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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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dream censorship all across the western world criticizing israel and sinus has become essentially the criminal act the lebanese locals are gathering to pay the final farewell to a prominent head baffled special killed and the drugs lie gets they root. and that's, that's, he's now being hailed by 3 year old and his homeland in the west bank. we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to follow stein, news release, black kids, depaula style, red crescent headquarters for the 2nd time. this is kelly one fussing. and when they get to need 7 victory, g u. n. o for souls, coal for an immediate cease fire. seaside, let me see let me
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see sorry, as often as ation is law, makes faith claims responsibility for it when bombing in nearby and which left over 100 people dead on standing now is the size of the 1st was that took place here to right behind me and the traces can be seen. here are the it is 59 pm in moscow. this is our team to national with a global updates. i have mike up watching now morning as have been gathering across the middle east to pay their respects to the deputy head of him as political bureau, sally library of the permanent official was killed in their lives. these ready drilled in striking bay route why his funeral, and was also a hands now to thousands, gavin to bade farewell to honorably read in the library as comfortably mourned as
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weight policy and slides in carriage, banners of different political factions. all i really was buried in a cemetery near the city lab, refugee camp, local douglas, my life collab, sent us this report. the masses participation at unit in the city and estimated time we are talking about the initiated film, the most in the news which has been one of the stone clubs and they need for the, for the scene in the distance before 1980 actually. and this has been one of the most of it is because the patient has been really big if you do in addition to that, and they've been used to send the message between the 2 of
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the ascent. suddenly tennessee, a message says in the position of invasion and the nation opened up in use the nation. and so the equity has been that has been a district is more or less the district of 2000. so many people in the targeting and this is the and then the west bank spotless damian's
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bidding, a final farewell to the slaying official in his hometown. he was born just outside of the city of ramallah, but spent most of his lives in all the middle eastern countries. his mother says that he had long been a target to be id. yes. i'm looking to move to what i'll expect of him to become a martyr. the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. that's why she wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then and could tar, scattered all around until those villains assist and aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays, valleys, threatened to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son now worried about his kids and wonder how they are doing. his wife called me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broke her. this memorial service is on the way in a library's hometown. the hundreds of gather to honor this slate official as
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a hero, reassessed us, as i have bravo was beloved by everyone. young. the many had did a bit of the issue, but he's released all of his grades and they want to show the de victorious that they have accomplish something. but they don't do anything in casa, except skilled children, fetus, as with mothers, and give me crimes. sorry, i don't know what his blood is, not more valuable than the blood of the people of god. so all of this is a dedication to the prisoners and to palestine. when he was young, people loved him, locals for tall and homeless. everyone loved and respected him, even though he didn't state you know real much she was arrested and then devoted. good news about him on the 7th of october. before that we would talk every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his base. we didn't talk after that for safety reasons. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them at the gather,
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now the palestinian know palestine red crescent and has announced that its headquarters have been targeted by easily forces one fussing has been killed. file 7 off as you had sort of shelter on the 5th floor of the building where when did at the same building has come on the shelling just the day before destroying the 8th floor of the age groups headquarters. but a new born baby was one of the victims, the un relief and works agencies, folks bus inside of a need for a cease fire and gas is urgent. and then we have seen over the last 3 months, it is close the that is mean they very living against you money day. i mean even back, see basic medical supplies for them or to. and of course, in these situations, you would expect these grades all say needs or the information that we saw,
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the ceasefire when we are ready to seize more people in despair. they get me in the middle of course, why we need to see forces placement to stop. we kind of, we know that we kind of that. so most people, you know, what i should do is we had already said they were fully informed me in the part of the 51 virus donations. these are the schools, the side and warehouses be settled into procedures that were not there to set the people in these conditions. what do we have? sees the caesar study wherever we have seen how there when we have seen these uh into oh wow. i talked to you, then we moved maybe before or after 3 months, kind of a what the situation is for what we do. we need like the keys to money that increased by a raphael. the south of gather has not been spared. so on these,
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why the showing i the news rodney drove strike, killed an 8 year old child. and when did several others that's for the it shows the grieving parents. morning. the disease of the family has led from the north of the enclave in search of safety. yet found non of the mosque. we were displaced from the aisle shot to camp and relocated to the all salam neighborhood. and rafa we took shelter in the store along with 17 people. then the frequent airstrikes began. my nephew was killed and my sister and her other son were wounded. and the situation is no bathroom in the no fly. the law just refugee camping gather frequently comes on the idea of fire. people in the ruins valley. i campus struggle to survive and waste water flow into the streets. local, say, your bullets, don't kill them. a lack of sanitary conditions. well, as you see, there were sewage water everywhere. we live with stray dogs and cats amid the
