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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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to the lebanese locals on gathering to be the final farewell to a permanent him as official killed in a drill striking the route that's as he's now being here with us. and he wrote in his homeland, in the west bank, we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. is what east like hits the policy and red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time this week? killers one, but i think one thing at least 7 is refugee you enough for sol qualified immediate the supply the ceasefire. to see more people that may see
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in the government, dismissive claims that they the legs of the said the nation to care about sizes and create in social media sites on flooded with post about india emitted pre supplies showing up on the front line. the double continuing a copies of the conflict with middle east and development, some around the world. welcome to r t i a micro quite chat with the updates. step one is had been gathering across the middle east to pay their respects to the deputy head. how they had mass political bureau, sally library of the permanent official, was killed here in the last east valley. joe, the striking bay route where his federal was also holding thousands gathered to bid farewell to all. i'm really in the lab and use capital one as waves policy and
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flags and carried banners in different political factions. i really was buried in the cemetery area. the shut to you, the refugee camp. a local douglas smaller level centers, this report. the masses participation and it's unit and no one else the simian, selected the time we are talking about the initiated film, the most in the u. d, which has been one of the stone clubs, invited for the for the scene and the distance before and actually, and this has been one of the most of it is because of what the patient has been telling me to finish it. if you choose to come in addition to the new citizen defense and betty, to message a community between the 2 of the
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message says in the position of invasion and that you need a nation of the nation. and so the, actually the best has been a district is more or less the district so many people, the benson was that the thing and this is again for the the,
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the i don't the westbank spotless tvs at bidding a final farewell to the sleigh, not functional in his home town, he was born just outside of the city of ramallah, but spent most of his life in all the least and countries. his mother says that he had long been a target to have the idea to me to attain to me. we all expect of him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. that's why she wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then in guitar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays rallies with threatened to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. his wife called me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broker in memorial
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services on, on the way in other ruiz hometown hundreds of gather to on the display. no special ave here of a research that says i have my brother was a lot by everyone. young. the many had did a big issue, but he's released always threaten the one to show today, victorious that they have accomplish something, but they don't do anything in casa except skilled children, fetus, us with mothers, and give me crimes, decided out of his blood is not more valuable than the blood of the people of guy. oh, this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. when he was young, people loved him, locals for tall and homeless. everyone loved and respected him. even though he didn't state you know real much, she was arrested and then devoted. i got news about him on the 7th of october. before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his days. we didn't talk after that for
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safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you sold them to be able to solve a bit of israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack. while it's faith side, the lie claims he had no prior knowledge of dislike r t corresponded yesterday. they can, takes us through the international reactions. the what's really important to note though is, although the is the last side and many other throughout the world suggests that israel took part in this attack. and this assassination of these earliest have been fairly quiet. but based besides that, there's also the approach in which the united states have taken as well when questions about the nature of the attack, or whether they know anything. instead of focusing confirming or denying for the most part, israel's involvement, the us essentially suggested that the deputy head of home us was a brutal terrorist and he needed to be taken out. so it seems that there's a bit of a shift in focus and blame, and this is what he had to say as well. let's take a closer listen. i don't have an assessment to make about who is responsible for
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that incident. i'll leave it to the governor of israel to speak to their actions. one thing that does remain clear is despite the ambiguous state and nature of much of this conflict, as we speak of the people within the region are definitely not happy, particularly if israel or the united states are somehow involved. it could lead to further attention within the region, the hypocrisy in which many people suggest that the united states, particularly and much of the west, particularly our research, essentially providing and showing the israeli side. and they just don't seem to take that very well more so because of the military presence. in fact, rushes permanent representative to the united nations did not mean sees menses words about who he thinks is behind. much of the conflict in the middle east westland, our years is good issue for us. but what is happening in the red sea is a direct projection of the violence in gaza where for 3 months now the bloody operation of israel is ongoing. there is also an escalation in other occupied
