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tv   Documentary  RT  January 4, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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countries this action shows that russia, unlike the west, does not just talk. it keeps its promises. every year the amount of grain purchased by a retrans increases throughout 2023. it amounted to $33000.00 tons. i believe that the decision of the president of the russian federation to supply a retreat with $25000.00 tons of green, free of charge makes a great contribution to ensuring that countries fluid security. naturally, our actions are concerning to the so called western democracies, which no longer shake hands in many african nations. they are losing their attractiveness, their influence in african countries. africans want to pursue an independent policy . they can be ordered around much less often. the russian, the libyan government drive at hand, tripoli has been entering towards the lucrative deals for foreign companies to extract oil from a substantial deposit. but some of the officials have spoken not against the move
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with accusations that fall. ready powers that pondering the north african nations resources of the agreement as a blatant violation of current national legislation, the high council of state called on the government of national unity and the national oil corporation to immediately cease negotiations. the possible agreement could see firms from easily from sending you a, develop the model of hombre or fuel together with libya's national oil cooperation . but some officials have criticized the potential for the, for foreign companies to get up to 40 percent of the output. all jerry and he cannot make and added you resources. advisor says that the political split in libya, hand us for view. the problem is that dr. the is been made is so for the, in libya, please with the a gas this, this proceed or uh, the motion of the oil company and libya is taking, it has very good sites,
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the really tired. so relationship with the, with the, with the energy and i've not. so the problem in this field is that some a decent fields in the area. they get only 13 percent. ok, but this new contract supposed to take 3 off, but this company's supposed to take 40 percent of 40 percent of of share, which is really it's all, it's all of a range of uh, vivian, uh, meanness of, of oil is looking forward. so this is like the me to sell for these guys. so you go suggesting the increase in the share of offense, or for libya, we will post all the, uh, oil companies uh, activated in the libyans, all right, the lease, they will push them to claim form or amendments about their existing contract. you just, besides not afraid of some other, they get the only 13 percent off shit. there is a political splits in the libyan,
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the libyan probably forties and that's the all davis, our more stories coming all way in less than 30 minutes to stay with us. the fish has 9, there's going to go out. i see not sure if the, if it's when you may have future media down, this means that this was the username so much uh, a film was less than 10000 downtown. yes. somebody sits 1st coupon versus taylor's, he's typical of god just because you see on the cute and jason's i mean, so the answer is ridiculous. let's say you will have seen me. i'm not going to sign you just never will. it's not typically jacobs or is it really look at the account? no extension, that's fine. you know what?
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okay, which i send the login looks pretty good estimate. you know, what are some pressing lake? most of these are some using that in the me some video. yeah. we have, i'm glad i was in. yeah, moving us in this little little give, get him now. will the interest as of the nice of listening polosa here, of course the play the sessions. let my boss on this. this continues. feels legitimate. as i said, go to the feel good to please. i don't know the end of it is
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a simple board and use my link at a port if it's just this the that the to add somebody to that. so let me just send it says if i have to print it with the nice picture, what it's doing more than that. well, no me cuz that's that's, that's we do literally because there's some, i know that there's down there. we have natasha. but as i tell them, not them love it, difficult to let the sink left on you hon. the last sunday. and it's my mom's brother, my uncle, a long list here, really choice name sandra in direction, which had a for look samuel, the 1st trading post on the mainland to to alaska and alaska. right here. so in order to set up a lot of history, the show you
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some maybe old documents that might be interesting for the your story. it's a nice thing here. sorry. let's find something of interest. this is old custom. this is what we call port or call us fly. what slow it is carol, in our language, in christmas in 10 years, 7 would take the star to people's homes and noise, sing songs, christmas songs, church songs, my mom here on so a lot or electives. the brother, the, now this him, so we seeing are in slop on us. they were talk to us. so we're trying to continue those law cause him this even though with nobody here speaks or
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us and then a more or we're trying to hold that custom on this boss did or may as long was eastern. so this is the, or did or as the you are honest, a 100 percent personal deduction. the building to show everybody has icons in their home. no more like 10 goals. and they go into a home sheet and i got it got ada. great. they walk. it's, it's been a like a church last year to, to a respect for right. that's correct. we're or deluxe,
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correct. the always to were never to come to your street address, music them to be on the table for chance. cook a good. i think i what else gets low and it goes to the flow, the bubble out, the new gods. but spending cuts. i just thought i'd been seen. that's the thing that i know you're all good with gift flow for there's no rush i could throw in your new bullet for the throwing your cost for him. when he is telling me what time is good, they take you through to you. so those computers, excuse me, most the time me says me, so you need to who in the past to quote that's arrest and more that you know to go on the rest of the lift? no, that's the interesting thing about this. this bar old words,
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it kind of helps to explain or history for some of our native speakers, and they don't recognize that it's a rest and borrow board some times. sometimes they think it might actually be an old earlier blurt. actually we don't have many american bar towards all of them if anything, far into our language resting upon real thoughts. the oh the uh the,
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the. busy the, the the uh, the, the, the light came on today's, for me thank pool. uh huh. okay. docs chris mean it or doc?
