerful or
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strong. right? yeah. they were originally 10 bucks. but several of them went back even to report to the government about the abuses of the russian american company. one of them, jo, a software was a seminary graduate, was ordained bishop of kodiak, and sent back to alaska with, with us our, at the to arrest around off and put an end to this, the white page of an abusive regime of the ship that brought them back saying, so the 1st monks perished as the, as the ship was lost at sea. even natalie was murdered. as we mentioned earlier, as a customer, people on the shores of the bearing sea. and eventually father herman, out of the 10 southern one was the only one left and they tried to get rid of him. there are reports of assassination attempts, which is why he had to leave cody. i can move to a smaller 1st island, the olivia island, where he spent the rest of his life and farther. herman's real of the,
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the devotion to him came from the idea that he was sticking up for the native people, a great personal expense of risk. the a genocidal assault on gaza has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics, the united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the complex. cuz also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world . criticizing israel and sinus as becomes essentially the criminal act. so we just come into icon and a and a specifically los lagoon. uh, so icon day is over to our left here and then most soon is right in here on icon.
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they got his name from the uh, the wonderful miracle when there was a nurse blinking to sit on the waves. st saying home and brought an icon as a sail topo, some price to the beach over here in icon bay and said the water won't go blind, that's fine, fast this line. and the way stopped at the icon. i said multiple cases where people have of one particular case, i remember very well or so seems folks came and there was a, a cancer and terminal and they came and neither the individual was was orthodontist. they were just, but they had for the life of st. herman and i traveled side by 4000 miles to get here just to pray, even though they had no connection with the church or saint firm. and when the man went back for his checkup after returning,
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the doctors are mystified because of the tell me what's going on. there was no, there was no sign of it. so those, that's one of the things that i've had happen off of the, on top of the relic, worry, are the, the $1112.00 found across rather across the st. herman's secret, the war under his rows that are very heavy, very heavy and very uncomfortable. and saying robin would sleep on a board and use either a rocks or logs as a pillow. and when he had, when he entertain guests in his cell, he would take that board and he would put it over the stove to make it look like it was a table. he didn't want anybody know if that was how he slipped it. so interesting to think of his life and what it did, you know, to make that turn a from for a long to alaska in those days all on for
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this amazing. i always think they put a stop somewhere along the way. and so if you know, this is nice and comfortable here, i could door to, i could just settle here and you know, serve the people here like that. be along the didn't date and the other missionaries made it to the very end they came to alaska. what's in that time was like going to the moon. nobody knew what the last school was about. very feel or from the rest. and so i type in to alaska the course along like the natives. and he came and he served to his last breath. he was so i loved by the people respect that in the last it baptized many, it talked many and at the time of st. herman. and he wanted to come out here and serve as a hermit, after his 1st year's antonia and the god had other plans for him. and he,
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he started at an orphanage for the orleans, after a plague, killed many of the parents, some of us to some of those schools when that school in particular went to cisco later on and became a while. one of them went to the russian naval academy, a crunch stuff, and at the end of his life was a major general in the russian army. so from bruce island, betsy and st. herman to sip, go to crunched up and then a career in the russian military. so they, they did some serious teaching. it wasn't just something very simple. they knew, learned them important and some, some subjects in great depth. and today he still remembered his, remember pass along the main screen, other little grandfather. there's a wonderful tradition that the elders still practice here and, and you know, alaska and that's they'll take soil from st. herman's graves,
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and they'll mix it with some spring water from his, from his spring, just a little bit of the soil into the, into the, into the water when they're feeling, you know, and it's medicine as medicine. and that's what they take before they take a prescription mad or something like that, even. i mean it's, it's a real pious tradition to do the things. there been many, many feelings, many accounts of feelings, not just from the prayers of his grace site, but also from drinking from the spring. when cool, but a change. my mom made this with an inside. this has a soil from same term and scrape and was put it on during the school the time. i never take that off since always will at this time. i'm glad i'm so glad that father heard much k fucking apartments save us. and i say, glorious to god that way was best word less of orthodox, which was still you know,
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hold on to think that is the to face piece the one to save this for me, save the thing. thank you. thanks like that sir. my name is save the so i'll send when we're coming up. we might endure fog and rain on the water and then we hike up the trail. and when we get here, the sun comes out. it happens more times than not it's. it's really quite special on a i think it's true, blessing, let's say herman. just bestows upon us for making this journey. the . it's an amazing place. people have been there will say,
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i've never been any place like it a greek theologian came with me. i took him there years ago and we walked 2 steps down the path and he stopped. and he said, the whole place. i said i know father, he said no, this is really a holy place. i've only felt holding this like this, this intensely one other place in my life. so father george were what was that? he said at the tomb of christ in jerusalem. so this is what a visitors presided and like elanda sand. herman. the listen to me. uh uh, louis, the room is moving and i'll be holding. laura is fine.