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palestinian territories and also in the border between israel and loved and on the us is covering for israel's actions and holding other members of the security council. hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution call in for an immediate cease fire. many people suggested that if the united the states does not actually stand by much of the doctrines that it suggests it stands by that this will further lead to not just instability and chaos within the region, but a great deal of distrust towards the united states and its allies within the region until gaza, now the palestine red crescent has announced that its headquarters had been targeted by use ready forces. one passing has been killed while 7 odyssey had sold shelter on the 5th floor of the building were wounded. this same building had come on the shelving just the day before destroying the 8th floor of the 80 groups headquarters. a new born baby was one of the victim. is it on the un relief and was
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agencies folks bus instead of a need for a cease fire and gas is urgent and then the hand on a more of a few of them are you really have seen over the last 3 months is a, is see these, this phone mean they very living against you money. i mean, you may see basic medical supplies for or to and of course in these situations you would expect these grades all say or at least the information that we saw, the ceasefire when we are ready to seize more people in despair of me in the middle of course, why we need to see is forces placement to stop. we kind of, we know the people, you know what they want fully informed me before the fire fire stations. he said it's close beside and warehouses because that will not be there
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to ha, section the people in these conditions. what do we have? see the caesar study where we have seen how there, when we have seen these uh into, oh wow. i talked to you this is we named as many people who are 70 miles kind of a what the situation is something valuable for what we do. we need to talk to many that at least by the right probably in the south of guys that has now been sped from me is really showing i the news. rodney drones strike killed and the 8 year old child and when did several others of us for they shows the grieving parents. morning, the disease of the family had fled from the knoll for being play. the search of safety yet found none. we were displaced from the l shante camp and relocated to the all salam neighborhood. and rafa we took shelter in the store
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along with 17 people. then the frequent airstrikes began. my nephew was killed and my sister and her other son were wound on you and the situation there is no bathroom in the no fly of the law just refugee camping guys are frequently comes on the idea of fire people and they really jump on the cam struggle just survive us, whatever the waste water flush the streets, local say bullets, don't kill them. a lot of furniture conditions. well, as you see there were sewage water everywhere. we live with stray dogs and cats amid the car bitch we survived bombings, disease my to us, the water level is about 50 centimeters. nobody drain the water, took out the garbage or fix the sewage. whereas the united nations released in works agency. they just tell us to head to their shelters, but they don't care about us because of the other places of refuge in the noval guys are in no better condition and that's cool. was destroyed by is ready for his
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glass rooms with left. and yet people have returned to take shelter in the facility because for many there is simply nowhere else to go out in central gas. that'd be all my guys. the refugee camp has come on to repeat is fire local jump list. romeoville gary takes us through what is happening in the central pond will be embattled in grade. it was the past, the 24 hours and the center of goes us to have an image though, does us trip? these are 80 iris drags have been and then so flight, maddie, maddie, many, many locations including golds have been had to by the, is there any error strikes and i'm a gauzy and generated by law, and i know say rod in the different parts of the middle goes us to rep, now the reports suggest to a strong legs that days or 80 times are re stationed on the as the was through an
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entrance of my guys. each of the deacons witnesses say that there is a time, has to fly or dead, a time shows deep or and to my guys are a few decals from the entrance of my guys a where, where i on base right now. maybe you hear the silence of the bump, things on the fire. they have your plan and the bad ground. that is the situation now it's getting get very tense for the moment in the middle area. my god sees it close to the locks of monsters. hospital in the middle goes us to rip town of get rid of by that which has to be a, reportedly a, had a, some of file was around the house with others. so overnight, overnight also there have been 90 strikes as i said in the midst of the gaza strip . dozens of people have been reportedly killed dozens, others have been reportedly injured because of the visa strikes. and the intensity of the israeli army tank shows from the eastern part of my ghazi,
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eastern part of the bridge refuge account that has been already invaded in the past a few days now from a british 5 minister boris johnson. his last out deadline does metropolitan police for collecting evidence of these ready war crimes. officers were attempting to support an icy c pro, but into the matter. but his johnson says not and police should be impartial. the sounds like a worrying politic has ation of the met police, especially after mid officers, were seen tearing down posters, was really hostages in gaza. when i was mayor, i made it clear that we would not in port for wars or disputes onto the streets of london. the met would be better off by the knife crime. police officers plays post as in several british airports calling for information on war crimes. and that by big hebrew, an english they claimed was b a d t to assess the international criminal course investigation of these when the government has coals the i c. c polled at the symmetric. now we spoke to