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garbage. we survived the bombings but disease. my to us, the water level is about 50 centimeters. nobody drain the water, took out the garbage or fix the sewage. whereas the united nations relief and works agency, they just tell us to head to their shelters, but they don't care about us. other places of refuge in the know of guys that i know back to condition that this call was destroyed, vice really forces for us rooms where last burn, yet people have recharged, take shelter in the facility because for many very simply nowhere else to go. i'm the central gas out the all my guys, the refugee camp has come and repeated fire local douglas rami, uh, mcgarry takes us through what is happening in the central part of the in buffalo. then play. it was the past, the 24 hours and the central gas turban image, though, does this trip? these are 80 arrow strikes have been intensified. maddie, maddie, many,
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many locations including guns have been had to buy the. is there a risk drives and i'm a gauzy and generated by law, and i know say rod in the different parts of the middle goes us to rep. now the reports suggest to a strong glaze that day is ready. the tanks are re stationed on the western entrance of my guys. each of the deacons witnesses say that there is or either times have fly or dead. a tank shows deep or until my guys are a few decals from the entrance of my guys a where, where i on base right now. maybe you hear the silence of the bump things on the fire. they have play out in the background. that is the situation now, it's getting get very tense for the moment in the middle area, my god sees a close to the locks of monitors hospitality, and the middle goes us to rip town of get rid of bella, which has been reportedly a, had a, some of file was around the house with others. so overnight,
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overnight also there have been 90 strikes. as i said in the middle of gauze us to read dozens of people have been reportedly killed and dozens others have been reportedly injured because of the visa strikes and the intensity of the is really army tank shows from the eastern thoughts of my ghazi eastern part of the bridge refuge account that has been reduced, invaded in the past a few days. now southern corners of the world have been categorical with condemning what be describe us use really attractive atrocities in gaza. but televisions, a scientist online washington has a different stake. are the us state departments books bus and they stated the vc, no signs of genocide taking place. a genocide is of course, a heinous atrocity. one of the most heinous atrocities that any individual can
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commit those or allegations that should not may be made lightly. and as it pertains to the united states, we are not seeing any acts that constitute jessica at that spot. on these ready affairs and political analysts call do more about who t says the washington's definition of genocide changes depending on the nation in question. it's, you know, the, the game of interests and the victims of the victims and, and russia and they could in conflict 2 ways. so a lot of blooming death doesn't do another thing that those of loans and, and, and realize the out of last year i keys or whatever. so this is, this is the main game that the, the, the so, but why the light so, but let me see, i get going, sit in dealing with the, with the understanding is that a lot of those people. so for the united states, when it comes to them, and when it comes to is that i am doing that for them then, is that it has the right to do that. they don't care for them. but as of the
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schedule up, isn't that the listing inside? and i think in things like in the guessing new kid and it's the same thing happens with other 2 countries in the world in the united states would lead that military coalition to a flight did a good result. and they are doing that now in a korean and bush at gaze. so they always seek to bring, is it a l uh to the as an any sense, the country i didn't cut off the country that does not kill civilians intentionally and the, this is different this month. the 5th, they said this is and then another stiffness a few weeks ago. and they said that they don't have any proof. that is what i thought i could get specialist any, and intentionally my global coal for sci fi. i have been growing interest and weeks, but the us remain steadfast in blocking any meaningful, peaceful resolution. local is ready, douglas, uh raw b, but man fox,
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it takes us through a what's driving nations farther and farther away from support for tel aviv in times of trouble is real usually receives its support in the united nations from number of its allies. but now during the cause of war, israel is beginning to see that supports slowly slip away. only the united states is stopping the resolution of a cease fire from passing at the un singlehandedly, enabling israel to pursue the war in gaza. at the same time, israel's european allies are beginning to abstain from the vote. more and more countries even arab countries, that israel has normalize relations with via the abraham records, are voting for the ceasefire. hampering israel's efforts to ralph from us some countries such as south africa and chad, a folder in passengers from israel and other even more powerful countries are beginning to speak out against israel's activities. this really government should
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do more to discriminate sufficiently between terrorists and civilians. ensuring its campaign is targeted on him, off leaders and operatives after israel receive such a devastating blow and october 7th. what can be the reason for the erosion of it supports? the reason seems to be is really rhetoric many right when politicians and. ready military personnel located as a cure. yeah. which is basically is roles. pentagon right behind me? i've come out with statements that seem to apply. that is more is nothing more than simple revenge for october 7th. i don't know what the leave i've ordered a complete c, jim gaza. there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we're fighting against human animals and we're act accordingly. human beasts are dealt with accordingly. these real has impose the total blockade of gas. no tricity, no water, just damage you want to tell,