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is scruggs to see his own ears? uh they were very um, interested in the local spiritual life. some of the 1st reports we have from the monks is that they were spending the summer listening to the stories to find out what people here already believed. so that they could introduce christianity as to fulfillment of what they already knew. and this was a kind of genius and not attacking what the people already knew and believed, but embracing and then building on it. and the 1st reports we have from them in 1795, what they wrote back to russia to report to their superiors, back in vol. um, we can work with these people. they already have the 10 commandments. they don't wanna provide enough to steal, not to murder enough to commit these crimes. and they already believe that everyone
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is descended from the same mother and father, we all come, they don't know the name adam and eve, but they all, but they believe we all come. all human beings come from the same parents, have a start to show you the grave of the last traditional cheese of a. mike alex, he's the one who felt the white church friends who lived out here for many years, taking care of the cemetery and the churches and suited his father before him. and so we have like all it so you'll notice there's a little house on top of his grade. that's a, an adverb asking, tradition that was present before the russian missionaries came to alaska. so prior to orthodoxy, they believed that for up to a year after a person died, that their sole would remain near their body or their ashes until their body returns to the earth. so for that year,
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um they would put the houses on to kind of keep the spirits away from the village. i have a place for the spirit to go. and then once the spirit pauses on in the body has decayed into the earth, we allow the houses to return back to the earth as well. so there are many that are very educated, and so they're not neglected. they're just returning to in many of them, there's items that the person would've liked when they were living. and if you look inside, you can actually see an icon of the mother of god, as well as a little crochet bag with him crochet hucks. so we know that grandma, whoever's grandma, she was loved to crochet and she loved the church. so this is one of my favorites. and so i think one of the reasons that the russian missionaries were so successful in converting the last date of people to orthodoxy was because they really respected any values. traditions that were already in place. and so even though
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that the spirit houses are not, did not come from orthodoxy, they, in alaska or an accepted orthodox practice. from what i've heard from, you know, the stories my husband has told from his, travels in the village and from native elders that i've spoken to is that the russian people were incredibly client and embraced the native way. and a lot of of the thoughts of orthodoxy in line with a lot of native teachings. so one of them is, you know, we don't own our body, we don't own the earth, we give everything but to god, god created our body. and so we don't destroy our body upon death, we bury it in the hopes of the resurrection to the boys. as soon as the group yourself to be smooth, nipple miller knows that the boys is 53, is the best man. new formula knows. so the boys are so if you could have the keys up to this may have nibble meal or nose slow, but sewage sewage system, adult,
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all new produce, know you will way give a call for me in the, you know, i see, you know, a lot of the young people, they want to go out and make their way. that's fine, you know, but they're always comes of time when they get older in your life, you're going to say, who am i, i really, from what, why you're cutting this along in your find and hopefully, you know, younger if you can just always listen to that if there's anything that's thing to you know, understand, i tell you tradition, stay alive, turn them down and wondering down are changing because if you can bring somebody else in there for this is like it's not a trish anymore. you're starting something else. the
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we just really connection is rush to quality. russia and the church in russia. i feel the new way that were their spiritual daughter. they gave birth to us here. and it's because of who seems loud in here that we have the worth of nice pay. it is because of all the saints, the monastic things settings to explore in siberia is because of alarm monastery of higher my family have orthodoxy. i feel that they are our spiritual our fathers, fathers in the face and were, were there children? that's what i, i feel that connection there to rushes, a deep spiritual connection for your family or family outside the natural way. not to delete
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the and we have cousins interest at some place. i don't know where, but i'd like to meet them sundays to be fine. the
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the, the headlines not what, not to international lebanese locals, a gathering debate, a final farewell to a problem. one of how mazda official killed in a drug and striking very rude sounds. he's now being hailed as a hero in his homeland, in the west. but we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to follow stein and his writing strike hits the palestine and red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time this week, killing one person, including at least 7 to refugees. so un pulls for an immediate cease fire the ceasefire.


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