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yeah. feel really, really be but really, so we don't show break the america. we celebrate the go and i wonder, a 7 or january start christmas, some years old. well, this is kind of interesting. let's this must go, drive. must o'clock. these are pictures of must go on the court with coma scott. my square a dense. but it's in january new year, holiday is called the noise go, i don't know if go documents lawyers no good. you know they've got and then
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uh christmas. so it call allows us to a stop when surrounds the store. the board. i'm not sure, but what i grew up, my brother, older brother taught in my uncle here was my going farther to uh is to down to russian tuning. and i, i think when they did this, they always had a, they played according to it wasn't the songs that were, i guess people just wrote me. i'm not sure who got credit for it, but you're writing and playing the songs and they just stuck, you know, use a song for the masking and the news and they have name for some of the songs. but there's 2 old lady as well thing. the old man and there's one process and
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a lot of this stuff was tied to the truth, stood there who told stories about, you know, like some of the masking, like when, when the here and was no searching for jesus. you sent me this man and they were masked, so they wouldn't know, you know, and that's, i remember hearing stuff like that when i wrote the,
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there's one that i was coming back to. we're basically just an exec i, simon. and i saw these eyes about that, so the bit totals in my eat, it costs me and i push folders. and then i a couple minutes after that i heard someone whispering in my ear and which is moving behind me. so i think it's a, it's like in terms of that there is something right. so yeah, the so i'm not sure what it was. it possibly could have been big foot. that's one of the reasons we got the guns up here because it goes to kind of like tech go from price my we're down the most. we've got the, the people in the village fits strange things like where it was like if there was indeed or yeah, yeah, it's in with this with i, it's the big for here in the village to. so then there low odds and
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stuff going on. knowing her up here, hold on. no, just people i got to get through to them out of nowhere folder call and we'll fire we're down for wheelers actually got stuck on a nor the trunk. snow come from the help of this stuff up here that we don't know the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance to progress be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say a request, which is the
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site is to your credit accounts offensively, you know, it was a fire that there was a series of illusions on the, on the west side and ukrainian side issues about their own strength, illusions about strength for the russian opponents basically the, you know, the care to russia and ukraine was a door that just had to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come sometime in october solutions have been shocked with the st. you and all the came here in the 17 ninety's. he made his way as far as we know, to the village of queen, a hawk on the bearings seacoast, and the priest the hiero month, even though it was killed with arrows. then the show i'm and remove the brows cross from father even natalie's body. he was wearing a brass cross and he put it on himself. but it did. he tried to do some kind of news of some say of some kind of magic,
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but nothing worked. instead he felt himself levitated, he felt himself lift it up. he tried 3 times and the same effect. he felt himself lifted. he finally took off the brass cross and tossed it aside and said to the people, there's some power here. i can't, i can't deal with, i don't know what this is, but the next time someone comes, we'd better be careful because they have a power greater than anything we have. and you don't have any other villages here. i know like, oh, take roll. first and orthodox the people try to come with other religious. yeah. who is i tried several and several of the try. boom. the men sometimes go on, but i'm not really sure. no. i'm not saying go back to the it was,
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it was difficult for them to maintain their orthodox faith because the federal government of the united states concluded with protestant missionaries, they divided alaska into 3 years of influence. so this area and kodiak island was given to the baptist church, the lutheran church had another part of alaska, the presbyterian church had another part of alaska and so forth. so they, the missionaries were also school teachers and the school was funded by the federal government. but also by the respective churches. so this area was federally funded schools with baptist missionaries, as the teachers government to be, i called bureau indian up there and they handled schools and ability this. they were all under the government. and we were being literally be
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just to learn to be in english. so yeah, i would be meant to us a really rough for you and do, and i don't mean got beat. and if you don't speak english your to early be bye. take care. that thing, let's press the pound and then go and i regret to learning it because it, i think it made people angry is their language. when you take language to and cultural stuff and kinda jump the jump into