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a co founder of guys, a medic, voices on my abdulla, i'm on 2 sides of a, please can pay this part of the public fight against these ready atrocities. and guys that as the 1st thing to say is that the metropolitan police has not taken upon themselves to do this. they have you been approached by the setup was sent to the same as plastic surgeon who was in gaza. witnessing will crime is on a daily basis from the 8th of october until early december, when he escaped on the fire by these or any defense occupation forces. and he has approached the i c, j t. the international center for just as the palestinians are based in london to put together a case for crimes. we are in a situation where we have inputs in lead is including this. this do not commit to bite in the united nations. and the need to need is we are at this stage where they are unable to act and that means that is our response, which is a collective global community to coal for functions to cov,
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assigned uses on. he's ready states. so frankly, i think that complete sentiment on the ground in the u. k. across the world is one of the cost and $1.00 of exasperation. and that the message is enough is enough, as these findings to happen. now the end of the blockade and the occupation of palestine needs to stop now, and we need to allow humanitarian aid and a rebuilding process to happen. as of today, the over in south africa, the support for palestinians remain strong locals in cape town. i'm coming up with different ways to show it local john lives at the tone, gonna bring some of the details. a thousands of children has been quotes in the deadly crossfire and the ongoing conflict in the middle east. south africans have come up with different ways to continue raising awareness about the young lives that have been cut short in guys. writing and pasting the names on the historic
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freedom tree at the saint george's cathedral. and cape town takes into account all of the children who have died today. we've decided to focus on the children being tools in this ongoing mexican palestine. and so we've lectured onto a project and online project will beds of gaza. it's not a project with one of them when we start to have just let them do that. and the idea is to help children to understand, to indicate children as well. and what's happening through the lens of children is we've lost their lives. and so the idea is to create to foods with the names, and we've got the names from the ministry. you also think of these and casa, where they've listed some of the names of the children that on the part of the extension is suppose to, to change. the statistics of the children died into real human beings with names, children, and admissions and themes. children to ad futures that haven't got your delegation or religious leaders, a civic society organizations. and ordinary south africans,
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recently traveled to jerusalem in december to celebrate christmas and to be with the people of palestine to show their support. they as religious need is believe that this is a sophisticated political role. it is a very sophisticated from the welfare with religion is being yours all from the people to do nothing. leaving the on scientists to to not why is self prefers is just about the use of promises of scripture to animals, sunny cool way to headphones, a very specific and to human. you called me all your own rules and the as the other human beings limits very so. so cyber listed as very quickly defined, and that's all you still feel piece of good quality of life globally and for your self and for your children in response to these really states. so that because the department of the international relations and corporations says that as well has
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inside been summoned by the international court of justice, the so called rights office alabassic, so filed documents triggering and the news genocide convention is, is the department of international relations in south africa says in looking forward to traveling with a legal team to the have on the 11th of january next week, to formally present the case before the court of a terrorist organization. these lumnick states has claimed responsibility for recent deadly bombing. and they run, the incident took place during a come a ration semi need for the safety, rainy and got a general more than a 100 people were killed and nearly twice that number where wounded. because group describe it to ask them are tied on more patients. are these use of july, the reports from the sides of the tragedy. this is the main cemetery of the lawn,
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southeastern city of care mon worse wednesdays. when was the ways in the middle of a large procession that was here. holding a memorial for the slain, yvonne and military commander general voss instantly money, who was assassinated back in january 2020 by the united states in iraq. of course we're on standing now is the size of the 1st blast that took place here right behind me. and the traces can be seen. here are the glass and the explosion left some deep marks inside the ground. and this shows go list ality and the destructive power of the weapons used in the incident. of course, this one of the fact that the police have cordoned off this place to be 5 security after the incident and a wave of new population new crowd has entered the cemetery with people curious to see and visit the applause the side of the blasts in
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person and also to pay tribute to those who lost the lives in the incident. of course the thousands of people and pilgrim so were here last so lives and dozens more were injured in the last that as long calls a terrorist acts. of course, around blaine's the incident on israel. israel has not commented yet on the whether or not he was behind the incident, but the one blames it on his well and a yesterday it running president of brian bracy said that as well as behind the incident and that job, he promised and vouch that is revel face a harsh revenge, of course is ro did have some experience in iran or intelligence experience. anyone targeting some of science scientists, any ron, or assassinating some of the figures, high profile figures and iran, or, or get a torpedo in, get ronnie and military or nuclear activities or hacking some sensitive sites in