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you will get help. so all the and the other comments make it seem as if israel's not trying to avoid in this, in civilian casualties in gaza. why the balancing accuracy was the scope of the damage. right now we have focused on what causes the maximum damage. somebody's really politicians are actually saying that the 2000000 palestinians living and gaza should be expelled power along the knock book of 1948, napa, expelled them all. if the egyptians care so much for them, they are welcome to receive them in cellophane, tied with a green ribbon. sell them at right now, one goal, neck and neck, but that will overshadow the neck, but $48.00 neck button, garza and neck. but to anyone who dares to join their neck the because like in 1948, the alternative is clear. the prime minister, on the other hand, is insisting that israel is pursuing justified goals with legitimate means. we will act and not only you know,
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right of self defense button to found an outcome and values and all future, but also in a way that minimizes civilian casualties. nonetheless, united nations representatives are expressing concern about ideas, behavior in gaza. we remain convinced that the palestinian people are a grave risk of genocide. we demand a humanitarians who spire to ensure that a reach is those who need it the most. we're using the term risk of genocide because the process that is on the way is absolutely indiscriminate affecting in this case. more than 2000000 people is really officials are not taking the you is criticism lying down. i will not meet with the un secretary general of to the october 7th to massacre. there is no place for a balanced approach. a mouse must be raised off the face of the planet. due to his remarks, we will refuse to issue a visa to you when representatives we have all ready to refuse the visa for under
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secretary general for humanitarian affairs martin griffith. the time has come to teach them as us in the united states is playing some sort of middle ground where it's allowing is roll to pursue the war. but it's trying to get us to take it down a few notches. we're not dictating terms to the, as rarely so we, we, uh, we did talk to them about what they're thinking in terms of transitioning from high intensity to what we would consider lower intensity military operations. we agree with these rallies that this uh, this conflict could go on for months, australia, canada, and japan who voted against the ceasefire. back in october, voted for the ceasefire this month. and even u. k. the voted against a ceasefire. this month of stains, france voted for a ceasefire, and is president emmanuel monochrome said publicly, but israel could not fight terrorism by killing innocent civilians. over the past
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20 years, israel has in bought a numerous military campaign since a gaza after suffering from us missile attacks. from us terror attacks and from us kidnapping of soldiers. but israel always stopped short of a re occupation of gaza due to international pressure. this time however, things look differently after october 7th, where israel suffer the rape torture mutilation and murder over 1200 other citizens . the worst one day tragedy of the jewish people since the holocaust, the attitude in israel towards gaza has completely changed this time. israel is going for a full obliteration of from us and temporary occupation of gaza until a caretaker government can be found. and even though there are growing calls for a ceasefire and even grumbling in the american administration, israel seems to be going all the way. this is robbie berman reporting from television for our t towers organization. these long states has claimed response debility folder
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was in deadly bombing unit. ron, these have been took place during a come a ration ceremony for dis easier rain in general. more than 100 people were killed in nearly twice that number. where would it look? terry's group describe it as a montague donald version. are these use of july, the reports on the sides of the tragedy. this is the main cemetery of the lawn, southeastern city of care mon works wednesdays. when was the place in the middle of a large procession that was here, holding a memorial for the slain yvonne and military commander general of awesome slave money, who was assassinated back in january 2020 by the united states in iraq. of course we're on standing now is the size of the 1st blast that took place here, right behind me. and the traces can be seen. here are the glass and the
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explosion left some deep marks inside the ground. and this shows the list out of the and the destructive power of the weapons used in the incident. of course, this one of the fact that the police have cordoned off this place to be 5 security after the incident and a wave of new population new crowd has entered the cemetery with people curious to see and visit the applause. the site of the blasts in person and also to pay tribute to those who lost the lives in the incident. of course the thousands of people and pilgrim so were here last so lives and dozens more were injured in the last that as long calls a terrorist acts. of course have all blames the incident on israel. israel has not commented yet on the whether or not he was behind the incident, but the one blames it on his well and a yesterday it running president of brian brace,
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he said that as well as behind the incident and that job, he promised and vouch that is revel face a harsh revenge. over the past days israel has been targeting some of the senior members will be very r d. c in syria. and also recently assault who is a duty off ahead of the us. he was also targeted by his wealth. so it won't sees a connection in the spring of attacks that have been carried out by israel against some of the key members of the resistance access. and that is why one idea, ronnie and people even hear every chevy slogans against israel. thing desk to israel, believing that is really intelligence services. even though i mean a mass protest is often in the capital of somalia, about a controversial deal for neighboring if you appear to access the red sea. tamani as governments, as of the deal struck by the administration of the disputed territory of somebody
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land was on the rise. the federal government finds it unacceptable that we are ignored by an ethiopian prime minister who belittles our federal government's role by deal legitimizing it. that is a violation and unacceptable. we came here to show that we are ready to defend our territory and our coastal lands. no one inch of our territory is for sale. if they, the fuel pins, try blood will come gushing from the streets in floods, month to add your mothers, fathers, students and teachers are all here to show their feelings. and we are all against our territorial waters being given over to ethiopia. if you are hungry, you have to sell the house, you live in our territorial waters in land or not for sale. yeah, we would tell ethiopia to hold its intervention and so malia while so malia is a sovereign country with well established boundaries that are recognized by the un . i would tell them to behave themselves and to follow the rules. it's unacceptable