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the other model. i have to turn it in wednesday and you pay for the assessment also crush when you place the company. see this one, they just don't want to put them closer to me with no task doesn't mean it's not. it's them. we can test of some sort of knew who to call, but it kills me. but even if it doesn't come with me of the kind of music because i said, i don't trust a property with by the one that's too fast. he did some easy guy to realize for us to knowing you know, some golf, cuz some of his kids, somebody can golf, quit the 9th and visit in the morning and i just was in your thoughts. is that the
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ones that mean did the phone get the ones that are more than 40 the yes. the village can you spell your last name? it's almost our system much. looks like it was book posted, the quantitative it's saving on can you was the last thing you need it is it's a new one. but with sun lab us in the media, it appears that the much they don't come next to the company. you could do that or so you can still feeling think those 2 are the news. thank you for listening to
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many of the names of the kids go to use this the the hey, which 3 months to print the plastic for somebody to look on the new before the new stuff in the car. and even those come, you know,
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carpet was come up with cbs across the now i want to cuz they took the keys, a bill in noise because it said we're getting there to go. i know what you have right now. score to reduce the grid. those to the bladder. yeah. to get the know the quick moment that they didn't get a decision on the so that years with any contact with the quote, the advice i didn't know, which is the course to look up to the with the customer with support. so um, i mean, yeah, thank you. there's got the rest of the was, it doesn't go through the book. so the, she'll cook, thank you for the my,
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your the the, your i got some progress here. hello. or to flash like long, low garage. so i've got some of the peninsula payment that's already on go and if those promise to come shop, they are gonna photo and come check because i'm very much more performing like i'm trying to start over on my own. just like showing if i tell him like that and rubbing, if i tell him there's an additional but i think but the especially you know, the next to me is universities
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and what happened back in 1567 when those are recognized that he couldn't defend the eastern in most parts of the empire, the thought he was going to lose it take to great britain that decided to sell to the united states, which a just come out of a civil war and say he, he didn't correct. and he said, well, the united states is going to be a world power, like great britain. so that will be a better, a better thing to do that will separate the canada and the great britain's interest there from russia. and so you can better defend the empire. the city is kodiak, was settled in the 17 ninety's and severe it. original suppression, settlement on kodiak island,
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was elsewhere as close to the same. stay near old harbor now and that was the original settlement russian settlement. and then for on a move, the moved everything to the city of kodiak, it was then called an english saint paul's harbor, or had on that. but how was the salon? so let's go govern. yeah, and that's what it was called then. and so and the 17 ninety's, everything moved from 3 st. bay to saint paul's harbor. and this area had a lot easier access and ships were able to dock here more easily then and 3 things today. and so they moved here and the 1790s. and then became the capital,
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the people here at the time were either a low tech or russian. and they spoke over tech and russian. and they were orthodox . and so when the americans came after a few years, um american missionaries and teachers and business necessary to come here. and they really were to suppress he, elliptic and russian inferences. people who are resting or had russian citizenship were given a choice to stay here or go back to russia regardless of as they had ever been there. they try to really kind of suppress that influence, you know, english only policy is pushed to convert people to protestantism. i was really prevalent as well. the
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area that crisis line jerked him off. you don't need the baptist baptist what it must have been. it's, you know, there's a lot of folks narrative out that the image of christ. yeah. the nation. he says no, you don't need that. yeah. is not the traditional of boxes that i mean i don't, i don't as the money to get it is a very di marvia. i would agree that as simple as i'm very christian churches across the genocidal assault on gods that is made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics, the united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the
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complex. cuz also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world, criticizing israel and sinus as becomes essentially the criminal act, the lebanese locals, a gathering to be the final farewell to have prevented him back. official killed and the drugs lie getting the route. and that's as he is now being hey, over 3 year old and his homeland and the west bank. we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assassinate him. oh, this is a dedication to the prisoners and to follow stein, i may as rarely supply kids the palestine red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time this killing one fussing. and when they get to eat 7 refugees, un office of coal for an immediate cease fire. the seaside


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