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iran. but with regards to mass casualty events and incidents as well so far not had such and such an experience in these moments republic off yvonne now many steel point, the finger of blame as israel saying that israel has been targeting some of the key figures within the access of resistance. following all the is ready war on does um we see that there was a sense exercise, step in and different forces from the resistance fonts have been turned off and not just set foot in the conflict. trying to deal of low to is read these really military like out a young man like has the law and hi shelby and a rod. so as we see over the past days is we have has been targeting some of the senior members of the r g c in syria and also recently assault. and i will read who is a deputy,
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had also the hum us he was also targeted by as well. so it won't sees a connection in the spring of attacks that have been carried out by israel against some of the key members off um the resistance access. and that is why one i did want to young people even here they have been changing slogans against the israel thing desk to israel, believing that is really intelligence services having behind being said, what us, we all should we in 2024 here at our tea we've been taking stock of the past year today. we'll look at how residents have been yes. could lived 2 more days on the war. tons, chi's, chairs, odds, the odd cheese romani sort of and just of wanting that very some disturbing for if there's a head of the year 2023 was full of tragedies for the civilians here in dunbar . as many people have been killed, including children, including elders,
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the ukrainian nationalists began using drones. they were dropping slow, some devices from all those drones on top of people's has right here, of course that we're also using artillery. so if you have made and those provided by nato countries as well, our t crews were constantly here and recording all those more crimes against civilians here and on the bus. let's take a look at what we saw here in dunbar. the ukrainian nation is just sort of the same area again, the area where we were working the area here in the center here,
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people screaming right now because it's a very loud explosion. you get to the store . it's the most certainly what happened was that now there's a give him the hospital we were to still take him to the was here, but right now they're showing continues the of the prime standing in the middle of a crate or made by that such go ballistic missile, which is capable of carrying nuclear munition, obviously this where do you see any military facilities here or anything like
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that? no, it's the cuter water intake facility, which is just the water supply networks. that's all. so what was the 60, a total of 13695 instances of enemy fire were recorded this year of those 13615 involved the use of heavy weapons, m o r s. as high mars are again, m o, r s, as in grads and various modifications of slavic and soviet ukraine's armed formations have now become more active with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. they're dropping bombs in the heads of civilians at rush hour when people are traveling to work and children are going to school and the more the, these are, the remains of an american made high mars are all kids that ukraine have been using here a lot recently see let's go to from, we were standing in the area of the ambulance. we have a sports center there. suddenly there was a sudden pop,
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an explosion and my arm was gone. i was wondering if you knew about 6570 percent of residential houses had been destroyed in those settlements. the being of the right that ukraine is leveling everything down in the foundations that using scorch those tactics. the i don't know what to do. we've lived here all our lives and now we have nowhere to lay out hats. we are on the roof, top of a building that was shelled by ukrainian nationalist in the city of. yes, you nevada, and now this is just one of the shelves that was sounds here on the roof of this building. the
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it's a trap and what type of a weapon it contains these small metal bits right here. and each rock it carries at least 9 thousands of these are small that lease bits and then you'll scroll down to an escrow that's continues. if you will, compound didn't get hits. you will lucky if you go to work and don't come on the fire. you all lucky. 3. 0 good. the one's name was nice to see her mom just arrived on the scene. she just found out that her bill's daughter was killed. shell fragments are simply flying on the streets. this is very, very common here in the city of the nest,
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kim gore. let's go ahead and use in a mazda as well. however, these people are 100 constants. environments from artillery from ms styles. whole better is calibers help ukranian origin and so supplied by nato countries. as well, for me on call for a warranty, the nest republican of washington drain ship has more. that's how many a read 3 on board carrying 25000 tons of free grain from the for the african nation . now back in july, the russian president vladimir put in promise to send 6 african countries up the width of the 15000 tons of drain of the 1st 2 shipments arrived in somalia and book enough iso in december, flashes and basset to reach your receipts the delivery of the port, same of the supply will help ensure the countries fluid security the supply of grain is certainly important, not only for a retreat,
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but for all african countries. this action shows that russia, unlike the west, does not just talk. it keeps its promises every year the amount of grain purchased by a retrans increases throughout 2023. it amounted to $33000.00 tons. i believe that the decision of the president of the russian federation to supply a retreat with $25000.00 tons of green, free of charge makes a great contribution to ensuring that countries fluid security. naturally, our actions are concerning to the so called western democracies, which no longer shake hands in many african nations. they are losing their attractiveness, their influence in african countries. africans want to pursue an independent policy . they can be ordered around much less often. the russian, the libyan government drive at hand, tripoli has been entering towards the lucrative deals for foreign companies to extract.


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