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. now somali, say the leasing agreement for the forts undermines the country's national interest of the state, does not recognize some of the lines claims of independence. the deal was signed between the leaders of if you will be a, have somebody lined and includes usage of the fort for a naval base. the news was in dallas, bobby, you see will be only shortly after somalia have agreed to receive negotiations for the potential independence of somebody land. somalia then said it was discontinuing those folks in somalia has announced that it's that we're calling it's in bassett of from if you will be a it says that the deal was on the sold on the national sovereignty. so molly land is a part of somebody or on that is somebody constitution. so somebody of finds the steps will be a clear violation against sovereignty and unity. now we've had felt much original geo political aspect to set the port deal was basically
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a new year's gifts to previously on, on landlord. you feel you when we see the argument is, is like um, a gift, a new year gift for it to appear because of so far. in the, especially during the past 30 years, we have been landlocked country and we paid a lot. so it has an enormous benefit. 42. okay. i mean, we can see those benefits and economy insecurity and independent multicast picked us. so economy kindly, we expect the mazda of meaningful for the investment flow will improve in the life . but in addition to they see calling on the kids diploma, they can security contribution is also going to be very great in terms of say community, we know that they qualify for cut the entire owner 5 for candidates. the region is a variable of 10 region and we would excluded from base rates the politics
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even though we are very much approximate to the rate, see a one taking a look back at 2023. you may remember the canadian parliament gave in nazi world war to better understanding of asian are to contribute to the rates of mazda and takes us through that story. that is one thing for canadian, from mister justin to those governments to his whitewash counted as training of as of neo nazis to fight russia. canadian defense officials, as far back as 2018, were more worried about the press finding out that there ukrainian trainees were supporting nazi symbols. then they were about the fact that they were actually supporting them as the ottawa for this and report it to years. but in 2023 teams for don't really out. did it no longer. they tried to explain away playing footsie with neo nazis. instead the actual in an actual phone of 5 nazi a real world war 2 year at the genuine article right into the home. so visiting you
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freight in present environments, zalinski to give him an interesting televised this home phone served by the country that last over 44000 citizens in the 2nd world war against an office. i am very proud to say that he is from north bay and from my writing of it seemed to me just give me the ukrainian hero, a canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service. thank you. well that guy right there has speaker anthony road that is still probably feeling the skid marks and trying to body block the freight train of a scandal of global magnitude, that risk politically obliterating trigo, his liberal party and all the rest of the oblivious canadian parliamentarians who apparently figured that any one fighting russians in any historical context whatsoever must be a good guy and not have actually been fighting for 8 off hitler against the west soviet allies in world war 2. as was the case of this ukrainian nazi honory euro
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slob hancock, to don't conveniently step decides. so to speaker could take the full weight of the oncoming body. slam, the speaker was solely responsible for the invitation and recognition of this man and his holy accepted that responsibility and stepped down. this was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed parliament and canada. all of us who are in this house on friday regret, deeply. so rode up to one for the team because it shouldn't take long for jewish representatives to start speaking out. and apology is out every holocaust survivor and veterans of the 2nd world war proof. what the nazis and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed holes of the canadian parliament and received recognition from the speaker of the house and the standing ovation. poland also signed it is not surprisingly,
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considering that more saw has cited ukrainian nazi atrocities perpetrated on pools as a major sticking point to any essential accession of ukraine to the european union . it's my strong request to work very important, like uh, canada, to having to fox rights and still presents a amends commentary on that topic. looking at the historic look at the historic fact, i would expect for the common sheet of the apology to become the appropriate. historically, it was still the polish communities in poland and then canada. and it's 1000000 of the police community of all of our people in, in canada are quite, it's furious. i would say, because again, didn't determine poland. polls in those countries are simply omitted. the incident did not escape russian. president vladimir prudence attention either pursue it was wild to see this terrible situation in the canadian parliament when everyone stood
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up together and applauded the former nazi a soldier of the salisia division. it's simply disgusting. both trio and deputy prime minister, christie, of freelance, his own grandfather was the editor of the nazi newspaper. and ukraine involve that particular fact watching this information, the quick wireless russian propaganda around this particular incident, in that case just deleted and the official opposition was just a russian propaganda for stating what everyone in the entire world could see with their own eyes. justin trudel was responsible for inviting presidents zalinski to the house of commons to give that speech. he was responsible for making the event a success. he is responsible for the officials at global affairs. the intelligence services, the prime minister's protocol office. all.


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